soal mcq block 8.doc

Post on 12-Nov-2014






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1. Obat yang waktu paruhnya 12 jam... <Nafrosen>

2. obat ini bersifat equipotent terhadap cox-1 dan cox-2...

a. Diklofenatb. Nimesuidc. Sulindacd. Ibuprofen

3. Duktus arteriousus neonatus

4. Walaupun kerja obat ini belum diketahui, tapi efeknya akan berkurang jika diminum bersama kortikosteroid...

a. Asam asetilsalisilatb. Asam mefenamatc. Kolkisind. Natrium diklofenat

5. Obat yang bekerja menghambat Xantin Oxidase...

a. Probenisidb. Fenilbutazonc. Allopurinold. Diflusinal

6. Obat yang memiliki efek analgesik sentral perifer adalah...

a. Ketoprofenb. Asetaminofenc. Sulfinpirazond. Asam mefenamat

7. Pengaruh cox 1 terhadap thromboxane A2

8. Efek toksik obat yang menimbulkan pengurangan ambilan yodium oleh tiroid...

a. Sulfinfirazonb. Allopurinolc. Para amino fenold. Fenilbutazon

9. Obat ini termasuk dalam golongan asam propionat...

a. Ketoprofenb. Tenoksikanc. Meklofenamatd. Aspirin

11. Tidak berlaku laju filtrat <30... <Probenesol>

12. Parasit yang menyerang pemburu berkembang biak dengan cara...

a. Vivipar

b. Ovipar

c. Parthenogenesis

d. Asexual

14. Pada bagian posterior parasit jantan terdapat...

a. Bursa kopulatrix

b. Sepasang spicule yang tidak sama panjang

c. Sepasang stylet

d. Conical papillae

16. Cacing berbentuk silinder, kepala berbentuk globular di sekitar kepala punya 8 baris kait-kait adalah...

a. Gnastosoma spinigerum

b. Angiostrogylus cantonensi

c. Heterophyes heterophyes

d. Taenia solium

17. Larva sparganum mansoni berkembang biak di dalam hospes perantara...

a. Siputb. Ikanc. Cyclopsd. Diaptomus

18. Larva multiceps multiceps disebut...

a. Cystisercus cellulosaeb. Cystisercus bovesc. Kista hydatidd. Coenurus

19. Larva Ganatosoma spinigeum berkembang melalui hospes perantara...

a. Siputb. Ikanc. Cyclops

d. Diaptoma

20. Larva Taenia solium... <Cysticercus cellulosae>

21. Microscope anatomic skeletal muscle fiber, smallest contraction unit of muscle fiber is...

a. Miofibrilb. Sarkomerc. Sarcolemad. Filament

22. Berapa hasil ATP dari glikolisis anaerob...

a. 2

b. 4

c. 8

d. 16

23. Function of Sarcoplasmic Reticulum is regulating contraction of...

a. Regulate of ATPb. Regulate of level ionic Cac. Store Ca within muscle fibre is stimulated to contractd.

24. Example of nociceptive pain are...

a. Pain due to inflammation

b. Limb pain after fracture

c. Joint pain in OA

d. Post stroke pain

25. Amino acids that is substrate of GABA is...

a. Tirosinb. Fenilalaninc. Glutamatd. Aspartat

26. kind of neurotransmitter for neuron communicatiom at myoneural junction...

a. Glutamic and Glycogenb. Prostigmin and Cathecolaminc. Gama amino isobutirat and ammoniad. Acetylcholin, epinephrin, and norepinephrin

27. ATP play a part in muscle contraction and relaxation. If the concentrate of ATP in sarkoplasma decrease, so will happened...

a. Kaput miosin lose from actin

b. The release of miosin from actin will not happen

c. Interaction of kaput miosin and actin will decrease

d. The increase of Ca rate in reticulum sarcoplasma

28. Ca play a part in muscle contraction arrangement. Relaxation happen if there is a decrease of Ca level in...

a. Sarcolemma

b. Sarcoplasma

c. Reticulum Sarcoplasma

d. Extracelluler dilution

29. Ca take a function at filament movement mechanism in muscle contraction. Situation that happen with the increase of Ca level...

a. Tropomiosin tying with actin

b. Troponin that tied Ca will move

c. Actin moving near the myosin

d. Tropomiosin hindering the tying of miosin with actin

30. The primary protein in muscle

a. Kreatin and Globulin

b. Kreatin and myoglobulin

c. Actin and myosin

d. Actin and albumin

31. Tn. Budiman 17 th mengeluh nyeri dan bengkak pada regio sekitar 2cm di atas lutut kiri. Setelah dilakukan pemeriksaan fisik dan foto rontgen dia didiagnosis menderita osteosarcoma. Untuk memastikan diagnosis tersebut perlu dilakukan...

a. Histopatologib. Lab rutinc. CT Scand. MRI

32. Untuk menegakkan diagnosis pasti suatu osteosarcoma, maka pada pemeriksaan mikroskopik harus dijumpai...

a. Osteoid ganas dan tulang

b. Giant cell ganas

c. Cartilago

d. Osteoklas

33. Dalam mendiagnosis suatu tumor tulang diperlukan kerjasama yang erat dari dokter-dokter ahli...

a. Orthopedi, radiologi, penyakit dalamb. Orthopedi, radiologi, pathologic. Orthopedi, penyakit dalam, patologid. Penyakit dalam, orthopedi, radiologi

34. Soft tissue tumor yang paling sering dijumpai terutama pada orang dewasa baik laki-laki maupun perempuan dengan penyebab yang tidak diketahui adalah...

a. Fibroma

b. Lipoma

c. Meningioma

d. Schwannoma

35. Jika terjadi keganasan pada no 34 maka istilahnya adalah...

a. Fibromab. Limpomac. Fibrosarkomad. Liposarkoma

36. Ny. Sari, 40 tahun menderita tumor pada uterus. Penderita adalah peserta KB pil selama 5 tahun. Setelah dilakukan operasi jaringan dikirim ke lab PA. Hasil pemeriksaan secara mikroskopik tampak sel-sel myosit mengalami hiperplasi, berjalan simpang siur membentuk struktur kumparan atau kisaran. Diagnosis yang tepat untuk penderita ini adalah...

a. Myoma uteri

b. Rhabdomyoma

c. Leiomyosarcoma

d. Rhabdomyosarcoma

37. Diagnosis dari tumor pada no 36 berasal dari...

a. Jaringan otot rangka

b. Jaringan tulang

c. Jaringan otot polos

d. Jaringan lemak

38. Jika terjadi keganasan pada soal no 37 maka diagnosis yang tepat adalah...

a. Myoma uterib. Rhabelomyomac. Lelyomyosarcomad. Rhabdomyosarcoma

39. Tn.Susno 60th, mengeluh ada benjolan di lengan bawah kiri. Setelah dilakukan operasi dan jaringan dikirim ke laboratorium PA didapatkan hasil pemeriksaan mikroskopik terdiri dari sel-sel neurosit, fibroblast, fibrosit yang mengalami hiperplasia berupa sel-sel berbentuk spindel, sebagian ramping, inti memanjang, dan wavy. Diagnosis yang teoat untuk penderita ini adalah...

a. Schwannomab. Meningiomac. Fibromad. Neurofibroma

40. Keganasan yang berasal dari jaringan mesenkimal adalah...

a. Hemartomab. Sarkomac. Hematomad. Karsinoma

41. Sign of lower motor neuron disorder...

a. Spasticityb. Decrease reflexc. Increase reflexd. Babinsky reflex

42. Peripheral nervous system...

a. Dorsal columnb. Ganglion c. Interneurond. Corticospinal tract

43. Sensory system involved...

a. Dorsal rootb. Corticospinal tract

c. Ventral rootd. Anterior Spinal artery

44. Pain involved :

a. Small unmyelinated fibres

b. Large myelinated fibres

c. Motor neuron

d. Corticospinal tract

45. Motor system, involved...

a. Dorsal root ganglion

b. Spinothalamic tract

c. Unmyelinated fibres

d. Anterior spinal artery

46. Tendon reflexes are decreased...

a. Spinal root

b. Corticospinal tract

c. Spinothalamic tract

d. Dorsal column

47. Compression of dorsal nerve root lumbal...

a. Decrease knee reflex

b. Decrease biceps reflex

c. Increase knee reflex

d. Increase biceps reflex

48. Painless with joint position preserved...

a. Intramedullary lessionb. Nerve root entrapmentc. Brown squad syndromd. Posterior spinal artery

49. Nerve root damage...

a. Cramps

b. Spastic paralysisc. Radicular paind. Fasciculation

50. Auto immune destruction to acetylcholin receptor...

a. Myasthenia Gravisb. Bell’s Palsyc. Guillain-Barre Syndromed. Peroneal Palsy

51. Hiperurisemia primer terjadi karena kelainan enzim spesifik yaitu karena :

a. Peningkatan aktifitas varian dari enziim Phoribosylpyrophosphatase (PRPP) synthetase dan kekurangan enzim hypoxantine phosporibosyltransferase (HPRT).

b. Penurunan aktivitas varian dari enzim Phoribosylpyrophosphatase (PRPP) synthetase dan peningkatan enzim hypoxantine phosporibosyltransferase (HPRT).

c. Peningkatan enzim de novo biosyntesis

d. Kekurangan enzim fructose-1-phosphatase aldolase

52. Pemeriksaan kadar asam urat urin 24 jam penting dikerjakan untuk mengetahui...

a. Diagnosa GAb. Prognosis GAc. Penyebab hiperurisemiad. Tidak ada maknanya

53. Jika dalam pemeriksaan kadar asam urat dan urine 24 jam adalah 1200 mg/hari, maka penderita termasuk hiperurisemia...

a. Jenis overproductionb. Jenis underexcretionc. Jenis boderlined. Jenis normal

55. Tujuan dari proses inflamasi pada Gout...

a. Menurunkan kadar asam dalam darah

b. Menetralisir, menghancurkan dan mencegah perluasan agen tersebut

c. Meningkatkan pengeluaran asam urat

d. Bukan salah satu dari di atas

56. Diagnosis pasti untuk GA adalah... <c. Adanya MSU di sendi>

57. Nona A, 19 th, nyeri pada seluruh sendi 7 hari sebelum masuk RS dia tidak batuk pilek, terdapat malar rash, diskoid pada ext. Superior, terdapat efusi pleura min, ANA +, trombosit 30.000/mm3 ...

a. Lupus diskoidb. Lupus nefritisc. LSEd. Lupus drug induced

58. Penyebab pasti penyakit di atas adalah...

a. Hormonal

b. Genetik

c. Lingkungan

d. Tidak diketahui

59. Penyebab terjadinya gangguan multi organ pada pas. di atas...

a. Penumpukan kompleks antibodi

b. Aktivitas kuman

c. Kondisi demam

d. Jumlah trombosit yang terlalu rendah

60. Obat yang utama dalam mengatasi penyakit di atas adalah...

a. Antibiotik

b. Antipiretik

c. Steroid


61. Articular Cartilage... <OA>po

62. Synovitis... to deposition of immune complex ...

a. RAb. OAc. Septic Arthritisd. GA

64. Arthritis can also occur as a result of over production of uric acid...

a. RAb. OAc. Septic Arthritis

d. GA

65. Infection arthritis...

a. GAb. OAc. Septic Arthritisd. RA

66. Inflammation of abductor and extensor tendon that run across the wrist and into the thumb is...

a. De Quarvain syndrome

b. Carpal Tunnel syndrome

c. Biceps tendenitis

d. Tennis elbow

68. Inflammation of the large tendon of back leg that insert into the heel...

a. Achilles Tendenitisb. Plantar fascilitisc. Biceps tendenitisd. Degenerative tendenitis

71. Hand joint arthritis...

a. OAb. RAc. Septic Arthritisd. GA

73. Management of arthritis use Colchicine...

a. RAb. OAc. Septic Arthritisd. GA

74. Decrease of production uric acid...

a. Kolkisinb. Allopurinolc. Probenacidd. Sulpinpirazon

76. Acute GA :

a. Frequently starts at nocturnal

b. Asymptomatic

c. Patient will be unaware

d. Only physician can diagnose it

77. Penyakit yang paling sering mengenai jempol...

a. RAb. OAc. GAd. Septic Arthritis

78. Prevention+treatment for OA...

79. Pathologic lession of RA ... < Synovium >

81. Biceps tendenitis caused by...

a. Degenerative onlyb. Overuse onlyc. Degenerative and overused.

82. Locking in a Bent position of one or more fingers at the joint closest to the hand...

a. RAb. GAc. Trigger fingerd. Tendinitis DeQuarvain

85. Knee joint pain is most common...

a. RAb. OAc. Septic Arthritisd. GA

86. Osteoporosis most common affect joint

a. Feedb. Vertebraec. Fingerd. Knee

89. Lifelong intake of caffein can cause...

a. OAb. Osteoporosis

c. RAd. GA

90. Food with high purine can cause...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. RAd. GA

91. Food rich in OA used for patient with...

a. OA

b. Osteoporosis

c. RA

d. GA

92. Low purine content is for patient with...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. RAd. GA

93. Wrist tendinitis is caused by...

a. Tennis

b. Golf

c. Prolong gardening

d. Hammering

94. Life long smoking can cause...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. RAd. GA

96. Arthritis at first Metatarsal Phalangeal joint is...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. RAd. GA

97. Suplemen vitamin D diberikan kepada pasien...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. GAd. RAe. Arthritis

98. Patient with sistemic inflammation disorder...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. RAd. GA

99. patient with weakness and morning stiffness...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. RAd. GA

100. The most common form of arthritis is...

a. OAb. Osteoporosisc. RAd. GA

101. Teksnya mirip sama soal MCQ 07 no 109. Pertanyaannya : Organ apa yang berperan?

a. Cardiovasculerb. Ototc. Sarafd. Kulite. Joint

102. Considering the history and the symptoms, your best guess of disorder would be...

a. Claudicattio intermittenb. Poliomyelitisc. Radiculopathyd. Arthropathy

104. Diagnosis untuk Mr.Fontanella adalah...

a. Buerger’s diseaseb. Guillain diseasec. Parkinson diseased. Ewing tumoure. Addison’s disease

Mrs. Lumbago has been suffering from low back pain for 2 years turned. She didn’t got her period (menstruation) since she was 45. She does all the house keeping jobs by herself including carrying water from the nearby well to the house. One evening, she felt an excrociating pain on her back radiating down on her right leg. Apparently, lying down on her comfortable spring bed only worsen the pain. The poor lady came to you asked for an immediate relief of her plight. You noticed that her spine was not really straight (scoliosis).

106. Radiating pain from the back down the right leg is sign of the involvement of...

a. Multiple jointb. Nervesc. Arteriesd. Longbonese. Skin

108. On phhysical examination you found out that there was a sensory loss in her right fifth toe. You ordered an MRI examination on the lumbar region and the result, as you guessed showed a portrusion of lumbar inter-vertebral disc number...

a. 1b. 2c. 3d. 4e. 5

109. The diagnosis is Mrs. Lumbago...

a. HNPb. Sponclylitis deformansc. Iliosacral spraind. Compress fracture of spinee. Osteoporosis spine

110. The result of the radiologic examination showed a scoliotic spine but otherwise normal bone mass density. The neurological examination straight leg test (Lasseque’s test) was positive. Now you sure that the cause of the pain is due to...

b. Strong contraction of the muscle one side

111. Facial muscle innervated bilaterally by facial nerve is...

a. M. Orbicularis ocullib. M. Palpebralis superiorc. M. Fronto occipitalisd. M. Buccalis

112. The nerve that get entrapped in carpal tunnel syndrome is...

a. Radial nerveb. Medianc. Ulnard. Brachiale. Ascial

113. Muscle of the tongu is inervated by...

a. Hipoglossal

b. Accesorial

c. Vagus

d. Glossofaringeal

e. Facial

115. The pain sensation of the 2/3 anterior of the tongue is innervated by cranial nerve...

a. V

b. VII

c. IX

d. X

e. XII

116. Bell’s Palsy is due to the disruption of function of ... nerve

a. Trigeminalb. Abducensc. Faciald. Glossopharingeale. Hypoglossus

117. Radiating pain from lower back pain to leg is called...

a. Meralgiab. Radiculopathyc. Ischialgiad. Osteopathye. Arthropathy

118. Claw hand is caused by damaged of ... nerve

a. Radialb. Ulnarc. Median

d. Brachiale. Axial

119. Supination of the lower arm mainly due to the contraction of.......muscle

a. Deltoid b. Biceps c. Triceps d. Pectoral e. Brachio-radial

120. The site of lession in Guillain Barre disease is :

a. Peripheral nerves

b. Radices of the spinal nerves

c. Anterior horn of the spinal cord

d. Spinal ganglion

e. Muscle fibers

121. Neuropathic pain can describe as, except...

a. Burningb. Tinglingc. Hipersensitivity to touch or coldd. Aching

122. Nociceptive pain can describe as...except :

a. Aching

b. Sharp

c. Throb ling

d. Tingling

123. Example of neuropathic pain are...

a. Trigeminal neuralgiab. Limb pain after fracturec. Post operative paind. Joint pain in OA

124. Source energy of brain and nerve...

a. Glukosa dan glikogen

b. Glukosa dan kraetin phospat

c. Glukosa dan asam lemak

d. Glukosa, glikogen, dan asam lemak

125. positive symptom of neurophatic pain is...

a. Burningb. Shootingc. Anesthesiad. Parasthesia

126. Negative symptom of neurophatic pain...

a. Hypothesisb. Alodiniac. Hyperanalgesiad. Dysesthesia

128. Pain caused by injury to body tissues is...

a. Neuropathic pain

b. Psychogenic pain

c. Nosiseptive pain

d. Mixed pain

130. The neuropathic pain attack radix and ganglion dorsalis can caused by, except...

a. Strokeb. Post neurophatic herpesc. Kompresi tumord. HNP

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