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  • 8/6/2019 IAS 12 by RP


    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    IAS 12: Income Taxes

    1. Objective

    The objective of IAS 12 is to prescribe the accounting treatment for income taxes. The principal issue ishow to account for the current and future tax consequences of:

    (a) the future recovery (or settlement) of the carrying amount of assets (or liabilities) that are recognised

    in an entity's balance sheet, and(b) transactions and other events of the current period that are recognised in an entity's financiastatements

    The items below reveal more about the requirements of IAS 12.

    a. Deferred tax

    The carrying amount of assets and liabilities may be recovered or settled at an amount, or under a timingdifferent from that considered for tax purposes.

    In such cases, IAS 12 requires an entity to recognise a deferred tax liability or a deferred tax asset (withcertain limited exceptions), so as to recognise the deferred tax effects in the current financial statementsas if those differences did not exist.

    The deferred tax liability (or asset) subsequently reverses as the differences between tax and accountingtreatment reduce, and ultimately disappears.

    b. Where to account for the tax

    IAS 12 requires an entity to account for the tax consequences of transactions and other events in the sameway that it accounts for the transactions and other events themselves, i.e:

    in the income statement

    in equity, or

    in calculation of goodwill

    c. IAS 12 also deals with...

    IAS 12 also addresses:

    the recognition of deferred tax assets arising from unused tax losses or unused tax credits

    the presentation of income taxes in the financial statements, and

    the disclosure of information relating to income taxes

    2. The scope of IAS 12

    IAS 12 should be applied in accounting for income taxes.

    Income taxes include:

    all domestic and foreign taxes that are based on taxable profits

    taxes, such as withholding taxes, payable by a subsidiary, associate or joint venture on distributions

    to the reporting entity

    IAS 12 does not address:

    methods of accounting for government grants (see IAS 20, Accounting for Government Grants andDisclosure of Government Assistance), or

    investment tax credits

    However, it does address accounting for temporary differences that may arise from such grants oinvestment tax credits.

    3. Key definitions

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxesa. Accounting profit

    Accounting profit is profit or loss for a period before deducting tax expense.

    b. Taxable profit (or tax loss)

    Taxable profit (or tax loss) is the profit (or loss) for a period, determined in accordance with therules established by the taxation authorities, upon which it will be determined whether income

    taxes are payable (or recoverable).

    This is the profit or loss, as calculated by the tax authorities, at the end of a financial period basedon the income and expenses that are included or excluded for tax purposes (e.g. accountingdepreciation versus tax depreciation).

    c. Tax expense (or tax income)

    Tax expense (tax income) is the aggregate amount included in the determination of profit or lossfor the period in respect of current tax and deferred tax.

    i.e. Tax expense (or tax income) = current tax + deferred tax

    d. Current tax

    Current tax is the amount of income taxes payable (or recoverable) in respect of the taxable profit(or tax loss) for a period.

    i.e. Current tax = taxable profit (or tax loss) x tax rate

    It is the amount of tax due to or from the tax authorities for a period.

    e. Tax base

    The tax base of an asset or liability is the amount attributed to that asset or liability for taxpurposes, i.e. the value of an asset or liability in terms of the tax laws.

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    For example: an asset has a cost of 100, depreciation to date is 20 but tax depreciation is 25.

    Therefore:Carrying amount = 80 (accounting value)

    Tax base = 75 (tax value)

    f. Temporary differences

    Temporary differences are differences between the carrying amount of an asset or liability in thebalance sheet and its tax base, i.e. the difference between the accounting value (carrying amountand the tax authority amount (tax base) due to the differences in treatment between the relevanttax legislation and the accounting policies of the entity.

    Temporary differences may be either:(a) taxable temporary differences - temporary differences that will result in taxable amounts indetermining taxable profit (or tax loss) of future periods when the carrying amount of the asset orliability is recovered or settledor(b) deductible temporary differences - temporary differences that will result in amounts that aredeductible in determining taxable profit (or tax loss) of future periods, when the carrying amount othe asset or liability is recovered or settled

    g. Deferred tax liabilities

    Deferred tax liabilities are the amounts of income taxes payable in future periods in respect oftaxable temporary differences.

    i.e. Deferred tax liabilities = taxable temporary differences x tax rate

    h. Deferred tax assets

    Deferred tax assets are the amounts of income taxes recoverable in future periods in respect of:

    (a) deductible temporary differences(b) the carryforward of unused tax losses, and(c) the carryforward of unused tax credits

    i.e. deferred tax assets = deductible temporary differences * tax rate + unused tax losses * tax rateand tax credits

    4. Tax versus accounting treatment

    A key element of understanding IAS 12 is to understand the differences between accounting profit (or lossversus taxable profit (or loss) and current tax versus deferred tax.

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxesa. Accounting Profit (Or Loss) Versus Taxable Profit (Or Loss)

    Accounting profit/loss is the profit/loss before tax in theincome statement of a business for a financial period. Howeverdue to tax legislation, certain items that are recognised foaccounting purposes are disallowed in the computation otaxable profit (or loss).Tax profit/loss = basis on which current tax is calculated.

    You can calculate tax profit/loss from accounting profit bperforming the following reconciliation: Accounting profit/lossAdd: expenses not deductible under tax laws but recognised foraccounting purposes; income included under tax laws but notrecognised for accounting purposesDeduct: expenses deductible under tax laws but not recognisedfor accounting purposes; income not included under tax lawsbut recognised for accounting purposes= Tax profit/loss

    b. Current Tax Versus Deferred Tax

    Current tax is the tax to be paid to (or received from) the taxauthority - it relates to the tax profit/loss generated during thatfinancial period.i.e. Current tax = tax profit/loss x tax rate

    The difference in timing for tax and accounting purposes (suchas different accounting depreciation versus tax depreciationrates) will give rise to a temporary difference that will reverseover time.i.e. Temporary difference = carrying amount - tax base

    The temporary difference will result in deferred tax.

    Deferred tax is tax that relates to differences between thecarrying amount of an asset or a liability and its tax base, andthat is payable (or recoverable) in future periods when the asseor liability is recovered or settled.i.e. Deferred tax = temporary differences x tax rate

    5. Current tax liabilities and assets

    Current tax liabilitiesCurrent tax for current and prior periods should, to the extent unpaid, berecognised as a liability.

    For example:Dr Tax expense (Income statement)Cr Tax Authority (Balance sheet)A current tax asset is recognised when:

    the excess of the amount already paid exceeds the amount due forthose periods (i.e. companies pay estimated taxes or incurunexpected losses resulting in tax assets)

    it is probable that the benefit will flow to the enterprise and the benefit can be reliably measured

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    Section 2

    Practical Problem

    2.1 Calculating current tax

    The calculation of current tax can be summarised as: Current tax = Tax profit/loss x Tax rate

    For a basic example on calculating tax profit or loss, refer to the image shown, and remember:Accounting profit/lossAdd: expenses not deductible under tax laws but recognised for accounting purposes (e.g. accountingdepreciation, provisions and fines)Add: income included under tax laws but not recognised for accounting purposesDeduct: expenses deductible under tax laws but not recognised for accounting purposes (e.g. taxdepreciation allowed, profit on the legal sale of an asset that cannot be recognised under IAS 18)Deduct: income not included under tax laws but recognised for accounting purposes (e.g. re-measurement of certain assets at fair value)= Tax profit/loss

    2.2 Tax Base

    2.2.1 The tax base of an asset

    The tax base of an asset or liability is the amount attributed to thatasset or liability for tax purposes.

    The tax base of an asset is equal to:the amount that will be deductible for tax purposes against anytaxable economic benefits that will flow to an entity when it recoversthe carrying amount of the asset

    If those economic benefits will not be taxable, the tax base of the assetis equal to its carrying amount (and therefore there is no temporarydifference or deferred tax).

    2.2.2 The tax base of a liability is:

    its carrying amount, less

    any amount that will be deductible for tax purposes in respectof that liability in future periods

    In the case of revenue which is received in advance, the tax base ofthe resulting liability is:

    its carrying amount, less

    any amount of the revenue that will not be taxable in futureperiods.

    2.2.3 ExceptionsThere are some additional circumstances in which tax bases may or may not be recognised under IAS 12.

    a. Tax base where there is no asset or liability in the balance sheetSome items have a tax base but are not recognised as assets and liabilities in the balance sheet.

    Example: Research costs of 100 are recognised as an expense in determining accounting profit for theperiod in which they are incurred but are only allowed as a deduction in determining taxable profit (ortax loss) in a later period.

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income TaxesCarrying amount = 0

    Tax base = 100 (the amount the taxation authorities will permit as a deduction in future periods)

    b. Tax base is not immediately apparent

    If the tax base of an asset or liability is not immediately apparent, consider the fundamental principle uponwhich IAS 12.10 is based:

    that an entity should, with certain limited exceptions, recognise a deferred tax liability (or asset) whenever

    recovery or settlement of the carrying amount of an asset or liability would make future tax payments larger

    (or smaller) than they would be if such recovery or settlement were to have no tax consequences

    i.e. where there is a difference in treatment between accounting policies and tax laws affecting tax payments

    made, a deferred tax asset or liability is likely to exist.

    c. Consolidated annual financial statements

    In consolidated financial statements:

    Temporary differences = carrying amounts of assets and liabilities in the consolidated financial statements -

    appropriate tax base

    The tax base is determined by either:

    reference to a consolidated tax return in those jurisdictions in which such a return is filed, or

    by reference to the tax returns of each entity in the group (in all other jurisdictions)

    2.3 Taxable Vs Deducible Temporary differences

    Temporary differences may be either:

    (a) taxable temporary differences - temporary differences that will result in deferred tax liabilities, i.e.taxable amounts in determining taxable profit (or tax loss) of future periods


    (b) deductible temporary differences - temporary differences that will result in deferred tax assets, i.e.

    amounts that are deductible in determining taxable profit (or tax loss) of future periods

    a. Temporary differences

    Temporary differences arise when an income or expense item is

    included in accounting profit in one period but is included in taxable

    profit in a different period.

    The images shown represent examples of temporary differences which

    are taxable temporary differences and therefore result in deferred taxliabilities.

    The table shown summarises the classification of temporary



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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes


    Interest revenue is included in accounting profit on a time proportion basis (as earned) but may, in some

    jurisdictions, be included in taxable profit only when the cash is collected.

    Example: Interest receivable as per balance sheet = 350.

    Tax base = 0 (interest revenues do not affect taxable profit until cash is collected)

    Carrying amount = 350Taxable temporary difference = 350 (350 - 0)

    Deferred tax liability (30%) = 105 (350 x 30%)


    Depreciation used in determining taxable profit (or tax loss) may differ from that used in determiningaccounting profit.

    Example: Asset cost = 500, accounting depreciation = 200, tax depreciation = 250.

    Carrying amount = 300

    Tax base = 250

    Taxable temporary difference = 50 (300 - 250)Deferred tax liability (30%) = 15 (50 x 30%)


    Development costs may form part of the cost of an internally generated intangible asset that is amortised

    over future periods in determining accounting profit but deducted in determining taxable profit in the periodin which they are incurred.

    Example: Original cost of development costs = 4,500, with a carrying amount of = 3,500.

    Carrying amount = 3,500

    Tax base = 0Taxable temporary difference = 3,500 (3,500 - 0)

    Deferred tax liability (30%) = 1,050 (3,500 x 30%)

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    2.4 Other causes of temporary differences

    Temporary differences also arise when...

    i. the cost of a business combination that is an acquisition is allocated to the identifiable assets and liabilities

    acquired by reference to their fair values but no equivalent adjustment is made for tax purposes.

    Example: Plant originally costs 500, tax base = 500. Due to acquisition in a business combination the plants

    carrying amount is now 700.

    Carrying amount = 700

    Tax base = 500

    Taxable temporary difference = 200

    ii. there is a revaluation of assets

    When assets are revalued and no equivalent adjustment is made for tax purposes, this gives rise to a

    temporary difference.

    Example: A building originally cost 500, tax base = 500. Due to the implementation of IAS 40: Investment

    Property the building is revalued to 800.

    Carrying amount = 800

    Tax base = 500Taxable temporary difference = 300

    iii. there is goodwill

    When goodwill arises on consolidation, due to tax authorities not allowing reductions (e.g. impairments) in

    the carrying amount of goodwill as a deductible expense, a taxable temporary difference may arise -


    IAS 12.21 does not permit the recognition of the resulting deferred tax liability because goodwill is a

    residual and the recognition of the deferred tax liability would increase the carrying amount of goodwill.

    iv. the tax base of an asset or liability differs from its carrying amount on initial recognition

    If the tax base of an asset or liability differs from its carrying amount on initial recognition, the entity does

    not recognise the resulting deferred tax under IAS 12.15(b)(ii) and IAS 12.24(b).

    v. the carrying amount of investments in subsidiaries, branches, associates and joint ventures differ from

    their tax baseIf the carrying amount of investments in subsidiaries, branches and associates or interests in joint ventures

    becomes different from the tax base of the investment or interest, a temporary difference will arise.

    This is covered in another Coach me session: Investments in subsidiaries, branches and associates or

    interests in joint ventures.

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes


    1 Calculating Current Tax

    Jones Inc

    Jones Inc. has an accounting profit of 10,000 for the year ended 31 December 2005.

    During the year the company paid fines of 300, and 1,200 dividends were received (both are disallowed bythe tax laws of the jurisdiction in which Jones Inc. operates). The company recognised a depreciation

    expense of 450 for the year whereas the tax allowance was 600. Jones Inc. recognised a provision for a

    bonus of 775 in 2005 (2004: 625) - these amounts are tax deductible when they are paid. The 2004 bonus of

    625 was paid during the 2005 financial year. There are no other items in the accounts with a tax effect.

    The tax rate is 30%.

    Accounting profit/loss: 10,000

    Add - Expenses not deductible under tax laws but recognised for accounting purposes:

    Fines: 300Depreciation: 450

    Provision 2005: 775

    Deduct - expenses allowed under tax laws but not recognised for accounting purposes:Tax allowance on assets: (600)

    Provision 2004: (625)

    Deduct - Income not recognised under tax laws but recognised for accounting purposes:

    Dividends: (1,200)= Tax profit/loss: 9,100

    Current Tax @ 30%: 2,730

    2. Taxable temporary differences

    On 1 January 2005, Pyramids Ltd purchases an item of plant for 120,000. This plant has an expected usefullife of four years with a zero residual value. The company depreciates on a straight-line basis. The tax

    authorities allow a three- year amortisation period as shown in the diagram. The tax rate is 30%.

    Recovery of an asset: the underlying principle behind the recovery of an asset is that:

    its carrying amount will be recovered in the form of future benefits that flow into the entity (either throughuse (by generating income from using the asset) or through sale).

    at least the carrying amount will be recovered (120,000)

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    This point is made to illustrate that even through use the asset will have an effect on accounting current andfuture profits. When the carrying amount is greater than tax base (e.g. in 2005), this means that the amount

    available to offset against future accounting profit (90,000) is greater than the amount to be offset againstfuture taxable profit (80,000).

    This means that in the future there will be taxes payable in excess of what one would normally project from

    the carrying amount of the asset (90,000). These excess taxes payable in the future (10,000) (taxable

    temporary differences) need to be recognised as a liability (i.e. a deferred tax liability 3,000).

    3. Deductible temporary differences

    On 1 January 2005, Osiris Ltd purchases an item of plant for 120,000. This plant has an expected useful life

    of four years with a zero residual value. The company depreciates on a straight-line basis. The tax

    authorities allow a five year amortisation period. The tax rate is 30%.

    The image shows the deferred tax calculation for Osiris Ltd.

    Where the carrying amount is less than the tax base, the amounts available for offset against accountingprofit are less than amounts to be offset against taxable profit. Therefore in the future there will be less tax

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    payable (as tax authorities owe a future deduction equal to what has been deducted for accounting purposes)

    than what one would normally project from the carrying amount of the asset.

    This tax benefit in the future (deductible temporary difference) needs to be recognised as an asset (i.e. a

    deferred tax asset), provided that it is probable that the entity will have sufficient taxable profit against

    which the deductible temporary difference can be utilised.

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    Section 3

    3.1 Calculation of Deferred Tax

    Step 1: Determine the tax base

    Step 2: Calculate the temporary difference (if any)Step 3: Identify if the temporary difference is deductible (i.e. will lead to a deferred tax asset) or taxable (i.e.

    will lead to a deferred tax liability)Step 4: Are any exemptions to the recognition of deferred tax applicable?Step 5: Calculate the deferred tax by applying the correct tax rate

    Step 6: Is the movement recognised in the income statement, equity or goodwill?

    3.2 Step 1: Determine the tax base

    Tax base of an asset = future deductible amounts

    Therefore for Property, Plant and Equipment these amounts are the original cost less tax depreciation (Note 1 -

    Management Accounts) as the balance will be deductible in the future.

    Land (200,000 - 0) = 200,000Building 1 (363,636 -109,091) = 254,545

    Building 2 (437,383 - 87,477) = 349,906

    Plant (333,433 - 66,687) = 266,746Machinery (250,000 - 100,000) = 150,000

    Trademarks tax base is also the original cost less tax depreciation (Note 2.2 - Management Accounts):(2,000,000 - 1,600,000) = 400,000

    Product development costs were deducted when the expense was incurred and therefore none are deductible inthe future = 0

    Inventories writedowns (Note 5 Management Accounts) are not deductible for tax purposes, so the full

    inventory balance plus the writedown is deductible in the future (as cost of sales): (250,000 + 31,021) = 281,021

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    Receivables impairment (Note 6 Management Accounts) are only 25% deductible for tax purposes and

    therefore the entire receivables plus 75% of the impairment, is deductible in the future: (435,078+(75% x

    44,922) = 468,770

    Prepayments (Note7 Management Accounts), 300,000 is deductible in the current year and the balance is

    deductible in the future = 477,115

    The tax base of a liability is its carrying amount, less any amount that will be deductible for tax purposes inrespect of that liability in future periods. In the case of revenue which is received in advance, the tax base of theresulting liability is its carrying amount, less any amount of the revenue that will not be taxable in future


    Trade and other payables, no amounts are deductible for tax purposes in respect of that liability in future periodstherefore tax base equals carrying amount = 3,935,396

    Provision (Note 8 Management Accounts), carrying amount (207,973), less any amount that will bedeductible for tax purposes in respect of that liability in future periods (137,973) = 70,000

    Step 2: Calculate the temporary difference

    This step is straightforward, provided you have

    completed Step 1 correctly:

    Temporary Difference for an asset = Tax Base -

    Carrying Amount

    Temporary Difference for a liability = Carrying Amount

    - Tax Base

    Step 3: Is it deductible or taxable?

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    Youre applying the following rules correctly:

    when an assets carrying amount is greater than its tax base, a taxable temporary difference arises

    when an assets carrying amount is less than its tax base, a deductible temporary difference arises

    when a liability's carrying amount is greater than its tax base, a deductible temporary difference arises

    when a liability's carrying amount is less than its tax base, a taxable temporary difference arises

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    Section 4


    1. Taxable temporary differences and exceptions


    A deferred tax liability should be recognized for all taxabletemporary differences, including those arising from:

    business combinations

    assets carried at fair value

    split accounting of financial instruments

    unless the deferred tax liability arises from the initial recognition of

    goodwill or the initial recognition of an asset or liability in atransaction which:

    is not a business combination, and

    at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profitnor taxable profit (or tax loss)

    This Coach me explores the situations where a deferred tax liability

    is or is not recognised on taxable temporary differences.

    a. Business combinations

    The cost of a business combination is allocated to the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired by reference to

    their fair values at the date of the exchange transaction.

    Temporary differences arise when the tax bases of the identifiable assets and liabilities acquired are not affected

    by the business combination or are affected differently.

    The image shows an example.

    Buckley Inc. acquires Sugar Ltd. The cost of the plant of Sugar

    Ltd is 800, and its fair value is 1,000. Buckley Inc. recognises theasset at fair value.

    Carrying amount = 1,000Tax base = 800

    Taxable temporary difference = 200

    Deferred tax liability (@30%) = 60

    The resulting deferred tax liability affects goodwill (also covered in

    this Coach me) i.e. the journal entry is:

    Dr Goodwill

    Cr Deferred tax liability

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    b. Assets carried at fair value

    IFRS permit certain assets to be carried at fair value or to be revalued. For example refer to:IAS 16: Property, Plant and Equipment

    IAS 38: Intangible Assets

    IAS 39: Financial Instruments: Recognition and MeasurementIAS 40: Investment Property

    IAS 41: Agriculture

    If the tax authorities recognize the revaluation or fair value adjustment for tax purposes (i.e. adjust the tax base),

    there will be no difference between the carrying amount and tax base, and hence no temporary difference.

    However if the revaluation or restatement of an asset does not affect taxable profit in the period of the

    revaluation or restatement, then the tax base of the asset is not adjusted.Due to the future recovery of the carrying amount resulting in a taxable flow of economic benefits to the entity,

    the amount that will be deductible for tax purposes will differ from the amount of those economic benefits. This

    is true even if:

    (a) the entity doesn't intend to dispose of the asset (recovery will be through use and this will generate taxable

    income which exceeds the depreciation that will be allowable for tax purposes in future periods), or

    (b) tax on capital gains is deferred (as permitted by many tax authorities) if the proceeds of the disposal of the

    asset are invested in similar assets. In such cases, the tax will ultimately become payable on sale or use of thesimilar assets.

    c. Initial recognition of an asset or liability

    A temporary difference may arise on initial recognition of an asset or liability, for example if part or all of the

    cost of an asset will not be deductible for tax purposes. The method of accounting for such a temporary

    difference depends on the nature of the transaction which led to the initial recognition of the asset or liability:

    (a) in a business combination, an entity recognises any deferred tax liability or asset from temporary differences

    and this affects the amount of goodwill

    (b) if the transaction affects either accounting profit or taxable profit, an entity recognises any deferred tax

    liability or asset and recognises the resulting deferred tax expense or income in the income statement.

    Business combinations

    If the transaction is not a business combination, and affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit,

    then an entity would, in theory, need to recognise the resulting deferred tax liability or asset and adjust

    the carrying amount of the asset or liability by the same amount.

    However, such adjustments would make the financial statements complex and less transparent.

    Therefore, IAS 12 does not permit an entity to recognise a deferred tax liability or asset arising on initial

    recognition of an asset or liability acquired other than in a business combination, where the transaction

    affects neither accounting profit nor taxable profit (loss).

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    In accordance with IAS 32: Financial Instruments: Disclosure and Presentation, the issuer of a

    compound financial instrument classifies the instrument in two parts:

    the liability component as a liability, and

    the equity component as equity.

    In some jurisdictions, the tax base of the liability component on initial recognition is equal to the initialcarrying amount of the sum of the liability and equity components.

    The resulting taxable temporary difference arises from the initial recognition of the equity component

    separately from the liability component (and not the initial recognition of an asset or liability). Therefore

    the exemption does not apply and any resulting deferred tax liability should be recognised.

    The deferred tax is charged directly to the carrying amount of the equity component. Subsequent

    changes in the deferred tax liability are recognised in the income statement as deferred tax expense (or


    Business combinations

    d. Goodwill

    Many taxation authorities do not allow the amortisation of goodwill as

    a deductible expense in determining taxable profit or the cost ofgoodwill to be deducted when a subsidiary disposes of its underlying

    business. These tax rules lead to taxable temporary differences.

    However, IAS 12 does not permit the recognition of the resultingdeferred tax liability because goodwill is a residual and the recognition

    of the deferred tax liability would increase the carrying amount of


    Note further:a) 12.21A - Subsequent reductions in deferred tax liability that is

    unrecognised because it arises from the initial recognition of goodwill

    are also not recognised (this is in line with the treatment of initialrecognition).

    b) 12.21B - Deferred tax liabilities for taxable temporary differences

    relating to goodwill are however recognised to the extent that they do not arise from the initial recognition ofgoodwill (eg. tax laws allow write-off of the balance).


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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    2. Deductible temporary differences and exceptions

    Deductible temporary differencesA deferred tax asset should be recognised for all deductible

    temporary differences to the extent that:

    it is probable that taxable profit will be available against which thedeductible temporary difference can be utilised

    unless the deferred tax asset arises from the initial recognition of an

    asset or liability in a transaction which:is not a business combination, and

    at the time of the transaction, affects neither accounting profit nor

    taxable profit (or tax loss)

    2.1 Deductible temporary differences resulting in deferred tax


    Retirement benefit costs may be recognised in determining accounting profit as service isprovided by the employee, but only deducted in determining taxable profit either when

    contributions are paid to a fund by the entity or when retirement benefits are paid by the

    entity. A deductible temporary difference exists between the carrying amount of theliability and its tax base because the tax base is usually nil (calculated as the carrying

    amount of the liability less the amount that will be deductible in the future). A deferred

    tax asset therefore exists.

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    IAS 12 / NAS 09 : Income Taxes

    Example: Retirement benefit costs (4,500)

    Carrying amount Liability = 4,500

    Tax base = 0 (4,500 less amount that will be deductible in the future i.e. 4,500)Deductible temporary difference = 4,500

    Deferred tax asset (@30%) = 1,350 (4,500 x 30%)

    Research costs are recognised as an expense in determining accounting profit in theperiod in which they are incurred but may not be permitted as a deduction in determiningtaxable profit (or tax loss) until a later period.

    Example: Research costs (6,000)

    Carrying amount asset = 0 (as was expensed immediately)Tax base = 6,000

    Deductible temporary difference = 6,000

    Deferred tax asset (@30%) = 1,800

    The cost of a business combination is allocated to the assets and liabilities recognised, byreference to their fair values at the date of the transaction.

    Example: A liability of 4,000 was recognised on the acquisition but the related costs were

    not deducted in determining taxable profits until a later period.

    Carrying amount liability = 4,000

    Tax base = 0 (4,000 less amount that will be deductible in the future i.e. 4,000)

    Deductible temporary difference = 4,000Deferred tax asset (@30%) = 1,200

    The resulting deferred tax asset affects goodwill. Therefore the journal entry is:

    Dr Deferred tax asset, Cr Goodwill

    Certain assets may be carried at fair value, or may be revalued at amounts lower than the

    amount attributed to them for tax purposes

    Example: Plant with a tax base and previous carrying amount of 55,000 was impaired to

    its recoverable amount of 35,000.

    Carrying amount of asset = 35,000

    Tax base = 55,000

    Deductible temporary difference = 20,000 (55,000 - 35,000)

    Deferred tax asset (@30%) = 6,000 (20,000 x 30%)

    Initial recognition of an asset or liability - example

    A non-taxable government grant (200) related to a harvester (600) was given to Hilly Farms Ltd. For tax

    purposes, the grant is not taxable. The tax rate is 35%. Deferred tax calculation:

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    Carrying amount of harvester = 400 (600 less 200 grant that was offset against cost of the asset according to one

    of the alternatives under IAS 20)

    Tax base = 600Deductible temporary difference = 200

    However the entity does not recognise the resulting deferred tax asset, because the initial recognition of an assetor liability in a transaction was not a business combination, and at the time of the transaction, affected neither

    accounting profit nor taxable profit. As the temporary difference in the above case is somewhat permanent,we can identify that the IAS 12 exemption on initial recognition applies.

    Government grants may also be recognised as deferred income under the other alternative in IAS 20, in which

    case the difference between the deferred income and its tax base of nil is a deductible temporary difference.

    However the entity does not recognise the resulting deferred tax asset, because the initial recognition of an asset

    or liability in a transaction was not a business combination, and at the time of the transaction, affected neither

    accounting profit nor taxable profit.

    As the temporary difference in the above case is somewhat permanent, we can identify that the IAS 12

    exemption on initial recognition applies.

    3. Calculating deferred tax

    Deferred tax

    Deferred tax liabilities are the amounts of income taxes payable in future periods in respect of taxable

    temporary differences.

    Deferred tax liability = taxable temporary difference x tax rate

    Deferred tax assets are the amounts of income taxes recoverable in future periods in respect of:deductible temporary differences

    the carryforward of unused tax losses, andthe carryforward of unused tax credits

    Deferred tax asset = (deductible temporary difference and carryforward of unused tax losses) x tax rate and

    unused tax credits


    Muggins Health Shop had the following balances at the end of 2005 (tax rate = 30%):

    Taxable temporary difference = 56,000Assessed Loss carried forward = 30,000

    Deferred tax calculation:

    Deferred tax liability = 16,800 (56,000 x 30%)Deferred tax asset = 9,000 (30,000 x 30%)

    TOTAL deferred tax liability for 2005 = 7,800 (16,800 9,000)

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    4. Recognition of deferred tax assets limitations

    The reversal of deductible temporary differences means that there will be deductions in determining taxable

    profits of future periods. However, these deductions are allowable only if it is probable that taxable profits will

    be available against which the deductible temporary differences can be utilised (i.e. when the entity earnssufficient taxable profits against which the deductions can be offset). There are criteria that help to assess

    whether the recognition of deferred tax assets is probable.


    It is probable that taxable profit will be available against which a deductible temporary difference can be

    utilised when there are sufficient taxable temporary differences relating to the same taxation authority and thesame taxable entity which are expected to reverse:

    in the same period as the expected reversal of the deductible temporary difference, or

    in periods into which a tax loss arising from the deferred tax asset can be carried back or forward

    If these criteria are met, the deferred tax asset is recognised in the period in which the deductible temporary

    differences arise.

    Insufficient taxable temporary differences

    When there are insufficient taxable temporary differences relating to the same taxation authority and the same

    taxable entity, the deferred tax asset is recognised to the extent that:

    1) it is probable that the entity will have sufficient taxable profit relating to the same taxation authority and thesame taxable entity in the same period as the reversal of the deductible temporary difference or in the periods in

    which the tax loss arising from the deferred tax asset can be carried back or forward. (Note: in assessing this,

    the taxable amounts arising from other deductible temporary differences that are expected to originate in future

    periods are ignored) and2) tax planning opportunities are available to the entity that will create taxable profit in appropriate periods

    Tax planning opportunities

    Tax planning opportunities are actions that the entity could take in order to create or increase taxable income in

    a particular period before the expiry of a tax loss or tax credit carryforward.

    For example, taxable profit may be created or increased by:

    electing to have interest income taxed on either a received or receivable basisdeferring the claim for certain deductions from taxable profit

    Unused tax losses and unused tax credits

    A deferred tax asset should be recognised for:

    the carryforward of unused tax losses, andthe carryforward of unused tax credits

    to the extent that it is probable that future taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax losses

    and unused tax credits can be utilised.

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    The criteria for recognising deferred tax assets arising from thecarryforward of unused tax losses and unused tax credits are the same as the criteria for recognising deferred tax

    assets arising from deductible temporary differences. However, the existence of unused tax losses is strong

    evidence that future taxable profit may not be available. So, the entity recognises a deferred tax asset arisingfrom unused tax losses or tax credits only to the extent that the entity has sufficient taxable temporary

    differences, or there is convincing other evidence that sufficient taxable temporary differences will be available

    against which the unused tax losses or tax credits can be utilised

    Disclosure of the amount of the deferred tax asset and the nature of the evidence supporting its recognition isrequired by IAS 12.

    Consider these criteria in assessing the probability that taxable profit willbe available. Whether:

    1) the entity has sufficient taxable temporary differences relating to the same taxation authority and the same

    taxable entity which will result in taxable amounts against which the unused tax losses/credits can be utilisedbefore they expire

    2) it is probable that the entity will have taxable profits before the unused tax losses/credits expire

    3) the unused tax losses result from identifiable causes which are unlikely to recur, and

    4) tax planning opportunities are available to the entity that will create taxable profit in the period in which theunused tax losses/credits can be utilised.

    To the extent that it is not probable that taxable profit will be available against which the unused tax

    losses/credits can be utilised, the deferred tax asset is not recognised.

    At each balance sheet date, an entity re-assesses unrecognised deferredtax assets. The entity recognises a previously unrecognised deferred tax asset to the extent that it has become

    probable that future taxable profit will allow the deferred tax asset to be recovered.

    For example:

    an improvement in trading conditions oran entity re-assesses deferred tax assets at the date of a business combination or subsequently

    and it becomes probable that the entity will be able to generate sufficient taxable profit in the future for thedeferred tax asset to meet the recognition criteria.

    5. Subsidiaries, branches and associates, and joint ventures

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    5.1 When do temporary differences arise?

    Temporary differences arise when the carrying amount of investments in subsidiaries, branches and associatesor interests in joint ventures (i.e. the net assets including the carrying amount of goodwill) becomes different

    from the tax base (which is often cost). Such differences may arise in a number of different circumstances, for

    example:the existence of undistributed profits of subsidiaries, branches and associates or joint ventures

    changes in foreign exchange rates when a parent and its subsidiary are based in different countries having

    different currenciesa reduction in the carrying amount of an investment in an associate to its recoverable amount (due to


    5.2 Recognition of deferred tax liabilities

    Recognise all deferred tax liabilities associated with investments in subsidiaries, branches and associates, and

    interests in joint ventures, except to the extent that both of the following conditions are satisfied: 1) the parent,investor or venturer is able to control the timing of the reversal of the temporary difference, 2) it is probable that

    the temporary difference will not reverse in the foreseeable future. Further issues:

    Control of timing

    Foreign operations

    Investments in associates

    Joint ventures

    Control of timing

    As a parent controls the dividend policy of its subsidiary (and branch operations) it therefore controls the timing

    of the reversal of temporary differences associated with that investment, including:

    the temporary differences arising from undistributed profits, and

    any foreign exchange translation differences

    Also, it would often be impracticable to determine the amount of income taxes that would be payable when the

    temporary difference reverses. Therefore, when the parent has determined that those profits will not bedistributed in the foreseeable future the parent does not recognise a deferred tax liability.

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    Foreign operations

    The non-monetary assets and liabilities of an entity are measured in its functional currency (see IAS 21:TheEffects of Changes in Foreign Exchange Rates). If the entitys taxable profit or tax loss (and, hence, the tax base

    of its non-monetary assets and liabilities) is determined in a different currency, changes in the exchange rate

    give rise to temporary differences that result in a recognised deferred tax liability or asset. The resultingdeferred tax is charged or credited to profit or loss. Because such temporary differences relate to the foreign

    operation's own assets and liabilities, rather than to the reporting entity's investment in that foreign operation,the reporting entity recognises the resulting deferred tax liability or deferred tax asset

    Investments in associates

    An investor in an associate:1. does not control that entity, and

    2. is usually not in a position to determine its dividend policy

    Therefore, in the absence of an agreement requiring that the profits of the associate will not be distributed in the

    foreseeable future, an investor recognises a deferred tax liability arising from taxable temporary differences

    associated with its investment in the associate. In some cases, an investor may not be able to determine theamount of tax that would be payable if it recovers the cost of its investment in an associate, but can determine

    that it will equal or exceed a minimum amount. In such cases, the deferred tax liability is measured at this

    minimum amount

    Joint ventures

    The arrangement between the parties to a joint venture usually deals with the sharing of the profits.


    the venturer can control the sharing of profits, and

    it is probable that the profits will not be distributed in the foreseeable future

    a deferred tax liability is not recognised.

    5.3 Recognition of deferred tax assets

    An entity should recognise a deferred tax asset for all deductible temporary differences arising frominvestments in subsidiaries, branches and associates, and interests in joint ventures only to the extent that it is

    probable that:

    the temporary difference will reverse in the foreseeable future, andtaxable profit will be available against which the temporary difference can be utilised

    You should use the same criteria on 'Limitations in recognition of deferred tax assets'. for determining adeferred tax asset.

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    Recognition & Measurement

    1. Recognition: income statement, equity or goodwill?

    1.1. Accounting for current and deferred tax effects

    Accounting for the current and deferred tax effects of a transaction should be the same as the accounting for thetransaction or event itself.

    I.e. If the accounting transaction affects the income statement (e.g. temporary difference between depreciation

    for accounting and for tax purposes), so will the tax transaction. For example:

    Dr Tax expense - Income statement

    Cr Deferred tax liability

    1.2. Recognition in Income Statement;

    When to recognise

    Current and deferred tax should be recognised as income or an expense and included in the profit or loss for the

    period, except to the extent that the tax arises from:

    a transaction or event which is recognised directly in equity, or

    a business combination


    The carrying amount of deferred tax may change even though there is no change in the amount of the related

    temporary differences. For example, when there is a:

    change in tax rates or tax lawsre-assessment of the recoverability of deferred tax assets, or

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    change in the expected manner of recovery of an asset

    the resulting deferred tax is recognised in the income statement, except to the extent that it relates to itemspreviously charged or credited to equity.

    1.3. Equity recognition

    Current tax and deferred tax should be charged or credited directly to equity if the tax relates to items that arecredited or charged, in the same or a different period, directly to equity.

    Detailed below are circumstances where the charge is to be taken to equity.

    Items to be charged directly to equity

    IFRS require or permit certain items to be credited or charged directly to equity. For example:a change in carrying amount arising from the revaluation of property, plant and equipment (see IAS 16)

    an adjustment to the opening balance of retained earnings resulting from either a change in accounting

    policy that is applied retrospectively or the correction of an error (see IAS 8: Accounting Policies, Change

    in Accounting Estimates and Errors)exchange differences arising on the translation of the financial statements of a foreign operation (see IAS

    21), and

    amounts arising on initial recognition of the equity component of a compound financial instrument (see IAS32)

    Revaluation of an asset - example 1

    Here's an example of where the impact on the tax is recognised where an entity may recognise a revaluation

    of an asset in accordance with IAS 16 (revaluation recognised in equity). Tax rate 30%.

    Accounting entry:Dr Asset 1,000

    Cr Revaluation reserve (Equity) 1,000...to recognise the revaluation of an asset under IAS 16

    Deferred tax:Dr Revaluation reserve (Equity) 300 (30% x 1,000)

    Cr Deferred tax liability 300

    ...to recognise the tax effect associated with the revaluation

    Note: The recognition of deferred tax follows accounting for the initial transaction.

    Revaluation of an asset - example 2

    Here's an example of where the impact on the tax is recognised where an entity may recognise a revaluation

    of an asset in accordance with IAS 40 (fair value movement recognised in the income statement). Tax rate30%.

    Accounting entry:Dr Asset 1,000

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    Cr Fair value adjustment - (Income statement) 1,000

    ...to recognise the revaluation under IAS 40

    Deferred tax:

    Dr Tax expense - (Income statement) 300 (30% x 1,000)

    Cr Deferred tax liability 300...to recognise the associated tax effect

    Note: The recognition of deferred tax follows the accounting for the initial transaction.

    2. Deferred tax arising from a business combination

    Business combinations

    Temporary differences may arise in a business combination. In accordance with IFRS 3: Business

    Combinations an entity recognises any resulting deferred tax assets (to the extent that they meet the recognitioncriteria) or deferred tax liabilities as identifiable assets and liabilities at the date of the acquisition.

    Consequently, those deferred tax assets and liabilities affect goodwill. However, an entity does not recognisedeferred tax liabilities arising from the initial recognition of goodwill.

    Recognition of a deferred tax asset

    As a result of a business combination, an acquirer may consider it probable that it will recover its own

    deferred tax asset that was not recognised before the business combination.

    For example, the acquirer may be able to utilise the benefit of its unused tax losses against the future taxable

    profit of the acquiree. In such cases, the acquirer recognises a deferred tax asset, but does not include it as part of the accounting for the business combination, and therefore does not take it into account in

    determining the goodwill or the amount of any excess of the acquirers interest in the net fair value of theacquirees identifiable assets, liabilities and contingent liabilities over the cost of the combination.

    Initial non-recognition of a deferred tax asset

    An acquirer may consider it improbable at the date of acquisition that it will recover the acquirees potentialbenefit arising from tax loss carry-forwards or other deferred tax assets but at a later date the possibility may

    become probable.

    3. Presentation

    3.1 Current tax

    Current tax assets and liabilities can be offset only if there is:

    a legally enforceable right to set off the recognised amounts, and

    an intention either to settle on a net basis, or to realise the asset and settle the liability simultaneously

    Criteria for legally enforceable rights

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    There will normally be a legally enforceable right to set off when current taxes relate to income tax

    levied by the same taxation authority, and the taxation authority permits the entity to make or receive a

    single net payment.

    Therefore although current tax assets and liabilities are separately recognised and measured, they can

    usually be offset in the balance sheet of a single entity.

    Consolidated annual financial statements

    In consolidated financial statements, a current tax asset of one entity in a group is offset against a current tax

    liability of another entity in the group only if the entities concerned have a legally enforceable right to make

    or receive a single net payment, and the entities intend to make or receive such a net payment or to recoverthe asset and settle the liability simultaneously.

    Therefore the offset of current tax assets and liabilities in a group is more difficult.

    3.2 Deferred tax

    Deferred tax should be offset only when the same criteria as for current tax are met in each future period inwhich significant amounts of deferred tax liabilities or assets are expected to be settled or recovered.

    In certain circumstances, detailed scheduling may be required.