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ISSN: 2355-1623

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BAHASA DAN SASTRAJurnal ini terbit dua kali setahun pada bulan Juni dan Desember (ber-ISSN) berisi artikel-artikel ilmiah

tentang bahasa, sastra, dan pembelajarannya. Baik yang ditulis dalam bahasa Indonesia maupun dalam bahasa Inggris. Artikel yang dimuat berupa analisis, kajian, hasil penelitian, dan

pembahasan kepustakaan.

Penanggung JawabAdip Arifin

Ketua PenyuntingSutejo

Wakil KetuaElys Rahayu Rohandia Misrohmawati

Penyunting AhliKasnadi

Bambang YuliantoSetya Yuwana

Suharmono KasiunDjoko Saryono

Penyunting PelaksanaRirien Wardiani

Cutiana Windri AstutiEdy Suprayitno

SekretarisHestri Hurustyanti

Pelaksana Tata Usaha/On lineHeru Setiawan

-------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Alamat Penyunting dan Tata Usaha: Tim Pengelola Jurnal, LPPM STKIP PGRI Ponorogo, Jalan Ukel 39 Kertosari, Babadan, Ponorogo. Telepon/Fax. (0352) 481841/485809. Website: www.lppmstkipponorogo.ac.id, email: [email protected]. Langganan 2 nomor Rp. 100.000,- (setahun) + ongkos kirim. Biaya langganan dikirimkan melalui Bank BRI Kantor Cabang Ponorogo (Jl. Soekarno-Hatta Ponorogo) Rekening No. 0070-01-044589-50-0 a.n. STKIP PGRI Ponorogo. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Redaksi menerima sumbangan tulisan yang belum pernah diterbitkan, baik dalam media cetak maupun elektronik. Naskah diketik 1,5 spasi pada kertas A4, panjang 10-20 halaman (lihat Petunjuk bagi Penulis pada bagian belakang). Naskah yang masuk dievaluasi oleh Mitra Bestari. Penyunting dapat melakukan perubahan pada tulisan yang dimuat untuk keseragaman format, tanpa mengubah maksud dan isinya.

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Vol. 2, No. 1, Januari-Juni 2015 ISSN: 2355-1623


COHESION AND COHERENCE OF SPOKEN TEXT IN SENIOR HIGH SCHOOL ELECTRONIC BOOKAdip Arifin ............................................................................................................................................ 1

ADDRESS TERMS AS THE POSITIVE POLITENESS STRATEGY USED BY THE MIDWIFERY STUDENTSAmalia Rahmawati .................................................................................................................................. 7

PENGEMBANGAN KARAKTER ANAK USIA DINI MELALUI SASTRA Cutiana Windri Astuti ............................................................................................................................ 15

THE EFFECTIVENESS OF CIRC TO TEACH READING VIEWED FROM STUDENTS’ MOTIVATIONDwi Rachmad Rusela A. ......................................................................................................................... 23

PERMASALAHAN PEMBELAJARAN SASTRA DAN SOLUSI ALTERNATIFNY AEdy Suprayitno ......................................................................................................................................... 37

ANALISIS WACANA BERITA TINGGI, HARAPAN ATAS KABINET HARIAN KOMPAS SENIN, 7 OKTOBER 2014: KAJIAN VAN DJIKHeru Setiawan .......................................................................................................................................... 43

PENERAPAN KURIKULUM 2013 PADA MATA PELAJARAN BAHASA INDONESIA DI SD ISLAM TERPADU NUURUSSHIDDIIQ CIREBONIndrya Mulyaningsih ................................................................................................................................. 51

PERAN GURU BAHASA INDONESIA SEBAGAI PEMBANGUN KEPRIBADIAN SISWAKasnadi .................................................................................................................................................... 59

PENGARUH STRATEGI PAIKEM GEMBROT DAN MINAT BACA TERHADAP KEMAMPUAN MENULIS PETUNJUK Primasari Wahyuni ................................................................................................................................... 65

JEJAK NASIONALISME DALAM NOVEL RAHUVANA TATTWA KARYA AGUS SUNYOTOSutejo & M. Amin Abdulrois ................................................................................................................. 73

THE MAIN CHARACTER’S EFFORTS TO SEEK JUSTICE IN WINTERSET(A COURT CASE STUDY IN MAXWELL ANDERSON’S PLAY)Syamsuddin Ro’is ..................................................................................................................................... 85

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Adip Arifin STKIP PGRI Ponorogo

[email protected]

Abstrak: Salah satu tujuan pembelajaran Bahasa Inggris di sekolah menengah atas adalah untuk mengembangkan/meningkatkan kompetensi siswa dalam berkomunikasi, baik secara lisan maupun tulis. Salah satu cara yang dapat dilakukan oleh guru dalam upaya peningkatan kompetensi tersebut adalah pembelajaran melalui teks. Namun, tidak semua teks yang ada di buku teks sekolah mengandung unsur koherensi dan kohesi, sebagai unsure pembentuk teks yang baik. Studi ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu unsur kohesi dan koherensi dalam teks lisan, (i) bagaimana teks disusun, (ii) bagaimana negoisasi makna terjadi untuk menjaga percakapan agar tetap berjalan, dan (iii) apa saja fitur kebahasaan yang melekat pada teks? Obyek studi ini merupakan teks percakapan yang diambil dari buku buku teks SMA kelas 11. Analisis data menggunakan teori Thornburry (2005) meliputi kohesi, koherensi (makro dan mikro), dan fitur kebahasaan. Temuan studi ini menunjukkan bahwa (i) tekster struktur secara dinamis, karena terdiri dari satu topic pembicaraan, (ii) penutur lebih mengedepankan negosiasi aspek logicosemantik, daripada interpersonal, dan (iii) fitur kebahasaan yang muncul pada text ditandai oleh empat hal, spontanitas, interaksi, interpersonalitas dan coherensi.

Kata Kunci: Koherensi, Kohesi, Teks Lisan

Abstract: One of the English teaching aims in senior high school is to develop the students’ competence in communicating both oral and written language to solve their daily problems. One of the ways to develop it is through texts. But not all the included texts in the senior high school book display the coherence and cohesion aspect, as the important requirements of a good text. This study is aimed to find out the cohesion and coherence of the spoken text, including; (i) how the text is structured?, ii) how negotiations are carried out to keep conversation going?, and (iii), what spoken language features characterize the text? The object of the study was the conversation text, taken from Senior High School electronic book, for students XI, 2008. The data analysis used in this study is based on the Thornburry’s theory of analyzing spoken text (2005), involves cohesion, coherence (macro and micro), and linguistic features of spoken text. The findings showed that (i) in terms of text structure, it has dynamic structure because the speakers discuss more than one topic. The speakers also perform interactive staging during the conversation, (ii) the speakers negotiate most on logicosemantic aspect (4x), rather than interpersonal aspect (1x), and (iii) the linguistic features which characterize the text are simply divided into four; spontaneity, interactivity, interpersonality and coherence.

Keywords: Coherence, Cohesion, Spoken Text

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Adip Arifin, Cohesion and Coherence of Spoken Text in Senior High School Electronic Book2


In learning language, the study of text becomes very important, both in spoken and written. Why is it important? The appropriate answer could be, because we are producing text, both in written and spoken. Before moving further, it is better to define what the text is. Acording to Thornburry (2005: 7), the text is product of speakers or writers in communicative process which involves language. Widdowson (2007: 4) defined a text as an actual use of language, as distinct from a sentence which is an abstract unit of linguistic analysis. Anderson & Anderson (2003: 1) defined the text as the words that are put together to communicate a meaning. Adopted from those definitions above we may conclude that the text as an actual use of language in the form of spoken and written which carries specific purposes.

Based on its purposes, the texts are categorized into what so called as genre. Furthermore, genre differentiates the text types not only based on its purposes, but also implies to the different of linguistic features and the generic structure of each text. In short, each type of text has different characteristics, especially in terms of communicative purpose, linguistic features and its generic structure. Those differences can be easily identified in the most of written text types, such as narrative, recount, report, exposition, and so forth. But in terms of spoken style, those characteristics are more complicated to be identified rather than in written style. It is due to the spoken style has different linguistic features compared to the written style.

Text is not only the printed text, such as letter, newspaper, magazine, etc. text can be produced between speakers, between writer and (potential) readers (Martin and Rose, 2003). So, letter, magazine, speech, conversation can be said as text. This is supported by Celce-Murcia and Olstain (2000). They argue that text can be spoken and written. Both spoken and written language have different characteristics which can make them different. It can be seen in the speaking class and written class.

In fact, not all the texts can be classified into a good text. To be a good text there are criteria should be displayed within the text, such as cohesion and coherence. In terms of spoken text, the negotiation among the interlocutors becomes the important part which characterizes it. In this case, the analysis is focused on the text structure, negotiations, both in interpersonal and logicosemantic, linguistic features, and its cohesion.

In creating a text, there is a main problem faced by the speaker and writer. That is the lack of cohesion and coherence which has contribution substantially in the lower scores (Liu and Qi, 2007: 168). So that is why cohesion and coherence is important in creating a good text that can be spoken written. According to Povolna (2009: 94), both cohesion and coherence are important to know the quality of text, although they are not related to each other directly. This statement is supported by Widdowson (2007: 207) who declares that “one might derive a coherent discourse from a text with no cohesion in it at all. Equally, of course, textual cohesion provides no guarantee of discourse coherence”.

The definition of cohesion can be a formal link between sentences and between clauses that can make the text hang together. If the text hangs together and has a formal link, it will make the text has unity (Cook, 2001: 14). While according to Widdowson (2007: 45), cohesion is a link of the parts or elements of a text. In connecting each element, we need devices and it is called cohesive devices. Cohesive devices are important to note because by cohesive devices, the new content will be understood easily related to the content that has been explained before or after. Gerot and Wignel (1994:67) stated that cohesion can be seen in clause structure and clause complexes. So, in analyzing cohesion, we have to consider each clauses in the text. Cohesion can be grammatical and lexical cohesion (Halliday and Hasan, 1994). Grammatical cohesion is a link of each item from grammatical aspects and the lexical cohesion means that it is a link of items in the text from lexical aspects. There are several experts who divides cohesive devices in different classification. They

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JURNAL BAHASA DAN SASTRA, Vol. 2 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2015 3

classify cohesive devices into grammatical cohesion (reference, substitution, ellipsis, conjunction) and lexical cohesion (repetition, synonymy, antonymy, hyponymy, meronymy and collocation).

Cohesion can be said as the formal link while coherence can be said as the abstract one. Coherence cannot be identified in the same way like cohesion. Coherence is the mind of the writer and reader. So it is a mental phenomenon that makes it different with cohesion (Thompson, 1996). In this case, coherence is the capacity of a text to make sense. How does the text can make sense so it will make the text easy to be understood?

This study is aimed to find out the cohesion and coherence of the text, including; (i) how the text is structured?, ii) how negotiations are carried out to keep conversation going?, and (iii), what spoken language features characterize the text?


The analysis used in this study is based on the Thornburry’s theory of analyzing spoken text (2005: 63-83). The theory involves how to analyze the text in terms of cohesion, coherence, and linguistic features of spoken text. In terms of coherence, Thornburry suggests the two levels, micro and macro level of coherence. Conceptually, micro level of coherence includes theme and rheme, logical relation, nominalization, texture, rogue sentence, end-weight principle, active-passive construction and cleft sentence. While macro level of coherence includes topic, keyword, lexical chain, internal patterning, schema and script. The data of analysis is a spoken text taken from the senior high school electronic book (BSE) entitled “Interlanguage: English for Senior High School Studens XI” 2008, written by Priyanna, Riandi and Mumpuni.

FINDINGS AND DISCUSSION The findings of this analysis are divided

into three major parts, those are text structure, negotiations and linguistic features (see appendices 1-6). Firstly, this chapter discusses the findings on text structure. In terms of the text structure, the

text has dynamic structure. It means that along the conversation, the speakers talk about more than one topic..It can be seen from the linguistic evidences, in the beginning part of the conversation the speakers talk about the meeting with someone, but in the end of the conversation, they talk about friendship. The conversation is dominated by discussing Di’s first meeting with someone, especially the chronological order of her meeting, started from that’s how they met, and finally became friend. Based on the its structure, the text displays one of spoken text characteristics, that is dynamic structure.

Furthermore, the text also displays interactive staging among the speakers. It is indicated by a number of questions and answers along the conversation, but no question tag among the speakers. The speakers ask each other about the chosen topic during the conversation, such as;

Jessie : Had you seen a photo of him?Di : Oh yeah, I had photos of him, photos…

In spoken language, this kind of interaction becomes one of its characteristics. Actually, the interaction among the speakers shows that the conversation runs well. Even though the distribution of speaking is dominated by only one of them, that is Di, but the two of others, Jessie and Judy, also participate in the conversation. Actually, question and answer are functioned to build interactive staging between the speakers along the conversation.

In terms of open ended, the text doesn’t display any open ended part. May be, it is happened because actually, the text is a part of the bigger conversation. So, the open ended part is explicitly unmentioned in this chapter. In most of common way, the conversation will be started by a kind of greeting, opening, etc. but in this case, the speakers directly talk about the topic.

Secondly, the next aspect of analysis is negotiation. Conversation unfolds because speakers respond to each other’s utterances, when one is responding, one is negotiating. A response can only make sense when it is related to the previous utterance in terms of feeling (interpersonally) or in terms of content (logico-semantically). In order to make it detail, the negotiation is simply

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Adip Arifin, Cohesion and Coherence of Spoken Text in Senior High School Electronic Book4

divided into two, interpersonal and logicosemantic negotiation. Interpersonal negotiation closely deals with negotiating someone’s feelings or attitudes which are realized by the mood, subject and finite, while the logicosemantic negotiation closely deals with the negotiation of the message or news (content), which is realized in the rest of the mood (residue). In conversation, interpersonal negotiation is commonly realized by question tag. Based on the linguistic evidences, the conversation is dominated by logicosemantic negotiations, and there is only one interpersonal negotiation. The number of logicosemantic negotiations signal that the speakers much concern on responding the content, rather than the feelings. This means the speakers really aware to the content of the conversation, that’s why, the topic of conversation changes dynamically. The negotiations during the conversation are functioned to characterize the spoken language used.

Thirdly, the last aspect of analysis is linguistic features. In this case, it is simply divided into four sub-elements, those are spontaneity, interactivity, interpersonality and coherence. Spontaneity involves filled pause, repetitions, incomplete utterance, frequent use of conjunctions, adverbials and vague expressions and chunks. Based on the linguistic evidences, there are some filled pauses which are told by the speakers along the conversation, such as uh, um, shh. In this case, filled pauses signal that the speaker needs a moment to pause his/her speaking. Besides that, filled pauses also characterize the spoken language used.

The next aspect of spontaneity is repetition. Based on the linguistic evidences found in the text, the speakers (Di and Jessie) repeat some words during the conversation, such as in the Jessie’s utterance Right. Right and so when did you…In this case, the repetition is functioned to emphasize that the speaker takes it as a serious thing. The other repetitions are as follows; photos (2x), sort of (4x,) great (2x).

Furthermore, during the conversation, there is no false start and backtracking utteraance, but there is incomplete utterance told by Di, as follows; Uh, well we sort of. I’m a sort of nervy person when I first meet people, so it was a sort of …you know==just nice to him.

Di tells something incomplete, but then she shifts the utterance and ends it by a kinds of conclusion about her meeting, just nice to him. Even though Di tells incomplete utterance, but the other speakers (Judy and Jessie) can understand to what Di’s mean, so the conversation runs smoothly, no gap at all.

During the conversation, the speakers frequently use ‘and’ and ‘or’ to link their utterances, such as in the example below:

Di : And um and then we called a truce and started again. And then we sort of became friends.

‘and’ (6x) is the most frequent of conjunct which is used by the speakers to link their utterances. In this case, ‘and’ functions to connect the utterances and adds specific information to the previous utterance, as well. Besides’and’, another conjunct which is used by the speakers is ‘or’(2x).

The next spontaneity aspect found in the text is the use of adverbials. The speakers only use adverbial actually (2x) and really (2x) along the conversation. These types of adverbials are functioned to convey the speakers’ attitudes when they are speaking.

As the characteristic of spoken language, the use of chunks are found a lot, such as come on, let’s go, sort of and you know. Chunks are multi-word units that behave as if they were single words and typically consist of formulaic routines that are stored and retrieved in their entirety. Besides chunks, the vague expression is also used by the speakers, such as sort of, which is repeated four times. The use of chunks and vague expressions emphasize that the language used in the conversation is spoken style.

The second aspect of spoken language features is interactivity, which involves turn taking, interruption, laughter/chuckles and discourse markers. Along the conversation the speakers do turn taking most, especially when a speaker asks something to other speaker, and then gives the answer, for example;

Jessie : Right and so when did you== actually meet him?

Di : ==So we didn’t actually meet until that night.

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JURNAL BAHASA DAN SASTRA, Vol. 2 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2015 5

When Di gives the answer for Jessie’s question, the other speakers keep silent to listen Di’s words. It signals that they do turn taking and keeps silent when someone is speaking. Besides the presence of turn taking, the conversation is also marked by interruption, as in the utterance below:

Di : And he’d combed his hair and shaved his eyebrows==and

Jessie : Had you seen a photo of him?

In this context, Jessie interrupts Di’s utterance she before finishing it. This kind of characteristic is commonly found in spoken language. Interruption signals the speaker’s intention to cut off someone else utterance, such as disagreement, dislike, etc.

One of interactivity aspects which is found most is laughter, which functions to signal amusement. Conversation is actually not simply the exchange of information, but has a strong interpersonal function. It serves to establish and maintain group solidarity. I have noticed six times of laughter during the conversation. Besides to signal amusement, the frequent use of laughter also signals the intimacy, friendship among the speakers. While to manage the cut-and-thrust of interactive talk smoothly, the speakers use some discourse markers to signal intentions or what they are going to say, such as well, oh yeah, you know.

In the interpersonality aspect, the text displays some features, such as vague language, repeating other’s words, exaggeration and strongly evaluative language. The vague language can be seen in the utterance which contains of ‘sort of ’. It is used in order not to sound too assertive and opinionated when delivering the utterances. Repeating other’s words is a common feature which is found also in the text. It is happened when Jessie repeats Di’s words, as follows;

Di : ==So we didn’t actually meet until that night.

Jessie : Until that night.

When repeating other’s words actually the speaker ensures him/herself that what has just been said is right. Furthermore, the speakers also use exaggeration and evaluative language in the conversation. It is used to harmonize the joint

construction of talk; to flag the speaker’s attitude; to minimize misunderstanding. Those features can be seen in the linguistic evidences below:

Judy : Oh hysterical [laughing].Jessie : Great. Very close friends in fact [laughing].


The last aspect of spoken language feature is coherence, which covers lexical repetition, lexical chain and referring expression. The coherence is achieved because speakers cooperate each other to make sure that what they say is relevant to what has been said before. In terms of lexical repetition, the text displays repeated words as follows; photo (3x), meet (3x), sort of (4x) and friends (3x). These repeated words help the reader to identify the topic of the conversation. In terms of lexical chain, the text displays these following words; meet →went out→nervous→photos→friends. From the linguistic evidences of repetition and lexical chain, the writer can concludes that the topic of conversation is about the Di’s first meeting with someone.

The next aspect of coherence is referring expression, which is only found one expression in the text, as in the utterance below:

Di : Um and then I got sick. I had this Filipino flu, or Hong Kong flu, or whatever they like to call it, and then…

It refers to ‘sick, Filipino flu or Hong Kong flu’, that has been mentioned before. It is classified into anaphoric reference, because refers backward to the previous word.

Substitution becomes the next aspect of coherence which is found in the text. in this case, the substitution is only found once times, as in the Di’s utterance below;

Di : ==Well I was hanging out of a window watching him in his car, and I thought ‘oh God what about this!’

In this context, ‘this’ substitutes the speaker’s action as stated in the previous statement.

In the macro structure of coherence, the text doesn’t display the use of adjacency pairs among the speakers, but the text contains question and answer, especially in negotiating the message of utterance.

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Adip Arifin, Cohesion and Coherence of Spoken Text in Senior High School Electronic Book6

In terms of story structure, the conversation has no structure at all.


Based on the analysis and the linguistic evidences as presented above, the text displays some common features of spoken language style. Firstly, in terms of text structure, it has dynamic structure because the speakers discuss more than one topic. The speakers also perform interactive staging during the conversation. Secondly, the speakers negotiate most on logicosemantic aspect, rather than interpersonal aspect. I have noticed that the speakers negotiate logicosemantically four times, while interpersonally only once time during the conversation. Thirdly, the linguistic features which characterize the text are simply divided into four; spontaneity, interactivity, interpersonality and coherence. Spontaneity in the text is achieved by the presence of filled pauses, repetitions, incomplete utterance, adverbials, vague expressions and the use of chunks. Interactivity in the text is signaled by the presence of taking turns to speak and keeping silent when others are speaking, interrupting at times, signaling their amusement by grunts, laughs and chuckles, and discourse markers. Interpersonality in the text is displayed by exaggeration and evaluative language, repeating others’ words and the use of vague language. In terms of coherence, the text displayed lexical repetition, lexical chain, referring expressions, substitution and linkers. Besides that, the coherence is achieved because speakers cooperate each other to make sure that what they say is relevant to what has been said before.


Anderson, M. and Anderson, K. 2003. Text Types in English 1-2. South Yarra: Macmillan Education Australia.

Celce-Murcia, M. and Olstain E. 2000. Discourse and Context in Language Teaching. United States of America: Cambridge University Press.

Cook, G. 2001. Discourse.New York: oxford University Press

Gerot, L. and Wignell, P. 1994. Making Sense of Functional Grammar. Sydney: Antipodean Educational Enterprises (AEE).

Halliday, M. A. K. and R. Hasan,. 1994. Cohesion in English. New York: Longman.

Liu, L and Qi, X. 2010. A Contrastive Study of Textual Cohesion and Coherence Errorrs in Chinese EFL Abstract Writing in Engineering Discourse. Intercultural Communication Studies XIX pp 176-187(Online Journal). Available online on http://www.uri.edu/iaics/content/2010v19n3/14LidaLiuXiukunQi.pdf on June 15th, 2014

Martin, J.R. and Rose, D. 2003. Working with Discourse: Meaning beyond the Clause. (Special edition for Semarang State University) Semarang: Unnes Press.

Povolna, R. 2009. On Constartive Relations in Academic Spoken Discourse. Brno Studies in English Journal. pp 95-105

Priyanna, J., Riandi and Mumpuni, A. P. 2008. Interlanguage: English for Senior High Students XI. Jakarta: Grasindo.

Thompson, G. 1996. Introducing Functional Grammar. London: Arnold.

Thornbury, S. 2005. Beyond the Sentence; Introducing Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Macmillan Publishers Limited.

Widdowson, H. G. 2007. Discourse Analysis. Oxford: Oxford University Press.

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Amalia RahmawatiSTIKES Muhammadiyah Kudus

[email protected]

Abstrak: Dalam komunikasi, orang melakukan negosiasi makna kepada mitra tuturnya dengan berbagai strategi. Salah satu strategi yang sering digunakan adalah strategi kesopanan. Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mencari tahu penggunaan address terms oleh mahasiswa semester dua AKBID Muslimat NU, Kudus, Jawa Tengah. Peneliti menggunakan pendekatan kualitatif (deskriptif) dan data diperoleh melalui implementasi roleplay. Peneliti merekam, mentransipsikan, dan menginterpretasikan data tersebut. Analisis data berdasarkan pada teori Leech (1983). Hasil analisis menunjukkan ada sebelas situasi penggunaan address terms oleh mahasiswa, yakni: greeting (2%), thanking 15,6%, intimacy 2%, congratulation 0%, praising 11,7 %, apology 11,7%, question 11,7%, request 8%, suggestion 10%, chastisement 6%, rejection 0%, and disagreement 7,8%. Dari hasil di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa penggunaan thanking merupakan yang tertinggi, kemudian diikuti intimacy, obedience, apology dan disagreement. Hal tersebut manandakan bahwa klien mengutamakan kedekatan dalam mengekspresikan address terms.

Kata Kunci: Kesopanan Positif, Sapaan, Strategi Kesopanan

Abstract: In communication, people negotiate meaning with the addressee. When they negotiate the meaning, they need some strategies. One of the strategies is politeness strategy. This study is aimed at finding out the address terms used by the second semester of midwifery students of AKBID Muslimat NU, Kudus, Central Java. The researcher used descriptive qualitative as the approach and the data collected through the role plays of twenty students. Then, the researcher recorded, transcribed, and interpreted them. The analysis of address term used was based on Leech’s theory (1983). The result of analysis showed that there were eleven situations in which the address terms used by the midwife and client. They were greeting (2%), thanking 15,6 %, intimacy 2%, congratulation 0%, praising 11,7 %, apology 11,7%, question 11,7%, request 8%, suggestion 10%, chastisement 6%, rejection 0%, and disagreement 7,8%. From those situations, the address term for situations in which mostly used by the client are in thanking, intimacy, obedience, apology and disagreement. It means that the client would like to express the intimacy.

Keywords: Address Term, Politeness Strategies, Positive Politeness


In communication, people negotiate meaning with the addressee. When they negotiate the meaning, they need some strategies. One of the strategies is politeness strategy. Based on the words, politeness strategy consists of two words, politeness and strategy. Politeness, according to Leech (1983), stated that politeness focuses on the relationship between two speakers. Moreover, politeness is not only showed to the second speaker (addressee) but

also can be showed to the third participant. Yule (1996: 60) added that politeness is a fixed concept or it is an idea of some one that can be in form of ‘polite social behavior’ or etiquette within a culture. It means that politeness works with the culture of the speaker and audience. In line, Cutting (2008) defined “It is the choices that are made in language use, the linguistics expression that give people space and show a friendly attitude to them, and makes it

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Amalia Rahmawati, Address Terms as The Positive Politeness Strategy Used by The Midwifery Students8

very clear that more is being communicate than is said”.

It means that politeness can show someone attitude when he communicates with others. It happens because he has a choice of the language in communication. Therefore, politeness is one of the ways for speaker to maintain the communication runs well by saving the addressee’s face.

Politeness is divided into positive and negative politeness. Those classifications are based on the language used by the speaker. Moreover, this study focuses on the positive politeness by using address term as the strategy in communication. Below, the researcher describes the positive politeness.

Furthermore, Brown and Levinson (1987) are one of the experts in politeness. According to them, positive politeness means that what the speaker says need to be accepted, liked by others (addressee). To reach it, positive politeness leads the requester to appeal to the common goal by using a good language choice. It means that the positive politeness related to the expression used.

By using appropriate expression, the speaker can save the addressee’s face by demonstrating the closeness, solidarity, friendship, etc. Therefore, Brown and Levinson (1987) suggested that there are fifteen strategies of positive politeness. They are 1) notice, attends to hearer, 2) exaggerate, 3) intensify interest to the hearer, 4) use in group identity, 5) seek agreement, 6) avoid disagreement, 7) presuppose/raise/assert common ground, 8) joke, 9) assert or presuppose speaker’s knowledge of and concern for hearer’s want, 10) offer, promise, 11) be optimistic, 12) include both speaker and hearer in the activity, 13) give reason, 14) assume or assert reciprocity, and 15) give gifts to hearer. Those strategies are very important since politeness becomes the important thing in communication.

In conversation, the discourse markers always occur. Discourse markers, according to Biber et al (1997), are the combination between two rules. They are to signal a transition in the evolving progress of conversation and to signal an interactive relationship between speaker, hearer and the message. Moreover, it needs lexical items that are uttered to give indication the conversation

runs well. Some of lexical items that can be used are called vocative or address term. Brown and Levinson (1987) stated that vocatives follow the discourse markers and intensify the interlocutor’s attentive. Moreover, based on the strategy in positive politeness, the use of address terms belongs to the fourth classification.

Different language has different in the use of address terms. In this study, the researcher focuses on the Indonesian. According to Parrot (2010), truncation is used in Indonesian dialect and it can be seen from the use of the first name as the vocative or the address term. Truncation is one of the way in producing vocative in which can be observed from the form of it. Truncation is used to make short, by calling someone with his/her first name. That is belongs to vocative or address term.

Based on the Leech (1983), one of the roles of the address terms is it can maintain the relationship, especially for the social relationship, between the speaker and the listener (addressee). It means that address term can be used as the positive politeness. It is also supported by Brown and Levinson (1987) that the use of address form is the fourth strategy in positive politeness.

Leech (1983) added that there are three criteria of address terms as the vocative. The first criterion is if the position of address terms is in the beginning of the sentence, the address terms are not counted. Except, there are more than two speakers, the address terms can be counted. The second criterion is the address terms are counted if they are in the middle position. And the last criterion is the address terms are counted if they are in the end position.

Moreover, Leech (1983) classify the address term based on the situation. There are two situations that can make the speakers use address terms. They are address terms with the imposition to the hearer and address terms without the imposition to the hearer. If the address term is used with the imposition to the hearer, it means that the address terms functions as the softener in communication. It can be divided into several situations, such as question, request, suggestion,

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chastisement, rejection, and disagreement. Then, if the address term is used without imposition to the hearer, it means that the address term functions as the intensifier. The situation in which the address terms functions as the intensifier can be in greeting, thanking, intimacy, obedience, congratulation, praising and apology

Midwifery is one of medical professions that have job to help women in maternity aspect especially. According to Health Minister Rules Number 572/1996, there are nine competences for midwifes. The competences are knowledge; pre-conception, family planning and gynecology; caring and counseling during pregnancy; caring during delivery and childbirth; caring on postnatal period and breast feeding; caring on the new born baby; caring on baby and under five year; community midwifery; the last is caring on woman who has reproduction disturbance. To do those competences, midwife also needs to have a good communication with the clients. One of language that can be used in communication is English.

English is one of language that should be learnt by the students in AKBID Muslimat NU Kudus. One of the goals in teaching and learning English is the students are able to communicate in medical situation and understand the medical literature. It happens because most of the medical references are in English and they are in the globalization area. Therefore, learning English is a must for the midwifery students.

Since the goal of teaching and learning English is the students are able to communicate, communica t ive competence i s needed . Communicative competence means competence of the speaker to communicate or to perform their language. Celce-Murcia (2007) proposed the competence model that includes six competences. The six competences in communicative competence are linguistic competence, strategic competence, sociocultural competence, actional competence, interactional competence and discourse competence. In this study, the researcher focuses on the sociocultural competence. According to Celce-Murcia (2007), “sociocultural competence refers to the speaker’s pragmatic knowledge”. It means

that when the speaker expresses her idea, she has to consider with the way how she expresses appropriately based on the social and culture context. Then, one of the sociocultural competence is in the politeness strategy. It is very important since the students are the candidate of midwife who should have good communication skill.

According to Cutting (2008), politeness can be the choice of language used that can give space to people, show the intimacy with others and make the communication clear. It means that politeness relates to the language used by the speaker. That language can show the distance among the speakers and make the communication understandably.

One of the studies in politeness is the use of address terms that can create the positive politeness strategy. Address terms can be used by the speaker. The speaker can use address terms in greeting, thanking, apology, ask question, request, etc. If the speaker uses address terms, the distance between speaker and listener can be observed.

This current study is related to the Yuka’s study (2009) and Parrott’s study (2010). Yuka’s study is about the use of terms of address used as the positive politeness strategy in oral communication 1 textbooks. He analyzed the textbooks which are provided by the Japanese Ministry of Education because Japanese is familiar with their negative politeness in their language. Therefore, Yuka wanted to know how many and what kind out address terms used in the English textbooks. He would like to know the address terms because they are one of the politeness strategy that opposites to the Japanese. While, Parrott want to know the vocative and other direct address forms used by Russians.

Based on the explanat ion above, in communication people need to use some strategies, one of them is positive politeness strategy. In this strategy, vocative has an important role to know how polite the speaker is. Moreover, as the midwifery students, they also have to learn how to use the positive politeness strategy in their communication. It can be realized from the use of the address terms. Therefore, this study aims to find out: (i) the kind of the address terms used by the

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Amalia Rahmawati, Address Terms as The Positive Politeness Strategy Used by The Midwifery Students10

midwifery students, (ii) the frequency of address term used in the midwifery students’ conversation, and (iii) the use of address term by the midwifery students their conversation.


Considering the objective of this research and the nature of the problem, this research will be designed as a descriptive qualitative research. It belongs to qualitative research because qualitative research is a kind of research in which the method of data collection is non experiment and the type of data is not numerical (Nunan, 1993). In qualitative research, it is a way of knowing by the researcher in gathering, organizing and interpreting the information obtained from humans using his or her eyes and ears as filters. And sometimes it involves indepth interviews and/or observations of human in natural and social setting (Litchman, 2009). It means that in qualitative research, the researcher doesn’t only need to describe the data, but he has to interpret the data which can be gotten from interview, observation, etc. Moreover, the design of this research is pragmatic research.

In this study, the researcher uses the midwifery students who are in the second semester of AKBID NU Kudus. There are 20 students as the subject of this research. It means that there are 10 conversations, but the researcher only uses top three of them. The reason is there are several address term available in those top three conversations.

This part is divided into data collection and data analysis. First, the data is collected from the midwifery students when they have final examination (December 10th, 2014). In their final examination, the students make a couple then have a role play of pregnancy examination. One student is as a midwife and one student is as a client. In this situation, the midwife will check the client’s pregnancy examination. In pregnancy examination, the midwife and client will have negation meaning. Moreover, the politeness strategy is needed in this case. Then, the researcher records and transcribes that role play. The transcription is analyzed in term of the address term used. She uses Leech’s theory (1983) as the basic of the analysis. After analyzing

it, interpretation is needed to answer the objective of this research.


Based on Leech (1983), there are two situations that a speaker can use address term as the positive politeness strategy. They are intensifier and softener. The intensifier is divided into greeting, thanking, intimacy, obedience, congratulating, praising and apology. Moreover, the softener is divided into question, request, suggestion, chastisement, rejection and disagreement. The percentage of them in this study can be seen in the table below.

Table 1 The distribution of situations

No SituationsPercentage



Intensifier GreetingThankingIntimacyObedienceCongratulationPraisingApology





Softener QuestionRequestSuggestionChastisementRejectionDisagreement



Based on the table above, it can be seen that the situations of address term is used by the midwifery students are greeting, thanking, intimacy, obedience, praising, question, request, suggestion, chastisement and disagreement.

First is greeting. Based on the table 4.1, the percentage of greeting is 2%. It means that the midwifery students seldom use address term in greeting. They usually greet the client directly without address term. Moreover, the greeting situation of address term is used only in conversation 1. The utterances are: A : Good morning, mom.M1 : Hi, Morning,

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Based on the utterances above, greeting is asked by the client A. she greets the midwife first by using mom as the address term. That address term refers to the midwife. By giving address term in greeting, automatically the hearer will be more respect with the speaker. It can be seen that in the first conversation, the conversation run well. They seem closer, so the client will enjoy in checking pregnancy time.

Second is thanking. In this study, the percentage of thanking is 15,6%. It means that there are eight utterances use the address term. Those address term is used in all top three conversations. The example of thanking situation that use address term is M2 : 2kg. so far so good. It means that your baby grows.B : Thanks mom. I think I am fatter also. And it

makes me tired if I have to do many activities.

Based on the utterances above, the use of address term mom refers to the midwife. The client uses address term in thanking situation because the midwife gives a lot of information about the fetus condition. It happens because the midwife examines the condition of the clients’ baby. And that is the midwife job. In that time, she has to explain more about pregnancy.

Third is intimacy. In conversation, intimacy is important to maintain the relationship among the speakers, especially in medical field. The percentage of intimacy in this analysis is 2%. The address term used in intimacy situation is found in the first conversation. It happens because the status of them is between midwife and client. The example of address term in the intimacy situation can be seen below.M1 : Your husband’s name, pleaseA : Anton mom

The fourth situation is obedience. The percentage of obedience in this study is 15,6%. However it is not the highest percentage, the midwifery students use obedience situation in their role play. The example of obedience situation isM1 : Oh.. you don’t make the note, right?A : Yes, I never make a note about my period mom

Based on the example above, the address term is asked by the client. She gives respond from the midwife’s question. This address term shows how politeness strategy used by the client. It also can influence the midwife to be not mad because the client doesn’t make a not with her own period. That is why address term can be classified as the strategy in positive politeness.

The fifth situation is congratulation. Based on the analysis, the percentage of address term used in congratulation situation is 0%. It means that the address term is not used by both midwife and client. It happens because what they do is doing role play in checking pregnancy.

The sixth situation is praising. Based on the analysis, the praising situation is used in all of the conversations. It happens because it can give good contribution in ending the conversation. The percentage of the address term in praising is 11,7%.

The seventh situation is apology. Based in the analysis, the percentage of address term in apology is 11,7%. The address term in the apology situation is asked by the client. It happens because the clients do several mistake or activity that is forbidden for the pregnant woman. The example of address term in apology situation can be seen below:B : I feel nausea. And I cant eat vegetables. If I eat

vegetables, I will be vomit. M2 : Vomit for pregnant woman is normal mom. It doesn’t

meter,. You still need vegetables because of your baby

B : Sorry mom. I will try it. Mom, when I can have USG test? I would like to know my baby’s sex.

Based on the example above, the address term in apologizing situation is very useful for the speaker client. It happens because by using this address term, the midwife can be more respect to the client. And of course it will save the midwife’s face. That is why address term is one of the positive strategies in politeness.

The eighth situation is question. Question has the highest percentage because by using address term in question, the question will be softer. The highest percentage of address term in question

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Amalia Rahmawati, Address Terms as The Positive Politeness Strategy Used by The Midwifery Students12

is 21,5%. The example of address term in the question situation can be seen below:M1 : Hi, Morning, Oh.. what can I do for you mom? Please, sit down.A : I would like to check my pregnancy.

Actually, address term is used by both midwife and client. The midwife asked by using address term to save the client’s face. So the client will be relax and like with the midwife service. Moreover, the client uses address term is to save the midwife’s face. It happens because as the client, she would like to know more about pregnancy.

The ninth situation is request. Based on the analysis, the percentage of the address term used in the request situation is 8%. The address term used in request is only used in conversation 1 and 2. The example of address term in request can be seen below.M1 : Yes, please. And excuse me, please roll your right

sleeve up, mom. A : Yes

Based on the analysis, the address term used in the request situation is used by the midwife. It happens because midwifes want the clients to do something that relates to the way of pregnancy checking. Because the midwife wants of requests the clients do something, address term can make the client will do everything that the midwife wants without mad expression. In other words, the politeness strategy runs in request strategy.

The tenth situation is suggestion. In this study, al the top three conversation use address term in suggestion situation. It can be seen from the percentage of the address term of the suggestion used. The percentage is 10%. The example of address term in suggestion situation can be seen below.M1 : Actually, you should make a note, it is better for you

mom. So you can know your period exactly. And it is very important to check your pregnancy

Based on the example above, the address term mom is used to refer to the client. It means that most of the address term for suggestion is produced by the midwife. It is related to the

task and responsibility of a midwife. She has to give information for the client how to be a good pregnant woman. Therefore, using address term in giving suggestion is very important in order to save the client’s face.

The eleventh is chastisement. The percentage of the address term in chastisement is 6%. The address term used in the chastisement is produced by the client. It can be seen from the example below. M2 : It’s ok. Having activity, like working actually is good

for you and your baby. But.. you have to remember that you should decrease your activities. Please don’t be over tired. You are pregnant.

B : So so sorry mom.. this week I’m very busy because of final examination.

Based on the example above, the address term in chastisement is produced by the client. It means that the politeness strategy works. The client use address term in chastisement to save the midwife’s face. She use address term because she do mistakes.

The next situation is rejection. Based on the analysis, address term in rejection doesn’t work. In other words, the midwife and the client don’t use address term. It can be seen from the percentage of address term in rejection is 0%.

The last situation is disagreement. The percentage of address term in disagreement is 4%. However it has small number, address term in disagreement works. The example of address term in disagreement situation can be seen below:M2 : No, I think you shouldn’t starch it, just rub it. If

you starch it, it can leave the scar to your skinB : But it is very itchy momM2 : Yes, I know. It doesn’t matter. Now, you can choose,

scar or not.

Based on the example above, the address term is produced by the client. The client uses address term because she has different argument with the midwife. In other words, based on the example above, the address term is used by the client because she denies to the midwife’s argument. To save the midwife’s face, the client use address term as the positive politeness strategy.

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JURNAL BAHASA DAN SASTRA, Vol. 2 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2015 13

It can be concluded that address term is used by both of midwife and client. The midwife use address term when she gives argument that relates to her task and responsibility as a midwife.


Address term is one of important thing in communication, especially in checking pregnancy. In this study, the subject of the research is the midwifery students who are dong role play in checking pregnancy. They should do her task and responsibility in term of giving advice, suggestion, request, etc. To make the communication runs well, midwife and client use address term as the positive politeness strategy. It can help them to save the midwife/client’s face.

There are thirteen situations in which the address term can be used by the midwife and client. Moreover, eleven out of thirteen situations use address term. The eleven situations are greeting, thanking, intimacy, obedient, appraising, apology, question, request, suggest, chastisement, and disagreement. The percentage of the address terms in several situations are greeting 2%, thanking 15,6 %, intimacy 2%, congratulation 0%, praising 11,7 %, apology 11,7%, question 11,7%, request 8%, suggestion 10%, chastisement 6%, rejection 0%, and disagreement 7,8%. From those situations, the address term for situations in which mostly used by the client is in thanking, intimacy, obedience, apology and disagreement. It means that the client would like to express the intimacy. Moreover, the address terms for situations in which are mostly used by the midwife is question, request, and suggestion. It happens because it relates to her task and responsibility. She has to check the pregnancy deeply and gives information to the pregnant woman. In giving explanation and negotiating the meaning, the midwife uses several positive politeness strategies to make it softener.


Biber, D.,et al. 2007. Longman Grammar of Spoken and Written English. Harlow: Pearson Education Limited

Brown, P. and Levinson, S. C. 1987. Politeness: Some Universals in Language Usage. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press

Celce-Murcia, M. 2007. Rethinking the Role of Communicative Competence. Available online on http://www.link.springer.com, retrieved on June 15th, 2014

Cutting, J. 2008. Pragmatics and Discourse. London: Routledge

Health Minister Rules Number 572/1996Leech, G. 1983. Principles of Pragmatics. London:

LongmanLitchman, M. 2009. Qualitative Research in Education:

A User’s Guide 2nd Edition. Washington: SAGE Publication

Nunan, D. 1993. Introducing Discourse Analysis. London: Penguin Group

Parrot, L. A. 2010.Vocative and other Direct Address Forms: A Contrastive Study. OSLa Studies in Language. Available online on http://www.jornals.uio.no.osla

Yuka, A. 2009. Positive Politeness Stategy in Oral Communication I Textbook (Focusing on Terms of Address). The Economic Journal of Takasaki City University of Economics. Available online on http://www1.true.ac.jp/on June 17th 2014

Yule, G. 1996. Pragmatics. New York: Oxford University Press

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Cutiana Windri AstutiSTKIP PGRI Ponorogo

[email protected]

Abstract: The age of pre-school is the sensitive period for the children in maturing the physical and mental functions, which are ready to respond the stimulant from the environment. Therefore, they need the appropriate stimaulant with the children’s need. This study is aimed to provide the alternative for the Pre-school teacher and also the parents for building the child’s character through children literary works. Character building is oriented to sharpen the children potencies. The children literary works are the literary works which reflect the children experiences, feelings with easy understanding contents. Hence, the teacher as the facilitator in arranging the lesson plan must involve the children in literary world. By doing this kind of activity, the children will get the positive character model at school.

Keywords: Character, Early Chilhood, Literary Works

Abstrak: Usia prasekolah merupakan masa peka bagi anak karena terjadinya pematangan fungsi fisik dan psikis yang siap merespon stimulasi yang diberikan oleh lingkungan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan kondisi dan stimulasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak, agar tumbuhkembangnya bisa optimal, termasuk karakternya. Tulisan ini bertujuan memberikan alternatif bagi pendidik PAUD dan orang tua tentang bagaimana menumbuhkembangkan karakter anak usia dini melalui media sastra anak. Pendidikan karakter berorientasi pada proses pembinaan potensi yang ada dalam diri anak, yang dikembangkan melalui pembiasaan sifat baik yaitu berupa pengajaran nilai. Sastra anak adalah sastra yang mencerminkan perasaan dan pengalaman anak-anak, dengan isi cerita dan bahasa yang mudah dipahami. Dengan kemasan cerita yang menarik, mudah dipahami dan dengan bahasa anak, maka sastra anak dapat dijadikan media untuk mengenalkan, menanamkan, membentuk dan mengembangkan karakter baik pada diri anak. Guru sebagai fasilitator menyusun RKH dengan media sastra anak kemudian mengajak anak-anak bermain peran sesuai teladan baik yang ada di dalam karya sastra. Dengan langkah tersebut diharapkan karakter yang positif akan tertanam dalam diri anak, dan akan berkembang seiring pembiasaan teladan baik yang dilakukan dirumah dan disekolah.

Kata Kunci: Anak Usia Dini, Karakter, Sastra


Kata karakter dan pendidikan karakter sudah tidak asing lagi di tengah masyarakat kita. Moral bangsa yang dianggap semakin merosot ini menjadikan istilah karakter naik daun dan menjadi hukum wajib pada ranah pendidikan. Bagaimana tidak? Ketika tawuran pelajar, siswi yang hamil di luar nikah, geng motor, balapan liar, pesta miras saat kelulusan, dan hal negatif lainnya terjadi, maka secara tidak langsung terbangun opini masyarakat

bahwa sekolah sangat berpengaruh besar terhadap pembentukan karakter peserta didik.

Menurut kebijakan nasional dalam Achmad Jalaludin (2013: 419) menyatakan bahwa lingkup sasaran pembangun karakter bangsa mencakup ranah lingkup: keluarga, satuan pendidikan, pemerintah, masyarakat sipil, masyarakat politik, dunia usaha, dan media massa. Itu artinya pembangunan karakter menjadi tanggung jawab bersama dan harus dimulai sejak usia dini. Usia prasekolah ini merupakan masa

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Cutiana Windri Astuti, Pengembangan Karakter Anak Usia Dini Melalui Sastra 16

peka bagi anak yakni masa terjadinya pematangan fungsi-fungsi fisik dan psikis yang siap merespon stimulasi yang diberikan oleh lingkungan. Oleh karena itu dibutuhkan kondisi dan stimulasi yang sesuai dengan kebutuhan anak, agar pertumbuhan dan perkembangan anak tercapai secara optimal termasuk karakter mereka.

Masa tumbuh kembang anak pada usia 0-6 tahun merupakan masa keemasaan (golden age), masa dimana pertumbuhan dan perkembangan yang terjadi akan menjadi pondasi bagi anak tersebut kelak dikemudian hari. Penting untuk memikirkan bagaimana pendidikan dan rangsangan yang tepat bagi anak. Salah satu program yang digalakkan oleh pemerintah adalah pendidikan anak usia dini (PAUD). Menurut Undang-Undang Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 pasal 1 butir 14 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional menyebutkan bahwa pendidikan anak usia dini adalah suatu upaya pembinaan yang ditujukan kepada anak sejak lahir sampai dengan usia enam tahun yang dilakukan melalui pemberian rangsangan pendidikan untuk membantu pertumbuhan dan perkembangan jasmani dan rohani agar anak memiliki kesiapan dalam memasuki pendidikan lebih lanjut.

Pendidikan anak usia dini berorientasi dan menitik beratkan pada perkembangan fisik (menyangkut motorik halus dan kasar), intelegensi (menyangkut daya pikir, daya cipta, kecerdasan emosi, kecerdasan spiritual), sosial emosional (menyangkut sikap dan perilaku), bahasa dan komunikasi pada diri anak (Wahjudi Djaja,2007:27). Berkaitan dengan perkembangan sosial emosional yang menyangkut sikap dan perilaku, penting untuk menumbuh kembangkan karakter yang baik pada anak sehingga kelak mereka akan tumbuh menjadi generasi bangsa yang berkarakter.

Komitmen nasional tentang pengembangan dan pembentukan karakter dalam pendidikan telah tertuang dalam UU No. 20 Tahun 2003 dalam pasal 3 yaitu “Pendidikan nasional berfungsi mengembangkan kemampuan dna membentuk watak serta peradaban bangsa yang bermatabat dalam rangka mencerdaskan kehidupan bangsa, bertujuan untuk berkembangnya potensi peserta didik agar menjadi manusia yang beriman dan bertakwa kepada Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, berakhlak

mulia, sehat, berilmu, cakap, kreatif, mandiri dan menjadi warga negara yang demokratis serta bertanggungjawab.

Anak usia dini yang kelak akan tumbuh sebagai generasi bangsa akan memikul tanggungjawab dalam memajukan bangsa Indonesia di berbagai bidang. Untuk itu, peran mereka sebagai kreator yang menentukan wajah masa depan bangsa harus kita siapkan sejak dini dan dikembangkan secara berkelanjutan. Maka, anak usia dini harus kita bekali dengan pembiasaan dan pengembangan karakter baik di rumah maupun di sekolah.

Orang tua mempunyai tugas sekaligus kewajiban yang tidak bisa dihindarkan untuk membentuk dan mengembangkan karakter anak. Keluarga adalah sekolah pertama yang akan menjadi model sekaligus sarana belajar dan tumbuh kembang anak. Dalam bahasa Indonesia kita mengenal peribahasa “buah jatuh tidak akan jauh dari pohonnya”, yang bermakna bahwa sikap dan sifat seorang anak akan sama dengan orang tuanya. Jika orang tuanya baik maka begitu juga nantinya si anak akan tumbuh. Tetapi sebaliknya jika sikap dan sifat orang tua dan keluarganya buruk maka si anak juga akan mempunyai pribadi yang kurang baik.

Di era globalisasi saat ini, peribahasa tersebut bisa jadi dimentahkan dan tidak terbukti kebenarnnya. Si “A” adalah anak seorang guru agama yang mempunyai sikap dan sifat yang baik, akan tetapi si “A” ini menjadi pembunuh dengan cara mutilasi. Kenyataan lain yang terjadi adalah si “B” tumbuh di keluarga yang tidak harmonis tetapi anak ini mampu menyelesaikan sekolahnya dengan baik tanpa masalah dan justru meraih prestasi. Contoh nyata tersebut menjadi bukti bahwa tidak hanya perilaku orang tua tetapi ada faktor lain yang mempengaruhi karakter pada diri seseorang.

Perkembangan teknologi yang begitu cepat membuat manusia dengan mudah mendapatkan informasi apa saja tanpa melalui proses penyaringan. Sehingga terkadang banyak informasi yang seharusnya tidak diketahui sesuai usia anak, tetapi mudah diakses secara bebas dan terbuka. Oleh karena itu, menjadi tanggungjawab orang tua untuk memilah, memilih, dan menentukan input yang akan dimasukkan untuk membentuk karakter anak pada hal-hal yang baik/positif.

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PAUD sebagai salah satu lembaga pendidikan paling dasar yang dipercaya para orang tua mampu membentuk karakter positif anak, mempunyai kewajiban memikirkan bagaimana menumbuh kembangkan karakter anak sehingga tumbuh menjadi generasi yang membanggakan. Tulisan ini akan memberikan alternatif bagi pendidik PAUD khususnya dan orang tua pada umumnya, tentang bagaimana menumbuhkembangkan karakter anak usia dini melalui media cerpen anak.


Karakter dan Pendidikan Karakter

Karakter dapat berarti kejiwaan, akhlak atau budi pekerti yang membedakan sesorang dari yang lain. Karakter adalah cara berpikir dan berperilaku yang menjadi ciri khas tiap individu untuk hidup dan bekerjasama, baik dalam lingkungan keluarga, masyarakat, bangsa dan negara. Individu yang berkarakter baik adalah individu yang bisa membuat keputusan dan siap mempertanggungjawabkan tiap akibat dari keputusan yang ia buat (Suyanto dalam Sarwiji Suwandi, 2013:2).

Pendidikan karakter dapat diartikan sebagai pendidikan yang berorientasi pada proses pembinaan potensi yang ada dalam diri anak, yang dikembangkan melalui pembiasaan sifat-sifat baik yaitu berupa pengajaran nilai karakter yang baik. Dalam Pedoman Pengembangan Pendidikan Budaya dan Karakter Bangsa (2010:7), tujuan pendidikan budaya dan karakter bangsa adalah; 1) mengembangkan potensi kalbu/nurani/efektif peserta didik sebagai manusia dan warga negara yang memiliki nilai-nilai budaya dan karakter, 2) mengembangkan kebiasaan dan perilaku peserta didik yang terpuji dan sejalan dengan nilai-nilai universal dan tradisi budaya bangsa yang religius, 3) menanamkan jiwa kepemimpinan dan tanggung jawab peserta didik sebagai generasi penerus bangsa, 4) mengembangkan kemampuan peserta didik menjadi manusia yang mandiri, kreatif, berwawasan kebangsaan, dan 5) mengembangkan lingkungan kehidupan sekolah sebagai lingkungan belajar yang aman, jujur, penuh kreativitas dan

persahabatan, serta dengan rasa kebangsaan yang tinggi dan penuh kekuatan (dignity).

Dr. Siti Fatimah Soenaryo menyampaikan ruang lingkup pendidikan karakter tercakup dalam olah pikir, olah raga, olah hati dan olah karsa. Olah pikir yaitu cerdas, kritis, kreatif, inovatif, ingin tahu, berpikir terbuka, produktif, berorientasi ipteks, dan reflektif. Olah raga yaitu bersih dan sehat, disiplin, sportif, tangguh, andal, berdaya tahan, bersahabat, kooperatif, determinatif, kompetitif, ceria, dan gigih. Olah hati yaitu beriman dan bertakwa, jujur, amanah, adil, bertanggungjawab, berempati, berani mengambil resiko, pantang menyerah, rela berkorban, dan berjiwa patriotik. Sedangkan olah rasa adalah ramah, saling menghargai, toleran, peduli, suk menolong, nasionalis, mengutamakan kepentingan umum, bangga menggunakan bahasa dan produk Indonesia, dinamis, kerja keras dan beretos kerja.

Untuk mewujudkan generasi yang memiliki olah pikir, olah raga, olah hati, dan olah karsa tersebut harus dimulai dari yang sederhana, yang mudah dilaksanakan sesuai dengan kondisi masing-masing sekolah/wilayah. Misalnya adalah menciptakan suasana yang bersih, membiasakan anak bersikap jujur, sopan santun, peduli, dan selalu semangat pantang menyerah. Diperlukan strategi yang tepat untuk mewujudkannya pada anak usia dini. Salah satunya bisa melalui media sastra anak yang mempunyai keteladanan yang baik didalamnya.

Beliau juga menyampaikan 15 pilar karakter yaitu (1) nilai kecintaan terhadap Tuhan YME, (2) nilai toleransi dan cinta damai, (3) nilai disiplin, (4) nilai kejujuran, (5) nilai percaya diri, (6) nilai mandiri, (7) nilai kreatif, (8) nilai kerja keras, (9) nilai tanggung jawab, (10) nilai rendah hati, (11) nilai hormat dan sopan santun, (12) nilai tolong menolong, kerjasama dan gotong royong, (13) nilai kepemimpinan dan keadilan, (14) nilai cinta bangsa dan tanah air, serta (15) nilai peduli lingkungan.

Hakikatnya tujuan pendidikan karakter adalah membentuk individu menjadi seorang pribadi yang bermoral dan bertanggungjawab dalam hubungannya dengan orang lain dalam kehidupan bermasyarakat. Maka pendidikan karakter mengarah

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pada pembentukan individu kedalam 15 pilar karakter tersebut. Menurut Sulistyorini (2013:415) pendidikan karakter memiliki fungsi yang strategis dan efektif bagi proses perubahan sosial dalam masyarakat jika dilaksanakan dengan terarah dan terencana, melalui dukungan dari banyak pihak yang memiliki otoritas, terutama otoritas negara.

Pendidikan karakter tidak hanya sekdar mengajarkan mana yang benar dan mana yang salah. Lebih dari itu menurut Sarwiji Suwandi (2013:3) pendidikan karakter menanamkan kebiasaan (habituation) tentang hal mana yang baik sehingga peserta didik menjadi paham (kognitif) tentang mana yang benar dan salah, mampu merasakan (afektif) nilai yang baik dan bisa melakukannya (psikomotor). Jadi pendidikan karakter menekankan pada kebiasaan yang terus menurus dipraktekkan dan tujuan akhir pendidikan karakter adalah meningkatkan kebaikan dalam diri peserta didik.

Sastra sebagai Pembentuk Karakter Anak

Sastra anak adalah sastra yang mencerminkan perasaan dan pengalaman anak-anak. Yang tentunya dikemas dalam pandangan anak-anak dengan isi cerita dan bahasa yang mudah dipahami anak-anak. Sastra anak bisa ditulis oleh orang dewasa atau anak-anak itu sendiri. Yang harus diperhatikan adalah bagaimana tulisan itu memiliki kebermaknaan bagi anak-anak. Karya sastra anak bisa bermacam-macam yaitu: puisi, cerpen, drama, cerita rakyat, cerita binatang, novel, dan juga film.

Pengertian karya sastra anak tersebut memberikan pemikiran bahwa sastra anak dapat dijadikan media untuk mengenalkan, menanamkan, membentuk dan mengembangkan karakter baik pada diri anak. Hal tersebut bisa dicontohkan pada puisi karya Aming Aminoedhin yang dikutip dari Esti Swatika Sari (2013:277-278) berikut.

Kado Ultah AdikkuSaat Sekolah telah pulangAku lihat di halaman sekolahMasih ada penjual ikan kokiBerdagang

Kuraba saku, masih ada uang sakukuGuna membeli seekor ikan koki

Di dalam plastikBerisi air, berenang melonjakSi koki tampak senang sekali

Tiba dirumahKuberikan koki pada adikkuSebagai kado ultahnya hari iniBetapa riang adikkuMelonjak-lonjak girang bagai si koki

Pada kutipan puisi diatas jelas terdapat nilai karakter yaitu nilai kasih sayang, bagaimana seorang kakak yang baik hati memberikan sisa uang sakunya untuk membeli seekor ikan koki untuk kado ulang tahun adiknya. Contoh lain adalah dongeng Timun Mas yang mengajarkan sikap pantang menyerah, bekerja keras, dan mandiri serta bertanggung jawab. Yaitu bagaimana timun mas berjuang keras melawan raksasa yang akhirnya berbuah kebaikan baginya.

Masih banyak karya sastra yang mengandung keteladanan yang baik bagi anak. Hal ini bisa dimanfaatkan oleh guru dan juga orang tua sebagai media transfer karakter. Salah satu yang paling mudah dicerna oleh anak usia dini adalah karya sastra berupa cerita pendek, dalam bentuk dongeng, cerita rakyat, atau cerita binatang. Hal ini dikarenakan anak usia dini penuh dengan imajinasi dan daya khayal serta membutuhkan contoh-contoh yang kongkrit seperti apa yang mereka alami dilingkungannya. Dengan begitu apa yang mereka dengar, lihat dan lakukan akan mudah diteladani sampai si anak pulang sekolah. Berikut contoh cerita pendek anak yang saya tulis.

Amir dan bebek-bebeknya

Seperti biasanya setiap pulang sekolah Amir menggiring bebek-bebek ke sungai kecil diujung desa. Dengan sabar Amir menggerak-gerakkan batang kayu ditangannya, ke kiri dan ke kanan sampai semua bebek-bebek itu sampai di sungai. Keringat amir bercucuran karena panas, tapi Amir tetap tersenyum seiring suara ramai bebek-bebeknya.Siang semakin terik, Amir berteduh dibawah pohon disebelah sungai sambil terus mengawasi bebek-bebek yang asyik berenang. Tiba-tiba bahu Amir ditepuk

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oleh seseorang yang tidak dia kenal. Seseorang itu menyapa Amir. “Nak..namamu siapa?”“Sa...saya..Amir. Bapak siapa?” begitu tanya Amir kaget.“Saya penjual bebek goreng, saya tinggal di desa sebelah. Bolehkah saya bertanya padamu Amir?” seseorang tadi duduk disebalah Amir dan Amir mengangguk mendengar pertanyaanya.“Bolehkah saya membeli beberapa ekor bebek-bebekmu itu?”“Tentu boleh Pak” jawab Amir dengan gembira, “nanti Bapak akan saya antar ke rumah saya dan berbicaralah pada ibu saya” lanjut Amir penuh semangat.“Bagaimana jika seekor saja?” tawar penjual bebek goreng, “Pastinya jika hanya seekor bebek saya beli darimu langsung, ibumu tidak akan tau. Bukankah bebek-bebek ini jumlahnya puluhan? Nanti uangnya bisa kau gunakan untuk tambahan uang sakumu.” Amir diam sejenak dan menggelengkan kepala mendengarnya. “Maaf Pak, Ibu saya memang tidak akan tau Pak, tapi kata Ibu saya Allah SWT Maha mengetahui segala yang saya lakukan.” Jawaban Amir membuat si penjual bebek goreng mengelus rambut Amir dan berpamitan. Amir tersenyum dan segera melanjutkan menggiring bebek-bebeknya untuk pulang karena hari sudah sore.

Tokoh dan penokohan dalam cerita pendek tersebut mengandung nilai karakter kecintaan terhadap Tuhan Yang Maha Esa, kejujuran, sopan santun serta tanggung jawab. Bagaimana tokoh Amir begitu sopan dan santu menjawab pertanyaan dari orang yang lebih tua yaitu Bapak penjual bebek goreng dari tetangga desanya. Amir juga menunjukkan tanggung jawabnya dengan menggiring bebek-bebek sampai sungai, menungguinya, dan menggiring pulang bebek-bebeknya jika sudah sore. Amir juga menunjukkan rasa tanggung jawabnya dengan selalu mengingat pesan ibunya dan akan mengantar pada ibunya jika ada yang ingin mebeli bebek. Selain itu nilai utama yang perlu diteladani adalah kejujuran dan rasa cintanya pada Tuhan. Amir tidak mau membohongi ibunya dengan menjual salah satu bebeknya pada

Bapak tukang penjual bebek goreng. Amir juga teringat pesan ibunya untuk selalu ingat pada Allah SWT. Bahwa Allah SWT maha mengetahui semua yang dilakukan Amir sekalipun Amir tidak bersama ibunya.

Seperti itulah contoh cerita pendek anak yang mengandung nilai keteladanan dari tokoh dan penokohannya yang bisa kita ceritakan pada anak-anak, dan kita jelaskan nilai kebaikan apa yang bisa dicontoh sehingga bisa menumbuhkembangkan karakter yang baik pada diri anak. Tidak hanya dicontohkan secara perkataan tetapi harus dapat ditirukan secara langsung oleh anak terkait tindakan keteladanan yang baik tersebut dan dijadikan kebiasaan.

Contoh pada cerpen “Amir dan Bebek-bebeknya”, nilai sopan santun yaitu berbicara dengan baik pada orang yang lebih tua. Anak-anak bisa langsung mempraktekkan nilai keteladanan tersebut dengan cara: guru atau orang tua memberikan pertanyaan sederhana dan meminta anak menjawab pertanyaan tersebut. Disinilah penanaman dan pengembangan karakter terjadi, guru atau orang tua membimbing bagaimana menjawab pertanyaan dengan nada yang sopan dan sikap yang santun. Misalnya tidak boleh menjawab pertanyaan orang tua dengan berteriak-teriak atau dengan mata melotot. Tetapi cukup dijawab dengan suara yang biasa saja dan pandangan mengarah pada lawan bicara. Begitu seterusnya, bisa dilakukan oleh guru atau orang tua pada cerita pendek anak yang lain yang mengandung nilai keteladanan positif bagi anak. Yang terpenting adalah guru/orang tua tetap memberikan pendampingan dan arahan sehingga keteladanan yang baik tersebut dapat dicontoh oleh anak-anak.

Tema Sastra dan Tahapan Perkembangan Anak

Karya sastra anak bervariasi dalam penggunaan format dan temanya, bergantung pada tahapan usia anak-anak. Hal ini mengacu pada format penyajian dan penggunaan bahasanya, misalnya ada buku yang bergambar dan tidak bergambar. Novel dan puisi adalah jenis sastra yang biasanya dikemas tidak bergambar. Cerita rakyat, dongeng, dan cerita

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binatang sudah banyak yang dikemas dalam bentuk bergambar yang berwarna dan disukai anak-anak.

Mulyana (2012;18) menjelaskan bahwa pemilihan cerita disesuaikan dengan tingkat usia perkembangan anak. Hal ini dapat dijelaskan sebagai berikut.

1) Usia 0-2 TahunUsia 0-2 tahun merupakan awal masa perkembangan sensorik-motorik sehingga semua tingkah laku dan pemikiran anak didasari pada hal itu. Untuk anak seusia ini, pilihan cerita harus sesuai dengan objek yang ada disekitar lingkungan anak. Anak seusia ini belum bisa berfantasi karena keterbatasan bahasa mereka. Maka orang tua/guru bisa memilih cerita dengan bantuan buku. Buku yang dipilih seharusnya buku yang sarat gambar dan beraneka warna sehingga anak tidak bosan.

2) Usia 2-4 TahunUsia 2-4 tahun merupakan usia pembentukan. Banyak konsep baru yang harus anak0-anak pelajari di masa ini. Di usia ini anak senang mempelajari manusia dan kehidupan. Oleh karena itu, mereka suka sekali meniru tingkah laku orang dewasa. Hal ini bisa diterapkan melalui adegan yang sesuai dengan cerita. Bisa juga orang tua/guru menceritakan tentang karakter dalam cerita tersebut yang disesuaikan dengan keseharian anak. Imajinasi anak usia ini sangat tinggi, kadang anak tidak bisa membedakan antara kenyataan dan fantasi, maka terkadang anak sangat takut dengan kegelapan atau sesuatu yang menakutkan. Buku atau karya sastra yang dipilih bisa bergambar atau tidak bergambar, tetapi lebih tepat jika bergambar dan berwarna sehingga meningkatkan imajinasi dan daya tangkap anak.

3) Usia 4-7 TahunAnak usia 4-7 tahun sudah bisa dikenalkan pada cerita yang lebih kompleks. Mereka sudah mulai menyukai cerita-cerita tentang terjadinya suatu benda atau bagaimana cara kerja sesuatu. Jenis karya sastra berupa puisi dan cerita rakyat

sudah bisa diperkenalkan pada usia ini karena anak sudah cenderung dapat berfikir dan membedakan kenyataan dan fantasi.

Keaneka rag aman t ema dan amana t menunjukkan banyaknya permasalahan kehidupan yang perlu disampaikan kepada anak-anak sebagai bekal kehidupan mereka selanjutnya. Secara umum tema yang sangat penting untuk anak usia dini adalah tema berketuhanan/religius, tema budi pekerti/akhlak, tema kepedulian terhadap sesama dan lingkungan, tema semangat dan pantang menyerah. Orang tua/guru harus pandai dalam memilih sastra anak dan temanya sehingga dapat sesuai dengan usia perkembangan anak. Kesesuaian tersebut akan berdampak pada tercapainya tujuan penanaman karakter baik pada anak-anak.

Langkah Penanaman dan Pengembangan Karakter Anak

Pelaksanaan pembelajaran wajibnya didasarkan Rencana Kegiatan Harian (RKH). Didalam RKH akan tergambar bagaimana desain pembelajaran yang akan diterapkan sesuai dengan tujuan yang ingin dicapai diimbangi dengan materi, alat, media dan bahan ajar yang sesuai serta metode yang tepat. Langkah-langkah yang bisa dilakukan guru PAUD terkait penanaman dan pengembangan karakter pada anak melalui media sastra anak adalah.1) Guru menyusun RKH sesuai tema.2) Guru menyiapkan cerpen/dongeng dalam

bentuk tertulis dan bergambar, atau menyiapkan rekamann cerita dalam bentuk audio atau audio visual.

3) Pilih tema cerita yang sesuai dengan tema pembelajaran, agar anak tidak kesulitan dan tercapai tujuan pembelajaran serta tujuan penanaman nilai karakter yang dikehendaki.Contoh: Tema pembelajaran: Binatang Kesayangan. Judul cerpen : Amir dan bebek-bebeknya.

4) Guru menyiapkan media pendukung dalam bercerita/mendongeng karena anak usia dini akan mudah memahami berdasarkan hal-hal kongkrit bukan abstrak.

5) Guru bersepakat dengan siswa lalu bercerita/mendongeng secara komunikatif dalam

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kondisi yang santai dan sesuai kemauan anak.

6) Setelah selesai bercerita/mendongeng guru memasukkan poin nilai karakter yang ada dalam cerpen dengan cara bermain peran atau demonstrasi sehingga anak-anak langsung dapat melakukan nilai karakter yang dikehendaki.

Langkah-langkah tersebut dapat dikembangkan dan disesuaikan dengan situasi kondisi di masing-masing lembaga PAUD. Yang perlu digaris bawahi adalah ketepatan memilih tema dan keterampilan mengekspresikan isi cerita saat menceritakan kembali atau mendongeng. Karena hal tersebut akan berpengaruh terhadap berhasil tidaknya tujuan penanaman karakter yang diinginkan. Guru juga bisa mensiasatinya dengan memanfaatkan media teknologi dan komunikasi yang sudah canggih saat ini, dimana cerita pendek disajikan dalam bentuk audio visual seperti film, sehingga anak-anak jauh lebih tertarik dan termotivasi akan tokoh dan penokohan dalam cerita tersebut.


Sekelumit penjelasan diatas diharapkan membuka dan menambah wacana penanaman dan pengembangan karakter pada anak usia dini bagi guru dan orang tua serta semua pihak yang peduli pada masa depan bangsa ini. Di lingkup sekolah transformasi pendidikan karakter pada peserta didik akan melibatkan seluruh komponen dan warga sekolah, terutama guru. Sang motivator dan fasilitator ini akan menjadi penentu bagaimana karakter yang baik dapat tumbuh dan berkembang pada diri siswa. Maka dibutuhkan strategi jitu untuk mewujudkan hal tersebut. Sastra anak dapat dijadikan salah satu media untuk mewujudkan cita-cita mulia tersebut, tinggal bagaimana memaknai dan mengapresiasikan sastra sehingga tepat pada tujuan karakter yang dikehendaki. Dibutuhkan keterampian berbahasa dan bercerita dengan ekspresi yang tepat sehingga anak-anak akan lebih mudah memahami. Jika anak usia dini memiliki cikal bakal karakter yang baik maka diharapkan kelak

akan menjadi generasi berkarakter yang mampu membangun bangsa ini menjadi lebih maju.


Djaja, Wahjudi. 2007. Mencetak Generasi Cerdas Berkualitas. Klaten: Cempaka Putih

Jalaludin, Achmad. 2013. Keteladanan Guru dalam Pembinaan dan Pengembangan Karakter Siswa di Sekolah. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (JRPP), Volume IV: 418-425. Surabaya: Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur.

Kemendiknas. 2010. Pedoman Pengembangan Pendidikan Karakter dan Budaya Bangsa. Jakarta: Badan Penelitian dan Pengembangan Pusat Kurikulum.

Mulyana, Dadan. 2012. Dongeng dan Perkembangan Anak. Warta PAUDNI Edisi VII. Jakarta: Kemendikbud.

Sari, Esti Swatika. 2013. Mengenalkan Pendidikan Karakter Melalui Sastra Anak Indonesia. Prosiding Seminar Internasional Pengembangan Peran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia untuk Mewujudkan Generasi Berkarakter. Surakarta: Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret.

Siti Fatimah Sunaryo. 2011. PAUD Sebagai Pintu Utama Membangun Karakter Bangsa. Makalah disajikan dalam Acara Pelantikan Pengurus HIMPAUDI Kabupaten Trenggalek, Gedung Bhawarasa, Trenggalek, 28 Desember 2011.

Sulistyorini. 2013. Pendidikan Karakter dan Implikasinyadalam Pendidikan. Jurnal Riset Pendidikan dan Pembelajaran (JRPP), Volume IV: 410-417. Surabaya: Dinas Pendidikan Provinsi Jawa Timur.

Suwandi, Sarwiji. 2013. Peran Guru Bahasa Indonesia yang Inspiratif untuk Mewujudkan Peserta Dididk Berkarakter. Prosiding Seminar Internasional Pengembangan Peran Bahasa dan Sastra Indonesia untuk Mewujudkan Generasi Berkarakter. Surakarta: Prodi Pendidikan Bahasa dan Sastra FKIP Universitas Sebelas Maret.

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Cutiana Windri Astuti, Pengembangan Karakter Anak Usia Dini Melalui Sastra 22

Undang-Undang Republik Indonesia Nomor 20 Tahun 2003 tentang Sistem Pendidikan Nasional.

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Dwi Rachmad Rusela A.STKIP PGRI Ponorogo

[email protected]

Abstrak: Penelitian ini betujuan untuk mengetahui: (i) metode manakah yang lebih efektif untuk pengajaran keterampilan membaca, CIRC atau Lecture method, (ii) dalam aspek keterampilan membaca, manakah yang lebih baik antara siswa dengan motivasi tinggi dan rendah, dan (iii) interaksi antara metode CIRC dan Lecture method terhadap motivasi siswa dalam pembelajaran membaca. Penelitian ini menggunakan pendekatan eksperimental dengan subyek siswa kelas X SMKN Kawedana yang terdiri dari kelas A dan B. Masing-masing kelas terdiri dari 30 siswa. Kelas B merupakan kelas eksperimen yang diajar menggunakan CIRC, sedangkan kelas A merupakan kelas kontrol yang diajar menggunakan Lecture method. Data diperoleh dari hasil tes dan berupa data kuantitatif dan dianalisa menggunakan ANOVA. Hasil yang diperoleh menunjukkan: (i) CIRC lebih efektif dibanding Lecture method, (ii) keterampilan membaca siswa dengan motivasi tinggi lebih baik dibanding siswa dengan motivasi rendah, dan (iii) tidak ada interaksi antara metode pembelajaran dan motivasi siswa. Dari hasil penelitian dapat disimpulkan bahwa CIRC efektif untuk meningkatkan keterampilan membaca siswa.

Kata Kunci: CIRC, Keterampilan Membaca, Lecture Method, Motivasi

Abstract: This research is aimed to find out: (1) whether CIRC or Lecture method is effective for teaching reading, (2) which ones have better skill in reading, the students having high motivation or low motivation; and (3) whether there is an interaction between methods and students’ motivation in teaching reading. The research method was experimental and the subject was the students of the first grade of SMK 1 Kawedanan, including A and B, which consisted of 30 students of each. The first grade B was the experimental class, taught using CIRC and the first grade A was the control class, taught using Lecture Method. The data were in the form of quantitative, taken from a test, and then analysed by using ANOVA. The research results were: (1) The CIRC was more effective than Lecture method to teach reading; (2) The reading skill achievement of the students having high motivation was better than that of those having low motivation; and (3) There was no interaction between teaching methods and students’ motivation. Based on these research findings, it can be concluded that CIRC was an effective method to improve the students’ reading skill.

Keywords: CIRC, Lecture Method, Motivation, Reading Skill


Reading comes as an imperative start of learning activity. Reading facilitates the readers to learn something from the text they read. According to Bernhardt in Urquhart and Weir (1998: 8), cognitive skills in reading covered several numbers of competences. Based on the statement, it can be concluded that reading improves the cognitive skills

while the cognitive skills improvement facilitate to the progress of the other several competences.

Reading is the eye of knowledge. It can be interpreted that reading opens more opportunities to gain any information needed by readers. The competence of reading provides ones chance to get the wider range of information from the text. This happens in Indonesian graduate students of high or vocational schools, whom several said,

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Dwi Rachmad Rusela A., The Effectiveness of CIRC to Teach Reading Viewed from Students’ Motivation24

“Artikel dan bahan dari internet yang kami dapatkan selama sekolah kebanyakan di tulis dalam bahasa inggris.” Students such as the readers of many kinds of text need also the reading competence. Especially reading English text, students need to understand more about it. In SMK 1 Kawedanan, a vocational school, the education institutions concerning about the development of the students’ life skills, like English. Moreover, English can develop themselves to receive information from several sources. Additionally, reading is one of language skills which support the development of life skills (Hedge, 2003: 209). It means that reading has a role as a subject matter to the students’ reading competence that provides opportunities to study language further, and supports the development of their life skills as well.

English is delivered by English teachers as one of the school subjects, while reading is a competence in the body of English. In other words, reading is a part of English competences conducted in SMK 1 Kawedanan. English has been being delivered for more than ten years. English has been one of the main subjects which is included in the materials of National Examination. Because of it, students are hoped can fulfill the some indicators of reading. They are able finding the main ideas, supporting details, and recognizing the relationship between the main idea and their expansion (example, specific points, elaboration, etc).

As one of the ways of language learning, reading enables students not only to obtain information from various resources but also enables students to learn language. In the same idea, Harmer (1998:68) states, “Reading also provides opportunities to study language: vocabulary, grammar, punctuation and the way construct sentences, paragraphs and text.” In this way, students such as the reader get involves in the text which will enlarge their knowledge related to vocabulary, grammar, the way of constructing sentences, paragraphs, essays, or other textual forms.

Reading process involves readers’ language knowledge. In other words, language knowledge has a role on their reading activity which is connected to the students’ reading competence. This is in line with Hedge (2003: 192), who states,

“Language knowledge enables readers to work on the text.” It means that readers recognize the words, grammatical structures, and other linguistic features. In other words, readers have knowledge of language structure and can recognize a wide range of vocabularies automatically. Furthermore, Hedge (2003: 190) states, “Certain words or phrases in the text or in the materials surrounding the text will activate prior knowledge of some kind in the mind of the reader.” It means that every reader like student has knowledge deep inside their mind; even they do not realize that they have the knowledge. In the reading text consisting words or phrases here have a chance to activate their prior knowledge.

Besides the good way of thinking like recognizing, finding, and recalling specific details with looking carefully at a text. Teaching and learning process which is oriented for achieving certain students’ motivation should pay attention to the students needs. Students will be motivated in learning English, especially for reading if the teacher creates the different atmosphere of the class. Students’ motivation is related to the methods and techniques used by the teacher in teaching and learning process. Nearly all the teachers usually use the Lecture method in teaching English, especially in teaching reading.

Students SMK 1 Kawedanan have several problems which can be elaborated into several points. Having put a deep-sight upon the points, the problems closely related to their language knowledge and their motivation in reading learning process.

The first problem is related to the students’ language knowledge. In addition, the students’ reading knowledge about English still focuses on the words or text rather than the reading goal. They can consciously or unconsciously forget what their reading goals. In the same line of this, River and Temperley (in Hedge, 2003: 195) say that:

“Reading activity, from the beginning, should have some purposes and we should concentrate on the normal purposes of reading. The purposes as follows: to get information; to respond to curiosity about a topic; to follow instructions to perform a task; for pleasure, amusement, and personal

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JURNAL BAHASA DAN SASTRA, Vol. 2 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2015 25

enjoyment; to keep in touch with friends and colleagues; to know what is happening in the world; and to find out when and where things are.”

In reading activity, it should have certain purposes while the reading text contains some materials for the readers. For English as a school subject, the purpose of reading is to perform a task which is expected to develop their competence on reading but they still have little understanding about vocabularies, main idea, and content of the text. Whereas, the purpose of reading can be real-life ones for language learners because English is part of their environment, or because they have immediate needs such as studying in English or using it in professional life.

The second problem is related to the students’ reading motivation. Some of the students are lack of reading motivation. In this study, it is explained how to make students not to get bored in the reading activity. It can be used to increase the students’ reading competence. There are many kinds of methods or technics to gain the objective in teaching learning process, especially in teaching reading. As parts of teaching method, Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) is used in the teaching reading. The Cooperative Integrated Reading and Composition (CIRC) method is related to Cooperative Learning. In the process, the students have more active in learning process.

Therefore, this research is aimed to find out: (i) whether CIRC or Lecture method is effective for teaching reading, (2) which ones have better skill in reading, the students having high motivation or low motivation; and (3) whether there is an interaction between methods and students’ motivation in teaching reading.


This research took place at SMK 1 Kawedanan, East Java Province. This research was done at the second semester (class X) in academic year 2013/2014. It was implemented according to the school’s daily schedule. The experimental study was used in this research. The treatment used in this

research is independent variable: CIRC method was in experimental group and lecture method was used for control group.

The population in this research was all the X grade students and/or eight classes. The samples in this research were accounting 1 for experimental group and secretary 1 was used for control group of X grade. Cluster random sampling was used to take sample in this research. It was used to find out two classes for implementing CIRC and lecture method. Accounting 1 is taught by using CIRC for experimental group and Secretary 1 is taught by using lecture method for control group. Both accounting 1 and secretary 1 have the same achievement from the result of their first semester.

This research used three variables; two independent variables and one dependent variable. The first independent variable 1 (1X) was the implementation of CIRC method and Lecture method. The second independent variable 2 (2X) was students’ motivation in learning English, and the dependent variable (Y) was students’ competence reading.

It was an experimental research by using factorial design 2 x 2 with ANOVA analysis. The research design is as follows:


STAD (1 B)

Lecture method (2 B)

High (1 A) A1B1 A1B2

Low (2 A) A2B1 A2B2

1 B 2 B

Notes: A1B1 : The mean score of students having High Motivation (HM) who are taught using CIRC method.

A2B1 : The mean score of students having Low Motivation (LM) who are taught using CIRC method.

A1B2 : The mean score of students having High Motivation (HM) who are taught using Lecture method.

A2B2 : The mean score of students having Low Motivation (LM) who are taught using Lecture method.

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Dwi Rachmad Rusela A., The Effectiveness of CIRC to Teach Reading Viewed from Students’ Motivation26

B1 : The mean score of experimental group who is taught using CIRC method.

B2 : The mean score of control group who is taught us ing Lecture method.

The data in this research were the results of reading test and the questionnaire of students’ motivation in learning English. The multiple choice test was used to collect the data about students’ competence in reading, and students’ motivation score was gained after they answer the questionnaire.

Close ended questions are used in this research. Besides that, there are two types of motivations’ questions used in this research, firstly, the question requires an answer, such as; strongly agree, agree, disagree, and strongly disagree. And secondly, the question requires an answer, such as; always, sometimes, rarely, and never. The first type of question refers to the students’ opinion and the second refers to their action or activity in learning English.

There were two types of data analysis in this research, those are: descriptive analysis and inferential analysis. Before analyzing the data by using inferential analysis, the normality and homogeneity test should be conducted. The normality test used Lilliefors test (Lo) and homogeneity used chi square.1. Normality Test

The results of students’ scores in reading test were analyzed using Lilliefors test (Lo), with

the criteria if Lo<Lt, the data were in normal distribution.2. Homogeneity Test

To test the homogeneity of the population variance, chisquare was used. If 2o X is lower than 2t X, it can be concluded that the data were homogenous.3. Hypothesis Testing

Testing the hypothesis in this research was done after getting the normality and homogeneity of the data by using ANOVA.


Research Findings

The data used for the research are in the form of scores which are obtained from the result of the student’s motivation test and reading test. The score of the student’s reading test in detail can be described as follows:1. Scores of the students who are taught using

CIRC (A1).Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who are taught using CIRC, the highest score achieved by students is 95 and the lowest one is 56. The range is 39, from the student’s number (N) = 30. The number of class used is 6, and the class width (interval) used is 7. From the calculation result of statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 76.93, the mode score is 80, the median score is 78, and the standard deviation is 11.84.

The frequency distribution of scores of the students who are taught using CIRC on the whole can be seen in table 1.

Table 3.1: Frequency Distribution of Scores of A1

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

56 - 62 55.5 – 62.5 59 IIII 4 13.3363 - 69 62.5 – 69.5 66 IIII I 6 20.0070 - 76 69.5 – 76.5 73 III 3 10.0077 - 83 76.5 – 83.5 80 IIII 5 16.6784 - 90 83.5 – 90.5 87 IIII III 8 26.6791 - 97 90.5 – 97.5 94 IIII 4 13.33

30 100.00

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JURNAL BAHASA DAN SASTRA, Vol. 2 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2015 27

2. Scores of the students who are taught using Lecture Method (A2)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who are taught using Lecture Method, the highest score achieved by students is 90 and the lowest one is 50. The range is 40, from the student’s number (N) =30. The number of class used is 6,

and the class width (interval) used is 7. From the calculation result statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 69.7,the mode score is 65.8, the median score is 68.5, and the standard deviation is11.55. The frequency distribution of scores of the students who are taught using direct instruction on the whole can be seen in table 2.

Table 3.2: Frequency Distribution of Scores of A2

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

50 - 56 49.5 – 56.5 53 IIII 4 13.3357 - 63 56.5 – 63.5 60 IIII II 7 23.3364 - 70 63.5 – 70.5 67 IIII I 6 20.0071 - 77 70.5 – 77.5 74 IIII 4 13.3378 - 84 77.5 – 84.5 81 IIII 5 16.6785 - 91 84.5 – 91.5 88 IIII 4 13.33

30 100

3. Scores of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with High Motivation (B1).Based on the calculation result of scores

of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with High Motivation, the highest score achieved by students is 95 and the lowest one is 70. The range is 25, from the student’s number(N) = 30. The number of class used is 6,

and the class width (interval) used is 4. From the calculation result of statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 83.43, the mode score is 81.5, the median score is 84.5, and the standard deviation is 9.4.

The frequency distribution of scores of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with High Motivation on the whole can be seen in table 3.

Table 3.3: Frequency Distribution of Scores of B1

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

70 - 73 69.5 - 73.5 71.5 II 2 6.6774 - 77 73.5 - 77.5 75.5 IIII 4 13.3378 - 81 77.5 - 81.5 79.5 IIII I 6 20.0082 - 85 81.5 - 85.5 83.5 IIII I 6 20.0086 - 89 85.5 - 89.5 87.5 IIII 5 16.6790 - 93 89.5 - 93.5 91.5 IIII 5 16.6794 - 97 93.5 - 97.5 95.5 II 2 6.66

30 100.00

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Dwi Rachmad Rusela A., The Effectiveness of CIRC to Teach Reading Viewed from Students’ Motivation28

4. Scores of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with Low Motivation (B2).Based on the calculation result of scores

of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with Low Motivation, the highest score achieved by students is 78 and the lowest one is 50. The range is 28, from the student’s number

(N) = 30. The number of class used is 6, and the class width (interval) used is 5. From the calculation result of statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 63.2, the mode score is 66.4, the median score is 63.5, and the standard deviation is 9.77.

The frequency distribution of scores of the students who are taught using CIRC on the whole can be seen in table 4.

Table 3.4: Frequency Distribution of Scores of B2

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

50 - 54 49.5 - 54.5 52 III 3 10.0055 - 59 54.5 - 59.5 57 IIII II 7 23.3360 - 64 59.5 - 64.5 62 IIII 5 16.6765 - 69 64.5 - 69.5 67 IIII IIII 10 33.3370 - 74 69.5 - 74.5 72 II 2 6.6775 - 79 74.5 - 79.5 77 III 3 10.00

30 100

5. Scores of the students who have high Motivation who are taught using CIRC (A1B1)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who have high motivation who are taught using CIRC, the highest score achieved by students is 95 and the lowest one is 78. The range is 17, from the student’s number (N) =15. The

number of class used is 5, while the class width (interval) used is 3. From the calculation result of statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 87.13, the mode score is 98.5, the median score is 88, and the standard deviation is 5.53.

The frequency distribution of scores of the students who are taught using Team Anthologies on the whole can be seen in table 5.

Table 3.5: Frequency Distribution of Scores of (A1B1)

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

78 - 80 77.5 – 80.5 79 III 3 20.0081 - 83 80.5 – 83.5 82 0 0 0.0084 - 86 83.5 – 86.5 85 III 3 20.0087 - 89 86.5 – 89.5 88 III 3 20.0090 - 92 89.5 – 92.5 91 IIII 4 26.6793 - 95 92.5 – 95.5 94 II 2 13.33

15 100

6. Scores of the students who have low motivation who are taught using CIRC (A1 B2)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who have low motivation who are taught using CIRC, the highest score achieved by student is 78 and the lowest one is 56. The range

is 22, from the student’s number (N) =15. The number of class used is 5, while the class width (interval) used is 5. From the calculation result of statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 66.73, the mode score is 72.5, the median score is 65, and the standard deviation is 69.3

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JURNAL BAHASA DAN SASTRA, Vol. 2 No. 1 Januari-Juni 2015 29

7. Scores of the students who have high motivation who are taught using Lecture Method (A2B1)Based on the calculation result of scores of the

students who have high motivation who are taught using Lecture Method, the highest score achieved by student is 90 and the lowest one is 70. The range is 11, from the student’s number (N) = 15. The number of class used is 7, while the class width

(interval) used is 4. From the calculation result of statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 79.73, the mode score is 79.5, the median score is 81,and the standard deviation is 6.47.

The frequency distribution of scores of the students who have high motivation who are taught using Lecture Method on the whole can be seen in table 7.

The frequency distribution of scores of the students who have low motivation who are taught using CIRC on the whole can be seen in table 6.

Table 3.6: Frequency Distribution of Scores of (A1B2)

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

54 - 58 53.5 – 58.5 56 III 3 20.0059 - 63 58.5 – 63.5 61 I 1 6.6764 - 68 63.5 – 68.5 66 IIII I 6 40.0069 - 73 68.5 – 73.5 71 II 2 13.3374 - 78 73.5 – 78.5 76 III 3 20.00

15 100

Table 3.7: Frequency Distribution of Scores of (A2B1)

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

70 - 73 70.5 – 73.5 71,5 II 2 13.3374 - 77 73.5 – 77.5 75,5 IIII 4 26.6778 - 81 77.5 – 81.5 79,5 III 3 20.0082 - 85 81,5 - 85,5 83,5 III 3 20.0086 - 89 85.5 – 89.5 87,5 II 2 13.3390 - 93 89.5 – 93.5 91,5 I 1 6.67

15 100

8. Scores of the students who have low motivation who are taught Lecture Method (A2B2)Based on the calculation result of scores of the

students who have low motivation who are taught using Lecture Method, the highest score achieved by student is 67 and the lowest one is 50. The range is 17, from the student’s number (N) = 15. The number of class used is 5, while the class width

(interval) used is 3. From the calculation result of statistics, the mean score (X) achieved by students is 59.6, the mode score is 59.25, the median score is 60, and the standard deviation is 5.49.

The frequency distribution of scores of the students who have low motivation who are taught Lecture Method on the whole can be seen in table 8.

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Dwi Rachmad Rusela A., The Effectiveness of CIRC to Teach Reading Viewed from Students’ Motivation30

Normality and Homogeneity Test

1. Normality Test

a. Normality test of scores of the students who are taught using CIRC (A1)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who are taught using CIRC, the highest value of L o is 0.1159 and Lt = 0.1610 (Appendix 10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) = 30 at the significance level α = 0.05, the score of Lt is 0.1610. Because Lo is lower than Lt or Lo(0.1159) < Lt (0.1610), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution.

b. Normality test of scores of the students who are taught using Lecture Method (A2)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who are taught using Lecture Method, the highest value of Lo is 0.1247 and Lt = 0.1610. (Appendix 10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) = 30 at the significance level α = 0.05, the score of Lt is 0.1610. Because L o is lower than Lt or Lo (0.1247) < Lt (0.1610), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution.

c. Normality test of scores of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with High Motivation (B1)Based on the calculation result of scores

of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with High Motivation, the highest value of Lo is 0.0761 and Lt = 0.1610. (Appendix 10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) = 30 at the significance

level α = 0.05, the score of Lt is 0.1610. Because L o is lower than Lt or Lo (0.0761) < Lt (0.1610), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution.

d. Normality test of scores of the students who are taught using CIRC and Lecture Method with High Motivation (B2)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who are taught using Lecture Method, the highest value of Lo is 0.1145 and Lt = 0.1610. (Appendix 10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) = 30 at the significance level α = 0.05, the score of Lt is 0.1610. Because L o is lower than Lt or Lo (0.1145) < Lt (0.1610), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution.

e. Normality test of scores of the students who have high motivation who are taught using CIRC (A1B1)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who have high creativity who are taught using CIRC the highest value of Lo is 0.1404 and Lt = 0.2200. (Appendix 10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) = 30 at the significance level α = 0.05, the score of Lt is 0.2200. Because Lo is lower than Lt or Lo (0.1404) < Lt(0.2200), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution.

f. Normality test of scores of the students who have low motivation who are taught using CIRC (A1B2)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who have low creativity who are taught

Table 3.8: Frequency Distribution of Scores of A2B2

Class Limit Class Boundaries Midpoint Tally Frequency Percentage

50 - 52 49.5 – 52.5 51 III 3 20.0053 - 55 52.5 – 55.5 54 0 0 0.0056 - 58 55.5 – 58.5 57 IIII 4 26.6759 - 61 58.5 – 61.5 60 III 3 20.0062 - 64 61.5 – 64.5 63 I 1 6.6765 - 67 64.5 – 67.5 66 IIII 4 26.66

15 100

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using CIRC the highest value of L o is 0.1693 and Lt = 0.2200. (Appendix 10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) = 30 at the significance level α = 0.05,the score of Lt is 0.2200. Because Lo is lower than Lt or Lo (0.1693) <Lt (0.2200), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution.

g. Normality test of scores of the students who have high motivation who are taught using Lecture Method (A2B1)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who have high motivation who are taught using CIRC, the highest value of Lo is 0.1661 and Lt= 0.2200 (Appendix10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) =15 at the significance level α = 0.05, the score

of Lt is0.2200. Because Lois lower than Lt or Lo (0.1661) < Lt (0.2200), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution.

h. Normality test of scores of the students who have low motivation who are taught using Lecture Method (A2B2)Based on the calculation result of scores of

the students who have low motivation who are taught using CIRC, the highest value of Lo is 0.1677 and Lt = 0.2200 (Appendix10). From the table of critical value of the test with the student’s number (N) =15 at the significance level α = 0.05, the score of Lt = 0.2200.Because Lo is lower than Lt or Lo (0.1677) < Lt (0.2200), it can be concluded that the data are in normal distribution

Table 3.9 Summary of Normality Test

No Normality Test Lo Lt Criteria

A (A1) 0.1159 0.1610 Normal distributionB (A2) 0.1247 0.1610 Normal distribution

C (B1) 0.1145 0.1610 Normal distributionD (B2) 0.0761 0.1610 Normal distributionE (A1B1) 0.1404 0.2200 Normal distributionF (A1B2) 0.1693 0.2200 Normal distributionG (A2B1) 0.1661 0.2200 Normal distributionH (A2B2) 0.1677 0.2200 Normal distribution

2. Homogeneity Test

Table 3.10 Summary of Homogeneity Test

Sample df 1/(df) (S_i)^2 (Log (S_i))^2 ((df) Log (S_i))^2

1 14 0.0714286 28.1238 1.449074 20.28702 14 0.0714286 48.9238 1.68952 23.65333 14 0.0714286 34.4952 1.537759 21.52864 14 0.0714286 31.66667 1.500602 21.0084Σ 56 0.2857143 86.477

(X_0)^2 1.2473 (X_t)^2 7.815

Homogeneity test is conducted to know whether data are homogeneous or not. The data can be said homogeneous if Xo

2is lower than Xt2(0.05). Based on the result of homogeneity test, the score of Xo

2is 1.2473 (Appendix 11). From the table of Chi-Square distribution with the total of group of 3 at the

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Dwi Rachmad Rusela A., The Effectiveness of CIRC to Teach Reading Viewed from Students’ Motivation32

From the computation result of ANOVA test, it can be concluded that:1. The score of Fo between columns is 21.92, and

the score of Ft at the level of significance α = 0.05 is 4.08. Because Fo> Ft or Fo(21.92) is higher than Ft (4.08), the difference between columns is significant. The null hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference in writings kill between the students who are taught by using CIRC and students who are taught by using Lecture method is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there is significant difference on the student’s reading skill between those who are taught using CIRC and those who are taught using Lecture Method. Based on the calculation result, the mean score (X) of the students who are taught using CIRC(76.93) is higher than those who are taught using Lecture Method(69.7). It can be concluded that the students who are taught using CIRC is more effective than Lecture Method.

2. The score of Fo between rows is 171.52, while the score of Ft at the level of significance α = 0.05 is 4.08. Because Fo> Ft (0.05) or Fo171.52 is higher than Ft (4.08), the difference between rows is significant. The null hypothesis which states that there is no significant difference in reading skill between the students who have low level of motivation and students who have high level of motivation is rejected. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant

difference on the student’s reading skill between those who have high motivation and those who have low creativity. Based on the calculation result, the mean score (X) of the students who have high motivation (87.13) is higher than the mean score of those who have low motivation (66.73). It can be concluded that the students who have high motivation have better reading skill than those who have low motivation.

3. The score of Fo columns by rows is 0.34, and the score of Ft at the level of significance α = 0.05 is 4.08. Because Fo< Ft (0.05) or Fo0.34 is lower than Ft (4.08), there is no an interaction between the two variables, student’s motivation and teaching methods. The null hypothesis which states that there is no interaction between teaching methods and students’ motivation in reading is accepted. It means that the effect of teaching methods on the student’s reading skill does not depend on the student’s motivation level.


Based on the calculation result of testing hypothesis, it can be explained as follows:1. CIRC is more effective than Lecture Method

in teaching reading.The result of first hypothesis test shows

that CIRC is more effective than Lecture Method to teach reading for the first grade of SMKN I Kawedanan. It can be known from a significant

significance level α = 0.05, the score of Xt20.95(3)is 7.815. Because Xo

2(1.2473) is lower than Xt20.95(3)

(7.815), it can be concluded that the data are homogeneous.

Testing Hypothesis

Table 3.11 Summary of 2x2 Multifactor Analysis of Variance

Source of variance SS df MS Fo


Between columns (stress) 784.79 1 784.79 21.92 4.08Between rows (task) 6140.82 1 6140.82 171.52 Columns by rows (interaction) 1.03 1 1.03 0.34 Between groups 6926.04 3 2308.68 Within groups 2004.86 56 35.80 Total 8930.9 59

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difference on the student’s reading skill between those who are taught using CIRC and those who are taught using Lecture Method. It can be proved from the score result of Fo> Ft or Fo (21.92) is higher than Ft (4.08). The result of analysis shows that the mean score (X) of the students who are taught using CIRC (76.93) is higher than those who are taught using Lecture Method (69.7). Thus, it can be concluded that the students who are taught using CIRC have better reading skill than those who are taught using Lecture Method. It means that the students who are taught using CIRC have better reading skill than those who are taught using Lecture Method.

The use of CIRC in teaching reading gives the students good way how they explore their idea for getting reading ability well. The students are asked to look for much information of the topic. CIRC is method with collecting some of literary works. Furthermore, it gives the students’ opportunity to begin to read as they want freely. By presenting variety of different main sources, then, it is easier to find something that will attract the learner and may even encourage further reading for. Moreover, students who are taught using CIRC feel that they are learning a real language which is alive. Some are motivated when they come to know information about the topic. They learn how to select, generate, develop, and arrange the ideas that they have gotten from the sources. After getting the good sources, they can begin reading more easily. It can be said that CIRC helps the learners in developing their idea. Thegoal of CIRC is to develop students reading skill through team activity in determining the best sources.

On the other hand, according to Swanson and Torraco in Sullivian and McIntos (1996:2), “The lecture method was established formally centuries ago as a teaching process that began with a literal reading of important passages from the text by the master, followed by the master’s interpretation of the text. Students were expected to sit, listen and take notes”. The statement above explains that lecture method is the teaching process with the students doing monotonous activity such as sitting, listening and taking notes. Sullivian and McIntosh

(1996) observe that lecturing is frequently a one-way process unaccompanied by discussion, questioning or immediate practice, which makes it a poor teaching method. Because of it, lecture method is named traditional method which does not assume that students will develop ideas on their own. Instead, it takes learners through the steps of learning systematically, helps them see both the purpose and the result of each step. When teachers explain exactly what students are expected to learn, and demonstrate the steps needed to accomplish a particular academic task, students are likely to use their time more effectively and to learn more. Consequently, the students begin freely to write in learning activities. The students tend to receive what teacher has given previously. They are discouraged to learn, they are not interested in the lesson. The condition, certainly, can cause the students to be bored and hard to think. It can also make students become strongly depend on the teacher explanation of writing process. As a result, the student’s competent will be low.

2. The students who have high motivation have better reading skill than those who have low motivation.The result of second hypothesis test shows

that the score of Fo between rows is 171.52, while the score of Ft at the level of significance α =0.05 is 4.08. Because Fo> Ft (0.05) or Fo171.52 is higher than Ft (4.08), the difference between rows is significant. Thus, it can be concluded that there is a significant difference on the student’s reading skill between those who have high motivation and those who have low motivation.

Based on the calculation result, the mean score (X) of the students who have high motivation(83.4) is higher than those who have low creativity (63.2). Thus, it can be concluded that the first grade students of SMKN I Kawedanan with high motivation have better reading ability than with low motivation.

Based on this research, it is revealed that creativity plays an important role in helping students express their ideas in the written form especially in the form of descriptive essays. From the data analyses, it is shown that students with

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Dwi Rachmad Rusela A., The Effectiveness of CIRC to Teach Reading Viewed from Students’ Motivation34

high motivation are able to show better competence in expressing their ideas in descriptive essay. It is because their motivation helps them to choose, select, analyze, and apply the most effective, efficient, and persuasive ways in description. The students with high level of creativity are able to involve both mental and social processes in order to yield newly developed ideas to convey and share. On the other way around, the students with low level of motivation will just write what he sees, reads, and listens without being able to think what is beyond.

They are unable to come up with their own fresh ideas and opinions when learning. These are some of the reasons why their reading scores are less than those having high motivation. Their low creativity makes them unable to express their ideas better. This can be seen from the results of their reading competence in which the scores of both control and experimental classes are lower than those of having high level of motivation from both classes given treatment.

3. There is no an interaction between teaching method and students’ motivation. The result of third hypothesis test shows that

there is no interaction between the two variables, teaching methods and students’ motivation to teach reading in the first grade of SMKN I Kawedanan. The result of the score of Fo columns by rows is 0.028, and the score of Ft at the level of significance α = 0.05 is4.08. Because Fo< Ft (0.05) or Fo0.028 is lower than Ft (4.08), there is no interaction between the two variables, students’ motivation and teaching methods. It means that the effect of teaching method on the students’ reading ability does not depend on the students’ motivation.

The difference between high and low motivation for CIRC is the same as difference between high and low motivation for Lecture Method. Furthermore, the result shows that the effect of teaching method does not depend on high and low motivation. The methods and the students’ creativity are not operating together. McMillan (1992:183) states that an important aspect in interpreting result interaction is because of possible interaction, what may not be true for a total group

may not be true for certain subject population. It means that interaction is important for the possible result interaction. If the result interaction shows there is no interaction, the result of the study is also accepted. Such as, there is no interaction between teaching method and the students’ creativity. It happens because the effect of teaching method on the students’ reading ability does not depend on the students’ motivation.


The result of this study shows that CIRC is able to give better result in English reading skill than Lecture method. It implies that CIRC is appropriately used in teaching The result of the study shows that students who are have high motivation have better English reading skill than students who have low motivation. Students who have high motivation have awareness that English reading skill is important. It is not only for getting good score but also for achieving good English reading skill that is useful for their future.


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