start para ogx

Post on 21-Jul-2016






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Booklet Start for OGX

Step 1: EP registration

Go to Clic on “Registrese”

Step 1: EP registrationFill the form, Make sure that you don’t use any

special character ($#´), and when asked for your

full name fill your name and last name

You don’t need to wait for

the platform to send you a

confirmation email.

Once you have registered

you can access


Step 2: Creating a Contract

Login in to the “Practicante” portal

If you click on the

login button and

nothing happens it

means that either

your user or

password is


Once inside Click on “Euro pass”

Step 2.1: Uploading your CV

Upload you Euro pass (CV) in PDF formatGo back to the EP menu and click on

“Firmar Euro pass”

Step 2.2: signing your CVClick once on “Firm europas” you will get

a confirmation once it is signed

By signing the Euro

pass you knowledge

that the information

stated in there is


Click on “Aceptar”

Step 2.3: Generating your Contract

Click once on “Generar Contrato” and a

windows will displayFill the form

When you choose

Multiplica tu impacto

a window will popup

asking for the

number of

Exchanges and the


Step 3: signing the contract EP

Click once on “Ver Contrato”

In the news

windows it will

display a list of all

your contracts, you

can download the

contract, once you

are sure about it you

can click on “firmar

contrato” once it is

signed you icon will

change to a check

Click on “Aceptar”

Step 4: signing the contract LC

Login in to “Oficina Local” Click on “Ver contratos”

Step 4: signing the contract LCLook for the Contract and Sign it

In these menu the LC have different options:

• You can add a discount Clicking on “Descuento”,

this discount are those that the LC decide to

apply according to local policies.

• If the EP is going sponsored by a different

organization you can click on “Beca” an input how

much of the cost is the organization going to


• You can click on “ver” to download and check the


• And you can Search using any criteria (EP ID,

Name, etc)

Step 5: Payment

Log in in the “practicante” portal Click on “Generar factura”

Step 5: PaymentOnce the contract is signed by the EP, LC and

MC it will appear in this menu.

Click on “pagar” to pay by bank transfer

• Currently you can only pay

via PSE button (Bank


• If you want to pay using a

different method you please

ask the finance area of your


Step 6: FAQ

• If you try to log in and input your

user and password but nothing

happens, it mean that the password

is incorrect.

• If you forgot your password or need

to change it, contact the MC VP IM asking

to change your password (you will

need to provide the C.C of the EP)

• If the name of the EP is displaying

bad on the contract, contact your

MCVP to correct it. (you will need

to provide the C.C. of the EP

• If you created an incorrect Contract,

just create a new one.

• If the LC can’t sign the contract it

means that the EP haven’t sign it


• If the contract doesn’t appear on

the “generar facture” option it mean

that either the MC or LC haven’t

approve the contract

• If you input a wrong EP ID in the

contract, generate a new one

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