
Post on 05-Sep-2015






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  • TUJUAN TATAP MUKA 2 X PERTEMUANMampu :Menjelaskan pengertian HACCPMenjelaskan tujuan penerapan HACCPMenjelaskan manfaat penerapan HACCPMenyebutkan tujuh prinsip HACCPMenjelaskan isi dari rencana HACCPMelakukan Identifikasi bahaya pada satu contoh produk makananMenetapkan CCP pada satu contoh makananMenetapkan batas / limit kritis untuk CCP yang telah diidentifikasi pada satu contoh makananMenetapkan langkah pemantauan untuk CCP sesuai batas limit yang telah ditentukanMenetapkan tindakan koreksi jika ditemukan CCP yang melebihi batas kritisdari hasil pemantauanMenetapkan langkah-langkah verifikasi dari hasil tindakan koreksi CCPMenjelaskan kegiatan dokumentasi yang diperlukan untuk penerapan HACCP

    satu produk makanan


    1. Pendinginan makanan yang tidak tepat2. Membiarkan makanan selama 12 jam (penyajian)3.Kontaminasi makanan mentah ke dalam makanan non-reheating4.Penanganan makanan oleh pekerja yang menderita infeksi 5. Proses pemasakan dan pemanasan tidak cukup6. Penyimpanan makanan dlm keadaan hangat < 65 C7. Pemanasan kembali makanan suhu tidak tepat8. Makanan berasal dari sumber yang tidak aman9. Terjadi kontaminasi silang.

  • PENGERTIAN Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP)Suatu system yang mengidentifikasi BAHAYA SPESIFIK yang mungkin timbul dan cara pencegahannya untuk mengendalikan bahaya tersebut.

  • Tujuan HACCP Umum Meningkatkan kesehatan masyarakat dengan cara mencegah atau mengurangi kasus keracunan dan penyakit melalui makanan (Food born disease). KhususMengevaluasi cara produksi mkn bahaya ?Memperbaiki cara produksi mkn critical processMemantau & mengevaluasi penanganan, pengolahan, sanitasi Meningkatkan inspeksi mandiri

  • Kegunaan HACCPMencegah penarikan makanan Meningkatkan jaminan Food SafetyPembenahan & pembersihan unit pengolahan (produksi)Mencegah kehilangan konsumen / menurunnya pasien Meningkatkan kepercayaan konsumen / pasien Mencegah pemborosan beaya

  • HACCP Plan Contains:HACCP teamDefinition of HACCP and CCPTarget of the HACCP systemDescription productIngredientsHazard Analysis and Assignment of Risk categories form 1 & form 2Process Flow DiagramDecision tree for Establish CCPHACCP plan matrixStandard Operation ProcedureHACCP audit form

  • PRINSIP HACCP1.Identifikasi bahaya2.Penetapan CCP3.Penetapan batas / limit kritis4.Pemantauan CCP5.Tindakan koreksi thd penyimpangan6.Verifikasi7.Dokumentasi




  • Urutan Resiko Bhn MakananUnggas & produk unggasDaging sapi & produk daging sapiDaging babi & produk daging babiIkan & produk ikanSalad campuran (telur, tuna) & sayuran lalapanLauk pauk lainnyaSusu & produk susu (kcl. Es cream)Puding & krimEs cream & permenBahan kering


  • Bahan PanganOrganisme PatogenDaging dan produk dagingSalmonellaS. aureusY. enterocoliticaC. perfringensC. botulinumE. coli patogenikL. monocytogenesVirus entericParasitSusu dan produk susuMycobacteriumBrucellaSalmonellaL. monocytogenesE. coliS. aureusBacillus sp.Clostridium sp.VirusUnggas dan produk unggasSalmonellaCampylobacterC. perfringensS. aureusY. EnterocoliticaL. monocytogenesProduk hasil laut (ikan, kerang, udang)V. choleraeV. parahaemolyticusC. botulinumL. monocytogenesParasitVirus (utama Hepatitis A)Sayur-sayuranSalmonellaShigellaV. choleraeL. monocytogenesVirus Hepatitis A& entericParasit

  • MikotoksinMikroba penghasilMakanan yang tercemarAflatoksinAspergillus flavusJagung, kacang tanah, biji kapas, kopra, beras, susu, kacang-kacangan lain.PatulinPenicillium claviformeApel, anggur, buah-buahanOkratoksin AAspergillus ochraceusGandum, jagung, barlei, kacang tanah, biji-bijianZearalenonFusarium sp.Jagung, barlei, sorghum, wijen, minyak jagung, patiFumonisinFusarium moniliformeJagung, barlei, sorghum, wijen, minyak jagung, patiBotulininClostridium botulinumMakanan kaleng, daging, ikan & sea food, telur, sayuranAsam bongkrekPseudomonas cocovenenansBungkil ampas kelapa, tempe bongkrek


  • KelompokJenis Bahan KimiaContohTerbentuk secara alamiMikotoksin,Skrombotoksin, Toksin jamur & kerang, Alkaloid pirolizidin, Fitohemaglutinin, PCB (polychlorinated biphenyl)Aflatoksin, okratoksin, zearalenonHistaminAmatoksin, palotoksinToksin paralitik, toksin diare, neurotoksin, toksin amnestikDitambahkan secara sengaja atau tidak sengajaBahan kimia pertanianLogam/benda berbahayaBahan tambahan (terlarang atau melebihi batas)Bahan bangunan & sanitasi, PengawetPestisida, fungisida, pupuk, insektisida, aldrin, antibiotik, hormon pertumbuhan, fertilizerPb, Zn, As, Hg, SianidaPewarna (amarant, methanil yellow, rhodamin B)Lubrikan, sanitizer, pelapisNitrit, formalin, boraks

  • ToksikanSumberMakanan yang tercemarCiguateraDinoflagelatBerbagai ikan tropisToksin kerang : paralitik, neirutoksin, diareik, amnesikBerbagai dinoflagelatKerangAlkaloid pirolizidinBerbagai tanaman beracunSerealia, maduHistaminBakteri pembusukIkan, kejuHCNSingkong, gadungAsam jengkolatJengkolMimosinPetai china/lamtoroSolaninKentangEterisCabe

  • Bahan Tambahan Pangan

  • Penggunaan BTP yang dilarang borax boric acid


    unapproved colouring agents

  • polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons heterocyclic amines, nitropyrenes nitrosamines ethyl carbamate (urethane) chloropropanolsKontaminan selama produksi

  • Potensial bahan lain


  • Cemaran fisik yang potensialglassslime or scummetalboneplasticstones and rockscapsules or crystalspits or shellwoodpaperhuman and animal hair


    NAMA MASAKAN : Ket. B (M) = Biologis (Mikrob) ; K = Kimia ; F = Fisik


  • KELOMPOK BAHAYA to form 2

    KEL. BHYKARAKTERISTIKAKelompok makanan KHUSUS yang terdiri dari makanan NON STERIL yang ditujukan untuk konsumen beresiko tinggi, seperti bayi, balita, orang sakit/pasien, orang tua, ibu hamil, ibu menyusui, usia lanjutBMakanan yang mengandung bahan / ingridien yang SENSITIF terhadap bahaya biologis, kimia, atau fisikCDi dalam proses pengolahan makanan TIDAK terdapat tahap yang dapat membunuh mikroorganisme berbahaya atau mencegah / menghilangkan bahaya kimia / fisikDMakanan kemungkinan mengalami PENCEMARAN KEMBALI setelah pengolahan SEBELUM pengemasan / penyajianEKemungkinan dapat terjadi KONTAMINASI KEMBALI atau penanganan yang salah SELAMA distribusi, penanganan oleh konsumen / pasien, sehingga makanan menjadi berbahaya bila dikonsumsiFTidak ada proses pemanasan setelah mengemasan / penyajian atau waktu dipersiapkan di tingkat konsumen / pasien yang dapat memusnahkan / menghilangkan BAHAYA BIOLOGIS. -Atau Tidak ada cara bagi konsumen untuk mendeteksi, menghilangkan, atau menghancurkan BAHAYA KIMIA atau FISIK

  • FORMULIR 2. ANALISA RESIKO BAHAYA NAMA MASAKAN : A = Makanan untuk konsumen beresiko tinggi (a.l. pasien & gol. Resti) B = Mengandung bahan yang sensitif thd bahaya biologis/kimia/fisik C = Tidak ada tahap untuk mencegah/menghilangkan bahaya D = Kemungkinan mengalami kontaminasi kembali setelah pengolahanE = Kemungkinan penanganan yang salah selama distribusi /konsumsiF = Tidak ada cara mencegah/menghilangkan bahaya oleh konsumen


  • Kategori Resiko Makanan Form 2. HACCP

    Kategori resikoKarakteristik bahayaKeterangan00 (tidak ada bahaya)TIDAK mengandung bahaya A s.d. FI(+)Mengandung SATU bahaya B s.d. FII(++)Mengandung DUA bahaya B s.d. FIII(+++)Mengandung TIGA bahaya B s.d. FIV(++++)Mengandung EMPAT bahaya B s.d. FV(+++++)Mengandung LIMA bahaya B s.d. FVIA+ (kategori khusus) Kategori resiko paling tinggi (semua makanan yang mengandung BAHAYA A, baik DENGAN/TANPA bahaya B - F

  • Examples of Risk categories

    ApplicabilityHazard A :A special class that applies to the non sterile product designate and intended for the consumption by at risk population.--Hazard B :The product contains sensitive ingredient in terms of microbiological hazard.+Hazard C :The process does not contain a controlled processing step that effectively destroys harmful micro-organism.+Hazard D :The product is subject to re-contamination after processing and before packaging.--Hazard E :There is a substantial potential for abusive handling and could render for the product harmful when consumed--Hazard F :Thee is a substantial potential for abusive handling and could render for the product harmful when consumed--Two (+) it s mean of Risk categories 2

  • LANGKAH-LANGKAH IDENTIFIKASI BAHAYAJenis bahaya & Resiko - Biologis (Mikrobiologis), Kimia, Fisik Form 1. - Kategori Resiko Form. 2Persiapan Diskripsi produk Nama masakan : Opor ayam Bahan : Ayam negeri, sntan kelapa, garam, gl pasir, Kunyit, Bb masak Konsumen : Cara penyimpanan : Cara distribusi : Cara mengkonsumsi : Proses pengolahan : Tahap 1 Tahap 2 Tahap 3 dst

  • Example for Products DescriptionDescription of product

    Batter / breadered chicken portions are packaged into polyethylene bags and shipped in corrugated box, 15 bags per master box and 51 pieces per bag. Product shelf life is 90 days if kept < 0oF or < -18oC. After shipment to a distribution centre, the product is delivered to stores where it is kept frozen with temperature < 0oF or < -18oC until use. Nuggets are cooked by deep frying on palm oil at 360oF (182.2oC) for 4 minutes 15 seconds to reach internal temperature at least 165oF. It is served as Chicken McNuggets with special sauce and has a 30 minutes holding time.

  • IngredientsContains :Main ingredientPreservativeOther ingredient (coating, salt, water) Including detail information packaging and shelf life for every ingredient.

  • Example of Ingredient 5. Ingredients 1. Meat formulaFresh boneless chicken (breast, thigh),Meat packed on 10 kg of food grade polyethilene bag. Shelf life of meat and Skin in chilled condition is 6 days after slaughtering date or 7 days include slaughtering date.2. Coating2.1. Milkwash Enriched wheat flour bleached (flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate, riboflavin, folic acid), yellow corn flour, salt, leavening (baking soda, sodium aluminium phosphate).2.2. Breader Enriched bleached wheat flour (flour, niacin, reduced iron, thiamine mononitrate,riboflavin, folic acid), leavening (sodium acid pyrophosphate, baking soda, monocalcium phosphate, calcium lactate)

  • Prinsip 2PENETAPAN CRITICAL CONTROL POINT (CCP)CCP titik, prosedur atau tahap operasional yang dapat dikendalikan untuk menghilangkan atau mengurangi kemungkinan terjadinya bahaya.

    Pengelompokan & Cara penetapan CCP - - CCP1 menghilangkan atau mencegah bahaya - CCP2 mengurangi bahaya (tdk dpt menghilangkan)

    CCP Dessission Tree

  • Prinsip 3 PENETAPAN BATAS / LIMIT KRITIS suatu nilai yang merupakan batas antara keadaan dapat diterima dan tidak dapat diterima, ditetapkan pada setiap CCP yang ditentukan --> like a sample KRITERIA BATAS / LIMIT KRITIS

    SuhuWaktuKelembaban (RH)Nilai AwNilai pHKuali & Kuant mikrobKonsent. PengawetKonsent. GaramKlorin bebasViskositasNilai kimiaCemaran (jenis & jml)Kondisi fisik terdeteksi (warna, bau, tekstur)


    Kondisi/konsekuensiContohTerjadi bahaya bagi kesehatanDitemukannya pecahan kaca atau tulang pd makanan & Ditemukan mikroba patogen pada makanan Kemungkinan bahaya dapat meningkat / berkembangPemanasan yang kurangSuhu pendinginan yang kurangSarana penyajian-Disrtb-Konsm


    Tingkat resikoTindakan koreksi / perbaikanMakanan beresiko tinggiMkn tdk boleh diproses/diolah sebelum semua penyimpangan dikoreksi / diperbaiki. Mkn ditahan / tdk didistribusikan dan diuji keamanannyaJika keamanan makanan tidak memenuhi syarat, perlu dilakukan tindakan koreksi yang tepat.Makanan beresiko sedangMakanan dapat diproses/diolah, tetapi penyimpangan harus dikoreksi dalam waktu singkatPemantauan khusus diperlukan sampai semua penyimpangan dikoreksiMakanan beresiko rendahMakanan dapat diolah (diteruskan), penyimpangan harus dikoreksi / diperbaiki jika waktu memungkinkan. Pengawasan rutin harus dilakukan untuk menjamin status resiko tidak berubah menjadi resiko sedang atau tinggi.

  • Prinsip 6VERIFIKASIPenetapan jadwal verifikasiPemeriksaan kembali rencana HACCPPemeriksaan catatan HACCPPemeriksaan penyimpangan CCP & prosedur perbaikannyaPengamatan visual selama produksi mengendalikan CCPPengambilan contoh / sampel dan analisa secara acakMembuat kesesuaian rencana HACCP

  • Prinsip 7DOKUMENTASI HACCPJudul dan tanggal pencatatanKeterangan makanan (keterangan khusus)Bahan dan peralatan yang digunakanProses pengolahan yang dilakukanCCP yang ditemukanBatas kritis yang ditetapkanPenyimpangan dari batas kritis yang terjadiTindakan koreksi / perbaikan Identifikasi tenaga operator peralatan khusus


  • Nama masakan : Opor ayamBahan : Ayam negeri, santan kelapa, garam, gl pasir, Kunyit, Bb masakKonsumen : (tuliskan, siapa konsumennya)Cara penyimpanan : (uraikan cara dan alat menyimpannya)Cara distribusi : (uraikan cara dan alat distribusinya)Cara mengkonsumsi : (uraikan cara dan alat mengkonsumsinya) Proses pengolahan : (uraian skema proses pengolahannya)Analisa bahaya form 1 Analisa katagori resiko form 2 Tetapkan CCP CCP Dessession Tree Penerapan HACCP form 3.Contoh penerapan HACCP (a.l. masakan : opor ayam)


    NAMA MASAKAN : Opor ayam Ket. B (M) = Biologis (Mikrob) ; K = Kimia ; F = Fisik


  • FORMULIR 2. ANALISA RESIKO BAHAYA NAMA MASAKAN : Opor AyamA = Makanan untuk konsumen beresiko tinggi (a.l. pasien & gol. Resti) B = Mengandung bahan yang sensitif thd bahaya biologis/kimia/fisik C = Tidak ada tahap untuk mencegah/menghilangkan bahaya D = Kemungkinan mengalami kontaminasi kembali setelah pengolahanE = Kemungkinan penanganan yang salah selama distribusi /konsumsiF = Tidak ada cara mencegah/menghilangkan bahaya oleh konsumen




  • HACCP Plan Matrix


    Japfa-OSIEffective: Date and Name: 11/5/00/RB/HA11/5/00

    HACCP PLAN FOR CHICKEN McNUGGETSRevision: Date and Name:2/5/01Revision number: 1

    Operational StepHazardCCPCritical LimitFrequencyMonitoringMonitoredCorrective ActionRecordVerificationFrequency ofVerified


    Raw materialMicrobial(1) Receiving- Product temperatureEach deliveryAll product isQCI- Contact QA Mana-Raw Material-Thermometer- Daily-QA Supervisor

    ReceivingPhysicalCharacteristic :visual inspectedger and decision toReceiving Formcalibration

    - Boneless chicken,- Receivingfor packaging andreject(W 001)- Review form- Each delivery-QA Manager

    skintemperature- No off color/odorproduct integrity- Notify supplierPhysical Inspect-

    - Physical checkno foreign objectas it is unloadedion Form

    - Packaging- Packaging integrityTemperature(W 001-C)

    integritymeets standardsrecorded using

    calibrated thermo


    - Dry ingredientPhysical- Packaging- Packaging integrityEach deliveryAll product isQCI- Contact QA Mana -Coating receiving- Review form- Each delivery- QA Manager

    integritymeets standardsvisual inspectedger and decision toform (W 004-C)

    for packaging andreject

    product integrity- Notify supplier

    as it is loaded

    Raw materialMicrobial(2) StorageCooler temperatureEvery 4 hours- Used calibratedMaintenanceMaintenance to repairStorage tem -- Thermometer- Daily- QA Supervisor

    storageconditionThermometerLeaderrefrigeration equipmentperature logbookcalibration

    - Chart recorderbefore product tem -- Review logbook- Daily- Warehouse

    perature rises aboveSupervisor

    storage for product

    Metal DetectionPhysical(3) Metal Detec-> = 1,5 mm FeEvery 30 minOn line check withPackaging- Line stopped until- Metal Detec -- Review- Daily- Production

    tion system> = 2.0 non Festandardleadercorrectedtor Test FormrecordSupervisor

    ( Stainless steel 316)- Product from last( P 004 )- QA Manager

    good check must be- Metal Detec -

    re-passed throughtor Finding

    adjusted detector.( P 005 )

    Finish productMicrobial(4) StorageEvery 4 hours- Used CalibratedMaintenanceMaintenance to repairStorage- Thermometer- Daily- QA Supervisor

    storageTemperatureThermometerLeaderrefrigeration equipmentTemperaturecalibration

    - Chart recorderbefore product tem -logbook- Review logbook- Daily- Warehouse

    perature rises aboveSupervisor

    storage for product

    SanitationMicrobial(5) Pre- OperationNo any potentiallyBefore start-Visual inspectionSanitation LdrRepeat sanitation- QC Monitoring- Review records- Daily- QA Supervisor

    PhysicalCheckunsanitary conditioning productionProduction Ldrprocedures ascheck list

    ChemicalPersonnelor filthQCInecessary to correct(QA 018)

    Hygienedeficiencies- Sanitation- Swab test- Weekly- QA Manager

    InspectionProd. Manager


    ( QA 019 )



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  • Standard Operation ProcedureEvery SOP contains :PurposeHazardCCPCritical limitResponsible byProcedure step by stepCorrective actionDocumentation

  • SOP # S-4PT. SERANIASTANDARD OPERATION PROCEDURE FORGOOD MANUFACTURING PRACTICE (GMP)Purpose: To verify that GMP procedure are being followed.Hazard: Micro and PhysicalCCP: Personal hygienic condition of the staffsLimit: Staff should be in clean and sanitary conditions and use the appropriate uniforms.Resposible by: All staffsPROCEDURE:1. A person should report to the leader if he is experiencing the following conditions:1.1 Unwell condition (ill)1.2 Open wound or skin irritations.A small wound is acceptable if the following conditions are being followed:a. Covered by bandageb. Use glovesc. Have permission from the Leader2. Usage of jewelry, nail prints or habit of keeping long nails are prohibited.3. Wash and sanitize hands:3.1 Before wearing gloves (Gloves should be in a clean, sanitary, and dry conditions)3.2 After conditions such as: using toilet, touching nose/hair/uniform, sneezing, coughing, cleaning, eating, and smoking.4. Wear a proper uniform:4.1 Uniform should be in a complete and clean condition, and being used at properplace.4.2 A complete uniform include : hairnet, helmet, sweater, white clothe/frock, white pant, gloves, boots, masker.4.3 Do not use the uniform in any other area beside the production area.Goods such as pocket radio and other personal belongings are not allowed to enter the production area.



    Jelaskan tujuan penerapan HACCP

    Jelaskan manfaat penerapan HACCP

    Sebutkan tujuh prinsip HACCP

    Tetapkan satu produk makanan (kelompok, kunjungan lapangan), so :a. HACCP teamb. Definition of HACCP and CCPc. Target of the HACCP systemd. Description producte. Ingredientsf. Hazard Analysis and Assignment of Risk categories form 1 & form 2g. Process Flow Diagramh. Decision tree for Establish CCPi. HACCP plan matrix form 3j. Standard Operation Procedure (SOP)k. HACCP audit form dilengkapi dengan pemahaman aplikasi 7 prinsip HACCP

  • Pemahaman Dasar 7 Prinsip HACCPBuatlah spesifikasi / diskripsi produk a. Lakukan Identifikasi bahaya untuk produk tsbb. Tetapkan CCP untuk produk tersebut (bahan, proses, or foumulasi)c. Tetapkan batas / limit kritis untuk CCP yang telah diidentifikasi d. Tetapkan langkah pemantauan CCP sesuai batas limit yg telah ditentukane. Tetapkan tindakan koreksi jika ditemukan CCP yang melebihi batas kritis dari hasil pemantauanf. Tetapkan langkah-langkah verifikasi dari hasil tindakan koreksi CCPg. Jelaskan kegiatan dokumentasi yang diperlukan untuk penerapan HACCP

  • *****************Unlike contaminants, additives are put in food intentionally. When used properly, they protect food from spoilage and from pathogenic organisms, thus helping to ensure a plentiful and diverse food supply. At the same time, some may be hazardous if used excessively. Other food additives may be dangerous if too little is added to food. For example, nitrite is used to prevent C. botulinum spores from growing in cured meat products, but a minimum residual level is necessary to ensure its effectiveness. Insufficient iodine in salt can give rise to iodine deficiency disorders.Some food additives (e.g. sulphite) may provoke allergenic responses. People with metabolic deficiencies may react to certain additives as well as to the food. Accurate and complete food labelling helps these consumers to avoid products which could harm them. *Adulterants are used to deceive the consumer as to the quality or value of the product. Sometimes, they are dangerous. For example, borax and boric acid were once widely used as low-cost food preservatives, but are now judged to be too toxic. In developing countries, however, they are still used illegally. Similarly, formaldehyde is sometimes used to preserve fish and other seafood, especially in places where adequate refrigeration is not available.The most common adulterant is water, which is added to foods such as milk, fruit juices and seafood. If the water is contaminated, it may harm the consumer.In some developing countries, the use of textile dyes in food, many of them carcinogenic, is a serious problem. Street-food vendors use them because they are cheap and readily available. Most consumers are unaware that these dyes are dangerous.

    *Toxic contaminants, including potential carcinogens, can be produced during food processing. High levels of benzo[a]pyrene can be produced in food during charcoal grilling; heterocyclic amines and nitropyrenes are produced when meat and fish are exposed to high temperatures. Nitrosamines, which are known carcinogens, are produced during curing, frying and some salting and pickling processes. Ethyl carbamate can be produced during fermentation and is found in beer and distilled spirits, particularly Scotch whiskeys. Chloropropanols may result from the hydrolysis of proteins with hydrochloric acid. The food industry is gradually reducing the levels of these contaminants. Some countries prohibit traditional smoking processes; many manufacturers use a liquid smoke flavour that is free of polynuclear aromatic hydrocarbons.

    *Few countries regulate the use of all chemicals (indirect food additives) that may leave residues in food, such as processing aids and cleaning agents. Chemicals can migrate from materials in contact with the food; for example, from packaging. In many countries, the specifications for food-grade plastics include limits on extractable materials.Contaminants may be transferred from cookware or containers. Cooking acidic food in a copper-lined pot can introduce copper into the food. Lead may be transferred to food from certain ceramics, and food in lead-solder cans has significantly higher lead levels than food in cans with welded seams. **A variety of physical objects can be present in food; some may be hazardous. Some occur naturally; for example, bones in a fish. However, it is unacceptable for food to contain glass shards or metal fragments, which may cause broken teeth or serious injury if swallowed. The most common contamination is with glass in foods and drinks packaged in glass containers. "Slime or scum, also called "semi-solids", is another frequently reported problem.The problem of physical contamination of food eaten by children is of particular concern.


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