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• Dibuat dari bahan-bahan alami yang terbaik





• Diproduksi secara higienis di U.S.A.

dengan quality control yang ketat

• Registrasi FDA, BPOM/ DEPKES RI

•Sertifikat HALAL MUI (Indonesia) & Malaysia


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68. Dan Tuhanmu mewahyukan kepada lebah:” Buatlah sarang-sarang di bukit-bukit, di pohon-pohon kayu,dan ditempat-tempat yang dibikin manusia”

69. Kemudian makanlah dari tiap-tiap (macam) buah-buahan dan tempuhlah jalan Tuhanmu yang telah dimudahkan (bagimu). Dari perut lebah itu keluar minuman (MADU) yang bermacam-macam warnanya, di dalamnya terdapat OBAT yang menyembuhkan bagi manusia. Sesungguhnya yang demmikian itu terdapat tanda (kebesaran Tuhan) bagi orang yang berpikir

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Dalam Amsal 16:24“ Perkataan yang menyenangkan adalah seperti sarang MADU, manis bagi hati dan obat bagi tulang-tulang”

Dalam Amsal 24:13“ Anakku, makanlah MADU sebab itu baik dan tetesan MADU manis untuk langit-langit mulutmu”

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Clover Honey ialah madu murni alamiah diproduksi oleh lebah dari nektar bunga clover.

Sebagian besar terdiri dari fruktosa (38,5%) dan glukosa (31%), juga protein, asam amino, enzim, vitamin, dan mineral. Madu juga kaya akan antioksidan, seperti vit C, flavonoid, dan alkaloid

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  High-Desert Clover Honey adalah madu murni alami, tanpa

melalui proses pemanasan atau

penyaringan sehingga tidak ada nutrisi yang hilang. Juga mengandung bee pollen (butiran kecil) dan royal jelly (seperti susu pada

permukaan) sehingga kaya nutrisi..

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Manfaatnya:• Meningkatkan pertumbuhan bakteri yang

menguntungkan serta menghambat bakteri yang merugikan

• Memperbaiki dan melindungi sistem pencernaan

• Membantu penyerapan kalsium, menaikkan hemoglobin, mencegah anemia, dan memperbaiki sirkulasi darah

• Sebagai antioksidan

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•Aman bagi penderita diabetes, karena gula alaminya mudah diubah

menjadi energi dan mencegah penumpukan lemak.

•Mempercepat penyembuhan luka (memiliki sifat antimikroba

dan higroskopis) dan mengurangi pembengkakan luka.

• Sebagai sumber energi yang baik

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Royal Jelly TabletContains 150 mg of pure royal

jelly, 99 mg bee pollenand 11 mg propolis

Fresh Royal JellyContains 30,000 mg pure royal

jelly with honey

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• Disebut juga susu lebah.• Dihasilkan dari kelenjar

faringeal yang terdapat di bagian kepala lebah perawat.

• Merupakan makanan bagi para lebah dan RATU lebah.

• Ratu lebah dapat berumur 4-6 tahun karena selalu mengkonsumsi royal jelly dan dapat menghasilkan 2000 telur per hari, sedangkan lebah betina biasa hanya berumur 5-6 minggu dan tidak dapat menghasilkan telur/


• Disebut juga susu lebah.• Dihasilkan dari kelenjar

faringeal yang terdapat di bagian kepala lebah perawat.

• Merupakan makanan bagi para lebah dan RATU lebah.

• Ratu lebah dapat berumur 4-6 tahun karena selalu mengkonsumsi royal jelly dan dapat menghasilkan 2000 telur per hari, sedangkan lebah betina biasa hanya berumur 5-6 minggu dan tidak dapat menghasilkan telur/



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• Mengandung vitamin B komplex spt. Vit B5, B6

• Satu-satunya sumber asetilkolin murni yang berperan untuk kesehatan memori/ daya ingat otak• Mengandung mineral, vitamin A, C, D, E, hormon, enzim, co-enzim, dan 18 asam amino.• Mengandung asam lemak

esensial, terutama 10-HAD yang tidak ditemukan pada produk alami yang lain.

• Mengandung vitamin B komplex spt. Vit B5, B6

• Satu-satunya sumber asetilkolin murni yang berperan untuk kesehatan memori/ daya ingat otak• Mengandung mineral, vitamin A, C, D, E, hormon, enzim, co-enzim, dan 18 asam amino.• Mengandung asam lemak

esensial, terutama 10-HAD yang tidak ditemukan pada produk alami yang lain.


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MANFAAT ROYAL JELLY• Sebagai anti-penuaan yang dapat membantu rentang hidup

• Meningkatkan kemampuan Fisik dan Intelektual yang memungkinkan orang bekerja keras fisik dan mental tidak menjadi lelah.

• Sebagai anti-oksidan tinggi.

• Memiliki aktivitas anti-bakteri

dan anti-jamur

• Meningkatkan sistem imunitas

• Memperbaiki sistem reproduksi

• Membantu mencegah Osteoporosis

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MENSTIMULASI PERTUMBUHAN, khususnya yang menderita anorexia dan keterbelakangan

mental, bayi prematur dan remaja

dengan perkembangan yang lambat.UNTUK ORANG TUA: ANTI-PENUAAN, membantu mengurangi gejala penuaan dini.


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☺☺MEMBERANTAS STRESS dengan mengontrol Sistem Saraf Sentral dan membantu menyebabkan tidur.

☺☺Memberikan KETAHANAN TINGGI TERHADAP PENYAKIT karena kandungan antibiotiknya dan mempercepat penyembuhan setelah sakit

☺☺ MENGURANGI aspek-aspek negatif berlebihnya keadaan perasaan yang EMOSIONAL

☺☺ Mengurangi Sindrom Menopause & PMS

☺☺ Dianjurkan pada periode


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Mengapa Royal Jelly High Desert yang TERBAIK?


HD Liquid Royale Jelly♥ HD Liquid Royale Jelly dipanen,diproses dan segera dibekukan dalam waktu tidak lebih dari 24 jam sehingga kandungan nutrisi-nya tetap terjaga dengan optimal. ♥ HD Liquid Royale Jelly dicampurdengan madu murni sebagai pengawet alami, untuk menjaga agar nutrisinya tetap terjaga baik selama penyimpanan.


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HD Royale Jelly Tablet♥ HD Royale Jelly Tablet dipanen,diproses dan segera dibekukan dalam waktu tidak lebih dari 24,kemudian baru segera dikeringkanmelalui metode pembekuan (freeze-dried) yang merupakanmetode terbaik untuk menghilangkan kandungan air tanpa menghilangkan kandungan nutrisinya. ♥ Selain mengandung Royal Jelly, juga mengandung Bee Pollen dan Propolis yang memberikan manfaat ekstra untuk kesehatan tubuh. 

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Petunjuk Pemakaian :

- Untuk bentuk liquid : 1 sendok takar (½ sendok teh) sebelum tidur, setara dengan 500 mg royal jelly murni

- Untuk bentuk tablet : 2-3 tablet sebelum tidur,

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The Natural Energy Booster!Packed with 520mg of pure pollen!

The Natural Energy Booster!Packed with 520mg of pure pollen!

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Apakah Bee Pollen itu ?Pollen adalah serbuk berwarna emas kecoklatan, merupakan serbuk sari jantan pada bunga yang dibutuhkan pada proses penyerbukan. Setiap butir pollen mengandung 500.000 sampai 5 juta spora pollen yang kaya kandungan nutrisi dan memiliki kemampuan untuk bereproduksi.

Lebah mengumpulkan pollen sebagai sumber makanan selain madu dan hanya mengumpulkan pollen yang berkualitas baik, lalu mencampurkannya dengan air liur, membentuk makanan yang sempurna. Pollen dipakai sebagai sumber energi lebah untuk bekerja.

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• Sedikitnya mengandung 18 jenis asam amino, termasuk 8 asam amino esensial.

• Memliki lebih dari selusin vitamin, 28 mineral, enzim /coenzim yang tak terhingga jumlahnya.

• 14 asam lemak penting, 11 karbohidrat, dan 25% - 35% kandungan berat protein.

Zat nutrisi apa yang terkandung dalam Bee Pollen?

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Manfaat Honey Bee Pollen

1. Mencegah kanker2. Tenaga seksual3. Menghilangkan kelelahan – Pendorong Energi4. Anti-penuaan5. Membebaskan Ketegangan Mental6. Meningkatkan kekuatan otak, konsentrasi.7. Masalah jantung. 8. Peremajaan atau pembaruan sel9. Anti oksidan paling kuat– jauh lebih tinggi

dibandingkan seluruh makanan alami.

10.Dan banyak keuntungan lain utnuk kesehatan dan orang yang sakit

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Mengapa High-Desert Bee Pollen yang terbaik?

2. Merupakan campuran pollen potensi sangat tinggi dari daerah berbeda di AS terdiri dataran tinggi Arizona, Colorado, Utah, Montana, Idaho, dll. Untuk memastikan keunggulan nilai gizinya .

1. Proses Double Fracture - dipatenkan dan hak milik High-Desert. Untuk memastikan bahwa pollen berkualitas tinggi dan dapat dicerna oleh perut manusia.

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3. High-Desert bee-pollen dibekukan pada nol derajat untuk menjaga semua kandungan zat gizi dalam jangka waktu tak terbatas. Tidak ada pemanasan sama sekali.

4. High-Desert bee-pollen mengandung semua enzim kehidupan yang diangkat sampai tingkat aktivitas paling tinggi.

5. High-Desert bee-pollen 100% alami dan lengkap, bebas dari aditif kimia, pengawet atau pemanis buatan.

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POLYPHENOL QUANTIFICATION TESTPolyphenol golongan zat gizi yang

mengandung Bioflavonoids, asam-asam

organik dan asam-asam phenolik.

Kebanyakan aktivitas

anti oksidan suatu

makanan dihasilkan

oleh Polyphenol.

Kandungan Total Polyphenol dinyatakan

sebagai ukuran kualitas pendukung-

kesehatan dari seluruh makanan.

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ORACOxygen Radical Absorbance

Capacity (ORAC) test is a scientific

standard that measures Antioxidant

activity in foods and natural


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High-Desert Honeybee Pollen S

• the popular nutritional supplement for kids that provides energy for

the entire body.

• it contains more than 200 types of known nutrients and is a powerful immune system builder.

• It has the ability to correct body chemistry and eliminate

unhealthy conditions.

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Honeybee Pollen contains glutamic acid. Glutamic acid is capable of crossing the protective blood brain barrier. It is essential for brain function, useful in treating childhood behavior disorders, epilepsy etc.

Blood brain barrier (BBB) keeps substances out of the brain. It is like a wall between the blood stream and the brain cells.

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Honeybee pollen is found to increase the oxygen-carrying red blood cells by up to 25%.

Thus bee pollen has been successfully given to those desiring for a higher I.Q., increased brain power, increased power of concentration, increased ability to study.

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Dosage: Suitable for children of all ages.

For Infants and Toddlers:

pound half tablet into powder,

mix it with milk

or fruit juice.For children: 1 or more tablet

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Nature’s Most Powerful

Antibiotic and Healing Agent

Nature’s Most Powerful

Antibiotic and Healing Agent

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Bee Propolis is composed of a resinous material gathered by bees from leaf buds and bark of trees, especially poplars.

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What does Bee Propolis contain?

• The bioflavonoids content of propolis is approximately 500 times that of an


• Many important vitamins, minerals and bioflavonoids.

• Bioflavonoids is a group of nutrients which enhance the

effectiveness of Vitamin C, retard bacterial and viral


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The Benefits of Bee Propolis


• Anti-bacterial power – It has 100% killing

effect on bacteria. It stimulates our

immunity system.”

• Overcome virus infections

• Inflammation of the throat

and mouth

• Anti-oxidant activity- The bioflavonoids in

propolis has strong anti-oxidant effect.

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Benefits of Bee Propolis• Respiratory system - bronchial pneumonia and bronchial asthma, angina, sinusitis and tuberculosis.

• Genito-urinary system-help in the treatment of general infections and inflammations at different levels of the urinary (bladder & kidney) and genital tract.

• Neuropsychiatric system – very promising results in helping multiple sclerosis, muscular dystrophy, Parkinson’s disease and anorexia.

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• Gastrointestinal disorders –

• Bad breath

• Skin disorders - acne, itching, childhood eczema, shingles (Herpes zoster), haemor-rhoids, warts, burns, cuts and wounds.

(1) Promotes resistance to ulcer formation

(2) hasten recovery if an ulcer is present.

(3) effective in treating nausea, heartburn, poor appetite,

hyperacidity & hypoacidity (too much or too little acid).

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Why High-Desert Bee Propolis is the Best?


1. High bioflavonoid content. Bioflavonoid is the most important ingredient in propolis. The higher its content, the more effective the propolis.  

2. State-of-the-art Processing method. To preserve the bioactivity of the propolis, its bioflavonoids and other important nutrients.  

3. Complete removal of Impurity. One tablet of the High-Desert Bee Propolis could be better that two

or three of the inferior propolis !

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Brunswick Labs 4/ 24/ 03

Total Phenolic Content

0 20 40 60 80 100 120 140 160


Red Grape

Red Delicious Apple


Yellow Pear

Green Pear

Granny Smith Apple

Black Plum





High Desert Bee Pollen

High Desert Propolis

mgGAE/ g

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• Propolis is a valuable natural healer

• No toxic side effects, no contraindications

and no upper limits of ingestion.

• Unlike chemical antibiotics,

propolis does not cause the

body to build up a tolerance.

• It assists the immune system

and does not inhibit immune


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Why do we need to take pollen, royal jelly, propolis and honey?

The products of the beehive are synergestic:

They become far more effective when taken together than individually. Nothing

works best in isolation. Each of them enhances the performance of the other, producing better results because they are then represented with the proper

ratio that nature intended.

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This unique product formula contains Pollen, Propolis,

Royal Jelly, Glucosamine

Sulphate, Chondroitin

Sulphate and Methyl Sulfonyl Methane


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• Excruciating pain

• Inability to move

• Swelling and stiffening joints

• Deformity

• Risk of fracture

• Excruciating pain

• Inability to move

• Swelling and stiffening joints

• Deformity

• Risk of fracture

OSTEOARTHRITIS the crippler that strikes 90% of us if we live long enough. Our cartilage can start to break down as early as we are in our 20’s or 30’s…

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Cartilage is made up of water, proteins & sugars.

Injury, age & many factors can cause it to breakdown.

It dries up; cracks; leaving ends of bones uncovered and start to grind against each other.

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Recommended by doctors worldwide:

Glucosamine and Chondroitin Sulfates are able to relieve arthritic pain & encourage cartilage growth.

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Glucosamine stimulates the rebuilding of damaged cartilage. Provides the necessary building blocks to produce connective tissue, important for the formation of tendons, ligaments and cartilage. Has some anti-inflammatory activity, relieves pain, swelling and tenderness.

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Chondroitin draws fluid into cartilage, making it more spongy -an important property, as there is no blood supply to cartilage.

Chondroitin protects old cartilage from premature degeneration, helps create healthy new cartilage.

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Methyl Sulfonyl Methane- It is the name of organic sulphur which is a mineral found naturally in many foods

• milk • fish• meat • vegetables

Highly volatile by nature. Lost during cooking and processing. This important mineral is lacking from our modern diet.

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Provides the sulfur for the repair and building of bone, cartilage and connective tissue, aids in the absorption of calcium.

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6 PowerfulNutrients

To keep your joints and cartilage healthy.

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The Plant

• An attractive, small palm tree that is

native to the Atlantic coast or North America

• The extract is taken from the berries

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A unique combination of Bee pollen, Royal jelly,

Bee Propolis, Enzymes and

Minerals !

A unique combination of Bee pollen, Royal jelly,

Bee Propolis, Enzymes and

Minerals !

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Why do we need Enzymes?

• They catalyze and regulate nearly all biochemical reactions that occur within the human body

• Life could not exist without enzymes, especially in the human body.

• Enzymes are energized protein molecules necessary for life.

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There are two categories of enzymes, metabolic and digestive.

If enzymes are not present to digest food, the body will be unable to extract the nutrients in food.

Also, by taking digestive enzymes, it enhances the absorption of the other nutrient supplements.

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Bromelain (from Pineapples) and Papain (Papaya Enzyme) are the strongest protein digesting enzymes known to exist.

Rutin is a part of Bioflavonoids which are accessory nutrients to form Vitamin C complex. It functions synergistically with Vitamin C to maintain healthy capillaries, to help form collagen in connective tissue, to help heal wounds, and to support a healthy immune system.

Both of these enzymes have been proven to help digestion, speed up wound healing, and reduce inflammation.

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• Lots of enzymes are lost through stress, strenuous exercise, colds, fever, pregnancy, changes in weather conditions, drinking caffeine and alcoholic beverages

• Plus the normal loss through sweat, urine, feces, and all digestive fluids.

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Why do we need Minerals?

• This lack of minerals may have caused majority of the diseases that plague our society today.

• Every day of our life, our body needs numerous minerals to be

healthy. All our cells must have these minerals

• Mineral deficiency will cause weak tissue that is

vulnerable to disease.

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With this powerful combination of Bee Pollen, Royal Jelly, Bee Propolis, Enzymes and Minerals, you are well on your way

to building a healthy, energetic and disease-resistant body!

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A unique formulation of bee propolis and aloe vera to help promote healthy


enriched with sunflower oil, jojoba extract,

collagen, elastin, and other unique extracts.

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Has an effective anti-bacterial action.

Helps speed up the healing of cuts, burns, bruises and open wounds.

Effective against insect bites.

Protects the skin from skin irritations or infections, eg. Napkin rash, acne & pimples, shingles etc.

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A complete facial mask suitable for all skin types!

Bee Clear Skin CreamBee Clear Skin Cream

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This natural facial mask contains the best of bee hive treasures :

Bee Pollen : The scrubbing action of the pollen grains gently unclogs pores. Eases away dead skin cells.

Royal Jelly : Helps maintain skin elasticity, rejuvenates and nourishes.

Honey : Naturally moisturises, conditions your skin and tightens pores.

Bee Propolis : Penetrates deep into the pores to remove bacteria infection and soothes skin

irritations and inflammation.

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How to use the product :

Step 2: Apply clean hot towels or steam for 1-2minutes

Step 1: clean face thoroughly with soap or mild cleanser

Step 3: Apply Bee Clear in a thin layer on face, avoiding eye area. Relax for 20-30


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Step 4: Reapply hot towels for 1-2 minutes.

Step 5: Rinse off with tap water using light circular finger movements. Dab dry gently with clean towel and apply toner or moisturiser.

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What do we look for in a good mask?

You can have all these benefits in BEE CLEAR!

• Nourishing and moisturizing

• Tightens pores

• Removes impurities

• Smoothens wrinkles & lightens pigmentation

• Giving us smooth & fair complexion

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For pimpled or acne complexion: Use Bee Clear at least once a day.

For maintenance: Use Bee Clear at least twice a week.

Product Care Instructions: 1) Keep Bee Clear at room temperature. To prevent hardening, do not refrigerate.

2) When you start on a new jar of Bee Clear, stir well before using. Subsequent uses do not require re-


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A specialty product containing the finest natural herb extracts propolis, licorice root, slippery elm bark and forsythia root.

A specialty product containing the finest natural herb extracts propolis, licorice root, slippery elm bark and forsythia root.

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Benefits:• Enriched with Bee Propolis and herbs which help relieve gum pains and throat irritations.

• Used as a mouthwash and help eliminate bad breath.

• Reduces the occurrence of mouth ulcers.

• A natural antiseptic that soothes inflammed tissues.

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As breath freshener.

Spray 2-3 times daily.

As healthy mouth gargle.

Mix 3-5 sprays in water

(US National Cancer Institute

published that the daily use of mouth wash

increases susceptibility to mouth cancer.

FDA agreed.)

For throat infections.

Use every 2 to 3 hours.

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• Skin allergies

What are the most common ALLERGIES?

• Sinus

• Asthma

• Food allergies

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Research has shown that allergies are the result of the body’s reaction to histamine.

To end the allergic reaction, the histamine has to be neutralized or the chain that leads to its production has to be broken.

Thus the production of Antihistamine. Undesirable side effects : drowsiness, dryness of the mouth and throat, blurred vision.

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Another widely used therapy : a series of injections of the determined allergens to

stimulate the body’s production of neutralizing antibodies to alter the body’s reaction to allergens. Very painstaking and costly.

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Break Free from Allergies!Break Free from Allergies!

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Immediate Response : it breaks the histamine chain which results in the disappearance of allergy symptoms.

Long Term Effect : it can alter the immune system deficiency that can cause the allergy. Prevent recurrence.

No Side Effects.

More than 90% Effectiveness.

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24 herbs & 4 special nutrients24 herbs & 4 special nutrients++

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Adult 4 tablets x 3 times daily on an empty stomach. Until Symptoms completely disappear.

For Maintenance : 1 to 2 tablet x 3 times a day.

Children 1 to 2 tablets x 3 times daily on an empty stomach.

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Suffered from severe sinusitis for many years. No drugs were able to provide permanent relief for him.

He was introduced to High-Desert Aller-Bee- Gone. After taking the product for 5 days, his sinusitis was completely cured.

His great experience with ABG has inspired him to start and federally fund the Office of Alternative Medicine.

Suffered from severe sinusitis for many years. No drugs were able to provide permanent relief for him.

He was introduced to High-Desert Aller-Bee- Gone. After taking the product for 5 days, his sinusitis was completely cured.

His great experience with ABG has inspired him to start and federally fund the Office of Alternative Medicine.

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2 great products, full

of natural goodness, that help you lose

weight healthily yet allow you to enjoy your


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TRIMEE IActive Ingredients:


It is an all-natural plant extract rich in (-)Hydroxycitric Acid(HCA). Chemically, HCA is very similar to citric acid found in oranges & other citric fruits, but with wonderfully different properties.

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How does it work?

HCA works by temporarily inhibiting this enzyme.

Studies have shown that HCA reduces fatty acid synthesis by approximately 40-70% for eight to twelve hours following a meal.

It inhibits fat production from carbohydrates.

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It helps curb appetite & REDUCE FOOD INTAKE.

As HCA Inhibits ATP-citrate lyase, glucose molecules that are not turned into fat or cholesterol form additional glycogen.

As glycogen levels increase, the body sends a satiety signal to the brain that it is full, thus suppressing appetite and reducing food intake.

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Is it safe?

Why is HCA unique?

Most appetite suppressants sti- mulate the body’s central nervous system (CNS). Leading to side effects like insomnia, nervousness, depression, hypertension & rapid heart rate.

The body also tends to develop a tolerance against CNS stimulants, Eventually rendering them ineffective.

HCA is not a CNS stimulant and won’t cause side effects or lead to intolerance by the body.

Acute toxicity studies show that HCA is as safe, perhaps safer, than citric acid found in fruits.

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Other Active Ingredients of Trimee I2. Spirulina Algae:

It is the name of a blue-green algae. Especially rich in amino acid Phenylalanine which is a natural appetite suppressant.

3. Royal Jelly

4. Korean Ginseng

Dosage : Take 1 tablet 30 mins to 1 hour before meal

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• It has the ability to bind fats in the stomach before they are absorbed through the digestive system into the blood stream.


• Studies have shown that individuals taking chitosan lost an average 8% of their body weight in a 4 week period.

Active Ingredients:

1. Chitosan

•It is the most abundant natural fiber next to cellulose & is extracted from the shells of shellfish such as crab & shrimp.

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• Studies also show that ingestion of chitosan resulted in 5-10 times more fat excretion than any other fiber tested.

• Chitosan also has the very unique ability to lower LDL cholesterol (the bad kind) while boosting HDL cholesterol (the good kind).

• The American Journal of Clinical Nutrition reported that chitosan is as effective as cholestryramine (a cholesterol lowering drug) in controlling blood serum cholesterol levels but without the side effects. It is able to decrease blood cholesterol level by 66.2%.

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Other active ingredients that enhance the action of Chitosan:

1. Ascorbic acid:

• Combining chitosan with ascorbic acid

results in even less fat absorption & greater fecal fat losses.

• One study showed that the addition of ascorbic acid to a chitosan enriched diet increased fecal fat losses by 87% and decreased fat absorption by over 50%.

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2. Citric acid:

Dosage : take 2 tablets Trimee II before or during each meal.

• Citric acid enhances the swelling action of chitosan leading to a sense of fullness, producing satiety & appetite suppression.

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A scientific breakthrough and only one of its kind in the


All-natural ingredients

• jojoba oil

• mineral oil

• aloe vera extract

• vitamins A, D & E.

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• Improves blood circulation to the applied area

• Activates the sweat glands

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For rheumatic, arthritic & stroke patients:

• Reduces pain

• Induces warmth on applied areas

• Improves movement of limbs

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For Slimming:

• Burns up excess fat

• Gets rid of water retention.

• Lose weight fast

• Slim in the right places

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• Speeds up Recovery

from sports injuries

• Swelling and bruises

are reduced faster

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Hair growth

Strengthens hair

roots with more

nutrients from better

blood circulation

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Prevents Varicose veins

• Helps blood flow regularly

• Prevents blood clotting / enlarged veins

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• Reduces blue black marks

• Reduces swelling from bruises.

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Thermographic image after 9 minutes of exercise with no Bodimate used.


Bodimate on one side of the body after just 9 minutes of exercise. Bodimate applied to the right side of body and arm. Induces substantial increase in circulation

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The Optimal Kit For Hair Regeneration

 A comprehensive 3-step hair regeneration program... Gives life back to

your hair !

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Excess hair loss, baldness and grey hair has always been a concern for both men and women.

Normally it’s due to the natural aging process. However, more and more younger people are facing these problems.

Excess hair loss, baldness and grey hair has always been a concern for both men and women.

Normally it’s due to the natural aging process. However, more and more younger people are facing these problems.

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Most hair growth products found in the market only provide external care for your hair.

Formulated after years of intensive research by the US leading authority in the biochemical field - Dr. I. Danhof

The Opti- Hair regeneration kit takes care of your hair internally and externally !

Most hair growth products found in the market only provide external care for your hair.

Formulated after years of intensive research by the US leading authority in the biochemical field - Dr. I. Danhof

The Opti- Hair regeneration kit takes care of your hair internally and externally !

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First Step - Opti-Hair Tablets

Strengthens the hair from within by getting to the root of the problem. 

L-Proline possesses nutrient properties that are essential for hair growth.

L-Tyrosine restores hair color by stimulating production of

melanin by melanocytes.

L-Cysteine improves quality, texture and growth of hair.

L-Methionine prevents hair from falling off.

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Bee pollen

- provides all the nutritional elements essential for good health.

- enhances the blood flow surrounding the base of hair follicles, supplying them with rich nutrients

preventing hair loss.

- Vitamin B2 from bee pollen actively promotes the biosynthesis and regeneration of keratinized



- stimulates hair growth by enhancing immune function.

Beta Carotene & minerals

- natural antioxidants that can prevent premature hair loss due to environmental hazards.

Usage : 1 tablet, 3 times daily with meals.

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Second Step - Opti-Hair Shampoo

- It is designed to deep cleanse the hair and scalp, removing excess oil and dirt from the

hair while unclogging the pores of the scalp.

- It penetrates and nourishes the whole of your hair from root to tip, adding body to thinning hair and strengthening hair against split end damage caused by the sun, hair dryers and

harsh chemicals .

- It enhances skin healing & helps calm scalp irritation.

Usage: First 3 days, use daily. Fourth day onwards, use on alternate day. Apply a small amount onto wet hair. Massage into hair and scalp, rinse hair and scalp thoroughly.

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Third Step - Opti-Hair Topical Lotion

  - Rich in Aloe Vera Gel, Urea and many natural herbs which are effective in regenerating


- These ingredients are rapidly assimilated by hair roots, accelerating the reconstruction of tissue.

- They re-activate the hair root so that sebum secretion and the normal growth cycle is

restored, stopping excessive and premature hair loss.

Usage :

After cleansing hair and scalp thoroughly with Opti-Hair Shampoo, apply *Opti-Hair Topical Lotion. Work lotion into scalp, rub with finger tips.

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Premature hair loss and greying is unnecessary and adds years to your

appearance. Your hair is important. Opti-Hair Regeneration kit will

make you look younger!

Premature hair loss and greying is unnecessary and adds years to your

appearance. Your hair is important. Opti-Hair Regeneration kit will

make you look younger!

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Korean Ginseng used in Asia to support sexual energy in older people. Studies have shown that this herb increases libido, sperm production and motility. It also increases physical and mental efficiency.

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ZINC - supplementation raises testosterone level, and also both sperm count and fertility.

AVENA SATIVA - is an all-natural, safe and effective botanical that is known to restore and heighten sexual performance.

VITAMIN E - Research has shown that it dramatically improved the function of human sperm.

ZINC - supplementation raises testosterone level, and also both sperm count and fertility.

AVENA SATIVA - is an all-natural, safe and effective botanical that is known to restore and heighten sexual performance.

VITAMIN E - Research has shown that it dramatically improved the function of human sperm.

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Melatonin is a hormonal substance produced by the pineal gland that is located in the center

of our brain. The gland produces melatonin during the night time

and very little in the daytime. Melatonin production declines with age.

Melatonin is a hormonal substance produced by the pineal gland that is located in the center

of our brain. The gland produces melatonin during the night time

and very little in the daytime. Melatonin production declines with age.


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2. Melatonin is an effective sleep inducer, particularly for those who are 60 years old and above. It improves the quality sleep for people who suffer from jet lag by adjusting their biological


2. Melatonin is an effective sleep inducer, particularly for those who are 60 years old and above. It improves the quality sleep for people who suffer from jet lag by adjusting their biological


What is the function of Melatonin?What is the function of Melatonin?

1. Melatonin is both a hormone and a potent antioxidant.

1. Melatonin is both a hormone and a potent antioxidant.

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4. Melatonin is an immune booster. When the Melatonin level reaches its peak at around two or three in the morning, There is a significant increase in the immune cells circulating in our blood stream.

4. Melatonin is an immune booster. When the Melatonin level reaches its peak at around two or three in the morning, There is a significant increase in the immune cells circulating in our blood stream.

3. Melatonin helps maintain a healthy heart by lowering the cholesterol level and blood pressures and reduces incidence of heart attack.

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Is melatonin safe?Is melatonin safe?

Melatonin is one of the least toxic substances known.

People have taken as much as 6 grams of the substance in carefully monitored studies with no signs of toxicity.

Several studies conducted on animals, humans have shown it to be extremely safe, non-toxic and non-addictive hormone.

Food and Drug Administration (FDA) of the United States reports that in all these years that Melatonin has been available for sale-over-the-counter (without prescription), no alarming side effects have been reported.

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HDI Melatonin is made from high quality pharmaceutical

grade ingredients.

It is molecularly identical to the body’s natural melatonin

It has a sustained-release effect. More beneficial than ordinary

preparation because it releases its active ingredient gradually,

generating a longer sleep.

HDI Melatonin is made from high quality pharmaceutical

grade ingredients.

It is molecularly identical to the body’s natural melatonin

It has a sustained-release effect. More beneficial than ordinary

preparation because it releases its active ingredient gradually,

generating a longer sleep.

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• Helps delay the aging process.

• Improves the quality of sleep.

• Powerful antioxidant. Helps prevent cancer.

• Aids in reducing the risks of heart disease, thus, maintaining a healthy heart.

• Helps lower the cholesterol level and effectively normalizes high blood pressure.

• Helps the body cope up with physical or mental stress.


• Helps delay the aging process.

• Improves the quality of sleep.

• Powerful antioxidant. Helps prevent cancer.

• Aids in reducing the risks of heart disease, thus, maintaining a healthy heart.

• Helps lower the cholesterol level and effectively normalizes high blood pressure.

• Helps the body cope up with physical or mental stress.

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1.What is the common recommended dosage for bee pollen?

• Bee Hive Product Bible – Royden Brown : 15 to 40 grams a day for adult.

• To Your Best Health, Naturally - Jim Devlin : 18 grams a day.

• Most common dosages recommended by bee product manufacturers worldwide :

Preventive : 450 – 600mg (Capsule/Tablet) x 3 to 4 times daily. Short-term Therapeutic : 3 times of

the Preventive Dosage.

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2. Will high consumption of Bee Pollen overexert old people?

According to G.Liebold, holistic physician and psychologist, Germany:

“Bee Pollen is an excellent preventive and therapeutic treatment against all the precocious symptoms of old age.

It causes an increase in physical and mental abilities, especially of concentration and memory ability, activates sluggish metabolic functions, and strengthens the cardiovascular and respiratory systems.

It removes the causes of cardiovascular symptoms, such as arteriosclerosis, cerebral insufficiency, and other old age ailments.”

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Dr Nicolai Vasilievich Tsitsin, the USSR’s chief biologist and geriatrics expert, visited many villages along Caucasus mountains.

On examination, many of the long-lived people exhibit signs of “silent” heart disease, scars of “silent” heart attacks that would have almost certainly killed a modern man or woman.

Dr Tsitsin found more than 200 inviduals over 125 years of age. These people kept bees. They regularly harvested and sold the pure, clear honey. What they kept for themselves and ate regularly was the thick residue that accumulated at the bottom of their hives, rich with bee pollen.

He concluded in his report : “Taken regularly and in sufficient amounts, bee pollen will prolong the lifespan of man for many years.”

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Noel Johnson– at the age of 70, he suffered

from severe heart condition

and other old age problems.

Doctor prohibited any physical


He started on a diet of High-Desert bee pollen and

took a few grams a few times a day. He became a

marathon runner at the age of 73, and returned to

full vigorous manhood and vital health and lived

well until 95.

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3.Will the high protein content of pollen hurt the kidney patients?

In each gram of bee pollen , the protein content is around 35%. Half of it is in the form of free amino acids which is easily assimilated by the body.

When we take 1.5g of pollen (3 tablets of Pollenergy) a day, the protein content is only around 0.5g. And half of it is free amino acids which is badly needed by the kidney cells to repair and rebuild the damage parts.

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4. Can royal jelly be given to children or teenagers?

Royal Jelly not only can be consumed by children or teenagers, its use is essential for premature babies, children with anorexia, delayed development or hyperactivity, adolescents with delayed development or behavioral problems, to ensure healthy physical, emotional and mental growth.

Children dosage : ¼ to ½ of adult dosage.

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1st Week 1 tab/ cap Pollenergy 5201 tab/ cap Propolis1 tab/ tsp Royal Jelly

2nd Week 2 tabs/ caps Pollenergy 5202 tabs/ caps Propolis1 tab/ tsp Royal Jelly

3rd Week 3 tabs/ caps Pollenergy 5202 tabs/ caps Propolis1 tab/ tsp Royal Jelly