integrated dispensing

Nama : Cory Mia Sihombing NIM : 90711304 Tanggal Praktikum : 14 November 2012 Tugas 1 Salep Asam Salisilat belerang (Formularium Nasional II) 10 gram Komposisi Tiap 10 gram mengandung Acidi Salicylicum 200 mg Sulfur 400 mg Vaselin album hingga 10 gram Penyimpanan : dalam wadah tertutup rapat Dosis : 3-4 kali sehari, oleskan Perhitungan Bahan (untuk cara menggunakan mortar dan ointment slab Untuk menggunakan cara ointment slab: Asam Salisilat 200 mg Sulfur 400 mg Vaselin album = 1000 mg – (200 mg + 400 mg) = 9400 mg Untuk menggunakan cara mortar, dilakukan penimbangan dengan melebihkan jumlah sediaan yang akan dibuat sebanyak 10%, dengan anggapan akan ada yang tertinggal di mortar&stirer. Asam salisilat 200mg+(10%x200mg) = 220mg Sulfur 400mg+(10%x400mg) = 440mg Vaselin album = 11000mg – (220mg + 440mg) = 10340mg

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Nama : Cory Mia SihombingNIM : 90711304Tanggal Praktikum : 14 November 2012

Tugas 1Salep Asam Salisilat belerang (Formularium Nasional II) 10 gramKomposisi Tiap 10 gram mengandungAcidi Salicylicum 200 mgSulfur 400 mgVaselin album hingga 10 gramPenyimpanan : dalam wadah tertutup rapatDosis : 3-4 kali sehari, oleskan

Perhitungan Bahan (untuk cara menggunakan mortar dan ointment slabUntuk menggunakan cara ointment slab: Asam Salisilat 200 mgSulfur 400 mgVaselin album = 1000 mg – (200 mg + 400 mg)

= 9400 mg

Untuk menggunakan cara mortar, dilakukan penimbangan dengan melebihkan jumlah sediaan yang akan dibuat sebanyak 10%, dengan anggapan akan ada yang tertinggal di mortar&stirer.Asam salisilat 200mg+(10%x200mg) = 220mgSulfur 400mg+(10%x400mg) = 440mgVaselin album = 11000mg – (220mg + 440mg) = 10340mg

Prosedur KerjaCara Mortar1. Siapkan alat dan bahan2. Pastikan timbangan telah dalam keadaan setara

3. Siapkan kertas perkamen dan lipat untuk menimbang4. Timbang Asam Salisilat 220 mg dengan menggunakan timbangan mg5. Timbang Sulfur 440 mg dengan menggunakan timbangan mg6. Timbang Vaselin album 10340 mg dengan menggunakan timbangan gram dan sebelumnya kertas timbang telah diberikan beberapa tetes Parafin Liquidum,

(sebelum penimbangan vaselin, timbangan ditara kembali dengan dua kertas timbang yang masing-masing sudah di tetesi parafin liquidum sebanyak 3 tetes, untuk meminimalis lengketnya vaselin di kertas perkamen)

7. Masukkan Asam Salisilat (220 mg) lalu gerus8. Masukkan Sulfur (440 mg) sedikit demi sedikit gerus homogen9. Tambahkan secara geometris sedikit Vaselin album, gerus homogen10.Tambahkan sisa Vaselin album secara geometris, gerus homogen11.Kumpulkan semua sediaan salep yang dibuat, baik yang berada di sisi mortar dan stamper menggunakan sudip. 12.Tara pot salep (Berat penimbangan pot = 8,05)13.Masukkan sediaan salep ke dalam pot salep dengan menggunakan sudip sebanyak 10gram (diatas timbangan konvensional yang sudah ditara).14.Beri etiket

Cara Ointment Slab1. Siapkan alat dan bahan2. Pastikan timbangan telah dalam keadaan setara3. Siapkan kertas perkamen dan lipat untuk menimbang4. Timbang Asam Salisilat 200 mg dengan menggunakan timbangan mg5. Timbang Sulfur 400 mg dengan menggunakan timbangan mg6. Timbang Vaselin album 9400 mg dengan menggunakan timbangan gram dan sebelumnya kertas timbang telah diberikan beberapa tetes Parafin Liquidum

(sebelum penimbangan vaselin, timbangan ditara kembali dengan dua kertas timbang yang masing-masing sudah di tetesi parafin liquidum sebanyak 3 tetes, untuk meminimalis lengketnya vaselin di kertas perkamen)

7. Masukkan Asam Salisilat (200 mg) pada papan ointment slab, lalu ratakan dengan spatula tanduk8. Tambahkan secara geometris Vaselin album (200 mg), ratakan dengan spatula tanduk9. Masukkan Sulfur (400mg), ratakan dengan spatula tanduk 10.Tambahkan secara geometris sisa Vaselin album, ratakan dengan spatula tanduk11.Masukkan sediaan salep ke dalam pot salep (berat wadah pot plastik dengan tutupnya = 8,05 gram) dengan menggunakan sudip12.Timbang menggunakan timbangan hasil yang diperoleh. 13.Beri etiket

Tugas 2

Rx untuk Nyonya Lyrna Hamdi dari Dokter KulitRx Thecort cream tube 5 gFungasil cream tube 5 gDermofix cream tube 5 gmf potsigna ue , 2x1

A. Buat simulasi Thecort cream dan Dermofix cream dari formula berikut:Cetostearyl Alcohol 12Cetomacrogol 1000 3Liq Parafin 10Vaselin album 10Chlorocresol 0,1Propilen glikol 5 ml Aqua ad 100

PenimbanganBuat 20 gram dan timbang 5 gram (untuk simulasi thecort cream) dan 5 gram (untuk simulasi dermofix cream)

Jumlah sediaan yang akan dibuat adalah 20 gram.No Bahan Jumlah pada formula (%) Jumlah yang diminta

1 Cetostearyl Alcohol 12 12/100 x 20 g = 2,4 g = 2400 mg2 Cetomacrogol 1000 3 3/100 x 20 g = 0,6 g = 600 mg3 Liq Parafin 10 10/100 x 20 g = 2 g4 Vaselin album 10 10/100 x 20 g = 2 g5 Chlorocresol 0,1 0,1/100 x 20 g = 0,02 g = 20 mg

Pengenceran Timbang Chlorocresol = 50 mgAir 450 mlCholrocresol yang dialmbil = 20 mg/50 mg x 500 ml = 200 ml

6 Propilen glikol 5 ml (ρ=1.036 g/ml) 5 ml / 100 x 20 = 1 ml (m=ρ.v, m=1,036g) = 1,04g7 Aq Ad 100 20 – (2,4+0,6+2+2+0,02+1,04g)= 11,94g

Prosedur Kerja

1. Timbang dan ukur semua semua bahan : Cetomacrogol-1000 sebanyak 600 mg dengan timbangan mg (di kaca arloji) Cetosterylalcohol sebanyak 2400 mg dengan timbangan g (di kaca arloji) Paraffin liq. sebanyak 2000 mg dengan timbangan g (di cawan penguap) Vaselin album sebanyak 2000 mg dengan timbangan g (di cawan penguap) Klorokresol sebanyak 20 mg (di kertas perkamen)

Lakukan pengenceran KlorokresolTimbang Klorokresol = 50 mgTimbang air = 450 ml

Klorokresol yang diambil = 20/50 x 500 = 200 ml Propilen glikol sebanyak 1 ml setara dengan 1,04g Aquadest sebanyak 11,94g

2. Tahap Pembuatan Fase Minyak dan Fase Air Fase Minyak

Pada cawan penguap diatas penangas air pada suhu suhu 60-70°C dilelehkan cetomacrogol-1000, setelah meleleh kemudian ditambahkan kedalamnya cetostearylalcohol,diaduk dengan batang pengaduk. Setelah homogen ditambahkan paraffin liq, dan kemudian ditambahkan vaselin album sedikit demi sedikit hingga semuanya melebur membentuk fase minyak

Fase Air klorokresol yang telah diencerkan dan propilen glikol dicampurkan ke dalam aquades dalam gelas kimia, aduk hingga

homogen. Larutan pada gelas kimia lalu dipindahkan pada labu elemeyer

3. Masukkan fasa minyak ke dalam mortar, lalu aduk cepat4. Campurkan fasa minyak dengan fasa air pada saat kedua suhu sama (60 – 70o C) (sebelumnya panaskan mortar dan stamper dengan memasukkan air

panas ke dalamnya dan kemudian membuang air tersebut). Gerus kuat dan homogen sampai terbentuk massa krim5. Penimbangan 20 g masa krim di atas kertas perkamen persegi panjang6. Basis diambil 5 gram basis krim untuk Thecort cream dan Dermofix cream, sisihkan

B. Fungasol (ketoconazol 2%) tidak tersedia jadi akan dibuat basis krim yg sesuai dan menambahkan zat aktif ketoconazole. Formulasi basis untuk fungasol:

Asam stearat 10TEA 1,25Gliserin 7,5Aqua ad 100Akan dibuat sebanyak 10 gram

2 % utk ZA 98 % utk basis

No Bahan Jumlah pada formula (%) Jumlah yang ditimbang

1 Ketoconazole 2 2/100 x 10 g = 0,2 g = 200 mg2 Asam Stearat 10 10/100 x 10 g = 1 g = 1000 mg3 TEA 1,25 1,25/100 x 10 g = 0,125 g = 125 mg4 Gliserin 7,5 7,5/100 x 10 = 0,75 g = 750 mg5 Aqua Ad 100 10 – (0,2+!+0,125+0,75)

= 7,925

Prosedur Kerja1. Siapkan alat dan bahan2. Pastikan timbangan telah dalam keadaan setara3. Siapkan kertas perkamen dan lipat untuk menimbang4. Timbang

ketokonazol sebanyak 200 mg dengan timbangan mg (di atas perkamen)TEA (trietanolamin) sebanyak 125 mg dengan timbangan mg (di atas cawan penguap)Asam stearat sebanyak 1000 mg dengan timbangan g (di atas perkamen)Gliserol sebanyak 750 mg dengan timbangan mg (di atas cawan penguap)Aqua sebanyak 7,925

5. Panaskan air, gliserin dan TEA hingga suhu 60-70 oC di atas penangas air fasa air6. Lelehkan asam stearat pada suhu 60-70 °C di atas penangas air fasa minyak7. Setelah dipanaskan, fasa minyak masukkan ke dalam mortir hangat (direndam dengan air panas sebelumnya, kemudian air dibuang), dan tambahkan

fasa air aduk homogen sampai dingin hingga suhu kamar dan terbentuk masa semisolida8. Masukkan ketokonazol dalam mortar yang berbeda, gerus.9. Basis Krim ditimbang dengan kertas perkamen sejumlah yang diperlukan10. Campurkan basis krim ke dalam mortar yang berisi ketokonazol secara geometris, gerus.11. Timbang sediaan sejumlah 5 gram di atas kertas perkamen, sisihkan

C. Pencampuran simulasi Thecort cream, Dermofix cream dan Fungasol cream1. Siapkan 5 g simulasi Thecort cream, 5 g simulasi Dermofix cream 2. Siapkan 5 g Fungasol cream 3. Krim yang telah disiapkan sebelumnya, di campur di dalam mortar4. Krim yang digulung dalam gulungan perkamen dimasukkan ke dalam tube dalam kondisi ujung tube keluar dalam keadaan tertutup. Kemudian tube

ditutup dengan melipat bagian belakang yang terbuka.

5. Etiket ditempelkan pada tube, diberi brosur, dan dimasukkan ke dalam kotak

THECORT® cream CompositionEach gram of THECORT® cream contains- Miconazole nitrate 2%- Hydrocortisone 1%

Tugas 3.Buat serbuk bagi

APOTIK Cory FarmaJl.Dago Elos, No.423B, Bandung

No.telp. 085262012220Apoteker : Cory Mia S. S.Farm, AptSIPA : 101/DINKES/01/2012

No. 01 Tgl: 19/11- 2012Nama: Ny. Lyrna HamdiUmur : Dewasa

Dua kali sehari, dioleskan pada bagian yang sakitOBAT LUAR

Krim mengandung Thecort creamDermofix cream Fungasol cream

Tanggal Penyiapan : 19 /11-2012Dapat digunakan sebelum tanggal :Disiapkan oleh : A1

Rx flamint tab 1Ativan 0,5mg tab 1Vit B6 10mg tab 1m.f. pulv dtd xxxsig. 3x1 bungkus

Perhitungan Bahan Untuk menggunakan cara ointment slab:flamint tab 1gx30tablet= 30g (untuk 30bungkus)Ativan 0,5mg tab (yang ada di lab 5g, maka yang ditimbang adalah 3tablet)

Karena 0,5gx30tablet=15g, dikonversikan 0,5g ke 5g maka diperoleh 5gx3tablet=15gramVit B6 10mg tab 1gx30tablet=30g (untuk 30bungkus)

Prosedur kerja1. Siapkan alat dan bahan2. Ambil masing-masing tablet (flamint tab 30tablet, Ativan 0,5mg tab 3tablet, Vit B6 10mg tab 30tablet)3. Gerus flamint tab 30tablet hingga halus, tambahkan Vit B6 10mg tab 30tablet gerus homogeny, dan kemudian tambahkan

Ativan 0,5mg tab 3tablet digerus sampai homogen. 4. Minimalis kehilangan serbuk pada mortar dan stamper dengan sudip.5. Pastikan timbangan telah dalam keadaan setara6. Siapkan kertas perkamen dan lipat untuk menimbang7. Siapkan dan timbang serbuk, bagi 2 bagian serbuk sama rata. dengan menggunakan timbangan gram8. Bagi ke dalam 15bagian pertama secara visual pada kertas perkamen, kemudian dilanjutkan dengan 15 bagian kedua

secara visual pada kertas perkamen, di atas papan serbuk bagi.9. Dibungkus perkamen10. Masukkan ke dalam kantong obat, dan diberi etiket.

Presentation & PackingBox of 1 tube @ 5 gram

APOTIK Cory FarmaJl.Dago Elos, No.423B, Bandung

No.telp. 085262012220Apoteker : Cory Mia S. S.Farm, AptSIPA : 101/DINKES/01/2012

No. 01 Tgl: 14-11- 2012Nama: Tn. Bachdiar AkhmadUmur : 30 tahun

Tiga kali sehari, satu bungkus serbukSerbuk mengandung flamint tabAtivan 0,5mg tabVit B6 10mg tabTanggal Penyiapan : 14-11-2012Dapat digunakan sebelum tanggal :Disiapkan oleh : A1

Tidak Dapat Diulang Tanpa Resep Dokter

FUNGASOL® cream CompositionEach gram of FUNGASOL® cream contains ketoconazole 2%.

Presentation & PackingBox of 1 tube @ 10 gram

Dermofix Cream 15 Gr

Sertakonazol Nitrat.

Generik : Sertakonazol Nitrat.

Terapi topikal untuk mikosis pada permukaan kulit seperti dermatofitosis, tinea pedis (kutu air), tinea cruris (kurap lipat paha), tinea corporis (kurap pada badan), tinea manus (seperti kutu air tapi pada tangan), kandidiasis, pityriasis versicolor (panu).

Efek Samping

Reaksi eritematosa yang bersifat lokal dan sementara.


Oleskan 1 - 2 kali sehari selama 4 minggu atau lebih


Krim 2 % x 15 gram



PROPRIETARY NAME (and dosage form):


COMPOSITION:ATIVAN 0,5 mg tablet contains 0,5 mg lorazepamATIVAN 1 mg tablet contains 1 mg lorazepamATIVAN 2,5 mg tablet contains 2,5 mg lorazepamChemically, Lorazepam is known as:7-chloro-5-(o-chlorophenyl)-1,3-dihydro-3-hydroxy-2H-1,4-benzodiazepine-2-one.ATIVAN 2,5 mg tablets contain TARTRAZINE.


PHARMACOLOGICAL ACTION:ATIVAN is a benzodiazepine. It has anxiolytic, sedative and hypnotic properties. The exact mechanism of action of benzodiazepines has not yet been elucidated; however benzodiazepines appear to work through several mechanisms. Benzodiazepines presumably exert their effects by binding to specific receptors at several sites within the central nervous system, thereby potentiating the effects of synaptic or presynaptic inhibition mediated by gamma-aminobutyric acid or directly affecting the action potential generating mechanisms.PharmacokineticsATIVAN (lorazepam) tablets are well absorbed when given orally. Peak concentrations in plasma occur approximately 2 hours following administration. The elimination half-life of unconjugated lorazepam in human plasma is approximately 12-16 hours. At clinically relevant concentrations, lorazepam is approximately 90% bound to plasma proteins. The plasma levels of lorazepam are proportional to the dose given.Excessive medicine accumulation has not been observed following multi-dose therapy in young healthy subjects. Conjugation with glucuronic acid to form the inactive glucuronide is the major metabolic pathway of lorazepam. It has no active metabolites. Seventy to seventy five percent of the dose is excreted as the glucuronide in the urine. Lorazepam is not hydroxylated to any significant extent, nor is it a substrate for N-dealkylating enzymes of the cytochrome P450 system.Haemodialysis did not have any significant effect on the pharmacokinetics of intact lorazepam, but substantially removed the inactive glucoronide from the plasma.

INDICATIONS:ATIVAN is indicated for the following:Management of anxiety disorders or for the short-term relief of the symptoms of anxiety or anxiety associated with depressive symptoms.ATIVAN is indicated only when the disorder has not responded to non-drug therapy, and is severe, disabling, or subjecting the individual to unacceptable distress. Anxiety or tension associated with the stress of everyday life usually does not require treatment with an anxiolytic.Patients with renal function impairment or low serum albumin should receive decreased initial dosage since elimination may be decreased in these patients.

CONTRA-INDICATIONS:Known sensitivity, or a history of hypersensitivity to benzodiazepines, including ATIVAN tablets or its components and in patients with pre-existing CNS depression or coma. Safety in pregnancy has not been established.ATIVAN is contra-indicated in patients with:1.        Sleep apnoea syndrome.2.        Respiratory insufficiency.

WARNINGS:Patients should be warned not to operate dangerous machinery or motor vehicles until it is known that they do not become drowsy or dizzy from ATIVAN. Patients should be advised that since their tolerance for alcohol and other central nervous system depressants will be diminished in the presence of ATIVAN, these substances should either be avoided or taken in reduced dosage. ATIVAN is not intended for the primary treatment of psychotic illness or depressive disorders, and should not be used alone to treat depressed patients. The use of benzodiazepines may have a disinhibiting effect and may release suicidal tendencies in depressed patients. The need for continued therapy with ATIVAN should be determined periodically. Benzodiazepine therapy should be discontinued gradually.ATIVAN 2,5 mg tablets contain FD&C Yellow No 5 (Tartrazine), which may cause allergic type reactions (including bronchial asthma) in certain susceptible individuals. Although the overall incidence of tartrazine-sensitivity in the general population is currently thought to be low, it is frequently seen in patients who have aspirin-sensitivity.

DOSAGE AND DIRECTIONS FOR USE:Anxiety and tension associated with everyday life does not require treatment with an anxiolytic.It is recommended that the need for continued therapy with lorazepam be determined periodically.Dosage for children under 12 years has not been established.Dosage and duration of therapy should be individualised. The lowest effective dose should be prescribed for the shortest time possible. The maximum dose should not be exceeded. Generally, the duration of treatment should not exceed 8 to 12 weeks, including tapering. Extension of the treatment period should not take place without re-evaluation of the need for continued therapy especially in cases where the patient is symptom-free. Treatment should be discontinued gradually.The average daily dosage for treatment of anxiety is 2 mg to 3 mg administered in two to four portions; however, the daily dose may range between 1 mg and 6 mg, a maximum of 10 mg has been used. The largest dose should be taken before bedtime.Elderly or debilitated patients, or patients with impaired renal or hepatic function generally require lower or less frequent doses. These patients should be monitored frequently, and dosages should be adjusted carefully according to patient response. For elderly or debilitated patients, an initial dosage of 1 or 2 mg per day in divided doses is recommended, to be adjusted as needed and tolerated.

SIDE-EFFECTS AND SPECIAL PRECAUTIONS:Side-effects:Adverse reactions, when they occur, are usually observed at the beginning of therapy and generally decrease in severity or disappear with continued use, or upon decreasing the dose.Most frequently reported adverse reactions include the following:

  daytime drowsiness, sedation, dizziness, muscle weakness and ataxia.

Less frequently reported adverse reactions associated with benzodiazepines including lorazepam include the following:

  vertigo, headache, confusion, mental depression, fatigue, slurred speech or dysarthria, changes in libido, tremor, visual disturbances, reduced alertness, numbed emotions, nausea, appetite changes, sleep disturbance, dermatological reactions, gastro-intestinal symptoms, urinary retention or incontinence, changes in salivation and amnesia.

Some patients may experience a paradoxical excitation which may lead to hostility, aggression and disinhibition. Respiratory depression and hypotension occasionally occur with high dosage. Rebound anxiety and insomnia may be the result of tolerance to the effects of lorazepam or part of a withdrawal syndrome.Rarely reported adverse reactions include the following:

  blood dyscrasias, jaundice, abnormal liver function tests or memory impairment and hypersensitivity reactions.

Transient anterograde amnesia or memory impairment has been reported in association with the use of benzodiazepines.Drug abuse and dependence:The use of benzodiazepines may lead to physical and psychological dependence. When used at appropriate doses for short-term treatment of anxiety, the dependence potential is low. The risk of dependence increases with higher doses and longer term use and is further increased in patients with a history of alcoholism or drug abuse or in patients with significant personality disorder. Therefore use in persons who are drug addicts or alcoholics should be avoided.If physical dependence develops, abrupt termination of treatment may be accompanied by withdrawal symptoms. Symptoms reported following discontinuation of benzodiazepines include headaches, muscle pain, anxiety, tension, depression, insomnia, restlessness, confusion, irritability, sweating and the occurrence of rebound phenomena whereby the symptoms that led to the treatment with benzodiazepines recur in an enhanced form. These symptoms may be difficult to distinguish from the original symptoms for which the medicine was prescribed.In severe cases the following symptoms may occur: derealisation, depersonalisation, hyperacusis, tinnitus, numbness and tingling of the extremities, hypersensitivity to light, noise and physical contact, involuntary movements, vomiting, hallucination, and convulsions.Convulsions may be more common in patients with pre-existing seizure disorders or who are taking other medicines that lower the convulsive threshold such as antidepressants.Withdrawal symptoms, especially the more serious ones, are more common in those patients who have received high doses over an extended period of time. However, withdrawal symptoms have also been reported following abrupt discontinuance of benzodiazepines taken continuously at therapeutic levels, especially when discontinuation is abrupt. Since the risk of withdrawal/rebound phenomena is greater after abrupt discontinuation, the medicine should be discontinued gradually.Special precautions:ATIVAN should be used with extreme caution in patients with a history of alcohol or drug abuse.Anxiety may be a symptom of several other disorders. The possibility should be considered that the complaint may be related to an underlying physical or psychiatric disorder for which there is more specific treatment.In patients where gastro-intestinal or cardiovascular disorders coexist with anxiety, it should be noted that ATIVAN has not been shown to be of significant benefit in treating the gastro-intestinal or cardiovascular component.Pre-existing depression may emerge during benzodiazepines use (see 'Warnings').Caution should be used in the treatment of patients with acute narrow-angle glaucoma or myasthenia gravis.Patients with impaired renal or hepatic functions should be monitored frequently and have their dosage adjusted carefully to patient

response. Lower doses are indicated in these patients. The same precautions apply to elderly or debilitated patients and patients with severe respiratory insufficiency.The use of benzodiazepines may precipitate encephalopathy in patients with severe hepatic insufficiency.Some patients taking benzodiazepines have developed blood dyscrasia, and some have had elevations in liver enzymes. Periodic haematologic and liver-function assessments are recommended when long-term therapy is clinically necessary.Paradoxical reactions such as restlessness, agitation, irritability, aggressiveness, delusion, rage, nightmares, hallucinations, psychoses, and inappropriate behaviour have been occasionally reported during benzodiazepine use. Such reactions may be more likely to occur in children and the elderly. Should these occur, use of the medicine should be discontinued.Although hypotension has occurred infrequently, benzodiazepines should be administered with caution to patients in whom a drop in blood pressure might lead to cardiovascular or cerebrovascular complications. This is particularly important in elderly patients.In patients with anxiety accompanying depression, the possibility of attempted suicide should be borne in mind, and large quantities of ATIVAN should not be prescribed.Oesophageal dilatation occurred in rats treated with lorazepam for more than one year at 6 mg/kg per day. The no-effect dose was 1,25 mg/kg per day (approximately 6 times the maximum human therapeutic dose of 10 mg per day). The effect was reversible only when the treatment was withdrawn within two months of first observation of the phenomenon.The clinical significance of this is unknown. However, use of lorazepam for prolonged periods and in geriatric patients requires caution, and there should be frequent monitoring for symptoms of upper GI disease.Duration:The duration of treatment should be as short as possible (see dosage). Extension beyond these periods should not take place without revaluation of the situation. It is important that the patients should be aware of the possibility of rebound phenomena, thereby minimising anxiety over such symptoms, should they occur while the product is being discontinued.Use during pregnancy:Benzodiazepines should not be used during pregnancy. If the medicine is prescribed to a woman of childbearing potential, she should be warned to contact her physician regarding discontinuance of the drug if she intends to become or suspects that she is pregnant.Benzodiazepines may cause foetal damage when administered to pregnant women. An increased risk of congenital malformations associated with the use of anxiolytic agents such as chlordiazepoxide, diazepam, and meprobamate has been suggested in several studies.In humans, umbilical cord blood samples indicate placental transfer of benzodiazepines for several weeks or more preceding delivery and have been reported to have withdrawal symptoms during the postnatal period. Symptoms such as hypoactivity, hypotonia, hypothermia, respiratory depression, apnoea, feeding problems, and impaired metabolic response to cold stress have been reported in neonates born of mothers who have received benzodiazepines during the late phase of pregnancy or at delivery.Neonates appear to conjugate lorazepam slowly, the glucuronide being detectable in the urine for more than seven days. Glucuronidation of lorazepam may competitively inhibit the conjugation of bilirubin, leading to hyperbilirubinaemia in the newborn.ATIVAN tablets are not recommended for obstetrical use.Use during lactation:

There is evidence that lorazepam is excreted in pharmacologically insignificant amounts in human breast milk. ATIVAN should not be administered to nursing women.Paediatric use:The safety and effectiveness of ATIVAN in children has not been established and such use is not recommended.Drug Interactions:The benzodiazepines, including ATIVAN, produce additive CNS depressant effects when co-administered with other CNS depressants, e.g., alcohol, barbiturates, antipsychotics, sedative/hypnotics, anxiolytics, antidepressants, narcotic analgesics, sedative antihistamines, anticonvulsants, and anaesthetics.There have been reports of marked sedation, excessive salivation, and ataxia when lorazepam and clozapine were given concomitantly.There have been reports of excessive stupor, significant reduction in respiratory rate, and, in one patient, hypotension when lorazepam and loxapine were given concomitantly.Laboratory test interactions:No interference with laboratory tests has been identified or reported with the use of ATIVAN.

KNOWN SYMPTOMS OF OVERDOSAGE AND PARTICULARS OF ITS TREATMENT:In the management of overdosage, it should be borne in mind that multiple agents may have been taken.Symptoms:Overdosage of benzodiazepines is usually manifested by degrees of central nervous system depression ranging from drowsiness to coma. In mild cases, symptoms include drowsiness, mental confusion, and lethargy. In more serious cases, and especially when other CNS-depressant agents or alcohol were ingested, symptoms may include ataxia, hypotension, hypotonia, respiratory depression, stage one (1) to three (3) coma, and very rarely, death.Management:If ingestion was recent, induced vomiting and/or gastric lavage should be undertaken when appropriate, followed by general supportive care, monitoring of vital signs, and close observation of the patient. If there is no advantage in emptying the stomach, activated charcoal may be effective in reducing absorption. Hypotension, though unlikely, may be controlled with noradrenaline. Lorazepam is poorly dialyzable.The benzodiazepine antagonist flumazenil may be useful in hospitalised patients for the management of benzodiazepine overdosage. Flumazenil product information should be consulted prior to use.

IDENTIFICATION:ATIVAN 0,5 mg tablet is white, round, and 5 mm in diameter.ATIVAN 1 mg tablet is white, round, flat, 6,5 mm in diameter, scored on the one side and with "1,0" imprinted on the other side.ATIVAN 2,5 mg tablet is yellow, round, flat, 7,94 mm in diameter, scored on the one side and with "2,5" imprinted on the other side.

PRESENTATION:ATIVAN 0,5 mg, 1 mg and 2,5 mg tablets are blister packed in cartons of 60 and 100 tablets each.

STORAGE DIRECTIONS:Store in a cool (below 25°C), dry place.Keep out of reach of children.

REGISTRATION NUMBERS:ATIVAN 0,5 mg:         X/2.6/82

ATIVAN 1 mg:         D/2.6/126

ATIVAN 2,5 mg:         D/2.6/128

NAME AND BUSINESS ADDRESS OF APPLICANT:AKROMED PRODUCTS (PTY) LIMITEDBuilding 12Healthcare ParkWoodlands DriveWoodmeadSandton        2148