
Post on 15-Nov-2014






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Ciri-ciri umum Unicelullar Pada umumnya memiliki flagel yang

tidak sama panjang (Heterokontae) jumlah flagel 2 atau 4

Umumnya hidup di air tawar yang kaya bahan organik (di laut sangat sedikit)

Ada yang memiliki kloroplast (dapat berfotosintesis) ada juga yang tidak dapat berfotosintesis

Yang berfotosintesis disebut Phototrophic Yang tidak berfotosintesis disebut

Osmotrophic (makan dengan cara diffusi) Kelompok yang ketiga disebut

Phagotrophic (makan dengan cara menangkap makanan)

Jumlah genus hanya 40 dan jumlah spesies -/+ 800

Dinding sel tersusun atas lapisan-lapisan protein berbentuk spiral, yang disebut "pellicle“

Memiliki bintik mata yang disebut stigma

Pigmen yang dimiliki klorofil a dan b, caroten

Disebut Euglenozoa, euglenoids, euglenophytes

Most colored euglenids have an stigma, or eyespot (lost in secondarily colorless forms), which is a small splotch of red pigmentation shading the flagellar pocket. At the base of the leading flagellum is a collection of light sensitive crystals, so together the two act as a sort of directional eye. This is in fact where the group's name comes from: Gr eu+glêne, eyeball.

KLASIFIKASI Ada satu Kelas – Euglenophyceae Ordonya ada 3:    Euglenales   Peranemales/Eutreptiales


EuglenalesAda satu famili: EuglenaceaeContoh genus : Euglena, Phacus, Trachelomonas EutreptialesAda satu famili : EutreptiaceaeContoh genus : Astacia (morfologis sama dengan

Euglena), Peranema, Hyalophacus

RhabdomonadalesAda satu famili RhabdomonadaceaeContoh genus : Colacium, Petalomonas

REPRODUKSI Pembelahan Sel pada arah longitudinal Tidak dikenal adanya reproduksi seksual

PERANAN (+) Produsen primer di air tawar (+,-) Indikator pencemaran organik

The euglenids (or euglenoids) are one of the best-known groups of flagellates, commonly found in freshwater especially when it is rich in organic materials, with a few marine and endosymbiotic members. Many euglenids have chloroplasts and produce energy through photosynthesis, but others feed by phagocytosis or strictly by diffusion. They belong to the phylum Euglenophyta, and their cell structure is typical of that group.

Euglenids are distinguished mainly by the presence of a pellicle, which is composed of proteinaceous strips underneath the cell membrane, supported by dorsal and ventral microtubules. This varies from rigid to flexible, and gives the cell its shape, often giving it distinctive striations. In many euglenids the strips can slide past one another, causing an inching motion called metaboly. Otherwise they move using the flagella.The euglenids were first defined by Otto Bütschli in 1884 as the flagellate order Euglenida. Botanists subsequently treated the algal division Euglenophyta; thus they were classified as both animals and plants, as they share characteristics with both. This conflict is an example of why the kingdom Protista was adopted. However, they retained their double-placement until the flagellates were split up, and both names are still used to refer to the group.

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