teodas hplc

Post on 08-Nov-2015






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Kepedasan merupakan salah satu indikator mutu cabai merah yang dicerminkan oleh kandungan capsaicin. Capsaicin adalah senyawa utama capsaicinoid yang terdapat dalam buah cabai dari tanaman genus Capsicum. Cabai mengandung 0,1 sampai 1,5% capsaicin tergantung dari jenis cabai dan varietasnya serta kondisi lingkungan tempat tumbuhnya (Edmond dkk., 1983). Senyawa capsaicinoid terdiri dari capsaicin, dihydrocapsaicin, nordihydrocapsaicin, homodihydrocapsaicin, homocapsaicin, dan vanillyl

pelargonamide (Edmond dkk., 1983; Govindarajan, 1985; Todd dkk., 1997). Capsaicin merupakan komponen terbesar yaitu sebesar 69% dari total capsaicinoid diikuti dihydrocapsaicin sebesar 22%. Kandungan homocapsaicin dan homodihydro capsaicin terdapat dalam konsentrasi sangat kecil (Andrew, 1979; Govindarajan, 1985). Oleh karena itu rasa pedas pada cabai diidentikkan dengan capsaicin.

Cabai mengandung senyawa aktif capsaicin dengan rumus kimia C18H27NO3. Senyawa capsaicin memiliki kelarutan rendah dalam air tetapi larut dalam lemak, dan mudah rusak oleh proses oksidasi. Capsaicin terdiri dari unit vanil amin dengan asam dekanoat yang mempunyai ikatan rangkap pada rantai bagian asam (Andrew, 1979).

Derajat kepedasan cabai diukur dengan satuan Scoville. Skala scoville mengukur konsenstrasi capsaicin dalam cabai. Terdapat beberapa tingkat kepedasan cabai atau scoville rating yang berkisar antara 0 sampai 16.000.000 SHU (Scoville Heat Unit). Sebagai contoh bell pepper (termasuk juga paprika) mempunyai skala scoville 0 (nol), ini berarti bell pepper tidak pedas sama sekali karena tidak mempunyai zat capsaicin (Todd dkk., 1997). Namun cabai rawait (Thai pepper atau birds eye pepper) atau jika di Malaysia sering disebut chili padi mempunyai skala scoville 50.000 hingga 100.000 SHU.

Selama penyimpanan akan terjadi degradasi mutu cabai merah giling seperti degradasi capsaicin, penurunan vitamin C, perubahan warna. Degradasi capsaicin meningkat seiring dengan peningkatan temperatur (Ahmed dkk., 2000 dan Ahmed dkk., 2002). Proses pemanasan pada pengolahan puree cabai merah yang dilakukan exhausting pada suhu 82C selama 10 menit dapat memperpanjang masa simpan produk 2 hingga 3 bulan (Renate, 2004). Kehilangan nilai gizi juga terjadi pada penyimpanan yang terlalu lama, terutama pada kondisi suhu kamar atau suhu panas. Pertumbuhan jamur dapat dikurangi dengan menurunkan suhu tetapi jamur juga kurang aktif di ruang yang tidak lembab atau ruangan yang kering.

Kondisi proses terhadap parameter kinetika dapat dinyatakan dengan pendekatan model kinetika maupun model matematis seperti bentuk linier, eksponensial maupun hiperbola. Suhu merupakan faktor yang berpengaruh terhadap perubahan produk pangan. Semakin tinggi suhu penyimpanan maka laju reaksi sebagai senyawa kimia akan semakin cepat.. Untuk menentukan kecepatan reaksi kimia bahan pangan dalam kaitannya dengan perubahan s

(AGRITECH, Vol. 34, No. 3, Agustus 2014


Kinetic Model of Capsaicin Degradation on Red Chilli Paste at Various Storage Temperature

Dharia Renate1, Filli Pratama2, Kiki Yuliati2, Gatot Priyanto2 )

The major capsaicinoids present in most varieties of the chili are capsaicin (tran-8-methyl-N-vanillyl- 6-nonenamide)and dihydrocapsaicin (8-methyl- N-vanillylnonanamide). In addition, other minor ones are also found such as nordihydrocapsaicin, and dihydrocapsaicin. Capsaicin has been used in neurological research to stimulate sensory nerves and also to treat bladder inflammation. It is also found in topical ointments used for arthritis and neuralgia (Kaale et al., 2002), and exerts its effect on the sensory nerves by interacting with the vanilloid receptor, promoting the release of substance P as well as other cytokines (Surh et al., 2005).The determination of

*Corresponding author.

Email: pandyagh@rediffmail.com

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capsaicinoids in chili peppers, topical cream (Kaale et al., 2002), self-defense weapons (Reilly et al., 2001a) and aerosol defense sprays (Spicer and Almirall, 2005) has been of increasing interest for many reasons.

Chilli punge

high-performance liquid chromatography (HPLC) method has replaced the organoleptic method since the HPLC method is considered the most reliable and accurate method for determining both the amount of capsaicin and pungency in chili samples. HPLC is currently the most popular and reliable technique for the analysis of capsaicinoids. The technique has been mainly associated with UV absorption detection. Reversed phase-HPLC separation of capsaicinoids in some chili varieties was achieved using UV-Visible detector method. The linearity range of calibration curve was 0.0 to 200 ug/ml Validation was carried out by establishing the repeatability and Limits of detection (LOD/MDL) and Limit of quantitation (LOQ). The optimized conditions were applied for the determination of capsaicinoids in varieties of the chili samples.

In this work, reverse phase HPLC was used. The application of HPLC methods allows one to obtain a sensitivity and selectivity gain over other conventional methods. The aim of this study was to develop and validate an LC method for determining capsaicin in chilli samples determined in less than 20 min after extraction.

International Food Research Journal 21(3): 1137-1142 (2014) Journal homepage: http://www.ifrj.upm.edu.my

Study of quality control and uncertainty in estimation of capsaicinoids content and pungency in real chili samples using RP HPLC

Mukund Nagarnaik, Anil Dhakulkar and *Girish Pandya.. 2014

Capsanthin is the most important carotenoid pigment in red pepper (Kim et al. 2002). It has different properties such as antioxidant and immunoenhancing activities (Rhim et al. 2011; Topuz et al. 2011). Capsaicin (8-methyl- N-vanillyl-trans-6-nonenamide) is the main pungency compound isolated from red pepper (Othman et al.

2011). As a spicy by-product, it affects the quality of capsanthin extracted from hot red pepper. In fact, capsaicin is also used to treat pain and inflammation associated with various diseases (Shakhidoyatov et al. 2001; Zhang et al. 2008; Kim et al. 2009).

Capsanthin and capsaicin are usually extracted using conventional organic solvents and then iso- lated from the crude extract. This multistep process has some disadvantages such as high consumption of energy, inefficiency, and need of large amounts of a solvent. Although supercritical carbon dioxide (SC-CO2) extraction, a new method, can be used to extract capsanthin and capsaicin (Uquiche et

al. 2004; Kwon et al. 2011), it has no advantage in the extraction of some polar components, such as capsanthin and capsaicin, because carbon dioxide is a weak polar solvent. In addition, SC-CO2 extraction has stringent equipment requirements.

The salting-out extraction (SOE) system composed of short-chain alcohol, hydrophobic organic solvents, inorganic salt, and water is a novel method used to separate active constituents from fermentation broth or natural plant (Liu et al. 2010; Dai et al.

2011). Recently, aqueous two-phase system (ATPS) and three-liquid-phase system (TLPS) have been used to extract and isolate effective components from natural products such as anthocyanins from mulberry (Wu et al. 2011), geniposide from garde- nia fruit (Pan et al. 2002), piceid, resveratrol, and emodine from Polygonum cuspidatum (Wang et al.

2008), and salvianolic acid B from the crude extract of Salvia miltiorrhiza (Zhi et al. 2006). This method has many advantages such as low solvent require- ment, low cost, low equipment requirements, and short extraction time.

Vol. 32, 2014, No. 1: 109114 Czech J. Food Sci.

This study aims to establish TLPS with hydrophilic and hydrophobic organic solvents and inorganic salt aqueous solution as well as to extract capsanthin and capsaicin from red pepper in a single step. A fast extraction and separation method of capsanthin and capsaicin was realised by analysing the distribution of capsanthin and capsaicin in different phases.

(Supported by the National Natural Science Foundation of China, Grant No. 21266028, and by the Technology Innovation Program of Xinjiang Bingtuan, Project No. 2012CB015.

Three-liquid-phase Extraction and Separation

of Capsanthin and Capsaicin from Capsicum annum L.

Yan-Yan DANG1,2, Hua ZHANG1 and Zhi-Long XIU1

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