tumor tulang pp

TUMOR-TUMOR TULANG Rachmat Saleh Bagian Radiologi Fak. Kedokteran Unhas

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Page 1: Tumor Tulang Pp


Rachmat SalehBagian Radiologi

Fak. Kedokteran Unhas

Page 2: Tumor Tulang Pp

Klasifikasi histologis tumor-tumor tulang berdasarkan : Pemeriksaan sitologi


Bentuk (Arsitektur) Tipe dari matriks yang dihasilkan oleh sel tumor

Page 3: Tumor Tulang Pp

Tumor Primer (primary bone tumor) Tumor Jinak (Benign Tumor)

Giant cell tumor Tumor Ganas (Malignant Tumor)

Osteosarcoma Tumor sekunder / secondary bone tumor (metastase) Lesi mirip tumor / Tumor like lesion

Aneurysmal bone cyst

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Page 6: Tumor Tulang Pp

Proliferasi sel stromal mononuklear Osteoclastik multinucleated giant cell

Usia : 20–45 th Lokalisasi : Metafisis Epifisis Subartikuler Predileksi :

Distal femur proximal tibia distal radius sacrum

Metastasis ke paru 2% Gejala klinis :

Nyeri istirahat Local swelling Pergerakan sendi sekitar terbatas Fraktur patologis (10-12%) Gejala neurologis (spine lesion)

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Radiologis Central/eksentrik, ekspansif Lesi radiolusen (litik) Batas tidak tegas Bersepta-septa (foam like app.) Zona transisi antara tulang normal dan patologik (<1 cm) Penipisan korteks dan + periosteal reaction

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A. GCT of the distal femur in a 68-year-old woman. AP radiograph shows the lesion (arrows) approaching the end of the bone. B. GCT of the distal radius in a 16-year-old girl. Radiograph shows that the giant cell tumor originates in the metaphysis (asterisk), and in this patient with a partially open physis, the tumor has crossed the physis (black arrow) and extends to the end of the bone


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Malignant bone producing tumor Pertumbuhan tak terkendali dari osteoblast dan

osteoclast Usia : 10–30 th Lokalisasi : >> metafisis tulang panjang Predileksi :

Distal femur Proximal tibia, Hip Shoulder

Metastasis ke paru , tulang, kel. limfe Gejala klinis nonspesifik

Nyeri Swelling Riwayat trauma Fraktur patologis (15-20%)

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RadiologisBentuk osteolitik

Batas tidak tegas Periosteal new bone formation Codman’s

triangle Kalsifikasi dan pembengkakan

Bentuk osteoblastik/osteogenik Batas irregular Kalsifikasi jaringan lunak densitas Reaksi periosteal Sunray/sunburst app. Soft tissue swelling

DD/Ewing’s sarcoma Onion skin app.

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Osteosarcoma of the distal femur with periosteal reaction and so tissue mass. a Anteroposerior radiograph of the distal femur shows a small triangle of interrupted periosteal reaction (arrow) at the superior margin or the tumor (Codman triangle). Note that the lesion shows areas of sclerosis (large asterisk) and lysis (small asterisk). b Lateral radiograph shows the associated so tissue mass (arrows) to better advantage

a b

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a.Osteosarcoma of the distal fibula-predominantly osteoblastic. Amorphous calcification/ossification is present in the soft tissues withcortical destruction and a little periosteal new bone formation.b. Osteosarcoma of the distal femur predominantly chondroblastic. Note the well-defined soft-tissue mass and radiating spiculation of calcification within it. Sclerosis and lysis are present within the medullary cavity that is slightly expanded

a b

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Reactive vascular phenomenon or secondary to another lesion or trauma

Klasifikasi : Primary ABC (70%) Secondary ABC (30%)

Usia : 5–20 th Lokalisasi : >> metafisis tulang panjang, short tubular

bones, pelvis, axial and craniofacial skeleton

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Predileksi : Femur Tibia Humerus Vertebrae

Gejala klinis : Nyeri dan bengkak < 6 bulan pulsatile Fraktur patologis (15-20%) nyeri akut

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Classification of morphological types of ABC. Type I, central with little expansion; type 2, central with expansion and cortical thinning; type 3, eccentric with involvement of only one cortex; type 4, subperiosteal extending ‘outwards’ with intact or only superficially eroded cortex; and type 5, subperiosteal with growth both outwards and centrally towards the medulla, with cortical destruction

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Radiologis Destruksi tulang radiolusen Lesi ekspansif Korteks menjadi sangat tipis dan mengembung keluar

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