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Post on 05-May-2017






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Okti Dewi Chaidir Vina Sofyana

Yuli Khaerunnissa

2 semesters health analyst pekalongan

Muhammadiyah islamic hospital pekajangan

Starting from a clinic and maternity hospital that was founded in the year 1967, the health service has now become the leading hospitals in Pekalongan . Islamic hospital public health centers Muhammadiyah Pekajangan .

Name polyclinic which stands on an area of 3.300 m2 was becoming shone when the name was changed to the Islamic Muhammadiyah hospital Pekajangan on June 17, 1988

With the rapid development of the era , gradually Pekajangan Muhammadiyah Islamic hospital expansion and improvement of facilities , both buildings , medical / paramedical / nonparamedis , supporting equipment medical equipment / paramedics and improve services to patients .

In 1995 , the Islamic Muhammadiyah hospital Pekajangan build Kenanga room and sun room is an area of 2.000 m2 , as well as managing the guesthouse fastabiqu al Khairat into the meeting room and parking space . In March 2005 , the C -type hospitals that began the development process init emergency room , Poly Outpatient and Administrative Office two floors ,

Vip room

1. Bed Side Cabinet2. air conditioning3. LCD TV ( Channel 15

Channel National and International )

4. Refrigerator5.  Wardrobe6. Kitchen Set7. place clothesline8. Patient dining table9. Seat sofa10. In the bathroom , hot /

col11. Shower12. I Phone13. Nurse Call

Muhammadiyah Islamic hospital Pekajangan always working to improve the quality of human resources , both formal and informal . This was done to provide maximum satisfaction to the patient and the patient's family

Improvement of human resources , among others, performed by holding a special program for nurses is still in hospital diploma School Health Nurses to be trained as Associate Expert Nursing . In 2006 , all nurses at the hospital have targeted the Islamic Muhammadiyah Pekajangan Associate Expert Nursing diploma .

Vision is capable of manifesting as maintaining and improving health services to all levels of society in the

plenary , and professional quality

Islam PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital has eight lofty goals namely

1. As a leading service center " Trauma Centre "2. Center as a health efforts3. Becoming a mother's hospital4. Being a service center diabetes mellitus and hypertension5. Improving hospital BOR6. Increasing physical development especially outpatient

unit , inpatient , emergency department and spaceintensive

7. Improving the quality of care and patient satisfaction , patient families , employees and community

8. Increase the interest of the middle class to utilize the services of RSIP

Hospital Name : Islam PKU Muhammadiyah Hospital Pekajangan

Name of Director : Dr. . H. Chamim Yuniarno , MMR , MH

Date Established : June 17, 1988

Ownership : Branch Chairman of Muhammadiyah Pekajangan

Type : C

Address : Jl . No. Ambokembang Kingdom . 42-44 district.

Kedungwuni Kab . Pekalongan, Central Java

Phone : (0285) 785133 - 785681

Fax : (0285) 785681

Number of Bed : 94

Email Address :

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