manajemen strategik #1 rudy suryanto, se.,m.acc.,ak.,ca

MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK #1 Rudy Suryanto, SE.,M.Acc.,Ak.,CA

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Page 1: MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK #1 Rudy Suryanto, SE.,M.Acc.,Ak.,CA


Rudy Suryanto, SE.,M.Acc.,Ak.,CA

Page 2: MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK #1 Rudy Suryanto, SE.,M.Acc.,Ak.,CA


• Membahas cara-cara yang ditempuh perusahaan atau organisasi untuk mencapai tujuan jangka panjang

• Manajemen strategik bisa diterapkan di perusahaan besar, instansi pemerintah, organisasi nirlaba, kawasan/desa dan start-up (perusahaan pemula)

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Strategi dan Fungsi lain



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1. Business Sensing2. Creative Thinking3. Business Creation4. Business Development / Functional Integration5. Collaboration6. Coaching7. Run the Business8. Business evaluation9. Extended/Exit Strategy

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Business Sensing

1. Bagaimana membaca peluang?2. Melakukan analisa eksternal dan internal

untuk membaca peluang?3. Melakukan value chain analysis untuk

menghitung profitabilitas dan melihat peluang

4. Menggunakan strategic canvass / blue ocean strategy?

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Creative Thinking

1. Bagaimana memunculkan keunikan dan keunggulan (sustainability competitive advantage)

2. Melakukan observasi dan brain storming (keberanian dan kemampuan mengemukakan gagasan)

3. Berpikir kritis

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Business Creation

1. Menggunakan Business Model Generation untuk menyusun model bisnis

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Business Development

1. Membuat business plan2. Membuat anggaran 3. Menggunakan pendekatan Balanced Scorecard

(BSC)4. Melakukan integrasi fungsi keuangan,

pemasaran, operasional dan SDM5. Menentukan indikator perusahaan dan

masing-masing bidang untuk memudahkan pengukuran

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1. Mencari mitra / partner 2. Membahas model-model kerjasama

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1. Menyusun SOP 2. Melatih staff melaksanakan SOP

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Run the Business

1. Menjalankan bisnis

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Business evaluation

1. Menyusun laporan keuangan2. Melakukan analisa laporan keuangan untuk

melakukan evaluasi strategi 3. Melakukan analisa balanced scorecard untuk

melihat area-area perbaikan

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Extended/Exit Strategy

1. Melakukan replikasi bisnis2. Melakukan perubahan strategi

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IV-2 Evaluates an entity’s strategies IV-2.1 Understands the entity’s strategic plan and planning processes

Level B • Communicates the goals and objectives of strategy development • Understands and explains the critical components of an effective

strategic plan, e.g., vision, mission, critical success factors, ethical considerations

• Understands and assesses the need for different types of strategies to support the entity’s mission, vision and objectives, e.g., finance, IT, taxation, human resources, marketing

• Identifies missing elements of the entity’s strategic plan

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V-2.2 Gains an understanding of the entity’s mission, vision and strategies Level B • Gains an understanding of the connection between the

entity’s mission, vision and strategies and its operating environment

• Identifies any inconsistency between the stated mission, vision and strategies and the entity’s operating environment and decision-making processes

• Explains the important role of the mission, vision and strategies to an entity that does not have them

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IV-2.3 Identifies and evaluates opportunities and risks Level A • Identifies and evaluates significant risks and opportunities

associated with the entity’s external and internal environment • Assesses the entity’s stakeholders’ risk tolerance and its balance

with opportunity • Identifies and evaluates risks related to business process

modifications • Identify the need for change management • Identifies significant environmental shifts and assesses their

implications for the entity’s exposure to risk, its opportunities, and its capacity to fulfill its strategies

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IV-2.4 Identifies key elements of the entity’s value system Level B • Identifies the existence of tools such as a code of conduct, a code of

ethics, and training and reward systems used to communicate, reinforce, and renew the entity’s stated values

• Identifies the key components of corporate culture and the impact on the entity’s pursuit of its mission and strategies, e.g., tone of the entity’s leadership, human resources policies, management-union relationship, corporate social responsibility

• Evaluates, on a preliminary basis, the implications of these findings with regard to the entity’s pursuit of its mission and strategies

• Identifies signs of incongruence of either the mission and strategies or the policies and day-to-day operations with the stated ethical values

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IV-2.5 Evaluates the adequacy of the entity’s IT strategy Level B • Evaluates, on a preliminary basis, the suitability and alignment of the entity’s IT

strategy • Identifies, analyzes and discusses, on a preliminary basis, some of the key factors,

such as: • the efficiency and effectiveness of the entity’s IT solutions in meeting its IT needs

and in helping to solve common business problems, based on the entity’s overall strategy

• the manner in which the entity uses IT to obtain, create, disseminate information that helps achieve its various strategies

• the development of an appropriate IT structure, including committees to address the entity’s IT needs

• Suggests possible improvements to the entity’s existing IT strategy

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IV-2 Evaluates an entity’s strategies IV-2.6 Identifies the factors that impact the entity’s financial strategies • Level B • Understands the nature of capital markets and how they operate • Identifies the types of information required by the entity for its financial

decision-making • Identifies the general macro-economic factors that impact the various

strategies of the entity, e.g., domestic and international capital markets, inflation, political stability

• Explains, in general terms, the effect of macro-economic factors on the financial strategies of an organization

• Explains, in general terms, the effects of industry-specific issues on the financial strategies of the entity, e.g., the effects of its competitors’ or its suppliers’ businesses, sustainability

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• IV-2.7 Evaluates the entity’s performance measurement and reporting strategy

• Level A • Evaluates the entity’s approach to monitoring financial and

non-financial performance (external and internal, quantitative and qualitative)

• Evaluates the nature and timeliness of the entity’s distribution and use of information and the effects on financial and non-financial performance

• Evaluates the strategy’s adequacy in meeting the entity’s and its stakeholders’ needs and in meeting legal and regulatory requirements

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Definition of strategy Vision and mission Entity values Stakeholders External environment Internal environment

Strategic planning processes Goals and objectives of strategy development Components of a strategic plan

Key stakeholders of an entity and their roles Shareholders and lenders Suppliers Customers Employees Public interest

External influences on an entity’s strategy development Economy Competitive environment Social Political Technological

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• Internal influences on an entity’s strategy development Entity’s leadership

• Human resource policies • Industrial relations • Entity level controls (code of conduct, etc.) • Corporate culture

Page 24: MANAJEMEN STRATEGIK #1 Rudy Suryanto, SE.,M.Acc.,Ak.,CA

Professional Accountant

1. Functional Competencies2. Information Technology Competencies3. Broad Business Perspective Competencies 4. Personal Competencies5. Distinctive Competencies

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Broad Business Competencies

Strategic and Critical Thinking

System Analysis and Design

Strategic Information Management

Managerial Accounting

Performance Management Tool

Business System Development

Industry Perspective

Business Fundamental

Introduction to Enterprise Framework and Information Analysis

Financial Management I, II

Financial Reporting Analysis

International Perspective

Service Oriented Architecture

Enterprise Assets Management


Customer Relationship Management

Resource Management

Financial Management I, II

Marketing Management

Operation and Production Management

Enterprise Asset Management


Legal & Regulatory Perspective

Business and Environmental Law

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Functional Competencies

Decision modeling

Business Fundamental

Mathematics for Economics

Cost Accounting

Managerial Accounting

Performance Management Tools

Enterprise Asset Management

Risk analysis

Financial Statement Analysis

Financial Management I

Financial Management II

MeasurementAccounting Theory




Effective Communications

subject related to decision making support information


Statistics for Business

Research Methodology

Project Feasibility Study

Final Project

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Personal Competencies

Professional Demeanor

Business Ethics


Addapted to Workplace Team Effectiveness

Problem Solving and Decision Making

Subject related to decision making

Addapted to Workplace Team Effectiveness

Interaction Addapted to Workplace Team Effectiveness

Leadership Addapted to Workplace Team Effectiveness


Effective Communication


Addapted to Workplace Team Effectiveness

Project Management

Principles of Management

Project Feasibiliy Study

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Information Technology Competencies

Enterprise Resource Planning


IT Fundamental

Service Oriented Architecture


Relational Database Design & Implementation

Transaction Processing System

Principles Accounting I

Principles Accounting II

Intermediate Accounting

Advanced Accounting

End User OS Usage


Management Information System

Introduction to Strategic Information Management

Enterprise Assets Management


End User OS Usage

Customer Relationship Management

Decisions Support System


Introduction to Strategic Information Management

End User OS Usage

Expert System

Introduction to Strategic Information Management

End User OS Usage


Customer Relationship Management

Marketing Management

Introduction to Strategic Information Management


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1. Materi / Knowledge (4 kali Test)2. Technical Skills (2 kali penugasan)

1. Analytics : PEST, Michael Five Porter, Value Chain2. Framework : Business model generation,

Balanced Scorecard

3. Softskills (1 Proyek)1. Creative Thinking and Problem Solving2. Reporting skills 3. Communication skills

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