nastiti siswi indrasti - bogor agricultural university

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti


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Sinta (Science and Technology Index)

Bagian Buku :  Pemikiran Guru Besar IPB (2009)

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti

Pengelolaan Limbah Bahan Berbahaya dan Beracun (B3)

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti

ISBN : 9789794933786               Penerbit: IPB Press

Buku Produksi Bersih (2009)


Produksi bersih diperlukan sebagai suatu strategi untuk mengharmonisasikan upayaperlindungan lingkungan dengan kegiatan pembangunan atau pertumbuhanekonomi, mencegah terjadinya pencemaran lingkungan, memelihara danmemperkuat pertumbuhan ekonomi dalam jangka panjang, mendukung prinsipenvironmental equality, mencegah atau memperlambat terjadinya proses degradasilingkungan, memanfaatkan sumberdaya alam melalui penerapan daur ulanglimbah, dan memperkuat daya saing produk di pasar internasional.

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti

Buku ini berisi bab-bab yang mencakup konsep dasar produksi bersih, tipe dansumber pembangkit limbah, metodologi dan prosedur audit produksi bersih,integrasi produksi bersih ke dalam EMS ISO 14001, penerapan produksi bersih padaindustri, dan studi kelayakan finansial penerapan produksi bersih.

ISBN: 978-979-493-184-4               Penerbit: IPB Press

Buku Ilmu dan Teknologi Pengomposan (2015)


Buku Ilmu dan Teknologi Pengomposan ditulis berdasarkan pengalaman penulissetelah melakukan banyak penelitian dengan topik kompos dan review beberapaartikel ilmiah terkait. Penelitian dengan topik kompos dilaksanakan denganmelibatkan banyak mahasiswa program sarjana maupun pascasarjana, rekansejawat serta melibatkan beberapa instansi baik dalam maupun luar negeri sebagai

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti

mitra penelitian.

Buku ini ditulis sebagai salah satu buku rujukan bagi mahasiswa yang mengambilbidang minat lingkungan khususnya, serta bagi khalayak umum yang tertarik untukmengetahui lebih detail mengenai sejarah pengomposan, peran kompos dalamPertanian berkelanjutan, proses dan standar prosedur pengomposan, pengendalianpengomposan, standar kualitas kompos, aplikasi pengomposan, analisis dampaksosial dan ekonomi pendirian pabrik kompos dan aplikasi pengomposan. Setelahmembaca buku ini, pembaca akan mengetahui sekaligus memahami prinsip dasarteknologi kompos beserta aplikasinya di sektor Pertanian yang berkesinambungansebagai bagian utama buku ini.

ISBN: 978-979-493-775-4               Penerbit: IPB Press

Bagian Buku : 50 Tahun Fateta (2015)

Ekoteknologi untuk Pengembangan Agroindustri (Hal 239)

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti

Standardisasi dan Internasionalisasi Pendidikan Tinggi Teknologi Industri Pertanian(Hal 51)

ISBN: 978-979-493-932-4               Penerbit: IPB Press

Buku Teknologi Nano Silika dalam Penanganan Limbah Padat (2018)

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti


Buku Teknologi NanoSilika dalam Penanganan Limbah Padat ditulis setelah melaluirangkaian kegiatan penelitian yang cukup panjang, komprehensif, dan melibatkanteman sejawat dan mahasiswa bimbingan baik sarjana maupun pascasarjana sertareview pustaka berupa jurnal, buku, prosiding, laporan hasil-hasil penelitian yangterkait dengan judul buku ini. Buku ini berisikan informasi terkini berkaitan denganteknologi nano dan hasil-hasil penelitian beserta ulasannya dalam pengembanganteknologi nano untuk penanganan dan pemanfaatan limbah padat.

Pada bagian awal diulas mengenai pengertian teknologi nano, perkembangannya,selanjutnya diulas juga tentang manfaat dan aplikasi teknologi nano. Pada bagianberikutnya disampaikan hasil-hasil penelitian berkaitan dengan optimasi dan gandaskala serta aplikasi teknologi nano dalam penanganan dan pemanfaatan limbahpadat. Upaya-upaya pengembangan produk dengan memanfaatkan limbah padatdan aplikasi teknologi nano menjadi penekanan bahasan buku ini.

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ISBN: 978-602-440-481-9               Penerbit: IPB Press

Buku Strategi Pengembangan Agroindustri Maju dan Berkelanjutan (2018)


Buku ini merupakan kumpulan naskah orasi ilmiah guru besar Institut PertanianBogor yang berkaitan dengan ilmu agroindustri yang mencakup teknologi prosesyang ditulis oleh Prof. Dr. Ono Suparno, teknik dan sistem industri oleh Prof. Dr.Machfud dan Prof. Dr. Marimin, dan teknologi dan manajemen lingkungan oleh Prof.Dr. Nastiti S. Indrasti.

Ucapan terima kasih dihaturkan kepada Dewan Guru Besar (DGB) Institut PertanianBogor atas bantuan dalam penulisan dan penerbitan buku ini. Ucapan terima kasihjuga disampaikan kepada semua pihak yang tidak dapat disebutkan satu per satuyang telah membantu dalam penulisan dan penerbitan buku ini.

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Buku ini ditulis untuk membantu masyarakat, akademisi, dan praktisi yang inginmemahami tentang agroindustri dan strategi pengembangannya. Kami menyadaribahwa ilmu agroindustri sangat luas dan dinamis, sehingga isi buku ini mungkinjauh dari sempurna. Tiada gading yang tak retak. Untuk itu, saran, masukan, dankoreksi dari pembaca sangat diharapkan untuk menyempurnakan isi buku ini. Kamiberharap semoga buku ini bermanfaat untuk kemajuan ilmu pengetahuan danteknologi di bidang agroindustri.

ISBN: 978-602-440-480-2               Penerbit: IPB Press                  Download

Jurnal/Prosiding Ilmiah

1. Rian C Sondakh, Erliza Hambali, and NS Indrasti. Esterification Bio-oil usingAcid Catalyst and Ethanol. International Journal of Engineering andManagement Research. 2018. 8 (5):137-141 [ Full Text]

2. Ismayana A, A Maddu, Y Istifani, NS Indrasti. Nanosilica from the Boiler Ash ofthe Sugar Cane Industry as a Filler of Polysulfone and SulfonatedPolyetheretherketone Membranes in Direct Methanol Fuel Cell. Jurnal TeknologiIndustri Pertanian. 2018. 28(1):104-112 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

3. Nugraha AW, O Suparno, NS Indrasti. Analisis Material, Energi dan Toksisitas(MET) pada Industri Penyamakan Kulit untuk Identifikasi Strategi ProduksiBersih. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian. 2018. 28(1):48-60 [ Abstract] [ FullText]

4. Sailah I, A Ismayana, A Maddu, T Puspaningrum, AY Aryanto, NS Indrasti.Performance Improvement of Polysulfone Membrane Fillered by NanosilicaBoiler Ash Sugarcane Industry on Direct Methanol Fuel Cell. InternationalJournal of Sciences: Basic and Applied Research (IJSBAR). 2018. 37 (1):101-111 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

5. Ismayana A, NS Indrasti, A Bimantoro. Co-Composting Filter Cake, Boiler Ashand Bagasse by Treatment of Active Aeration and Initial C/N Ratio. AsianJournal of Environmental Biotechnology. 2017. 1 (1): 1-9 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

6. Ismayana A, A Maddu, I Saillah, E Mafquh, NS Indrasti. Sintesis Nanosilika dariAbu Ketel Industri Gula dengan Metode Ultrasonikasi dan PenambahanSurfaktan. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian. 2017. 27(2):228-234  [ Abstract][Full Text]

7. Indrasti NS, M Romli, I Sailah, A Permatasari. Co-Composting Limbah PadatBeltpress dan Jerami Padi dengan Aerated Static Pile. Jurnal Teknologi IndustriPertanian. 2017. 27(1): 55-68 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

8. Amelia JR, Suprihatin, NS Indrasti, U Hasanudin and K Fujie. Performanceevaluation of integrated solid-liquid wastes treatment technology in palm oilindustry. IOP Conference Series: Earth and Environmental Science. 2017.

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Volume 65, Number 1.  [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

9. Amelia JR, Suprihatin, NS Indrasti, U Hasanudin, R Murakami, K Fujie. Effectsof Treated Palm Oil Mill Effluent Application on the Soil Microbial CommunityStructure and Oil Palm Plantation Productivity. Journal of Water andEnvironment Technology. 2017. 15 (3): 77-85. [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

10. Teniwut YK, Marimin, NS Indrasti. Spatial Intelligent Decision Support Systemfor Increasing Productivity on Natural Rubber Agroindustry by GreenProductivity Approach. International Journal of Productivity and PerformanceManagement. 2017. 66 (6) [ Abstract]

11. Windiastuti E, Suprihatin, NS Indrasti dan U Hasanudin. Effectiveness OfPolisulfon Membrane With Nanosilica Addition Of Boiler Ash Of Sugar Industry.2016. Proceeding Conference The USR International Seminar on Food SecurityUISFS. ISBN : 978-602-0860-10-7 hal 195-203. [ Full Text]

12. Qisti N, NS Indrasti dan Suprihatin.  Optimization of Synthesis Temperatureand Time for the Production of Nanosilica using Hydrothermal Method. 2016.Proceeding 2nd International Conference on Chemical Engineering (ICCE). [Abstract] [ Full Text]

13. Ayuni T, DR Nurrochmat , NS Indrasti. Strategi Pengelolaan Limbah Elektronikmelalui Pengembangan Infrastruktur Ramah Lingkungan. Jurnal RisalahKebijakan Pertanian dan Lingkungan. 2016. 3(1): 78-86. [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

14. Kharismawati D, NS Indrasti, Suprihatin. Strategi Implementasi ProduksiBersih untuk Meningkatkan Kinerja Industri Gondorukem (Studi Kasus NagregJawa Barat). Jurnal Apilkasi Manajemen. 2016. 14 (4): 705-713. [ Abstract] [ FullText]

15. Agustina S, NS Indrasti, Suprihatin, NF Rohman. Synthesis of Nano Zinc Oxidefrom Galvanized Industrial Waste by Using a Combination Method of SOL-Gel,Sonochemical and Calcination. International Journal of Sciences: Basic andApplied Research (IJSBAR). 2015. ISSN 2307-4531. 2015, 22(1): 151-164 [Abstract] [ Full Text]

16. Kusumastuti SA, Suprihatin, NS Indrasti. Exploration of Barriers in AchievingProactive Environmental Strategies in a Natural Rubber Industry : A CaseStudy. Jurnal Riset Teknologi Pencegahan Pencemaran Industri, 2015, 6(2):51-58 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

17. Raharjo S., Suprihatin, NS. Indrasti, E. Riani. Phytoremediation of VanameShrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei) Wastewater Using Vetiver Grass System(Chrysopogon zizanioides, L) in Flow Water Surface-Constructed Wetland. AACLBioflux, 2015, 8(5): 796-804 [ Full Text]

18. Hamzah, H. Effendi, E. Riani, Saharuddin, NS. Indrasti. Pollution Load,Assimilative Capacity And Quality Status of Coastal Waters In Pomalaa NickelMining Site of Southeast Sulawesi. International Journal of Research In Earth &Environmental Sciences, 2015, 3(3): 1-12 [ Abstract] [ Full Text].

19. Novitasari N, TC Sunarti, NS. Idrasti. Technology Innovation Adoption toImprove the Performance of Dairy Small-Medium Enterprises (SME): Case studyin Pangalengan-Bandung Regency, West Java, Indonesia. 2015. Proceeding 3rdICAIA 2015. ISBN : 987-1-4673-7404-0 hal 67-75. [ Full Text]

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20. Muchammad Kodiyat P, Machfud, NS. Indrasti. Managing Innovation throughKnowledge Sharing In an Indonesian Coconut SME. 2015. Proceeding 3rd ICAIA2015. ISBN : 987-1-4673-7404-0 hal 82-87. [ Full Text]

21. Sismaraini D, NS. Indrasti, Suprihatin, Taufik Djatna. A System Analysis andDesign For Selecting Chitin and Chitosan Industry Location By UsingComparative Performance Index Method. 2015. Proceeding 3rd ICAIA 2015.ISBN : 987-1-4673-7404-0 hal 121-127. [ Full Text]

22. Setiawan WK, NS. Indrasti, and Suprihatin. Synthesis and Characterization ofNanosilica from Boiler Ash with Co-precipitation Method. 2015. Proceeding 3rdICAIA 2015. ISBN : 987-1-4673-7404-0 hal 160-164. [ Full Text]

23. Agustina S, NS. Indrasti, Suprihatin, Nurul Taufiqu Rochman. The Effect ofNano Zinc Oxide on Characteristic Bionanocomposite. 2015. Proceeding 3rdICAIA 2015. ISBN : 987-1-4673-7404-0 hal 180-185. [ Full Text]

24. Adinda NAO, Suprihatin, and NS. Indrasti. Designing a Collaboration Form toOvercome Innovation Resistance in Waste Management Practices in LampungTapioca Industry. 2015. Proceeding 3rd ICAIA 2015. ISBN : 987-1-4673-7404-0hal 273-279. [ Full Text]

25. Kusumastuti SA, Suprihatin, and NS. Indrasti. Pollution ReducingOpportunities for a Natural Rubber Processing Industry: A Case Study. 2015.Proceeding 3rd ICAIA 2015. ISBN : 987-1-4673-7404-0 hal 280-283. [ Full Text]

26. Raharjo S., Suprihatin, NS. Indrasti, E. Riani. The Benefits of ConstructedWetlands Application in a Vannamei Shrimp (Litopenaeus vannamei)Cultivation System with a Mesohaline Condition. Journal of Economics andSustainable Development, 2015, 6(10): 254-260 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

27. Raharjo S., Suprihatin, NS. Indrasti, E. Riani, Supriyadi, W. Hardanu. LahanBasah Buatan sebagai Media Pengolahan Air Limbah Budidaya Udang Vaname(litopenaeus vannamaei) Bersalinitas Rendah. Jurnal Manusia dan Lingkungan,2015, 22(2): 201-210 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

28. Baherem, Suprihatin, NS Indrasti. Strategi Pengelolaan Sungai CibantenProvinsi Banten Berdasarkan Analisis Daya Tampung Beban Pencemaran Airdan Kapasitas Asimilasi. Jurnal Pengelolaan Sumberdaya Alam dan Lingkungan,Juli 2014, 4(1) : 60-69 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

29. Agustina S, NS Indrasti, Suprihatin, NF Rochman. Perolehan Kembali SengDari Limbah Industri Galvanis Sebagai Seng Asetat. Jurnal Kimia dan Kemasan.2014. ISSN: 2088 – 026X, 36(1) : 147-154 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

30. Ismayana A., NS. Indrasti, dan N. Erica. Pengaruh Rasio C/N Awal dan LajuAerasi pada Proses Co-Composting Blotong dan Abu Ketel. Jurnal Bumi Lestari,2014, 14(1): 39-45 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

31. Ismayana A., NS. Indrastri, Suprihatin, A. Maddu, dan Subiyantoro.Perbandingan Kinerja Proses Co-Composting Bagas dan Blotong Pada Skala100 Kg Terhadap Skala Laboratorium. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian,2014, 24(3): 243-250 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

32. Romli M, Suprihatin, NS. Indrasti, dan AY. Aryanto. Biogas Formation FromRice Straw And Market Waste In Semi-Dry Fermentation System. JurnalTeknologi Industri Pertanian, 2014, 24(2): 97-104 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

33. Nofi Erni, MS Maarif, NS. Indrasti, Machfud, S Honggokusumo. Model

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Prakiraan Harga dan Permintaan pada Rantai Pasok Karet Spesifikasi TeknisMenggunakan Jaringan Syaraf Tiruan. Jurnal Al-Azhar Indonesia Seri Sains danTeknologi, Maret 2012, 1(3) : 116-123  [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

34. Ismayana A, NS. Indrasti, Suprihatin, A. Maddu, dan A. Fredy. Factors of initialC/N and Aeration Rate in Co-Composting Process of Bagasse and Filter Cake. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2012, 22(3): 173-179 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

35. Indrasti NS, Suprihatin dan WK. Setiawan. The Combination ofChitosan-Nutmeg Extract for the Natural Antibacteria and Preservative Agentsof Red Snapper (Lutjanus sp) Fillet. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2012,22(2): 122-130 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

36. Fitrahani LZ, NS. Indrasti dan Suprihatin. Characterization of operationgCondition and Process Optimization of a Food Industrial Wastewater TreatmentPlan. Electronic Journal of Indonesia Agroindustry, 2012, 1(2): 110-117 [Abstract] [ Full Text]

37. Mutiara MW, NS Indrasti, Suprihatin. Pengolahan Tersier Air Limbah IndustriPangan dengan Teknik Elektrokoagulasi menggunakan Elektroda StainlessSteel. E-Journal Agroindustri Indonesia. Oktober 2012, 1(2): 18-24. [ Abstract] [Full Text]

38. Indrasti NS, Eriyatno, AA. Darwis, I. Jamaran, Machfud, A. Hermawan, E.Gumbira-Sa’id, MZ. Nasution, D. Mangunwidjaja, dan O. Suparno. Formulationof the 4th national Symposium on Agroindustry “ Strengthening ofAgroindustry : The Movement for National Prosperity” Bogor-September 24 th. 2011; Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2011, 21(3): 207-210 [ Abstract] [Full Text]

39. Sumarno L., D. Mangunwidjaja, AM. Fauzi, K. Syamsu, NS. Indrasti, dan B.Prasetya. Isolation and Fermentation of Lactobacillus plantarum JR64 as anOmega 6 Probiotic Producer.International Journal of Science and Engineering, 2011, 2(2): 42-47 [ Abstract] [Full Text]

40. Sumarno L., D. Mangunwidjaja, AM. Fauzi, K. Syamsu, NS. Indrasti, dan B.Prasetya. Ability of Lactobacillus plantarum JR64 isolated from noni juice inlowering Cholesterol in vivo. International Journal of Science and Engineering,2011, 2(1): 17-21 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

41. Romli M, Suprihatin, NS Indrasti, dan AY Aryanto. The Potential Use ofAgicultural Biomass as a raw material in Biogas Production. Proceeding TjiptoUtomo, 2010, Vol 7: B7-1/9 [ Full Text]

42. Suprihatin dan NS Indrasti. Penyisihan Logam Berat dari Limbah cairLaboratorium dengan Metode Presipitasi dan Adsorpsi. Jurnal Makara seri Sains, 2010, 14(1): 44-50 [ Full Text]

43. A Sukmawati, MS Maarif, Marimin, H Hardjomodjojo, NS Indrasti. ModelKontribusi Aset Pengetahuan dalam Memfasilitasi Proses PenciptaanPengetahuan pada Koperasi Susu. Jurnal Manajemen dan Organisasi. 2010,1(1) : 56-66 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

44. Tursiloadi S., GK. Sanjaya, dan NS. Indrasti. Model Matematik ProsesHidrolisis Selulosa Batang Pisang Menjadi Glukosa Menggunakan Katalis AsamCair. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2009, 19(3): 164-169 [ Abstract] [ Full

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Text]45. H Kristyanto, S Maarif, Eriyatno, Sutrisno, NS Indrasti, dan T Rekayasa Sistem

Agroestat Hortikultura dengan Pendekatan Keterpaduan Wilayah. ForumPascasarjana, Juli 2009, 32 (3) : 179-193. [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

46. A Sukmawati, M. S. Ma’arif, Marimin, K. Mudikdjo, H. Hardjomidjojo dan NS.Indrasti. The Formation of Knowledge Creation Model in EncouragingInnovation in the Dairy Cooperation in Indonesia: a Confirmatory Study. JurnalTeknologi dan Ilmu Peternakan, 2008, 31 (3): 212-224. [ Full Text]

47. Suprihatin, NS. Indrasti, dan M. Romli. The Potential Contribution of MunicipalSolid Waste Composting In Reducing Greenhouse Gas Emission In Jabotabek. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2008, 18 (1): 53-59  [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

48. BD Utami, NS Indrasti, AH Dharmawan. Pengelolaan Sampah RumahtanggaBerbasis Komunitas: Teladan dari Dua Komunitas di Sleman dan JakartaSelatan. Sodality: Jurnal Sosiologi Pedesaan, 2008, 2(1): 49-68.  [ Abstract] [Full Text]

49. NS Indrasti, M Yani, MA Subroto, Jumbriah. Bioremediation of DiazinonContaminated Soil by Using Spent Mushroom Compost. Journal ofEnvironmental Live (ENVIRO), 2007, 9 (1): 6-14

50. Suprihatin, Romli M, NS Indrasti. 2007. Desinfeksi Air Minum denganMenggunakan Membran Micro- dan Ultrafiltrasi. Prosiding Seminar TeknologiKimia. Bandung. 30 September 2007.

51. M Yani, AD Syakti, FR Eris, NS Indrasti. Pengembangan Bioremendasi denganTeknik Slurry Bioreaktor untuk Pengolahan Sludge / Sedimen Tercemar MinyakBumi. Prosiding Seminar Nasional Perhimpunan Perikanan dan IImu KelautanIndonesia. Bogor, 17 Juli 2007. [ Full Text]

52. NS Indrasti, Suprihatin, LOA Rajab. Contamination Burden Analysis,Assimilation Capacity and Strategic Management Development for TelukKendari. Journal of Environmental Live (ENVIRO). 2006, 8 (2): 1-6 [ Abstract]

53. Aplication of Aerated Windrow System for Composting of Hays and Sago BarDregs. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2006, 16 (2) : 76 - 83

54. Indrasti NS., Suprihatin, Burhanudin dan A. Novita. Removal of Heavy MetalPb and Cd Using Aquatic Plant ( Eichhornia crassipes) : The Effect of MetalConcentration and Contact Periode. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2006,16 (1) : 44 – 50 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

55. Indrasti NS., Purwoko dan Suherman. Linear Programming Application ForThe Formulation Of Compost Based Organic Fertilizer.  Jurnal Teknologi IndustriPertanian, 2005, 15 (2) : 60-66 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

56. Indrasti NS., MA. Subroto dan GG. Gunawan. Zinc Adsorption by UsingImmobilized Root tissue of Solanum nigrum. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2005, 15 (1) : 1 – 9 [ Abstract] [ Full Text]

57. Indrasti NS., M. Yani dan SP. Manik. Removal of Sulphur dioxide by Using Biofilter Technique Containing Thiobacillus sp. in The Media of  Compost, SawDust, and Top Soil. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2004, 14 (3) : 107-111 [Abstract] [ Full Text]

58. Indrasti NS., dan Rio Reyno Elia. Development of Orchid Growth Media byUsing Compost. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2004, 14 (2) : 40 - 50 [

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Abstract] [ Full Text]59. Indrasti NS, Suprihatin, Silfia F. Karakteristik Membran Filtrasi dari Khitosan

dengan Berbagai Jenis Pelarut. Jurnal Teknologi Industri Pertanian, 2004, 13 (3): 92 - 96. [ Full Text]

60. Marimin, M Romli, I Saillah, T Bantacut, NS Indrasti, Y Arkeman, Musclih, IYuliasih. The Proggresses Of The Quality Improvement In AgroindustrialTechnology Studi Program Bogor Agricultural University. InternationalConference HE-R 2001. Jakarta Convention Center, 14-16 Agustus 2001. [ FullText]

61. NS Indrasti, D Mangunwijaya, Z Nasution, N Chilmijati. The Characteristics ofThe Arrowroot Starch and Its Use as the Source of Raw Material for GlucoseSyrups. Natural Resources. 2000. p:220-227. [ Full Text]

Konferensi/Simposium/Lokakarya Nasional dan Internasional

1. Seminar Nasional Agroindustri. IICC. Bogor, 26-27 Juli 2018.2. Kurikulum Berorientasi Technopreneurship Departemen Teknologi Industri

Pertanian, FATETA-IPB: Disain, Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi dan PerbaikanBerkelanjutan. Lokakarya Kurikulum PS. TIP Institut Teknologi Indonesia. PS.TIP ITI. 17 Februari 2016

3. Synthesis and characterization of nanosilika from boiler ash withco-precipitation method. 3rd International Conference on Adaptive & IntelligentAgroindustry (ICAIA). Departemen TIN dan Agrin. IICC, 3-4 Agustus 2015.

4. Kurikulum Berorientasi Technopreneurship Departemen Teknologi IndustriPertanian, FATETA-IPB: Disain, Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi dan PerbaikanBerkelanjutan. Workshop Kurikulum PS. TIP Universitas Jambi. PS. TIPUniversitas Jambi. 18 Desember 2014

5. Kurikulum Berorientasi Technopreneurship Departemen Teknologi IndustriPertanian, FATETA-IPB: Disain, Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi dan PerbaikanBerkelanjutan. Lokakarya Rekonstruksi Kurikulum PS. TIP UB Malang. PS. TIPUB Malang. 09 Juni 2014

6. Co-composting process of bagasse and sludge from sugarcane industry withinfluence of difference initial C/N value and aeration. 2nd InternationalConference on Adaptive & Intelligent Agroindustry (ICAIA). Departemen TINdan Agrin. 16-17 September 2013

7. Kurikulum Berorientasi Technopreneurship Departemen Teknologi IndustriPertanian, FATETA-IPB: Disain, Pelaksanaan, Evaluasi dan PerbaikanBerkelanjutan. Lokakarya Kurikulum PS. TIP Unlam. PS TIP Unlam, Banjarbaru.23 November 2013

8. Technopreneurship oriented curriculum in Departement of AgroindustrialTechnology: Design, implementation and continuous improvement. Innovationand National Conferences Technopreneurship. Departemen TIN dan RAMP IPB.18 Februari 2013

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9. ASEAN University Consortium on Food and Agro-based Engineering andTechnology Education Meeting. Prince of Sokla University – Thailand, 3-14 June2013.

10. Establishment of Agricultural Engineering and Technology Consortium. Bogor,2012.

11. Capacity Development in Higher Education Management, International  Deans’Course Southeast Asia 2012/2013. Bandung, 2012.

12. Agroindustry Waste into Cleaner Production. Bogor, 2012.13. National Seminar on Indonesian Oil Palm Society. Bogor, 2012.14. National Workshop on Agricultural Technology for Higher Education in

Indonesia. Bogor, 2011.15. Training: Technical Editor and Mitra Bestari. Bogor, 2010.16. National Seminar on Post Harvest Technology. Jakarta, 2010.17. Seminar on Status and Trends Nanotechnology Research & Application in the

field Agroindustry. Bogor, 2010.18. Seminar on National Workshop on Sustainable Use of Peatlands Accelerating

Poverty Reduction and Local Development. Bogor, 2010.19. National Seminar Tjipto utomo: Natural Resources of Indonesia: The Role of

Education Chemistry and Technology in Sustainable Utilization. Bandung, 30September 2010.

20. Workshop on Adaptation of Agriculture in response to Global Climate ChangeResilience and Food sovereignty. Bogor, 2010.

21. Seminar on Role of Agricultural Technology in support of Food Security andEnergy. Bogor, 2009.

22. Training of Trainers (TOT) Supervising Higher reasoning in college students.Jakarta, 2008.

23. ASCOJA Conference on Integrated and Community Based Waste Management.Jakarta, 2007.

24. SEAG Mini Workshop on Improving Knowledge, Productivity and Sustainabilityof the Indonesia Horticulture Industry. Bogor, November 2006.

25. International Workshop on Persistent Organic Pollutant. Basel, Switzerland,September 2005.

26. Training of Trainer on Unistaff Development. Kassel, Germany, July 2005.27. International Conference on Unistaff Alumni. Kassel, Germany, July 2004.28. International Seminar on Deponie. Nuremberg, Germany. May 13 – 14, 2004.29. Invited Scientist in Technical University of Munich, Germany. Munich, German,

Juli 2013.30. International Symposium-cum-Workshop " From Transitional to an

Industrialized Society : The Role of Dialogue and Networking". Hanoi, Vietnam,October 14 - 18, 2002.

31. Workshop on Management of Hazardous Substances and Goods. Basel,Switzerland. September 23 – October 04, 2002.

32. Conference on Governing Garbage: Lessons Learned in South East Asia.International Centre for Sustainable Cities (ICSC) - Canadian InternationalDevelopment Agency (CIDA). Bacolod, Philippines. January 22-25, 2002.

33. Workshop on Municipal Solid Waste Management. ICSC. Vancouver, Canada.

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Nastiti Siswi Indrasti - Bogor Agricultural University | PublicationsCopyright Nastiti Indrasti

May 2001.34. International Conference on Public Participation. IAP2. Vancouver, Canada. May

2001.35. Workshop on Engineering Geology and Environmental Planning. Federal

Institute for Geosciences and Natural Resources. Hannover,Germany. October2000.

36. Workshop on Solid Waste and Hazardous Waste Management in Indonesia.CDSAP-IPB. Bogor. September 2000.

37. Workshop on Bioprocess Engineering. Bogor. December 1999.38. Workshop on Cleaner Production Technology. Bogor, November 1999.39. Workshop on Unistaff Development. ISOS, Witzenhausen. Univ. Kassel,

Germany, May-July 1999.40. Workshop on Wastewater Management and Technology. Bogor, April 1998.41. Entrepreneur’s Meeting between small and Medium scale Industries. Bogor,

September 14, 1996.42. Seminar on the Development of Transmigration Housing Base on Agribusiness

and Agroindustry. Bogor, September 19, 1996.43. Seminar on the Development of Technology Concerning Environmental Issues

for Agricultural on Gambut Area. Bogor, September 26, 1996.44. Workshop on the Technology Dissemination Pattern of Small Scale Industry.

Bogor, February 19. 1997.45. Seminar on Research Results of Bogor Agricultural University 1995/1996.

Bogor, November 1996.46. Seminar on Fifty Years of Progress Centuries of Development. Bonn, Germany.

1995.47. Seminar on Effect of Some Species on The Microbiological Growth in Bread.

Bonn, Germany. 1994.48. Workshop on Cereal Technology. Bonn, Germany. 1994.49. One Day Seminar Utilization of Carrot Pomace particles. Bonn, Germany. 1994.50. Seminar on Industrial Development Strategy in Indonesia. Berlin, Germany.

1993.51. Seminar on Science and Technology Achievement From The Overseas Study on

facing The Second long Term of National Development. Bonn, Germany. 1993.52. Workshop on Cereal Technology. Bonn, Germany. 1992.53. Seminar on the Research Result of IUC-FN-IPB. Utilization of corn Pobs for The

Production of Cellulose Enzyme Using Trichoderma viridae. Bogor, Indonesia.1991.

54. Seminar on Rule of Food Engineering Research in The Development ofIndonesia Food Industry. Jakarta, Indonesia. 1991.

55. Research Data Base Exploration in The Field of Food and Nutrition. Bogor,Indonesia. 1991.

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