
AssalamualaikumWr.Wb. Welcome to tangent training of management student scientific center 2014 The Honorable the chief SSC 2014 Yang Terhormat …. The Honorable the chief of tangent committee Yang Terhormat …. The Honorable and all of the audience in this room …(hadirin sekalian) First of all let’s say thanks to the almighty Allah SWT who giving us the mercy and blessing until we can attend in this happy place and time to follow tangent without any obstacles. Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan pujisyukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan berkat dan rahmat-Nya sehingga kita dapat hadir untuk mengikuti seminar “…….” Tanpa halangan suatu apapun. Shalawat and salam always be abundant to our prophet Muhammad SAW who guide us from the darkness and foolishness to the brightness and better era in the world, and hope we can get his help(aid/syafaat)the day of judgement(kiamat). Shalawat serta salam selalu tercurah limpahkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi agung Muhammad SAW yang telah membimbing kita dari jaman jahiliyah ke zaman yang lebih baik seperti sekarang ini, semoga kita mendapat syafaatnya di yaumilakhir nanti. Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the let us say thanks for your attendance with your high spirit which making the atmosphere of this event be warm and cheerful .Here I’m Mesi Widiastuti and my partner Muhammad Afif will guide the running of this event today.

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Post on 15-Jul-2016




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Page 1: MC-ING


Welcome to tangent training of management student scientific center 2014

The Honorable the chief SSC 2014

Yang Terhormat ….

The Honorable the chief of tangent committee

Yang Terhormat ….

The Honorable and all of the audience in this room …(hadirin sekalian)

First of all let’s say thanks to the almighty Allah SWT who giving us the mercy and blessing until we can attend in this happy place and time to follow tangent without any obstacles.

Pertama-tama marilah kita panjatkan pujisyukur kehadirat Allah SWT yang telah memberikan berkat dan rahmat-Nya sehingga kita dapat hadir untuk mengikuti seminar “…….” Tanpa halangan suatu apapun.

Shalawat and salam always be abundant to our prophet Muhammad SAW who guide us from the darkness and foolishness to the brightness and better era in the world, and hope we can get his help(aid/syafaat)the day of judgement(kiamat).

Shalawat serta salam selalu tercurah limpahkan kepada junjungan kita Nabi agung Muhammad SAW yang telah membimbing kita dari jaman jahiliyah ke zaman yang lebih baik seperti sekarang ini, semoga kita mendapat syafaatnya di yaumilakhir nanti.

Ladies and gentlemen welcome to the let us say thanks for your attendance with your high spirit which making the atmosphere of this event be warm and cheerful .Here I’m Mesi Widiastuti and my partner Muhammad Afif will guide the running of this event today.

Hadirin yang terhormat, selamat datang di seminar “………..”, kami ucapkan terimakasih bergabung bersama kami dengan penuh semangat menghadiri workshop ini sehingga membuat ruangan ini menjadi lebih hangat, ceria dan asyik.Saya GA dan rekan saya DA akan memandu jalannya acara pada pagihari ini.

As the master of ceremony,let us explain the schedule of this event:

Perkenankan kami sebagai pembawa acara untuk membacakan susunan acara pada pagihari ini:

First, openingSecond, read the holy Al-QuranThird, speechFourth,delivery of the matter

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fifth, prayAnd the last is closing

Ladies and gentlemen, those are our agenda in this workshop, now we are going to the first agenda, it is the opening. Let’s open today this workshop by saying basmalah together Bissmilahirohmannirohim. Thank you. May Allah SWT makes our agenda run well. Amin .

Hadirin yang terhormat, demikian susunan acara kita pada pagi hari ini. Marilah kita buka acara pada pagi hari ini dengan membaca basmalah bersama-sama. Bissmilahirohmannirohim. Terimakasih. Semoga Allah SWT mengijinkan acara pada pagihari ini dapat berjalan dengan lancar.

For the second agenda is reading holy Al-Quran that will be read by mr.B. the stage is yours.

Acara yang kedua adalah pembacaan Ayat suci Al Qur’an oleh “…..”.Kepada “….” Kami persilakan.

Thank you Mr.B,that was reading holy Al-Quran, may it will be useful for reader and whose listened.

The third agenda is speech. The first speech will be delivered by the chief of tangent committee, for Pradita Ajeng the floor is yours.

Thanks for the speech. The second speech is the chief of SSC and and be expected with pleasure to open the event. Dwi Fahmi Ilmiawan, the floor is yours. Thank you for being pleasure to open the event.

Ladies and gentlemen the fourth agenda is giving of the material,……….. Before it,let me to read cv of moderator. ………………..“……….” The stage is yours.

The next agenda is read a pray by “…….”.for “……..” the stage is yours.

Thanks.The last agenda is closing, let’s close this event with say hamdalah together. Alhamdulillahirobbil’alamin….That’s all.Well, as MC we are begging an apologize from all of you and wallahumuwafiqillaaqwamithoriq. Wassalamu’alaikumwr.wb