pasien bst

Post on 14-Sep-2015






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Pasien BST Selamat pagi dok, kasus ini 69 tahun perempuan masuk rumah sakit dengan keluhan nyeri pada pingang atas dirasakan 6 hari sebelum masuk rumah sakit, pasien jatuh dari tempat duduk dirumahnya ketika ingin berdiri, tiba-tiba pasien jatuh kearah kanan dengan pinggang jatuh terlebih dahulu, pasien tidak bisa berdiri dan sering mengeluh sakit pada pinggang kanannya.Terpasang Robert jhon bandage at right lower limb, NVD ; sensibilitas baik, pulsasi arteri dorsalis pedis teraba, CRT < 2 detikberdasarkan temuan klinis dan radiologi, diagnosis pasien ini closed fraktur right neck femur D/ Pod 3 total hip arthroplasty of right hip joint due to closed fracture right neck femur

TranslateMorning sir, this patient, 69 year old woman admitted to hospital with complaints pain in the upper waist 6 days before admission. The patient fell out of the seat at home when she want to stand up. She fell to the right with waist falls first. Now, patient cant stand up, and complain a pain in his right hip.Robert Jhon bandage attached at right lower limb, NVD; good sensibility, palpable dorsalis pedis arterial pulsation, CRT less than 2 secondsBased on history taking, physical examination and radiological findings, the diagnosis of these patients is closed fracture of right neck femurD / Pod 3 total right hip arthroplasty of the hip joint due to closed fracture of right neck femur

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