iv management from 3m

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  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    3M2009. All


    2) Mekanik: Extravasasi

    Komplikasi pemasangan Infus1) Inflamasi: Plebitis

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Uji Kompetensi Perawat

    Memeriksa tanda-tanda vital Menggunakanteknik antiseptik

    Evaluasi respon terhadapmedikasi

    Panduan Latihan Uji Kompetensi Perawat, 2012

    Menggunakan prinsip standard precaution Memasang, merawat dan melepas infus

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Apakah Plebitis?Bila insersi infus mengalami:..

    Sakit Merah Bengkak

    3M Critical & Chronic Care SolutionsFaktor Penyebab Plebitis

    Osmolaritas; Kadar pH: 7-7,4

    Fiksasi Kateter

    Hand hygiene Skin Preparation Perawatan lukatusuk:

    Transparan dressingbisamencegah plebitis



    Micro biological

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Infusion Procedure

    Persiapan Insersi Perawatan

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    RL ? Aminoleban ?Rujukan

    DX 10% ? Aminovel 600 ? L : < 450M : 450 - 600

    H : > 600pH : 7-7.4DX5% +NaCl0.9% ? Amiparen ?

    INS (Infusion Nursing Society)


    280 768



  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Domino Effect; Fiksasi yg tdk optimal

    Pain, Needle Stick Injury, Cost

    Suboptimal Securement

    Increased Catheter Movement

    Phlebitis, Thrombosis, Dislodgement, Infection

    Catheter Restart

    Schears G. 3M G lobal IV Leadership Summit, 2011.

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Teknik Antiseptik; Skin PreparationBagaimana Tekniknya? The frictional back & forth & circle

    clean the skin & antiseptic penetrate the skinlayers.

    Mikroorganisme Residen 1 mm depth epidermis: 25 layers.

    The first 5 of epidermis layers residedby 80% resident MO.

    Antiseptik Recommend CHG have persistent activity

    Dont use antimicrobial ointment.

    American Association of Blood Banks for donor site preparation.

    3M Critical & Chronic Care SolutionsMekanisme Kontaminasi MO


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Pemilihan IV dressing

    Secure/Fiksasi + + + +

    Protect/Melindungi - - + +

    Monitor/Observasi - - + +

    Replacement/Penggantian 2 Hari 2 Hari 72 Jam 7 Hari


    Kasa + Plester Non Woven Transparan TransparanCVC


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Untuk Memudahkan monitoringLuka tusuk infus Untukmengantisipasi terjadinya plebitis

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    INS Visual Infusion Phlebitis (V.I.P.) Score ; 2011IV site appears healthyNo pain at IV site, no erythema,No swellingNo palpable venous cord (all ages)

    0 No signs of phlebitisOBSERVE CANNULA

    Erythema at access site With or without pain 1

    Stop infusion if possible Identify additional resources

    for management Remove IV if symptoms persist

    Erythema Pain at access site With or without edema

    2 Stop infusion if possible Identify additional resources

    for management Remove IV if symptoms persist

    Erythema Pain at access site With or without edema Streak formation Palpable venous cord

    3 Stop infusion if possible Identify additional resourcesfor management

    Remove IV Notify primary service

    Erythema Pain at access site With or without edema Streak formation Palpable venous cord > 1 inch Purulent drainage

    4 Stop infusion and establish alternateIV site

    Remove IV and culture site and cathetertip

    Notify primary service

  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Apakah Plebitis? Bila insersi infus mengalami:..

    Sakit Merah Bengkak Assessment Image




    Infiltrasi dan atauPlebitis

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    IV Monitoring, kapan dilakukan??

    The INS IV Assessment - Journal of Infusion Nursing, 2011

    infusnon iritan Dapat


    Kritikal pasien Obatsedative Tdk dapat


    Pasien bayi Anak

    infusiritan secaraperiferalpemberiannyadibatasi 30 60

    Setiap 4 jam Setiap 1 2 jam Setiapjam 5 10 menit

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Pasien anak paling sering membutuhkan monitoring

    Kateter IV tak perlu dilepas tiap 72 jam hari kecualiada indikasi klinis.

    The risk for phlebitis in children has not increased with theduration of catheterization (page 28)

    CDC, 2011

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Andrew Jackson

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Routine Observation & Monitoring

    Evaluate the catheter insertion site daily bypalpation and by inspection if transparentdressing is in use. (Guideline, 2011)CDC: Page 13


    Practice Criteria I: The catheter-skin junctionsite should be visually Inspected or palpateddaily for (INS, 2011)INS: Page S-22 Practice 14.1


    Centers for Disease

    Control and Prevention

    Infusion Nurses Society

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Jangan gunakan transparandressing yg memiliki pad

    Pasien takut luka tusukan terlihat?.....

    Jangan gunakan kasa lagi

    untuk menutup luka tusukan

    Berikan edukasi kepada pasien tujuan

    penggunaan Transparan dressing.

  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    A comparison of transparent polyurethane and dry gauze dressings for

    peripheral i.v. catheter sites: rates of phlebitis, infiltration, anddislodgment by patients (KA tripepi, KD Woods & MC Loach)

    CONCLUSION:Transparent polyurethane dressings gives:

    1. The decreased disruption of the i.v. therapy and

    2. Low rates of phlebitis or infiltration compare to gauze & tapes.

    It prefer to use transparent polyurethane rather than gauze at insertionsites for peripheral i.v. catheters.

    AJCCAmerican Journal of Critical Care

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions CLABSI Overview

    It is estimated that more than 5 million CVCs are inserted each year; any patient with acentral line is at risk of developing a CLABSI.

    The U.S. Centers for Disease Control and Prevention recently estimated the annual cost> $1 billion, cost per patient > $16,000.

    Developing countries, where the rates of HAIs related to devices are, in most cases,three to five times greater.

    The Joint Commission, in collaboration with Joint Commission Resources (JCR) andJoint Commission International (JCI), developed a new monograph containing the mostcurrent information, evidence-based guidance and resources to help health careorganizations reduce the current risks and resulting harm associated with CLABSI.

    26 3M 2013. All Rights Reserved.

    (OAKBROOK TERRACE, Ill. May 16, 2012)Central line-associated bloodstream infections (CLABSIs) area serious form of health care-associated infections ( HAIs), witha mortality rate of 12 to 25 percent in the United States alone.

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Central Line Bundle/IV Bundle for CR-BSI Prevention Hand HygieneHand HygieneHand HygieneHand Hygiene Maximal Barrier PrecautionMaximal Barrier PrecautionMaximal Barrier PrecautionMaximal Barrier Precaution Chlorhexidine (CHG) skin antisepsisChlorhexidine (CHG) skin antisepsisChlorhexidine (CHG) skin antisepsisChlorhexidine (CHG) skin antisepsis Optimal catheter site selectionOptimal catheter site selectionOptimal catheter site selectionOptimal catheter site selection Daily review of line necessityDaily review of line necessityDaily review of line necessityDaily review of line necessity

    IHI (institute Healtcare Improvement) tahun 2006

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Optimal site selection

    Pemilihan tempat pemasangan CVCberdasarkan pertimbangan resikomekanikal dan infeksi. Cat 1APosted on Mar 18, 2013

    Fankhauser, G.T., Fowl, R.J., Stone, W.M. and Money,S.R. (2013)Elimination of pneumothoraxandhemothoraxduring placement of implantable venous

    access ports using ultrasound and fluoroscopicguidance. Vascular. March 14th.

    Use subclavian site rather than a jugular orfemoral site in adult patient t o minimizeinfection risk for nontunnelled CVCplacement. Cat 1B

    For tunneled CVC unresolved issue.

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Daily review of line necessityDaily review of line necessityDaily review of line necessityDaily review of line necessity

    Menghindari pelepasan kateter yangtidak perlu

    Use a sutureless securement device toreduce the risk of infection for

    intravascular catheters (Cat II) Use a chlorhexidine impregnated sponge

    dressing for temporary short-termcatheters in patients older than 2 monthsof age if the CLABSI rate, (Cat 1b)

    CHG Impregnated

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    30 3M 2013. All Rights Reserved.

  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions Peripheral Care; Kasa + Plester



    Skin prep

    Dressing ?


    June 10


    June 11


    June 12


    June 13











    Skin prep




    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions Peripheral Care; Tegaderm



    Skin prep

    Dressing ?


    June 10


    June 11


    June 12


    June 13











    Transparent Dressing

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Cost Analisa; Kasa+plester

    Tambhan CostKemungkinan Kateter Lepas

    Paramater jaminan sterilisasiExternal indikator

    Internal indikator

    ProduktifitasMemotong kasa membungkus

    Tempat Kasa & Pengemas

    Proses SterilisasiAir dan listrikPetugas CSSD

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Mengoptimalkan fiksasi dg Tegaderm dressing

    Pastikan kulit bersih dari kotoran dan kering

    Lakukan skin prep dengan alkohol swab (3xlebih baik) dan pastikan kering

    Lakukan penekanan pada permukaantransparan dressing: hub kateter, sayap danpermukaan

    Lakukan penekanan pada sekeliling padasaat melepas linernya

    Beri tambahan plester pada hub kateter

    3M2007. All

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Contoh applikasi transparan Dressing yang kurang Tepat

    3M2007. All

    Plester tambahan menututupi area monitoring

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Contoh applikasi / Practice

    3M2007. All

    Perlu tambahan plestersekitar sambungan hubkateter. Jangan fiksasi kateter

    infus dibawahtransparan dressing.

    Fiksasi Spalek janganmenutupi daerahinsersi.

  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


    3M Critical & Chronic Care SolutionsFeature & Benefit

    Lebihtipis &HipoalergenikNyaman & minimal reaksi alergi

    Lebih Transparent:Memudahkanmonitoringtempat tusukan antisipasi


    Window delivery system:Memudahkanpemasangan

    DilengkapiLabel:Menuliskan jam, tglpemasangan&nama inisialpemasangnya.

    Complete Size VariantTersediaberbagai ukuran untukpasienbayi-dewasa

    Effective & EffisienDapat dipasangselama3hrmengurangipergantian dressing

    Tegaderm Transparent I.V.

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    TM 1623Catheter Port

    Tegaderm Tanpa Plester tambahan

    TM 1624Catheter tanpa


    TM 1622Infus pada Bayi

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Tegaderm IV dengan tambahan plester

    TM 1610Infus padaanak

    TM 1633 Untuk kateterPort / lurus

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Tegaderm CVC

    TM 1626 tanpa plestertambahan TM 1635 TM 1655Border sekeliling

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    3M 2009. All Rights Reserved.

    Dressing Original Frame IV CentralDressing Plus

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions


    Fiksasi selang infus Transparan memudahkan untuk

    memonitor bila ada emboli,trombus

    Mudah dirobek vertikal atau

    horisontal tanpa pemotong Dapat juga untuk fiksasi Doppengaman mata.

  • 8/11/2019 IV Management From 3M


    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions


    Update News

    Satu rol plester untuksatu orang pasienjangan di share

    Beberapa Study:

    74 % of sample taken from

    40partial-use rolls had somebacteria growth (1974)

    5 year outbreak of methicilin-

    susceptible staphylococus aureusamong 202 babies in a neonatal

    unit in which the infection wasrelated to an adhesive used as a

    skin protectant. (Wilcox, et al, 2000)

    Tape source of contamination at 3hospitals in the hunter new Englandarea health service (Haris, et al2012).

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions

    Skin Damage Associated With Intravenous Therapy:Common Problems and Strategies for Prevention

    Infusion therapy approximately 90% hospital and estimated 1.3 million homeinfusion / year

    Some experience alterations in skin integrity which are limited published dataassociated with infusion therapy, and the etiology of damage has not beenpreviously described in detail.

    In which adhesive wear is a constant and localized, superficial skin damage iscommon. This article will offer a WOC nursing perspective of skin damage andseek to provide a context for understanding and preventing skin damage in theinfusion therapy patient.

    3M2007. All

    Journal of Infusion Nursing: November/December 2012Volume 35 -Issue 6 - p 390401 doi: 10.1097/NAN.0b013e318270a91e(Thayer, Debra MS, RN, CWOCN)

    3M Critical & Chronic Care Solutions


    Further Question:


    [email protected]