metpen 1

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Metpen 1


1st Oct 2015

Pengertian• Metodologi penelitian berasal dari kata

“Metode” yang artinya cara yang tepat untuk melakukan sesuatu dan “Logos” yang artinya ilmu atau pengetahuan.

• Jadi Metodologi itu artinya cara melakukan

sesuatu dengan menggunakan pikiran (pengetahuan) secara seksama untuk mencapai suatu tujuan.


• metodologi penelitian adalah “Suatu cabang ilmu pengetahuan yang membicarakan tentang cara-cara melaksanakan penelitian (mencakup kegiatan-kegiatan mencari, mencatat, merumuskan, menganlisis hingga menyusun laporannya) berdasarkan fakta-fakta atau gejala-gejala secara ilmiah”.

Manfaat Metodologi Penelitian

• Dapat menyusun laporan/tulisan/karya ilmiah baik dalam bentuk paper, skripsi, tesis atau disertasi.

• Mengetahui arti pentingnya riset, sehingga keputusan-keputusan yang dibuat dapat dipikirkan dan diatur dengan sebaik-baiknya.

• Dapat menilai hasil-hasil penelitian yang sudah ada yaitu untuk mengukur sampai seberapa jauh suatu hasil penelitian dapat dierptanggungjawabkan kebenarannya.

• Terdapat empat kata kunci yang perlu diperhatikan yaitu, cara ilmiah, data, tujuan, kegunaan tertentu.

• Cara ilmiah berarti kegiatan penelitian itu didasarkan pada ciri-ciri keilmuan, yaitu rasional, empiris, dan sistematis.

• Rasional berarti kegiatan penelitian itu dilakukan dengan cara-cara yang masuk akal, sehingga terjangkau oleh penalaran manusia.

• Empiris berarti cara-cara yang dilakukan itu dapat diamati oleh indera manusia, sehingga orang lain dapat mengamati dan mengetahui cara-cara yang digunakan. (Bedakan cara yang tidak ilmiah misalnya, mencari anak yang hilang saat memanjat gunung, atau ingin mencari mobil yang hilang datang ke paranormal, atau ingin menjadi Kepala Sekolah datang ke dukun, dan sejenisnya).

• Sistematis artinya, proses yang digunakan dalam penelitian itu menggunakan langkah-langkah tertentu yang bersifat logis.

Data yang diperoleh melalui penelitian itu adalah data empiris (teramati) yang mempunyai kriteria tertentu yaitu valid. Valid menunjukkan derajat ketepatan antara data yang sesugguhnya terjadi pada obyek dengan data yang dapat dikumpulkan oleh peneliti.

Misalnya di Kabupaten Tegal terdapat 400 anak yang tidak lulus Ujian Nasional, sementara penelitian melaporkan jauh di atas dan di bawah 400. Maka data yang dilaporkan peneliti tersebut tidak valid. Demikian juga misalnya peneliti melihat pada obyek berwarna merah, tetapi dilaporkan warna hijau.

Peneliti melihat murid sedang menangis langsung dibuat kesimpulan bahwa murid tersebut sedang sedih, padahal sebenarnya murid tersebut menangis sedang senang, karena mendapat ranking di kelas yang tinggi. Data yang dilaporkan oleh peneliti bahwa murid menangis karena senang dilaporkan sedih, adalah data yang tidak valid.

Tujuan Penelitian• Memperoleh pengetahuan baru (penemuan).

Penemuan berarti data yang diperoleh dari penelitian itu adalah data yang betul-betul baru yang sebelumnya belum pernah diketahui.

• Memperoleh jawaban atas suatu pertanyaan (Pembuktian).Pembuktian berarti data yang diperoleh itu digunakan untuk membuktikan adanya keragu-raguan terhadap informasi atau pengetahuan tertentu.

• Memberikan pemecahan atas suatu masalah (pengembangan).Pengembangan berarti memperdalam dan memperluas pengetahuan yang telah ada.

Penelitian Kuantitatif Penelitian Kualitatif

Kejelasan Unsur :Tujuan, pendekatan, subjek, sampel,Sumber data sudah mantap, rinci sejak awal

Subjek sampel, sumber data tidak mantapDan rinci, masih fleksibel, timbul dan berkembangnya sambil jalan

Langkah penelitian :Segala sesuatu direncanakan sampai Matang ketika persiapan disusun

Baru diketahui denagn mantap dan jelas setelah penelitian selesai

Hipotesis (Jika memang perlu)a. Mengajukan hipotesis yang akan diuji dalam

penelitian;b. Hipotesis menentukan hasil yang diramalkan

Tidak menegmukakan hipotesis sebelumnya, tetapi dapat lahir selama penelitian berlangsung--- tentatifHasil penelitian terbuka

Disain :Dalam disain jelas langkah-langkah penelitian dan hasil yang diharapkan

Disain penelitiannya fleksibel dengan langkah dan hasil yang tidak dapat dipastikan sebelumnya;

Pengumpulan data :Kegiatan dalam pengumpulan data memungkinkan untuk diwakilkan

Kegiatan pengumpulan data selalu harus dilakukan sendiri oleh peneliti.

Analisis data :Dilakukan sesudah semua data terkumpul. Dilakukan bersamaan dengan pengumpulan data


Quali: To understand & interpret social interactions.

Quanti: To test hypotheses, look at cause & effect, & make predictions.

Qualitative versus Quantitative

Group Studied

Quali: Smaller & not randomly selected.

Quanti: Larger & randomly selected.

Qualitative versus Quantitative


Quali: Study of the whole, not variables.

Quanti: Specific variables studied

Qualitative versus Quantitative

Type of Data Collected

Quali: Words, images, or objects.

Quanti: Numbers and statistics.

Qualitative versus Quantitative

Forms of Data Collected

Quali: Qualitative data such as open - ended responses, interviews, participant observations,

field notes, & reflections.

Quanti: Quantitative data based on precise measurements using structured & validated data-

collection instruments.

Qualitative versus Quantitative

Role of the Researcher

Quali: Researcher & their biases may be known to participants in the study, & participant characteristics

may be known to the researcher.

Quanti: Researcher & their biases are not known to participants in the study, & participant characteristics are

deliberately hidden from the researcher (double blind studies).

Qualitative versus Quantitative


Quali: Particular or specialized findings that is less generalizable.

Quanti: Generalizable findings that can be applied to other populations.

Qualitative versus Quantitative

Scientific Method

Quali: Study of the whole, not variables.

Quanti: Specific variables studied

Qualitative versus Quantitative

Final Report

Quali: Narrative report with contextual description & direct quotations from research participants.

Quanti: Statistical report with correlations, comparisons of means, & statistical significance of


Qualitative versus Quantitative

What is to be observed?

Quali: ¤ Qualities ¤ Behavior ¤ Complexities

Quanti: ¤ Quantities ¤ Scales ¤ Trends

Qualitative versus Quantitative

What are the type of questions asked?

Quali: ¤ Why? ¤ How?

Quanti: ¤ How many ¤ What

Qualitative versus Quantitative

How are the questions are put (methods)?

Quali: ¤ Document review ¤ Participant observations ¤ Interviews ¤ Focus group ¤


Quanti: ¤ Application forms ¤ Questionnaires ¤ IQ Tests ¤ Measurements

Qualitative versus Quantitative

How the results are interpreted (analysis)?

Quali: ¤ Explore, explain, understand ¤ Narrative ¤ Particular ¤ Mainly inductive reasoning: conclusions can be drawn from the evidence no matter how incomplete

Quanti: ¤ Describe, measure, predict ¤ Statistical tables and chart ¤ Universal ¤ Mainly deductive reasoning:

everything is known before conclusions can be drawn

Qualitative versus Quantitative

Major Classes of Quantitative and Qualitative Research

Experimental Studies

Researchers actively introduce an intervention or treatment Designed to test causal relationships Greater control over extraneous variables

Quantitative Research

Non-Experimental Studies

Researchers collects data without making changes or introducing treatments Lesser control over extraneous variables

Quantitative Research

Rooted in research traditions that originate in the disciplines of anthropology, sociology, and psychology.

Qualitative Research

Grounded Theory Study

Roots in sociology Seeks to describe and understand the key social psychological and structural processes that occur in a social setting Focus developing social experience

Qualitative Research

• Component discovery of a core variable that is central in explaining what is going on in that social scene

• Generate comprehensive explanations of phenomena that are grounded in reality

Example:• A study to explain the material process of

managing late stages of breastfeeding and weaning the child from the breast

Qualitative Research

Phenomenology Roots in both philosophy and psychology Concerned with the lived experiences of humans Approach to thinking about what life experiences of people are like and what they mean What is the essence of this phenomenon as experienced by these people?

Qualitative Research


A study to illuminate the lived experiences of care providers who were highly skilled communicators in their relationships with patients with stroke and aphasia.

Qualitative Research

EthnographyPrimary research tradition within anthropologyProvides a framework for studying the meanings, patterns, and experiences of a defined cultural group in a holistic fashionEngaged in extensive fieldwork, often participating to the extent possible in the life of the culture under study

Qualitative Research

Broadly defined culture Haitian refugee communities Narrowly defined culture The Culture of Emergency Departments Aim to learn from (rather than to study) members of a cultural group, to understand their world view as they perceive and live it

Qualitative Research

Example: An analysis of a nursing home residence, focusing on the ethical issues of daily living affecting nursing home residents with dementia

Qualitative Research

Researchers move from beginning point of a study (the posing of a question) to the end point (the obtaining of an answer) in a linear sequence of steps

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Phase 1: The Conceptual Phase

Activities include reading, conceptualizing, theorizing, reconceptualising and reviewing ideas with colleagues or advisers Skills include creativity, deductive reasoning, insight, and a firm grounding in previous research on the topic of interest

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Step 1. Formulating and Delimiting the Problem Step 2. Reviewing the Related Literature Step 3. Undertaking Clinical Fieldwork Step 4. Defining the Framework and Developing Conceptual Definitions Step 5. Formulating Hypothesis

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Phase 2: The Design and Planning Phase

The methods and procedures to be used to address the research question and plan for the actual collection of data

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Step 6. Selecting a Research Design Step 7. Developing Protocols for the Intervention Step 8. Identifying the Population to be Studied Step 9. Designing the Sampling Plan

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Step 10. Specifying methods to Measure the Research the Research Variables Step 11. Developing Methods for a Safeguarding Human/Animal Rights Step 12. Finalizing and Reviewing the Research Plan

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Phase 3: The Empirical Phase

Involves collecting research data and preparing those data for analysis

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Step 13. Collecting the Data Step 14. Preparing the Data for Analysis

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Phase 4. The Analytic Phase

Analysis and interpretation of data

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Step 15. Analyzing the Data Step 16. Interpreting the Results

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Phase 5: The Dissemination Phase

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Step 17. Communicating the Findings Step 18. Utilizing the Findings in Practice

Major Steps in Quantitative Research

Begin with a broad question regarding the phenomenon of interest, often focusing on a little studied aspect More flexible and less linear

Activities in Qualitative Research

Conceptualizing and Planning a Qualitative Study

Identifying the Research Problem Doing Literature Reviews Selecting and Gaining Entree Into Research Sites Research Designs in Qualitative Studies

Activities in Qualitative Research

Conducting the Qualitative Study Once in the field, researchers select informants collect data, and then analyze and interpret them in an iterative fashion; Field experiences help in an ongoing fashion to shape the design of the study Early analysis leads to refinements in sampling and data collection, until saturation (redundancy of information) is achieved

Activities in Qualitative Research

Disseminating Qualitative Findings Used to shape the direction of further studies (including more highly controlled quantitative studies) Guide the development of structured measuring tools for clinical and research purposes Shape the researcher’s perceptions of a problem or situation and their conceptualizations of potential solutions

Activities in Qualitative Research

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