body mksmee

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Sistem Pengaturan Suhu Tubuh 

Suhu tubuh manusia cenderung berfluktuasi setiap saat. Banyak faktor yang dapat menyebabkan

fluktuasi suhu tubuh. Untuk mempertahankan suhu tubuh manusia dalam keadaan konstan,diperlukan regulasi suhu tubuh. Suhu tubuh manusia diatur dengan mekanisme umpan balik 

(feed back) yang diperankan oleh pusat pengaturan suhu di hipotalamus. Apabila pusattemperatur hipotalamus mendeteksi suhu tubuh yang terlalu panas, tubuh akan melakukanmekanisme umpan balik. Mekanisme umpan balik ini terjadi bila suhu tubuh inti telah melewati

 batas toleransi tubuh untuk mempertahankan suhu, yang disebut titik tetap (set point). Titik tetaptubuh dipertahankan agar suhu tubuh inti konstan pada 37°C. apabila suhu tubuh meningkat

lebih dari titik tetap, hipotalamus akan terangsang untuk melakukan serangkaian mekanismeuntuk mempertahankan suhu dengan cara menurunkan produksi panas dan meningkatkan

 pengeluaran panas sehingga suhu kembali pada titik tetap.

Mekanisme Tubuh Ketika Suhu Tubuh Berubah 

1.Mekanisme tubuh ketika suhu tubuh meningkat yaitu : 

a. Vasodilatasi 

Vasodilatasi pembuluh darah perifer hampir dilakukan pada semua area tubuh. Vasodilatasi ini

disebabkan oleh hambatan dari pusat simpatis pada hipotalamus posterior yang menyebabkanvasokontriksi sehingga terjadi vasodilatasi yang kuat pada kulit, yang memungkinkan percepatan

 pemindahan panas dari tubuh ke kulit hingga delapan kali lipat lebih banyak.

 b. Berkeringat 

Pengeluaran keringat melalui kulit terjadi sebagai efek peningkatan suhu yang melewati bataskritis, yaitu 37°C. pengeluaran keringat menyebabkan peningkatan pengeluaran panas melalui

evaporasi. Peningkatan suhu tubuh sebesar 1°C akan menyebabkan pengeluaran keringat yangcukup banyak sehingga mampu membuang panas tubuh yang dihasilkan dari metabolisme basal

10 kali lebih besar. Pengeluaran keringat merupakan salh satu mekanisme tubuh ketika suhumeningkat melampaui ambang kritis. Pengeluaran keringat dirangsang oleh pengeluaran impuls

di area preoptik anterior hipotalamus melalui jaras saraf simpatis ke seluruh kulit tubuhkemudian menyebabkan rangsangan pada saraf kolinergic kelenjar keringat, yang merangsang

 produksi keringat. Kelenjar keringat juga dapat mengeluarkan keringat karena rangsangan dariepinefrin dan norefineprin.

c. Penurunan pembentukan panas 

Beberapa mekanisme pembentukan panas, seperti termogenesis kimia dan menggigil dihambatdengan kuat.

2.Mekanisme tubuh ketika suhu tubuh menurun, yaitu : 

a. Vasokontriksi kulit di seluruh tubuh 

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Vasokontriksi terjadi karena rangsangan pada pusat simpatis hipotalamus posterior.

 b. Piloereksi 

Rangsangan simpatis menyebabkan otot erektor pili yang melekat pada folikel rambut berdiri.

Mekanisme ini tidak penting pada manusia, tetapi pada binatang tingkat rendah, berdirinya buluini akan berfungsi sebagai isolator panas terhadap lingkungan.

c. Peningkatan pembentukan panas 

Pembentukan panas oleh sistem metabolisme meningkat melalui mekanisme menggigil,

 pembentukan panas akibat rangsangan simpatis, serta peningkatan sekresi tiroksin.

Penjalaran Sinyal Suhu Pada Sistem Saraf 

Sinyal suhu yang dibawa oleh reseptor pada kulit akan diteruskan ke dalam otak melalui jaras

spinotalamikus (mekanismenya hamper sama dengan sensasi nyeri). Ketika sinyal suhu sampaidi tingkat medulla spinalis , sinyal akan menjalar dalam traktus Lissauer beberapa segmen di atasatau di bawah, dan selanjutnya akan berakhir terutama pada lamina I, II dan III radiks dorsalis.

Setelah mengalami percabangan melalui satu atau lebih neuron dalam medulla spinalis, sinyalsuhu selanjutnya akan dijalarkan ke serabut termal asenden yang menyilang ke traktus sensorik 

anterolateral sisi berlawanan, dan akan berakhir di tingkat reticular batang otak dan komplek ventrobasal thalamus. Beberapa sinyal suhu pada kompleks ventrobasal akan diteruskan ke

korteks somatosensorik.

System imun

ang paling menarik, walau manusia dikelilingi oleh ancaman serius ini, kita tidak melakukan upaya apa

pun untuk melindungi diri darinya. Ini disebabkan adanya suatu mekanisme dalam tubuh kita, yang

menjalankan tugas ini atas nama kita, memberikan perlindungan yang kita butuhkan, tanpa membuat

kita terganggu sedikit pun. Inilah Sistem Kekebalan. Sistem ini merupakan sistem yang paling penting

dan paling menakjubkan yang beroperasi dalam tubuh kita, karena ia menjalankan salah satu misi hiduppaling vital. Kita mungkin tidak menyadarinya, tetapi semua unsur sistem kekebalan melindungi tubuh

kita layaknya sepasukan besar prajurit angkatan bersenjata. Sel-sel pertahanan yang melindungi tubuh

manusia terhadap penyerang seperti bakteri, virus, dan mikroorganisme lainnya, dilengkapi dengan

kemampuan luar biasa. Pola kecerdasan, upaya, dan pengorbanan, yang ditunjukkan sel-sel ini selama

perang yang mereka kobarkan di dalam tubuh, mengherankan semua orang yang mempelajarinya. 

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PRE-PARTICIPATION HISTORY & PHYSICAL EXAMName:____________________________ Sex: ¢F ¢M Age:_______ Date of Birth:

 __________ Grade:_______ School:______________________ Sport(s)Please list ALL:

 ________________________  Address:______________________________________________________ Phone: _______________ Personal Physician:_________________________ NoneEmergency Contact :Name:______________________ Relationship:_______________ Phone#(s):

 ______________  Attention parent or guardian and athlete: answers to the following questions are very important!!! Please takethe time, read through the questions, and answer to the best of your knowledge.General Medical History: YES NO

1. Do you haveasthma?.............................................................  ¢¢2. Do you have diabetes?...........................................................  ¢¢3. Do you have high blood pressure?

.........................................  ¢¢4. Do you have seizures?...........................................................  ¢¢5. Do you have sickle cell trait?

..................................................  ¢¢6. Do you have any other major medical problem?....................  ¢¢

7. Have you ever been hospitalized or had surgery?.................  ¢¢8. Do you cough, wheeze or have trouble breathing

with exercise? .........................................................................  ¢¢

9. Do you use an inhaler?...........................................................  ¢¢10. Do you have a single organ (testicle or kidney)?....................  ¢¢

11. Are you currently taking any medicines or do you take

any medicines on a regular basis (prescription or over-the-counter)? ..................................................................  ¢¢

12. Have you ever taken any supplements or vitamins tohelp with weight loss, weight gain, or improve performance?¢¢

13. Do you have any allergies (seasonal, insects, food,or medicines)? ........................................................................  ¢¢

14. Have you ever had a rash or hives develop during or after exercise? ........................................................................  ¢¢

15. Do you have any skin problems other thanacne?..................  ¢¢16. Have you ever had a head injury, been knocked out,lost your memory, had your ³bell rung,´ or a concussion?...... ¢¢

17. Have you ever had numbness or tingling in your arms,hands, legs, or feet? ...............................................................  ¢¢

18. Have you ever had a stinger, burner, or pinchednerve?........ ¢¢19. Have you ever become ill from exercising in the heat?

.......... ¢¢20. Have you had mononucleosis or any significant illnessin the last 60 days?.................................................................  ¢¢

21. Do you have trouble with your eyes/vision/ wear glasses? .... ¢¢

22. Do you have trouble with your hearing/wear hearing

aid(s)? . ¢¢23. Do you want to weigh more or less than you do now?........... ¢¢

24. Do you lose weight regularly to meet weightrequirements for your sport or other reason? .........................  

¢¢25. Do you feel stressed out, tired, or depressed?.......................  ¢¢26. Are there any other issues you would like to discuss

with the doctor?.......................................................................  ¢¢

27. Are your immunizations up to date?

«««««««««««I_I I_IFEMALES ONLY27. Are your periods regular (every month)?

................................  ¢¢28. Are your periodsheavy?.........................................................  ¢¢

Explain ³YES´ answers here ( use back/page 2 if needed ): ___________ ________________________________________________


 ________________________________________________ ____________

Cardiac History: YES NO1. Have you ever passed out during or after exercise?.......¢¢

2. Have you ever been dizzy during or after exercise?.......¢¢

3. Have you ever had chest pain or chest pressure

during or after exercise? ................................................. ¢¢

4. Do you tire easily or more quickly than your friendsduring exercise?.............................................................. ¢¢5. Have you ever had racing of your heart or skipped heartbeats?........................................................ ¢¢6. Have you ever been told you had a heart


7. Have you ever been told you had an enlargedor weak heart? ................................................................ ¢¢

8. Has any member of your family:-died of heart problems or sudden deathbefore age 50?.............................................. ¢¢

-been told they had a serious heart problembefore age 50?.............................................. ¢¢-been told they had Marfan¶s syndrome?........¢¢9. Has a physician ever denied or restricted your participation in sports? .................................................... ¢¢

Explain ³YES´ answers here:


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 ________________________________________________ _________

 ________________________________________________ _________

 ________________________________________________ _________

Orthopaedic History: YES NO1. Have you ever broken or fractured any bones?..............¢¢

2. Have you ever subluxed or dislocated any joint?............¢¢3. Have you had any other problems related to your:-neck, spine, or back?.....................¢¢

-shoulders?..................................... ¢¢-elbows? ......................................... ¢¢

-wrists, hands, or fingers?...............¢¢

-hips?.............................................. ¢¢

-knees?........................................... ¢¢

-ankles, feet, or toes? .....................¢¢

-other?............................................ ¢¢Explain ³YES´ answers here (  put date of injury if 

known): ________ ________________________________________________ _________

 ________________________________________________ _________ ________________________________________________


Parent¶s Permission & Acknowledgement of Risk for Son or Daughter to Participate inAthletics As the parent or legal guardian of the above named student-athlete, I give my permission for his/her participation in athletic events

and thephysical evaluation for that participation. I understand that this is simply a screening evaluation and not a substitute for regular health care. I also

grant permission for treatment deemed necessary for a condition arising during participation of these events, including medical or surgical

treatment that is recommended by a medical doctor . I grant permission to nurses, trainers and coaches as well as physicians or those under their direction who are part of athletic injury prevention and treatment, to have access to necessary medical information. I know that therisk of injury to

my child/ward comes with participation in sports and during travel to and from play and practice. I have had the opportunity tounderstand the riskof injury during participation in sports through meetings, written information or by some other means. My signature indicates that to

the best of myknowledge, my answers to the above questions are complete and correct. I understand that the data acquired during theseevaluations may be

used for research purposes. 

Signature of athlete _________________________________________________________ Date ________________ Signature of parent/guardian __________________________________________________ Date


PRE-PARTICIPATION SPORTS PHYSICAL EXAMVision: L20/ R20/ Both Corrected: Y N BMI________ Height Weight Pulse B/P (R arm)Medical Normal Abnormal Findings

 Appearance/Emotional AffectHead/Eyes/Ears/Nose/ThroatLymph NodesHeart (squatting to standing andsupine)

Pulses (include femoral)

Lungs AbdomenGenitalia (males only)

SkinMusculoskeletal Normal Abnormal FindingsNeckBackShoulder/ArmElbow/ForearmWrist/HandHip/Thigh

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May Participate in all sports, EXCEPT  those listed below: _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____

May Participate after completing evaluation/rehabilitation for: __________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____

 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ____

May Not Participate ± Reason: __________________________________________________________________ _________________________________________________________________________________________________________


Recommendations: __________________________________________________________________________________

 _________________________________________________________________________________________________________  ____ 

Signature of M.D. ________________________________ Date of Exam:

 ____________ Printed Name: ____________________________________ Office StampPhone Number: __________________________________ Extra Space for ³YES´ answers from the front: ________________________________________________________________

 ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________ ________________________________________________________________________________________________________Developed 2003-2004 by the Richland County (South Carolina) School District One Task Force On Athletic Health Issues following areview of related information from the American Academy of Family Physicians, American Academy of Pediatrics, American Medical 

Society for Sports Medicine, American Orthopaedic Society for Sports Medicine, American Osteopathic Academy of SportsMedicine,the South Carolina High School League and the National Federation of State High School Associations. Revised 011807 by the

SCMA Medical Aspects of Sports Committee(Wt in kg/ hgt in meters squared) 

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