analisa garis lurus havlena odeh

Persamaan Umum Material Balance P Swi Cf SwiCw m Boi Bgi Bg mBoi Bg Rs Rsi Boi Bo WpBw We Bg Rs Rp Bo Np N ) 1 ) 1 ( 1 ) ( ) ( ) ( ) ( WpBw Bg Rs Rp Bo Np ) ( Sehingga P Swi Cf SwiCw Boi m N Bgi Bg mNBoi Bg Rs Rsi Boi Bo N 1 ) 1 ( 1 ) ( ) (

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Post on 25-Sep-2015




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Menjelaskan metode dari havlena-odeh


  • Persamaan Umum Material BalanceSehingga

  • Analisa Garis Lurus Havlena OdehF = N [Eo + m Eg + Ec] + We Maka analisa Havlena odeh adalah :

  • ANALISA GARIS LURUS HAVLENA ODEHPersamaan Dalam Metode Havlena Odeh F adalah volume reservoir yaitu jumlah dari minyak, gas dan produksi air. F = Np[Bo + (Rp Rs) Bg] + WpBw F = Np[Bt + (Rp Rsi) Bg] + WpBw

    Eo adalah ekspansi dari volume minyak dan dissolved gas Eo = (Bo Boi) + (Rsi Rs)Bg = (Bt Bti)

    Ec adalah persamaan kompresi yaitu ekspansi air pada ruang pori batuan. Ec =

    Eg adalah merupakan ekspansi dari tudung gas awal (initial gas cap)

    Eg = Bti [(Bg/Bgi) 1]

  • KRITERIA METODE HAVLENA ODEHVolumetric Undersaturated-Oil ReservoirsVolumetric Saturated-Oil ReservoirsGas-Cap-Drive ReservoirsWater-Drive Reservoirs

  • A. Volumetric Undersaturated-Oil ReservoirsWe = 0, m = 0, Rs = Rsi = Rp(1)

  • Plot F vs (Eo+Ec)Gambar 1

  • TUGAS 2The Virginia Hills Beaverhill Lake field is a volumetric undersaturated reservoir. Volumetric calculations indicate the reservoir contains 270.6 MMSTB of oil initially in place. The initial reservoir pressure is 3685 psi. The following additional data is available:Swi = 24%, cw = 3.62 x 106 psi1, cf = 4.95 x 106 psi1, Bw = 1.0 bbl/STB pb = 1500 psi

    Calculate the initial oil in place by using the MBE and compare with the volumetric estimate of N.

  • Data Produksi dan PVT

  • B. Volumetric Saturated-Oil Reservoirs Assuming that the water and rock expansion term Ec is negligible in comparison with the expansion of solution gas,

    F = N Eo(2)

  • C. Gas-Cap-Drive ReservoirsFor a reservoir in which the expansion of the gas-cap gas is the predominant driving mechanism and assuming that the natural water influx is negligible (We = 0), the effect of water and pore compressibilities can be considered negligible.F = N [Eo + m Eg]The practical use of Equation above in determining the three possible unknowns is presented below:(3)

  • Equation (3) indicates that a plot of F versus (Eo + m Eg) on aCartesian scale would produce a straight line through the origin with a slope of N, as shown in Figure 2. In making the plot, the underground withdrawal F can be calculated at various times as a function of the production terms Np and Rp.Conclusion: N = Slopea. Unknown N, known m:

  • Gambar 2

  • b. Unknown m, known N:Equation (3) can be rearranged as an equation of straight line, to give:The above relationship shows that a plot of the term (F/N Eo) versus Eg would produce a straight line with a slope of m. One advantage of this particular arrangement is that the straight line must pass through the origin which, therefore, acts as a control point. Figure 3 shows an illustration of such a plot.Conclusion: m = Slope(4)

  • Gambar 3

  • c. N and m are UnknownIf there is uncertainty in both the values of N and m, Equation (3)can be re-expressed as:A plot of F/Eo versus Eg/Eo should then be linear with intercept N and slope mN.Conclusions: N = intercept mN = slope m = slope/intercept(5)

  • Gambar 4

  • D. Water-Drive ReservoirsFor a water-drive reservoir with no gas cap, the equation can beexpressed as:Several water influx models including the: Pot-aquifer model Schilthuis steady-state method Van Everdingen-Hurst model(6)

  • The Pot-Aquifer Model in the MBE

    We = (cw + cf) Wi f (pi p)Where, ra = radius of the aquifer, ftre = radius of the reservoir, fth = thickness of the aquifer, ft = porosity of the aquifer = encroachment anglecw = aquifer water compressibility, psi1cf = aquifer rock compressibility, psi1Wi = initial volume of water in the aquifer, bbl(7)

  • Since the aquifer properties cw, cf, h, ra, and are seldom available, it is convenient to combine these properties and treated as one unknown K. We = K pSehingga Persamaan 6 menjadi :Equation (9) indicates that a plot of the term (F/Eo) as a function of (p/Eo) would yield a straight line with an intercept of N and slope of K, as illustrated in Figure 5.(8)(9)

  • Gambar 5

  • The Steady-State Model in the MBEThe steady-state aquifer model as proposed by Schilthuis (1936) is given by:Where,We = cumulative water influx, bblC = water influx constant, bbl/day/psit = time, dayspi = initial reservoir pressure, psip = pressure at the oil-water contact at time t, psi

  • Plotting (F/Eo) versus results in a straight line with an intercept that represents the initial oil in place N and a slope that describes the water influx C as shown in Figure 6.

  • Gambar 6

  • The Unsteady-State Model in the MBEThe van Everdingen-Hurst unsteady-state model is given by:We = B p WeDVan Everdingen and Hurst presented the dimensionless water influx WeD as a function of the dimensionless time tD and dimensionless radius rD that are given by:Plot (F/Eo) versus ( p WeD)/Eo on a Cartesian scale. If theassumed aquifer parameters are correct, the plot will be a straightline with N being the intercept and the water influx constant Bbeing the slope. It should be noted that four other different plotsmight result. These are:

  • Gambar 7