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Yudo Devianto1), Dr. Krisna Adiyarta M.2

1)2)Program Studi Magister Ilmu Komputer Fakultas Pascasarjana

Universitas Budi Luhur Jl. Ciledug Raya, Petukangan Utara, Jakarta Selatan 12260 Indonesia, krisna.adiyarta@gmail.com2)

ABSTRACT As a provider of public services, community services unit faced with many issues related to improving the quality of public services through the performance of good service and products quality services. To measure the performance of the public service units, required elements / indicators as a reference to provide an assessment of the results of the performance of public service units, above it needed an information system to bring the results of an assessment of the performance of the service unit. Making the information system is to use exponential comparison method (MPE) and the ordinal scale, "1. No Good, 2. Less Good, 3. Good 4. Very Good ". In service to the community organized by community services unit, community service performance measurement unit is using the guidelines keputusam MENPAN (Minister of Administrative) No: KEP / 25 / M.PAN / 2/2004 on general guidelines for the preparation of community satisfaction index agency services unit government. Results from this study is the formation of a model of Information System for Public Satisfaction Index can provide information about the quality of the performance of the public service unit. Keywords: community services, community services unit, community satisfaction index, the minister's decision,

general guidelines indexing society satisfaction.



Satisfaction of the people is a very important factor and determine the success of an enterprise because people are consumers of the product. this is supported by the statement of K. Douglas Hoffman and John EG Beteson, namely: “without costumers the service firm has no reason to exist”. [1]

People really missed a good public service, in the sense of proportion to the benefit, ie bureaucracy oriented to the creation of a balance between power (power) owned by responsibility (accountability) to be supplied to the public such as the people have hope to get a good public service, bureaucracy is highly expected to have a life of devotion and service to the community.

One effort to improve the quality of public services as mandated in Law No. 25 of 2000 on the National Development Program, Kepmenpan No. 63 / KEP / M.PAN / 7/2003 on General Guidelines for the Implementation of Public Service and Administrative Reform Decree KEP / 25 / M.PAN / 2/2004 on General Guidelines for Preparation of Public Satisfaction Index Services Unit Government Agencies is to know the extent to which the quality services given to the public officials. Research Problems 1. Identification Of Problems

Based on the background of the problems in this study, then the problem can be identified are:

1. The existence of difficulties in knowing / measuring the quality of performance of public service units in providing services to the public.

2. The absence of an information system that can be used to measure the quality of the performance of the public service units.

2. Restricting The Problem As for the scope of the problem is as follows: 1. Research focused on the modeling of

information systems in order to provide information about the quality of performance of public service units.

2. Research focused using Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and Ordinal Scale for measuring the quality of performance of public service units.

3. At this stage of analysis and design using object-oriented analysis and design (object oriented analysis and design) using the unified modeling language (UML) with the system implementation process is done on a local network of community service units.

4. This study focused on testing software quality Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and Ordinal Scale.

5. Aspects of quality software that is used include aspects of functionality, reliability aspects, aspects of efficiency, and usability aspects. Selection of the fourth aspect has accommodated based on his examination of the internal aspects of the application (functionality, reliability, and efficiency) as well as external aspects that involve the end-user application (usability).

3. Formulation Of The Problem The main issues that will be studied in this thesis

are: 1. How to build an Information System Model

Community Satisfaction Index In the Community Services Unit that can be used to provide information about the quality of performance of the public service unit ?

2. How feasibility Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and the Ordinal Scale functionality aspect ?

3. How feasibility Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and the Ordinal Scale reliability aspects ?

4. How feasibility Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and the Ordinal Scale usability aspects ?

5. How feasibility Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and the Ordinal Scale efficiency aspects ?


Literature Review 1. Theoretical basis

Davis and Olson argued that the whole system is complex and irregular, a design or a combination of parts that make up a unified whole. [2] To provide a conceptual overview of the communication quality information, it is necessary to have the size of the information itself. As stated Supriyono that the measure qualified to determine whether or not the information is: accurate - correct and appropriate reality, on time - not too late, and new and fresh, relevant - useful information for the wearer is a correction to the previous information. [3]

In any organization, information is the main material for decision-making. Information can be full support for decision-making when underway in a system.

The organization's needs in information systems related to the techniques of collecting, processing, storage, and easily found the back when required as well as the distribution of information.

Integrated information system becomes the key to improving the quality of service can be achieved on an ongoing basis. Therefore, the development of management information system is expected to


improve the performance of public and private services from time to time.

According to Tse and Wilton in satisfaction or dissatisfaction mentioned that the customer is the customer response to the evaluation of the perceived discrepancy between previous expectations and the actual performance of the product after use. [4] One measure of service quality assessment is to listen to or collect perceptions of respondents about the quality of service in the public service units that have been received. While the elements that can be used to measure the performance of public service units PAN refers to Decree No. KEP / 25 / M.PAN / 2004. 2. Understanding Public Satisfaction Index

In general, the index is a systematic instructions to the units contained in, or concept derived from a collection of entities or database. In addition, in practical terms the index can also be defined as a reference list alphabetically, usually located at the end of a book. In the index of library science has a broad meaning, which can generally be defined as a record of the values of the various attributes that are expected to be used as the basis for information retrieval.

While Community Satisfaction Index is a data and information on the level of community satisfaction obtained from the quantitative and qualitative measurement of the performance of human resources in the public service providers unit. 3. Exponential Comparative Method

Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) is one method to determine the priority order decision alternatives with multiple criteria. This technique is used as an auxiliary for the individual decision to use a design model that has been well defined at this stage of the process. Unlike the Bayes method, MPE will generate alternative value difference of more contrast. [5]

Formulation score calculation for each alternative in exponential comparison method is as follows :

m Total value (TNi) = ∑ (RKij) TKKj


With : TNi = Total value alternative to –i RKij = Degree relative importance of

criteria to-j the selection decision i TKKj = The degree of interest decision

criteria to-j; TKKj >0;round n = Number of selection decisions m = The number of decision criteria

4. Ordinal Scala This measure is used to sort objects from the

lowest to the ultimate and vice versa. That is, researchers have been measuring the variables studied. If we want to discriminate an object based on well-liked, liked, disliked, and highly unpopular, it is necessary to scale measurements higher than nominal scale, ie the ordinal scale. This scale

distinguishes besides also shows levels. Measurements with ordinal scale allows everything ordered by rank. Sabagai example, the organoleptic test a food and beverage, researchers will be asked respondents as the food taster to rank the level of flavor, color, and aroma.

In your opinion, how the taste of these food products? 1. Highly Dislike 2. Do Not Like 3. Usual 4. Love 5. Really Like

Scale above is referred to as an ordinal scale because on this scale scores are not only used for classification only, but has had a rankings meaning (example: a score of 5 had a better sense of the score below).

Use of ordinal scale disclose a statement of "more than" or "less than" without stating a large distance between sequences. The distance between sequence 1 and 2 can be more or less than the distance between sequences 2 and 3. The size ordinal not only on the level of preference, but it may be other relationships, such as the level of interest, the level of approvals, satisfaction levels, etc.. [5] 5. Basic Concepts of Object-Oriented Analysis

and Design According to Allen and Terry, object oriented

design is a mixed methodology that transforms the system into objects, incorporating the characteristics of the data in the form of attributes and characteristics of the process dalamb entuk method. [6]

Object oriented design combines elements of data oriented design techniques and orientation functions, and system models as a collection of objects that work together. System design objects, including functions and data needs, then proceed with the design of software.

The advantages of object-oriented design, among others, build a model object appropriately, reuse and object exchange becomes easier. 6. Unified Modeling Language

Model data to be used for the manufacture of tools is UML data model.

According Ponniah united modeling language is a standard specification language for the document, specify, and build perangkatlunak system. [7]

Unified modeling languange not based on any particular programming language. Standard specification languange unified modeling defacto standard used by the OMG (Object Management Group) in 1997.

Unified modeling object-oriented languange have some standard notation. Unified modeling languange combining the best techniques from data modeling (entity relationship diagram / ERD), business modeling (work flows), object modeling, and


component modeling. Unified modeling languange aims to become the standard modeling language (modeling) that can form the same system and are divided for (shared). 7. Use Case Diagram

According to Terry, the use case diagram is a diagram illustrating the functionality provided by the system, called the actor (actor), function (described as use cases), and the dependency between the use case. [8]

Use case diagrams showing the position or the context of a use case among other use cases. Use case diagrams show from the standpoint of system behavior. Relations in the use case diagram should be among the actors with the system, but there relationship allowed between actors with actors who portrayed the notation straight line with an empty triangular tip of particular actors towards public actors.

Actor Use Case

Gambar II-1 Actor Dan Use Case.[8]

8. Validity Testing Focus Group Discussion FGD is a research method by Irwanto is defined

as a process of collecting information about a very specific issues through group discussion. Qualitative data retrieval through the FGD is widely known because of its advantages in providing convenience and an opportunity for researchers to establish transparency, trust, and understand the perceptions, attitudes, and experience of informants. [9]

Focus group discussion (FGD) has five (5) characteristics associated with elements of discussion groups, as follows: 1. The number of participants focus group

discussion should be four (4) to twelve (12) people. When the number of participants is less than four (4) people, feared member of the group quickly earned their turn to speak and no excavation ideas. This situation will reduce the diversity and power of ideas occurs. The number of participants is more than twelve (12) people will lead the discussion is difficult to control, because the participants are too many views / ideas or bosa wait their turn to speak.

2. Participants have homogeneous characteristics. Homogeneity become one of the basic constituency. Discussants been possessed equation experience, profession, gender, age, status and so on. Besides, the participants have an interest in the issues to be discussed.

3. The information is taken in the discussions that are not consensus or recommendation to take decisions, but information on the attitudes, perceptions and feelings of the participants related to the topic of discussion is needed writers.

4. The resulting data is qualitative data that could provide an overview and understanding of the attitudes, perceptions and feelings of the participants. These results will be obtained through open-ended questions that allow participants to respond in their own way. Here, researchers can act as a moderator, listeners, watchers and finally analyzed inductively.

5. Questions posed in a way that is easily understood by the participants, spontaneous, logical to emphasize understanding of the thought processes of the participants on the topics discussed.

The advantages of the focus group discussion (FGD) [10]:

1. Focus group discussion (FGD) is one of the socially-oriented research procedure by putting humans in positions and the actual situation. In the discussion, participants' opinions can influence each other and make a decision after hearing other participants and interact dynamically.

2. Form discussion guide provides flexibility for participants to dig deeper opinion and spacious. This flexibility can dig into things that can not be done in a structured interview.

3. Have a face-to-face high validity and easily done at a cost that is not too big.

4. Results of the focus group discussion (FGD) can be obtained quickly. Guides who have good skills can carry 3-4 discussion groups, analyzed the results of focus group discussion (FGD) and prepare a report immediately (less than one week).

5. Focus group discussion (FGD) allows researchers increase the sizes and number of samples without increasing need time for the interview.

The Downside of The focus group discussion (FGD)[10]:

1. Researchers have less control in the interview focus group discussion than the individual interviews. Because at the time of the FGD should divide the concentration to all participants. FGD participants can influence each other, participants can consequently affect the talks and lead to talks that are less relevant to the topic being discussed.

2. The data entry more difficult to analyze, because the discussions are conditioned as social environment. All comments participants must be connected to the topic of discussion at the time, so it needs to be careful in commenting on or draw conclusions.

3. FGD requires a skilled guide with the ability to open and close the Q & A session, choose a time lag and transfer one topic to another topic.

4. Each group in the FGD have different characteristics, for example: boring passive

Use Case


group or groups that are active that dominates the whole of discussion.

5. Difficulties in compiling time as discussions and discussion should be held under conditions conducive to generating discussion points good conclusion.

9. Quality Testing Information System Model Quality testing Information System Model

Community Satisfaction Index Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and Ordinal Scale adopts the ISO 9126 test model, while aspects of testing adopted are as follows:[15]

1. Functionality. The ability of the software to provide function according to user needs, when used in certain conditions.

2. Reliability. The software's ability to maintain a certain level of performance, when used in certain conditions.

3. Usability. The ability of the software to be understood, learned, used and attractive to the user, when used under certain conditions.

4. Efficiency. The software's ability to provide the appropriate performance and relative to the amount of resources used at the time of the situation.

Gambar II-10 Software Quality Model ISO 9126

10. Overview of Research Object

The main object of the research is community service units in providing services to the public.

Research conducted by the authors is based on information obtained from the Internet, the information never previously researched and based on questionnaires distributed as a benchmark for measuring the performance of the main object in providing services to the community.

From the results of questionnaires collected will be used by researchers to measure the performance of the main object. 11. Framework Concept

Gambar II-11 Framework Concept

12. Hypothesis

Based on the conceptual framework that has been presented, the statement of this research can be formulated as follows:

1. Suspected Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index which is made to be able to overcome the existing problems, so the quality of the performance of the unit of information society services can be presented.

2. Allegedly quality Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index is generated when measured using the method FGD validity was good.

3. Allegedly quality Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index is generated when measured using ISO 9126 adoption of the outcome is good.


Model Research Information System Community Satisfaction Index Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and Ordinal Scale In the Community Services Unit we made a kind of applied research (Applied Research). Results of research can be directly applied to solve the problems faced. [11]

In this study will be made Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index with Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and the Ordinal Scale.

Results of research in the form of Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index is expected to be used to measure the performance of public service units in providing services to the public.

Sample Selection Method

The sample selection using purposive sampling technique, which is one sampling techniques are often used in research. In language, the word purposive mean = deliberately. So, if sederhannya, purposive sampling means sampling techniques deliberately.

That is, sampling with purposive sampling is a sampling technique by taking the correct respondent chosen by the researchers according to the specific characteristics possessed by the sample. [12]

Criteria for selection of respondents as the sample of this research is the adult respondents who had received services from community service units.

From this sampling technique is expected to provide input thorough and describes the conditions of service of public service units that will describe the performance of the public service units in providing services to the public.


Method of Collecting Data Data collection methods used in this study are: 1. The questionnaire method is a list of written

questions which had been developed previously. Fill questions contained in the questionnaire, or fairly detailed list of the questions which was distributed to the respondents. Researchers will obtain data or facts that have a relationship with the problems.

2. Methods of observation. Observation or direct observation of the research object. Observation techniques is done by observation structured to prepare a list of data requirements and data sources.

3. Methods literature. Methods of collecting data obtained by studying, researching, and reading books, information from the internet, journals, thesis related to the level of community satisfaction.

Instrumentation In this study, the instrument used to collect the

data were: 1. The instrument for data collection by

questionnaire is a list of written questions which had been developed previously. Fill questions contained in the questionnaire, or fairly detailed list of the questions which was distributed to the respondents. Researchers will obtain data or facts that have a relationship with the problems.

2. The instrument for data collection by observation. This observation instruments are researchers who conduct observations on community service units. List of data needs and data sources observation.

3. The instrument for data collection methods literature. Instruments of this literature study are researchers who study the literature on the basic concepts of information systems model Community Satisfaction Index.

Technical Analysis, Design And Testing 1. Technical Analysis

The analysis technique used in this study using the approach of object oriented analysis (OOA) or object-oriented analysis with UML. The process of analysis carried out on the results of the stages of data collection questionnaire and literature study to get the system requirements specification to be developed. In the process of analysis, technical analysis is the following:

1. Analysis of the data and information obtained from the questionnaire and literature.

2. Analysis of functional requirements, non-functional, and user. Modeling the functional requirements to describe the function of the system and users are involved as well as the

functions of what can be earned by each user is modeled by use case diagrams.

3. Analysis of system behavior. At this stage, the behavior analysis system developed and modeled by activity diagrams and sequence diagrams. activity diagram for use case modeling process that runs in the system, whereas the sequence diagram for modeling messaging (message) between the object and chronology.

4. In a study of performance measurement techniques of community service unit using Exponential Comparative Method (MPE) and the Ordinal Scale.

2. Technical Design Design techniques used in this study using the

approach method of object-oriented design (OOD) or object-oriented design using the unified modeling language (UML). In the process of designing, engineering design are:

1. The design of the static structure of a program or system specifications. Modeled with class diagrams.

2. The design of the physical architecture for application distribution model. Modeled with deployment diagrams.

3. The design of the user interface. Includes designing navigation, form input, and the output form.

4. The design of the database. To model data structures and relationships between data. Modeled by entity relationship diagram.

5. Design infrastructure architecture (hardware, software, dan jaringan).

3. Technical Testing a. Validation Testing

Validation testing aimed at assessing whether the requirement specification has been accommodated in the system / software developed. It also assesses whether the information system applications functioning Community Satisfaction Index provides a performance appraisal data service unit of society.

Validation testing will provide the final assurance that the software meets all the requirements of information, functional, behavioral and performance requirements before being handed over to the user. Validation testing in this study was conducted to test the first hypothesis in this study.

System validation testing techniques in the study conducted by blackbox testing approach with the method of the Focus Group Discussion.

FGD is a discussion group participants is limited and selected according to certain criteria and the discussion focused on a specific topic. b. Quality Testing

Quality testing systems conducted to test the level of software quality Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index produced by the four


aspects of software quality testing, namely functionality, reliability, usability, and efficiency. To 4 (four) aspects of quality testing functionality, reliability, usability, efficiency adopting of ISO 9126.

Testing is only done on the use of application Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index from the client side and not included in the scope of the server. Software quality testing is done to test the third hypothesis in this study.

Quality testing techniques performed in this study with a black-box approach to testing using a questionnaire. Criteria for selecting the characteristics of respondents as samples for testing software quality is based on levels of users that will access the application Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index. The respondents are researchers themselves and some fellow researchers.

Research Steps

In this study, the overall process should be passed through several stages. Steps being taken include: research issues, a review of studies, methodology, system design, modeling, and system testing. Steps on the stage of implementation of the following research:

Gambar III-1 Research Steps D. DISCUSSION OF RESEARCH Analysis Systems

In the process of system analysis should describe what should be done by the system to meet the information needs of users.

Analysis of the system will answer the question of what will be done by the system, who will use the system, and where and when the system will be used. Activity analysis system that runs performed with object-oriented analysis approach to systems designed, intended to emphasize the functionality of the system running.

Further analysis of the results will be visualized and documented with Unified Modeling Language

(UML) through the Use Case Diagram, Activity Diagram, Sequence Diagram and with consideration of the diagram is considered to represent the overall system in place that can be understood by the user.

Design Systems

System design determines how the system will meet these objectives, in this case: hardware, software, network infrastructure; user interfaces, forms and reports, as well as special programs, databases, and files that will be needed. The design of the system is an advanced stage of system analysis where the system design described system to be built prior to coding in a programming language. In designing a system can not be separated from the analysis. 1. Deployment Diagram

Deployment diagram is a diagram that can provide an explanation of how the various physical elements composing and running the system in a network that was formed. Network architecture which formed a collection of nodes in the form of hardware and software that configure the runtime software components with the processor and other equipment. Deployment describe in detail how the components deployed in the infrastructure system, where components will be located (in the machine, server or pc), how the ability to network at that location, the server specifications, and other things that are physical. A node is a server, workstation, or other hardware used to deploy components in a real environment. Relationships between nodes (eg TCP / IP) and the requirements can also be defined in this diagram. In these information systems are components that support the course Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index are:

1. Microsoft Access, the application used to create the Model Information System Public Satisfaction Index.

2. MySql database that is used to store data. 3. Client Workstation as a device in the form of

a PC used to access Information System Model of the Public Satisfaction Index.

4. The printer is used to print reports

Gambar IV-14 Deployment Diagram Model Information System Public Satisfaction Index


2. Design Architecture Infrastructure This stage will explain the shape or design of

information systems that will be developed. Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index is a computer-based system that serves to collect, store, and process data so that it can present information related to the performance evaluation of the community services unit. The design of the system infrastructure for Information Systems Model Community Satisfaction Index are as follows:

Gambar IV-15 Design Infrastructure

Hardware infrastructure using local network

connection (LAN), where users accessing the application must be connected to the local network first.

Construction Interface

This section will describe the implementation or construction of the display Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index. To explain the results of the construction will be given the model of each display, whether the display input, output, and page navigation application built.

Gambar IV-17 Display Menu Login

Gambar IV-18 Main Menu Display User Admin

Gambar IV-25 Display Service Quality Reports

Validation Testing The first testing phase is validation testing, the

testing process is done to make sure the software that has been made is in accordance with the functional requirement specifications are expected. It also tested the first hypothesis in this study, namely Suspected Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index which is made to be able to overcome the existing problems, so the quality of the performance of the unit of information society services can be presented.

Tabel IV-4 Characteristics of Respondents FGD Testing Results

Based on the Focus Group Discussion can then be in the recapitulation of the testing based on the type of user of the respondents in the FGD.

Tabel IV-5 Admin Validation Testing Results

Test results validate the user types administrator

are as follows: R = Number of respondents = 2 orang P = Number of questions = 8 butir N = Total answer agree = 16 butir x = Total answer not agree = 0 butir

% = (N − x)

R × 100


% = (16− 0)

2 × 100



% = 162 ×


% = 8× 12,5 % = 100% (very good category)

Tabel IV-6 User Validation Testing Results

R = Number of respondents = 2 orang P = Number of questions = 3 butir N = Total answer agree = 6 butir x = Total answer not agree = 0 butir

% = ( ) ×

% = ( ) ×

% = × % = 3× 33,3

% = 100% (very good category) Quality Testing

Quality testing to determine the level of software quality Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index conducted by adopting the model of ISO 9126 which consists of four (4) aspects of quality testing that functionality, reliability, usability, and efficiency. Characteristics of Respondents

Respondents in this study is two (2) acts as an admin, and two (2) acts as the user up to a total of 4 respondents. Characteristics of respondents categorized by Occupation, Gender, Work and Education last period. The following description of the respondents more: Tabel IV-7 Description of Respondents by Job

Tabel IV-8 Description of Respondents by Gender

Tabel IV-9 Description of Respondents Based Work


Tabel IV-10 Description of Respondents by Education

Test The Validity Of The Instrument

Validity test is to determine the level of validity of each of the questions in the questionnaire. Validity test carried out on the whole point statement in the instrument, ie by correlating the score of each item with the total score of each construct. Correlation technique used is the Pearson Product Moment Correlation with a two-way test (two-tailed test). This analysis by means of correlating each item score with a total score. The total score is the sum of the whole item. Items question significantly correlated with the total score shows the items capable of providing support in exposing what they want revealed. [13]

Tests using a two-way test with a significance level of 0.05 (95% confidence level). Testing criteria are as follows:

1. If rhitung ≥ rtabel (test 2 side with sig. 0,05) the instruments or items significantly correlated questions to the total score (declared is valid).

2. If rhitung<rtabel (test 2 side with sig. 0,05) the instrument or the items are not questions significant to the total scores correlated (declared is not valid).

Validity of test results against four respondents using korelasiPearson table Product Moment correlation between scores obtained value items with a total score. This value is then compared with the value rtabel, rtabel sought at 0.05 with two-way test and the amount of data (N) = 4, then obtained rtabel amounted to 0.950 (Based on tables r). [13]

Here are the results validity test using Pearson Product Moment Correlation to 4 respondents: Tabel IV-11 Aspects of Functionality Test Results



Tabel IV-12 Aspects of Reliability Test Results Validity

Tabel IV-13 Aspects of Usability Test Results


Tabel IV-14 Aspects of Efficiency Test Results


Validity of test results as presented in the table shows that all four rhitung value greater than rtabel (0.950). This means that each statement is correlated with the total score and the correlation values obtained for other items worth more than 0.950 it can be concluded that these items significantly correlated with the total score and it can be concluded that all items are valid instruments. Reliability Test Instruments

Reliability test is used to measure the consistency of the constructs / variables of the study. Reliability can be interpreted as a characteristics associated with accuracy, precision and consistency. Reliability test was conducted in order to determine the consistency of the instrument as a measuring tool, so that the measurement results can be trusted. A variable is said to be reliable (reliable) if the respondent's answer to the question consistent or stable. Reliabilitassuatu level constructs / variables of the study can be seen from the statistics Cronbach's alpha (α). Instruments used in the variable is said to reliable (reliable) if it has more than 0.60 Cronbach Alpha. [14] Here are the results of reliability test using Cronbach statistikAlpha test by using IBM SPSS Statistics 20:

Tabel IV-15 Reliability Test Results Instrument

As seen in the table above all reliable statements on the questionnaire assessed if the value of Cronbach alpha value for each variable> 0.60. Reliability test results for four variable gain value reliability coefficient greater than 0.60. In accordance with the opinion of sekaran [14] that the statement is declared reliable (reliable) if the value of Cronbach's alpha greater than 0.60. So it can be stated that all the statements in the questionnaire is reliable (reliable). Based on test validity and reliability of the above it can be concluded that the research instrument for all the variables in the form of a questionnaire already Valid and Reliable.

Testing ISO 9126

Results of quality testing consists of two parts, namely: the quality level of each aspect according to four karakterik ISO 9126, and the overall quality level of the four characteristics of ISO 9126. Of the four respondents who filled out a questionnaire for quality testing device Model Information System Public Satisfaction Index , all provide valid answers to the questionnaire. Respondents to the level of software quality according to ISO 9126. Tabel IV-16 Respondents Based Functionality


Tabel IV-17 Respondents Based Reliability Aspects


Tabel IV-18 Respondents Based Usability Aspects

Tabel IV-19 Respondents Based Efficiency Aspects

Tabel IV-20 Quality Testing Results

Based on the above table it can be concluded that the level of software quality Satisfaction Index Model Information System Society as a whole in the highest quality criteria is based on aspects of Functionality, Reliability, Usability and Efficiency with a percentage of 100%. So the end result of this test is 100% under the criteria Very Good. Implication Research 1. System Aspects

Studies related to the subject matter discussed earlier, this study is based on the finding that there is no information system to measure the performance of the public service units, and it is related to the absence of environmental systems that support the research object. Computer networks that are within the neighborhood community services unit has been good, and there must be provision license Microsoft Access 2013 as the supporting application. 2. Managerial Aspects

The results could be used by the community service unit. Related to the issues discussed previously, as well as the background of this study, the research that has been done can be implemented as a tool to measure the quality of the performance, so that these problems can be overcome through the implementation of this system. The results could be used as a base or a blueprint for the development of better systems in the future, and it requires team

work that never stops. The existence of a team considered necessary to maintain the system and develop the system in accordance with changes in the public service unit policy, the policy demands of service users as well as technological changes in the future. Similarly, socialization-socialization needed for stakeholders to facilitate the use of the system in the process of measuring the quality of the performance of the public service unit. 3. Advanced Research Aspects

With the existence of this research, the academic parties can use the results as a reference for similar research and could further develop research that will be used.

In particular, the results of this research in Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index uses a simple programming language, expected future will come can be developed with a programming language better. System Implementation Plan

System implementation plan is the initial stage of the implementation of the system and the purpose of the activities is that the implementation of the new system can operate as expected. Can be explained that the implementation of the system is the final step in the development cycle using the prototype system.

Implementation of activities carried out on the basis of planned activities in implementation among others. Step-by-step system implementation activities are as follows: 1. Selection of Operator. One factor that has an

important role in the implementation of the new system, which is the operator. Where the absence of operator and programmer, the new system has been designed can not be implemented.

2. Construction Preparation System is a hardware and software. a. The place where the embedded application

(on which server). b. Hardware is prepared in the form of PC,

keyboard, mouse, monitor and printer. c. Software that is prepared is: Microsoft Access

2013, AppServ, MySQL Connector. 3. System installation, the software installation.

After the software is available then the next is the software installation process. Event software installation begins with site preparation and installation of software to do the community service unit locations.

4. Making the program and User guide. Program development activities are activities translate the design into a form that can be read by a computer. Then make the operating instructions in the form of video tutorials, so programs created can be understood by users and its use in accordance with predetermined and easy to use.

5. User training. Users who have chosen to be trained in order to understand the new system and can run well and appropriately. Training of


personnel is done to operate the system, including activities to prepare input, process data, operating systems, care for and maintain the system.

6. Test Systems. System testing should be performed to determine whether the system can be run as planned or not.

7. System evaluation and improvement. The evaluation aims to determine the results of the system are made if the system is running well or not.

E. CLOSING Conclusion

Based on the discussion of the results of research that has been discussed in the previous chapter, the study Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index In this Community Services Unit can be concluded as follows: 1. Based on the research that has been done, it can

take the conclusion that the hypothesis researchers have proven that: a. Suspected Model System Information

Community Satisfaction Index which is made to be able to overcome the existing problems, so the quality of the performance of the unit of information society services can be served.

b. Suspected Quality Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index is generated when measured using the method FGD validity was good.

c. Suspected Quality Information System Model Community Satisfaction Index is generated when measured using ISO 9126 adoption of the outcome is good.

2. Results from this study is the Model Information System Community Satisfaction Index which can be applied directly as a solution to solving problems that occur in the community services unit.

3. The method used to test the validity and quality test using the technique of Forum Group Discussion (FGD), and ISO 9126 can be well received and approved by the respondents involved in the testing and fully accepted well by the community service unit.

Suggestion Based on the research results, implications and

conclusions, further research may provide some suggestions that are relevant to the research results. This suggestion is in the form of inputs devoted to the object of research and for further research. 1. Research can be continued with different

methods of measuring performance, and system information model can be developed better.

2. In a subsequent study to measure the performance of not only the public service units, but for the other units.

3. Public service units to provide input and suggestions for improvements on the research that has been done.

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