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Hallo para mahasiswa dan juga para anak kos. Sebagai mahasiswa, kita belajar dan berusaha menjadi ilmuwan yang bermanfaat bagi diri kita sendiri dan bagi orang lain. Sebagai anak kos, kita berupaya menjadi sosok mandiri yang bisa bersosialisasi dengan orang lain. Sebagai mahasiswa dan anak kos, kita belajar menjadi pribadi akademis dan juga pribadi sosial pada berbagai situasi dan kondisi; tidak hanya pribadi akademis dan pribadi sosial yang bertaraf regional, tetapi juga nasional serta internasional. Untuk bisa menjadi pribadi yang demikian, kita harus menguasai bahasa internasional yang tidak lain dan tidak bukan ialah Bahasa Inggris; tidak hanya yang pasif, tetapi juga aktif.

Bahasa Inggris yang aktif menurut hemat penulis mengacu pada kecakapan berbicara (speaking) dan menulis (writing). Pada kesempatan ini, penulis akan menitikberatkan pada kecakapan berbicara (speaking) yang temanya ialah seputar kehidupan para mahasiswa dan para anak kos, sebab menurut penulis masih belum ada buku yang menitikberatkan percakapan Bahasa Inggris bagi para mahasiswa dan para anak kos.

Secara sederhana, buku ini merupakan buku percakapan Bahasa Inggris yang aplikatif mengenai kehidupan sehari-hari para mahasiswa dan anak kos. Akhir kata, hidup mahasiswa! hidup anak kos!


Lelu Dina Apristia


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Alex : OMG... it’s already 06.45 in the morning. I’m gonna be late.

Benny : Be ready to queue up. You’re getting the third turn.

Alex : Whose turn is it now?

Benny : First turn surely.

Alex : Would it be long?

Benny : I hope it isn’t. Anyway, why did you wake up late?

Alex : Last night, I slept late since I had a lot of homework. Besides, I watched football match.

Benny : No wonder. You really like football.

Alex : That’s right. By watching football, we can analyze whether a player can play well or not. What about you? Are you also late?

Benny : Nope. I am used to take a shower in the morning like this time.

Alex : Hmm... got it. Well, I think your turn comes. Come on, go, go!

Benny : Easy, Buddy.


Alex : May I come in, Sir/Mam?

Lecturer : Come over here. Why are you late? You’re late more than fifteen minutes.

Alex : I did my homework last night, Sir/Mam. I went to sleep lately.

Lecturer : Is that all?

Alex : Er... Hmm... I watched a football match, Sir/Mam. I’m so sorry.

Lecturer : That’s your business. The fact is that you’re late to come into my class. Now, please leave the class.

Alex : Sir/Mam, please... let me in.

Lecturer : No drama here. Come next week and don’t do the same anymore.

Alex : Okay, Sir/Mam. Once again, I am so sorry.


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Nicky : Hi, look at your face. You have been ugly. Now you’re uglier because of your face. Should I bring a mirror?

Alex : Don’t mock me please. You’re bothering. Don’t you know?

Nicky : Hahahaha. Come on, Buddy. It’s just a joke.

Alex : I don’t need your joke. You’re such a big mouth.

Nicky : Oops, easy, Buddy. What happened? Did you break up with your girl?

Alex : You’re very annoying.

Nicky : Tell me the reason, please.

Alex : I couldn’t come to the class. I was late. The lecturer was really disciplined.

Nicky : In my opinion, that was your own fault. We are students and we should follow the rule of a lecturer. Besides, I think being disciplined is good for me, for you, and for others. We know that. The lecturer doesn’t want us to know only, but to implement it.

Alex : You’re right. But it still sucks. I also did the homework last night.

Vicky : The lecturer wasn’t late, was he/she?

Alex : Nope.

Nicky : One thing for sure, the lecturer had a lot things to do, harder than ours, but he/she didn’t come late. It means that your reason is not enough to defend yourself.

Alex : You’re right.

Nicky : If you’re really clever, just admit your fault at least to yourself and don’t do the same wrong thing.

Alex : I’ll try.


Don : Oh-Oh! Does the sun rise in the west? You come to this class earlier than ever.

Alex : I want to change to be better.

Don : Are you kidding, Bad Boy?

Alex : No, I am not. I am quite serious. I did a mistake this morning by being late. So now, I pay it back by coming earlier to this class.

Don : Ok. I hope you can do your excellent speech. Anyway, have you done the homework?


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Alex : Yes, I have.

Don : Can you show me the answer?

Alex : You mean that you wanna cheat mine?

Don : Bingo!

Alex : Bah? ! I won’t allow you. Do it by yourself.

Don : You’re really proud of yourself.

Alex : Proud, but at least I’m brave to answer the homework by my own thought.

Don : You mean that I am a coward?

Alex : You’ve already said that.

Don : F*ck you.

Eddy : Yo, Bro! Easy, easy! We aren’t boy scouts anymore.

Alex : He’s a sissy.

Don : A*shole. You’re a bastard.

Frida : Guys! Stop it. The lecturer will come soon into the class. Don’t make yourselves in danger because of fighting.

Eddy : Don, it’s better if you do your homework by your own self now. Don’t cheat. Believe in yourself.

Don : Never. At least not for today. I’m gonna skip this class.


Helen : Al, how are you doing?

Alex : Not too bad, Helen.

Helen : What’s up, Al?

Alex : I don’t wanna talk about it now. Let’s go to have lunch. You haven’t had lunch, have you?

Helen : Not yet. I wanna get lunch together with you.

Alex : Thanks. What do you wanna eat?

Helen : Er... fried rice at MAKANAKU food court. What about you?

Alex : I think I’m gonna eat the same. Besides, I also want to drink avocado juice.


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Helen : Me too. Let’s go there.

Alex : Ok, Helen.


Helen : It’s really crowded. It’s hard to find empty seats.

Alex : Just wait here. I try to look for seats.


Alex : I have found it, Babe. It’s in the right corner.

Helen : Good job, Al.


Alex : This fried rice is bloody delicious.

Helen : Haha, that’s because you’re bloody hungry.

Alex : You’re right. There were many things happening today in my life. I learn a lot from them.

Helen : Talk about that later, Al. Now enjoy your juice, too.

Alex : You too. Enjoy your fried rice.

Helen : Sure, Al.

Alex : Have you known that there is a new canteen next to our campus?

Helen : No, I haven’t. What’s the name?

Alex : Greeny Healthy canteen. Every food or snack in the list menu contains vegetables that are important for our health. The drinks are mostly made of fruit.

Helen : Is it for vegans?

Alex : You may say so, because there is no food made of beef or chicken. It just serves food with fish. That’s according to what I heard about it, Dear. I have no idea for sure.

Helen : What about trying the food there tomorrow?

Alex : Deal


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Ivan : Hi, Al.

Alex : Hi, Ivan. What’s up?

Ivan : What about going to ‘futsal’center after you change?

Alex : I don’t think so. I am quite tired. I’m getting lack of sleeping. Then, I wanna take a nap.

Ivan : Oh, that’s okay then. Next time you should come and join us. Please take a nap.

Alex : Well then.


Ivan : Al, wake up. It’s already twilight. It’s time to do sunset prayer.

Alex : Later. I’m still sleepy.

Ivan : Oh my! You have been taking a nap about 3 hours.

Alex : I’m terribly tired.

Ivan : Whatever you like.

Alex : Alright, Ivan. I’m gonna get up. Let’s go to do sunset prayer. But, before that, I want to take a shower.

Ivan : As you like it. Do it soon because I’m sweaty after doing ‘futsal’ match. I need to refresh my body and soul.

Alex : Ok, Buddy.


Koko : Ivan, ask Alex whether he wants to entrust food for dinner or not, please.

Ivan : Ok.


Ivan : Excuse me, Al. Do you want to entrust food for dinner? Me and Koko want to eat out together.

Alex : Let me call Helen whether she wants to eat out with me or not.

Ivan : Both of you are really romantic. Just apply to a movie producer to play a drama with Helen.

Alex : Haha, shut up. You’re just jealous since you doesn’t have a girl now.


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Alex : Koko and Ivan, let’s eat out together. Helen has been already asked by her girls to dine out with them.

Koko : All right. Where should we go?

Ivan : Oh, my! I thought you had decided where to go.

Koko : I was really busy with my serial. I got a lot of shooting hours. I am an actor.

Alex : Oh man! Zip your mouth and lock it with a padlock.

Ivan : Hahahaha, such a cocky man.

Koko : Anyway, talking about dinner, what about eating out at PENYETers?

Alex : I agree. I want to eat fried soybean cake and tofu with chili paste.

Ivan : So do I. But where is Mike?

Koko : Did Mike say that he wanted to join with us?

Ivan : Yes, he did.

Alex : Where is he now?

Ivan : Let me check him out at his room.


Mike : Guys, let’s go to PENYETers. I long to eat fried catfish and iced tea.

Koko : Where have you been, Mike?

Mike : I was called by my dad. Sorry for waiting.

Alex : Don’t mention it. We’re having good time.

Ivan : Well then, I’m gonna take my motorcycle out from garage.

Koko : Me too.

Alex : Me too, because after dinner, I’m visiting Helen’s boarding house.

Mike : Ok. I’m gonna ride along with Koko.

Koko : I’m available. But you have to accompany me at netcafe next to PENYETers.

Ivan : Let’s go, boys. I’m terribly hungry.


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Alex : There is a lot of homework.

Eddy : But I have done all homework.

Frida : Cocky.

Alex : What about telling us the way to motivate ourselves to do homework soon?

Frida : Eddy won’t share us.

Eddy : I wanna share if you treat me, Frida.

Alex : Oh-oh! Here comes Mr. Stingy.

Eddy : I’m not stingy, I am just realistic. I am a student. I haven’t earned money myself. I can study here because of full-time scholarship. I learn hard. So if you wanna know the answers of homework, treat me breakfast for 1 answer, breakfast and lunch for 2 answers, and breakfast, lunch and dinner for 3 answers.

Alex : I don’t need the answers of homework, I need your motivation. That’s all.

Frida : Eddy, come on. We are students. Alex and I haven’t earned a living as well. So, as friends, we should care to each other.

Eddy : Hmm... treat me lunch only.

Alex : Deal.

Frida : Eddy, don’t be like that. You can’t do that to us.

Eddy : But Alex said, “Deal.”

Alex : Let’s go to gazebo to do homework. Keep my promise, Eddy. I’m gonna treat you lunch.


Eddy : Can you do question number 3?

Alex : I’m still confused.

Frida : Me too. I can’t figure it out.

Eddy : Try to understand the question once more. The answer is not as complicated as you think.


Frida : Hey, Eddy. Please take a look at my answer.

Eddy : Let me see. Hmm... you’re right, Honey.

Alex : What? Honey?


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Eddy : Oops...

Frida : Al, don’t tease him.

Alex : I am not. I just want to confirm the meaning of ‘honey’ used by Eddy to greet you.

Eddy : That was ... that was just something spontaneous.

Frida : Al, stop it. What about your answer?

Alex : Eddy, could you please see mine?

Eddy : That’s true, Al.

Alex : Hey, Eddy. You didn’t even see my paper. You’re looking at Frida’s face. Haha.

Eddy : Watch you tongue or you treat me lunch for your whole life. Let me see your answers. Hmm... your answers are right.

Alex : How happy I am. Oh... happy day. So, Eddy, when will you wanna have lunch?

Eddy : Now. I am bloody hungry because of you.


Koko : Hi, Ivan. What are you watching? There’s no interesting program at this time.

Ivan : I am watching music show.

Koko : Where are Alex and Mike?

Ivan : Alex is at campus. I don’t know where Mike is.

Koko : Where is the remote control?

Ivan : Here you are.

Koko : May I change the channel?

Ivan : Sure.

Koko : I think this news is much more interesting.

Ivan : I don’t want to watch something heavy in the afternoon.

Koko : What heavy thing is it?

Ivan : Flood is almost in every marginal spot in Indonesia. Corruption becomes ‘the salt’ of news. The election of mayor or governor makes me headache. I am sick of it now and I’ll be crazy for the thought of it.

Koko : Whoopee! Ivan is getting smart now.


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Ivan : I am.

Mike : Hi, Guys. What are you talking about?

Koko : We are talking about Ivan who is getting smart. I am so proud of him.

Mike : There must have been something funny.

Koko : Sure. Anyway, where have you been?

Mike : I legalized the copies of my academic certificate. I’ll use the copies for applying job. What are you watching?

Ivan : Music show.

Koko : News.

Mike : Which one is right? Before my eyes there’s just news program.

Ivan : I was watching music show before Koko came.

Mike : What about watching Sha*n the Sheep?

Ivan and Koko : Hahahahahahahahahaha

Mike : What’s up?

Ivan : That animation program is for children.

Koko : But that program is better than serial titled Putra yang Tertukar.

Mike : Jackpot!

Ivan : I ever watched Sha*n the Sheep with my nephew but I didn’t get it. Meanwhile, my nephew laughed out loud. For your information, he was 6 years old.

Koko : I’m gonna change the channel so we can watch Sha*n the Sheep together.

Mike : Thanks a lot, Ko.

Koko : Anytime. Let me tell you, Ivan. This animation has no clear utterance or speech. It has just unclear voice. But that makes you creative in interpreting the meaning of it.

Ivan : Nonsense.

Mike : Though there’s no clear talk but their expression is really clear. You can guess the meaning by taking a look at the characters’ faces and expressions. Let’s watch this program together, Ivan. If you don’t understand the meaning, then I’m gonna tell you.

Koko : You have to tell me as well if I don’t understand, Mike.

Mike : Okay. This animation is entertaining. Believe in me.


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Helen : Good evening, Vicky.

Vicky : Good evening, Helen.

Ulfa : You look tired.

Vicky : I am. Let me sit down beside you. I want to lean on the sofa.

Ulfa : There were a lot of customers at Pizza H*t. I was almost dead to bake the pizzas and made the beverages.

Helen : Well then. Let’s take a look at TV together.

Vicky : Ulfa, in my bag, there are two pans of crusted pizzas. Please eat it as long as they are hot.

Ulfa : Yum-yum! I’m gonna grasp them.

Helen : Do you want me to make some cups of tea or coffee?

Vicky : No need to do that. If me or Ulfa needs it, then we’re gonna make it by ourselves. Am I right, Ulfa?

Ulfa : Yum-yum. Whatever you say I agree. I want to enjoy this pizza.

Vicky : Anyway, what are you watching for?

Helen : We are watching some comical programs on Tra*s TV and Trans7.

Vicky : Good choice. I need entertainment.

Helen : Do you like watching infotainment, Vicky?

Vicky : Sometimes if I have leisure time.

Ulfa : I really like it. It’s like never-ending serial from many actors and actresses. And the other plus point is that I don’t really wait for the ending. Because some gossip has no ending.

Vicky : That’s right.

Helen : What about movie?

Ulfa : I like watching movies showed on TV as long as the movies are not action ones.

Helen : What kind of movie do you prefer?

Ulfa : I prefer drama movie to action one. And you, Helen?

Helen : I like thriller movie. It is mysterious, but makes me use my logic.

Ulfa : So you must like detective movie.


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Helen : Very much.

Vicky : Let me guess. You must like The Da V*nci Code movie, right?

Helen : Right. Exactly. What kind of movie do you like, Vicky?

Vicky : I love Fast and Furious series.

Ulfa : Tra*s TV often shows the series.

Vicky : That’s true. I always watch if I have spare time. I’ll never be bored. By the way, I am so sleepy. I think I’m gonna wash my body, make my bed and go to bed soon. See ya, girls.

Ulfa and Helen : See ya

Ulfa : Thanks a lot for the pizzas.

Vicky : Don’t mention it.


Alex : Babe, where are you?

Helen : In the boarding house. What’s up, Al?

Alex : I miss you.

Helen : We had met this afternoon.

Alex : But that was not enough. Being by your side is peaceful.

Helen : Don’t tease me, please.

Alex : I’m serious. What about having dinner together?

Helen : Okay.

Alex : At 19.00, I’m picking you up.

Helen : Okay.

Alex : What are you doing now?

Helen : I am listening to the music and reading.

Alex : Can you focus on your reading while you’re being called by me now?

Helen : Girls can do some activities at the same time. What about you, Al?

Alex : You mean what I am doing now?

Helen : Yes.


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Alex : I am calling you and l’m laying on my bed.

Helen : It sounds you’re tired.

Alex : A little bit.

Helen : Take a nap then.

Alex : After this, I think. Why don’t you take a nap?

Helen : I’m not really sleepy.

Alex : Don’t push yourself too much to study. Take a rest.

Helen : Sure, Al.

Alex : Well, I’m gonna take a nap. See you soon, babe. Love you.

Helen : Love you, too.


Ivan : Koko, where are you?

Alex : Koko is still taking a shower.

Ivan : Oh my! I’m gonna be late to attend the class this morning. Is it still long for him to take a shower?

Alex : He has just got into the restroom. What’s up?

Ivan : Koko’s motorcycle blocks mine. I can’t get mine out of the garage. Doesn’t he know that our garage is narrow?

Alex : Let me see it. Who knows I can move his motorcycle out of the garage or at least it doesn’t block the way out?

Ivan : The problem is that Koko’s motorcycle also blocks yours and Mike’s.

Alex : You mean his motorcycle is near by the door. That would be easy. Unlock the door, open it wide, and both of us should take his motorcycle out. It’s better if we do it soon or you’ll be late.

Ivan : Let’s try.


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Mr. Syaiful : Where is the attendance list? I want to call you roll.

Student A : You haven’t ask anyone to take the attendance list. So we thought that you would bring by yourself, Sir.

Mr. Syaiful : I see. I’ll ask someone to be the coordinator of this class. I’m gonna inform everything you all need to know through the coordinator. For example information about assignment, the change of class schedule, the copies of learning material, and so on.

Some students : Yes, Sir.

Some other students : We agree.

Mr. Syaiful : Don’t forget. The coordinator should take the attendance list from the administrative office. Besides, he must always be coordinated with me if there’s something I have to know from this class in relation to my class. Deal?

Some students : Deal.

Mr. Syaiful : So, people, whom do you think appropriate to be the coordinator of this class?

Some students : Eddy, Sir.

Some other students : Johan, Sir.

Mr. Syaiful : Let me see their faces. Which one is Eddy? And which one is Johan?

Eddy : I am here, Sir.

Johan : Present, Sir. I am Johan.

Mr. Syaiful : Okay, I have seen your faces. I want Johan to be the coordinator of this class. Are you ready, Johan?

Johan : Yes, I am.

Mr. Syaiful : Now, please take the attendance list at administrative office.

Johan : Sure. I’ll be back in fifteen minutes.

Mr. Syaiful : Eddy, sorry for not choosing you.

Eddy : It’s fine, Sir.


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Alex : Hello.

Eddy : Hello, Al. Where are you now?

Alex : At boarding house.

Eddy : Are you busy?

Alex : Nope. What’s up?

Eddy : I want to share something with you.

Alex : Ok. I’m available. You have known my address, haven’t you?

Eddy : Yes, I have. I’ll be there in fifteen minutes.

Alex : All right.


Alex : Please come in. What do you wanna drink?

Eddy : Plain water is enough.

Alex : What about soft drink?

Eddy : Sorry, I don’t really like soft drink. I need to keep my health by drinking a lot of mineral water.

Alex : Ok. Wait for a moment.


Alex : Here it is; plain water.

Eddy : Your boarding house is comfortable.

Alex : Thanks.

Eddy : It’s the first time for me to visit your boarding house.

Alex : I think your dormitory is great.

Eddy : Yeah, but everyone is busy with their own business. They learn hard to be responsible for the scholarship they have got.

Alex : Well then, what can I do for you?

Eddy : What makes you love Helen?

Alex : You what?


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Eddy : So sorry. It seems rude to ask your personal life. But I am confused with my own feeling now.

Alex : What? Eddy, The Genius, can be confused? I can’t believe it.

Eddy : I am still a human. I... I ... fall in love with ...

Alex : Frida?

Eddy : How do you know?

Alex : Hahahaha, you’re really naive. It’s easy to see on your face when you meet Frida.

Eddy : I like her.

Alex : So what?

Eddy : Does she like me?

Alex : She likes you as friend, but I don’t know whether she likes you as someone special.

Eddy : That makes me confused.

Alex : Is it your first love?

Eddy : Yes, it is.

Alex : Hahahaha, poor on you.

Eddy : I won’t help you to do homework then.

Alex : Easy, Buddy. I’m kidding.

Eddy : Does Frida have a boyfriend?

Alex : I don’t know exactly because I only meet her at class.

Eddy : Would you help me to ask her about that for me?

Alex : Why don’t you ask by yourself?

Eddy : I am shy.

Alex : You’re a big boy, aren’t you?

Eddy : I think so.

Alex : If so, be a gentleman. Ask her by yourself. You just ask whether she has a boyfriend or not. You’re not asking whether she wants to be your girl or not.

Eddy : You’re right. I can’t believe you’re smart in love case.

Alex : You mock me.


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Eddy : Haha. By the way, you haven’t answered my question. Why makes you love Helen?

Alex : She’s beautiful inside and out.

Eddy : Frida is too.

Alex : Then, chase her.

Eddy : I am afraid if she rejects me.

Alex : Haha, that’s the art of loving.

Eddy : What do you think if me and Frida are in a relationship?

Alex : I can’t answer it now.

Eddy : You’re an apathetic boy.

Alex : I just don’t wanna make you expect too much. That would be so hard for you if you expect too much, while you don’t even know her status; single or in a relationship.

Eddy : Helen must be very lucky to be loved by you.

Alex : Why?

Eddy : You’re apathetic, and she can make you care to her.

Alex : Not her, I am a lucky boy to get her love. Beside her, I am not apathetic.


Sally : Frida, your cellphone’s ringing. Why don’t you pick it up?

Frida : It’s not really important.

Sally : From whom is that call?

Frida : From anybody.

Sally : Oops. Boy or girl?

Frida : Boy.

Sally : I think he likes you or at least he’s interested in you.

Frida : I’ve noticed it for these 2 semesters.

Sally : Let me guess. You mean the boy is Alex?

Frida : Surely not. Alex is Helen’s boyfriend.

Sally : Then, who?


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Frida : Eddy.

Sally : OMG... He’s not your type, right?

Frida : Yes, you’re right. I respect him as my friend. I have no special feeling toward him. I never feel crush on him.

Sally : I see. Do you like someone else?

Frida : What can I say? Should I tell you?

Sally : You should. I am your best friend.

Frida : Promise me that you keep my secret.

Sally : I promise.

Frida : I like Alex. He behaves as he is. He never pretends to be someone else. He really knows what he wants in life and reach his goals.

Sally : Eddy is also doing the same I think.

Frida : But he pushes himself too much. He doesn’t even enjoy his life I think.

Sally : Perhaps.

Frida : Besides, Eddy is not as manly as Alex.

Sally : Now I understand. What will you do now? Alex has already been in love with Helen.

Frida : Keep my feeling deep down in the bottom of my heart.

Sally : But you’ll suffer from it.

Frida : I know. But I have no choice.

Sally : You have. Confess your feeling to him and ready to accept the consequence later.

Frida : I am not ready, Sally. I am gonna kill myself if I am gonna be rejected by him.

Sally : Hush! What bullshit are you talking about?

Frida :You know that my pride is high.

Sally : Yeah, I know. Life is full of choices. Just choose whatever you feel right. That’s all.

Frida : Ok, let me think about it later. Thanks for understanding.


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Laura : Helen, are you free now?

Helen :Yes. Is there anything I can do for you?

Laura : Sure, accompany me to mall. I want to shop till I drop.

Helen : Do you wanna be Second Paris Hilton?

Laura : Haha, of course not. I am Laura Hilton.

Helen : I believe so.

Laura : So how? Can you accompany me?

Helen : At what time?

Laura : Now. I’m gonna call a taxi.


Helen : What do you wanna buy?

Laura : Cleo told me this morning that there were many discounts for a lot of items here.

Helen : Cleo, The Party Goer?

Laura : Jackpot.

Helen : You know that she’s an acute shoppaholic, too.

Laura : That’s right, but every information from her about discount at mall is really important. She is great friend in discount field.

Helen : What about me?

Laura : You’re a great friend in evaluating something. I will shop and I have to know that the things I buy make me more beautiful, not in turn. I’m beautiful, but I am not stupid.

Helen : Haha, good girl.


Sales Girl : What can I do for you, Girls?

Laura : May I see those jeans?

Sales Girl : Sure. It’s up-to-date type of jeans.

Laura : I also know. You don’t have to tell.

Helen : Laura, please be friendly.


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Laura : Do you have another color? It’s blue. I need the black or creamy one.

SG : What size?

Laura : What do you think?

SG : Small size?

Laura : Jackpot. Be quick in taking the jeans I need. I don’t wanna wait to long.

SG : Sure.


SG : Miss, here they are; the black and the creamy jeans.

Laura : Good job. Helen, let’s go to fitting room.


Laura : Helen, which one fits me best? The black jeans or the creamy ones?

Helen : I think the creamy ones are the best.

Laura : I agree with you. I think the same as you. I’m gonna pick it.

Helen : How much is it?

Laura : It’s IDR 185.900.

Helen : Has it been reduced with the discount?

Laura : Yes, it has.

Helen : It’s still expensive for me.

Laura : I think about the quality of the jeans and the brand.

Helen : Do you always pay attention to brand of something if you shop?

Laura : Certainly. No brand, no pride.

Helen : You think the brand is everything?

Laura : Even everybody has their own brands; their names. So, the brand is everything for me. Well, let’s go to cashier. I’m a little bit hungry, I am gonna treat you, Helen.

Helen : Thanks, Laura. I don’t understand why you like making friends with me, while you’re famous at campus as a model and I am just an ordinary girl and not fashionable like you.

Laura : Simply, I am bored of making friends with extraordinary people up there.

Helen : Haha, let’s go to cashier.


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Vicky : Helen, are you busy?

Helen : A little bit. I’m doing my assignment.

Vicky : When will you be free?

Helen : About an hour or may be more. Is that okay for you?

Vicky : That’s okay. I’m good. I’m gonna wait.


Helen : What can I do for you, Vick?

Vicky : I accepted a letter from Princeton University this morning. The letter showed me that I had to face an interview at United States Embassy for Indonesia in Jakarta. The interview will be held next two days.

Helen : Congratulation, Vick. You’re great. Princeton University is one of the best universities in the world.

Vicky : I know. That’s why I’m so excited.

Helen : What about your job at P*zza Hut?

Vicky : I’ll leave it as soon as I’m accepted offically at Princeton University.

Helen : Anyway, is there anything you want me to help you?

Vicky : Certainly. Suppose you’re the person who arranges the scholarship. Can you make it?

Helen : I have no reason for rejecting your request.


Helen : Why are you interested in Princeton University?

Vicky : Because I think this university is the right place for upgrading my intelligence. I understand that the capacity of human intelligence is beyond they predict before. Therefore, I should use the capacity at the right time and in the right place.

Helen : What do you mean by stating ‘at the right time’?

Vicky : Honestly, I study to upgrade my intelligence and to earn a living. To earn a living, I have to get a good job giving me good salary. To get a good job, I have to be creative and brilliant. To be creative and brilliant, I should study at the right place in which it’s Princeton University.

Helen : If you’re accepted at Princeton University through this scholarship, how long will you get your master degree?


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Vicky : I’m optimistic that I’ll be a master in one and a half years.

Helen : What’s your plan for your master thesis?

Vicky : The title is “Pizza Hut in Indonesia: Postmodernistic Study”.

Helen : It sounds great. Tell me more about it.

Vicky : Well, I’ve been working at P*zza Hut for 2 years. I’ve been analyzing that the taste of pizza always changes. It depends on the trends in the world, customers’ order tendencies and customers’ culture. Though pizza is not from Indonesia. But here at P*zza Hut, pizza is combinated with original taste from Indonesian culture. This mixture or combination is an element of postmodernism.

Helen : Brilliant. I think it’s enough for the interview today. We will proceed this interview and we’re going to discuss it comprehensively. You will hear the result in two weeks. Is that understood?

Vicky : Yes, that is.


Helen : In my opinion, you’ll get the scholarship. Now I know your plan after we acted a few minutes ago.

Vicky : Wish me luck, Helen. I hope the interview will run well next two days.

Helen : I wish you luck. I hope the same.


Laura : Helen, are you daydreaming?

Helen : Hi, Laura. No, I’m not. I’m looking for an idea.

Laura : An idea? What is that about?

Helen : You know that our university provides assistance funds for students who have entrepeneurial activity plans, don’t you?

Laura : I ever heard about that. So what?

Helen : I am thinking about an idea in relation to entrepreneurial plans. We should create job field, not to look for it all the time.

Laura : It sounds great. So what?

Helen : I’m confused. I’m stuck. I haven’t got a good idea yet. Help me please.


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Laura : Haha. It sounds silly for me because I never think about getting hard to get a job. My parents have their own company. I’m the heiress of that company.

Helen : Can you think and act independently once in your lifetime?

Laura : Yes, I can. Only if I had no friends to whom I could ask their help. Hahahaha

Helen : You make me annoyed now, Laura. I am getting further from a good idea.

Laura : Let me think about it. Hmm, what about making healthy snack with cheap price and simple making?

Helen : For example?

Laura : Hmm, pudding in a small cup with various taste. A pudding packet with one taste cost for about IDR 5000. It can produce about 10 to 15 cups with thick jelly ingredient. So that, the texture of pudding will be elastic or rubbery, but it’s also still soft. You may keep it cool or in medium temperature.

Helen : How could you get such an idea in last minutes?

Laura : Before talking to you, I was about to eat my pudding in my refrigerator.

Helen : Do you make the pudding by your own? May I taste it?

Laura : Sure. You may taste it. Yes, I make by my own. I’m gonna tell you the way to make it. Let’s go to my house.

Helen : I’d be delighted.


Laura : Are you satisfied?

Helen : I am. Let me make the guidelines of my proposal. May I use your laptop to type it?

Laura : Of course.

Helen : Firstly, the introduction of healthy pudding. Secondly, the benefit of pudding snacking healthily. Thirdly, the financial plan of this enterpreneurial activity.

Laura : Bravo! I’m so proud of you.

Helen : Well, thanks a lot for giving me good idea. But I need a group. I can propose it on my own. Can you be one of my group members?

Laura : Me? Why me?

Helen : Yes, you. You should know the art of looking for money by your own way, not by your parents’ way. Please ask your other friend. I need at least two persons. I’ve got you, and who is the other one?


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Laura : Cleo won’t be able to join such a group like this. What about Sandra?

Helen : That’s agreeable. But before writing her name on this proposal, let’s ask her permission. I’m gonna call her. Well, if she’s agree, then our group consists of me, you, and Sandra. Deal?

Laura : Deal.


Mike : What are you doing now, Ivan?

Ivan : I’m going on line on Facebook and Twitter. Are you also on line?

Mike : Yes, I am. I’m on line on MSN, Yahoo Messenger, Skype and MySpace.

Ivan : But do you think the internet connection is quite slow now? It takes long time to download an MP3 or MP4. I almost broke my own laptop since I was so annoyed a month ago.

Mike : Yes, I do. I have no idea about the error about a month ago. I had to look for some spots to get a good connection. Even the provider I usually used in my modem and I guessed the best for connection didn’t work at all. But now, it’s better than the one a month ago.

Ivan : Why don’t you want to create an account on Facebook or Twitter?

Mike : First, having those four social networks are enough. Second, I’m just a little bit lazy to follow the procedure to create an account on Facebook and Twitter.

Ivan : You’ll like Facebook and Twitter as long as you have them.

Mike : Could you make me the accounts of those two social networks?

Ivan : Of course. What about the password?

Mike : As you like it. But after the accounts are ready to use. Let me know the password by your own. Next, I’ll change by myself.

Ivan : Okay. Wait for a moment because I’m having fun with my Facebook friends.

Mike : Me too. I’m getting attractive conversation on Yahoo Messenger.

Ivan : Mike, do you always allow your friends to view your camera?

Mike : It depends on. If there is an interesting girl, then I’m gonna let her to view my camera. But if there’s no interesting partner, then I’m gonna switch off the camera. What about you?

Ivan : Should I tell you honestly?

Mike : You should.

Ivan : To be honest, I’m shy to view my face on camera.


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Mike : Haha. Why?

Ivan : To be honest, I think I look ugly on camera.

Mike : You mean you’re not photogenic.

Ivan : Perhaps, in other words.

Mike : Well, that’s your problem. What can I say?

Ivan : And are you often to ask your chatting partner to meet and go out together?

Mike : Sometimes. I even asked a girl to meet me at a bar. She was my partner on Yahoo Messenger. She was hot. But, that’s all. She was just a friend for me.

Ivan : I want to do the same. Now, there’s a cute girl on Facebook asking me to meet. But, I’m afraid if she’s disappointed with me.

Mike : My! You’re not confident, are you?

Ivan : Yes, I am.

Mike : Listen, Buddy. You’re who you are. You’re the one in the world. Though you think you’re ugly, but your ugliness is unique. I can’t even be as ugly as you.

Ivan : Come on, Mike. You’re handsome and cool. Almost girls like you from the first time they meet you.

Mike : You’re wrong. I was ever attracted to a sweet girl. I approached her and asked her number. She gave it to me after chatting for some times. But when I asked her for a date, she rejected me. If that only happened one time, that was okay. But that happened for 5 times.

Ivan : What? Hahahahahahaha

Mike : Yes, I’m serious. She rejected me for many times. I asked her via text to know her reason for rejecting me. She told me that I was cool, but he needed a warm person who could make her laugh or entertained.

Ivan : Hmm, do you know the news about her?

Mike : Yes, I do. The latest information I got weeks ago, she’s engaged with her kindergarten friend. For your information, from face, you’re better than her fiance. Believe in me.

Ivan : Really?

Mike : Yes, I promise you. I ever saw her fiance. So, be confident in looking for a girlfriend.

Ivan : I’ll try. Okay, now I’ll keep on approaching this cute girl on Facebook.

Mike : As you like it.


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Mike : Al, could you help me?

Alex : What can I do for you?

Mike : Tomorrow, I’m going to face job interview at G*maya Tower Hotel.

Alex : What kind of position do you apply?

Mike : As a financial manager.

Alex : Manager? You’re a fresh graduate. But you dare apply that position.

Mike : Why not?

Alex : Have you ever worked before concerned with financial field?

Mike : Yes, I have. I ever worked as an accountant at SoLar (Sonic Cellular) for a year. Besides, I was a financial staff at Matah*ri Department Store for half a year.

Alex : Back to the topic, what can I do for you then?

Mike : Be my partner in role play. You’ll be my HRD manager (Human Resource Department Manager) and I’ll be myself who faces the interview tomorrow.

Alex : Fine.


HRD Manager : Please, to be seated.

Mike : Thanks

HRD Manager : Please introduce yourself in short.

Mike : My name is Mike Sinatra. I am a fresh graduate from Faculty of Economy, Central Java University, majoring in Finance Management.

HRD Manager : What about your Grade Point Average?

Mike : My GPA is 3,41.

HRD Manager : Do you have any job experience? Tell me.

Mike : Yes, I do. I worked as an accountant at Sonic Cellular for a year. Besides, I was a financial staff at Matah*ri Department Store for half a year.

HRD Manager : What will you do for developing the financial development of this hotel for it is a five-star hotel?

Mike : First of all, I always watch the balance between credit and debit. Secondly, me and my team concern with the outcome whether it creates good impact for the hotel or not, especially


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for the pleasure of our clients. Thirdly, me and my team pay attention to the welfare for our employees. If the employees are prosperous when they work here, they will give their best and they will be loyal for it.

HRD Manager : What will you do for making the third program?

Mike : I keep the standarized salary, in this case I mean net salary. There’s no decrease, but there should be increase of salary.

HRD Manager : If there will be a monetary crisis, do you still keep the standarized salary?

Mike : Yes, I do. I keep it, but I’m going to think about pending of cutting some allowances. If there’s no need for it, then I will decrease the amount of each allowance. It depends on the need and the condition of our hotel finance. In short, I’ll pay a lot of attention to our hotel cash flow.

HRD Manager : Hmm, I see. How much salary do you expect per month?

Mike : IDR 3.000.000

HRD Manager : Okay. Me and my team will consider the salary you’ve mentioned. I think it’s enough. In a week, you’ll know the result.

Mike : Well then, Sir. I look forward to hearing from you.


Laura : Cleo, I need to talk to you.

Cleo : Fine. Just look for comfortable place.

Laura : I think this place is comfortable.

Cleo : That’s for you. Not for me.

Laura : Yeah for bar is your favorite place.

Cleo : Shut up, Laura, or I never share information about discount anymore. Follow me to FEE coffee shop.

Laura : Right.


Cleo : What’s up? Is there any party invitation?

Laura : All you can think is just party.

Cleo : I am a party-goer. Everybody knows, I think.

Laura : So, we have to plan a birthday party for my friend, Helen. She’s going to welcome her birthday.


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Cleo : I know her. But, I’m not really close to her.

Laura : She’s a sweet girl. I want you to make a sweet party.

Cleo : Let me think about it. Give me a week.

Laura : It’s too long. Her birthday is in three days.

Cleo : What? Why did you tell me so last minute?

Laura : I think it’s so easy for you to set a party.

Cleo : It is, if I’m not really busy. You know that I am super busy, don’t you?

Laura : So?

Cleo : Meet me tonight at 7 p.m. in my house. Before that, tell me the budget for this party.

Laura : I’m gonna pay for it. I have 3 million. I want you to make a sweet party that will be attended by 20 until 30 people. That’s all.

Cleo : Fine. Well, drink the coffee and let’s go to our class.


At 7 p.m in Cleo’s House

Cleo : Let me tell you about the plan. I have booked FEE coffee shop for the party next three days and the manager promised me a discount when I called him a couple hours ago. Next, how old will she be?

Laura : She’ll be 20 years old.

Cleo : The theme will be “Twenty Sweety”. That party can be attended about 30 people. The food and beverage cost IDR 50.000 per person. IDR 50.000 times 30 persons is IDR 1.500.000. The decoration including Birthday Organizer costs IDR 500.000. The photography needs IDR 500.000. Everything is in high quality. Don’t worry. And, one thing for sure, you have to pay me just IDR 500.000 for I will be the MC. So the total amount is the same as you wish, IDR 3.000.000.

Laura : You’re my friend. You still require payment from me. Eww!!

Cleo : Friend is friend. Money is money. Be professional.


Mike : Al, do you have leisure time to accompany me?

Alex : What are we going to do?

Mike : I want to buy a new cellphone. My previous cellphone was in trouble. It had a lot of errors.


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Alex : Okay. I’ll accompany you.


Alex : What is your favorite brand of cellphone?

Mike : I have two choices; iPh*ne and Bl*ckberry.

Alex : Which one will you prefer?

Mike : I’m still confused.

Alex : iPh*ne or Bl*ckberry has a lot of types. What about your budget?

Mike : I have IDR 4.000.000.

Alex : Wow, you have a lot of cash.

Mike : Haha, that’s my saving in the bank. I’ve been saving my money since I was in Senior High School.

Alex : Well, back to topic, what will you plan to do with your latest cellphone? In short, what kind of feature do you need from a cellphone?

Mike : First, I want to text and call well with no error. I don’t want to hear breaking-up voice. Second, I can be on line and browse many websites, especially social networks. Third, I like to catch or take a picture of something attractive or unique, then I need cellphone with good camera.

Alex : What about BBM or Bl*ckberry Messenger?

Mike : I often hear that BBM can save our money instead of buying credits for cellphone.

Alex : So? Are you interested?

Mike : I am.

Alex : If so, I think Bl*ckberry Torch fits you well. It has good quality for camera. Besides, it’s portable, trendy, and functional fulfilling your needs.

Mike : Let’s go to the shop.


Sales Boy 1 : What can I do for you?

Alex : We’re looking for Bl*ckberry Torch.

Sales Boy 1 : Here it is.

Mike : How much is it?

Sales Boy 1 : It’s IDR 3.750.000.


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Alex : Could you please give us cheaper price?

Sales Boy 1 : Ok. That would be IDR 3.700.000

Alex : Is that fixed? Can’t you make it IDR 3.500.000?

Sales Boy 1 : That’s fixed. With the price, you get everything in complete.

Alex : Ok. Thanks for the information, but we will look around.

Sales Boy 1 : It doesn’t matter.

Alex : Mike, let’s take a look.

Mike : Ok.


Sales Boy 2 : Is there anything I can do for you?

Alex : Yes, we’re interested in Bl*ckberry Torch. Can you show us?

Sales Boy 2 : Certainly. A moment, please.

Alex : Yes.


Sales Boy 2 : Here it is.

Alex : How does it cost?

Sales Boy 2 : It’s IDR 3.800.000.

Alex : Make it cheaper please.

Sales Boy 2 : Sorry, it’s fixed.

Alex : What are the colors of it?

Sales Boy 2 : Black and white.

Alex : Mike, which one do you like? The black or the white one?

Mike : I think the black one.

Alex : Are you sure that you don’t wanna give us discount?

Sales Boy 2 : I’m sure. It can be bargained.

Alex : Hmm... let me discuss with my friend.

Sales Boy 2 : Please.


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Mike : I think I like the first shop. The price was cheaper and the sales boy was more friendly than the second.

Alex : You’re absolutely right. Let’s move to the first shop.


Alex : Look at your face in the mirror. It won’t lie that now your face is really ugly. Haha

Koko : Thanks for your compliment, Al.

Alex : What’s up?

Koko : As usual. It’s our problem in the end of the month. We have to skimp and stop buying unimportant thing. My pocket is almost empty. I almost have no cash.

Alex : Me too. What about cooking in the boarding house till we get the cash from our parents?

Koko : Great idea. So who will go to market to buy something to eat?

Alex : Both of us. I don’t wanna go there by myself.

Koko : We will be like a homo couple if we go there together.

Alex : Eww! Do you expect us to be a couple? Sorry, I am straight and I have Helen.

Koko : Hahahaha, how do you know that I expect it? Nope, that’s just a joke. Okay, we’ll go together. It’s better if I make a list of things we’ll buy. You think about it and I’m gonna write.

Alex : All right. We have to buy rice, instant noodles, chicken nuggets, and oil to fry. That’s all.

Koko : What about vegetables? I should eat vegetables in a day.

Alex : But can you make vegetables to be good food? It needs a lot of spices. I don’t wanna do it. Besides, I have no idea about the taste if I push myself to do that.

Koko : So do I.

Alex : So, don’t vegetables for a week.

Koko : Okay.

Alex : Are you ready for cooking?

Koko : I am.



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Mike : Guys, great news. I am accepted to be a financial manager at G*maya Tower Hotel.

Alex : Congratulation, Mike.

Koko : I won’t congratulate you if you don’t treat me breakfast, lunch, and dinner for a week.

Ivan : Come on. Make it a month.

Mike : You’ll make me poor. I won’t save my money if I do that. I have to save money for proposing a girl and marrying her.

Koko : Oh my! What can I say?

Ivan : You should say romantic, I think.

Koko : Eww! I am not kinda person who thinks that marriage is important.

Alex : You mean you will be a bachelor for good?

Koko : If I haven’t found my dream girl, then I won’t be married.

Alex : Oh-oh! Are you sure?

Ivan : Tell me your dream girl.

Koko : A woman like Kate M*ddleton, Prince W*lliam’s wife.

Mike, Alex and Ivan: Hahahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Koko : What’s wrong? I am an optimistic person.

Mike : Keep your head down.

Alex : Keep being normal, Koko.

Ivan : I wish I didn’t hear anything.

Koko : You all are three f*cking musketeers.

Mike, Alex and Ivan: Hahahahahahahahahahahahaha

Alex : You are a musketeer. At least, we are realistic, while you’re not.

Mike : Well then, I have decided. For today is Sunday, at first we’ll go to Water Boom this morning. Then we’ll go to Cinema 21 to watch the latest movie up there. Lastly, we’ll have dinner together. All are free for three of you. I’ll treat you.



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Wulan : Hi, Girls. Our boarding house is quite dirty. Let’s clean it up.

Ayu : Oh, come on. It’s just 07.15 in the morning on Saturday.

Wulan : So what?

Ayu : I want to wake up late.

Wulan : You can do that tomorrow. We clean our boarding house in twice a month only. It isn’t every week.

Ayu : Okay, okay. Let me drink a glass of milk.

Wulan : Fine. Now, I’m gonna wake our other friends.


Wulan : Knock, knock, Helen. Wake up.

Helen : Hmm...

Wulan : Be quick. Or I’m gonna call your boyfriend, Alex.

Helen : What?

Wulan : Hence, wake up. We’re gonna clean our boarding house. Open the door now.

Helen : Wait for a moment. I’m here.

Wulan : Good for you. Tonight, when Alex comes, he’ll be comfortable to stay in our boarding house.

Helen : Whatever you say, I’ll go to the restroom first.

Wulan : Fine. I’m gonna wake Ulfa and Vicky up.


Wulan : Okay, everybody. Good morning.

Helen, Ulfa, Vicky, Ayu : Good morning.

Wulan : Now, we’ll clean our boarding house. I have planned the job for each person. Helen, you must clean the front yard, terrace and living room.

Helen : All right.

Wulan : Ulfa, you’ll make up the room for watching. Vicky, you’ll clean the kitchen. Ayu, you’ll clean the garage and backyard. And I’ll clean the restroom. Is there any question?

Vicky : No. Everything is fair.

Ayu : No question.


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Ulfa : No. The instruction is really clear. But the information about food is not clear.

Wulan : What do you mean?

Ulfa : It sounds very nice, if there are some snacks and drinks when we’re cleaning the boarding house.

Wulan : My!

Ulfa : I have stomach disorder. It isn’t good for me to be late in eating.

Ayu : That’s just a reason. The fact is that you love snacking.

Wulan : Quiet please! Let me buy the food, but you should give me money for that.

Ulfa : Only me?

Wulan : Yes. There’s no one here asking for meals, but you.

Vicky : Don’t mumble too much. Divide the outcome for buying the food into 5. Don’t waste too much time. Here it is the money for all you need to buy. Hope it’s enough. Then after this, you all have to pay me back. Got it?

Ulfa, Ayu, Helen : Got it.

Wulan : Fine. I’m gonna buy the meals.


Ayu : Girls, this week there will be long weekend. It’s about three days.

Wulan : We know.

Ayu : I’m gonna go back to my hometown. It will be exciting to meet mom, dad, and my younger sister.

Ulfa : Going back to your hometown is easy for you because you just take an hour to get there. While, I have to take six hours.

Wulan : I just take about an hour.

Ayu : Are you sure? You’re from Padang, aren’t you? It’s far away from Semarang.

Wulan : Haha, because I usually use plane for going home.

Ulfa : You mean you plan to go there this weekend?

Wulan : Nope.

Ayu : But why?


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Wulan : The ticket for plane is kinda expensive thing. I can’t afford it every long weekend. I prefer saving my money to spending it for going there every weekend.

Ulfa : Thank God. I have some partners to stay here at our boarding house. I’m not alone.

Wulan : If I were you, then I would go back to my hometown.

Ulfa : Six hours are kinda long duration for a trip. Moreover, it will be worse if I take a bus when I’m not in a good condition. I’ll be dizzy. Even I throw up.

Ayu : That may be boring and tiring as well.

Ulfa : Very.

Ayu : So, I’ll be the only one girl from our boarding house who goes back hometown.

Wulan : What about Vicky and Helen?

Ayu : I haven’t known yet. But I think Vicky will work and Helen will be busy with her activities. She’s an active girl.

Wulan : Yeah, we know. Anyway, don’t forget special food from your hometown for us.

Ayu : Well, I don’t promise it.

Ulfa : When will you go there?

Ayu : Now is morning at 08.17 a.m. Perhaps I’ll go at 11.00 a.m.

Wulan : Have you booked the ticket?

Ayu : I’ll go there by my motorcycle.

Wulan : What? You’re really brave. If I were you, then I couldn’t stand it.

Ayu : I am used to that. Besides, it’s practical and safe for my pocket money. It’s so easy for me to freed myself from heavy traffic.

Ulfa : You’re right. But, be careful because it’s long weekend. The traffic will be crowded.

Ayu : I’ll be careful. Don’t worry. Well, I’ll go packing and taking a shower.


Wulan : Ulfa, you look pale. Are you okay?

Helen : Wulan’s right.

Ulfa : Really? It may be because of the lack of sleeping. Let’s watch together.



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Ulfa is suddenly unconscious and falls down on the floor when she’s going to get a glass of mineral water in the kitchen.

Helen : OMG, Ulfa is unconscious.

Wulan : My! She faints. Let me hold her into her bedroom.

Helen : Okay, I’m gonna take maleleuca oil to stimulate her consciousness.


Helen : Here it is; maleleuca oil. Make it closer to her nostrils. I think she’s getting low blood pressure. What do you think?

Wulan : That may be right. Besides, she’s a little bit stressed because of thinking about a lot of assignment from campus.

Helen : Look at her. She moves. She wakes up. Oh, thank God.


Ulfa : What happened to me?

Wulan : You fell down on the floor when you went to kitchen.

Helen : What actually are you feeling now?

Ulfa : Actually I’m getting a terrible gastric ulcer. I’m not confident with my fat body. I want to reduce my weight by doing diet.

Helen : What? I never think that you’re so silly.

Wulan : Neither do I.

Ulfa : My friends at campus always tell me that I’m fat. Fat for them means ugliness.

Helen : And you think that you’re?

Ulfa : Yes.

Wulan : Well, Ulfa. What do you want to eat now? You should eat something.

Ulfa : I just wanna drink something with sweet taste.

Helen : Please buy her chicken porridge after you make a glass of sweet hot tea.

Wulan : Fine.


Wulan : Here it is, a glass of sweet hot tea.


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Helen : Can you wake up and lean on the edge of your bed, Ulfa?

Ulfa : Yes, I can.

Helen : Drink it as long as it’s warm.

Ulfa : Mmmmm.... it tastes so good. Thanks, Wulan and Helen.

Wulan : Anyway, I’m going to buy chicken porridge outside. Do you want to entrust other things, Helen?

Helen : Medicine for reducing Ulfa’s ulcer. What do you usually drink, Ulfa?

Ulfa : It’s M*lanta.

Helen : In tablet or liquid?

Ulfa : Liquid.

Wulan : Is that all?

Helen : Yes, that is. Thanks a lot, Wulan.

Wulan : Anytime.


Ulfa : This chicken porridge is really delicious.

Wulan : I’m happy to see you eat.

Helen : How many hours did you fast for the sake of diet?

Ulfa : About 12 hours. I just drank mineral water.

Wulan : D*mn silly.

Ulfa : Haha, I just tried to be better in appearance.

Helen : At least now your face is kinda reddish, not pale. Now I think it’s better if you take a nap and get some rest.

Ulfa : Okay. Once again, thanks a lot for your help, buddies.

Helen and Wulan: With pleasure.



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Frida : Hi, Al.

Alex : Hi. What’s up?

Frida : Er... are you planning to go out with somebody after this class?

Alex : I don’t really know. Till now, I have no plan.

Frida : It’s still afternoon and I am a little bit hungry, but I don’t wanna eat heavy food. I want the light one. What about having tea time or coffee break together at FEE coffee shop?

Alex : Ok. But let me call someone for a while.

Frida : Fine.


Waitress: What do you wanna order?

Frida : Al, just choose. I’m gonna treat you.

Alex : No need to do that.

Frida : I’m serious.

Alex : A glass of iced espresso.

Waitress: Ok. What about the snack?

Alex : No, thanks.

Frida : I order a glass of iced green tea and a plate of sultan cake.

Waitress: Is that all? Okay, I’ll read your orders once more. A glass of iced espresso, a glass of green tea and a plate of sultan cake.

Frida : True.

Waitress: Please wait at least 15 minutes.

Frida : No problem.


Frida : What are you thinking of, Al?

Alex : Nothing. I’m just a little bit sleepy.

Frida : After drinking coffee you’re gonna be fresh.

Alex : I hope so.

Frida : Do you like coffee?


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Alex : Yes, I do.

Frida : Do you drink it everyday?

Alex : Yes.

Frida : How many times do you drink it in a day?

Alex : Twice or three times I think.

Frida : I like tea better than coffee.

Alex : Where is Eddy?

Frida : I saw him get out of the class soon after it finished.

Alex : Hmm. Should I call him?

Frida : What for?

Alex : For being with us.

Frida : I think you shouldn’t. Al, how long have you been in a relationship with Helen?

Alex : I beg your pardon.

Frida : I want to know about it.

Alex : Is there any correlation with you?

Frida : Hmm... yes... yes, there is.

Alex : What do you mean?

Frida : Hmm... I like you, Al.

Alex : Haha! That’s so funny.

Frida : I’m not giving a joke now. I’m serious. I like you and I want to know whether you have the same feeling as me.

Alex : Frida... you know that I’ve been in love with Helen for these 3 years, don’t you?

Frida : And in these three years, you have no special feeling to me.

Alex : You’ve said that.

Frida : What is the special thing of Helen that I don’t have?

Alex : Should I answer?

Frida : Yes, you should. Yes, you should. You should.

Waitress : The orders are coming. Oops, am I disturbing you?


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Frida : It’s fine. No problem.

Waitress : Please enjoy.


Alex : I should go now.

Frida : You haven’t answered my question.

Alex : I just can say that I don’t get crush on you. But I get it on Helen. Bye.

Frida : ....


Cleo : Hello, Mom. How are you?

Mom : So-so.

Cleo : What’s up?

Mom : I am not really healthy. I am getting cold.

Cleo : Where is dad?

Mom : Dad is still working at office.

Cleo : Have you checked your health to a doctor, Mom?

Mom : Yes, I have. The doctor said that I had to be relaxed and get some rest.

Cleo : What makes you stressful?

Mom : I’m stressful, Cleo.

Cleo : But dad told me that you were under pressure to think about Angela’s wedding party.

Mom : That’s normal. Angela is your sister. She’s my first daughter who is about to get married. I want an impressive wedding party.

Cleo : Oh come on, Mom. You know Angela’s fiance handles every tiny thing of that wedding party. I know the wedding organizer he ordered. Believe me that everything is gonna be all right.

Mom : I don’t really believe in Angela’s fiance. He’s kinda forgetful person.

Cleo : Mom, all you need to do is to believe the performance of the wedding organizer. He really knows his own weakness. That’s why he ordered the wedding organizer to arrange that party.

Mom : Whatever you say. Please don’t talk to me in a fussy way.


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Cleo : Mom, I’m not fussy. I just want you to take a deep breath and don’t think about something in a serious way. That isn’t nice for your own self.

Mom : Okay. When will you come here?

Cleo : Tomorrow evening at 7.00 p.m.

Mom : Mom and dad will pick you up.

Cleo : Fine. That would be nice. Well, Mom. I’ve got to go. There’s something to do.

Mom : Okay. See you soon, Cleo.

Cleo : Yes, Mom. Wait, wait... don’t hang up the phone please.

Mom : What’s up? Anything else?

Cleo : Say hello to Angela and dad.

Mom : Sure. Is that all?

Cleo : Yes. That’s all. Bye, Mom.

Mom : See you soon, Cleo.

Cleo : See you.


Koko calls Mike and Alex but both of them don’t pick up the phone. So, he tries to call Ivan. It’s picked.

Koko : Ivan, where are you now?

Ivan : In the boarding house. What’s up?

Koko : Help me, please. I get flat tyre.

Ivan : Where are you? I’m about 5 kilometers from our boarding house. I was about to go to post office to post a letter for my mom.

Koko : Have you found a workshop to repair your tyre?

Ivan : Yes, I have. But the mechanic said that it’s better for me to buy new tyre for my tyre has not been safe anymore.

Koko : And?

Ivan : I don’t bring enough money for buying tyre. Can you come here and lend me some money?

Koko : All right.


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Ivan : Koko, thanks for coming. It means a lot to me.

Koko : That’s what a friend’s for. Here is the money you need. Where did you get flat tyre?

Ivan : Over there. About three blocks from here.

Koko : Where is the mechanic?

Ivan : There he is.

Koko : What happened with his tyre?

Mechanic : It seems that he often gets flat tyre. The tyre has a lot of patches. If you don’t believe it, you may take a look at that by yourself.

Koko : I believe so.

Ivan : Okay, I’m gonna pay the price for the new tyre.

Koko : How much is it?

Mechanic : It’s IDR 30.000

Ivan : Can I bargain?

Mechanic : Sorry, that’s fixed.

Ivan : Okay. Here is the money. Is my motorcycle ready to use? Have you fixed the new tyre well?

Mechanic : Yes, it is. Yes, I have.

Ivan : Thank God. I’m so happy.


Alex : Helen, your Healthy Pudding (HP) runs well, right?

Helen : Right.

Alex : We’re going to graduate soon from this university. What will you do after graduating? Are you seriously running your healthy pudding with Laura and Sandra?

Helen : Yes, we’re planning to build small restaurant around this university. Surely, that wouldn’t be far from our faculty. Laura’s parents give us financial assistance in this case. Three of us will entrepreneurs.

Alex : Since when have you been thinking about this restaurant?


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Helen : Since Laura told me for the first time. But I have realized that I want to be an entrepreneur since I was in Senior High School. I have to create job field. I have to be independent in my career. So, I’m not really dependent on a director, a chief and so on. What about you?

Alex : I’m not really sure. In mind now there is only a thing I can do now. I live now; every second, every minute, every hour of now. I really believe in the power of now.

Helen : But you have a dream job, don’t you?

Alex : Yes.

Helen : What’s that?

Alex : When I was a kid, I wanted to be a doctor. When I was in Junior High School, I wanted to be a pilot. Now, I want to be an architect. A couple days ago, I got a call from a company outside Semarang. That was from a big gallery in Bali. That gallery is interested in the design of my imaginative gallery. The basic character of my gallery design is artistically asymmetric.

Helen : You must be happy.

Alex : I am happy. Because the owner of the gallery promised me to employ me there as soon as I graduate. But ...

Helen : What?

Alex : What will happen with our relationship?

Helen : There’s nothing changing, but the distance.

Alex : Are you ready with long distance relationship?

Helen : I’m ready. As long as we’re still in love surely.

Alex : I believe in the power of now. Yet, concerned with our relationship, I don’t only use the power of now, but also the power of future.

Helen : Haha, you’re so sweet.

Alex : I’m serious. I want you to be my future.

Helen : Thanks a lot. I’m so grateful. But let it flow like a water flow. If we’re meant to be, then we’ll be together now and then.

Alex : I hope that so much.