rpt bi (sjk) tahun 5

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  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    KSSR Year 5 SJK 2015English Yearly Scheme of Work




    Week 15-9 JAN



    Unit 1:Family First

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions

    (c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and give

    directions toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk on

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms


    Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:

    (a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels

    (b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords by

    applying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creative

    works based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly and

    appropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near

    (e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctly



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    topics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    and appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.


    Unit 1:

    Family First

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress and


    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak on

    related topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces around

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) using

    contextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstand

    phrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word


    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:

    (a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transfer

    information withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-

    verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation


    Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countable

    nouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbs

    correctly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over



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    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideas

    b) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperative






    Unit 2:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.


    Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:

    (i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting details

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able to

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response


    Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since




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    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formal

    situations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencing

    d) predicting

    with guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    punctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 2:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participate

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-linear

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) values

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) past



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    in dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation and

    enjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction


    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.


    Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    with guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    continuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to use

    adjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to use

    adverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 3:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriate

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting with

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems with

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronouns



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    words, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation


    Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.


    Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    (b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:

    (a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    correct spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuate

    correctly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using a

    variety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    correct stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance


    Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    correctly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to use

    prepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly and

    appropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.

    Week 6 WORLD OF 1.1.1 2.2.1 3.1.1 4.1.1 5.1.1 TEXTBOOKPAGE

  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5





    Unit 3:

    Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein daily

    conversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and give


    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrate

    Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance


    Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speech


    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare and

    participate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly and

    appropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency


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    understanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 4:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrases

    and expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) make

    suggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifying


    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read and

    demonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:

    (a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts


    Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,

    pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance


    Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly and

    appropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense


    Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative



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    Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.





    Unit 4:

    1.1.1Able to speak

    with correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,

    2.2.1Able to apply

    word attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning of

    3.1.1Able to write in

    neat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spell

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazz

    chants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm and


    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nouns

    correctly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding of

    oral texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    base word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    words byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    (d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.





    Unit 5:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress and


    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) using

    contextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:

    (a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-

    verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts using

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countable

    nouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although



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    (d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.


    Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideas

    b) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    (c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    a variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    (b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to use

    articles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperative





    Unit 5:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance to

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:



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    Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections to

    places aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interest

    in formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    (a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    complete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spelling


    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    (a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    (a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning of

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountable



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5



    Unit 6:

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer to

    complete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections to

    places aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting details

    words:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing

    (b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices

    (c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spelling


    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based on

    literary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works


    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:

    (a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.

  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    c) sequencingd) predicting




    Unit 6:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics with


    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) show


    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations with

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases and

    sentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving main

    ideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation with

    guidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond to

    literary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of media

    with guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly and

    appropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.




  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5



    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.





    Unit 7:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.


    Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:

    (i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts

    (b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment with

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:

    (a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to create

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response


    Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters

    (b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) present

    continuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectives



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    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencing

    d) predicting

    guidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    texts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    correctly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 7:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to a

    given stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)

    (ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write in

    neat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns


    Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositions



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    (a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    correctly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to use

    adverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 8:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts


    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    (a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.


    Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.


    Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:

    (a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using a

    variety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly and

    appropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:

    (a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 8:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressions

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:



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    with guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and give


    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guided

    conversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance


    Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    (b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speech


    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:

    (a) non-linear(b) linear

    rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare and

    participate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    (a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly and

    appropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative

    (b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.


    1.1.1Able to speakwith correct

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skills

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible print

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poems

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly and



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5




    Unit 9:

    pronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) make

    suggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:

    by:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read and

    demonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills

    (a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    with correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts


    Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    and songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance


    Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance with

    guidance basedon literary works

    appropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense


    Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside

    (b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 9:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond to

    suggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.


    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding of

    texts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:

    (a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm and


    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce and

    display creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctions

    correctly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to use



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    articles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 10:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,

    stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.


    Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections to

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:

    (a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read and

    understandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correct

    spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs


    Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spelling

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songs

    through non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:

    (a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative


    Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over




  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    places aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving main

    ideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction


    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to construct





    Unit 10:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) show

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual clues

    to get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving main

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences

    (b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of media

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns

    (b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5



    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk on

    topics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) giving

    supporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    ideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    with guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctly

    and appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentences



    Week 23




    Unit 11:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics with

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual clues

    to get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases and

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences

    (b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation with

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond to

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns

    (b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly and



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    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and give

    directions toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk on

    topics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    sentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    guidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords by

    applying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    literary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    appropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near

    (e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctly

    and appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.


    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response


    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns



  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5




    Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task

    (d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces around


    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencing

    (i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting

    (c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word


    Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts using

    a variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although

    (b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.

  • 8/10/2019 RPT BI (SJK) Tahun 5


    d) predicting




    Unit 12:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:

    (a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas and

    supporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance to

    complete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages


    Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:

    (a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:

    (a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to use



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    Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    adverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 12:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen to

    and respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.


    Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and giveinstructions.

    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.


    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before the

    word (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-linear


    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance

    2.2.4Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs


    Able to write inneat cursivewriting withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts

    (b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speechmarkers

    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using a

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,

    sing songs, recitejazz chants andpoems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time

    (c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare andparticipate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to usepronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense

    (b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly and



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    Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    (a) fiction(b) non-fiction

    variety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    appropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctlyand appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 13:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus by

    using appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) makesuggestions(b) respond tosuggestions(c) volunteer tocomplete a task(d) showappreciation

    1.2.2Able to listen,follow and give

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word

    (cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read anddemonstrateunderstanding oftexts by:(a) sequencing(b) predicting(c) giving mainideas andsupporting detailswith guidance


    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.1.2Able to write inneat cursive

    writing withcorrect spelling:(a) sentences(b) paragraphs

    3.2.1Able to transferinformation withguidance tocomplete:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    3.2.2Able to write withguidance:(a) labels(b) notices(c) messages

    3.2.3Able topunctuatecorrectly:(a) speech

    4.1.1Able to enjoy jazzchants, poemsand songsthrough non-verbal response

    4.1.2Able to listen to,sing songs, recite

    jazz chants and

    poems withcorrect stress,pronunciation,rhythm andintonation

    4.2.1Able to respond toliterary texts:(a) characters(b) place and time(c) valueswith guidance

    4.3.1Able to plan,produce anddisplay creativeworks based onliterary texts usinga variety of mediawith guidance

    4.3.2Able to plan,prepare and

    5.1.1Able to use nounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) countablenouns(b) uncountablenouns

    5.1.2Able to use

    pronounscorrectly andappropriately:(a) interrogative

    5.1.3Able to use verbscorrectly andappropriately:(a) presentcontinuous tense(b) pastcontinuous tense

    5.1.4Able to useconjunctionscorrectly andappropriately:(a) although(b) since

    5.1.5Able to useprepositionscorrectly and



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    1.2.3Able to listen to,follow, and givedirections toplaces aroundtheirtown.

    1.2.4Able to participatein guidedconversationswith peers.

    1.2.5Able to talk ontopics of interestin formalsituations withguidance.

    1.3.1Able to listen toand demonstrateunderstanding oforal texts by:a) giving mainideasb) givingsupporting detailsc) sequencingd) predicting

    Able to applydictionary skills(a) locate words(b) meaning ofbase word

    2.3.1Able to read forinformation andenjoyment withguidance:(a) fiction(b) non-fiction


    3.2.4Able to spellwords byapplying spellingrules.

    3.3.1Able to createtexts using avariety of mediawith guidance:(a) non-linear(b) linear

    participate in aperformance withguidance basedon literary works

    appropriately:(a) beside(b) next to(c) between(d) near(e) over

    5.1.6Able to useadjectivescorrectly andappropriately:(a) comparative(b) superlative

    5.1.7Able to usearticles correctlyand appropriately.

    5.1.8Able to useadverbs correctly

    and appropriately:(a) place(b) frequency

    5.2.1Able to constructimperativesentencescorrectly.




    Unit 13:

    1.1.1Able to speakwith correctpronunciation,stress andintonation.

    1.1.2Able to listen toand respond to agiven stimulus byusing appropriatewords, phrasesand expressionswith guidance.

    1.1.3Able to speak onrelated topics withguidance.

    1.2.1Able to participatein dailyconversations:(a) make

    2.2.1Able to applyword attack skillsby:(a) usingcontextual cluesto get meaning ofwords:(i) before theword (anaphoric)(ii) after the word(cataphoric)(b) identifyingidioms

    2.2.2Able to read andunderstandphrases andsentences from:(a) linear texts(b) non-lineartexts

    2.2.3Able to read and

    3.1.1Able to write inneat legible printwith correctspelling:(a) sentences