quotes of attitude and culture

1. “ Di Saat Setiap Pegawai Dan Pimpinan Ikhlas Menyatukan Emosi, Persepsi, Dan Asumsi Untuk Kejayaan Organisasi. Di Saat Itu, Budaya Organisasi Akan Terlihat Cemerlang Menyinari Organisasi.” – Djajendra 2. “Orang-Orang Yang Produktif Mampu Meningkatkan Kinerja Dan Menghemat Biaya.”-Djajendra 3. “Hubungan Kerja Harus Berorientasi Untuk Melayani Organisasi Dan Stakeholders. “ – Djajendra 4. “Budaya Pemenang Lahir Dari Roh Organisasi Yang Berintegritas Dan Dari Roh Sumber Daya Manusia Yang Berintegritas Untuk Menang.” – Djajendra 5. “Tanpa Tanggung Jawab Terhadap Pekerjaan, Anda Hanya Mempersiapkan Diri Untuk Gagal.” – Djajendra 6. “Energi Kepercayaan Dalam Organisasi Akan Mengakumulasikan Semua Kekuatan Positif, Dan Menciptakan Kesiapan Lingkungan Organisasi Untuk Berinteraksi Secara Profesional Dengan Setiap Fungsi Dan Peran Kerja.” – Djajendra 7. “Budaya Yang Berkualitas Mengkonfirmasi Kemanjuran Budaya Dalam Menciptakan Motivasi Buat Mendorong Setiap Orang Untuk Meraih Prestasi Tertinggi.” – Djajendra 8. “Tanpa Visi Dan Tujuan Yang Jelas, Anda Akan Hilang Dan Tenggelam Dalam Kesibukan Kehidupan Rutinitas Anda.” – Djajendra 9. “Budaya Organisasi Merupakan Roh Yang Akan Menciptakan Jati Diri Organisasi Untuk Mencapai Kebesaran Organisasi.” – Djajendra 10. “Strategi Perusahaan Harus Menjadi Sarapan Pagi Buat Semua Level Pimpinan Dan Karyawan Di Setiap Pagi Sebelum Memulai Hari Kerja.” – Djajendra 11. “Pihak Manajemen Harus Memiliki Kepedulian Dan Perhatian Penuh Pada Emosi, Komunikasi, Dan Kesehatan Karyawan.” – Djajendra 12. “Tanpa Pengawasan Dan Pengorganisasian Yang Baik, Perusahaan Berpotensi Merusak Fondasinya.” – Djajendra 13. “Fakta Integritas Hanya Akan Berfungsi Dengan Baik, Bila Pengawasan Terhadap Fakta Integritas Juga Dilakukan Dengan Integritas Tinggi.” – Djajendra 14. “Remunerasi Harus Diikuti Dengan Mencerdaskan Karyawan Melalui Etika Bisnis Dan Code Of Conduct.” – Djajendra 15. “Perubahan Dari Budaya Lama Ke Budaya Baru Memerlukan Infrastruktur Yang Kuat Untuk Mendukung Proses Perubahan.” – Djajendra 16. ”Tanpa Berkontribusi Kepada Perusahaan Sesungguhnya Para Manajer Telah Gagal Menjadi Manajer.” – Djajendra

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Page 1: Quotes of Attitude and Culture

1. “ Di Saat Setiap Pegawai Dan Pimpinan Ikhlas Menyatukan Emosi, Persepsi, Dan

Asumsi Untuk Kejayaan Organisasi. Di Saat Itu, Budaya Organisasi Akan Terlihat

Cemerlang Menyinari Organisasi.” – Djajendra

2. “Orang-Orang Yang Produktif Mampu Meningkatkan Kinerja Dan Menghemat


3. “Hubungan Kerja Harus Berorientasi Untuk Melayani Organisasi Dan

Stakeholders. “ – Djajendra

4. “Budaya Pemenang Lahir Dari Roh Organisasi Yang Berintegritas Dan Dari Roh

Sumber Daya Manusia Yang Berintegritas Untuk Menang.” – Djajendra

5. “Tanpa Tanggung Jawab Terhadap Pekerjaan, Anda Hanya Mempersiapkan Diri

Untuk Gagal.” – Djajendra

6. “Energi  Kepercayaan  Dalam Organisasi Akan Mengakumulasikan Semua

Kekuatan Positif, Dan Menciptakan  Kesiapan Lingkungan Organisasi Untuk

Berinteraksi Secara Profesional Dengan Setiap Fungsi Dan Peran Kerja.” –


7. “Budaya Yang Berkualitas Mengkonfirmasi Kemanjuran Budaya Dalam

Menciptakan Motivasi Buat Mendorong Setiap Orang Untuk Meraih Prestasi

Tertinggi.” – Djajendra

8. “Tanpa Visi Dan Tujuan Yang Jelas, Anda Akan Hilang Dan Tenggelam Dalam

Kesibukan Kehidupan Rutinitas Anda.” – Djajendra

9. “Budaya Organisasi Merupakan Roh Yang Akan Menciptakan Jati Diri Organisasi

Untuk Mencapai Kebesaran Organisasi.” – Djajendra

10.“Strategi Perusahaan Harus Menjadi Sarapan Pagi Buat Semua Level Pimpinan

Dan Karyawan Di Setiap Pagi Sebelum Memulai Hari Kerja.” – Djajendra

11.“Pihak Manajemen Harus Memiliki Kepedulian Dan Perhatian Penuh Pada Emosi,

Komunikasi, Dan Kesehatan Karyawan.” – Djajendra

12.“Tanpa Pengawasan Dan Pengorganisasian Yang Baik, Perusahaan Berpotensi

Merusak Fondasinya.” – Djajendra

13.“Fakta Integritas Hanya Akan Berfungsi Dengan Baik, Bila Pengawasan Terhadap

Fakta Integritas Juga Dilakukan Dengan Integritas Tinggi.” – Djajendra

14.“Remunerasi Harus Diikuti Dengan Mencerdaskan  Karyawan Melalui Etika Bisnis

Dan Code Of Conduct.” – Djajendra

15.“Perubahan Dari Budaya Lama Ke Budaya Baru Memerlukan Infrastruktur Yang

Kuat Untuk Mendukung Proses Perubahan.” – Djajendra

16.”Tanpa Berkontribusi Kepada Perusahaan Sesungguhnya Para Manajer Telah

Gagal Menjadi Manajer.” – Djajendra

17.“Semakin Sederhana Sebuah Proses Kerja Akan Semakin Efektif  Karyawan

Bekerja.” – Djajendra

18.“Karyawan Adalah Harta Karun Yang Harus Dirawat Dan Dikelola Secara

Sistematik Dan Profesional. Perusahaan Tanpa Karyawan-Karyawan Yang Hebat

Page 2: Quotes of Attitude and Culture

Dan Andal, Pastilah Akan Mengalami Kesulitan Dalam Mencapai Kinerja Yang


19.“Organisasi Membutuhkan Bakat Dan Potensi Dari Banyak Orang, Bukan Dari

Satu Orang Saja.” – Djajendra

20.“ Tanpa Corporate Culture Perusahaan Akan Berada Dalam Ketidakpastian;

Tanpa Sistem Perusahaan Akan Berada Dalam Kekacauan; Tanpa Aturan,

Prosedur, Dan Kebijakan Perusahaan Akan Kehilangan Reputasi.” – Djajendra

21.“Pribadi Yang Suka Mengeluh Tidak Akan Pernah Mampu Memberikan Yang

Terbaik Buat Siapapun, Termasuk Buat Dirinya Sendiri.”-Djajendra

22.“Etos Kerja Sangat Ditentukan Oleh Kebijakan, Sistem, Dan Nilai Kepercayaan

Yang Dianut Organisasi.”-Djajendra

23.“Corporate Culture Harus Memanusiakan Semua Kekuatan Sumber Daya

Manusia, Tanpa Menjadikan Manusia Sebagai Mesin-Mesin Produksi Buat

Keuntungan Pihak-Pihak Tertentu Saja.” – Djajendra

24.“Nilai Pribadi Anda Yang Berkualitas Akan Menjadi Inti Kekuatan Korporasi Anda.”

– Djajendra

25.“Dalam Lingkungan Kerja Yang Terpercaya Semua Stakeholders Akan

Mendapatkan Hasil Kinerja Korporasi Dengan Adil.” – Djajendra

26.“Kelalaian Manajemen Menyatukan Visi Perusahaan Berpotensi Menurunkan

Kualitas Karyawan Untuk Berkontribusi Kepada Perusahaan.”-Djajendra

27.“Karyawan Dan Pimpinan Adalah Bagian Terpenting Dari Keberhasilan

Manajemen. Oleh Karena Itu, Manajemen Harus Cerdas Merawat Potensi

Karyawan Dan Pimpinan.” – Djajendra

28.“Seorang Pekerja Adalah Operator Yang Menjalankan Sistem Operasional

Organisasi, Untuk Memutar Roda – Roda Bisnis Organisasi Agar Sampai Pada

Tujuan Utama. “ – djajendra

29.”Visi Perusahaan Yang Terkomunikasi Dengan Baik Kepada Stakeholders Akan

Membuat Masa Depan Perusahaan Semakin Cemerlang.” – Djajendra

30.”Ciptakan Takdir Untuk Sukses Dan Pastikan Anda Mampu Mentrasformasikan

Semua Mimpi-Mimpi Sukses Ke Dalam Realitas Hidup.” – Djajendra

31.”Mau Berbagi, Mau Berkomunikasi, Mau Saling Membantu, Mau Sama-Sama

Bekerja Keras, Dan Mau Menjaga Harkat Perusahaan Untuk Sebuah Reputasi Dan

Kredibilitas. Inilah Awal Membangun Perusahaan Dengan Komunitas

Intrapreneur.” – Djajendra

32.”Rapat Yang Baik Adalah Rapat Yang Terkoordinir Untuk Mendapatkan Solusi

Terbaik.” – Djajendra

33.Setiap Kalimat Dari Core Value Perusahaan, Setiap Hari Akan Diuji Oleh

Karyawan-Karyawan Yang Membangkang Terhadap Core Value Tersebut.” –


Page 3: Quotes of Attitude and Culture

34.“Etos Kerja Berarti Dedikasi Dalam Integritas Untuk Melaksanakan Semua Fungsi

Dan Peran Kerja, Dalam Tanggung Jawab, Melalui Mutu Dan Kualitas Diri

Tertinggi.” – Djajendra

35.“Bila Anda Menyuruh Karyawan Anda Untuk Berhemat, Sedangkan Anda Sendiri

Tidak Memberi Keteladanan Untuk Berhemat, Maka Hasilnya Hanya Dalam

Bentuk Sindiran Yang Mengurangi Kehormatan Anda.” – Djajendra.

36.”Saat Orang-Orang Kehilangan Kecerdasan Operasional Atau Pun Kecerdasan

Implementasi, Maka Yang Tersisa Hanyalah Janji-Janji Kosong Yang Tak Pernah

Berubah Dari Wujud Rencana Dan Strategi Yang Hebat, Dan Tak Pernah Menjadi

Realitas.” – Djajendra

37.“Karyawan Adalah Modal Terpenting Perusahaan Untuk Menghasilkan Nilai

Tambah Perusahaan.” – Djajendra

1.Quote: "The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake , you can't learn anything from being perfect. --Adam Osborne" 

Quote: "Behind every successful man stands a surprised mother-in-law".- Voltaire 

Quote: "Budaya perusahaan seperti budaya negara. Jgn pernah mengubahnya tapi cobalah bekerja dg apa yg sudah ada"-Peter Drucker 

Quote: "Semua kehidupan ialah eksperimen. Makin banyak eksperimen yg Anda lakukan,makin baik."Ralph Waldo Emerson 

Quote: "Almost always, the creative dedicated minority has made the world better."-Martin Luther King, Jr. 


Page 4: Quotes of Attitude and Culture

"Ia yang tak cukup berani ambil risiko tak akan meraih apapun dlm hidupnya."-Muhammad Ali. 

Quote: "Kendalikan takdirmu atau orang lain yang akan melakukannya."- Jack Welch 

Quote: "Budaya perusahaan seperti budaya negara. Jgn pernah mengubahnya tapi cobalah bekerja dg apa yg sudah ada"-Peter Drucker 

Quote: "Ikuti tindakan efektif dg evaluasi mendalam.Dg evaluasi tsb, akan datang tindakan yang lebih efektif dari sebelumnya"- Peter Drucker 

Quote: "I have found the paradox, that if you love until it hurts, there can be no more hurt, only more love."-Mother Teresa 

Quote: "Maju dan jangan gentar dg onak duri yg terbentang di depan krn ia hanya melukai mereka yg berhati kotor"-Khalil Gibran 

Quote: "Pertemanan yg dibangun atas hubungan bisnis lebih baik drpd bisnis yg dibangun atas pertemanan".-J. D. Rockefeller 

Quote: "Jangan pernah mengganggu musuh Anda saat ia sedang membuat kesalahan" - Napoleon Bonaparte 

Quote: "Manusia akhirnya mati,negara dan bangsa bisa bangkit dan runtuh,tapi gagasan senantiasa abadi"- John F. Kennedy 

Quote: "It's kind of fun to do the impossible."- Walt Disney 

Page 5: Quotes of Attitude and Culture

Quote: "Don't stay in bed, unless you can make money in bed."- George Burns 

Quote: "Saya merasa bahwa makin keras saya bekerja,makin besar keberuntungan yg saya miliki." - Thomas Jefferson 

Quote: "Yakinlah Anda bisa dan Anda sudah setengah jalan menuju tujuan" - Theodore Roosevelt 

Quote: “The most valuable thing you can make is a mistake because you can't learn anything from being perfect.” --Adam Osborne-- 

Quote: "Dreams are the touchstones of our character." -Henry David Thoreau .Seorang manusia bisa dilihat kualitasnya dari impian yg ia miliki. 

The simple act of paying positive attention to people has a great deal to do with productivity. - @tom_peters

2. Your most unhappy customers are your greatest source of learning. ― @BillGates

3. Respect is how to treat everyone, not just those you want to impress. - @richardbranson

4. Philanthropy isn't just about big gifts; it's about participation. It's about the grace that comes from working together. @benioff

5. Customers will never love a company until the employees love it first.- @simonsinek

6. You can't delegate growth or customer satisfaction. - @JeffImmelt7. I believe you have to be willing to be misunderstood if you're going to

innovate. - Jeff Bezos8. It's about getting the best people, retaining them, nurturing a creative

environment & helping to find a way to innovate. @marissamayer9. Your brand is your culture. - Tony Hsieh @zappos

Page 6: Quotes of Attitude and Culture

10. Purpose must be deliberately conceived and chosen, and then pursued. -@claychristensen

11. Each and every one of us is a leader. Some of us just don't know it yet. - @umairh

12. Success is never accidental. - @jack13. The time you spend with your best is, quite simply, your most productive

time. - @mwbuckingham14. The day you are not solving problems or are not up to your butt in

problems is probably a day you are no longer leading. - Colin Powell15. If you don't understand people, you don't understand business. -

@SimonSinek16. You absolutely must have the discipline not to hire until you find the right

people. - Jim Collins17. The trick to balance is to not make sacrificing important things become

the norm. - @simonsinek18. A business has to be involving, it has to be fun, and it has to exercise

your creative instincts. - @richardbranson19. As we look ahead into the next century, leaders will be those who

empower others. - @BillGates20. Life is a helluva lot more fun if you say yes rather than no. -

@richardbranson21. To stay ahead, you must have your next idea waiting in the wings. -

@RosabethKanter22. We strive always to have a beginner's mind. - @benioff23. Power is the ability to get things done. - @RosabethKanter24. When you innovate, you've got to be prepared for everyone telling you

you're nuts. - @LarryEllison25. It is crucial to recognize, reward, and celebrate accomplishments. -

@RosabethKanter26. The best strategy is a balance between having a deliberate one, and a

flexible, or emergent strategy. - @claychristensen27. Every moment wasted looking back, keeps us from moving forward. -

@HillaryClinton28. Talent is the multiplier. The more energy and attention you invest in it,

the greater the yield. - @mwbuckingham29. The drive for progress doesn't wait for the external world to say "It's time

to change." - Jim Collins30. We believe that customer service shouldn't be just a department; it

should be the entire company. - Tony Hsieh @zappos31. In this world and the world of tomorrow, we must go forward together or

not at all. -- @HillaryClinton

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32. Always focus on the front windshield and not the review mirror. - Colin Powell

33. Let go of certainty. The opposite isn't uncertainty. It's openness, curiosity & willingness to embrace paradox. - @tonyschwartz

34. Great companies foster a productive tension between continuity and change. - Jim Collins

35. Everyone has an idea but it's really about executing the idea and attracting other people to help you work on the idea. - @jack

36. The path to success is to take massive, determined action. - @tonyrobbins

37. An organization's ability to learn, and translate that learning into action rapidly, is the ultimate competitive advantage. - @jack_welch

38. There needs to be conviction and action behind rules. - @claychristensen39. Ability is what you're capable of doing. Motivation determines what you

do. Attitude determines how well you do it. - Lou Holtz40. The job is not the work. - Seth Godin @thisissethsblog41. Change almost never fails because it's too early. It almost always fails

because it's too late. - Seth Godin @thisissethsblog42. The difference between a pebble and a mountain lies in whom you ask to

move it. - @mwbuckingham43. Face reality as it is, not as it was or as you wish it to be. - @jack_welch44. You don't learn to walk by following rules. You learn by doing, and by

falling over. - @richardbranson45. If the rate of change on the outside exceeds the rate of change on the

inside, the end is near. - @jack_welch46. When you become a leader success is all about growing others. -

@jack_welch47. Art is a personal act of courage, something one human does that creates

change in another. - Seth Godin @thisissethsblog48. It is your decisions, and not your conditions, that determine your destiny.

- @tonyrobbins49. You can never rise higher than your expectations of yourself. Expect the

best! - @briantracy50. Success is a lousy teacher. It seduces smart people into thinking they

can't lose. - @BillGates51. The more you teach positive ideas to others, the better you learn them

yourself - @briantracy52. Obsess over customers. - Jeff Bezos53. Our culture is friendly and intense, but if push comes to shove we'll settle

for intense. - Jeff Bezos

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54. Know your business and industry better than anyone else in the world. Love what you do or don't do it. - @mcuban

55. Treat your customers like they own you. Because they do. - @mcuban56. More people will like you if you believe that people are good until proven

bad. - @GuyKawasaki57. The ultimate challenge is to accept ourselves exactly as we are, but never

stop trying to learn and grow. - @tonyschwartz58. A penguin cannot become a giraffe, so just be the best penguin you can

be. - @garyvee59. There is no such thing as a minor lapse of integrity. - @tom_peters60. Expect the unexpected. And whenever possible, be the unexpected. -

@jack61. Decide what you want, and then act as if it were impossible to fail -

@briantracy62. Celebrate what you want to see more of. - @tom_peters63. Those who lead by example and demonstrate passion for what they do

make it much easier for their followers to do the same. - @coachgoldsmith64. The best knowledge workers are working for more than money. -

@coachgoldsmith65. It's always good to be underestimated. - @realDonaldTrump66. Simple and to the point is always the best way to get your point across. -

@GuyKawsaki67. If we really want to be effective with communication, we have to

humanize our brands. -@amyjomartin68. Pursuing your passions makes you more interesting, and interesting

people are enchanting. - @GuyKawasaki69. Perpetual optimism is a force multiplier. - Colin Powell70. Legacy is greater than currency. - @garyvee71. Small groups of people can have a really huge impact - Larry Page72. Pick out associates whose behavior is better than yours and you'll drift in

that direction. - @WarrenBuffett73. Everyone has an idea. But it's really about executing the idea &

attracting other people to help you work on the idea. - @jack74. Time is priceless. Spend it with people you have high value and energy

exchange rates with. - @amyjomartin75. Onlyness is that thing that only one particular person can bring to a

situation. - @nilofer76. We should be focusing on building the things that don't exist. - Larry

Page77. Money motivates neither the best people nor the best in people. Purpose

does. - @nilofer

Page 9: Quotes of Attitude and Culture

78. Differences can be a strength. - @condoleezzarice79. Confidence + Competence + Character = Success - @CFCrowell80. Failures are great learning tools -- but they must be kept to a minimum. -

@JeffImmelt81. Leaders inspire us because they bring out the best in us. - @umairh82. Since fear is mostly about ignorance, the best part is that it's as

temporary as you choose. - @comaford83. Someone's sitting in the shade today because someone planted a tree a

long time ago. - @warrenbuffett84. When you give everyone a voice and give people power, the system

usually ends up in a really good place - Mark Zuckerberg @finkd85. As a leader, you have to be authentic and constantly connecting with

employees - @JeffImmelt86. When it comes to success in business, an MBA degree is optional. But a

GSD, which is only earned by Getting Stuff Done, is required. - @comaford87. It's the sustained ability to change that really counts. - @JeffImmelt88. Change before you have to. - @jack_welch89. It's through curiosity and looking at opportunities in new ways that we've

always mapped our path - @MichaelDell90. Don't try to be perfect; just be an excellent example of being human.―

@tonyrobbins91. What separates the winners from the losers is how a person reacts to

each new twist of fate. - @realDonaldTrump92. As long as you are going to be thinking anyway, think big -

@realDonaldTrump93. Too many rules will stifle innovation. - Sergey Brinn94. Make sure everybody in the company has great opportunities, has a

meaningful impact and are contributing to the good of society - Larry Page

95. In a world that changing really quickly, the only strategy that is guaranteed to fail is not taking risks. - Mark Zuckerberg @finkd

96. If a window of opportunity appears, don't pull down the shade. - @tom_peters

97. A public-opinion poll is no substitute for thought. - @WarrenBuffett98. Speed, distraction, and instant gratification are the enemies of nearly

everything that matters most in our lives. - @tonyschwartz99. You beat burnout by knowing what it is you're giving up that makes you

resentful.- @marissamayer100. Attention is a precious commodity. - @briansolis