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  • Index

    a bit 32,97 allowed (to) 81 arrival 62, 86 /d'ralvdIl accent 5 /'a:ksdntl ally/allies 84 /'a:lal/ /'a:lalz/ art 73 /o:t1 a long time ago 90 almost 32 /';):lmdust/ art gallery 73 /o:t ga:ldri/ a long way 92 alone 48 /d'ldun/ article (definite/indefinite) 4 a sort of 97 along 31 /d'loI]/ /'o:tIbl/ about 97 /d'bautl also 34 /';):lsdu/ artist 73 /'o:tIsti above 31 /d'bA v/ although 34 /;):I'OdU/ as 33, 36 absolutely 30 /a:bsd'lu:tli/ altitude 86 /'a:ltItju:d/ as a result 36 abstract 73 /'a:bstra:ktl always 32 /';):lwelz/ as far as I'm concerned 25 academic ability 78 ambitious 44 /a:m'blfds/ as long as 35

    /a:b'demlk/ ambulance 55 /'a:mbjdldns/ as soon as 33 accident 61 /' a:kSlddnt/ American /d'menkdn/ as well 34 according to 25, 74 and so on 100 ask 29 /o:sk/

    /d'b:dlI] tu:/ anger 45 /'a:I]gd/ assemble 66 /d'sembdl/ accountant 64 /d'kauntdnt/ angry 45 /'a:I]gri/ assembly line 66 /d'sembli ache (n, v) 54 /elk/ ankle 42 /'a:I]kIl lam/ acid rain 85 /'a:sld rem/ answer (n, v) 10 /'o:nsd/ asthma 54 /'a:s8md/ across 31 /d'kros/ answering machine 76 astonished/astonishing 30 action film 72 /'a:kfdn/ ant 40 /a:ntl /ds'tonIfti /ds'tonIflI]/ actor 8 /'a:ktd/ antiques 69 /a:n'ti:ks/ at (a time) 90 /dtl ad/advert 100 /a:d/ /'a:dV3:t1 anyway 33 /'eniwel/ at (the bus stop) 31 addition 91 /d'dlfdn/ apart from 35 /d'PO:t1 at Christmas / Easter / the adjective 4/'a:d.3lktlv/ apartment 89 /d'po:tmdntl weekend 90 admit 28 /dd'mlt/ aperitif 59 /dperd'ti:f/ a t least 1, 15 adolescence 47 /a:ddl'esdns/ apologise (for) 14,23,29 at night 15, 90 adolescent 47 /a:ddl'esdnt/ /d'poldd.3aIZ/ at the end 15 adverb 4 /'a:dV3:b/ apology 23 /d'poldd.3i/ at the moment 15 advertising 68 /'a:dvdtaIZII]/ appear 7/d'pld/ athletics 70/a:8'letIks/ advice 3, 27 /dd'valS/ apple 58 /'a:Pdl/ attack 84 /d'ta:k/ advise 3, 29, 63 /dd'vaIZ/ application (form) 83 attend 63, 99 /d'tend/ afford 53 /d'b:d/ /a:ph'kelfdn/ attorney (US) 80 /d't3:ni/ afraid (of) 14, 45 /d'freld/ apply (for) 14,65 /d'plal/ attractive 9 /d'tra:ktIv/ after (+ -ing) 33 /'O:ftd/ apprehend 99 /a:pn'hend/ aubergine 58 /'dubd3i:n/ afterwards 33 /O:ftdWdd.3/ approximately 97 audience 72 /';):didns/ against the law 80, 81 /d'proksdmetli/ aunt 46 /o:ntl

    /d'gentstl Arabic 41 /'a:rdblk/ Australia 41 /os'treilld/ agree (with) 14 /d'gri:/ arable 39 /'a:rdbdl/ Australian 41 /os'treilldn/ agriculture 39, 79 architect 64 /'o:kltekt/ automation 66 /;):td'mclfdn/

    /'a:gnkAlifd/ architccture 79 /'o:kItckifd/ avoid 28 /d'V;)ld/ AIDS 100 /cldz/ Argentina 41 /o:d.3dn'ti:nd/ aware (of) 14 /d'wed/ air force 64 led f:>:s/ Argentinian 41 awful 2, 30 /';):fdl/ air steward(ess) 86 /o:d.3dn 't mldn/

    /'Cd stju:wdd/ arithmetic 91 /d'n8mdtIk/ BA 79 fbi: el/ aisle 72 /ail/ armchair 50 /o:m'ifcd/ baby-sitter 11 /bclbisltd/ alarm clock 11 /d'lo:m/ armed forces 64 /o:md back (v) 74/ba:k/ alive 84 /d'lalv/ f:>:SIZ/ back-up copy 77 allow (sb. to do sth.) 28 army 64 /'o:mi/ backache 54 /'ba:kelk/

    /d'lau/ arrest 80 /d'rcstl badly- 12,61

    248 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate)

  • badminton 70 I'bredmmt:ml birth certificate 83 break in(to) 17,81 bag 94 Ibregl 1b3:8 S::l'tIflbt/ break one's arm 55 baggage reclaim 86 l'bregld31 bit 94 Ibltl break the ice 20 bake 59 IbeIk/ bite your nails 42 Ibaltl break the law 20, 80 balcony 49 I'brelbnil bitter 59 I'blt::ll break up 47 banana 58 Ib::l'na:n::ll blame (sb. for) 29 Iblelml breathe 42 Ibri:ol band 73 Ibrendl bland 59 Iblrendl breathing 54 l'bri:oll)l bandage 55 l'brendld31 bleed 55 Ibli:dl breeze 38 Ibri:zl barely 32 I'be::llil bless you 26 Ibles ju:1 bricklayer 64 l'bnkleI::l1 barrister 80 I'brenst::ll block of flats 49 Iblokl bridge 61 Ibnd31 baseball 70 l'belsbJ:I1 bloke 99 Ibl::lukl briefcase 6, 66 I'bri:fkelsl basket 94 I'ba:skltl blond(e) 43 Iblondl bright (clever) 44, 99 Ibralti basketball 70 I'ba:sklt bJ:I1 blood test 55 IblAd testl bring 22 Ibnl)l bat 70 Ibretl blouse 56 Iblauzl Britain 41 I'bnt:ml bathroom 50, 98 l'ba:8ruml blow your nose 42 British 41 I'bnt Ifl batteries 52 Ibret::lri:zl board (black/white) 6, 100 broad shoulders 43 Ibn:dl BBC 100 Ibi: bi: sl:1 IbJ:dl broadsheet 74 I'bfJ:dfi:ti be back 76 board (v) 86 IbJ:dl broker 64 I'br::lubl be down 67 board games 69 brother-in-law 11, 46 be in power 82 board pen 6 bruise (n, v) 55 Ibru:zl be unable to 99 boarding card 86 l'bJ:dTI) brush one's teeth 48,51 be up 67 ka:dl BSc 79 Ibi: ;)S si:1 be/get delayed / held up 23 boil 59 IbJill build 43 IbTldl beach Ibi:lfl - umbrella 89 boiling 30, 38 l'bJdll)l bullet/knife wound 55 bear 40 Ibe::ll bon appetit 26 Ibon rep::ltil bunch (of flowers) 94 IbAnlfl beard 43 Ibl::ldl book (v) 59, 72, 87 Ibukl bureaucracy 83 beat 71 Ibi:tl bookcase 50 I'bukkelsl Ibju::l'rnkr::lsil beautiful 43 l'bju:tIfdIl boots 56 Ibu:tsl bureaucrat 83 because (of) 36 Ibl'kozl born (be born) 47 IbJ:nl I'bju::lr::lukrretl bed & breakfast 87 borrow 6, 53 I'bor::lul burglar 81 I'b3:gl::l1 - alarm bedroom 50 I'bedruml both 35 Ib::lu81 81 bedside table 51 I'bedsaldl bother 48 l'bOO::l1 burglary 81 I'b3:gbril bee 40 lbi:1 bottle 94 l'bot::lIl burgle 81 l'b3:g::lIl beef 58 Ibi:fl bottom 42 I'bot::lml burn 52 Ib3:nl before (+ -ing) 33 Ibl 'b:1 boutique 57 Ibu:'ti:kl bus station/stop 62 behind 31 Ibl'hamdl bowl 94 Ib::lull business studies 79 beige 93 Ibe131 box 94 Iboksl butcher 57 I'bo~'::ll belongs to 14,49 Ibl'lol)z box office 11 butterfly 40 l'bAt dna 11

    tu:1 boxing 70 l'boksll)l button 56 l'bAt;)nl below 31 Ibl'l::lul boyfriend 47 l'bJlfrendl by (e.g. Dickens, Spielberg, belt 56 IbeJtI brackets 1, 4/'brrekltsl etc.) 15 bend (n,v) 42, 61 Ibendl brake (n, v) 10,61 Ibrelkl by accident 15 besides 33 Ibl'saldzl branch (e.g. of a tree) 39 by carltrain/bus/plane 15 best friend 46 Ibra:nlfl by chance 15 between 31 Ibl'twi:nl brand-new 12 Ibrre'nju:1 by hand 15 beware of 96 Ibl'wc::l ::lvl Brazil 41 Ibr::l' zlIl by mistake 15 bicycle 62 l'balSlbl/ Brazilian 41 Ibr::l'zIlI::lnl by myself 15, 48 Ibml bid 74 Ibldl break (n) 78 IbrClkl by 90 bike 100 Ibalkl break a record 20 bill 59, 87 Ibill break down 17, 61 cab (US) 98 Ikrebl billion 91 l'bIlI::lnl break even 67 cabbage 58 l'krebld31

    English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 249

  • cabin crew 86 I'k

  • comprehensible 9 crab 58 /kneb/ democrat 82 /'demdknet! /kompn'hentsdbdl/ crash helmet 70 dentist 64 /'dentIst!

    comprehensive 78 IkneJ 'helmdt! deny 28 IdI'oaII Ikompn 'heOSlvl crash into 61 department store 57

    computer 66 Ibm'pju:td/ creative 9 /kri'eltIvl IdI'pa:tmdnt st;):/ computer-literate 77 creature 40 /'kri:tfdl departure 86 /dI'pa:tfd/

    I-'htdrdt/ credit card 11 - lounge 86 conductor 73 /kdO'dAktd/ cricket 70 l'knkIt! depend (on) 14 IdI'pend/ confirm 29 Ibn'f3:m/ crime prevention 81 Ikralm/ depressed/depressing 30 conflict 84 /'konfhktl critic 72, 74 /'kntlkl /dI 'presti Idr'presrIJ/ confused/confusing 30 crop 39 /kropl depth 92 /depO/

    /bn'fju:zdl Ibn'fju:zrIJI crowd 70 Ikraud/ desert 37 l'deZdt! congratulations 26 crowded 30, 60 I'kraudld/ design 64 /dI'zaml

    /bognetfu'lerJdoz/ cruise 86 /kru:z/ desk 66 /desk/ consequently 36 cry 42 /kfarl despite 34 /dr'spart!

    /koosdkwdntlil cucumber 58 l'kju:kAmbdl dessert 59 /dI'Z3:tl conservation 85 cupboard 50 l'kAbddl destroy 85 /dr'stDr/

    Ikonsd'verJdol curly 43 1'k3:1il dial 76 Idaldl/ conservatism 82 currency 53 l'kAfdnsi/ diarrhoea 54 /dald'ndl

    /kdO's3:vdtrzdm/ current 75 l'kAfdntl diary 66 /'dardri/ conservative 82 - affairs 75 dictator 82 Idlk'tertdl

    /kdn's3:vdtrv/ curtain (theatre) 72 1'k3:tdni dictatorship 82 /dlk'teltdJlp/ consumer 68 Ik;m'sju:mdl curtains 50 l'k3:tdnzl diet (v, n) 10 Idargt/ continent 37 I'kontmdotl cut 55, 74, 77 lkAti different (from) 14, 35 convict sb. (of a crime) 80 cut down 85 I'dlfdfdotl

    Ikdn'vlktl dimension 92 IdaI'meoJdnl cooker 50 /'kubl daily 74 I'dellil dining room 11,50 cookies (US) 98 /kuki:zl dairy 39 /'dedril director 72 IdI'rektd/ copper 39 l'koPdl damage 85 /'d

  • division 91 ldI'vI3;'lnl drummer 73 l'drAm;'l1 emotional 44 lI'm;'luf;'ln;'l1/ Do you think you could ... ? drums 73 IdrAmzl employer 65 IIm'pbI;'l1

    24 dry weather 13 employment 65 do/don't 96 dubbed 72 IdAbdl IIm'pbIm;'lntl do (a bit of / lots of) hiking, due to 36, 62 Idju: tu:1 engaged 76 III)'geId;3dl

    etc. 69 dumping 85 l'dAmpIl)1 engineer 64 lend;3I'nJ;'l1 do (the) housework 19 during 90 l'dju;'lfIl)l engineering 79 lend;3I'nJ;'lnIJ/ do a course 19,65 Dutch 41 IdAtj"1 enjoy 28 IIn'd;3;'II do a subject 19, 78 duty-free 86 Idju:ti fri:1 enjoyable 9 Im'd;3;'I;'lb;'l1/ do homework 3, 19 duvet 51 l'dju:veII enormous 30, 49 lI'n;,:m;'ls/ do overtime 63 enough 5,56 lI'nAfl do research (in/into) 19, 79 e-mail 77 I'i: meill enrol 83 Im'r;'lul/ do something/nothing 19 e.g. 100 Ii: d;3i:1 enrolment form 83 do the ironing 48 eagle 40 I'i:g;'ll/ environment 85 do the shopping 19,48, 57 earache 54 l'I;'lreIkl Im'VaI;'lr;'lnm;'lntl do the washing 48 early morning call 87 equator 37 lI'kweIt;'l1 do the washing-up 48 early twenties/thirties etc. equipment 27, 70 do well 67 47 II' kWIpm;'lntl do-it-yourself (DIY) 69 earn 63 13:n1 etc. 100 lit' set;'lr;'ll document 77, 83 earrings 11, 56 1'l;'lfIl)zl EU 100 Ii: ju:1

    I'dokj;'lm;'lntl earth 37 13:81 even 91 I'i:v;'lnl documentary 75 earthquake 37 1'3:8kwelkl even though 34

    Idokj;'l'ment;'lril easy-going 12 I'i:zi: g;'lUII)I eventually 33 lI'ventj"u;'llil don't worry 23 economic policy 82 evidence 80 l'eVId;'lnsl doorbell 49 I'd;,:bel/ li:b'nomIkl ex- 46 leks/ double room 87 economic stability 67 exam 100 IIg'z

  • extremely 32 IIk'stri:mlil filing cabinet 66 l'faIlIIJ for one thing 33 eyebrows 42 I'aibrauzl 'krebmdtl for the time being 90

    fill in (a form) 83 force (sb. to do sth.) 28 factory 60, 85 I'frektdril film star 11 IfIlm sto:1 IfJ:sI fair 43 Ifedl final score 71 I'famdl sb:1 forehead 42 I'fondl fairly 32 I'fedlil finally 33 I'famdlil foreign news 74 I'forml fall (n, v) 67 IfJ:1/ finance (v) 67 I'famrensl foreign policy 82 fall asleep 48 Ib:l/ find out 16 forest 37 I'fonstl fall in love 47 Ib:l/ fine (n) 80 Ifaml forget 28 Ifd'getl fall over 16 IfJ:1/ finger 2, 42 l'fIIJgdl form (a government) 82 fall slowly/sharply 2 Ib:l/ finish 28 l'flnIfl Ib:ml fall (n) (US) 98 Ib:l/ fire (v) 84 IfaIdl fortnight 90 l'b:tnaIti falls 37 Ib:lzl fire brigade 64 IfaId bngeIdl fortunately 48 I'b:lfdndtlil family name 46 firefighter 64 I'faldfaltdl fountain 88 I'fauntml famous 9 l'feImdsl first aid 11 fraction 91 I'frrekfdnl fancy 99 I'frensil first class 12 fragile 96 l'frred.3aIlI far 92 Ifo:1 first name 46 France 41 Ifro:nsl fare 62 Ifedl first of all 33 freelance 74 I'fri:lo:nsl farewell 26 Ifed'wel/ first(ly) 33 1f3:stlil freeway (US) 98 I'fri:well farmer 8 I'fo:mdl fishermen 39 IfIfdmdnl freezing 30, 38 l'fri:zIIJI farming 39 l'fo:mlIJI fishing 39 l'fIfIIJI French 41, 78 Ifrenlfl fascina tedlfascina ting 30 fishing boat 39 french fries (US) 98

    l'fresmeItddl IfresmeItiIJI fit 56, 64, 66 IfIti frequently 32 I'fri:kwdntlil fascism 82 l'frefIzdml fitting room 57 l'fItIIJ ruml fresh 59 IfreJI fascist 82 l'freJIstl five-pound (note) 12 fridge (refrigerator) 50, 100 fashion 68 I'frefdnl fix up 99 IfIksl Ifnd.31 fashionable 68 I'frefdndbdl/ flats 49 !flretsl friendly 44 I'frendlil fasten 5 I'fo:sdnl flexi-time 63 l'fleksitaIml frightenedlfrightening 30 fasten your seat belt 61, 86 flexible 44 l'fleksIbdl/ IfraItdndllfraItdllIIJI fat 43, 92 Ifretl flight 62, 86 !flaItl front door 49 father-in-law 11, 46 flood 37 !flAd! front garden 49 fattening 5, 59 l'fretdllIIJI floor 49 Ifb:1 fruit 58 Ifru:tl fatty 59 I'fretil floppy disk 77 I'flopi dISkl fry 59 IfraII faucet (US) 98 l'b:SIti floral 93 I'fb:rdl/ frying pan 50 favourite 75 l'feIvdntl flu (influenza) 54, 100 !flu:1 full (of) 14 Iful/ fear 45 IfIdl fly 40, 62 !flail full board 87 features 74 l'fi:lfdZl fog 38 Ifogl full name 46 feel (n, v) 95 Ifi:l/ foggy 38 I'fogil full stop 4 feel like ... 18, 28 fold your arms 42 full up 62 feel sick 54 food mixer 50 full-time 12 feels + adj; feels like + noun foot 42 Ifutl fully aware 13

    95 football 70 l'futb:J:1/ fully-booked 87 fence 49 Ifensl footpath 60 l'futpo:81 furniture 27 1'f3:llIlfdl field 60 I'fi:ldl for 90 Ib:1 further 99 1'f3:0dl fifteen-minute (drive) 12 for a start 18 furthermore 34 1f3:0d'm:J:I fifty-pence piece 53 for a walk/swim/drive/run fight crime 81 IfaIti 15 gain (weight) 3/geml file (for papers) (n, v) 6 for ages 90 gale 38 Igeill

    Ifaill for another thing 33 game 71 IgeIml files 66 IfaIdlzl for example 100 gang 94 IgreIJI

    for good 18 garage 49 l'grend.31

    English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 253

  • garbage (US) 98 /'go:brd.3/ gas(oline) (US) 98 /'gres;:Ili:n/ gate 49, 60 /geltl generous 44 /'d.3en;:lr;:ls/ geography 78 /d.3i'ogr;:lfi/ German 41 /'d.33:m;:ln! Germany 41 /'d.33:m;:lni/ get (arrive/becomelfetch/

    obtain/buy/receive) 21 get a move on 18 get away 89 get better/worse/hot, etc. 21 get by 17 get changed 21 get divorced 21 get dressed 7, 21, 56 get home 48 get in 62 get in touch with 99 get in(to) a car 13, 61 get into bed 51 get lost 21, 88 get married (to) 14,21,47 get off/on (a bus) 13, 62 get on (make progress) 21 get on (with sb.) 16,21 get out (of a car) 62 get over (an illness) 16 get ready 21 get rid of 21 get through (make contact)

    76 get through (finish) 16 get through (pass an exam)

    16 get to know 21 get to sleep 48 get to work 48 get undressed 7, 21 get up 21, 48 giraffe 40 /d.3r'ro:f/ girlfriend 47 /'g3:1frend/ give (a lecture) 79 /grv/ give one's regards to sb. 20 give sb. a hand 20 give sb. a push 10 give sb. a ring 10, 20, 76 give sb. the sack 65 give up sth. 16,28, 69 glamour 68 /'glrem;:l/ glamorous 68 /'glrem;:lr;:ls/

    glance (at) (n, v) 45 /glo:ns/ global warming 85 /'gl;:lub;:ll

    w;):miI]/ gloves 2 /gluvz/ go (travel) 22 go (leads to / takes you) 22 go (out) for a

    walk/meal/drink etc. 22 go ahead 18 go along here 61 go bald/deaf/grey/mad 22 go bankrupt 22 go into hospital 78 go off (explode / go bad /

    ring) 16 go on a (training) course 65 go on a diet 10 go on a tour of ... 88 go on holiday 89 go out 88 go out with sb. 47 go shopping/sightseeing etc.

    22,57 go to bed 48 go to church/school/college

    78 go to sleep 51 go to university 47, 78, 79 go up (increase) 16 go upmarket/downmarket

    68 goat 40 /g;:lut/ gold 39 /g;:luld/ golf /golf/ - course 70 good (at) 14 good fun 72 good-looking 12, 43 good luck 26 good morning/afternoon/

    evening/night 26 good value 68 goods 66 /gudz/ gorilla 40 /g;:l'nl;:l/ government 82 /' gA v;:lnm;:lnt/ gradual(ly) 67 /grred.3u;:ll/ graduate 79 /'grred.3u;:lt/ grammar school 78 grandfather 46

    /'grrendfo:6;:1/ grandmother 46


    254 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate)

    grant 79 /gro:ntl grapes 58 /grerps/ graphics 77 /'grreflks/ grass 39 /gro:s/ great 13, 30, 92 /greltl Greece 41 /gri:s/ Greek 41 /gri:k/ green beans 58 greengrocer 57 /'gri:ngr;:lusJ/ greens 85 /gri:nz/ greetings 26 /gri:tlI]z/ grey 93 /grer/ grill 59 /gnl/ gripping 72 /'gnpII]/ ground 39 /graund/ ground floor 49 group (collection) 94 /gru:p/ group (pop group) 73 grow 39, 67 /gr;:lu/ grow up 17, 47 /gr;:lu/ guess (n, v) 10 /ges/ guest house 87 /gestl guidebook 88 /'galdbuk/ guilty 80 /'grlti/ guitar 69, 73 /gl'to:/ guitarist 73 /gr'to:nst/ guns 84 /gAnz/ guy 99 /gal/ guys (US) 98 /garz/

    hair 27 /he;:l/ hairy (chest) 43 /'he;:lri/ half 91 /ho:f/ half board 87 hand 42 /hrend/ hand luggage 86 handsome 43 /'hrends;:lm/ handy 99 /'hrendi/ hang on 18 hang sth. up 56 hangover 54 /'hreI];:Iuv;:l/ happiness 8, 45 /'hrepm;:ls/ Happy Birthday / Christmas

    / New Year 26 hard disk 77 hard luck 26 hard work 13 hardly 32 /'ho:dli/ hardly ever 32 hardware 77 /'ho:dwe;:l/

  • hardworking 44 high 92 Ihall How tall is he/she? 43 Iho:d'W3:kIl)l high school (US) 98 How's it going? 22

    harmful 85 I'ho:mfgll highlighter pen 6 l'haIialtgl however 34 Ihau'evgl harvest 39 l'ho:VlSt! highlights 75 l'haIlaltsl huge 30, 49 Ihju:cI.31 hate 28 Ihelt! highly (unlikely) 13 l'haIli/ human resources 85 have a baby 19 highway (US) 98 I'halwell I'hju:m;)n nZJ:slzl have a break 48 hijacking 84 Ihaldzrekll)l humid 38 I'hju:mldl have a dream 10 hiking 69, 89 l'halkll)l humidity 38 Ihju:'mldgtil have a drink 19 hips 42 Ihlpsl hundred 91 l'hAndrgdl have a go 22 hire 86 Ihalgl hunting 69 l'hAntll)1 have a good/great time 19, historical monuments 88 hurricane 37, 38 l'hAnbnl

    88 history 78 I'hlstgril hurry up 16 l'hAril have a lie-in 48 history of art 79 hurt (oneself) 54 Ih3:t! have a look 10,50 hit 70 Ihlt! hyphen 4 I'halfgnl have a nice weekend 26 hit (affect badly) 74/hlt! have a party 19 hobby 69 I'hobil I agree with you 25 have a rest 10, 19,48 hockey 70 I'hokil I beg your pardon 23, 26 have a shower/bath/washl hold (an election) 82 Ihguldl I don't mind 24

    shave 19,48 hold 95 Ihguldl I don't think ... 25 have a word (with) 99 hole punch (n, v) 6 Ihgul/ I regret to inform you 99 have a(n) earlyllate night 48 holiday pay 63 I'holgdell I think you're right 25 have breakfast 48 Holland 41 I'holgndl I was wondering if ... ? 24 have friends for dinner 48 home news 74 I won't be long 23 have something to eat 19 homeless 9 I'hgumlgsl I'd love to 24 have something/nothing in homesick 3 l'hgumSlkl I'd prefer to I I'd rather ...

    common 35 homework 27 l'hgumw3:kl 24 hay fever 54 Ihel fi:vgl honest 44 I'omstl I'll clear it up 23 head (v) 70 Ihedl hoover 51 I'hu:vgl I'll leave it 57 headache 54 I'hedelkl hope 28 Ihgupl I'll sort it out 23 headline 74 I'hedlaml horror film 72 I'horgl I'll take itlthem 57 headphones 27 I'hedfgunzl hospitality 23 Ihospl'trelgtil I'm (terribly/very/so) sorry health 54 IheIeI hostage 84 l'hostIcI.31 23 healthy (economy) 67 household (goods) 57 I'm afraid I can't 24

    l'heIeil I'haushguldl I'm afraid not 24 hear 95 Ihlgl housework 3, 27, 51 I'm being served 57 hearing 95 l'hIgrIl)1 l'hauSW3:kl I'm just looking 57 heart 54 Iho:t! How about ... ? 24 I'm looking for a ... 57 heart attack 54 How are you getting on? 21 I'm sorry I'm late 23 heat (v) 49 Ihi:t! How are you? 26 i.e. 100 laI i:1 heat (n) 38 Ihi:t! How do I get to ... ? 87 ic(e)y 38 lalsil heavy rain 13,38 How do you do? 26 ice 38 lalsl heavy smoker 13 How do you feel about ... ? ice hockey 70 lalsl heavy traffic 13 25 icons 77 I'alkonzl Hebrew 41 l'hi:bru:1 How do you pronounce ... ? identity card 83 lal'dentgti hedge 60 Ihecl.31 6 ko:dl heel 42 Ihi:1I How do you spell ... ? 6 idiom 4 I'ldigml height 43, 92 Ihalt! How do you use ... ? 6 if you like 24 IIfI held up 23 Iheldl How long/tall!wide is ... ? illegal 7, 80, 81II'li:ggl/ help yourself 24 92 illegible 7II'lecl.3gbgll helpful 9 I'helpfgl/ How much does he/she illness 54 I'lingsl hepatitis 54 Ihepg'taltIsl weigh? 43 image 68 1'lmlcl.31

    English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 255

  • imagine 28 lI'mreci3ml inform 8/m'fJ:ml join (the armylthe police) 64 impatient 7 IIm'pelf;~mtl information 8, 27 journalist 74 1'ci33:n;}hstl impolite 3, 7/rmpdl'artl Imf;}'melf;}nl joystick 77 1'ci3:Hstrkl impossible 7 IIm'pos;}b;}11 information technology 78 judge 80 lci3Aci31 improve 8 Irm'pru:vl inherit 46 Im'herrtl jug 94 lci3Agl improvement 8 initiative 44 Ir'nrf;}trvl jumper 56 1'ci3Amp;}1

    /!m'pru:vm;}ntl injection 54 Im'ci3ekf;}nl junction 61 1'ci3AI]kJ;}nl in (a period) 90 injure 54 l'mci3;}1 jungle 37 1'ci3AI]g;)1/ in (Africa) 31 injury 55 l'mci3;}ril jury 80 1'ci3u;}ril in a good mood 52 innocent 80 I'm;}s;}ntl just as 33 in a mess 7 insect 40 I'msektl just round the corner 92 in a moment 15 insensitive 44 Im'sents;}trvl in a newspaper/magazine 15 insist (on) 291m' srstl keen (on) 14 Iki:nl in addition 34 inspect 66 Im'spektl keep (going/getting/losing) in advance 59, 72, 87 instead 48 Im'stedl 20,61/ki:pl in business 15 interest 67 I'mtr;}stl keep + noun/pronoun + in case 35 interest rate 67 adjective 20 in charge of 63, 65 interested (in) 5, 14, 30 keep a record 20 in front of 31 I' mtr;}st rdl keep an eye on sth.lsb. 18 in good/bad condition 49 interesting 30 l'mtr;}strI]1 keep in touch 20 in my opinion 25 internet 77 I'mt;}netl keep off the grass 96 in other words 100 into 31 I'mtul keep right/left 96 in power 82 invade 84 Im'verdl kettle 50 I'ket;}l/ in recession 67 investigate 801m 'vestrgertl key (adj) 74/ki:1 in short supply 39 investment 67 IIn'vestm;}ntl keyboard 66, 77 l'ki:b:J:dl in spite of 34 invisible 7/m'vrz;}b;}1/ kick 70 Iklkl in the countryside 60 invoice 66 l'mv:Jrsl kids 99 Ikrdzl in the dark suit I red dress involve 63, 65 Im'volvl kind 44 Ikamdl

    15 iron 39, 51 lar;}nl kitchen 50 I'krtfml in the end 15,33 ironing 48 l'aI;}nrI]1 knee 5, 42 Ini:1 in the long term 18 irregular (verbs) 7 lI'regj;}I;}1 knitting 69 l'nrtlI]1 in the morning/afternoonl Is that ... ? (phone) 76 knock (on a door) 45 Inokl

    evening 15 island 37 l'aIi;}ndl knock oneself unconscious in the short term 18 Israel 41 I'rzrerl/ 55 in the wild 40 Israeli 41 IIz'rerlil knock-out 71 I'nobutl in time 15 it doesn't matter 23 knowledge 27 l'nohci31 in your twentieslthirties etc. Italian 41 lI'treli;}nl knowledgeable 9

    47 Italy 41 I'rt;}lil l'nohci3;}b;}1/ income 63 l'rI]kAml item 94 I'art;}ml Korea 41 Ib'rr;)1 income tax 11, 63 Korean 41 Ib'n;}nl incomprehensible 9 jacket 56 1'ci3rekrtl

    Imkompn'hens;)b;}iI Japan 5, 41 lci3;}'prenl lab 100/1rebl incorrect 7 Imk;}r'ektl Japanese 5, 41 lci3rep;)'ni:zl labour 67 1'lerb;}1 increase (n, v) 10 I'mkri:sl jar 94 lci3a:1 lake 37 Ilerkl

    Im'kri:sl jealous 45 1'ci3el;}sl lamb 40, 58 Ilreml incredibly 32, 53 jealousy 45 1'ci3el;}sil lamp 50, 51 Ilrempl

    Im'kredrblil jeans 27,56 lci3i:nzl land (v) 86 (n) 39 Ilrendl industrial 9 Im'dAstri;}l/ jobless 9 1'ci3obl;}sl landing card 83, 86 infinitive 4 Im'fm;}trvl jog 8 lci3og1 landlord 49 I'lrendb:dl inflation 67 Im'flerf;}nl jogging 8, 69 lci3ogrI]1 landscape (painting) 73 inflexible 9, 44 Im'fleks;}b;}l/ join (a club) 69 lci3:Jml I'lrendskerpl

    256 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate)

  • lane 61 fleml lift 49, 87, 98 Ihftl make a decision 2, 19 language lab 100 l'I::el]gwld.3 light (colour) 93 Iialtl Imelkl

    l::ebl lightning 38 l'laltml]l make a loss 67 laptop 77 l'l::eptopl like 28, 95 Ilaiki make a meal of 19 laser printer 77 1'lelz;}1 line (phone) 76 Ilaml make a mess 2 last (v) 79 Ilo:stl line (US) 62 Ilaml make a mistake 2, 13, 19 last 90 Ilo:stl line judge 70 make a profit 67 late arrival 62 lion 40 Ilal;}nl make coffee 50 late at night 81 Ileltl lips 42 Ihpsl make do (with) 18 late twentieslthirties etc. 47 listen (to) 14, 95 I'hs;}nl make friends 19 lately 90 I'leltlil literature 73 l'htr;}1f;}1 make it 18 latest 71 1'leltIstl live (adj) 75 Ilalvl make money 19 laugh (n, v) 10,42 Ilo:f! lively 88 l'lalvlil make my own launch 68 Ib:n1f1 liver 54 l'hv;}1 breakfast/dinner 48 law 79 Ib:1 living room 50 l'hvIl]1 make my own clothes 69 law and order 3, 80 loan 67 II;}unl make notes 79 lawyer 64 l'bl;}1 lobster 58 1'lobst;}1 make (sb. do sth.) 28 lazy 44 I'lelzil local call 76 l'l;}ubl/ make up (a story) 17 lead 71 lli:dl lock 7/10kl make up your mind 18 lead (electrical) 6 Ili:dl long 92 1101]1 manage (be able to) 28 lead to 36 long distance call 76 l'm::emd.31 league 71 lli:gl 100 99 Ilu:1 manage (a shop) 8/'m::emd.31 lean 59 lli:nl look (at) 95 Ilukl management 8 leave a job (resign) 65 lli:vl look after sth.lsb. 16, 64 l'm::emd.3m;}ntl leave a message 76 look round (e.g. the shops) manager (sport) 70 leave home/work (depart) 88 l'm::emd.3;)1

    48 look up (a word) 6, 16 Mandarin (also Cantonese) leave lights on 81 looks + adj; looks like + 41 I'm::end;}rml leave out (omit) 17 noun 95 manslaughter 81 leave sb. (permanent lorry 61, 62 I'loril l'm::ensb:t;}1

    separation) 47 lose (a game) 3, 71 Ilu:zl manual 64 l'm::enju;}11 leave sth. behind (forget lose sth. (e.g. money) 52 manufacture 66

    sth.) 52 lose weight 3 Im::enj;}'f::ek1f ;}I leaves (on a tree) 39 Ili:vzl loss 67 Iiosl Many Happy Returns 26 lecture 79 1'lek1f;}1 lounge 50 Ilaund.31 ma p 88 Im::epl lecturer 64, 79 1'lek1f;}r;}1 love (tennis) 71, 9] IIAVI march (walk) (n, v) 45 left-wing 82 IleftwIl]1 love 28 IIA vi Imo:1f1 lemon 58 l'lem;}nl luggage 27, 86 l'IAgld.31 marital status 83 l'm::cnt;}1 lend 53 Ilendl lung 54 IIAI]I stelt;}sl length 92 IIel]k81 lung cancer 54 market 88 I'mo:kltl leopard 40 l'lep;}d! luxury 68 l'IAkf;}ril marketing l'mo:kltIl]l lesson 78 l'les;}nl luxurious 68 IIAg'3U;}fI;}sl -mix 68 let (sb. do sth.) 28 Iletl market lcaderlresearch/share lettuce 58 1'letIsl MA 79 lem ell 68 I'mo:kltl liberal 82 I'hb;}r;}l/ machine 5 Im;}'fi:nl marriage 47 l'm::cnd.31 liberalism 82 I'hb;}r;}hz;}ml mad about sb.lsth. 69 marvellous 30 l'mo:v;}l;}sl library 60 I'lalbr;}ril main course 59 mass-produced 68 licence 75 l'lals;}nsl main road 61 Im::espr;}'d.3u :stl lie (on the beach) 89 flail maintain 1 Imem'teml match 7] Im::e1f1 lie down 16, 17 majority 82, 91 Im;}'d.3or;}til maths (mathematics) 78, lie in bed 48 100 Im::e8s1

    English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 257

  • maybe 25 l'meIbil mother-in-law 46 nod 42 Inodl mean (adj) 44 Imi:nl motor racing 70 l'm;mt;)1 noisy 49, 60 I'n:)[zil mean (v) (intend/plan) 28 motorbike 62 l'm;)ut;)baIkl north-east/west 12

    Imi:nl motorway 61 l'm;)ut;)WeII north/south pole 37 mechanic 64 ImI'kremkl mountain 37 I'mauntml notebook 6 I'n;)utbukl medicine 79 I'meds;)nl mountain range 37 notes (money) 53 In;)Utsl medium (meat) 59 mouse (computer) notice (n) 96 l'n;)utIsl

    l'mi:dI;)ml - mat 77 Imausl noticeboard 66 l'n;)utJsbJ:dI medium-height 43 mouse (animal) 40 Imausl nought 91 InJ:t! meetings 63 l'mi:tIIJzI moustache 43 Im;)'sto:fl noun 4 Inaunl melon 58 I'mel;)nl moving 72 l'mu:vIIJI novel 73 l'nov;)11 menu 59 l'menju:1 MP 100 lem pi:1 novelist 73 I'nov;)hst! message 76 l'meslcBl MPhil 79 lem fill nurse 64 In3:s1 metal 39 l'met;)11 Mr 100 ImIst;)1 nursery school 78 l'n3:s;)ril Mexican 41 I'mekslbnl Mrs 100 ImIslzl Mexico 41 l'meksIbul Ms. 100 Imnl occasionally 32 1;)'keI3;)nlil mice 40 ImaIsl multiplication 91 ocean 37 I';)uf;)nl mid twentieslthirties etc. 47 ImAitIph' kelf ;)nl odd 91 lodl middle age 47 multiply 91 l'mAltJplaII of course 24 middle name 46 murder (n, v) 10, 81 off-hand 18 middle of the road 82 l'm3:d;)1 offence 80 Id'fensl million 91 l'mIij;)nl murderer 81 l'm3:d;)r;)1 offer 28 l'of;)1 mind 28 Imamdl muscular 43 l'mAskj;)I;)1 often 32 I'of;)nl mind the step I your head mushroom 58 l'mAfruml oh 91 I;ml

    96 music 73 l'mju:zIkl OHT 6 I;)u eItr ti:1 mining 39 l'mamIIJI musical 9, 72 l'mju:zIbll oil 58 IJIiI minor (offence) 80 l'mam;)1 musical instrument 69, 73 old age 47 minority 91 ImaI'nor;)til mussels 58 l'mAs;)lzl old friend 46 minus 38, 91 I'mam;)sl on (a day) 90 mirror 51 l'mlr;)1 narrow 92 I'nrer;)ul on (the table) 31 miserable 44 l'mIZrdb;)1I natural (resources) 85 on business 15 misread 7/mIs'ri:dl l'nret/';)r;)11 on condition that 35 miss a lesson 13 Imlsl navy 64 l'neIvil on foot 15 miss a person 13 near 31 Im;)1 on holiday 15 miss the bus 13, 52, 62 nearly 32 I'lll;)lil on one's own 15,48, 81 misunderstand 7 necessary 5 I'nes;)s;)ril on purpose 15

    ImISAnd;)'strendl neck 42 Inekl on strike 15 mobile (phone) 76 necklace 56 I'nekl;)sl on the groundlfirst floor 49

    l'm;)ubaIiI neither 35 l'naIO;)1 on the leftlright 82 modem 77 I'm;)udeml nephew 46 l'nefju:1 on the other hand 34 monarchy 82 I'mon;)kil net 70 Inet! on the phone 15, 76 money belt 81 l'mAni belt! never 32 l'nev;)1 on the radio 15 monitor 66, 77 l'moDlt;)1 never mind 18,23 on the sofa 50 monkey 40 l'mAIJkil newsagent 57 l'nju:ze1cB;)nti on time 15 monthly 74 l'mAn81il nice to meet you 26 on TV 15 moon 37 Imu:nl niece 46 Ini:sl only child 46 more or less 97 night life 60, 88 OPEC 100 I';)u pekl moreover 34 ImJ:r';)uv;)1 nil 71, 91 Imll opera 73 l'op;)r;)1 mortgage 49 l'mJ:glcBl nine-to-five job 63 operate (on) 64 l'Op;)reltl mosquito 40 Imos'ki:t;)ul no exit/parking!smoking! operator 76 l'Op;)relt;)1 mother tongue 11 l'mAO;)1 vacancies 96 opposite 4 I'opnlt!

    258 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate)

  • optimistic 44 loptl'mlstIkl passport 83 I'pa:sp;):t! piano 73 Ipi'

  • political 9 Ip;)'htIbll properly 52 l'prop;)lil rabbit 40 I'nebltl political leader/party 82 property 81 I'prop;)til racket 70 I'nekltl political stability 67 propose 29 Ipr;)'p;)uzi railway station 62 l'rcIiweII politics 78, 79, 82 prospects 65 I'prospektsl rain (n, v) 10 /reml

    l'poI;)tIksl protect (oneself) 81, 89 rainforest 37 I'remfoflstl pollution 60, 85 Ip;)'Iu:f;)nl Ipr;)'tektl rape 81 /reIpl pond 2 Ipondl protection 85 Ipr;)'tekf;)nl rapist 81 /relplstl pool 70 Ipu:1I proud 45 Ipraudl rare (meat) 59 Irc;)1 pop music 73 prove 80 Ipru:vl rarely 32 l're;)Iil pop star 11 psychology 79 Ism'koI;)d:3il rather 24, 32 l'ro:o;)1 popular press 74 public expenditure 67 raw 59 In:1 pork 58 Ip:J:kl public school 78 raw material 67 porter 87 l'p:J:t;)1 publish 74 I'PAbhfl reasonable 53 l'ri:z;)n;)b;)II portrait 73 l'p:J:tnti pull (n, v) 10 IpuII recently 90 I'ri:s;)ntlil Portugal 41 l'p:J:1;f;)g;)1I pull sb.'s leg 18 reception 87 In'sepf;)nl Portuguese 41 Ip:J:1;f;)'gi:zl pullover 56 l'puI;)uv;)1 recession 67 In'sef;)nl post office 11 punch sb. 45 IpAn1;f1 reckon 99 I'rek;)nl postgraduate 79 punctual 8,44, 62 recommend 29 Irek;)'mend!

    Ip;)ust 'gned:3u;)tl I'PAIJk1;fu;)1I recorded highlights 75 potato 5, 58 Ip;)'telt;)ul punctuality 8 IpAnk1;fu'reI;)til rectangle 93 l'rektreIJg;)1I pour (with rain) 38 Ip:J:I punishment 80, 81 recycle 85 Iri:'saIbll powerful 72 l'pau;)f;)11 l'pAnIfm;)ntl redo (homework) 7/ri:'du:1 precious 39 I'pref;)sl pupil 78 I'pju:p;)l/ reduce 67, 81 In'dju:sl prefer 5, 24, 28 Ipn'f3:1 purchase 99 l'p3:1;f;)sl referee 70 Iref;)r'i:1 prefix 4 l'pri:fIksl purple 93 I'P3:P;)1/ refuse 28 I'refju:sl pregnant 47 I'pregn;)ntl purpose 36 I'P3:P;)sl registration (form) 83 preposition 4 Iprep;)'ZIf;)nl push (n, v) 10 Ipufl lred:31' streIJ ;)nl prescription 54 put on the brakes 10 regularly 32 l'regj;)I;)li/

    Ipn'sknpf;)nl put on weight 59 relaxed 44 In'Ireksti press (a button) 45, 95 put on (clothes) 2, 17,51, release 84 In'li:sl prestige 68 Ipres'ti:31 56 reliable 44, 68 In'Im;)b;)II prestigious 68 Ipres'tId:3;)sl put one's feet up 89 religious (education) 78 pretty 32, 99 I'pntil put sb. through (connect) In 'hd:3;)sl prevent 29, 61 lpn' venti 76 remember 28 In'memb;)1 prevent sth. (from) 81 put sth. back (return) 50 remind 86 In'mamdl pride 45 Iprmdl put sth. out (extinguish) 16 renew 83 In'nju:1 price 68 IpraIsl pyjamas 27, 51 Ip;)'d:3a:m;)zl rent (v, n) 49, 86 Irentl primary (school) 78 pyramid 93 l'pIr;)mldl reopen 7/ri:';)up;)nl

    I'prmm;)ril repair 64 In'pe;)1 Prime Minister 82 quality 68 l'kwoI;)til repeat 6/n'pi:tI print 77 Ipnntl quality press 74 reply (n, v) 10 In'pIml printer 77 l'pnnt;)1 quarter 91 l'kw:J:t;)1 reporter 74 In'p:J:tdl prison 80 I'pnz;)nl question (v) 80 l'kwes1;f;)nl republic 82 In'pAbhkl product 68 l'pmdAktl question mark 4 republican 82 In'pAbhbnl profession 64 Ipr;)'feJ;)nl queue (n, v) 10,62, 83 require 99 In 'kWal;)1 profit 67 l'pmfIti Ikju:1 research 79 In's3:1;f1 promise 28 l'pmmIsl quid 99 IkwIdl reserved 44 In'Z3:vdl promote 65 Ipr;)'m;)utl quit 65, 74 IkwItl resign 65 In'zaml promotion 65, 68 quite 32, 92 Ikwmtl resignation 65 IrezIg'neIf;)nl

    Ipr;)'m;)uf;)nl quiz show 75 IkwIZ f;)ul resort 89 In'z:J:tI pronoun 4 I'pr;)unaunl resources 85 In 'z:J:slzl

    260 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate)

  • responsibilities 63 run out (of sth.) 16,52, 83, screen (cinema) 72/skri:n1 InspDnsr 'brhti:zJ 84 sculptor 73 l'skAlpt;:,1

    responsible (for) 63, 65 runny nose 54 l'rAnil sculpture 73 l'skAlplf;:,1 In'spDnts;:,b;:,1/ runway 86 l'rAnwel1 sea 37 Isi:1

    result (in) 36 In'ZAIt/ rushed (to hospital) 55 seafood 58 I'si:fu:dl resume 99 In'zju:ml !rAft I seaside 89 I'si:sardl retailer 66 I' ri:t ed;:,1 rush-hour 61 IrAfau;:,1 season 87 I'si:z;:,nl retake (an exam) 7/'ri:terkl Russia 41 l'rAf;:,1 seat 3 Isi:tl retired 47 In'tar;:,dl Russian 41 l'rAf;:,nl seats (in parliament) 82 retirement 47, 65 second (n) 90 I'sekdndl

    In'tar;:,m;:,nt/ sack 65 Isa:kl second(ly) 33 I'sebndlil reverse charge call 76 sadness 45 I'sa:dn;:,sl second-hand 12 review 72, 74 In'vju:1 safe (n) 81 Iserfl secondary (school) 78 revise 1 In'valzl sailor 64 l'sed;:,1 I'sekdnd;:,ril revision 1 Irr'vr3;:,nl salad 58 l'sa:l;:,dl see 95 Isi:1 ride (a bike) 62 !rardl salary 63 l'sa:l;:,ril see (understand / find out) right angle 93 !rart a:l)g;:,li sales 68 Isellzl 20 right-wing 82 Iraltwll)l sales figureslforecast/ see you later/soon 26 Isi:1 ring (boxing) 70 Ifil)l manager/target 68 seem 28 Isi:ml ring (v, n) 10 sales rep 68, 100 seldom 32 I'seld;:,ml rise (n, v) 67 !ralzl salmon 58 I'sa:m;:,nl self-confident 44 rise slowly/sharply 2 salt 59 Is;:,:\tl self-defence 81 river 37 l'rrv;:,1 salty 59 l's;:,:ltil self-portrait 73 roadworks 61 l'r;:,udw3:ksl same to you 26 self-study 1 roast 59 Ir;:,ust/ sand 89 Isa:ndl semester (US) 98 ISI'mest;:,1 rob 81 Imbl satellite 75 l'sa:t;:,larti semi-circle 93 robber 81 l'mb;:,1 satellite dish 75 send off (a letter) 16 Isendl robbery 81 I'mb;:,ril saucepan 50 I's;:,:sp;:,nl senses 95 l'senSlzl rock climbing 69 Imkl Saudi Arabia 41 Isaudi sensible 44 l'sentslb;:,1/ rock star 11 Imkl ;:,'relbr;:,1 sensitive 44 I'sentsltlvl rocks 89 Imksl Saudi Arabian 41 Isaudi sentence (prison) 80 romance 47 Ir;:,u'ma:nsl ;:,'relbr;:,nl I'sent;:,nsl root 39 lru:tI save (data) 77/selvl series 75 I'sl;:,ri:zl rough (sea) 89 IrAfl save (up) 16,53 Iselvl serious (illness) 13 I'SI;:'fI;:,sl roughly 97 l'rAflil saxophone 69, 73 set 71 Isetl round (adj) 93 Iraundl I'sa:ks;:,fdunl set the alarm 51 round (preposition) 31 saxophonist 73 shade 93 Ifeldl round trip (US) 98 Isa:k'SDf;:'nIst/ shake 42 Ifelkl routine 1, 63 lru:'ti:nl say (the paper / TV says shake hands 42 row (argument) 47, 74/raul that ... ) 25 Iserl shallow 92 l'fa:l;:,ul row (line) 72 Ir;:,ul say cheese 26 shape 93 Ifelpl rub sth. off (the board) 6 scales 27 Iskedzl shark 40 Ifa:kl

    IrAbl scar 43 Iska:1 sharp(ly) 67 I'fa:plil rub sth. out 1, 6 scarce 39 Iske;:,sl sheet (of paper) 94 Ifi:tI rubber 6 l'rAb;:,1 scarf 56 Iska:f1 shelling 84 l'fehl)l rugby 70 l'rAgbil science 78 Isal;:,nsl shiftwork 63 l'flftw3:kl ruin 52 I'ruml science fiction 11, 72 shirt 56 IJ 3:tl run (a shop/company) 13, scissors 27 I'slz;:,zl shoot 55 Ifu:tI

    63 score 71 Isb:1 shop assistant 57 run (frequency) 62 screen (computer) 77 shop window 57

    Iskri:nl shoplift 81 I'fnphftl

    English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 261

  • shoplifter 81 I'Jophft;)1 slim 43 Ishml spell (e.g. of hot weather) shoplifting 81 sling 55 IshI]I 38 shopping centre 57, 60 slopes 70 Isl;)upsl spell 8 shopping list 57 slow (boring) 72 Isl;)ul spelling 8 l'spehI]1 short 43, 92 I fJ:tl slow(ly) 67 spend (money) on 14,53, short story 73 small talk 18 88 short-cut 18 smell (n, v) 10, 95 Ismell spicy 59 I'spalsil short-sleeved 12 smells + adj; smells like + spider 40 l'spald;)1 shorts 27 IJJ:tsl noun 95 spikes 70 Ispalksl shoulders 42 I'J;)uld;)zl smile (n, v) 2, 10,42 Ismaill spill 52 Ispdl shout (at sb. I to sb.) 14, 45 smoke 85 Ism;)ukl split (up) 47 Isphtl

    IJauti snack 48 Isna:kl spray 81, 85 Isprell show 29 IJ;)ul snail 40 Isneill spreadsheet 77 l'spredJi:t1 show sb. (a)round 66 IJ;)ul snake 40 Isnelkl square 93 Iskwe;)1 shower (rain) 38 IJau;)1 sneakers (US) 98 I'sni:kdzl squash 70 IskwoJI shower (wash) 51 IJau;)1 sneeze 54 Isni:zl St. 100 Istri:t1 Iscmtl showery 38 I'Jau;)ril so (that) 36 stab 55 Ista:bl shrimps 58 IJnmpsl soap 51 Is;)upl stability 67 Ist;)'bil;)til shy 44 IJal1 soap opera 75 stadium 70 I'steldl;)m/ sick pay 63 soccer (US) 70 I'sokdl stage 72 Isteld:31 sidewalk (US) 98 l'saldwJ:kl socialism 82 l's;)uJ;)hz;)ml stain 52 Isteml sight 95 /saltl socialist 82 l's;)uJ;)hsti stairs 27, 49 IstCdZl sightseeing 88 l'saltsi:II]1 sociology 79 Is;)uJi' ol;)d:3il stalls 72 1st J:lzi sightseeing tour 88 socket 6 I'sokltl stamp (v) 83 Ista:mpl sign 83 Isaml sofa 50 I's;)ufdl stamps 69 Ista:mpsl signature 83 l'slgn;)1[;)1 soft drink/voice 13 stand up 16 Ista:ndl silence: exam in progress 96 software 77 I'softwegl standard 66 I'sta:nd;)dl silent(ly) 1 I'sail;)ntlil soil 39 ISJill standard of living 53 silver 39 l'silv;)1 sold out 96 stare (n, v) 45 Iste;)1 similar (to) 8, 14,35 soldier 64 l's;)uld:3;)1 star (film) 72 Ista:1

    l'slmil;)1 solo artist 73 star (in the sky) 37 Ista:1 similarity 8 ISlml'la:r;)til something wrong (with) 14 start a car 13 Ista:t1 since 36 Ismsl sometimes 32 l'sAmtalmzl start a family 13 since 90 Ismsl songwriter 73 l'soI]ralt;)1 starter 59 l'sta:t;)1 singer 73 l'slI];)1 sore throat 54 ISJ:r 8r;)utl starving 30 l'sta:vlI]1 single room 87 sorry 26 I'soril state system 78 Isteltl single-parent family 46 sorry to keep you waiting station (TV) 75 l'stelJ;)nl sink 50 ISlI]kl 23 stationery 57 l'steIJ;)n;)ril sister-in-law 11, 46 sort of 97 statue 88 /'sta:~'u:1 sit down 16 ISlti sort sth. out 17 status 68 I'stelt;)sl sitting room 11 sound (n,v) 95/saundl stay (at school) 78 Istell size 56 Isalzl sounds + adj; sounds like + stay in 17, 48 1st ell skiing 70 l'ski:II]1 noun 95 steady/steadily 67 I'stedil skilled 64 IskIidl south-east/west 12 I'stedilil skinny 43 I'skmil souvenir 88 Isu:v;)n'I;)1 steal 81 Isti:1I skirt 56 Isk3:t1 Spain 41 Ispeml steel 39 Isti:1I slang 99 Isla:I]1 Spanish 41 I' s pa:mJI steep 89 Isti:pl slaughter 39 l'sb:t;)1 spare room 50 stepfather/mother 46 sleeves 56 Isli:vzl speak up 97 steps 49 Istepsl slice 94 Islalsl spectators 70 Ispek'telt;)zl sterling 53 I'St3:hI]1 slightly 32 l'slaItlil speed limit 61 sticks 70 IstIksl

    262 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate)

  • still 34 1st III sweet 59 Iswi:tl tell a joke/story 13 stocks and shares 64 swimming 70 I'SWImIl)1 tell the truth 13 stomach 54 l'stAm;:Jkl - costume 70 telly 100 I'tclil stomache-ache 54 Swiss 41 ISWISI temperature 38 l'tempr;:J1f;:JI

    l'stAm;:JkeIkl switch sth. on/off/over 75 temple 88 l'temp;:JII stool 50 Istu:ll IswI1f1 ten-pound note 53 store 66 Ist:J:I Switzerland 41 l'swItz;:Jlcendl ten-year-old (boy) 12 straight 43 IstreIt! swollen 55 l'sw;:Jul;:Jnl tender 59 l'tend;:JI strawberry 58 l'stfJ:b;:Jril syllable 4 l'sIi;:Jb;:J1! tennis 70 I'temsl stress 4 Istresl symptom 54 l'sImpt;:Jml tense 44 Itensl stressful 60 I'stresful! synonym 4 l'sm;:Jmml tent 89 Itent! striped 93 IstraIptl term 78 It3:ml stroll (n, v) 45, 89 Istr;:Jull T-shirt 11 terminal building 86 strong 44 Istrol)1 table tennis 11, 70 l'teIbl! l't3:mm;:J1 bIidIl)1 strong accent/coffee 13 tabloid 74 l'tcebbIdl terrible (pain) 54 l'ter;:Jb;:J1/ strong economy 67 take 22, 90 IteIkl terribly (sorry) 13 Itenblil study (n) 50 I'StAdil take a bus/train/taxi 19 terrific 30, 99 It;:J'nflkl stuff 97 IStAfl take a decision 2, 19 terrified/terrifying 30 stupid 8 I'StjU:PIdl take a photograph 2, 19 Itenfaldl ItenfaIIl)1 stupidity 8 IstjU:'PId;:Jtil take a shower 2, 19 territory 84 l'tent;:Jril subject 78 I'SAbd:3Ikt! take an exam 19 terrorism 84 l'tcr;:Jnz;:Jml subtitles 72 l'sAbtaIt;:Jlzl take control (of) 84 terrorist 84 l'ter;:JfIst! subtraction 91 IS;:Jb'trcekJ;:Jnl take it in turns 18 text book 6 suburbs 60 I'SAb3:bzl take notes 79 Thai 41 ItaII subway (US) 98 I'SAbwe11 take off (leave the ground) Thailand 41 l'taIicendl suffer (from) 14 I'SAf;:JI 16,17,86 thank you (very much) 23 suffix 4/'SAfIksi take off (remove) 16,56 thanks 23 18cel)ksl suggest 29 IS;:J'd:3est! take over 65 that's a good idea 24 suggestion 24 IS;:J'd:3es1f;:Jnl take photographs 88 that's to say (i.e.) 100 suit (v) 3 Isu:tl (n) 56 take place 82 that's true 25 suitable 9 l'su:t;:Jb;:J1! take the first/second turning that's very kind of you 23 sunbathe 89 l'sAnbelol on the left/right 61 theft 81 18eft/ sunblock 89 l'sAnblokl take time 2 therefore 36 l'oe;:Jb:1 sunburn 89 I'SAnb3:n1 take up (a hobby) 69 thick (stupid) 44, 99 181kl sunglasses 11, 27 take-off (n) 86 l'teIkof/ thick 92 18Ikl

    l'sAnglu:slZI talks 74/t:J:ksl thief 81 18i:fl sunny 38 I'SAnil tall 43, 92 It:J:1! thin 43, 92 18ml suntan lotion 89 l'sAntcen tan 89 Itcenl thing(s) 97

    l;:JuJ;:Jnl tartan 93 l'tu:t;:Jnl third 91 183:dl supermarket 57 taste (n, v) 10,95 IteIst! though 34 10;:Jul

    l'su:p;:Jmu:klt! tastes + adj; tastes like + thoughtful 9 1'8:J:tf;:JII supervisor 66 l'su:p;:Jvalz;:J1 noun 95 thoughtless 9 1'8:J:tl;:JsI supplies 84 IS;:J'plalzl tasty 59 I'telstil thousand 91 1'8auz;:Jndl surgeon 64 l's3:d:3;:Jnl tax cut 67 three-quarters 91 surname 46 l's3:neIml taxi (v) 86 I'tceksil 18ri:'kw:J:tnl surprised (at/by) 14,30 taxi rank 62 thriller 72 1'8nl;:JI

    IS;:J'prmzdl team 70 Iti:ml through 5, 31 18ru:1 surprising 30 IS;:J'praIZIl)1 teenager 47 l'ti:neId:3;:JI throughout 90 18ru'aut! swap (places) 6/swopl telephone directory 76 throw 70 18r;:Jul Sweden 41 l'swi:d;:Jnl l'tehf;:Jun dl'rektril throwaway 85 Swedish 41 l'swi:dIJI tell 29 Itell

    English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 263

  • throw sth. (at sb. I to sb.) transitive/intransitive verb 4 unhappy 7/An'h

  • volcano 37 Ivol'kem;:lUl volleyball 70 l'volib:l:\1 vomit 54 I'VOllrt/ vote (for) 82 Ivgut/

    waist 42 Iwerst/ wait (for) 14 Iwert/ waiting room 11 wake up 16, 17, 48 want 28, 29 Iwont/ war IWJ:I - zone 84 war film 72 wardrobe 51 l'wJ:drgubl warehouse 66 I'weghausl warn 29 IWJ:n1 warning 96 l'wJ:nrIJI wash 48 Iwofl washable 9 Iwofgbgl/ washbasin 51 I'wofbersgnl washing machine 11, 50 washing-up 48 waste 53, 85 Iwerst/ wastepaper basket 66 watch 95 Iwolfl watch out 26 water (v) 39 I'WJ:tgl wave 45 Iwervl waves 89 /wervzl wavy 43 I'wervil weak 8, 44 Iwi:kl weakness 8 I'wi:kngsl weapon 55, 81 I'wepgnl weather 27 I'weogl weather forecast 74 weekly 74 I'wi:klil weigh 86 Iwerl well done 26 Iwi:l/ well-directed/known/made/

    off/written 12 well-done (meat) 59 western 72 I'westgnl whale 40 Iwerll what about ... ? 24 what do you do? 63 what do you think of ... ?

    25 what does he/she look like?

    43 what does X mean? 6 what shall we do? 24 what size are you?

    what size do you take? 92 what do you do for a

    living? 63 what's on? 75 what's the difference

    between X and Y? 6 what's the height/width of

    ... ? 92 what's up? 18,99 what's more 34 when 33 Iwenl whereas 34 Iweg'nezl while 33 I'warll whisper (n, v) 45 I'hwrspgl who's calling? 76 why don't we ... ? 24 wide 92 Iwardl wide range 60 widow 46 I'wrdgul widower 46 I'wrdgugl width 92 Iwrt81 win 71 Iwml wind 38 Iwmdl window shopping 57 windy 38 I'wmdil wonderful 30 I'WAndgfgl/ wood 60 Iwudl word processing 77 word processor 77 work (function) 87 IW3:kl work 63 work out (calculate) 91 work overtime 63 working hours 63 worry (about) 14 I'WAfil worth (+ -ing) 53, 88 IW3:81 would you like to ... ? 24 wound 55, 84 Iwu:ndl wrist 2, 42 Irrst/ write (sth. down) 6 irart/ writer 73 I'rartgl writing paper 11 wrong 5, 14, 76 lfOIJI wrong number 76

    yacht 89 Ijotl yawn 42 IjJ:nl

    zebra 40 I'zebrgl zero 91 I'zrgrgul zoo 40 Izgul

    English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate) 265

  • Acknowledgements

    I owe a great debt to Gillian Lazar for the extremely meticulous and valuable comments she has made on every single unit in the book, and also for her continued support and encouragement. Others have reported on parts of the manuscript, and for their valuable and supportive feedback I would also like to thank: Phillip N. Hewitt, Mike McCarthy, Geraldine Mark, Karl E. Schuhmacher, Roy Sprenger, Liz Walter.

    Much of the material has been piloted in different parts of the world. I would like to thank Mark Appleby (Barcelona, Spain), Helen Barnes (British Council, Barcelona, Spain), Frank Carney (British Council, Pozan, Poland), Cliff Parry (British Council, Athens, Greece), Chris Powell (International House, Pisa, Italy), Sean Power (ELCRA Bell S.A., Geneva, Switzerland), Pat Rich (British Council, Barcelona, Spain), Karen Williams (British Council, Barcelona, Spain). Sean Power and Mark Appleby have not only given me very useful feedback but also valuable suggestions for improving the material.

    Geraldine Mark has not only commented on the material, she has also edited it, and with remarkable incisiveness, efficiency, and constant good humour. My thanks to her.

    At Cambridge University Press, I would like to thank Jeanne McCarten for the inspiration behind this project; N6irin Burke for all her work in organising reports and piloting; and Isabella Wigan for her work in collating the final stages of the project.

    On the production side, I would like to thank Randell Harris and Nick Newton for their design, Peter Byatt for his illustrations, and the rest of the team at Cambridge University Press.

    Finally my thanks, as always, to Ruth Gairns for her support, advice and encouragement.

    266 English Vocabulary in Use (pre-intermediate & intermediate)