jurnal syaraf

Post on 09-Mar-2016






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jurnal saraf


1.Apakah alokasi pasien terhadap terapi / perlakuan dilakukan secara randomYa Hal ini dijelaskan pada bag. intervention page. Study patients were randomised in a 1:1:1 ratio to receive a single intravenous dose of paracetamol (Perfalgan, Bristol Myers, France) (1 g in 100ml normal saline solution), morphine (0.1mg/kg in 100ml normal saline) or dexketoprofen (50mg in 100ml normal saline solution)

2.Apakah randomisasi dilakukan secara tersembunyi ?

Ya Hal ini di jelaskan pada bag. interventions page. Eight computerised randomisation blocks were prepared and scheduled by a person blinded to the study. Treatment allocation assignments and numbers were contained in sealed envelopes. Study drugs were identical in colour and appearance

3.Apakah antara subyek penelitian dan peneliti blind terhadap terapi / perlakuan yang akan diberikan?

Ya Hal ini dijelaskan pada bag. interventions page.Eight computerised randomisation blocks were prepared and scheduled by a person blinded to the study. Treatment allocation assignments and numbers were contained in sealed envelopes. Study drugs were identical in colour and appearancedan juga, pada bag. Methods of measurement page. Patients were blinded to the previous VAS scores

4.Apakah semua subjek yang ikut serta dalam penelitian diperhitungkan dalam hasil / kesimpulan ? ( apakah pengamatannya cukup lengkap? )

Ya Hal ini dijelaskan pada bag. results page. A total of 874 patients were eligible for the study, and 737 of them were excluded due to a variety of reasons (figure 1). A total of 137 patients were randomised for the study; 46 patients for the paracetamol group, 46 patients for the dexketoprofen group and 45 patients for the morphine group. Although there was no patient completely excluded from the study after treatment allocation, 30 min VAS measurements could not be performed in four patients despite obtaining the 15 min VAS scores. One patient had an allergic reaction in the paracetamol group, one patient voluntarily left the ED in the dexketoprofen group, and two patients had hypotension and sedation in the morphine group (figure 1).

5.Apakah pengamatan yang dilakukan cukup panjang ?

Hal ini di jelaskan pada bag. selection and participant page. Study patients were included into the study consecutively 24h a day and 7days a week.

6.Apakah subjek dianalisis pada kelompok dimana subyek tersebut dikelompokkan dalam randomisasi ?

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