uji imunologi - fk uns 2011 - tonang

TES-TES IMUNOLOGIS DI LABORATORIUM Dikompilasi oleh: Tonang Dwi Ardyanto

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Dikompilasi oleh:Tonang Dwi Ardyanto

Page 2: Uji Imunologi - FK UNS 2011 - Tonang

Uji lab. imunologis : 1. Reagen antigen ditambahkan pada

antibodi yang terikat pada gel, lempengan (plate) atau manik-manik.

2. Reagen antibodi ditambahkan pada antigen yang terikat.

3. Antigen dan antibodi bebas dicampurkan.4. Menilai fungsi sel kekebalan in vitro

pada prinsipnya meniru secara in vitro reaksi imunologis yang terjadi dalam tubuh.

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Reaksi Coombs & Gell

Reaksi tipe I : Ab terikat, Ag bebas Reaksi tipe II : Ab bebas, Ag terikat Reaksi tipe III : Ab bebas, Ag bebas Reaksi tipe IV : Hipersensitivitas Uji fungsi limfosit

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Reaksi Coombs & Gell uji :

I : Ag ( ) bebas vs Ab (Y) ter-ikat pd sel lab. : Ab (Y) diikatkan pd masa padat

II : Ab (Y) bebas vs Ag ( ) ter-ikat lab. : Ag diikatkan pd masa padat

III : Ab (Y) be-bas vs Ag ( ) bebas lab.: Ab ( Y) dlm la-rutan direaksi-kan dg Ag ( ) dlm larutan

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Reaksi tipe I : Ab terikat, Ag bebas (asma, syok anafil.)

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Reaksi tipe II : Ab bebas, Ag terikat (reaksi transfusi)

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Metoda pemeriksaan interaksi Ag-Ab, Ab spesifik interaksi dg. Ag yang melekat pada permukaan partikel/sel.

Ukuran partikel: 200-250 nm.

Reaksi: Berlangsung cepat (menit/jam). Sensitivitas analitik > tinggi dp. Reaksi presipitasi.

Mekanisme: Tahap 1; Aggregasi partikel/sel oleh Ab membentuk kisi-

kisi lebar makroskopis gumpalan halus. Tahap 2; pembentukan sedimen antara gumpalan halus membentuk gumpalan > besar. Ig M mempunyai 10 binding site agglutinasi > kuat dp.

Ig G.

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Syarat reaksi imunoagglutinasi: Ag melekat pada partikel/sel. Ag-Ab ada dalam proporsi optimal. Perlu media elektrolit, dipengaruhi; suhu, daya ionik, pH.

Jenis Agglutinasi:I 1. Agglutinasi Langsung 2. Agglutinasi tak langsung

Ag yang larut diadsorbsikan pada carier (lateks, bentonit,

eritrosit). ♠ Pemeriksaan carier lateks; Rheumatoid faktor, CRP, anti TG Ab., Aso,

Cryptococcal Ag, histoplasmosis, Trichinosis

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♠ Pemeriksaan carier eritrosit: a. Active haemagglutination. Direk A.H. : tes golongan darah. Indirek A.H.: Coomb‘s tes ; direk indirek b. Passive haemagglutination. Direk: TPHA anti HBs, RPHA HBs Ag, Rubella PHA. Indirek: Deteksi non agglutinating Ab ( anti serum


IgG). 3. Agglutinasi Inhibisi. HI Virus dengue. HCG .II. Agglutinasi bakteri: - tabung - Slide.III. Agglutinasi degan zarah kaku: Lateks, bentonite,


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Agglutinasi langsung.

Reaksi Widal.


Ab. O Ag. Ohne Hauch Ag O/H



Salmonella tifi Ab. S. tifi

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Reaksi Golongan Darah.

Agglutinogen A Agglutinin Agglutinasi

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Protein A

Ag. ? Stapilokokus Ab. Spesifik


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Agglutinasi tak langsung

Mendeteksi Ag.:


Eritrosit angsa Ag. Terlarut ? Agglutinasi

Contoh: RPHA HBs Ag (Reverse Passive Haemagglutination)

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Mendeteksi Ab. Agglutinasi tak langsung


Ag. Terlarut Eri kambing Eri terlapisi Ag Ab. ?


Contoh: PHA (TPHA)-anti HBs

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Direk Coomb‘s tes.


Inkomplit Ab. Coomb' s Agglutinasi Eritrosit

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Indirek Coomb‘s tes.

E Coomb‘s Inkomplit Ab serum


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CRP (C Reactive Protein)


Ab pd Latek Ag protein CRP serum pend.


Kelebihan CRP dibandingkan LED: _ Infeksi akut: CRP +, LED , Infeksi sembuh: CRP , LED

masih .

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Ag : Streptococcus Hemolyticus

Kadar Normal: <125 S.Todd (dewasa). <200 S.Todd (anak).

Indikasi Pemeriksaan: Demam Rematik Akut. Glomerulo nepritis Akut (GNA). Bila peningkatan titer 2X Infeksi sedang berlangsung. Pemeriksaan dilakukan 2X fase Akut dan konvalescen.

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Agglutinasi Inhibisi

Haemagglutination Inhibisi (HI) tes DHF.

Virus + Eri Angsa Agglutinasi.Virus + Eri Angsa + Serum pend. DHF tidak

agglutinasi.Virus + Eri Angsa + Serum orang Normal


Preparasi serum penderita; 2-5 ml darah ambil serum simpan 0oC pada

fase akut & konvalesen. Serum diekstraksi dengan kaolin. Perbandingan

serum: saline: kaolin= 1 : 4 : 5. Inkubasi 20‘, kocok putar 2.500 ppm selama 30‘.Ag viral: Den 1. Den 2. Den 3

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Reaksi tipe II, komplemen terlibat

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Reaksi tipe III : Ab bebas, Ag bebas), terbentuk kompleks Ag-Ab (GNA, PJR)

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Reaksi tipe IV : tipe selular (peny. granuloma, uji tuberkulin)

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Pembacaan hasil langsung (mata telanjang):

– presipitasi– aglutinasi

dengan alat :– nefelometri– scanning

dengan bahan radioaktif dengan pewarnaan dengan fluoresensi

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Meningkatkan reaksi Ag-Ab

menggunakan media yang tepat :– Larutan– gel – massa padat : plate, butir manik-manik

mengatur suhu optimum menggunakan medan listrik mengatur suhu optimum menambahkan bahan tertentu

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Antibodi diikatkan pada lempengan(meniru reaksi tipe I)

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Gb 1 dan 2 : Ab dilekatkan pada massa solid, Gb 1 : Ag berlabel ditambahkan, kemudian Ag uji ditambahkan, Gb 2 : Ag uji ditambahkan, kemudian Ab berlabel ditambahkanPengukuran : dilakukan pd Ag berlabel yg terdesak oleh Ag uji

(Gb1) atau pada Ab berlabel yang terikat (Gb 2).

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Antibodi diikatkan pada gel(meniru reaksi tipe II )

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• Pada gel yg mengandung Ab dibuat sederet sumuran.

• Ag dimasukkan ke dlm sumur-an.

• Ag akan berdifu-si ke sekeliling-nya dan bereak-si dg Ab dlm gel.

• Luas lingkaran presipitin berko-relasi dg kon-sentrasi Ag, di-bandingkan dg. Grafik standar

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Gb atas : Ab mau-pun Ag bebas dlm gel, Ab bergerak ke arah kutub neg., Ag bergerak ke arah kutub pos., kedua-nya bertemu ter-bentuk presipitin.

Gb bawah : Ab terikat pada gel, Ag bebas begerak ke arah kutub positif shg terjadi presipitat berbentuk spt roket

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Antigen diikatkan pada massa padat

(meniru reaksi tipe II)

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Antigen bebas, antibodi bebas(meniru reaksi tipe III)

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Ag maupun Ab dimasukkan ke dalam sumuran yang dibuat pada media gel. Akan terjadi difusi Ag maupun Ab. Pd Gb a. terjadi satu sedangkan pada b. dua pita precipitin pada pertemuan Ag dan Ab.

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Gb 1 : garis presipitin menunjukkan bahwa Ag di sumuran kiri dan Ag kanan keduanya mempunyai epitop yg identik.

Gb 2 : Ag dlm sumuran kiri tidak identik dg Ag di sumuran kanan, terlihat dari adanya presipitin yang bersilangan.

Gb 3 : Taji pada presipi-tin kanan menunjuk-kan bahwa Ag di su-muran kiri dan kanan adalah identik parsial.

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Pada campuran Ag yang telah diberi label radioaktif ditambahkan Ab spesifik. Kompleks Ag-Ab diendap-kan. Endapan dipisahkan dari Ag yang bebas, lalu dielektrofore-sis. Dibaca dengan scanner radioaktivitas

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Gb 1. Pd tabung kanan maupun kiri terdapat Ag. Tbg kanan : terjadi reaksi Ag dg serum uji yang sesuai komplek Ag-Ab

Gb 2. Setelah penambahan komplemen : pd tabung kiri komplemen yg ditambahkan tetap bebas.

Gb 3. Komplemen bebas di tabung kiri melisis sel indikator

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Gb 1. Komplemen diikatkan pada fase padat.Gb 2. Kompleks Ag-Ab terikat pada komplemenGb 3. Pembacaan dg anti-IgG yg telah dilabel radioaktif

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• Antigen mikro-organisme (banyak Ag) dielektroforesis pada gel shg terpisah satu sama lain.

• Hasil elektrofo-resis dipindah-kan ke lempeng nitroselulose (blotting), ditambahkan Ab, dicuci, dst dibaca dengan pelabelan radioaktif atau dg pewarnaan

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Adanya lisis membukti-kan terjadi reaksi Ag-Ab dg ke-terlibatan komplemen.

Tidak ada li-sis berarti reaksi Ag vs Ab tidak berpenga-ruh pada sel indikator.

Gb bawah tabel bukti adanya ma-cam2 kompl.

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Uses an enzyme system to show the specific combination of antigen antibody

An enzyme labeled or linked to a specific antigen

A substrate A color reader Double antibody technique to detect and

assay antigen Indirect technique to Assay and antibody

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Indirect ELISA Ab detection

– Immobilize Ag– Incubate with sample– Add labeled anti-Ig– Amount of labeled Ab

bound is proportional to amount of Ab in the sample

• Quantitative



Ab in Patient’ssample


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Double Antibody ELISA

Ag detection– Immobilize Ab– Incubate with sample– Add labeled antibody– Amount of labeled Ab

bound is proportional to the amount of Ag in the sample

• Quantitative




Ag in Patient’ssample


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Enzyme-Linked ImmunoSorbant Assay (ELISA)

Indirect ELISA Sandwich ELISA

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1. Indirect ELISA

The steps of the general, "indirect," ELISA for determining serum antibody concentrations are:

1. Apply a sample of known antigen of known concentration to a surface, often the well of a microtiter plate. The antigen is fixed to the surface to render it immobile. Simple adsorption of the protein to the plastic surface is usually sufficient. These samples of known antigen concentrations will constitute a standard curve used to calculate antigen concentrations of unknown samples. Note that the antigen itself may be an antibody.

2. The plate wells or other surface are then coated with serum samples of unknown antigen concentration, diluted into the same buffer used for the antigen standards. Since antigen immobilization in this step is due to non-specific adsorption, it is important for the total protein concentration to be similar to that of the antigen standards.

3. A concentrated solution of non-interacting protein, such as Bovine Serum Albumin (BSA) or casein, is added to all plate wells. This step is known as blocking, because the serum proteins block non-specific adsorption of other proteins to the plate.

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4. The plate is washed, and a detection antibody specific to the antigen of interest is applied to all plate wells. This antibody will only bind to immobilized antigen on the well surface, not to other serum proteins or the blocking proteins.

5. The plate is washed to remove any unbound detection antibody. After this wash, only the antibody-antigen complexes remain attached to the well.

6. Secondary antibodies, which will bind to any remaining detection antibodies, are added to the wells. These secondary antibodies are conjugated to the substrate-specific enzyme. This step may be skipped if the detection antibody is conjugated to an enzyme.

7. Wash the plate, so that excess unbound enzyme-antibody conjugates are removed.

8. Apply a substrate which is converted by the enzyme to elicit a chromogenic or fluorogenic or electrochemical signal.

9. View/quantify the result using a spectrophotometer, spectrofluorometer, or other optical/electrochemical device.

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To detect antibody (indirect ELISA):

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2. Sandwich ELISA

A sandwich ELISA: Plate is coated with a capture antibody sample is added, and any antigen

present binds to capture antibody detecting antibody is added, and binds

to antigen enzyme-linked secondary antibody is

added, and binds to detecting antibody substrate is added, and is converted by

enzyme to detectable form.

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A less-common variant of this technique, called "sandwich" ELISA, is used to detect sample antigen. The steps are as follows:

1. Prepare a surface to which a known quantity of capture antibody is bound.

2. Block any non specific binding sites on the surface. 3. Apply the antigen-containing sample to the plate. 4. Wash the plate, so that unbound antigen is removed. 5. Apply primary antibodies that bind specfically to the

antigen. 6. Apply enzyme-linked secondary antibodies which are

specific to the primary antibodies. 7. Wash the plate, so that the unbound antibody-enzyme

conjugates are removed. 8. Apply a chemical which is converted by the enzyme into

a color or fluorescent or electrochemical signal. 9. Measure the absorbance or fluorescence or

electrochemical signal (e.g., current) of the plate wells to determine the presence and quantity of antigen.

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To detect antigen (sandwich ELISA):

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3. Competitive ELISA A third use of ELISA is through competitive

binding. The steps for this ELISA are somewhat different than the first two examples:

1. Unlabeled antibody is incubated in the presence of its antigen.

2. These bound antibody/antigen complexes are then added to an antigen coated well.

3. The plate is washed, so that unbound antibody is removed. (The more antigen in the sample, the less antibody will be able to bind to the antigen in the well, hence "competition.")

4. The secondary antibody, specific to the primary antibody is added. This second antibody is coupled to the enzyme.

5. A substrate is added, and remaining enzymes elicit a chromogenic or fluorescent signal.

For competitive ELISA, the higher the original antigen concentration, the weaker the eventual signal.

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Competitive ELISA for antigen

Method– Determine amount

of Ab needed to bind to a known amount of labeled Ag


Prior to Test

Labeled Ag







– Use predetermined amounts of labeled Ag and Ab and add a sample containing unlabeled Ag as a competitor

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Competitive ELISA for Ag Method cont.

– Determine amount of labeled Ag bound to Ab

NH4SO4 anti-Ig Immobilize the Ab

• Quantitative– Most sensitive test







– Concentration determined from a standard curve using known amounts of unlabeled Ag



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Kuantitasi limfosit

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Tujuan : menghitung AFCPrinsip : Ab menyebab-

kan lisis eritrosit ter-sensitisasi.

Gb atas: Ig spesifik (thd Ag tertentu) yg di-produksi sel uji meli-sis eritrosit tersensi-tisasi, setelah pe-nambahan anti-Ig.

Gb tengah : IgM yang spesifik (thd Ag ter-tentu) langsung meli-sis eritrosit yg punya Ag tersebut

Gb bawah : Ig (tak ha-nya yg spesifik) ber-ikatan dg eritrosit tersentisitisasi dg anti-Ig,dan selanjut-nya mampu mengikat komplemen lisis

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Ig yang dipro-duksi sel lim-pa menge-luarkan anti-bodi yg kemu-dian berikat-an dg eritrosit tersensitisasi.

Selanjutnya komplemen yg ditambahkan akan menye-babkan lisis eritrosit yang telah mengikat Ab di permu-kaannya, ter-adi plaque ( )

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Ag reagen (kiri)/Ab reagen anti-sitokin (kanan) dilekatkan pd plate• Limfosit B uji (kiri) mengeluarkan Ab spesifik, reaksi Ab vs Ag• Limf T uji (kanan) mengeluarkan sitokin, sitokin yg sesuai bereak-

si dg Ab antisitokin ditambah Ab antisitokin yg mengikat enzim Selanjutnya dg teknik Enzym immunoassay dpt dihitung jml sel ( )

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Cara memisahkan limfosit dari populasi sel lain : dalam Ficoll Isopaque eritrosit, granulosit dan trombosit akan mengen-dap di bawah bila disentrifuse, limfosit di atas Ficoll.

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Gb kiri : limfosit mempunyai reseptor utk eritrosit domba; pencampuran kedua sel itu akan menghasilkan roset (eritrosit mengelilingi limfosit)

Gb tengah:sel yg mempunyai reseptor Fc dapat mengikat Ab; bila dicamur dg eritrosit yg telah tersensitisasi, maka Ab di permukaan eritrosit akan berikatan silang dengan sel tadi shg terbentuk roset.

Sel-sel telah membentuk roset selanjutnya dpt dipisahkan dg cara sedimentasi lewat Ficoll gradients

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Uji fungsi limfosit

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Uji kemampuan limfosit : Populasi lim-fosit yg telah terpisahkan dibiak dlm medium dan dipacu dg Ag kmdn ditam-bahkan Tritia-ted thymidine Limfosit dipa-nen dan dita-ruh pd glass-fiber filter disc, lalu di-baca dg skin-tilasi Nilai tinggi berarti limf telah me-ngalam trans-formasi (me-respon Ag)

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Uji kemampuan toksisitas limfosit Sel target dilabel dg Cr radioaktif Sel target berlabel di biak bersama Limfosit (sel

efektor) selama 4-16 jam. Terjadi pembunuhan sel target, Cr radioaktif bebas dalam supernatan.

Supernatan dipisah, Cr radioaktif dalam supernatan diukur.

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Produksi Ab monoklonal:

Sel limpa difusi-kan dg sel mie-loma, lalu dibiak pada medium HAT dlm banyak sumuran.

Sel fusi tetap hi-dup,sel lain ma-ti. Beberapa da-ri sel fusi meng-hasilkan Ab.

Ab di supernatan diidentifikasi.

Sel di sumuran yg mengandung Ab yang diinginkan kemudian dibiak

Ab mono-klonal.

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Sel kelenjar limfe tikus yg telah disensi-tisasi diinku-basikan ber- sama Ag ( ) sel feeder dan syngeneic aktivasi sel T.

Sel T teraktivasi dibiak bersa-ma IL-2 sel T yg dipero-leh diuji spe-sifisitasnya utk memper-oleh galur yg diinginkan.
