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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    Hak Cipta 2014 pada Kementerian Pendidikan dan KebudayaanDilindungi Undang-Undang



    Disklaimer: Buku ini merupakan buku siswa yang dipersiapkan Pemerintah dalamrangka implementasi Kurikulum 2013. Buku siswa ini disusun dan ditelaah olehberbagai pihak di bawah koordinasi Kementerian Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan, dandipergunakan dalam tahap awal penerapan Kurikulum 2013. Buku ini merupakandokumen hidup yang senantiasa diperbaiki, diperbaharui, dan dimutakhirkan sesuaidengan dinamika kebutuhan dan perubahan zaman. Masukan dari berbagai kalangandiharapkan dapat meningkatkan kualitas buku ini.

    Katalog Dalam Terbitan (KDT)

    Kontributor Naskah : Siti Wachidah dan Asep Gunawan.

    Penelaah : Emi Emilia dan Raden Safrina.Penyelia Penerbitan : Pusat Kurukulum dan Perbukuan, Balitbang, Kemdikbud.

    Cetakan Ke-1, 2014Disusun dengan huruf Helvetica, 11 pt

  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    iiiBahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Kata Pengantar

    Bahasa Inggris tidak dapat dipungkiri adalah bahasa utama komunikasiantarbangsa dan sangat diperlukan untuk berpartisipasi dalam pergaulan dunia.Makin datarnya dunia dengan perkembangan teknologi informasi dan komunikasimenyebabkan pergaulan tidak dapat lagi dibatasi oleh batas-batas negara. Kurikulum2013 menyadari peran penting bahasa Inggris tersebut dalam menyampaikan gagasanmelebihi batas negara Indonesia serta untuk menyerap gagasan dari luar yang dapatdipergunakan untuk kemaslahatan bangsa dan negara sebagai akibat datarnya dunia.

    Kurikulum 2013 dirancang untuk menyongsong model pembelajaran abad21. Di dalamnya terdapat pergeseran pembelajaran dari peserta didik diberi tahu

    menjadi peserta didik mencari tahu dari berbagai sumber belajar melampaui batasguru dan satuan pendidikan. Peran bahasa Inggris dalam model pembelajaran sepertiitu menjadi sangat sentral mengingat lebih banyak sumber belajar dalam bahasaInggris dibanding semua sumber belajar dalam semua bahasa lainnya digabungkan.

    Sejalan dengan peran di atas, pembelajaran bahasa Inggris untuk SMP/MTsKelas VIII yang disajikan dalam buku ini disusun untuk meningkatkan kemampuanberbahasa. Penyajiannya adalah dengan menggunakan pendekatan pembelajaranberbasis teks, baik lisan maupun tulis, dengan menempatkan bahasa Inggris sebagaisarana berkomunikasi. Pemahaman terhadap jenis, kaidah dan konteks suatu teksditekankan sehingga memudahkan peserta didik menangkap makna yang terkandungdalam suatu teks maupun menyajikan gagasan dalam bentuk teks yang sesuai sehinggamudah dipahami orang lain. Mengingat bahasa Inggris baru secara resmi diajarkanmulai Kelas VIII SMP/MTs, komunikasi yang disampaikan di sini adalah komunikasisehari-hari. Bagi beberapa daerah yang telah mengajarkan bahasa Inggris mulai darikelas-kelas akhir SD/MI, materi yang disampaikan di sini perlu diperkaya denganmateri tambahan yang disesuaikan dengan kemampuan peserta didik, walaupunstruktur pembelajarannya tetap mengacu pada model yang disampaikan dalam bukuini.

    Sebagai bagian dari Kurikulum 2013 yang menekankan pentingnyakeseimbangan kompetensi sikap, pengetahuan, dan keterampilan, kemampuanberbahasa Inggris yang dituntut dibentuk melalui pembelajaran berkelanjutan:dimulai dengan meningkatkan kompetensi pengetahuan tentang jenis, kaidah, dankonteks suatu teks, dilanjutkan dengan kompetensi keterampilan menyajikan suatuteks tulis dan lisan baik terencana maupun spontan dengan pelafalan dan intonasiyang tepat, dan bermuara pada pembentukan sikap kesantunan berbahasa.

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    Buku ini menjabarkan usaha minimal yang harus dilakukan peserta didikuntuk mencapai kompetensi yang diharapkan. Sesuai dengan pendekatan yangdigunakan dalam Kurikulum 2013, peserta didik diajak menjadi berani untuk mencarisumber belajar lain yang tersedia dan terbentang luas di sekitarnya. Peran guru dalammeningkatkan dan menyesuaikan daya serap peserta didik dengan ketersediaankegiatan pada buku ini sangat penting. Guru dapat memperkayanya dengan kreasidalam berbagai bentuk kegiatan lain yang sesuai dan relevan yang bersumber darilingkungan sosial dan alam.

    Implementasi terbatas pada tahun ajaran 2013/2014 telah mendapattanggapan yang sangat positif dan masukan yang sangat berharga. Pengalamantersebut dipergunakan semaksimal mungkin dalam menyiapkan buku untukimplementasi menyeluruh pada tahun ajaran 2014/2015 dan seterusnya. Walaupundemikian, sebagai edisi pertama, buku ini sangat terbuka dan terus dilakukan

    perbaikan untuk penyempurnaan. Oleh karena itu, kami mengundang para pembacamemberikan kritik, saran dan masukan untuk perbaikan dan penyempurnaan padaedisi berikutnya. Atas kontribusi tersebut, kami mengucapkan terima kasih. Mudah-mudahan kita dapat memberikan yang terbaik bagi kemajuan dunia pendidikandalam rangka mempersiapkan generasi seratus tahun Indonesia Merdeka (2045).

    Jakarta, Januari 2014

    Menteri Pendidikan dan Kebudayaan

    Mohammad Nuh

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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    Fro m n o w o n I w ill u s e En g lis h in m y En g lis h c la ss .

    to ask for my friends attention

    to check if my friends understand


    to give my opinions and ask for my

    friends opinions show my appreciation to my friends

    In this chapter, I will learn:

    Chapter IIts English Time!

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    9Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Hi, ma y I introd uce myse lf.My na me is Ben i.

    Im Udin.Im Edo.

    Im Da yu.

    Im S iti.

    Im Lina.

    Observing and Questioning

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    Pla y the roles of the sp ea ker s i n th e p icture s.Sa y the sp e ak er s sen ten ce s corre ct ly a nd

    cle ar ly. F irst, re pe at af ter me .

    Ever ybo dy, ma y I ha ve

    your a tte ntion, plea se ?

    Ye s, Ma am.

    What do you think if we us e English in our E ng lish cla s s. We will us e E nglis h in our c lass . Do y

    ou u nd e rst a nd me ? S iti,what did I s a y?

    We will use En glish in ourEng lish cla ss .

    Yes , Ma am .Ye s , we will us e English in

    our English c lass .

    Eve rybody, a re you rea dy to le ar n English now?

    Wha t a bou t yo u, E do ? Wha t do yo u th ink if we u se

    En glish in ou r En glish c lass ?

    1 2

    3 4

    Observing and Questioning

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    11Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Da yu, p lea s e look at me ! Wou ldyou s top doing tha t p leas e? Are

    you rea dy to lea rn?

    Im so so rry, Maam. Yes , I a m.

    Atten tion, p lea s e. Are we a ll re ad y to le a rn En glish ?

    Yes, Maam.

    Edo , Is En glish ea sy ordifficult?

    Good .It is ea s y Ma am.

    Atte ntion, ple as e !Atte ntion p lea se !

    Yes , Maa m.



    7 8

    Observing and Questioning

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    Atte ntion is /pe rha tian/.

    Excuse me , Ma am. Wha t is at te ntion in Ba ha sa ?

    S ure .

    S ir, m ay I was h my ha nds ?

    S u re . Let s g o.

    Hey, Le ts go to the ca nte e n!

    9 10


    Observing and Questioning

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    13Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    To get her students attention, Mrs. Ina says several expressions to her students. 1. To get her students attention in picture 1, she says,

    Everybody, may I have your attention, please. 2. To get Sitis attention in picture 2, she says,Siti, and , Siti?

    3. To get her students attention in picture 3, she says,Everybody,

    4. To get Edos attention in picture 4, she says,_____________________________________________________________________

    5. To get her students attention in picture 5, she says,_____________________________________________________________________

    6. To get Dayus attention in picture 6, she says, _____________________________________________________________________

    7. To get her students attention in picture 7, she says, _____________________________________________________________________ 8. To get Edos attention in picture 8, she says,


    To get our teachers attention, we can use several expressions. 1. To get Mrs. Inas attention in picture 9, Lina says, _____________________________________________________________________ 2. To get Mr. Adnans attention in picture 10, Beni says,


    To get our friends attention, we can use also several expressions. 1. To get attention of Edos friends in picture 11, Edo says, _____________________________________________________________________

    P lea se co mplete thes e following s en ten ce s .Write the m in ne a t a nd a ccura te ha ndwriting on

    your note boo k.

    Observing and Questioning

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    P la y the roles of the s pe a ke rs in the picture s .S a y the s pe a ke rs se nte nc e s corre ctly a nd

    clea rly. F irs t, re pe a t a fte r me .

    Don t you un der sta nd ofwhat sh e s aid?

    Yes, S ir.

    Do y ou know what I

    mea n?

    Im trying Maam. How do you s ay this w ord ? W ha t is

    it in Bah as a?

    Do you un de rsta nd the te xt?

    We s ho uld us e E ng lish in ou r English clas s. I t is difficult.

    Do you u nd e rs tan d o f what our tea che r a sk to do?

    Yes , s he sai d th at we sh oulds pe ak En glish in our Eng lish

    class .

    1 2

    3 4

    Observing and Questioning

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    15Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Wha t d o you think of the picture ? Be ni did it we ll,

    didnt h e ?

    Ye s , he d id. It is ve ry be a utiful.

    I dont think so . Its n ice .

    The me a l is not de licious . Is tha t how you s a y it?

    I think its ea s y. I love English.

    Wha t do you think? Is English ea s y o r d ifficu lt?

    Ye s , he is . He is d illige nta nd sm ar t too.

    He s a dillige nt st ude nt.Dont you think so ?

    5 6

    7 8

    Observing and Questioning

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    17Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    To check someones understanding, we can use several expressions.1. To check Sitis understanding, in picture 1 Dayu says,

    Dont you understand of what she said? 2. To check his students understanding, in picture 2 Mr. Adnan says,

    _____________________________________________________________________ 3. To check Edos understanding, in picture 3 Mrs. Ina says,

    _____________________________________________________________________ 4. To check Benis understanding, in picture 4 Udin says,_____________________________________________________________________

    To give and ask opinions, we can use several expressions. 1. To ask Edos opinion, in picture 5 Beni says,

    What do you think of? 2. To ask Dayus opinion, in picture 6 Lina says, _____________________________________________________________________ 3. To ask Edos opinion, in picture 7 Udin says,


    4. To ask Mrs. Inas opinion, in picture 8 Mr. Adnan says, _____________________________________________________________________

    To show our appreciation to others, we can use several expressions. 1. To show Edos appreciation, in picture 5 he says,

    Its is very beautiful. 2. To show Dayus appreciation, in picture 6 she says,

    _____________________________________________________________________ 3. To show Edos appreciation, in picture 7 he says,

    _____________________________________________________________________ 4. To show Mrs. Inas appreciation, in picture 8 she says,

    _____________________________________________________________________ 5. To show Mr. Adnans appreciation, in picture 8 he says,

    _____________________________________________________________________ 6. To show Mr. Adnans appreciation, in picture 9 he says,

    _____________________________________________________________________ 7. To show Linas appreciation, in picture 10 she says, _____________________________________________________________________ 8. To show Mrs. Inas appreciation, in picture 11 she says, _____________________________________________________________________ 9. To show Benis appreciation, in picture 12 he says, _____________________________________________________________________

    P lea se c omplete t hes e following s e nte nc e s. Write the m in ne at a nd a ccu rate ha ndwriting

    on your note book.

    Collecting Information

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    4 I know how to get attention, we will say:

    Attention, please!, Call someones name,

    4 I also know how to check someones understanding, we will say:




    4 Besides, I know how to give and to ask someones opinion, we will say:




    4 Last, I know how to show our appreciation. They are:




    Collecting Information

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    19Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    It is the landscape of myhometown.

    Well, I think its good.

    I want to show you my drawing.What do you think about it?

    Hi, Edo. Whats up?

    P lay the r ole s o f the sp ea ke rs in the picture s. Sa y the sp ea ke rs se nte nc es

    co rre ctly a nd clea rly. First , re pe at af ter m e .


    Yes, it is! Will you comesomeday?

    Yes, I will.

    What about your hometown .Do you think it is good?

    Yes, its beautiful.

    Thats great.

    Excuse me!


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    Write down the e xpre s s ions from the box to comple te the d ialogue ! The n, p lay the roles of the

    s pe ak e rs s e nte nce s co rre ctly a nd c lea rly.

    Ye s , Ma am.Atten tion, plea s e!

    I th ink its be a utiful

    Do you think its good?

    1 2

    3 4


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    23Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    5 6

    7 8


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    Now, ple a s e write down s ome dia logue s with from the the me s b ellow! Afte r tha t, pra ctice with

    you r pa rtne r!

    Kind of Animals Characteristics Name

    fish pretty Nemo

    bird fussy Tweety

    rabbit gentle Lola

    dog smart Spike

    duck funny Belu

    What a good name.

    Look, this is my cat. Shes cute isnt she?

    Shes Putih.

    Yes, I think shes cute .Whats her name?


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    25Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    My Journal

    In this chapter I learnt about...____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    ________________The parts that I enjoyed the most were...____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________The difficulties that I had were...

    ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________What I have to do to be better?____________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________________From now, I will try to use the expressions i've learned inmy daily conversation. My teacher will help me if I findsome difficulties.

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    to state and ask if one can do


    to state and ask if one will do


    In this chapter, I will learn:

    Chapter IICan You Play the Guitar

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    27Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Ca n you pla y the g uita r?

    No, I ca nt.

    Ca n yo u p lay the Angklung?

    Ye s, I ca n.

    Can you do it now?

    Im no t s ure bu t Ill try

    Ca n you com e to the par ty?

    No, I ca nt.

    Can you he lp m e?

    Cer tainly.

    P lay th e roles o f the s pe ak er s in th e p icture s. S ay the s pe a ke rs se nte nc es co rre ctly a nd

    clea rly. First, re pe a t a fter m e.

    1 2


    4 5

    Observing and Questioning

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    P lay the roles o f the sp ea ker s. Sa y wha t the se peo ple ar e s ay ing correc tly an d c lea rly. F irst,

    rep ea t a fter m e.

    1. Mrs. Harum: Im very proud of Siti. Now she can help me with the housework.She can get up early herself. She can sweep the house before school.

    2. Rani: Yuli can make fried rice, and she can fry the egg nicely. She can alsoserve fried rice beautifully with tomatoes and celery.

    3. Mr. Adnan: It is not easy to read a story to your friends loudly and correctly.But, Im happy that many of you can do it well. Adi still makes mistakes, but hecan read his story loudly.

    4. Denata: Fatima always speaks softly, but when she sings, she can sing veryloudly.

    5. Mrs. Fauzia: Birds can fly because they have wings. We dont have wings, sowe cannot fly. But we can make planes. With a plane we can fly very high andgo to far places.

    6. Mr. Rendy: We cannot swim across the sea, but with a boat or a ship, we cango to other islands.

    7. Mrs. Gracia: The text is long and there are many new words in it. It is not easyto read. But you can work together. If you read it together, Im sure you canunderstand it easily.

    8. Widi: My nephew, Anton, is only two years old. But he is smart. He can go upthe stairs himself. He can also go down easily.

    Observing and Questioning

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    29Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, c om ple te the following se nte nc es a cc ording to the s pe ak ers stat e men ts.

    The f irst one ha s bee n don e for you .

    1. According to Mrs. Harum: a. Siti can help her with the housework. b. She can get up early herself.

    c. She can sweep the house before school.2. According to Rani: a. Yuli can _________________________________________ b. She can _________________________________________ c. She can _________________________________________3. According to Mr. Adnan: a. Adi can _________________________________________4. According to Denata: a. Fatima can _________________________________________5. According to Mrs. Fauzia: a. Birds can _________________________________________ b. We cannot _________________________________________ c. We can _________________________________________ d. We can _________________________________________

    6. According to Mr. Rendy: a. We cannot _________________________________________ b. We can _________________________________________7. According to Mrs. Gracia: a. We can _________________________________________ b. We can _________________________________________8. According to Widi:

    a. Anton can _________________________________________

    b. He can _________________________________________

    Observing and Questioning

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    Can you c limb a tree ?

    No, I ca nt.

    Do a n inte rvie w with you r friends to fill in the tab le by us ing Can you. ..?

    No. ActivitiesName of Friends

    1 Swim

    2 Play Angklung

    3 Write a novel








    Collecting Information

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    31Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    After you inter view you r friends , p lea se m a ke s ome s tat e men ts ba s e d on the pre vious ta ble

    you ve done . One e xa mple is give n to you her e .First, co py the e xa mple.

    1. Siti can swim. She can play Angklung. But she cannot write a novel.

    2. ________________________________________________________________________3. ________________________________________________________________________4. ________________________________________________________________________5. ________________________________________________________________________6. ________________________________________________________________________7. ________________________________________________________________________8. ________________________________________________________________________9. ________________________________________________________________________

    10. _______________________________________________________________________11. _______________________________________________________________________12. _______________________________________________________________________13. _______________________________________________________________________14. _______________________________________________________________________15. _______________________________________________________________________

    S ha re your findings to the o the r g roups , C orrec ta ny mista ke s you find a nd g ive an y s ug ge stions

    to improve e ac h o the rs works.Now, pre se nt your works in front of the c las s

    ora lly.

    Collecting Information

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    Write do wn so me dialo gu es by us ing Ca n you ? After tha t, p lay the ro les o f the

    sp ea ker s. S ay the s pe ak ers se ntenc es co rre ctly and clea rly.




    Ca n you play the violin?

    No, I ca nt


    3 4

    5 6

    Collecting Information

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    33Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Udin, will you h elp m e to bring th is boo k?

    S ure .

    S iti, will you c om e t o m ypar ty?

    Of cours e .I will

    Lina , will you go to the can tee n w ith me ?

    Lets go.

    Be ni,will you clo se th e windo w, ple ase ?

    Ill do it.

    Will you pleas e p as sthe sal t?

    Here yo u a re.

    P lay the roles o f the s pe ak e rs in the p icture s .S a y the sp e a ke rs s en te nce s corre ctly a nd

    clea rly. F irs t, re pe a t a fte r me .

    1 2


    4 5


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    Re ad th e s tat e men ts c orrec tly an d c lea rly. First , re pe at after me .

    1. Adnan: My mum is out of town today. My dad is also very busy. But he willcome to my school to collect my report.

    2. Lathan: My aunt is often angry with my cousin, Lusi. She makes a mess butshe will not do the cleaning. She will not even clean her own room.

    3. Gunawan: My uncle paints his own house. When he has time he will paint ourhouse too.

    4. Diah: My brother loves sport. He thinks that exercise is the best way to behealthy. For his health, he will walk 2 kilometers to his office everyday."

    5. Puspita: I will help you to fix the table, if I can. But I cant, so I will not helpyou."

    6. Dewi: I will get up early and go to swim at six, but we should go home before10, ok?

    7. Mrs. Wike: With good examples from the teachers, Im sure the students willgo to school on foot or on a bicycle. "

    8. Mrs. Wulandari: The little boy is very spoilt. He will not stop crying before hismother buys him the toys he wants.


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    35Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, com plet e th e following s e nten ce s ac co rding to the s pe a ke rs st a te me nts .

    The firs t on e ha s be e n don e for you.

    1. According to Lathan, we know that his Dad will come to his school to collect his

    report.2. According to Lathan, we know that: a. His Aunt will not do the cleaning.

    b. She will not even clean her own room.3. According to Gunawan, we know that his Uncle will _________________________4. According to Diah _______________________________________________________________________5. According to ___________________________________________________________ a. She will ________________________________________ b. She will not _____________________________________6. _______________________________________________________________________7. _______________________________________________________________________8. _______________________________________________________________________


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    Write down s ome dialogue s by us ing Will you ? Afte r tha t, pla y the roles of the

    s pe a ke rs . S a y the sp e a ke rs s e nte nce s correc tly a nd c lea rly.





    7 4

    Will yo u r e ad a novel?

    No, I will not.

    1 2

    3 4

    5 6


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    37Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    P lea se pa tch a t leas t 5 pictures from ma ga zine s or new sp ape rs ab ou t th ings o r a ctivities tha t can

    you do or ca n n ot do !

    Thi n gs o r A c tiv itie s tha t I c an do .

    Th ing s o r A cti vitie s tha t I c a n no t d o.

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    P le a se w rite 1 0 s e n ten ce s b as e d on th epi c tu re s yo u ve dr aw n b ef o re . W rite the

    c o m p let e in n ea t a n d ac c u rat e h a n d -writin g .Mak e s ur e yo u r p u n c tu at io n m a rk s a nd

    sp ell ing o f th e w o rds ar e c or rec t.

    1. I can draw a picture2. _____________________________________________________________________________

    3. _____________________________________________________________________________4. _____________________________________________________________________________5. _____________________________________________________________________________6. _____________________________________________________________________________7. _____________________________________________________________________________8. _____________________________________________________________________________9. _____________________________________________________________________________10. ____________________________________________________________________________

    Asking for Attention

    What do your teacher and friends say about your sentences?

    a. Of the 10 sentences I have made __________ are good.

    b. The problems with my sentences (or, I have no problems): _________________________________________________________________________


    c. What I have to do to be better (or, Im fine):


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    39Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    In this chapter I learnt about...



    The parts that I enjoyed the most were...



    The difficulties that I had were...


    _____________________________________________________________________________What I have to do to be better?



    From now, I will try to use the expressions i've learned in my daily conversation.My teacher will help me if I find some difficulties.

    My Journal

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    Would You Like to Come?

    Y ou s ho ul d c om e ! D on t be la t e!

    to give and respond to instructions

    to give and respond to invitation

    to give and respond to prohibition

    to ask for a permission

    to give and respond to instructions

    to give and respond to invitation

    to give and respond to prohibition

    to ask for a permission

    Chapter III

    to give and respond to instructions

    to give and respond to invitation

    to give and respond to prohibition

    to ask for a permission

    In this chapter, I will learn:

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    41Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Com e in p lea s e!Tha nk you.

    All right.

    P lea se put the book on the tab le!

    Yes , Maa m.Clea n the w hiteb oar d,plea se !

    Of co urs e !

    P lea s e ope n t he windo w!

    P lay the ro les of the s pe a ke rs in the pictures . S ay the s pe a ke rs se nte nc e s corre ctly an dclea rly. F irs t, re pe a t a fte r me .

    1 2

    3 4

    Observing and Questioning

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    Lets go to the can tee n!

    Oka y.

    Ok, bu t wa it a minu te.

    Will you join u s t o thelibra ry?

    S orry, Im bus y.

    P lea se com e with me t o

    se e the p rincipa l!

    S ure , p lea se com ewith me !

    Ca n I join you ?

    5 6

    7 8

    Observing and Questioning

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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    Oh, hi Udin. Goodmorning. What can i do for


    Hello, good morning. This is


    You are coming, aren'tyou?

    No problem. Oh ya, dontforget the dress code, ok?

    I just received an invitationcard for your birthday.

    Yes, I am. Thanks forinviting me.

    Im still thinking about itactually.

    Be there and dont belate.

    Ill do my best.

    All right, see you soon!

    Udin is te lling Lina by p ho ne tha t he will come to he pa rty.

    Observing and Questioning

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    45Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Glad to hear it.

    By the way, have youreceived a birthday

    invitation from Lina?

    Im fine.

    Im afraid I cant because Ill have abadminton competition on that day.

    Lets buy a birthday gift for her. I hopeyou dont mind giving it to her on her


    Hi, Udin. How are


    Will you come then?

    Yes, I have.

    Of course.

    Lets go then!


    P lay the roles of the s pea ke rs in the p ictu re s.S ay th e s pe ake rs se nten ces correct ly and

    cle ar ly. First, rep ea t a fter m e.

    Observing and Questioning

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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    47Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    P lea se write do wn s ome s e nte nces ba se d on the p icture s tha t youve fou nd.

    1. Please buy her a novel. Don't buy her a comic.

    2. ________________________________________________________________________________

    3. ________________________________________________________________________________

    4. ________________________________________________________________________________

    5. ________________________________________________________________________________

    6. ________________________________________________________________________________

    7. ________________________________________________________________________________

    8. ________________________________________________________________________________

    9. ________________________________________________________________________________

    10. _______________________________________________________________________________

    Collecting Information

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    P lay the role s of the sp ea ker s. S a y wha t th es epeo ple a re s ay ing co rre ctly a nd cle ar ly. First,

    re pe at a fte r m e .

    1. Beni says, Please give her a doll. Dont give her a robot, ok!

    2. Siti says, You can wear a batik shirt or a formal shirt. But please dont wearT-shirt.

    3. Lina says, For exercise, please run, walk, or ride a bicycle. Dont useexpensive tools.

    4. Mr. Adnan says, Please paint the walls or furnish the desks. But please dontspill the paint on the floor.

    5. Mrs. Ina says, Please all the girls, bring your sewing kits with you on Monday.We will learn to sew. Dont forget to bring some clothes too.

    6. Udin says, For your health, do not eat too much instant noodle. Eat morevegetables or fresh fruits.


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    49Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, complete the following s e nte nce s ac cording to the s pe ak e rs s ta te me nts .The firs t one ha s bee n done for you .

    1. a. Beni gives an instruction: Please give her a doll. b. He gives a prohibition: Dont give her a robot, ok!

    2. a. Siti gives an instruction: _______________________________________________________________________________ b. She gives a prohibition: _______________________________________________________________________________

    3. a. Lina gives an instruction: _______________________________________________________________________________ b. She gives a prohibition: _______________________________________________________________________________

    4. a. Mr. Adnan gives an instruction:

    _______________________________________________________________________________b. He gives a prohibition: _______________________________________________________________________________

    5. a. Mrs. Ina gives an instruction: _______________________________________________________________________________ b. She gives a prohibition: _______________________________________________________________________________

    6. a. Udin gives an instruction:_______________________________________________________________________________

    b. He gives a prohibition: _______________________________________________________________________________

    4 Refle ction To g ive ins truc tions, we us ually s tart the se nte nce s b y usin g P lea se To g ive pro hibitions, we us ual ly s tar t the se nte nc es by usin g Dont


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    P lay the ro les of the sp ea ke rs. S a y wha t the se peo ple ar e s ay ing co rre ctly an d c lea rly. First, rep e at af ter me .

    1. Lina : Can I use your pen? Dayu : Sure. Take the green one.

    Dont use the red one. Theres no ink on it.

    2. Udin : Is this seat taken? Can I sit here? Edo : No, the chairs leg is loose. Dont sit on it. Please take the seat near the window.

    3. Siti : Lets wrap the gift for Lina. Can we it on your table? Beni : Please do, but dont make a mess.

    4. Udin : Its very cold. Can I wear your jacket? Edo : Sure. I have two jackets.

    Dont forget to wash before you return it to me, ok?

    5. Dayu : Hey, Lina is a girl. You can buy her a baby doll. Dont buy her a car toy.


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    51Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, co mp lete t he following se nte nc es acco rding to the sp ea ke rs sta tem en ts. The f irst on e h as be en do ne for yo u.

    1. a. To ask a permission, Lina says : Can I use your pen? b. To respond a permission, Dayu says : Sure. Take the green one. c. To give a prohibition, Dayu says : Dont use the red one.

    2. a. To ask a permission, Udin says ______________________________________ and __________________________ b. To give a prohibit ion, Edo says

    ______________________________________ and __________________________ c. To respond a permission, Edo says _____________________________________________________________________

    3. a. To give an instruction_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. To ask for a permission_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ c. To respond a permission________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ d. To give a prohibit ion___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

    4. a. To ask for a permission_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. To respond a permission________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

    c. To give a prohibition___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________

    5. a. To give an instruction_________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________ b. To give a prohibit ion___________________________________________ _____________________________________________________________________


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    4 Re fle ction

    To give a nd re s pond ins tructions , we ca n s a y: __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _

    To g ive a nd re s pond to invita tion, we can sa y:

    _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _

    To give prohibitions, we ca n sa y: _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __

    To a s k for a pe rmiss ion, we ca n s a y:

    _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _ _ _ _ _ __ _ _


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    53Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Lets p rep are the g ift for Lina !

    Do you s ee my jacke t?

    Is it you rs?

    Here , I bring it. You can us e mine.

    I don t hav e s cis sor s.

    May I wa sh my han ds ?

    He re you a re.

    Wou ld you like t o b ringme our ribbo n?

    Certa inly.

    No, Its Ed os jacke t. Our jacke t a re sam e bu t th e

    siz es are differen t.

    1 2

    3 4


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    Not yet actually. Wevebeen waiting for you.

    Thank you. Wow. There are somany people here. It seems

    that the party has just begun.

    Oh, hi Udin. Come in, please.

    Thank you. By the way, happy birthday!Nothing I could say but everything for

    your best always.


    Excuse me!

    Yes, could you put your jacket over there on the


    Please write downyour name here.

    Its very kind of you. Thanksa lot, Ben. Lets start the

    party then.

    Oh yes, sure. And whatsthis paper for?

    Ok, but I dont bringany pen, May I borrow


    P lay th e ro les o f the s pe ak e rs in the pictures .S ay the sp ea ke rs sen te nce s c orrec tly an d cle ar ly. Firs t, rep ea t af ter me .

    Sure, here it is

  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    55Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Tell your friends what to do and what not to do for the following activities:1. To go on a camping trip.2. To green the school.3. To spend the weekend.4. To play in the school ground.5. To work together with friends.6. To celebrate your grandmas birthday.

    Make the list of ins tructions a nd prohibition s forthose a ctivities

    P lea se rep ort it in front of the cla ss .

    Activities that I should do



    Activities that I should not do



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    In this chapter I learnt about...



    The parts that I enjoyed the most were..._____________________________________________________________________________


    The difficulties that I had were...



    What I have to do to be better?_____________________________________________________________________________


    From now, I will try to use the expressions i've learned in my daily conversation.My teacher will help me if I find some difficulties.

    My Journal

  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    You are Invited! IV

    to make a personal invitation, and

    to make a greeting card.

    In this chapter, I will learn:

    Chapter IV

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    This is Lina s Birthda yInvita tion ca rd.

    Who is invited to the pa rty?

    Who ce leb rat e th e birthda y?

    Whe n will the pa rtybeg in?

    How old is Lina ?

    Whe re will the pa rty be g


    Observing and Questioning

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    59Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Le ts tak e a bre ak !

    Observing and Questioning

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    Observing and Questioning

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    61Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, cre ate your own pe rs ona l invita tion ca rd!

    Collecting Information

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    Now Ills ho w you so me gre eti ngcar ds tha t my cla ss ma te a nd I mad e for Lina . Her e th ey are !

    Will Ud in co me to the pa rty ?

    Dea r L ina ,

    Hap py b irth da y. I w ish yo u a llthe be st,

    From : Sit i


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    63Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Here ar e o the r ex am ple sof gree ting ca rds .


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    65Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, would you like to cre at e you r o wn gre et ing ca rd? Dont forge t to de cora te it!


  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    My Journal

    In this chapter I learnt about...


    _____________________________________________________________________________The parts that I enjoyed the most were...



    The difficulties that I had were...



    What I have to do to be better?



  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    My Uncle is a Zookeeper

    Chapter V

    In this chapter I will learn tocommunicate states and events

    that happens routinely or asgeneral truths, in order:

    to appreciate the nature

    to show my pride of something

    to give good and bad sample

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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    69Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    How many visitorsare there in the zoo?

    There are few visitors inthe zoo.

    How much fooddoes the elephant

    eat?Not much , just half a

    bucket of food.

    P lay the roles o f the s pe ake rs in the p icture s .S ay the s pe a ke rs s ente nce s corre ctly a nd

    clea rly. F irs t, re pe a t a fte r me .

    Observing and Questioning

  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    How much water dothe horses drink? They drink a lot of water.

    How many zookeepers are

    there in the zoo?There arent many

    zookeepers in the zoo.

    Obse rving a nd Qu es tioning

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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    Now, write d own in you r note bo ok why we h av eto tha nk the zo okeep er s.

    The first on e has be e n do ne for you.First, co py the ex am ple .

    1. Mr. Ahmad feeds the animals everyday.

    2. Mrs. Siska ____________________________________________________________________

    3. Mr. Hari and Mr. Gino __________________________________________________________

    4. Mr. Warta and Mr. Kirna ______________________________________________________

    5. Mrs. Indi _____________________________________________________________________

    6. Mr. Matias ____________________________________________________________________

    Observing and Questioning

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    73Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Wha t do the a nima ls e a t?

    The e lepha nt e a ts a lot of g ras s in the morning

    a nd the a fte rno on.

    The be a r e at s a lotof fre s h fish da y a nd

    nigh t.

    The de e r e a ts g ra ss .

    The tige rs e at s a lot of me a t in the m orning a nd the a fte rnoon.

    The monke y often e at s ba na na a nd pe a nu ts.

    The ca t e a ts rice with fish.

    Observing and Questioning

  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    P lea se complete the following se nte nc e s ac cording to the pre vious s ta te me nts . Ma ke s ure your pun ctuat ion ma rks a nd s pe lling of the

    words a re correc t.

    1. The elephant eats a lot of grass in the morning and in the afternoon.

    2. The tiger ______________________________________________________________

    3. The bear _____________________________________________________________

    4. The monkey ___________________________________________________________

    5. The deer ______________________________________________________________

    6. The cat _______________________________________________________________

    Observing and Questioning

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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    Wha t do s ma rt s tude nts do e ve ryda y?

    The y get up ea rly. The y m ak etheir be ds. They als o help topre pa re t he bre akfa st for the

    fam ily.

    The y n e ve r get t o s cho ol late .The y a re a lways on time. So me

    wa lk to s cho ol. So me tak e p ub lictra nsp ort.

    Afte r s ch ool, th e y go hom es tra ight aw ay. Th ey do no t playin wrong pla ces in the ir uniform.

    They do the ho use work. So me stu de nts wa sh the dishe s. S om e

    stu de nts cle an the ba throom .So me stu de nts wa ter the pla nts .

    The y use En glish w ith the irfrien ds a nd te a ch ers . They

    as k que s tions in E ng lish . They an sw er que stions in En glish to o.

    1 2

    3 4


    Observing and Questioning

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    77Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Late afte rnoo n, s om e stu den tsex erc ise to be he althy. Many

    stu de nts so me do e xtra -curricularac tivities .

    The y hav e d inner with th eir family.They do nt forge t to pray first

    befo re the y e at. Th ey he lp the irpar en ts t o w as h the dis he s .

    The y do th e hou se work ag ain .The y som et imes pla y th e gam es or c ha t with friend s.

    The y do their ho mew ork. They s tud y for the ne xt day . The n,

    the y go to be d ear ly.

    6 7

    8 9

    Observing and Questioning

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    In th e morn ing, they get up ear ly.They make t heir beds. They a lso help to prepare t he brea

    kfa st for th e family. They do th e housework. Some st udents was h th e dishes. Some stu dents c lean t he bat hroom. Some st udent s wate rth e plant s.

    At school




    In the afternoon




    At night




    Now, write do wn on your no teb oo k wha t s ma rts tuden ts do ev e ryda y in ne at a nd a ccu ra te han d writing . Mak e s ure yo ur punctua tion ma rks a nd

    spe lling of the words ar e corre ct .

    Collecting Information

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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    81Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    List the a ctivities be low!

    Put a check ( ) for the sameactivities and cross (x) for the

    differen t o ne s !

    Do you do the s a me things a s the zooke e pe r does ?

    No. Activities You Zookeeper












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    Now, p lea se write do wn the s tat em en ts b as ed on the t abl e in th e p re vious pa ge! First, co py

    the ex am ple s.

    1. I take a bath everyday, so does the zookeeper.

    2. I watch a TV everyday, but the zookeeper doesnt.

    3. ________________________________________________________________

    4. ________________________________________________________________

    5. ________________________________________________________________

    6. ________________________________________________________________

    7. ________________________________________________________________

    8. ________________________________________________________________

    9. ________________________________________________________________

    10. ________________________________________________________________


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  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa



    Ple as e m a ke a pos ter ab out your dailyac tivities . If it is p os sib le, you may pu t s ome

    picture s of you rs!

  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    85Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    My Journal

    In this chapter I learnt about...



    The parts that I enjoyed the most were...



    The difficulties that I had were...



    What I have to do to be better?



  • 8/10/2019 Kelas_08_SMP_Bahasa_Inggris_Siswa


    to share the information with others

    to explain why things are happening

    In this chapter I will learn tocommunicate states and events in

    progress, in order:

    Chapter VIWhat are You Doing?

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    87Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Look at the pictu re b elo w! What are th e p eo ple in th e p ictu re do ing?

    Ben i is s we ep ing the floor.

    Udin is putt ing the bo ok into the sh elf.

    Lina is er a sin g the white boar d.

    Da yu is throwing the rub bish into the tras hc a n.

    S iti is mopping the floor.

    Observing and Questioning

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    What are You Doing?

    Wha t a re the y d oing? Pl e as e c om ple te the se s en ten ce s b as e d on the pre vious picture.

    1. Siti is ___________________________________________________________________________

    2. _________________________________________________________________________________

    3. _________________________________________________________________________________

    4. _________________________________________________________________________________

    5. _________________________________________________________________________________

    Observing and Questioning

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    89Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Wha t your friend s a re doing ? Obs e rve the a ctivities ha ppe n a t you r c lass , the n write them down in nea t

    a nd a cc ura te ha ndwriting.

    1. Lina is cleaning the window

    2. _______________________________________________________________________________

    3. _______________________________________________________________________________

    4. _______________________________________________________________________________

    5. _______________________________________________________________________________

    6. _______________________________________________________________________________

    7. _______________________________________________________________________________

    8. _______________________________________________________________________________

    9. _______________________________________________________________________________

    10. _______________________________________________________________________________

    11. ______________________________________________________________________________

    12. _______________________________________________________________________________

    13. _______________________________________________________________________________

    14. _______________________________________________________________________________

    15. _______________________________________________________________________________

    Observing and Questioning

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    What are you doing, Edo?

    I am drawing a picture.

    What is he doing?

    He is reading a book.

    What are they doing?

    They are playing basketball.

    P lay the r oles o f the spe ak e rs in the p ictu res .Sa y the spe ak ers se nten ces co rre ctly a nd

    clear ly. Firs t, rep ea t a fter me .

    Observing and Questioning

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    91Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    As k your c las s ma te s a bout wha t th ey ar e doing now! Write e ac h a ns we r in the tab le

    be low!

    What are you doing?

    I am writing a letter.

    No. Name Activities











    Collecting Information

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    Place Person(s) Activities

    Library Mr. Adnan Reading a book

    Work in a g roup. Ple as e des cribe you r s cho ol, the n find out wha t they ar e doing.

    Collecting Information

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    93Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Ple as e write down s e ve ral s e nte nce s ba se d onyour findings !

    1. Mr. Adnan is reading a book in a library.

    2. _________________________________________________________________________________

    3. _________________________________________________________________________________

    4. _________________________________________________________________________________

    5. _________________________________________________________________________________

    6. _________________________________________________________________________________

    7. _________________________________________________________________________________

    8. _________________________________________________________________________________

    9. _________________________________________________________________________________

    10. _________________________________________________________________________________

    Collecting Information

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    P ay at te ntion to the us e o f ob je ctive p ron ouns!

    Yes, she is talking to them .

    Is the woman talking tothe boys ?

    Are you telling Udin the story?

    Yes, I am telling him thestory.

    No, they arent calling me .

    Are they calling you ?

    No, they arent looking at us .

    Are they looking at us ?

    Yes, he is staring at her .

    Is the man staring at t hewoman ?

    Collecting Information

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    Is the man teaching thestudents?

    Are they calling you, Lina?

    Collecting Information

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    97Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    My s iste r is s we ep ing the floor.

    My broth er is wa s hing his bic ycle.

    My Fath er is c oo king s pa gh e tti.

    My m othe r is wa ter ing the p lan ts.

    Look at the picture be low! Here is a p ictu re ofmy fa mily. Le ts se e what the y a re doing!

    Observing and Questioning

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    No. ActivitiesFriend's Names

    1 Early Morning Praying Cooking Taking a bath Drinking








    Wha t a re your family m e mber s doing a t home ? Write down the a ctivities in the ta ble be low!

    Observing and Questioning

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    What are the y d oing? Pla y th e ro les of the sp eak ers inthe pict ure . S a y the spe ake rs sen ten ces mean ingfully,loudly, co rrec tly, an d cl ear ly. F irs t, re pe at a fter me !

    What are you doing?

    I am watering the plantbecause theres no

    raining for couple days.

    Thats great.

    What are you doing?I am feeding the rabbit

    because my mother gaveme a carrot for it this


    Thanks. Give her mygratitude.

    What are you doing?

    The window is dirty, so Iam cleaning it.

    What a good boy.

    What are you doing?There will be a test afterthe break, so Im reading

    a book at the libraryduring the break time.


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    101Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now write do wn in you r note boo k the s pe ake rs sta tem entsab out what a re the y doing. Dont miss any inform at ion. Make

    sure your h an dwriting is ne at a nd cle ar, and your spe lling of the wo rds an d p unc tua tion m ark s a re c orrect .

    Work with your gro up . If you ha ve any proble ms , g o to me .

    What is Siti doing?__________________________________________________________________________________

    What is Edo doing?__________________________________________________________________________________

    What is Udin doing?__________________________________________________________________________________

    What is Dayu doing?__________________________________________________________________________________


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    P lay th e ro les of the sp e ak e rs in the picture . S a y thesp ea ker s sente nc es me a ningfu lly, loudly, co rrec tly,

    a nd c lea rly. Firs t, repe at a fte r m e!

    Why do you bring anumbrella?

    I am bringing an umbrella because itwas cloudy this morning. I thought it

    will be raining today.

    Why dont you rideyour bicycle?

    It is broken, so I am walking now.

    Why do you look soconfused?

    My new book is lost, so Iam looking for it.

    Why do you comelate? Its because I missed the

    bus. I took an Ojeg butI couldnt come on time



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    103Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now write down in your notebook the s pe a ke rs sta tem en tsa bo ut wha t a re they doing. Dont miss a ny informa tion. Ma ke

    s ure your han dwriting is ne a t a nd cle a r, a nd yo ur s pe lling o fthe words a nd pu nctuat ion ma rks a re co rre ct.

    Work with your gro up . If you ha ve a ny proble ms , go to me .

    Why does Edo bring an umbrella?___________________________________________________________________________

    Why does Dayu not ride her bicycle?___________________________________________________________________________

    Why does Udin look so confused?___________________________________________________________________________

    Why does Beni come late?___________________________________________________________________________


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    P lay the role s o f the s pea ke rs in th e p ictu re. S a y the spea ke rs sen ten ces me an ingfully, loudly, c orre ctly,

    a nd c lea rly. Firs t, rep e at a fter m e!

    Beni is wearing a jacket althoughthe weather is warm.

    It is because he got fever.

    Why does Lina looksso happy? It is because she

    just won the schoolrunning competition

    Rani has so many friendeven though she does not

    have much money.

    Shes friendly andhelpful, so everyone like


    Although Mr. Erry is old, he isstill an energetic teacher.

    It is because he loves sport.

    Oh, great! She can run so fast,although her body is small.

    Yes, he also teaches his student happily,so all of his students love him.


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    105Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    You ca n w ork in a Group .Find se ve ral act ivities a round yo ur sch oo l or yo ur fam ily.Find ou t se ve ral logical rea so ns a nd co ntra ry rea so ns for

    tho s e a ctivitie s.If it is p os s ible, y ou ma y g et the pic ture s of thos e a ctivities.The n, c rea te a p ost er which con sis ts t he a ctivitie s a nd the

    re as ons .After th at, pr e se nt it in front o f your frie nd s

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    Work in pa irs , th en do t he G ue ss ing G am e !One o f you ta lk ab ou t the ac tivities, th en th e

    oth er a ct the m ou t.

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    107Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    My Journal

    In this chapter I learnt about...



    The parts that I enjoyed the most were...



    The difficulties that I had were...



    What I have to do to be better?



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    to show their differences

    to be proud of them

    to praise them

    to criticize them

    In this chapter I will learn to comparepeople, animals, things in order:

    Chapter VIIBigger is not always better

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    109Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    P lay the roles of the s pe ak e rs in the p icture s .S a y th e sp e a ke rs se nte nc e s corre ctly a nd

    cle a rly. F irs t, re pe a t a fte r m e .

    I think Bo no will win th e

    race !

    Yes , they a re twins . But you a re right, th ey don t look like twins. Diniis ta ller a nd fatte r a nd Da ni is s ho rte r

    a nd thinne r.

    Are D ini an d D an i re ally twins? The y dont look like twins .

    I think a mo unt ain an da hill ar e ju st the sa me .


    I think s o to o. Bon o is s ma ller butst rong e r tha n Gan i. G a ni is bigg e r

    but we a ke r tha n Bon o.

    No. Look! Tha t one on the left is a mou nta in. And on the right is a hill. Themoun ta in is h ighe r th a n th e h ill. The h ill

    is lowe r than the mou nta in.

    Loo k! The ho rse a nd the donke y look likee ac h o the r. But, the ho rs e is bigg e r than the donke y. The don ke y is s maller than

    the hors e , r ight?

    Observing and Questioning

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    111Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, han d-write in your note bo ok wha t Benn y, E do , S iti, Day u,Lina, and Udin are sa ying.

    The f irst on e has b ee n d one for you. First, c opy the e xam ple .Work with your gro up . If you ha ve any proble m, go to me .

    1. Benny is showing his friendsthe difference between the horse and the donkey.They look like each other, but the horse is bigger than the donkey. The donkeyis smaller than the horse.

    2. Edo is showing Joni the difference between a mountain and a hill. _________________________________________________________________________________________

    3. Siti is explaining why Bono will win the race. ____________________________________________________________________________________________________________

    4. Dayu agrees with Shinta that Dini and Dani do not look like twins. __________________________________________________________________________________________

    5. Lina is explaining the difference between cotton and stone. _______________________________________________________________________________________________

    6. Udin is showing that there is something wrong with the picture. ___________________________________________________________________________________________

    Observing and Questioning

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    Here ar e s om e m ore e xa mp les . P lay the role s of the sp e ak ers in th e p ictures . S ay the spe ak ers se nte nc es me an ingfully, lou dly,

    co rrec tly, an d c lea rly.First, rep ea t a fter m e.

    Im you ng e r th an Ha s an , an d Ha sa n is oldertha n m e. Im 12 y ea rs o ld. H as a n, my bro the r,

    is 1 5 y e ar s old. Ha sa n is my old er brother.

    My rule r is longer tha n Dina s. Dina s is s ho rter tha n m ine . Mine is 5 0 ce ntimet e rs

    long , a nd D ina s is on ly 30 c e ntime ters long.

    The old car is s till fa ste r th a n the hors e c art .The ca rt is slo wer tha n th e c a r. The ca r ca n

    run 8 0 k ilomete rs a n h our , an d th e h ors e ca rt ca n run o nly 20 kilome ters an hou r.

    S urti is talle r than he r old er s iste r, W un i.Su rti is 148 c ent ime ters tal l an d Wun i is145 cen time ter s ta ll. S o, The olde r s iste r

    is s horte r than the young e r s iste r.

    The woode n de sk is s ma ller a nd it is 8 kilogram s. The p last ic de sk is b igg e r but is on ly 4 kilogra ms .

    S o, the woo de n de sk is s maller but it is hea vier,a nd the plas tic des k is bigger but it is lighter.

    I can lift the be nch . Ela ng ca nno t lift the sto ol. Im s tronge r tha n Elang. Elang is

    wea ker tha n me !

    Observing and Questioning

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    Your te a che r will lea d you to reflect on wha t you a re lea rning now. C omplete the s ta te me nts in

    the box.

    4 I know that now we are learning to compare the q ualities of people, animals,and things. They are:

    Big, small,t all,short,


    4 I also know how to compare people, animals, and things. That is,

    a. To say lebihinbahasa Indonesia, we add ____________ to the adject ive (kat a sifat). b. F or daripadawe use the word ____________.

    Observing and Questioning

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    115Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    In the fo llowing e xam ple s, you will see a d ifferen t way toco mp are pe op le, a nimals, a nd things . P lay the ro les of

    the sp ea ker s in the p ictu res . S a y the sp e ak ers se nte nc e scor rec tly and cle ar ly. F irst, re pe at a fter m e.

    I got a n A in English an d a C in Histo ry.To me , En glish is ea s ier tha n H istory. History is more difficu lt th a n Eng lish .

    I like r ose s . The y ar e more be autiful than othe r flowe rs .Let s s it on the be nch un de r the tre e . I think it

    is more comforta ble ther e. Its s ha dy a nd co ol.

    I bough t this be au tiful pe ncil cas e for jus t fifte e nthous a nd rupiahs , a nd this ve ry s imp le plas ticpurs e for twen ty thou s an d ru piahs. Funny isn t

    it? The p e ncil case is more be au tiful bu t it is cheap e r. The purs e is s impler but it is mo reex pen s ive .

    I sa w Malin Kun dan g o n TV last night. I think the bo ok is more inte res ting tha n the f ilm.

    I think Ed o is a ve ry g oo d s tud e nt. He smore dilligent tha n a ny of u s! He alway s

    ge ts goo d m ar ks in a ll subje cts .

    Observing and Questioning

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    Now, c om ple te t he following s en ten ces ac cor ding to the s pea ker sst a tem en ts.

    The first on e h as bee n d on e fo r you. First, cop y the e xa mp le.Wo rk with your gro up. If you hav e a ny pro ble m, go to me .

    1. To Marcus, English is more difficult than History.

    2. Tasia is saying that the pencil case is _________________________ the purse, but thepurse is _________________________ the pencil case.

    3. According to Dwi, roses are _________________________ other flowers.

    4. Max wants to sit on the bench under the tree because it _________________________there.

    5. According to Erman, the book Malin Kundang is _________________________ the film

    6. Yuni is saying that Edo is _________________________ the other students.

    Observing and Questioning

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    117Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Your te ach er will lead you to re flect on what you ar e l e ar ning n ow. C om ple te th e s tat e men ts i n

    the b ox.

    4 I know that now we are learn ing to compare the quait ies of people,anima ls,and th ings in longer words, such as

    difficult, beautiful,...

    4 I also know how to compare people,animals, and th ings. That is,

    a. To say lebih in bahasa I ndonesia, we add a word ____________ before the ad ject ive (kata sifat) .

    b. F or daripada we use t he word ____________.

    Observing and Questioning

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    119Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Your tea ch e r will lead you to re flect on what you a re lea rning no w. Co mp lete t he sta te me nts in

    the b ox.

    Self evaluation!

    What do your teacher and friends say about your sentences?

    a. Of the 10 sentences I have made, __________ are good.

    b. The problems with my sentences (or, I have no problems):



    c. What I have to do to be better (or, Im fine):



    Collecting Information

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    4 Disc us s with your te ac he r what you know a bou t good and be tte r!

    P lay th e r ole s o f the s pe ak ers in th e p icture s.Sa y th e s pe ak ers sen ten ce s corre ctly a nd

    cle ar ly. Firs t, rep ea t a fter m e.

    1. Edo: This is a plastic bag. It is good . But the cotton bag is better .It is moreexpensive.

    2. Dayu: Fatima got a B in Math. But she got a better mark in English. She gotan A.

    3. Udin: My shoes are good . I bought them for seventy thousand rupiahs. But myfathers shoes are better . He bought them for two hundred thousand rupiahs.

    4. Siti: A T-shirt with a picture on it is good . But I think a T-shirt without a picture

    is better . I like plain T-shirt.

    5. Lina: My hand-writing is good and clear. But my mothers hand-writing isbetter and clearer.


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    121Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, com ple te the following se nte nce s a cc ording to the sp e ak e rs s ta tem en ts.

    The f irst on e ha s bee n d on e for you. Firs t, cop y the e xa mple.Wo rk with yo ur g roup . If you ha ve a ny proble m, go to me .

    1. According to Edo, the cotton bag is better than the plastic bag.

    2. According to Dayu, Fatima ____________________ in Math.

    3. According to Udin, his fathers shoes ____________________ his shoes.

    4. According to Siti, a plain T-shirt ____________________ a T-shirt with a picture on it.

    5. According to Lina, her mothers handwriting ____________________ hers.

    Then ma ke 5 more s en ten ces with bet ter ab out rea l pe op le, an ima ls, o r things you know we ll.

    Work with you r g rou p. If you ha ve an y p roblem , g o to me.


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    Now, co mp lete th e following se nte nce s a cc ording to the sp ea ker ssta tem e nts .

    The first o ne has be en do ne for yo u. Firs t, c op y the exa mp le.Work with yo ur gro up . If you ha ve an y p rob lem , go to m e.

    4 Discus s w ith yo ur tea ch e r wha t you kno w ab out ba d and wors e!

    1. Ratna: Getting a bad mark is bad. But cheating is worse . It is not honest.

    2. Mariska: These oranges are bad . They do not look fresh. But these mangoesare worse . They are rotten. You cannot eat them.

    3. Thomas: Smoking is bad . But smoking in public is worse .

    4. Firman: This small comic is bad for children. But, the big one is worse ,because there are many bad words in it.

    5. Andi: The road was bad . And after the flood, it certainly became worse .


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    123Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, c omple te the following se nte nce s a cc ording to the sp e ak e rs

    st a te ments .The firs t one ha s bee n done for yo u. F irs t, cop y the e xa mple.Work with your group . If you ha ve an y p roblem , go to me.

    1. According to Ratna, cheating is worse than getting a bad mark.

    2. According to Mariska, the mangoes __________________________ the oranges.

    3. According to Thomas, smoking in public _________________________smoking at theright place.

    4. According to Firman, the big comic_________________________the small one.

    5. According to Andi, the bad road got_________________________ after the flood.

    Complete the following se nte nce s with bad or wors e .The first one ha s bee n done for you. Firs t, cop y the e xa mple.

    Work with you r group. If you ha ve a ny problem, go to m e .

    1. The football field is a bad condition. It gets worse after the rain.

    2. Susi got a D and Tina got an E in Math. They both got __________ marks, but Tinagot a __________ mark than Susi.

    3. This is not a good dictionary. But, mine is _________ than this one. It is cheaper.

    4. Being silent is not always good. But saying bad words is even _________.

    5. The table cloth was not good even when it was new. It got __________ after Iwashed it.


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    4 Disc uss with you r te a cher wha t you know ab out more , few e r, a nd less !

    P lay the role s of the sp e aker s in the picture s. S a y the sp ea ke rs s e nte nce s corre ctly an d

    clea rly. F irst, re pe at after me .

    1. Max: I have 10 books. My teacher has 20 books. My teacher has more books

    than me. I have fewer books than my teacher.

    2. Yuni: There are 10 students in the library in the morning. In the afternoon,there are only 5 students. There are more students in the morning, and fewer students in the afternoon.

    3. Zulfikar: My uncle is richer than my father. He has more money than myfather. My father has less money than my uncle.

    4. Ani: There are 5 pockets on my bag, and 8 pockets on Andris bag. My baghas fewer pockets, and Andris bag has more pockets.

    5. Agus: Bread is not very sweet. Banana cake is very sweet. There is more sugar in banana cake, and there is less sugar in bread.


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    125Bahasa Inggris / When English Rings a Bell

    Now, complete the following s e ntenc e s a cco rding to the s pea ke rsst a te ments .

    The first one has be e n done for you . F irs t, co py the ex ample.Work with you r group. If you ha ve a ny problem, go to me .

    1. Max is saying that his teacher has more books than him, and he has fewerbooks than his teacher.

    2. Yuni is saying that there are_______________________________ in the library in themorning, and there are _______________________________ in the afternoon.

    3. Zulfikar is saying that his father_________________________ his uncle, and his uncle ___________________________________________ his father.

    4. According to Ani, her bag_________________________Andris bag.

    5. According to Agus, there is_________________________in bread, and_________________________in banana cake.

    The n make 5 more s entenc es with more , few er , a nd les s a bout re a l pe ople, a nima ls, o r th ing s you know we ll.

    Work with your grou p. If you ha ve a ny prob lem, go to me .


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    4 Disc us s w ith your t eac he r how yo u s ay paling ... to co mp are m ore th an two things in En glish!

    1. Balkis: I think real flowers are more beautiful than paper flowers. Paperflowers are more beautiful than plastic flowers. So, real flowers are the mostbeautiful of all flowers.

    2. Putu: Heni is 165 centimeters tall. Susi is 158 centimeters tall. Ita is 150centimeters tall. Heni is taller than Susi. Susi is taller than Ita. So, Heniis thetallest, and Ita is the shortest.

    3. Tasia: According to my sister, a big bus is more comfortable than a small bus.A mini bus is more comfortable thana micro bus. So, a big bus is the mostcomfortableof all.

    4. Hendrik: The snake is longer than the eel. The eel is longer than the earthworm. So, the snake is the longest, and the earth worm is the shortest.

    5. Bayu: My father always says that fresh fruit is more delicious than fruit juice.Fruit juice is more delicious than canned fruit. So, fresh fruit is the mostdeliciousof all.

    6. Hasim: The hospital is 3 kilometers from my here, the bank is 4 km from here,and the post office is 5 km from here. The hospital is nearer than the bank, thebank is nearer than the post office. So, the hospital is the nearest, and the postoffice is the farthest.

    P lay the roles of the s pe a ke rs in the p ictu re s .S a y the s pe ak er s sen ten ce s c orrec tl