
Post on 19-Feb-2016






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Gastro-oesophageal reflux disease ( GERD ) adalah salah satu kelainan yang sering dihadapi di lapangan dalam bidang gastrointestinal. Penyakit ini berdampak buruk pada kualitas hidup penderita dan sering dihubungkan dengan morbiditas yang bermakna. Berdasarkan Konsensus Montreal tahun 2006 (the Montreal definition and classification of gastroesophageal reflux disease : a global evidence-based consensus), penyakit refluks gastroesofageal (Gastroesophageal Reflux Disease/GERD) didefinisikan sebagai suatu keadaan patologis sebagai akibat refluks kandungan lambung ke dalam esofagus yang menimbulkan berbagai gejala yang mengganggu (troublesome) di esofagus maupun ekstra-esofagus dan/atau komplikasi (Vakil dkk, 2006). Komplikasi yang berat yang dapat timbul adalah Barret’s esophagus, striktur, adenokarsinoma di kardia dan esofagus (Vakil dkk, 2006), (Makmun, 2009).

Hernia hiatal adalah suatu keadaan refluksnya lambung ke dalam esofagus

The esophagus enters the abdomen through an opening in the diaphragmand empties at its lower end into the upper part of thestomach. Normally, the opening in the diaphragm encircles theesophagus tightly, and the stomach lies completely within the abdomen.In a condition known as hiatus (or hiatal) hernia, theopening in the diaphragm through which the esophagus passesbecomes enlarged, and part of the upper stomach tends to moveup into the lower portion of the thorax. Hiatal hernia occursmore often in women than men. There are two types of hiatalhernias: sliding and paraesophageal. Sliding, or type I, hiatal herniaoccurs when the upper stomach and the gastroesophagealjunction (GEJ) are displaced upward and slide in and out of thethorax (Fig. 35-8A). About 90% of patients with esophageal hiatalhernia have a sliding hernia. A paraesophageal hernia occurswhen all or part of the stomach pushes through the diaphragmbeside the esophagus (see Fig. 35-8B). Paraesophageal herniasmay be further classified as types II, III, or IV, depending on theextent of herniation, with type IV having the greatest herniation

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