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  • 8/11/2019 JURNAL THT FITRI.docx



    Background: Many published epidemiologic studies confirm a marked increase in the prevalence of

    asthma and allergic rhinitis. The link between allergic rhinitis and asthma has been extensively

    studied and approximately 75% of patients with asthma have allergic rhinitis. The proportion of

    patients with asthma in populations of allergic rhinitis patients has not been well studied.

    Objective: The purpose of this study is to estimate the prevalence of undiagnosed asthma in a

    specific population of patients presenting to an Otolaryngologist with symptoms of allergic rhinitis.

    Study design: Prospective cohort study. Methods: Patients presenting with symptoms of allergic

    rhinitis to two tertiary care Rhinology practices in Northern Alberta were asked to undergo allergy

    skin testing, serum IgE quantification, and pulmonary functional testing. Patients with previous

    asthma screening or known history of reactive airway disease or asthma were excluded.

    Results: 107 patients with allergic rhinitis symptoms were recruited between September 2010 to

    January 2013. Patients predominantly had perennial or persistent rhinitis (64.5%) with moderate-

    severe symptoms (50.5%). While only 14.9% of patients had abnormal IgE levels, 68.8% had positiveskin testing. Abnormal pulmonary function tests were obtained in 39.1% of patients and 26.1% of

    patients were diagnosed with asthma.

    Conclusions: There is a high prevalence of undiagnosed asthma in patients presenting to tertiary

    Rhinology care with moderate to severe allergic rhinitis symptoms. Screening lung function testing

    should be considered in this patient population.


    Many published epidemiologic studies examining populations in Europe over the last few decadeshave confirmed a marked increase in the prevalence of asthma and allergic rhinitis [1-3]. One

    recently published study estimates that the overall prevalence of allergic rhinitis in the Canadian

    population is 20% with a high burden of disease, including limitations on lifestyle and poor symptom

    control [4]. Similarly, overall prevalence of asthma remains high in Canada. Direct costs of managing

    this chronic condition is increasing and it remains the number one cause of decreased productivity

    and missed work days [5]. The link between allergic rhinitis and asthma has been extensively studied

    [6]. Approximately 75% of patients with asthma have allergic rhinitis [7]. The proportion of patients

    with asthma in populations of allergic rhinitis patients has not been well studied, with small studies

    reporting ranges between 10 to 40% and no studies looking at this proportion in the Canadian

    populations [7-9]. Studies have also shown that allergic rhinitis has a major impact on asthma

    morbidity and that treating allergic rhinitis may also impact asthma control [10]. Several

    explanations for this close relationship prevail in the literature. At the forefront is the unified airway

    hypothesis, which states that both upper and lower airway allergic symptoms are manifestations of

    the same atopic disease [11]. Asthma and rhinitis share many pathophysiologic characteristics [12]

    and studies suggest that subclinical allergic inflammation is present in the lower airway of patients

    with allergic rhinitis [13]. Clinically, both allergic rhinitis and asthma are triggered by many of the

    same environmental allergens [14]. Furthermore, it is proposed that a loss of nasal function,

    presence of a nasobronchial reflex, and propagation of inflammation from the upper to the lower

    airways also contribute to combined nasal and airway inflammation

    [15].The current understanding of shared pathophysiology between allergic rhinitis and asthma

    prompted the World Health Organizations ARIA (Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma) to

    recommend asthma screening in patients with allergic rhinitis. Nonetheless, it is not current practiceby most Otolaryngology- Rhinology practitioners in Canada to order this screening routinely for

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    patients with symptoms consistent with allergic rhinitis. The purpose of this crosssectional study is

    to estimate the prevalence of undiagnosed asthma in a specific population of patients presenting to

    an Otolaryngologist with symptoms of allergic rhinitis.


    University of Alberta Research Ethics Board approval was obtained prior to commencement of study

    (Pro00032514).Adult patients (age 17 years of age) presenting to two Academic Otolaryngologists

    with rhinology practices at the University of Alberta with one or more symptoms of rhinitis were

    prospectively recruited between September 2010 and January 2013. Patients were diagnosed with

    allergic rhinitis if at least one symptom of nasal itching, sneezing, nasal obstruction, congestion,

    rhinorrhea, and/or hyposmia was present in association allergen exposure. Patients with

    concomitant diagnosis of chronic rhinosinusitis with or without polyposis were not excluded.

    Patients with known or previously diagnosed allergic asthma or reactive airway disease were

    excluded. Severities of nasal symptoms were categorized as intermittent versus persistent and mild

    versus moderate-severe in accordance with the WHO Allergic Rhinitis and its Impact on Asthma 2008Guidelines [http://www.whiar.org/Documents&Resources.php]. A four-point asthma-screening tool

    was also administered to each patient (Table 1). Recruited patients subsequentlyn underwent skin-

    prick specific IgE allergy testing, total serum IgE quantification, and pulmonaryfunction testing.

    Diagnosis of asthma was based on demonstration of reversible airway obstruction with

    bronchodilator administration as indicated by 12% increase in FVC (forced vital capacity) or FEV1

    (forced expiratory volume in one second). Severity of asthma on pulmonary function testing was

    classified by FEV1/FVC ratio according to standard ranges (http://www.ginasthma. org/). All data

    recorded were compared to norms based on age, gender, race, weight and height. All patients

    underwent testing at the same diagnostic laboratory. Results of testing were prospectively collected

    in a database.

    Risk factor analysis

    SPSS 20.0 was used for statistical analysis. Factors were examined for association with increased

    likelihood of asthma using Mantel-Haenszel tests followed by regression analysis using likelihood

    ratio tests. A significance level of p < 0.05 was used for all analysis.


    One hundred and seven patients were recruited during the study period (Figure 1 and Table 1). The

    majority of patients had persistent and moderate-severe symptoms of allergic rhinitis (Table 1) and

    17.8% of patients had clinical and/or radiographic evidence of chronic rhinosinusitis with or without

    polyposis.Almost 87% of patients responded yes to two or more questions from the Asthma

    Screening Tool (Figure 2).

    IgE-allergy skin testing

    68.8% of patients had positive IgE-specific skin testing (Table 2). On average, patients were

    sensitized to 3.5 allergens (Range 1 to 20). 20.0% of patients had negative skin-prick testing despite a

    history of environmental allergies.

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    Pulmonary function testing

    92 patients underwent pulmonary function testing with abnormalities found in 36 patients (39.1%).

    Of the abnormal results, 24 patients had a diagnosis of asthma (26.1%) based on diagnostic criteria

    outlined in Methods. The distribution of severity of asthma is shown in Table 3.

    Risk factor analysis

    Regression analysis failed to show any independent risk factors for increased risk of asthma

    diagnosis (Table 4).


    This study found a high rate of undiagnosed asthma in a population of patients with allergic rhinitis

    presenting to tertiary care Rhinology in Northern Alberta. The results of this study support the

    existing evidence for a strong association between asthma and allergic rhinitis. It also supports

    studies that have demonstrated AR as an independent risk factor for asthma [7]. To our knowledge,

    there are currently no other studies in the literature that examine the rate of undiagnosed asthma in

    allergic rhinitis patients. Also, no studies have examined, specifically, the value of asthma screening

    in this population despite recent ARIA guidelines, which recommended that persistent allergic

    rhinitis should be evaluated for asthma [16]. We found that 26.1% of patients in our cohort had

    asthma on pulmonary function testing. Majority of patients in our cohort were subsequently

    referred to Pulmonary Medicine for further management of their lowerairway disease. Although not

    all patients required immediate initiation of medical management, earlier detection of asthma

    potentially facilitates patient counseling and long-term management of their disease. In addition,

    substantial literature exists that demonstrate benefits of managing AR in patients with co-morbid

    asthma [17]. Our study failed to identify any specific risk factors for abnormal pulmonary function

    test results in patients with allergic rhinitis. Specifically, a family history of atopy, positive allergy skin

    testing and answers to the 4- point allergy-screening tool failed to predict likelihood of asthma.

    Some authors have suggested that a serum IgE level > 140 IU/ml may be predictive of atopic disease

    [18], while others have suggested lower limits or even limited utility [19, 20]. At our institution, a

    total IgE of greater than 120 IU/mL is considered abnormal, but this finding in our patients, while

    yielding an Odds Ratio of 2.667 with findings of asthma on PFT, failed to reach statistical significance.

    Further studies are necessary to examine other potential risk factors for increased likelihood asthma

    in AR patients such as duration of allergic rhinitis, geography, and respiratory sensitizer exposure.

    Admittedly, this is a cross-sectional study with a relatively small sampling of patients in Alberta and

    is highly selected the patients in our study had significant nasal complaints as demonstrated by a

    high proportion of patients with moderate-severe (50.5%) and persistent rhinitis (64.5%). This is in

    contrast to the mild symptoms seen in the general population who are likely managed by primary

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    care practitioners [21]. In addition, the study patients would benefit from observation for longer

    periods of time. It is possible that patients with initially normal PFTs may subsequently develop

    evidence of lower airway disease if followed over time. Finally, the overall prevalence of asthma in

    Canada varies between 5 and 10%, with Alberta reporting the highest rates in Canada of up to 10.2%

    [22, 23]. Thus, the results of our study may not be applicable to other regions. Similar studies from

    other centers in Canada would help clarify this question. Despite these limitations, the results of thisstudy remain useful to clinicians that treat patients with a spectrum of AR severity. It reinforces the

    fact that AR is not a trivial disease and should be managed aggressively to optimize progression of

    airway reactivity. In patients with persistent and severe disease, there is a high rate of undiagnosed,

    but clinically significant asthma and we feel this warrants consideration for increased asthma

    screening by practitioners who see allergic rhinitis patients. Future studies examining the cost-

    effectiveness of asthma screening in this population are necessary before widespread adoption.


    There is a high prevalence of undiagnosed asthma in patients presenting to tertiary Rhinology carewith moderate to severe allergic rhinitis symptoms. Screening lung function testing may be

    considered in this patient population.

    Competing interests

    The authors declare that they have no competing interests. Authors contributions DWJC, EDW, MB,

    and HV conceived and designed the study. DWJC, EDW, MB, HV, and CCJ collected the study data.

    CCJ analyzed the data and prepared the manuscript. DWJC, EDW, MB, HV, HS, and CCJ approved the

    final manuscript.

    Author details

    1. Division of Otolaryngology-Head and Neck Surgery, Department of Surgery, University of

    Alberta, 8440 112 Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2B7, Canada.

    2. Division of Pulmonary Medicine, Department of Medicine, University of Alberta, 8440 112

    Street, Edmonton, Alberta T6G 2B7, Canada.

    Received: 3 April 2013 Accepted: 3 September 2013

    Published: 19 December 2013