thesaurus of marketing management


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Page 1: Thesaurus of marketing management




Compiled and Edited by:

Luckty Giyan Soekarno K1D040005

Detto Akbar K1D040013

Anggi Hafiz Al Hakam K1D040016

Vika Aprilia K1D040020





Page 2: Thesaurus of marketing management

Kata Pengantar

Alhamdulillahirabbil’alamin. Segala puji dan syukur kami ucapkan

ke Hadirat Illahi Rabbi Allah SWT, karena atas berkah dan rahmat-Nya

pula kami dapat menyelesaikan salah satu tugas pengganti UAS Semester

Genap 2006-2007 pada mata kuliah Thesaurus.

Kami selaku penyusun dan penulis, ingin mengucapkan terima

kasih kepada Dosen pembimbing kami, Dra. Tine Silvana R., M.Si dan

Nurmaya Prahatmadja, S.Sos yang telah memberikan banyak masukan,

dukungan dan dorongan kepada kami dalam penyusunan tugas ini. Tak

lupa juga kepada rekan-rekan K1D-A 2004 yang juga mengikuti kelas

Thesaurus, terima kasih untuk sudah menjadi tempat bertukar pikiran.

Adapun, sumber yang dijadikan acuan dalam pembuatan tesaurus

ini adalah berbagai referensi yang menyangkut manajemen pemasaran.

Sengaja tesaurus ini kami sajikan dalam bahasa Inggris karena banyak

istilah yang bila diterjemahkan ke dalam Bahasa Indonesia justru menjadi


Terlepas dari maksud dan tujuan karya ini, kami sadar bahwa

dalam proses penulisannya terdapat banyak kekurangan. Oleh karena itu

dengan segala kerendahan hati kami mengajak pembaca untuk

menyediakan diri sebagai kritikus untuk memberikan masukkan bagi

penyempurnaan karya kami selanjutnya. Khusus untuk ini, terlebih dahulu

kami ucapkan terima kasih.

Jatinangor, Juni 2007


Page 3: Thesaurus of marketing management


Above the line

SN mass medium communication channel

UF upper line communication

BT advertising

RT below the line

Actual Product

SN a products, parts, styling, features, brand name,

packaging, and other attributes that combine to deliver

core product benefit

BT product

RT alignmented product

core product

Ad spent

SN expenditure of advertising in every promotional media

UF advertising budget

BT advertising


SN any paid form of nonpersonal presentation and promotion

of ideas, goods, or services by an identified sponsor

BT mass communication

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NT above the line

below the line

RT branding

After sales service

SN service given after purchasing product

BT sales management

RT costumers service

Alignmented product

SN additional costumer services and benefits built around the

core and actual products

UF substitute product

BT product

RT actual product

core product


SN object characteristics


BT segmentation

NT attribute judgement

dynamic attribute

individual attribute

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static attribute

Barter transaction

SN a marketing transaction in which goods or services are

traded for other goods or services

UF goods exchanging

Below the line

SN segmented communication channel

UF down line communication

BT advertising

RT above the line


SN a name, term, sign, symbol, or design, or a combination of

these intended to identify the goods or services of one

seller or group of seller and to differentiate them from

these of competitors

BT branding

NT brand activation

brand ambassador

brand awareness

brand building

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brand connectedness

brand extension

brand image

brand leader

brand loyalty

brand mark

brand name

brand performance

brand personality

brand positioning

brand switching

brand value

Brand activation

SN a series of event to introduce new brand for the first time

UF brand introducing

BT branding

RT brand building

Brand ambassador

SN people or groups who are an endorser of a brand

UF brand endorser

BT branding

RT brand personality

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Brand awareness

SN awareness of a brand in consumer market

UF brand exposure

BT branding

RT brand connectedness

Brand building

SN process of constructing and building of a brand

UF brand constructing

BT branding

RT brand activation

corporate branding

Brand connectedness

SN emotional proximity between costumers and brand

UF brand proximity

BT branding

RT brand awareness

Brand extension

SN a new or modified product launched under an already

successful brand name

UF brand extending

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BT branding

RT built-in branding


combination branding

Brand image

SN image which performed by a brand

UF brand

BT branding

NT product image

RT brand mark

brand name

brand performance

product brand

Brand Leader

USE leading brand

Brand loyalty

SN consumer’s loyalty to use a brand

UF brand

BT branding

RT loyalty program

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Brand mark

SN that part of brand which can be recognized but is not

utterable, such as symbol, design, or distictinctive coloring

or lettering.

UF brand sign

BT branding

RT brand image

Brand name

SN the part of a brand which can be vocalized. Eg. Avon,

Chevrolet, UCLA

UF brand title

BT branding

RT brand image

Brand performance

SN the performance of a brand to fight against competitors in

a market

UF brand market performance

BT branding

RT brand image

Brand personality

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SN character performed by a brand

UF brand character

BT branding

RT brand ambassador

Brand positioning

SN positioning strategy of a brand in the market

UF brand placement

BT branding

RT brand value

Brand switching

SN consumer’s movement to use of other brand

UF brand substitution

BT branding

Brand value

SN value of a brand to costumer

UF brand cost

BT branding

RT brand positioning

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SN activity of financial resources planning

UF financial calculation

BT financial management

RT accounting


operational cost

resource allocation

Built-in branding

SN branding process which one brand have inserted into other

brand in same product

UF inserted branding

BT branding

RT brand extension

combination branding


SN bundle packaging with similar product

UF bundle packaging

BT sales promotion

RT brand extension

cooperation branding

joint marketing

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Business cycle

SN alternate expansion and contraction in overall economic


UF economic fluctuation

RT economic conditions

economic recession

economic recovery

Capital cost

UF cost expense

BT financial management

RT capital


Capital expenditure

UF capital spent

BT financial management

Capital formation

SN the building-up of a capital stock

UF capital shape

BT financial management

RT capital

capital flow

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capital resources


Capital investment

SN investment in capital goods

BT financial investment

RT asset management


industrial capital

Central business district

SN primary business area

UF centralized business place

BT business location

NT bonded zone

Combination branding

SN branding process that combining and involving more than

one brand

UF sheaf branding

BT branding

RT brand extension

built-in branding

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joint marketing


SN introduction of a new product into the market

UF product introduction

BT marketing management

NT distribution


Commitment share

SN share of a brand value to costumers

BT branding

Commodity market

SN type of market which exchanging commodity product

BT market

RT commodity

commodity agreement

Consultative selling

SN selling with consultative process to costumer

UF consultation selling

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BT selling

Consumer goods

SN those bought by final costumers for personal consumption

UF consumable product

BT product

RT consumer market

Consumer market

SN all the individuals and households who buy or acquire

goods and services for personal consumption

BT market

RT consumer goods

Consumer promotion

SN sales promotion designed to stimulate consumer

purchasing, including samples, compons, rebates, price-

off, premiums, patronage reward, displays, contests, and


BT promotion

RT sales promotion

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SN an organized movement of citizens and government to

improve the right and power of buyers in relation to sellers

BT consumer behaviour

NT consumtive behaviour

Consumer-oriented marketing

SN a principle of enlightened marketing which holds that a

company should view and organize its marketing activities

from the consumer point of view

BT consumer behaviour

NT interactive marketing

RT costumer service

costumer satisfaction

Core product

SN The problem solving, services or care benefits that

consumers are really buying when they obtain a product

UF main product

BT product

RT actual product

Corporate branding

SN process of corporate branding strategy

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BT branding

RT brand building

Corporate social responsibility

SN corporate social responsibility to community and society

UF corporate social program

BT corporate mission

NT community development

Cost effectiveness

SN optimal result for a given expenditure

UF cost effective

RT cost

cost benefit analysis

cost containment

low cost


UF public

Costumer focus

SN the focus of costumers to a product

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UF costumer attention

BT consumer behaviour

market orientation

RT costumer insight

Costumer insight

SN insight and perception of costumer to a brand dan product

UF costumer perception

BT consumer behaviour

RT costumer focus

product knowledge

Costumer interaction

SN interaction between product and costumer at point of sales

UF costumer relation

BT consumer behaviour

NT interactive marketing

RT costumer satisfaction

point of sales

Costumer needs

SN primary, secondary, or tertier needs of costumer

UF constumer wants

BT consumer behaviour

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Costumer satisfaction

SN rate of satisfaction to a product

UF costumer satisfactory

BT consumer behaviour

RT costumer interaction

consumer-oriented marketing


SN marketing strategy by performing product difference

UF product differentiation

BT market targetting

marketing management

NT content packaging

context packaging

RT market orientation


Economic fluctuation

SN alternate expansion and contraction in overall economic



BT financial management

NT deflation


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RT economic conditions

economic recession

economic recovery



SN marketing process using electronical media, e.g email,

mailing list, etc.

UF electronic marketing

BT marketing management

NT direct e-mail marketing

mailing list marketing

Emotional branding

SN branding process which involving emotional touch to


BT branding

NT emotional attitude

Enduring brand

SN the life of a brand

UF longlasting brand

BT branding

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RT leading brand

Experiential marketing

SN marketing process which involving costumer experience to

a product

BT marketing

RT product knowledge

radical branding


SN future condition planning

UF future decision making

BT financial management

marketing management

RT market

sales forecasting

sales rate

Future intention

SN costumer’s future hopes and intention

UF future hopes

BT consumer behaviour

RT future market

top of mind

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Future market

SN potential market in the future

UF potential market

BT market

NT long term market

RT future intention

future plan

Future plan

SN long term planning of all corporate activities

UF long term planning

BT forecasting


RT future market

Generic brand

SN existed or traditional brand which developed usually by an


UF existed brand

traditional brand

BT branding

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Government Influence

SN Government measures to influence the functioning of a

country's economy through legislation, monetary, fiscal

and tariff policy, state aid, nationalization of strategic

sectors, etc.

UF government control

government intervention

RT nationalization

public sector


SN preventive action to secure the corporate from stock

exchange fluctuation.

BT financial management

NT stock exchange hedging


SN award that given by Frontier Consulting Group and

Marketing Magazine to corporates who has satisfying their

costumer in a annual period in Indonesia

UF Indonesian Costumers Satisfaction Award


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SN award that given by Frontier Consulting Group and

Marketing Magazine for admired companies in Indonesia

UF Indonesian Most Admired Companies


Impulse buying

SN buying impulsed by an endorser

UF impulsive buying

BT promotion

RT sales promotion

Industrial goods

SN those bought by final costumers for industrial consumption

UF industrial product

BT product

RT industrial market

Industrial market

SN market which segmented to industrial corporate

BT market

RT industrial goods

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Innovative marketing

SN a principle of enlightened marketing which use multiple

states to improve response rates and profits

UF marketing with innovation

BT marketing management

Institutional buyers

SN buyers that come from nonpersonal, but institutional

BT consumer behaviour

NT private institution buyers

In-store communication

SN communication process and execution at the point of sales

UF on-site promotion

BT communication channel

NT display placement

Internal branding

SN branding approach to internal costumer inside the


BT branding

RT internal marketing

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Internal marketing

SN marketing by a service firm to effectively train and

motivate its costumer. Contact employees and all the

supporting services people to work as a team to provide

costumer satisfaction

UF insider marketing

BT marketing management

NT staff motivation training

staff training

RT external marketing

interactive marketing

Joint marketing

SN joint activity together between two or more company to

marketing their product

UF joint activities

BT marketing management

RT bundling

combination branding

Leading brand

SN brand performance in leading the market and gain more

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market share

UF brand leader

BT branding

RT enduring brand

market leader

market share

Loyalty program

SN a series of event to gain costumer’s loyalty

BT marketing management

RT brand loyalty

market campaign


SN people who manage the corporate

BT staffing

NT manager executive

Managing director

Market access

SN access to a market which determine the success of

commercialized product

UF market penetration

BT market

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RT commercialization market

Market campaign

SN campaign in a consumer market to fight against another

market competitors

UF market promo

BT marketing management

RT loyalty program

Market competition

Market competition

SN competition in a market to fight against another


UF market struggle

BT marketing management

RT market campaign

Market economy

SN an economic system in which the allocation of resources is

determined by supply and demand in markets

BT economic system


RT market

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Market leader

SN brand, product, or companies which leading the

competition in a similar field

BT marketing management

RT leading brand

market share Market orientation

SN orientation of a company to its market segment

UF market focus

BT marketing management

NT consumer behaviour

costumer focus

RT differentiation

Market research

USE market study

Market share

SN sharing of position in a market

BT marketing management

NT market behaviour

RT leading brand

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market leader

market size

Market size

SN the size of market which gained by a company to ensure

their product availability

BT marketing management

RT market share

Market study

SN the study of a market to analyze the market, consumer

behaviour, etc.

UF market research

BT marketing management

NT market analysis

RT market

Market targeting

SN market target of a company

UF costumer targetting

BT marketing management

NT differentiation

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SN the process of planning and executing the conception,

pricing, promotion, and distribution of ideas, products, and


UF sales promotion


BT distribution

NT cooperative marketing

retail marketing

wholesale marketing

RT market

marketing board

marketing cooperative

marketing management

retail trade


sales person

wholesale trade

Marketing information system

SN people, equipments and procedures to gather, short,

analyze, evaluate, and distribute needed, timely


BT information system

NT distribution information system

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sales information system

RT marketing management

Marketing management

SN social and managerial process to manage all available

resources to reach organizational goals and satisfying


UF marketing studies

BT management

NT commercialization




innovative marketing

internal marketing

loyalty program

market campaign

market competition

market leader

market orientation

market research

market share

market size

market study

marketing mix

niche marketing


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sales promotion

sales rate


RT marketing

marketing information system

Marketing mix

SN marketing methods which compiling 4 p and 4 c, product,

place, price, promotion and cost, communication,

convenience, costumer

BT marketing management

RT promotion mix

Media gathering

SN activity in media relational

UF press gathering

BT marketing communication

NT media line up

RT media relations

Net operating loss

SN disadvantage process to decrease the profit

UF profit loss

NT net operating carryback

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New product

SN a goods, service, or idea that is perceived by some

potential costumers as a newcomers

UF newcomers product

BT product

NT potential product

Niche marketing

SN marketing to limited costumer

UF tight marketing

BT marketing management

RT massive marketing

Operational cost

SN every cost expenditure in operating the business

UF operational expenditure

BT cost

RT budgeting

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SN finall process of the product

UF product packaging

BT product

Point of sales

SN area or place of sales can happen. Usually in supermarket

or hypermarket

UF sales area

BT sales management

RT costumer interaction


SN process to build a belief system to costumer

UF product positioning

BT marketing management

RT differentiation


value to money

Price sensitive

SN consumer behaviour with some fear to offered price

BT consumer behaviour

RT price war

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Price war

SN pricing strategy involving price decreasing so that

costumer will buy the similar product as offered in other

point of sales

BT pricing

RT price sensitive

Private branding

SN branding process by individual business

UF traditional branding

BT branding


SN anything that can be offered to a market for attention,

acquisition, use or consumption that might satisfy a want

or need

UF consumable goods

NT alignmented product

core product

new product


product brand

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product knowledge

product life cycle

product line

value of product

value to consumers

value to money

RT production management

Product brand

SN a brand of product to stimulate sales rate

BT branding

RT brand image

Product life cycle

SN the life time of a product to be substitute with another new


UF product life time

BT product

Product knowledge

SN costumer knowledge about product

BT product

consumer behaviour

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RT costumer insight

experiential marketing

Product line

SN a series of product from the similar manufacturer

UF product series

BT product

production management

RT umbrella brand

Promotion mix

SN the specific mix of advertising, personal selling, sales

promotion, and public relations a company uses to pursue

its advertising and sales support program

UF mixed communication media

BT promotion

RT marketing mix


SN any group that has an actual of potential interest in or

impact on an organization’s ability to achieve it’s objectives

USE costumer

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Radical branding

SN branding which using unusual methods

UF extreme branding

BT branding

RT experiential branding

Resale value

SN value of product to be resale to another costumer

BT pricing

Return of investment

SN point of time to get back investment expenditure

UF point of return

BT capital cost

Sales engineer

SN engineer to help increase sales rate

BT salesmanship

RT sales executive

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Sales executive

SN field executor to increase sales rate

BT salesmanship

RT sales engineer

sales promotion

Sales forecasting

SN forecasting of future sales intention

UF sales planning

BT sales management

RT price determination

Sales promotion

SN promotional way of sales

BT marketing management

RT advertising

consumer promotion

impulse buying

sales engineer

sales executive

Sales rate

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SN rate of sales, daily, weekly, monthly, or annualy

BT marketing management

RT forecasting

sales forecasting


SN a universal view to the market

BT marketing management

NT attribute

RT targetting


Top of mind

SN a long lasting product in consumer’s mind

BT marketing management

RT future intention

Umbrella brand

SN a brand that became umbrella for another brand below

UF upline brand

BT branding

RT product line

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Value of product

SN point of product value

UF product value

BT product

RT value to consumers

Value to consumers

SN product values and contribution to costumer

BT product

RT value of product

Value to money

SN product value to costumers money

BT product

RT positioning

Word of mouth

SN promotional media which use mouth as a media

UF mouth to mouth promotion

BT sales promotion