informasi program sarjana paralel-internasional psikologi ui

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  • 8/9/2019 Informasi Program Sarjana Paralel-Internasional Psikologi UI


    Program Sarjana ParalelPROGRAM S1 PARALEL

    Program S1 Paralel ini hampir sama dengan Program S1 Reguler. Perbedaan

    antara keduanya terletak di waktu perkuliahan serta persyaratan calon peserta.


    1. Lulus dari SMA /SMK/ MA/sederajat

    2. Tidak ada batasan Usia


    Calon Mahasiswa dapat mengikuti tes seleksi melalui beberapa jalur penerimaan

    mahasiswa baru UI, yakni: Program PPKB (Program Prestasi dan dan

    Pemrataan kesempatan Belajar) dan SIMAK UI (Seleksi Masuk UI).

    1. Jalur Undangan :PPKB (Program Prestasi dan dan Pemrataan

    kesempatan Belajar) yang ditujukan untuk program S1 Paralel (tanpa ujian ,

    dilihat dari nilai SMA)

    2. SIMAK UI :Peserta dapat memilih program Vokasi (D3), S1 Reguler dan

    S1 Paralel sekaligus, hanya dengan 1x ujian

    Materi ujian:Kemampuan IPA, Kemampuan Dasar, dan Kemampuan IPS

    (tergantung pilihan calon mahasiswa: IPA, IPS, atau IPC)


    Perkuliahan berlangsung selama minimal 8 semester (4 tahun) dan maksimal 12

    semester (6 tahun) dengan beban studi = 144 SKS.

  • 8/9/2019 Informasi Program Sarjana Paralel-Internasional Psikologi UI


    Waktu Kuliah : Senin- Jumat, pukul 14.00-18.00 WIB

    Kuliah berlangsung di Fakultas Psikologi UI, Kampus UI Depok.


    Jenjang pendidikan S1 bisa ditempuh dalam 4 tahun dan gelar yang diperoleh

    adalah Sarjana Psikologi (S.Psi). Untuk menjadi psikolog, seorang sarjana

    psikologi harus melanjutkan pendidikan ke jenjang Strata 2 Program Magister.


    Setelah menyelesaikan studi di Fakultas Psikologi UI, mahasiswa dapat memiliki

    pilihan beragam untuk karir masa depan mereka, meliputi:

    1. Asisten psikolog

    2. Staf dan manajer di Departemen Sumber Daya Manusia

    3. Staf konsultan yang mengkhususkan diri di bidang psikologi

    4. Dosen dan peneliti

    5. Konselor

    6. Fasilitator dalam pengembangan masyarakat

    7. Asisten peneliti

    8. Fasilitator dan motivator dalam pelatihan

    9. Administrator tes psikologis

  • 8/9/2019 Informasi Program Sarjana Paralel-Internasional Psikologi UI


    10. Bisnis

    11. Pegawai pemerintah (manajerial, posisi non peneliti)

    12. Pemasaran, penjualan dan iklan, serta bidang-bidang lainnya yang terkait

    dengan manusia.


    Untuk mengaktualisasikan dan mengembangkan diri, di kampus ini tersedia

    wadah formal, yakni Badan Eksekutif Mahasiwa (BEM) dan Majelis

    Permusyawaratan Mahasiwa (MPM). BEM adalah wadah formal yang

    memfasilitasi dan mendukung kegiatan mahasiswa melalui program-program

    dalam bidang pendidikan, keilmuan, sosial, seni-budaya, dan olahraga.

    Pada Unit Kegiatan Mahasiswa (UKM) yang merupakan organisasi otonom untuk

    mewadahi bidang-bidang kerohanian seperti Forum Ukhuwah dan Studi Islam

    (FUSI), Keluarga Mahasiswa Katolik (KMK), Persekutuan Oikumene Sivitas

    Akademika (PO), dan lain-lain. Dalam mewadahi minat dan kelompok-kelompok

    mahasiswa, BEM memiliki BKBEM (Badan Kelengkapan BEM) dan KP (Klub

    Peminatan) yang memiliki kegiatan rutin, dalam bidang fotografi, tari, futsal,

    basket, kebudayaan Jepang, teater, musik, dan pecinta alam.

    International Class Program Faculty of Psychology UI &

    School of Psychology UQ

    Universitas Indonesia

  • 8/9/2019 Informasi Program Sarjana Paralel-Internasional Psikologi UI


    International Class Program is an undergraduate program held by the Faculty of

    Psychology, Universitas Indonesia in conjunction with the School of Psychology,

    Faculty of Social Behavioral Science, University of Queensland, Brisbane,


    The total duration of the program is 4 years, during which the students will spend

    2 years at UI (the first, second, third, and eight semesters) and 2 years at UQ

    (the fourth, fifth, sixth, and seventh semesters). Students who have completed all

    courses and requirements will graduate with a Bachelor of Art (BA) in

    Psychology from the University of Queensland and a Sarjana Psikologi (S.Psi)

    degree from Universitas Indonesia.

    Faculty of Psychology Universitas Indonesia

    The Faculty of Psychology at Universitas Indonesia is the oldest Faculty of

    Psychology in Indonesia. Most of the teaching staff are postgraduates from

    national and international institutions. The Faculty of Psychology offers an

    undergraduate programme (Degree: S.Psi), and postgraduate programmes

    (Degrees: Psychologist, M.Psi., M.Si., and Dr.)


    Classrooms with state of the art facilities, online libraries, computer laboratories,

    Academic Support Unit, observation & interview laboratory, hot spot, free internet

    and internet hotspot, mosque, canteen, banks and ATMs, Student CounselingService, sports facilities, child care, bookstore, and convenience store.

    School of Psychology, The University of Queensland

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    Founded in 1910 as the first university in Queensland, in 2007, UQ was ranked

    33rd in the worlds University ranking compiled by the Times Higher Education

    Supplement. The University is one of the only three Australian members of

    Universitas 21 which is a select international network of comprehensive research

    intensive universities.

    UQ remains the most successful Australian University in winning the national

    teaching award in Australia. The university has more than 2200 highly qualified

    academic staff dedicated to teaching and research. The school of Psychology is

    located near the river of St. Lucia, 6 kilometers from Brisbane city centre, with an

    area of 114 hectare. Brisbane has 4 seasons but the climate is similar to

    Indonesia. With more than 50 courses offered for undergraduates along with

    internationally acclaimed teaching staffs, The School of Psychology at UQ is one

    of the most prestigious institution in Australia.


    UQ Library has one of the largest collections amongst academic libraries in

    Australia and by far the largest in Queensland, including:

    Over 2.5 million volumes

    9,963 print journals and 51,288 electronic journals

    976 networked databases to guide you to journal content

    Multiple copies of textbooks held, including copies in High Use Collections

    for quick access

    399,083 electronic books

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    34,458 videos

    Comprehensive quick reference collection

    Extensive manuscript, microform and pictorial collections,

    Other facilities are hot swimming pool, tennis and squash court, gymnasium,

    bank, academic assistance, bookshop, computer facilities including laptop and

    wireless network, computer training courses for student, health services,

    international student support, and student dormitories.


    Some of the courses taken at UI and UQ:

    Introduction to Psychology, Social Psychology, Industrial & Organizational

    Psychology, Philosophy, Research Methods and Statistics, Cross Cultural

    Psychology, Physiological Psychology, Individual, Culture and Society, Methods

    of Psychological Scale Construction, Theories of Personality, Self-Development

    Training, Ethics,Child Development, Neuropsychology, Learning & Cognition,

    Social & Organizational Psychology, Psychopathology, Comparative

    Psychotherapies, and Principles of Psychological Assessment.

    Graduated as BA in Psychology at the end of 8th semester.

    Graduated as Sarjana Psikologi after return to Indonesia


    Students are eligible to continue their study at UQ once they have passed all of

    the mandatory courses taken at UI. Other requirement: Obtaining

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    ITP/International TOEFL with minimum score of 500 or IELTS passing grade =


    Entrance Registration

    Talent Scouting : February 2014 April 2014

    SIMAK UI : June 2014

    Entrance Test

    SIMAK UI : July 2014

    For further information and registration form at:

    Email :[email protected]

    Registration :

    mailto:[email protected]://[email protected]