skenario e blok 23 2014

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  • 8/12/2019 Skenario E Blok 23 2014


    Skenario E Blok 23 Tahun 2014

    A male newborn was referred to MOH.Hoesin Hospital by a midwife who helped his

    mother,Mr sUtami delivery with chief complaint of grunting. Mother s history wastaken from

    the midwife. She said that Mr sUtami s pregnancy was full term. The baby was born 3 hours agowith apgar score 5 for 1 st minute and 8 for 5 th minute, birth body weight was 3 kg. The mother

    had premature rupture of membrane 2 days ago and had bad smell liquor. From the physical

    examination the baby was hypoactive and tachypnea, no sucking reflex, and there was chest




    2.Premature rupture ofmembrane: Suatukondisipadakehamilandidefinisikansebagaipecahnya

    membrane kantungketubandanchorionlebihdarisatu jam sebelumawalpersalinan.

    3.Bad smelly liquor: baucairanketuban(amnion) yang tidakenak .

    4.Hypoactive: Penurunan abnormal suatuaktivitas

    5.APGAR score: Penilaiantentangkeadaanbayidalamangkaberdasarkandenyutjantung,

    usahabernafas, tonus otot, reflex iritabilitasdanwarna

    6.Tachypnea: Pernafasan yang sangatcepat

    7.Sucking reflex: Gerakanmenghisappadamulutbayi yang di


    8.ChestIndrawing: retraksidinding dada

    9.Full term : Periodegestasicukupbulan (37-42 minggu)

  • 8/12/2019 Skenario E Blok 23 2014



    1. A male newborn was referred to Moh.Hoesin Hospital by a midwife who helped his

    mother,Mr sUtami delivery with chief complaint of grunting.

    2. Mothers history was taken from the midwife. She said that MrsUtami;s pregnancy was full

    term. The baby was born 3 hours ago with APGAR score 5 for 1 st minute and 8 for 5 th minute,

    birth body weight was 3 kg.

    4. The mother had premature rupture of membrane 2 days ago and had bad smell liquor.

    5. From the physical examination the baby was hypoactive and tachypnea, no sucking reflex,

    and there was chest indrawing


    1. A male newborn was referred to MOH.Hoesin Hospital by a midwife who helped his

    mother,MrsUtami delivery with chief complaint of grunting.

    1.1 Etiologidanmekanisme grunting?1

    1.2 Hubunganjeniskelamin (laki-laki) dengankasus ini?2

    2. Mothers history was taken from the midwife. She said that MrsUtami;s pregnancy wasfull term.The baby was born 3 hours ago with APGAR score 5 for 1 st minute and 8 for 5 th

    minute, birth body weight was 3 kg.

    2.1BagaimanaklasifikasiAPGAR score?3

    2.2Apamakna (score 5 for 1 st minute and 8 for 5 th minute)?4

    2.3 Apamaknaberatbadanbayi 3 kg? 5

    3. The mother had premature rupture of membrane 2 days ago and had bad smell liquor.

    3.1Apamaknaklinispecahketuban 2 hari yang laludengankelahiranbayi 3 jam yang lalu?6

    3.2Apadimaksudkandenganbautidakenakcairanketubanpada kasus?7

  • 8/12/2019 Skenario E Blok 23 2014


    3.3 Faktorresikoketubanpecah dini?8

    3.4 Etiologidanmekanismeketubanpecah dini?9

    4. From the physical examination the baby was hypoactive and tachypnoe, no sucking

    reflex, and there was chest indrawing.

    4.1Interpretasidanmekanisme abnormal daripemeriksaan fisik?10

    4.2 Cara pemeriksaan sucking reflex?11

    5.Diagnosis Banding12

    6.Bagaimanacara mendiagnosis13

    7.Diagnosis Kerja14

    8.Pemeriksaan Penunjang15


    10. Faktor Resiko17

    11. Patogenesis18

    12. Penatalaksanaan19



    15. Prognosis22

    16. StandarKompetensiDokterIndonesia 23


    Bayilaki-lakicukupbulanlahir (spontan) 3 jam yang laludibawake RSU

    Moh.Hoesindidugamenderitagangguanpernafasan (ARDS)etcausa bronchopneumonia dan sepsis


  • 8/12/2019 Skenario E Blok 23 2014


    Learning issue

    1.Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

    2.Neonatal Sepsis

    3. Bronchopneumonia


    Mutiara 12 1 7 19 23 Li 1Renal 11 23 8 20 22 Li 2Suci 10 22 9 21 1 Li3Putra 9 21 10 22 20 Li1Yuda 8 20 11 23 19 Li2Putri 7 19 12 18 21 Li3Juli 6 18 1 13 17 Li1

    Rify 5 17 2 14 16 Li2Jane 4 16 3 15 15 Li3KS 3 15 4 16 14 Li1Aiman 2 14 5 17 13 Li2Siva 1 13 6 18 12 Li3