thorax bayi

Post on 11-Oct-2015






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HMD (Hyaline Membrane Disease)Penyebab tersering gawat napas pd neonatus yg ditemukan pd bayi prematurGambaran radiologis yg khas berupa lesi granuler yang merata di seluruh paru, ukuran paru mengecil, batas pembuluh darah yg tdk jelas dan thoraks berbentuk bel (bell shape thorax)Kasus lbh berat bayangan paru lbh radioopak, adanya air bronchogram, kadang diperoleh gambaran ground glass appearance

Radiologi Diagnostik; Sjahriar Rasad, Ed.2

Classic respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Bell-shaped thorax is due to generalized underaeration. Lung volume is reduced, the lung parenchyma has a diffused reticulogranular pattern, and peripherally extending air bronchograms are present.

Moderately severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). The reticulogranular pattern is more prominent and uniformly distributed than usual. The lungs are hypoaerated. Increased air bronchograms are observed.

Severe respiratory distress syndrome (RDS). Reticulogranular opacities are present throughout both lungs, with prominent air bronchograms and total obscuration of the cardiac silhouette. Cystic areas in the right lung may represent dilated alveoli or early pulmonary interstitial emphysema (PIE). of the NewbornKrn lambatnya pembersihan cairan dlm paruSering di sebut wet lung syndromBiasanya sembuh spontanGambaran Ro memperlihatkan garis-garis radier berpusat di hilus, kdg disertai efusi pleura ringanRadiologi Diagnostik; Sjahriar Rasad, Ed.2

Neonate at age 6 hours. Overaeration and streaky, bilateral, pulmonary interstitial opacities and prominent perihilar interstitial markings are seen along with mild cardiomegaly.

Same patient as in Picture 1 at age 2 days. Cardiomegaly has disappeared. Pulmonary parenchymal abnormalities are diminishing, but perihilar, streaky markings persist.

Same patient as in Pictures 1 and 2 at age 4 days. Normal heart size and clear lungs are seen. aspirasi mekoniumGambaran Ro : bercak yg tersebar di kedua paru, kdg disertai atelektasisRadiologi Diagnostik; Sjahriar Rasad, Ed.2

Serial radiographs in a newborn with uncomplicated meconium aspiration. Radiograph obtained shortly after birth shows ill-defined, predominantly perihilar opacities in the lungs; these are more severe on the right than on the left. The lungs are hyperexpanded. The neonate's heart size is within normal limits. The abnormalities on the initial chest radiograph, aside from the presence of an endotracheal tube and an umbilical artery catheter, are identical to those seen in severe cases of transient tachypnea of the newborn.

Radiograph obtained 2 days after Image 1 shows almost complete resolution of the pulmonary opacities. KASIH

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