isi mklh prinsip etik & proses pengambilan keputusan dalam kep.jiwa

PRINSIP KEPERAWATAN JIWA Prinsip keperawatan jiwa menurut Iyus Yosep dalam buku keperawatan jiwa adalah : 1) Roles and functions of psychiatric nurse : competent care (Peran dan fungsi keperawatan jiwa : yang kompeten). 2) Therapeutic Nurse patient relationship (hubungan yang terapeutik antara perawat dengan klien). 3) Conceptual models of psychiatric nursing (konsep model keperawatan jiwa). 4) Stress adaptation model of psychiatric nursing (model stress dan adaptasi dalam keperawatan jiwa). 5) Biological context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan biologis dalam keperawatan jiwa). 6) Psychological context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan psikologis dalam keperawatan jiwa). 7) Sociocultural context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan sosial budaya dalam keperawatan jiwa). 8) Environmental context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan lingkungan dalam keperawatan jiwa). 9) Legal ethical context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan legal etika dalam keperawatan jiwa). 10) Implementing the nursing process : standards of care (penatalaksanaan proses keperawatan : dengan standar- standar perawatan).

Upload: terry-feronia

Post on 29-Sep-2015




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the elderly population have an impact too on the increase in neuropsychiatric disorders in the elderly. Until now it remains one of dementia disorders in the elderly is greatly feared. Psychiatric aspects are very important to consider in a comprehensive order management and sustainable is the presence of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia / BPSD. Symptoms include behavioral disinhibition, agitation, wandering, catastrophic reactions, complain, interference, and negativism, while psychologicalthe elderly population have an impact too on the increase in neuropsychiatric disorders in the elderly. Until now it remains one of dementia disorders in the elderly is greatly feared. Psychiatric aspects are very important to consider in a comprehensive order management and sustainable is the presence of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia / BPSD. Symptoms include behavioral disinhibition, agitation, wandering, catastrophic reactions, complain, interference, and negativism, while psychologicalthe elderly population have an impact too on the increase in neuropsychiatric disorders in the elderly. Until now it remains one of dementia disorders in the elderly is greatly feared. Psychiatric aspects are very important to consider in a comprehensive order management and sustainable is the presence of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia / BPSD. Symptoms include behavioral disinhibition, agitation, wandering, catastrophic reactions, complain, interference, and negativism, while psychologicalthe elderly population have an impact too on the increase in neuropsychiatric disorders in the elderly. Until now it remains one of dementia disorders in the elderly is greatly feared. Psychiatric aspects are very important to consider in a comprehensive order management and sustainable is the presence of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia / BPSD. Symptoms include behavioral disinhibition, agitation, wandering, catastrophic reactions, complain, interference, and negativism, while psychologicalthe elderly population have an impact too on the increase in neuropsychiatric disorders in the elderly. Until now it remains one of dementia disorders in the elderly is greatly feared. Psychiatric aspects are very important to consider in a comprehensive order management and sustainable is the presence of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia / BPSD. Symptoms include behavioral disinhibition, agitation, wandering, catastrophic reactions, complain, interference, and negativism, while psychologicalthe elderly population have an impact too on the increase in neuropsychiatric disorders in the elderly. Until now it remains one of dementia disorders in the elderly is greatly feared. Psychiatric aspects are very important to consider in a comprehensive order management and sustainable is the presence of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia / BPSD. Symptoms include behavioral disinhibition, agitation, wandering, catastrophic reactions, complain, interference, and negativism, while psychologicalthe elderly population have an impact too on the increase in neuropsychiatric disorders in the elderly. Until now it remains one of dementia disorders in the elderly is greatly feared. Psychiatric aspects are very important to consider in a comprehensive order management and sustainable is the presence of behavioral and psychological symptoms in dementia / BPSD. Symptoms include behavioral disinhibition, agitation, wandering, catastrophic reactions, complain, interference, and negativism, while psychological


PRINSIP KEPERAWATAN JIWAPrinsip keperawatan jiwa menurut Iyus Yosep dalam buku keperawatan jiwa adalah :1) Roles and functions of psychiatric nurse : competent care (Peran dan fungsi keperawatan jiwa : yang kompeten).2) Therapeutic Nurse patient relationship (hubungan yang terapeutik antara perawat dengan klien).3) Conceptual models of psychiatric nursing (konsep model keperawatan jiwa).4) Stress adaptation model of psychiatric nursing (model stress dan adaptasi dalam keperawatan jiwa).5) Biological context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan biologis dalam keperawatan jiwa).6) Psychological context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan psikologis dalam keperawatan jiwa).7) Sociocultural context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan sosial budaya dalam keperawatan jiwa).8) Environmental context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan lingkungan dalam keperawatan jiwa).9) Legal ethical context of psychiatric nursing care (keadaan-keadaan legal etika dalam keperawatan jiwa).10) Implementing the nursing process : standards of care (penatalaksanaan proses keperawatan : dengan standar- standar perawatan).11) Actualizing the Psychiatric Nursing Role : Professional Performance Standards (aktualisasi peran keperawatan jiwa: melalui penampilan standar-standar professional).