bahan kuliah stress

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  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    StressFaktor Psikologis dan Kesehatan

    Dosen Ir.Henrikus, SPsi

  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    What is Stress?

    Stress Tindakan karena

    proses yang terjadi

    atas anggapan danrespon kita pada

    kejadian tertentu,

    yang kita anggap

    membahayakan danmenantang.


    Merubah Kehidupan

    Menimbulkan kerepotan

    Faktor IntervensiPenilaian

    Kontrol Penerimaan


    Dukungan sosial

    Coping behaviors



  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    Stressful Life Events


    earthquakes, combat stress, floods

    Life Changes

    death of a loved one, divorce, loss of job, promotion

    Kejadian harian

    rush hour traffic, long lines, job stress, burnout

    Kehilangan Kontrol, can increase stress hormones

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    Hans Selye (1976) menciptakan istilah sindrom adaptasi menyeluruh

    (general adaptation syndrome/GAS

    tubuh bereaksi sama terhadap berbagai streSsor yang tidak

    menyenangkan, baik sumber stres berupa serangan bakterimikroskopi, penyakit karena organisme, perceraian, ataupun


    Model GAS menyatakan bahwa dalam keadaan stres, tubuh kita

    seperti jam dengan sistem alarm yang tidak berhenti sampai

    tenaganya habis.

    GAS terdiri dari tiga tahap:

    Tahap reaksi waspada (alarm reaction),

    Tahap resistansi (resistance stage),

    Tahap kelelahan (exhaustion stage).

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  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    Tahap Alarm Reaction

    Selama Fase Alarm tubuh merespon stressor dengan cara bagian

    otak Hypotalamus menghasilkan hormone glucocorticoids

    hormones.Selanjutnya kelenjar adrenaI menghasilkan Kortisol dan Adrenalin

    untuk membuat tubuh bereaksi.

    Yang selanjutnya menaikkan tingkat nafas, detak jantung dan kadar

    gula darah meningkat untuk membooster energi

    Tubuh tetap menjaga tingkat kewaspadaan, untuk melawan atau lari

    dari stressor.

    Kortex Adrenal tetap melepaskan Glucocorticoids untuk membantutubuh bereaksi sampai stress berhenti atau atau sampai tubuh tidak

    mampu lagi bertahan.

    Cadangan energy dipakai untuk menghadapi stress, sehingga untuk

    menghadapai dingin, penyakit pada saat itu berkurang.

    Tahap resistansi (resistance stage)

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    Apabila stresor tetap berlanjut atau terjadi stresor baru yang

    memperburuk keadaan, kita dapat sampai pada tahap kelelahan


    Tahap kelelahan (exhaustion stage).

    Kortikal steroid mungkin salah satu hal yang menyebabkan stres

    yang menetap akan memicu masalah kesehatan. Meskipun dalam

    beberapa hal kortikal steroid membantu tubuh mengatasi stres,

    sekresi terus-menerus dari steroid ini menekan aktivitas sistem

    kekebalan tubuh. Efek kortikal steroid tidak mengganggu bila

    terlepas secara periodik, akan tetapi sekresi yang terus-menerus

    terjadi menurunkan fungsi kekebalan tubuh dengan caramengganggu produksi antibodi, sebagai akibatnya kita menjadi

    rentan terhadap berbagai penyakit, bahkan terhadap flu biasa

    (Cohen, Tyrrell, & Smith, 1991).

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  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    1. Cara coping stres,

    2. Harapan terhadap self efficacy,3. Ketabahan hati atau daya tahan psikologis,

    4. Optimisme,

    5. Dukungan sosial, dan

    6. Identitas etnik dapat menjadi faktor-faktor yangmengurangi atau menahan efek dari stres.

    Faktor-faktor Psikologis yang Mengurangi Stres

  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All rights reserved.

    Stress and Disease

    Negative emotions and health-related


    Unhealthy behaviors(smoking, drinking,

    poor nutrition and sleep)









    Autonomic nervoussystem effects


  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    Copyright 2011 Pearson Education, Inc. All

    rights reserved.

    Coping Strategies


    Efforts through action and thought to deal with demandsthat are perceived as taxing or overwhelming

    Problem-focused coping

    Direct response aimed at reducing, modifying, or

    eliminating a source of stress

    After getting a poor grade, student decides to study

    harder or get a tutor

    Emotion-focused coping

    A response involving reappraising of a stressor to reduce

    its emotional impact

    View loss of a job as a challenge or opportunity not a


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    Coping Strategies

    Defensive coping

    Use of defense mechanisms as protection against theunpleasant emotions brought on by stress.

    Small illusions may be beneficial, large distortions are


    Constructive coping

    Confront problems directly

    Realistic appraisal of stress and coping resources Learn to recognize and stop disruptive emotional reactions

    Make efforts to protect the body from the damaging effectsof stress

  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    Copyright 2011 Pearson

    Education, Inc. All rightsreserved.

    Personal Factors Reducing

    The Impact of Stress and Illness


    Cope more effectively with stress

    Reduced risk of illness

    Generally expect good outcomes

    Find positives even in the darkest circumstances

    Generally more stress resistant

  • 7/26/2019 Bahan Kuliah Stress


    Personal Factors Reducing

    The Impact of Stress and Illness

    Hardiness A combination of three psychological qualities shared by

    people who can handle high levels of stress and remainhealthy

    1. Commitment

    To both work and personal life2. Control

    Do not see themselves as victims of what life brings

    Believe they have control over consequences and outcomes

    3. Challenge

    Act to solve their own problems

    Welcome challenges in life

    View challenges as opportunities for growth and improvement

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    Personal Factors Reducing

    The Impact of Stress and Illness

    Social Support Tangible and/or emotional support provided in time

    of need by family members, friends, and others

    The feeling of being loved, valued, and cared for by

    those toward whom we feel a similar obligation Has a positive effect on the immune, cardiovascular,

    and endocrine systems

    Encourages health-promoting behaviors and reduces

    impact of stress Less likely to use unhealthy methods of coping

    Relaxation Techniques