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  • 7/31/2019 SMKN Review Buku Acak


    Aset Properti Mengelola Pemerintah: Pengalaman Internasional - diedit oleh Olga

    Kaganova dari Urban Institute dan James McKellar dari Sekolah Schulich of Business di

    Toronto York University - membedah topik penting langgeng untuk perekonomian matang

    dan reformasi, mengingat sejauh mana kepemilikan publik tanah dan bangunan di seluruh


    Buku, yang mewakili karya 16 sarjana dan praktisi dari 7 negara, diarahkan berorientasi

    reformasi pemerintah, menawarkan suatu kerangka kerja untuk membantu mereka

    memenuhi tantangan yang reformis lainnya telah diatasi. Untuk profesional yang bekerja

    dengan milik umum, buku ini adalah sumber tak ternilai pada pemikiran konseptual, praktik

    terbaik, pelajaran, dan ide-ide baru, beberapa berhasil dan orang lain tidak.

    "Ini buku acuan menimbulkan, untuk pertama kalinya dengan cara yang terpadu dan

    komparatif, pertanyaan utama tentang bagaimana pusat, pemerintah daerah, dan lokal

    dapat menjadi pemilik lebih baik aset real estat, di negara maju dan negara berkembang

    sama," kata Bertrand Renaud, mantan penasehat di Departemen Keuangan Pembangunan

    Bank Dunia.

    Mengelola Aset Pemerintah Properti menjembatani kesenjangan antara dua alam semesta

    tampaknya terputus: mereka sedikit negara yang telah menerapkan reformasi manajemen

    properti publik dan mayoritas negara-negara baru sekarang mulai berjuang dengan tugas.

    Buku ini juga menawarkan wawasan ke dalam pengalaman manajemen di bawah tingkat

    nasional, tentang yang sedikit yang telah ditulis sebelumnya.

    Bab pertama, pengantar oleh editor Kaganova dan McKellar, bersama dengan George

    Peterson dari Urban Institute, mengidentifikasi umum pra-reformasi masalah. Hal ini

    termasuk kurangnya kebijakan eksplisit; tanggung jawab manajemen bagi; praktek tidak

    efisien, dan kurangnya transparansi, akuntabilitas, dan sistem informasi. Hal ini jugamembahas hubungan antara akuntansi dan reformasi pengelolaan aset dan pemisahan

    kepemilikan dari manajemen.

    Sisa dari buku ini membahas manajemen aset pemerintah pusat, manajemen di tingkat sub-

    nasional dari pemerintah dan instrumen canggih khusus dari manajemen aset publik.

    Pemerintah Pusat Manajemen Aset

    Empat bab menyajikan mendalam review dari reformasi properti pemerintah pusat di

    Australia (oleh Francis Conway), Kanada (oleh James McKellar), Selandia Baru (oleh Peter

    Dow, Iain Gillies, Gary Nichols, dan Sarah Polen), dan Perancis (oleh Bernard Bizet). Babkeenam membandingkan dan kontras berbagai pendekatan yang diambil oleh negara-

    negara ini, tiga yang umumnya diakui sebagai pemimpin di lapangan, dan menawarkan

    "gambar komposit reformasi."

    Manajemen Aset oleh Pemerintah Daerah

    Enam bab berikut menjelajahi manajemen aset pada tingkat sub-nasional dan

    menggabungkan negara-spesifik analisis dengan perdebatan tentang topik utama.

    Peterson membahas bagaimana neraca pandangan aset properti dapat digunakan untuk

    meningkatkan kedudukan keuangan pemerintah atau mencapai pembangunan ekonomi

    dan penyediaan layanan-gol.

  • 7/31/2019 SMKN Review Buku Acak


    John Hentschel dan Marilee sorotan mengucapkan tantangan dalam mengelola aset

    properti di kota-kota Amerika.

    Bernard Dafflon menunjukkan bahwa reformasi kerangka Swiss untuk manajemen aset,

    berdasarkan proses demokrasi, lebih maju dalam teori daripada praktek.

    Karl-Werner Schulte dan Christian Ecke menunjukkan bahwa properti-reformasi

    manajemen oleh otoritas lokal di Jerman adalah dalam tahap awal dan bahwa otoritas lokalsering jatuh pendek dari target mereka.

    Kaganova memberikan laporan lengkap atas aset-masalah manajemen dalam ekonomi

    perencanaan pusat sebelumnya, yang menggambarkan bagaimana kekayaan publik

    terkonsentrasi di real estate kota yang salah urus.

    Kaganova dan Charles Undeland membahas pendekatan konseptual dan praktis untuk

    bantuan teknis untuk lokal aset-manajemen reformasi dan berbagi pelajaran mereka

    sebagai penyedia bantuan.

    Khusus Instrumen Manajemen Aset Publik

    Tiga bab memeriksa strategi inovatif dan struktur organisasi:

    Alan Jowett berubah ke Kanada untuk menyajikan salah satu upaya lebih berhasil untuk

    menerapkan sistem data nasional untuk aset real properti.

    McKellar menawarkan pemeriksaan mendalam dari tiga tujuan khusus perusahaan yang

    didirikan oleh provinsi Kanada untuk mengelola aset milik mereka dan menunjukkan

    sebuah kerangka kerja konseptual untuk model-model alternatif.

    Kaganova dan Polen membahas pelajaran pemerintah pusat dan daerah dapat menarik

    dari eksperimen dengan kemitraan swasta-publik.

    Berbagi Pengalaman

    Kaganova dan McKellar menyimpulkan dengan perspektif "besar gambar", pengelompokan

    praktik terbaik ke enam kategori: hubungan antara manajemen, akuntansi anggaran, dan;

    pengaturan kelembagaan; derajat privatisasi; lingkup langkah-langkah reformasi; urutan

    peluncuran upaya reformasi, dan sistem informasi.

    "Tidak ada resep sederhana untuk sukses," kata McKellar. "Pelajaran dibagi melalui upaya

    seperti buku ini sangat penting untuk bergerak maju dengan kemajuan diperlukan untuk

    memastikan bahwa baik matang dan negara-negara berkembang membuat penggunaan

    terbaik dari salah satu aset mereka yang paling berharga."

    MANAGING GOVERNMENT PROPERTY ASSETS, edited by Olga Kaganova, CRE, and

    James McKellar, allows input from a number of authors who are practitioners as well as

    researchers. The objective of the book, the editors write, is to establish a framework for

    more intensive debate and discussion on the topic of managing real property assets in the

    public domain from an international perspective.

    The book offers perspectives from Australia, Canada, New Zealand, France,

    Switzerland, Germany, the United States and several emerging markets, including countries

    in Europe and Asia. A key objective is to identify potentially transferable approaches and

    practices that might be applicable in countries that are just beginning to wrestle with the

  • 7/31/2019 SMKN Review Buku Acak


    problem of devising a coherent management strategy for their real property assets,

    editors write.

    The book is not a comprehensive compendium of best practices or asset management

    approaches across nations, the editors state. Instead, it features authors from seven

    countries who provide a sampling of considerations that are important when considering

    public property asset management on an international basis. Because governments ownhuge amounts of extremely diversified properties, myriad issues and difficulties arise when

    categorizing and handling those assets. The book focuses primarily on common rules,

    institutional arrangements and management incentives to improve the efficiency and

    public usefulness of government owned property, editors write.

    Though the issue is daunting and enormousand a single book cannot cover it in

    detailManaging Government Property Assets is certainly a worthwhile tool to address

    many essential issues in property management when dealing with public assets. However,

    what this book cannot directly address is the political context for decisionmaking that

    inevitably affects how governments make the decisions that they do, editors write. They

    further explain that practitioners should research additional subjects related to national

    and local governmental practices.At local governmental levels, for example, vastly different legal positions and

    accounting principles could have a significant impact on property management positions.

    And in developing countries with emerging real estate markets, officials often focus

    primarily on building new properties instead of caring properly for existing assets.

    Most real estate professionals and government officials who deal with property

    management recognize the need for proper property management. This practice includes

    consistently updating property management techniques and tools as well as reviewing

    examination and accounting procedures to provide for transparency. Authors also examine

    issues related to pre-reform asset management such as the lack of a central policy

    framework, fragmented management of public property assets, economic inefficiencies

    associated with properties, incomplete or inaccurate information about properties, and theabsence of transparency and accountability.

    The book attempts to present a unified framework ofpractices in the countries that

    authors cover, including:

    Process and key drivers of state real property asset management reform Legal and regulatory framework Institutional framework Inventory of state real property assets System of accounting and fiscal management Cycle for real property asset management Strengths and weaknesses of the current systemAuthors covered many of these issues; however, it is difficult to readily see a suggested

    unified framework as the guideline of each chapter. For future editions, if any, it would be

    helpful for the authors to employ a standard template for comparing data from various

    countries. And though many chapters contain some tables, adding maps, charts and other

    visual aids also would assist with making comparisons among countries.

    By raising the issues mentioned above, though, the work takes a valuable step toward

    providing a tool for properly managing public assets. Government officials should find this

    work helpful when managing the public assets of their governmentsand especially when

    examining practices and considering refinements.

    The editors are real estate researchers who offer detailed analysis in this important

    book. Kaganova, a senior associate at the Urban Institute in Washington, D.C., has

    conducted a great deal of analysis of numerous countries in eastern and central Europe, aswell as the Middle East and Asia. Before joining the Urban Institute, she was a founder and

  • 7/31/2019 SMKN Review Buku Acak


    managing director of a consulting company in St. Petersburg, Russia. She has lectured at

    numerous universities and holds a number of professional designations.

    James McKellar is a professor and academic director of a real estate program at York

    University in Toronto. He also is a principal in McKellar and Associates Ltd., a firm that

    undertakes strategic advisory work. He has an impressive background in teaching and

    lecturing, holds a number of certifications, and is an honorary and life member of theSociety of Industrial and Office Realtors.

    The highly qualified authors who contributed to various chapters include myriad

    professors and professionals involved with strategic real estate research. Chapters cover

    subjects such as Management of Property in Australia, Framework for Management of Real

    Property in Canada, Asset Management in New Zealand; State Asset Management of

    Property in France; Asset Management Reforms; Balance Sheet Issues as to Asset

    Management; Examination of U.S. Cities and Management Issues; Real Property

    Management in Switzerland; Real Property Management in Germany; Guidance Issues for

    Management in Emerging Markets; Municipal Asset Management in Emerging Markets;

    Information Systems in Public Property in Canada; and several other topics relating to

    planning for and management of government assets.This book will prove valuable for real estate professionals and other practitioners

    covering international real estate issues with a focus on property management.

    Governmental employees who deal with property management of public assets and

    strategic planners involved in governmental positions also will benefit from reading it.