edisi 15 april 2011 | international bali post

For placing advertisment, please contact: Eka Wahyuni 0361-225764 HOTLINE CITY TEMPERATURE O C WEATHER FORECAST 25 - 32 23 - 32 23 - 28 22 - 31 25 - 33 DENPASAR JAKARTA BANDUNG YOGYAKARTA SURABAYA SUNNY BRIGHT/CLOUDY RAIN PAGE 12 Friday, April 15, 2011 16 Pages Number 89 3 rd Year e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com. http://epaper.internationalbalipost.com. I N T E R N A T I O N A L Price: Rp 3.000,- PAGE 8 Inventive ‘Sleep No More’ twists Macbeth in NY PAGE 6 Probe blames tired sailor for Barrier Reef crash Agence France Presse To build Bali, weld synergy with agricultural components Associated Press Writer TOKYO – Japan’s widely re- spected emperor made his first visit Thursday to the disaster zone devastated by an earthquake and tsunami, kneeling on mats to com- miserate with survivors who bowed in gratitude and wiped away tears. Emperor Akihito and Empress Michiko visited two evacuation shelters Thursday in Asahi city, where they spoke qui- etly with evacuees sitting on mats in the community centers that have become their temporary homes. A villager of Buyan Village, Suweja, said Thursday, he and his son in-law is now officially out of their job. The green house that they use to grow paprika is filled with water due to the water from the lake. AP Photo/Kyodo News Japanese Emperor Akihito, left, and Empress Michiko, kneel down and smile at people at an evacuation shelter in Asahi City in Chiba Prefecture, about 86 kilometers (54 miles) east of Tokyo, Thursday, April 14, 2011. Continued on page 6 Japan emperor makes first trip to disaster zone Asahi, about 86 kilometers (54 miles) east of Tokyo near the Pa- cific coast, is one of the southern- most areas to be heavily affected by the March 11 natural disasters, which killed up to 26,000 people and also set off a crisis of radia- tion leaks at a flooded nuclear plant. One evacuee with Down syn- drome, who has trouble speaking, conveyed his thoughts to the royal couple on paper. “I will keep striv- ing,” he wrote in a small notebook that he showed to the emperor and empress. IBP/Ole The increasing number of water in Buyan Lake make houses and farm drowned. The flooding of Buyan Lake Economics paralyzed, the government doesn’t take action Continued on page 6 Singaraja (Bali Post) - The increasing number of water in Buyan Lake make the economic activity in Dasong and Buyan Village in Sukasada District is completely paralyzed. At least 40 families loose their job because the farm that they manage drowned. “Actually, the plant will be har- vested this month but the flood make everything die,” he added. Several greenhouses made from plastics were drowned.

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Page 1: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

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Friday, April 15, 2011

16 Pages Number 893rd Year

e-mail: [email protected] online: http://www.internationalbalipost.com.



Price: Rp 3.000,-


Inventive ‘Sleep NoMore’ twistsMacbeth in NY


Probe blames tiredsailor for BarrierReef crash AgenceFrance Presse

To build Bali,weld synergywith agriculturalcomponents

Associated Press Writer

TOKYO – Japan’s widely re-spected emperor made his firstvisit Thursday to the disaster zonedevastated by an earthquake andtsunami, kneeling on mats to com-miserate with survivors whobowed in gratitude and wipedaway tears. Emperor Akihito andEmpress Michiko visited twoevacuation shelters Thursday inAsahi city, where they spoke qui-etly with evacuees sitting on matsin the community centers thathave become their temporaryhomes.

A villager of Buyan Village,Suweja, said Thursday, he and hisson in-law is now officially out oftheir job. The green house that theyuse to grow paprika is filled withwater due to the water from the lake.

AP Photo/Kyodo News

Japanese Emperor Akihito, left, and Empress Michiko, kneeldown and smile at people at an evacuation shelter in AsahiCity in Chiba Prefecture, about 86 kilometers (54 miles) eastof Tokyo, Thursday, April 14, 2011.Continued on page 6

Japan emperor makesfirst trip to disaster zone

Asahi, about 86 kilometers (54miles) east of Tokyo near the Pa-cific coast, is one of the southern-most areas to be heavily affectedby the March 11 natural disasters,which killed up to 26,000 peopleand also set off a crisis of radia-tion leaks at a flooded nuclearplant.

One evacuee with Down syn-drome, who has trouble speaking,conveyed his thoughts to the royalcouple on paper. “I will keep striv-ing,” he wrote in a small notebookthat he showed to the emperor andempress.


The increasing number of water in Buyan Lake make houses and farm drowned.

The flooding of Buyan Lake

Economics paralyzed, thegovernment doesn’t take action

Continued on page 6

Singaraja (Bali Post) -

The increasing number of water in Buyan Lake make theeconomic activity in Dasong and Buyan Village in SukasadaDistrict is completely paralyzed. At least 40 families loosetheir job because the farm that they manage drowned.

“Actually, the plant will be har-vested this month but the floodmake everything die,” he added.Several greenhouses made fromplastics were drowned.

Page 2: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

InternationalFriday, April 15, 20112

Bali News

Founder : K.Nadha, General Manager :Palgunadi Chief Editor: Diah Dewi Juniarti Editors: Gugiek Savindra,Alit Susrini, Alit Sumertha, Daniel Fajry, Mawa, Sri Hartini, Suana, Sueca, Sugiartha, Wirya, Yudi

Winanto Denpasar: Dira Arsana, Giriana Saputra, Subagiadnya, Subrata, Suentra, Sumatika, Asmara Putra. Bangli: Pujawan, Buleleng: Adnyana, Gianyar: Agung Dharmada, Karangasem: Budana, Klungkung: Bali

Putra Ariawan. Jakarta: Nikson, Hardianto, Ade Irawan. NTB: Agus Talino, Syamsudin Karim, Izzul Khairi, Raka Akriyani. Surabaya: Bambang Wilianto. Development: Alit Purnata, Mas Ruscitadewi. Office: Jalan

Kepundung 67 A Denpasar 80232. Telephone (0361)225764, Facsimile: 227418, P.O.Box: 3010 Denpasar 80001. Bali Post Jakarta, Advertizing: Jl.Palmerah Barat 21F. Telp 021-5357602, Facsimile: 021-5357605

Jakarta Pusat. NTB: Jalam Bangau No. 15 Cakranegara Telp. (0370) 639543, Facsimile: (0370) 628257. Publisher: PT Bali Post

Within a day, waterWithin a day, waterWithin a day, waterWithin a day, waterWithin a day, waterof Lake Buyan goesof Lake Buyan goesof Lake Buyan goesof Lake Buyan goesof Lake Buyan goesup to 12 million litersup to 12 million litersup to 12 million litersup to 12 million litersup to 12 million litersSingaraja (Bali Post)—

Residents who live around the Lake Buyan must be prepared to take refuge. Based on theestimation of Buleleng Environment Agency (KLH), the lake water goes up about 12 millionliters every day. If the increase continues to happen every day, within a month all the gardensand settlements on the lowlands area around the lakeside will be inundated and even totallydisappear.

Head of Buleleng EnvironmentAgency, Wayan Pasek Swastika,who made observations with anumber of staff at Lake Buyan,Wednesday (Apr 13), mentionedthat estimation on the increase of12 million liters of water was cal-culated based on the rising waterlevel per day multiplied by the ex-tent of puddles around the lake.Every day, the water rose as highas 2-centimeter, while the vast poolof water around the lake at leastreached 60 hectares. “So, 2 centi-meters multiplied by 60 hectareswill make the total of 12 millionliters,” he said.

According to Pasek, the calcu-lation submitted was merely basedon stagnant water in the area ofplantations owned by residents. Tocalculate the increasing volume ofwater in the lake, his party shouldcount the extensive cover of thelake at normal condition. Obvi-ously, the increase in the volumeof lake water was very significant.

It could be seen from the parking loton the north side of Ulun DanuTemple that had now been inundated.If not immediately anticipated, thewater could possibly reach the low-est point of Singaraja-Denpasar roadsection. “Similar incident where thelake water reached the roadside hap-pened in 1974,” he said.

Furthermore, Pasek Swastika saidthat inundation of plantation area andcommunity residence around thelake was not solely caused by theoverflowing water from the lake. Thewater in the plantation was morecaused by the emergence of waterresources or a kind of water seepagein the middle of plantation. Dis-charge of the water exuding from theseepage was very large. Even, thewells of residents in the middle ofthe plantation kept on giving forthwater until overflowing. “In normalcondition, the well will be watery af-ter reaching the depth of 6 to 7meters,” he said.

What measures will be taken to an-

ticipate the overflowing lake water?Pasek Swastika said for a while theKLH together with local communitywould do clean-up services against thefloating weeds in the lake. The weedsin large amounts could also increasethe pressure in the water so the wateroverflowed. Water pressure in the lakewas also estimated to bring new seep-age in the middle of the local planta-tion. “Thickness of those weeds canreach 50 centimeters,” he said.

Observation made last Tuesdayindicated the increasing water ofLake Buyan was estimated to havereached about 7 meters if measuredfrom the surface of lake water be-fore overflowing about 7 monthsago. Then, the parking lot on thenorth of Ulun Danu Temple locatedon a high enough ground had nowbeen inundated by water and so hadthe wantilan hall and a number ofbuildings in front of the temple.Even, a gazebo had completely sub-merged and people could only seeits roof. (kmb15)


The parking space in Buyan Lake already flooded by the rising water from the lake.

WHEN the Buleleng Cultural and Tourism Service was led byIda Bagus Puja Erawan about three or four years ago, there wastourism program called city tour. As the name implies, it can beknown that city tour is a kind of tour package where tourists willbe escorted to ‘saleable’ objects. One of which is the old build-ings located on Jalan Gajah Mada, Jalan Ngurah Rai and someothers on Jalan Ahmad Yani until the area of Buleleng Harbor.

Since it sells the uniqueness of a city, then the old buildingsshould inevitably be preserved. Preliminary preservation was al-ready initiated in 2003 when there was a program named Bali Ur-ban Infrastructural Project (BUIP) providing the assistance to pre-serve heritage areas, among others in the area of central road junc-tion, Kanginan Royal Palace of Buleleng, old shower next to Cul-tural Hall and arched bridge at Kampug Tinggi. Unfortunately, theprogram was not followed by the arrangement of other areas inSingaraja. Actually, when talking about old buildings, Singarajacan be called as the only city retaining many old buildings in Bali.

When the leadership changes, it is also followed by the changesof program. After some mutations occurred to a number of headsof agencies, the city tour program was no more heard. Data col-lection of old houses on Jalan Gajah Mada and Jalan Ngurah Raiwas not continued. On the other hand, those old houses began tobe dismantled and replaced with the new and more modern homes.Even, there was an old building demolished to make a shop andmini market.

Preserving old buildings is something complicated and requiresa serious commitment. Moreover, most old buildings in Singaraja,especially the houses lining along Jalan Gajah Mada and JalanNgurah Rai, have now become private properties. As consequence,the program planned by a particular agency will stagnate and turnback to imagination.

It is recognized by Deputy Regent of Buleleng Made ArgaPynatih. Talking about old buildings is a bit complicated. Ac-cording to him, the criteria for an old and historic building shouldbe reviewed again. For example, in the area of Buleleng Harborthere were a number of buildings, ranging from the former build-ing of Pelni (national shipping company), arched bridge and oldwarehouses. The arched bridge had been preserved through theBUIP program. Meanwhile, the Pelni building was still maintainedand would be functioned as an exhibition space. Then, the dam-aged warehouses had indeed been demolished as no other choice.Aside from being very fragile and dangerous, the building wasbuilt by citizen who had he rights to build (HGB).

To preserve the old houses, said Arga Pynatih, the RegencyGovernment indeed had no program in details. If there would beany preservation program later on, of course it would be compli-cated and take long process because most old houses had nowbecome private properties. The government-owned propertiescould be counted easily, such as the regent’s office, the office ofSanitation and Landscaping Services and military offices locatedin front of the Golkar (Functional Group) Party’s office.

Formerly, based on information, some of those old buildingswere owned by the state functioned as a residential home andgovernment offices. However, it was not known they changed intoprivate properties. “Where should we start to examine this?” hequestioned.

Nevertheless, Arga Pynatih remained to have a desire in orderthose old buildings could be preserved with apparent criteria. Forthat purpose, he would discuss the matter with the heads of re-gional agencies (SKPD) so that everything could be carried outclearly without incurring long polemic. (ole)

Preservation of old buildings in Singaraja

Privately ownedhouses, an utopian


Page 3: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

3International Bali News Friday, April 15, 2011

Klungkung positive to birdKlungkung positive to birdKlungkung positive to birdKlungkung positive to birdKlungkung positive to birdflu A number of residentsflu A number of residentsflu A number of residentsflu A number of residentsflu A number of residents

intensively examinedintensively examinedintensively examinedintensively examinedintensively examinedSemarapura (Bali Post)—

A number of Klungkung residents were examined intensively in association with bird flu. Themeasure was taken considering the bird flu outbreak began to spread at some villages, such asSatra and Akah. “We have taken the sample of nasal mucus of four residents to be examined inlaboratory. Two residents are from Akah and two others from Satra,” said the Head of KlungkungHealth Services Gusti Ngurah Agung Swastika, Wednesday (Apr 13).

It was said that so far the birdflu was positive to attack poultryand it could possibly to attack hu-mans. On that account, every resi-dent around the affected areas whogot fever, cough and influenza,should be immediately checked tolaboratory. “Indeed, we have con-fidence that bird flu has not spreadto humans. Some of the residentschecked only indicated regular fluand cold,” he said.

Nevertheless, Swastikaclaimed to still intensify the treat-ment by continuously monitoringthe progress of bird flu. As social-ization made to the communityconcerning with healthy life, healso put emphasis on the impor-tance of improving the environ-mental sanitation and others suchas deploying some officers, bothfrom Health Services and commu-nity health centers. “Franklyspeaking, we are constrained bythe budget for bird flu treatment.Hopefully, the budget could beallocated through the next amend-ment of regional budget,” hehoped.

Based on field observations,the positive village to bird fluconsisted of Akah and Satra. AtSatra Village, the first case in-fected the chickens belonging toDewa Ketut Darma at KawanHamlet. His chickens died sud-denly since Friday (Apr 8). Origi-nally, ten of sixteen chickens died.Then, 2 chickens died on Sunday(Apr 10), two others died on Mon-day (Apr 11). Ultimately, the two

2 remaining chickens were imme-diately killed forcibly. Similarcondition afflicted the chickens ofNengah Warda from Gede Ham-let, Akah. He had six chickens andfive of them died on Tuesday (Apr12) and then another died onWednesday (Apr13).

Dewa Darma and NengahWarda then reported the cases tothe quick response team of birdflu prevention, Klungkung Ani-mal Husbandry, Fisheries andMaritime Affairs (KDP). “On re-ceiving the report, we promptlyassigned our officers to locationto perform rapid tests. Based onthe samples of those suddenlydied chickens, it was known ifthey were positive to bird flu,”said the head of KDP Klungkung,Gusti Ngurah Badiwangsa.

According to Badiwangsa,those chickens undergoing sud-den death were obtained from

Galiran Market, the largest poul-try market in Klungkung. It was inthis market all poultries from out-side Bali were assembled beforedistributed to several other regionsin Bali. The existence of the larg-est poultry market in Klungkungonce made Badiwangsa to worrysome time ago. Apparently, his con-cerns became a reality. “Immedi-ately, the KDP officials conductedmass eradication, cage disinfectionand spraying in the neighborhoodwithin the radius of one hundredmeters from the infected area,” headded while claiming to continuehis coordination with the commu-

nity health centers and Health Ser-vices.

6,000 poultries to meet dailyneeds

Meanwhile, Galiran Market,Klungkung, prepares at least 6,000poultries to meet the needs of the mar-ket in Bali every day. Those poultryenter from several regions outside Baliand cannot be ensured whether they arein good health (free from bird flu vi-rus) or not. If the poultries in the GaliranMarket are infected, of course it willhave a fatal impact on Bali as a whole.

Moreover, according Badiwangsa,Klungkung Regency had no authorityto prohibit the entry of poultries intoKlungkung. With a population of birds(poultry, ducks and others) of about400,000, Klungkung could not havemet its own needs. Besides, it was notenabled by the regulation. “Actually, theprohibition of poultry to enter into Balihas been set forth in the GovernorRegulation, not prohibition issued byregency. Therefore, what needed hereis the firmness of the officers on dutyat the entrances to implement the Gov-ernor Regulations,” said Chairman ofthe Indonesian Veterinarian Association(IDHI) of Bali Region while mention-ing that it was in the form of GovernorRegulation No. 44/2005 concerningwith the prohibition of poultry to enterBali. “What we can do now is to inten-sify the spraying measures, whether inthe markets, breeders or poultry trans-porting vehicles. Previously, the spray-ing was held once a week but now it isincreased to 2-3 times a week,” headded. (kmb20)

An officer of


Animal De-



diinfectant to

the pultry in



IBP/Bali Putra

Denpasar (Bali Post)In the past ten years, death due

to traffic, work, criminality evensuicide have gone down 8,7 percenta year. It seems the Sanglah Hospi-tal trauma center which has operatedsince 2001 has been a help as be-fore it would be in levels from coAss(new doctors), resident I, II, III doc-tors then Chief then to a specialistdoctor by telephone. “That if thespecialist would give a decisionthrough telephone. If they got itwrong then they might misunder-stood,” Head of the center, dr.Kuning Atmadjaya, SpB, stated lastWednesday (13/4).

Due to that, many of them areunsuccessful to decrease the un-wanted numbers. Yet since thetrauma center operated, these pa-tients are brought to a specialiststraight away while resident andnew doctor joined which gives them

Number of Death Down8.7 Percent A Year

education with status internship.Besides that, the number of infec-tion due to injection needle in thehospital’s Surgery Installation havegone down to null percent, also de-creasing numbers of those whoforced themselves going home andresponding time is much shorter.“For a specialist respond time useto be 1-2 days now it only needs 15minutes,” she explained.

For the Surgery Installation it isnow divided to three areas, red forcritical condition patients, yellow forheavy injured patients who need ob-servation and green for light inju-ries. In Sanglah now, everyday thereis one specialist for trauma surgeryand one specialist for anesthesia sur-gery that are 24 hours in the SurgeryInstallation which so those whoneeds plastic surgery and orthope-dic it will follow after the patient isstabile. (kmb24)

Denpasar (Bali Post) –The attack of the caterpillars in

Denpasar is spreading after ap-pearing in Siulan Street at Penatih,Seroja and Tonja Street now it’s atKenyiri, Cekomaria and AntasuraStreet. moreover in one house atKenyiri Street Gang Meduri, itwere crawling on the hosues’swalls. One resident there,Maksimus (22), last Wednesday(12/4) admitted he saw that hor-rible insect on Sunday (10/4) forthe first time on his garden walls.“At that time it wasn’t many, butnow it’s increasing,” he explained.

Maksimus stated the caterpil-lars didn’t make him itch but it is

Kenyeri Street’s Attackedby Caterpillars

disturbing him as it’s disgusting.It is said him and other residentshave reported it to those respon-sible. Head of Denpasar Agricul-ture, Food Plantation and Horticul-ture Agency, I Gede Ambara Putra,stated these caterpillars in differ-ent areas are all the same kind andthe total of it in Kenyeri is less thanthe ones in Siulan and SerojaStreets although the ones inKenyeri are attacking residents’houses. It is explained these cater-pillars phenomenon are usual situ-ation due to the extreme weatherand their’ favorite spot would beempty lands especially clump oftrees. (kmb12)


Vice Deputy of Chairman Com-mission IV DPRD Bali KetutKariyasa Adnyana said SpecialSchool (SLB) B and C buildingshould socialize at first to the lo-cals. The schools will build aboveBalitex former land. “Before build-ing the construction, it should so-cialize first to the people. The re-fusal reaction from locals mightcause of miscommunication,” saidhim in Denpasar on Wednesday.

He suggests to the governmentand related institution to socializeit to the people soon. It is did toavoid problem in the future. “Be-fore we find an agreement in so-cializing it to the people, we shoulddelay the building process,” saidthe PDIP politician. The purpose ofthe school is being a form of Balicommitment to increase educationquality of defect children. SLB Cbuilding in Lumintang area,Denpasar city and SLB B in

SLB Building ShouldSocialize to Locals

Jimbaran, Badung accessed werenot proper anymore to supportteaching process while the studentsgetting increase. “They should treatlike others. The defect children alsohave a right to get well education,”said him.

“I hope the Head of Disdikpora(Education, Youth, and Sport Of-fice) Bali soon socialize it to thepeople. If we failed build this, weare pity on the children. Localpeople who denied this should thinkabout them. What if their familygetting physical defect like them,”said him. Meanwhile the Head ofPublication and Documentation onPublic Relation and Protocol Bali IKetut Teneng said this SLB willbuild in Kertalangu Village (formerBalitex building) Denpasar.

“The SLB building keeping runthough some people refused theschool,” said him. He said Gover-nor Mangku Pastika is consisten tobuild this building due to it is aneffort to help the defect ones.

Page 4: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

International4 Friday, April 15, 2011 News

Polls show Venezuelans evenly split be-tween the socialist leader’s fans and opponents,setting up an intriguing and potentially vola-tile race for next year’s election in the SouthAmerican OPEC member of 27 million people.

Knowing unity is its only chance to beat Chavez— who has been in power and won a dozen na-tional votes since 1999 — the Democratic Unityopposition alliance said it would hold primariesto select a single candidate on February 12.

“We are going to elect not only a candidatebut the next president of all Venezuelans,”Ramon Aveledo, the coalition’s executive sec-retary, told local TV station Globovision.

Younger opposition figures had argued foran earlier date to allow their presidential as-pirant more time to develop national recogni-tion given that Chavez remains by far the mostpopular and best-known individual politicianin Venezuela. But others in more traditionalopposition circles argued a long campaigncould stretch their finances — whereas Chavezhas a huge advantage given the government’s

Associated Press Writer

ABIDJAN, Ivory Coast – Ivory Coast’spresident tried to establish order in the daysafter the country’s strongman was arrested,moving him to a secure location and assuringthe public that looting and gunfire will cease,and life will soon return to normal.

President Alassane Ouattara said LaurentGbagbo had been moved out of the Golf Ho-tel, where he was taken after his capture onMonday. He said Gbagbo will be kept in a villaand that his rights as a former head of statewill be respected. A U.N. official said that itspeacekeeping forces are providing personalsecurity protection for Gbagbo.

“Gbagbo is in a residence under surveillancesomewhere in Ivory Coast,” Ouattara told re-porters at the Golf Hotel. The justice ministeris preparing for possible prosecution ofGbagbo, he said, but gave no details. “Therewill be charges (against Gbagbo) on a nationallevel and an international level,” he said. “Rec-onciliation cannot happen without justice.”

The Hague-based International CriminalCourt had no immediatecomment on Ouattara’s state-ment. Ouattara also repeatedhis call against violence andasked fighters to put downtheir arms so that thecountry’s biggest city, whichhas been on lockdown whilebattles raged over the last twoweeks, could return to nor-mal. “We need to secure thecountry, notably Abidjan,” hesaid. “It is important for thecountry to emerge from thiscrisis on top.”

The scars of fighting werestill evident everywhere onWednesday as civilians ven-tured out from their housesfor the first time, and cars


CAIRO/BENGHAZI – Leaders of fivebig emerging powers on Thursday con-demned NATO-led air strikes againstLibya after Western and Arab countriesissued their first joint call for MuammarGaddafi to step down.

Diplomats will make a new effort toforge an end to the Libyan civil war onThursday with no clear military strategyin place to force the Libyan leader out.

U.N. Secretary General Ban Ki-moon,EU foreign policy chief Catherine Ashton,Arab League head Amr Moussa and offi-cials from the African Union and Organi-zation of the Islamic Conference will dis-cuss Libya at Arab League headquartersin Cairo.

Though the United Nations SecurityCouncil gave a mandate last month toWestern and some Arab states to attackGaddafi’s forces on the grounds of pro-

Venezuela opposition to pick Chavez challengerVenezuela opposition to pick Chavez challengerVenezuela opposition to pick Chavez challengerVenezuela opposition to pick Chavez challengerVenezuela opposition to pick Chavez challengerReuters

CARACAS – Venezuela’s opposition coalition on Wednesday fixed an election for nextFebruary to choose its candidate to challenge President Hugo Chavez in a presidentialvote at the end of 2012.

oil revenues — and give the president moreopportunity to attack the candidate.

At a rally on Wednesday, Chavez said hewas spoiling for the election fight and mockedthe opposition’s recent debate over when andhow primaries should be held.

“We don’t need primaries or secondariesbecause it’s well known that I have assumedthe responsibility of being the candidateagain,” he said, to cheers from a crowd. “I’vesaid to them ‘elect your candidate, becausewe’re going to sweep him away!’”

Polls show the leading candidate to win theopposition’s presidential ticket is HenriqueCapriles, the energetic governor of Venezuela’smost populous state Miranda.

Other aspirants include the 2006 opposi-tion presidential candidate Manuel Rosales, aformer Caracas district mayor LeopoldoLopez, a hard-line veteran Chavez opponentAntonio Ledezma, the governor of oil-richZulia state Pablo Perez, and an “old guard”party leader Henry Ramos Allup.


Venezuelan President Hugo Chavez speaks during the commemoration of the ninth an-niversary of the failed coup against him, in Caracas on April 13, 2011.

Emerging powers said tocondemn Libya bombing

tecting Libyan civilians, the war has at-tracted hostility from other world powers.

At a meeting in China of the BRICSemerging powers, an official said all five lead-ers “condemned the bombings.” In the March17 Security Council vote authorizing mili-tary action, Brazil, Russia, India and Chinaabstained. South Africa voted in favor.

“We are deeply concerned with the tur-bulence in the Middle East, the North Af-rican and West African regions,” the BRICSleaders said in a statement after the sum-mit in the Chinese resort of Sanya.

“We share the principle that the use offorce should be avoided,” they added whileurging a peaceful settlement of the Libyanconflict and praising the mediation effortsof the African Union.

Foreign ministers from a group of West-ern powers and Middle Eastern states meton Wednesday in Qatar and jointly calledfor the first time for an end to Gaddafi’s41-year rule.

Ivory Coast president:strongman will face charges

began to tentatively circulate, many with whitecloths tied to their radio antenna so that theywouldn’t be mistaken for combatants.

Ouattara said he will settle into the presi-dential palace in the coming days, but that aswearing-in ceremony is not a priority and willtake place at a later date. He said his priority isto provide security for Ivorians, to establish lawand order and to get the country working. ManyIvorians went without food and water as fight-ing roiled the nation last week. An AssociatedPress reporter said that on the road from theport city of San Pedro to the central city ofGagnoa there was also no petrol available.Teams of Red Cross workers combed the cityfor corpses, shoveling their charred remains offthe pavement and stacking black body bags inhearses.

Gbagbo refused to cede power after losing aNovember election, leading to the standoff thatplunged the West African nation into chaos andkilled untold numbers of people. More than 1million civilians fled their homes amid the fight-ing, which also completely shut down theeconomy of the cocoa-producing powerhouse.

AP Photo/Rebecca Blackwell

Republican forces soldiers patrol a street in the Cocody neigh-borhood of Abidjan, Ivory Coast, Wednesday, April 13, 2011.


A Libyan rebel on crutches, arrives to meet his commrads near the frontline atthe western gate in the town of Ajdabiya, on April 12, 2011.

Page 5: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Activities Friday, April 15, 2011 5International

Temple CeremonyCalendar Event for March 21 through April 23, 2011

EVERY Temple and Shrine has a special date for itannual Ceremony, or “ Odalan “, every 210 days accord-ing to Balinese calendar, including the smaller ancestralshrine which each family possesses. Because of this prac-tically every few days a ceremony of festival of somekind takes place in some Village in Bali. There are alsotimes when the entire island celebrated the same Holi-day, such as at Galungan, Kuningan, Nyepi day, Saraswatiday, Tumpek Landep day, Pagerwesi day, TumpekWayang day etc.

The dedication or inauguration day of a Temple is con-sidered its birth day and celebration always takes place onthe same day if the wuku or 210 day calendar is used. Whennew moon is used then the celebration always happens onnew moon or full moon. The day of course can differ thereligious celebration of a temple lasts at least one full daywith some temple celebrating for three days while the cel-ebration of Besakih temple, the Mother Temple, is neverless than 7 days and most of the time it lasts for 11 days,depending on the importance of the occasion.

The celebration is very colorful. The shrine are dressedwith pieces of cloths and sometimes with brocade, sailings,decorations of carved wood and sometimes painted withgold and Chinese coins, very beautifully arranged, are hungin the four corners of the shrine. In front of shrine are placedred, white or black umbrellas depending which Gods areworshipped in the shrines.

In front of important shrine one sees, besides these um-brellas soars, tridents and other weapons, the “umbul-umbul”, long flags, all these are prerogatives or attributesof Holiness. In front of the Temple gate put up “Penjor”,long bamboo poles, decorated beautifully ornaments ofyoung coconut leaves, rice and other products of the land.Most beautiful to see are the girls in their colorful attire,carrying offerings, arrangements of all kinds fruits and col-ored cakes, to the Temple. Every visitor admires the gracewith which the carry their load on their heads.

Balinese TempleCeremony

21 MarBetara Turun Kabeh Ceremony Besakih - KarangasemBukit Jati Temple BangliBatur Temple Kalanganyar - BangliMasceti Pejengaji Temple Tegallalang - GianyarDalem Temple Tangsud,Sukawati - GianyarPenambangan Badung Temple DenpasarLempuyang Madia Temple KarangasemBatur Temple BangliDesa Temple Singakerta,Ubud - GianyarPasek Gelgel Temple Marga - TabananGaduh Temple Ketapian, Sumerta - DenpasarPasek Bendesa Temple Tuakilang - TabananPasek Agung Temple Tatag Kelod,Peguyangan -DenpasarAgung Pasek Bendesa Temple Tonja - DenpasarPasek Gegel Angsri Temple Baturiti - TabananPasek Gelgel Baleagung Temple Braban - TabananDukuh Sakti Belatung Temple Timpag,Kerambitan-TabananPuseh Dukuh Sakti Belatung Rendang - KarangasemPitamaha Temple Palangkaraya - Kalimantan TengahCandra Praba Temple Komplek Polri,Jelambar-Jakarta BaratAgung Jagatnatha Temple DenpasarPemerajan Agung Temple Puri Petak - GianyarDadya Agung Bendesa Tangkas Abiansemal - BadungPuseh Temple Sidemen - KarangasemAgung Giri Natha Temple Semarang - Center of Java

2 AprilPuseh Temple , Village Temple Sukawati GianyarPasek Gelgel-Bebetin Temple Sawan BulelengMaspahit Temple Sesetan DenpasarPasek Bendesa Manik Mas Tegallalang GianyarPanti Pasek Gaduh Temple Sesetan - DenpasarPedarman Arya Kanuruhan Temple BesakihKarangasem

5 AprilKahyangan Tiga Temple Batur Kintamani - BangliBatur Temple Camenggaon, Sukawati Gianyar

Luhur Bhujangga Temple Canggu,Kuta BadungKawitan Kayu Selem Temple Batur, Kintamani Bangli

12 AprilPuseh Temple , Desa Temple GianyarLuhur Dalem Segening Temple Kediri TabananSanghyang Tegal Temple Taro,Tegallalang Gianyar

16 AprilDalem Tarukan Temple Cemenggon, Sukawati-GianyarPenataran Dalem Ketut Temple Pejeng Kaja GianyarPuseh Manakaji Temple Peninjoan - BangliKawitan Gusti Celuk Temple Mengwi Badung

20 AprilSegara Temple Lombok IslandDwijawarsa Temple Malang East JavaPuncak Tinggah Temple Baturiti TabananKawitan Batur Pande Tonja Temple Tonja - DenpasarPenyungsungan Pasek Tohjiwa Wanagiri,SelemadegTabananPenataran Agung Temple Sidemen KarangasemSamuan Tiga Temple Bedulu GianyarKawitan Jati Luwih Bhujangga Jatiluwih Tabanan

21 AprilDalem Taman Temple Peguyangan Denpasar

23 AprilPuri Agung Dalem Tarukan Pejeng,TampaksiringGianyarRambut Siwi Temple JembranaBatu Bolong Temple Canggu,Kuta BadungPasek Temple Klaci,TabananAgung Pasek Temple Dauh Waru - JembranaRatu Pasek Temple Sangsit BulelengPasek Tangkas Temple Gede TabananPedharman Batur Sari Ngiis Temple Jegu,PenebelTabananDesa Temple Banyuning BulelengSrijong Temple TabananPuncak Mundi Temple Klumpu,Nusa Penida-Klungkung


NUSA DUA - Pastry Chef Ridwan Isbaniof The Laguna, a Luxury Collection Resort& Spa, Nusa Dua, Bali and Commis II EkaBuana Karya of The St. Regis Bali Resortreturned from The Asian Pastry Cup Na-tional Selection for Indonesia with 2 tro-phies, 3 gold and 1 silver medals.

The Asian Pastry Cup was held on 9 April2011as part of The 8th Salon Culinaire inthe Food & Hotel Indonesia 2011 which washeld in Jakarta International ExpoKemayoran. Supported by BCP (Bali Culi-nary Professionals), the skilful pastry duofrom The Laguna Bali and St. Regis Baliwere chosen to represent Bali in the com-petition.

Pastry Chef Ridwan and Chef Eka BuanaKarya faced strong competition from pastryteams representing star-rated hotels and re-sorts from not only Jakarta but also Bandungand other cities in Indonesia during theIndonesia’s Asian Pastry Cup.

Using basic ingredients of ValrhonaChocolate and Fruits from Ravifruit, thecompetition entailed 8 hours during whichthe chefs had to prepare two chocolate cakes

Pastry Chef Ridwan Isbani and Chef Eka Buana KaryaUnrivalled At The Asian Pastry Cup

(the one serving 8 persons for tasting andthe other for 8 persons for display) and oneelaborate sugar showpiece.

In addition, the team was tasked with pre-senting a plated dessert using Ravifruitproduct, serving 10 persons. During the fi-nals Pastry Chef Ridwan and Chef Eka im-pressed the judges with their precision andflair.

They created a unique arrangement withrich, authentic flavours of Papua vanilla andValrhona chocolate as well as Earl Grey teaparfait with summer fruit coulis, berryespuma and orange almond tuille.

The creativity of the duo Pastry team wasdemonstrated with the theming of their cre-ation for the competition and that is ‘Sunand Moon’. The Bali Pastry team receivedan outstanding honour including 2 trophies,1 gold medal for chocolate showpiece cat-egory, 1 gold medal for dessert category, 1gold medal for chocolate cake category and1 silver medal for sugar showpiece category.

As the winning team, Pastry ChefRidwan Isbani and Chef Eka Buana Karyawill represent Indonesia in the final presti-gious pastry competition of Asian PastryCup in Singapore in April 2012.

Page 6: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Friday, April 15, 20116 News

While a catastrophe was avoided,the ship gouged a three-kilometre (1.8-mile) scar in the World Heritage-listedcoral reef. In its final report on the inci-dent, the Australian Transport SafetyBureau found the chief mate was fa-tigued and it affected his performanceas he monitored the ship’s position.

“The chief mate was affected by fa-tigue and this resulted in a decreased levelof performance while he was monitor-ing Shen Neng 1’s position,” it said. “Theship did not have an effective fatiguemanagement system in place to ensurethat the bridge watchkeeper was fit tostand a navigational watch.”

Ship’s master Wang Jichang, 47,was charged last year with liability andfaces a fine up to Aus$55,000(US$51,000), while crewmate WangXuegang, 44, was accused of being incharge of the ship when it crashed. Hecould be handed a three-year jail termand a maximum Aus$220,000 fine.

ATSB Chief Commissioner MartinDolan said the grounding provided animportant safety lesson for all seago-ing vessels. “Fatigue is one of the keysafety risks facing seafarers, andwatchkeepers in particular. Failure to

Associated Press Writer

MEXICO CITY – Mexican in-vestigators found a clandestinegrave with six bodies in Tamaulipasstate, bringing to 122 the number ofbodies found in pits in a region nearthe U.S. border that is wracked bybattling drug cartels, authorities saidWednesday. Tamaulipas state Inte-rior Secretary Morelos Canseco saidinvestigators are searching for morebodies at the pit found late Tuesday.The bodies were taken to a morguein Matamoros, across the borderfrom Brownsville, Texas.

The first graves were found ear-lier this month in the township of SanFernando, the same area ofTamaulipas where investigatorsfound the bodies of 72 migrants mas-sacred by suspects tied to the brutalZetas drug gang last August. Most ofthe 72 migrants were Central Ameri-cans, who frequently travel throughthe area to reach the United States.Authorities also blame the latest kill-ings on the Zetas.

The Mexican government saidit’s offering a 15 million pesos($1.27 million) reward each for in-formation leading to the arrest ofSalvador Martinez Escobedo, thealleged leader of the Zetas in San

Probe blames tired sailor for BarrierProbe blames tired sailor for BarrierProbe blames tired sailor for BarrierProbe blames tired sailor for BarrierProbe blames tired sailor for BarrierReef crash Agence France PresseReef crash Agence France PresseReef crash Agence France PresseReef crash Agence France PresseReef crash Agence France Presse

SYDNEY – An Australian investigation into why a Chinese-registered cargo ship ran aground and badly damaged the GreatBarrier Reef blamed a tired chief mate on Thursday . The coalcarrier Shen Neng 1 — two football fields long — foundered onApril 3 last year, leaking tonnes of heavy fuel oil and threateninga major ecological disaster.

manage fatigue can lead to loss of life,damage to property and damage to theenvironment,” he said.

“The ATSB urges ship operators tocomply with international requirementsthat ensure operators properly managethe hours of work and rest ofwatchkeepers.” The report identifiedseveral other safety issues relating to theaccident. It found the ship’s safety man-agement system did not contain proce-dures or guidance in relation to theproper use of passage plans, includingelectronic route plans.

In the half-hour leading up to thegrounding, there were no visual cues towarn either the chief mate or the sea-man on lookout duty about the under-water navigation hazards directly aheadof the ship.It also noted that at the timeof the grounding, protections affordedby compulsory pilotage and activemonitoring of ships by the Great Bar-rier Reef and Torres Strait Vessel Traf-fic Service were not in place.The hugeship was stranded for nine days beforesalvagers refloated it. Conservationistssaid the incident highlighted the envi-ronmental risks of Australia’s boomingresources exports to Asia.

The Chinese coal carrier Shen Neng 1 (L) after the vessel ran aground on Australia’s GreatBarrier Reef off the coast of the state of Queensland in April 2010. An Australian investigationinto why the Chinese-registered cargo ship ran aground and badly damaged the Great BarrierReef blamed a tired chief mate on Thursday .

AFP/File/Queensland Government

Number of bodies foundMexico state rises to 122

Fernando, and Omar Estrada Luna,a cell leader. The government is alsooffering 10 million pesos ($846,000)for Roman Palomo Rincones and 5million pesos ($423,000) for SaraiDiaz Arroyo, who both allegedly par-ticipated in the latest massacre, At-torney General Marisela Moralessaid.

Morales said 16 San Fernandopolice officers have been detained forallegedly protecting members of theZetas and covering up thekidnappings of bus passengers andothers who traveled on a highwayconnecting San Fernando to the U.S.border.

Another 17 suspects tied to thebrutal Zetas gang were earlier de-tained in relation to the killings, someof whom have purportedly confessedto abducting passengers from busesand killing them. The motive for thebus abductions remains unclear,though prosecutors have suggestedthe gang may have been forcefullyrecruiting people to work for it.

San Fernando is a town about 90miles (145 kilometers) south ofBrownsville, Texas, on a well-trav-eled stretch of highway. The Zetasand rival Gulf Cartel are fighting inTamaulipas over lucrative drug tran-sit routes to the U.S.

In Asahi, where some 3,000homes were damaged or destroyedand 13 people killed, the royalcouple stood somberly gazing at onedamaged area that had already beencleared of rubble.

Overall, nearly 140,000 peopleare still living in shelters after los-ing their homes or being advised toevacuate because of concerns aboutradiation leaking from theFukushima Dai-ichi nuclear plant.

Although Japanese officials haveinsisted the situation at the crippledplant is improving and that leaks intothe atmosphere are declining, the cri-sis has dragged on, accompanied bya nearly nonstop series of mishaps

Japan emperor...From page 1

and aftershocks of the 9.0-magnitudequake that have impeded work inclearing debris and restoring theplant’s disabled cooling systems. Thesetbacks are angering and frustratingresidents whose lives have been de-railed by the crisis.

“I’m physically and mentally wornout,” said Yoshihisa Kato, a 66-year-old noodle shop owner in the town ofKawamata, which is about 28 miles(45 kilometers) northwest of the plantand in an area where officials haveurged people to evacuate over radia-tion concerns.

“I’ve been going to funerals almosteveryday because many elderlypeople in my neighborhood have dieddue to shocks and exhaustion,” saidKato, whose business has dried up asresidents have fled the area.

Japan acknowledged this week that

overall leaked radioactivity alreadyhas catapulted the crisis into thehighest severity on an internationalscale, on a par with Chernobyl,though still involving only a tenthof the radioactivity emitted in that1986 disaster.

Despite the high overall accu-mulation of contamination, policesaid a decline in leaks into the at-mosphere around the plant in re-cent days have allowed them toenter a six-mile (10-kilometer) ra-dius around the complex for thefirst time in their search for tsunamivictims.

Police in white suits gingerlypicked through rubble Thursday forup to 1,000 bodies believed lodgedin tsunami debris around the plant,said a police officer who gave onlyhis surname, Sato.

In addition to paprika, the farm-ers usually use the house to growstrawberry. The number of loss cannot be determined because since thelast three months, many of the farm-ers already lose their crops.

In order to get some income,some of them are trying to findother job such as building workers.However, the income is not ad-equate to fulfill their daily need.According to the locals in the area,the government doesn’t take any

The flooding of Buyan Lake...From page 1

action regarding the flooding causeby the lake.

The officers even never visit thedisaster area, not to mention givingany donation to the people. “I’veheard that the governor went directlyto Singaraja when he heard about thecaterpillar attack but he never comeand visit us who suffer from theflooding,” a local said.

The head of the village, WayanDarsana, said that the economic con-dition in the flooding area is worry-ing. Most of the people in Buyan and

Dasong can not work so they cannot get any money.

“Some people borrow moneyjust to fulfill their daily need.Those villages are the lowest areaaround the lake so they suffer themost from the disaster,” he ex-plained. In adition to farm, theBeji Temple which is located onthe end of Dasong forest is alsostarted to drown

Darsana exclaimed, “the Hin-dus who want to pray can not en-ter the temple anymore. We sin-cerely hope that the governmentwill take action on this problem.”(kmb15)

Page 7: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Friday, April 15, 2011 7Indonesia TodayInternational

The optimistic projection on theIndonesian economy was conveyedby BI Monetary Policy Bureau S.Sugeng at a press conference tohighlight BI‘s Economic Report onIndonesia (ERI) 2010 here onWednesday.

Sugeng said the high growthwould need to be followed up by areduction in the country‘s depen-dence on imported components sothat the ensuing inflation trend couldbe curbed.

“High growth usually is followedby high inflation due to the high ra-tio of imports. Thus, the supply sideshould be able to respond to the in-flationary trends by improvement of

“The TNI is ready but the gov-ernment is now opting to negoti-ate. If the negotiations fail, theTNI is ready to send troops,”Suhartono told newsmen after of-ficiating at a ceremony to dedicatethe Seroja epigraph at the Serojahousing complex in Bekasi.

The epigraph was made in re-membrance of Indonesian ser-vicemen who gave their lives inOperation Seroja, the codenamefor the TNI‘s operations in EastTimor in the late 1970s and 1980s.

Regarding the possibility ofmounting a rescue operation in So-malia, Suhartono said several op-tions could be considered by the theTNI for freeing the 20 sailors being


JAKARTA - Indonesian seniorjournalist Rosihan Anwar diedfrom a heart attack at the Metro-politan Medical Center (MMC) inJakarta at 8.15 am Thursday.

Honorary Council of the Indo-nesian Journalist Association sec-retary Ilham Bintang said RosihanAnwar was very weak when be-ing fed by his daughter this morn-ing, and then he was rushed to theMMC.

According to him, when


PADANG - Indonesia will stoprice imports if it is able to increaseproduction by seven percent in 2011,chief of the National LogisticsAgency, Sutarto Alimoeso said.

“We believe if rice productioncould be increased by seven percentfrom last year, we can stop imports,”he said at the West Sumatragovernor`s office here on Wednesday.

Sutarto was in the region to speakat the coordination meeting of theWest Sumatra province, cities anddistricts boards of food resilience.

He said with rice production in2010 at around 40 million tons na-tional stocks would be sufficient ifthe seven percent rise target was met.

He said the optimism was alsoboosted by population growth whichtended to drop a little compared tothe previous year.


A bike driver takes a nap as he waits for customers near by the Sunda Kelapa port in Jakarta on April 13,2011. Bank Indonesia (BI) is projecting economic growth in 2013 to reach over 7.0 percent on the back ofever rising investments and agricultural productivity, an official of the central bank said.

TNI ready toTNI ready toTNI ready toTNI ready toTNI ready torescue hostages inrescue hostages inrescue hostages inrescue hostages inrescue hostages inSomalia militarilySomalia militarilySomalia militarilySomalia militarilySomalia militarilyAntara

BEKASI - National Defense Forces (TNI) Commander AdmiralAgus Suhartono said the military was ready to send troops to So-malia to rescue the 20 Indonesian sailors being held hostages bypirates there if negotiations for their release fail.

held hostage by Somali pirates.However, he noted, the govern-

ment had already chosen to nego-tiate with the pirates on the groundthat it offered the best chance ofsecuring the hostages safe releases.

Suhartono said the Indonesiangovernment was now working outthe mechanism for delivering theransom of 3.0 million US dollarsas demanded by the pirates. Thepirates had lowered the ransomfrom 3.5 million US dollars as ofMarch 16, 2011. The “MV SinarKudus” was on its way toRotterdam, the Netherlands, witha cargof of nickel from Pomalaa,Sulawesi, when it was boarded adhijacked by Somali pirates.

BI projecting 2013 economicgrowth at over 7.0 percentAntara

JAKARTA - Bank Indonesia (BI) is projecting economic growth in2013 to reach over 7.0 percent on the back of ever rising investmentsand agricultural productivity, an official of the central bank said.

infrastructure and rising productiv-ity,” Sugeng said.

Sugeng however added that aslong as the balance of payment re-maining surplus, then the economywould not overheat as import still islower than export.

In 2011, the domestic economyis projected to expand in the rangeof 6.0 -6.5 percent and may even topup to 7.0 percent in the mediumterm. Overall, BI predicts that infla-tion in 2011 will be 4-6 percent,2012 and 2013 in the range of 3.5-5.5 percent, 2014 inflation is pro-jected 3-5 percent and in 2015 in-flation will continue to decrease tobetween 2.5-4.5 percent.

The central bank forecasts thatexport will grow between 7.9-8.4percent in 2011, 8.1-8.6 percent in2012, 8.2-9.1 percent in 2013, 8.3-9.3 percent in 2014 and 8.6-9.6 per-cent in 2015. Import in 2011 is pro-jected to grow at the range of 9.2-9.7 percent, 9.8-10.3 percent in2012, 9.5-10.4 percent in 2013,10.7-11.7 percent in 2014 and 9.8-10.8 percent in 2015.

Sugeng added that for this year,capital inflows will remain strongwith those entering the portfolio in-strument amounting to 15.2 billionUS dollars, a sizable rise comparedto the 9.7 billion US dollars in 2010.

“Our projection is that capital in-flow will be of upward trend. Itwould not only those enter the port-folio but to the direct investment aswell to become 9.8 billion US dol-lars from the 2.6 billion US dollarslast year,” Sugeng said.


School children cross a construction site for a elevated road way inJakarta on April 14, 2011. Indonesia will host an international infra-structure conference in the capital this week in an effort to attractforeign investors. Poor infrastructure has been blamed for hamper-ing Indonesia’s economic growth and scaring off potential investors.

Senior journalistRosihan Anwar dies

checked by a doctor upon arrivalat the hospital he was already gone.

His relatives said RosihanAnwar had a heart bypass surgeryat Harapan Kita hospital here onMarch 24. He was there for 20 daysunder intensive care and then al-lowed to go home.

He was born in Kubang, Solok,West Sumatera on May 10, 1922.He started his carrier as a journal-ist for Indonesia Raya Daily at theage of 21 after finishing study inYogyakarta. He was a chairman ofthe PWI honorary board in 1983.Rice import to stop if production rises

“Food stocks especially rice mustbe able to meet national demandbecause 90 percent of the popula-tion still depends on it,” he said.

Regarding the people of Malukuand Papua who used to consumesago as their staple food he said theycertainly could not return to the com-modity as its staple now after theyused to eat rice.

He said overcoming the obstacleto meet the seven percent growthtarget would not be easy, however,as it would also be determined byland availability and weather con-ditions. He said some land had nowbeen converted for other use whileland is now getting less fertile.

Sutarto said in view of that he saidhe had made a contract with variousparties for the supply of around916,000 tons in 2011 and until theend of the first quarter around600,000 tons had been realized.

He said the agency had alsobought rice from farmers “at a priceaccording to quality and producingregions”, adding farmer groups coulddirectly sell their produce to theagency for certainly a better price.

He said not a lot of farmers hadso far sold directly to the agencybecause of their ignorance about themechanism and also because of theirdependence on collectors for loans.

The chief of food resilience ofWest Sumatra, Syahrial Syam, saidon the occasion he would mobilize71 Community Food DistributionInstitutions (LDPM) to sell their pro-duction directly to the agency.

The LDPM managed by farmergroups has so far bought rice fromfarmers but they never sold the riceto the agency. Syahrial said the co-operation would certainly shortendistribution lines and farmers couldenjoy a margin.

Page 8: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

8 InternationalFriday, April 15, 2011

Bali TodayTo build Bali, weld synergywith agricultural componentsBali Post

DENPASAR - The synergy among the components engaged in agricultural sector such as localgovernment, universities and research centers, especially in addressing various problems in agri-culture, so far has not run maximally. Apparently, they work individually, so the objectives ofBali’s development cannot have been entirely achieved. It was recognized by a teaching staff inthe Faculty of Agriculture, Udayana University, Alit Susanto Wirya, in Denpasar Wednesday(Apr 13).

According to him, a number ofstudies concerning with food secu-rity, production of fruit and otherfoodstuff were good, but the resultsof the researches were left merelyas working paper and sometimesthey were no followed up further.One of the most highlighted sub-ject matters was how Bali couldreduce the import of products fromoutside. “Bali has a number ofleading components that can be op-timized. For instance, why doesBali bring in rice fromBanyuwangi and Java? The pro-duction of Bali actually has beensufficient,” he said.

Even, another effort to maintainlocal production of Bali had beenadvised by the university andBhisama (religious stipulation)where they suggested loving localproduct, not only for religious cer-emonies but also for hotel and tour-ism consumption. “Here, the gov-ernment intervention is requiredand this must be improved. Now,the most urgent problem faced byfarmers is marketing. Before theharvest, they have sold their prod-ucts and this means they have lesscapital to finance their productionprocess. That’s why they are eas-ily taken advantage by middlemenin the field of agriculture. As a re-sult, we seem to have highly de-pended on import commoditieswhereas it is the production ofBali,” he affirmed.

Admittedly, the cultivation ofagriculture from the upstream todownstream should be worked onif we wanted to focus on agricul-

ture. When they had products itshould be considered where to mar-ket their products. Here, the atten-tion of government and relatedcomponents was required, so thequality would not inferior to importcommodities.

When asked about the lack ofmaximal cooperation between gov-ernment, universities and other re-lated agricultural components, theHead of Bali Agricultural and FoodPlant Services, Made PutraSuryawan, dismissed it. Accordingto him, so far in the face of variousagricultural issues, the universitieswere always involved chiefly in theresearch. For example, they wereinvolved in the eradication of cat-erpillar outbreak in a number of re-gions in Bali recently. So, it was nottrue if there was no cooperation par-ticularly in helping the agriculturalsector.

As for the matter of rice imports,Made Putra Suryawan said that Balitoday remained a rice surplus,namely 69,000 tons of dry milledgrain. If processed into rice, the ricesurplus would be around 52,000tons. Furthermore, he disclosed thatcalculation of rice surplus or riceself-sufficiency was based on na-tional benchmark. If Bali region wasat the surplus or deficiency level, itmeant that all production needs werelarge enough up to 869,000 tons ofdry milled grain. When the total needwas counted, Bali remained to havea surplus of around 69,000 tons ofdry milled grain or some 52,000 tonsof rice. “On average, the monthlyneed of Bali reaches 40,000 tons of

rice. So, it means that 52,000 tonsof rice poses the need for 1.5months,” he said.

Head of Bali Agricultural andFood Plant Services, Made PutraSuryawan, also revealed that massharvest in Bali would occur inMarch, April and May. He recog-nized the harvest did not affect theprice of rice in Bali because so farthe price of grain remains above thegovernment purchasing price(HPP), where the price stipulated by

IBPDENPASAR - Leticia Andrea

Balacek studied Architecture in theFaculty of Architecture, Designand Urbanism, University ofBuenos Aires (1999-2009). Since2002, she has been working in di-verse scale of projects and compe-titions for different local and in-ternational firms. She is native ofArgentina but has also lived,worked and studied in the USA,the Netherlands and is currently

Balacek’s Art Exhibitionsettled in Bali - Indonesia.

Her collaboration with others inher field, has won her several prizesin architecture. In 2009 she workedas teaching assistant foran architectural design course at theabove-mentioned University.

The last years sees her re-orient-ing herself deeper into art. In 2010,she successfully bags herself ascholarship to study Fine Arts at ISIBali - Indonesia, where she partici-pates in several exhibitions.

She defines herself as creative,that does not just mean an artist, anarchitect nor a photographer. ‘’Thereis always a preconceived image, avery superficial one. The one that isalways the same, the one that trav-els all around and does not changewith the years. The one that does notsay anything real,” she said.

“Textures” collection will bepresented: “Life is Paradise(Bangkok) and “Transformations”(El Tigre, Buenos Aires). Mix me-

dia, short film and installation.Opening Friday 22nd April at

18.00 h. till 6th May at Sika Gallery.Sika Gallery, in 15 years, has be-

come internationally renowned forcreating a totally unique space inBali. The gallery has carved a nichefor itself by being one of the fewspaces for truly contemporary art.By juxtaposing innovative Indone-sian artists with an impressive arrayof international ones.

Founded by the famous Balineseartist Wayan Sika, successful both inBali and internationally, the gallery’sexhibitions have an edge. It is oneof the very few in Bali that addresses

conceptual aesthetics and installsmultimedia exhibitions. It hasmade a name for itself by consis-tent commitment to creative, dy-namic and avant-garde art.

Wayan Sika was asked by theChristof Merian Foundation to se-lect Indonesian artists to travel andbe sponsored in Switzerland, andbecause of his deft selections, theyachieved international exposure.In addition, Sika attracted out-standing artists from Japan, Hol-land, Switzerland, Germany, Aus-tralia, England, Austria, Lithuaniaand the USA to exhibit in Bali.(kmb18)

government was IDR 2,600 per ki-logram of dry grain, while in Balithe price of grain ranging from IDR2,800 to ID 3,200. He added that Balialso had a rural economic enterprise(LUEP) to protect the price of grainin Bali. “We distribute the budgetworth IDR 29 billion to LUEP insti-tutions, in this regard the Indonesiaassociation of rice millers and entre-preneurs (Perpadi) and we requirethem to purchase at least at the sameprice as the government purchasingprice. In other words, they shouldpurchase at 1 percent until 5 per-cent,” he said.

When asked about the rice import,this fat-bodied official explained thatlocal needs remained to be sufficedbut logistic agency (BULOG) lastyear imported rice to meet the needs

of rice for the poor and anticipatedthe possibility of stock deficiency.However, so far the current stockof Bali remained sufficient. Due toimpact of extreme climate changein 2009-2010, the production ofdry milled grain declined from876,000 tons to 869,000 tons.Though it declined nationally dueto narrow extent of land, but onething made us pride was that Baliachieved the highest average ofproduction in Indonesia. “We alsohave farmer groups with self-suf-ficient seed. They are expected toreduce the purchase of seeds fromoutside Bali,” he affirmed. So far,he added, the three regencies inBali remaining to be the leadingrice producers were Tabanan,Gianyar and Badung. (kmb)


The synergy among the components engaged in agricultural sector such as local government,universities and research centers, especially in addressing various problems in agriculture, sofar has not run maximally.

Page 9: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Balinese Culture

Friday, April 15, 2011 9

C.045 ibp


The Kupu Kupu Barong was thefirst luxury hotel in Ubud, a townfamed for its arts and culture. For20 years, the hotel has welcomedthe famous and the discerning,those searching for the real heart ofBali. The resort was named KupuKupu Barong because of the manybeautiful butterflies seen flutteringfrom one level to another around theresort. “Kupu Kupu” means butter-fly and “Barong” means giant,hence the name “Giant Butterfly”or in Indonesian Kupu KupuBarong. Surrounded by 3 hectaresof beautiful tropical gardens, thehotel overlooks the spectacularAyung River valley with a backdropof majestic volcanic mountains.One of Bali’s finest boutique hotel,


OVERVIEW:Although this is made with fresh tuna in Bali, you can

also use drained canned tuna as a substitute. Seasonthe canned tuna and combine with seasonings, but donot attempt to fry it.

INGREDIENTS:4 fresh tuna steaks, weighing 100 gr each¼ cup seafood spice paste1 tsp salt½ tsp crushed black pepper1 tbsp freshly squeezed limejuice2 tbsp oil1-cup sambal matahFried shallot for garnish

PREPARATION:1. Season fresh tuna steaks with seafood spice paste,

salt pepper and lime juice.2. Heat oil in frying pan and cook tuna steaks for 3

minutes on each side over high heat. Do not overcook.Set aside and allow cooling down, and then breaking thetuna into small chunks. Place in salad bowl, add sambalmatah and mix well.

3. Season to taste with salt and pepper and garnishwith fried shallots. Serve at room temperature withsteamed rice. (www.baliguide.com/balifood)

Kupu Kupu Barong

A Unique Legend in Ubudit is the ideal retreat for the mostdemanding traveler.

The Kupu Kupu Barong TreeHouse Spa is a unique concept inBali. The spa is situated in the topmost branches of a mango tree, over-hanging a beautiful valley. Spoilyourself with specific treatments andenjoy the breathtaking view. The Spahas been created with ethnic materi-als and modern comfort, between silkand wood. You can have your treat-ments anywhere you choose: in yourvilla, outdoors in a garden bale or atthe treetop spa. The French team atKupu Kupu Barong unites a re-nowned French flair and famous gas-tronomic traditions with Balineseambience for their guests to revel intruly unique and secluded surround-

ings. The French touch, synonymouswith luxury and repose, is evidentfrom the first warm welcome, to thefine cuisine and refined service. It israre to experience a harmonious blendof two cultures in one place, with thebackdrop of a lush, tropical landscape.

All 20 villas feature spacious bed-rooms and balconies with stunningvalley views and green paddy fields.Thanks to your private butler youwill find a top quality personalizedservice in an exclusive atmosphereand refined décor for a top of therange stay. You can afford an unfor-gettable experience to live in athatched roof bungalow totally madeof exotic red wood surrounded bylush tropical greenery and enjoy theprivacy of your plunge pool.

BE CELENG BASE MANIS(Pork in Sweet Soya Sauce)

OVERVIEW:This delicious sweet pork dish with a hint of ginger

and plenty of chilies to spice it up often appear onfestive occasions, when a whole pig is slaughtered andthere’s plenty of meat available.

INGREDIENTS:2 tbsp coconut oil5 shallots, peeled and sliced5 cloves garlic, peeled and sliced600 gr (1 ¼ lb) boneless pork leg or shoulder cut in 2

cm (3/4 in) cubes8 cm (3 in) ginger, peeled and sliced4 tbsp sweet soy sauce (Kecap Manis)2 tbsp soy sauce1 tsp black peppercorns2 cups chicken stock6-10 bird’s eye chilies, left whole

PREPARATION:1. Heat oil in a wok or heavy saucepan. Add shallots

and garlic and saute for 2 minutes over medium heat oruntil lightly colored.

2. Add pork and ginger, continue to sauté for 2 moreminutes over high heat. Add sweet and salty soy sauceand crushed black pepper, continue to sauté for 1minute.

3. Pour in chicken stock and simmer over mediumheat for approximately 1 hour. When cooked, thereshould be very little sauce left and the meat should beshiny and dark brown. If the meat becomes too dryduring cooking, add a little chicken stock


Kupu-Kupu Barong’s pool.

Page 10: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Friday, April 15, 201110 InternationalDestinations

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Ubud Village is a traditional vil-lage supervising 13 Banjar (groupof community) and 6 custom coun-tryside. It is located in Ubud subdistrict, Gianyar Regency and about20 km from Denpasar Town. UbudVilage can be reached within 30minutes or 15 minutes from GianyarTown and this place is situated inthe high land about 300 meter abovesea level. Ubud is surrounded by thegood temperature compare withother regions in Bali where the tem-peratures are relative cool that isideally for everyone to stay in thisbeautiful place. This village is oc-cupied 9.800 peoples which mostof them are Hindu. They able tokeep the environment naturally sothat way this place usually used bymany tourist/people/actors to getthe art inspiration.

Ubud Village is also well knownas a culture village where we eas-ily find the local community pre-senting traditional cultures from theritual up to the traditional dance


Ubud Villageperformances. This village own therich culture with the history heritageof all big actors, especially all fa-mous artists, for example I GustiNyoman Lempad (1862 - 1978),Anak Agng Gede Sobrat (1919 -1992), I Gusti Made Deblog (1910 -1968), afterward caught up by oth-ers like, I Gusti Ketut Kobot, IdaBagus Made, Dewa Putu Bedil, IdaBagus Rai and others. The popular-ity of all above artists follows to givethe inspiration to all west artists tolive in Ubud Bali. In year 1920’s, twoEuropean artist people that areRodolf Bonnet from Dutch andWalter Spies from Germany inscribethe new history of artistic growthpaint the countryside of Ubud. Sec-ond, the European artist introducethe European esthetics techniqueespecially illumination area, shadow,perspective and anatomy. All localartists permeate the new techniquematching with value and base on lo-cal mind fixed take the traditional sothat able to give the separate iden-tity by the name Ubud. Ubud Villageprogressively famous as a born area

of all painters because the existenceof the cooperation betweenTjokorda Gede Agung Sukawati and

Rudolf Bonnet to form the PitaMaha. Pita Maha represent a placeto discuss the artistic growth and

problem paint, and also to comparemind to each other and introducingresult of art which they own.

Page 11: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Friday, April 15, 2011 11


Associated Press Writer

NEW YORK – JPMorgan Chase’s earnings soared 67 per-cent in the first quarter on higher fees from investment bank-ing and as fewer customers fell behind on their credit card bills.The bank recorded more losses from its mortgage business,and CEO Jamie Dimon said he didn’t expect those problems togo away soon.

“Unfortunately, these losses will continue for a while,”Dimon said in statement. “Rest assured, we are fully engagedin fixing our problems and addressing our mistakes from thepast.”

Outside of real estate, JPMorgan did well. The nation’s sec-ond-largest bank by assets said more of its customers were pay-ing on time. Only 3.25 percent of loan payments were late by30 days or more, a drop of 0.41 percentage point from the pre-vious quarter. Customers were also spending more. The vol-ume of transactions on Chase credit cards rose 12 percent.

The New York bank reported Wednesday that it earned $5.6billion, or $1.28 per share, compared with $3.3 billion, or 74cents a share in the same period last year. The profits atJPMorgan, the first bank to report first-quarter earnings, wereway ahead of the $1.15 per share analysts surveyed by FactSetwere expecting.

JPMorgan Chase’s profits included $2 billion from reduc-ing its credit card loan reserves as delinquencies fell. Revenuefell to $25.2 billion from $27.7 billion in the same period lastyear. Despite the better bottom-line numbers, JPMorgan’sshares gave up early gains and fell 39 cents to $46.25 afternews that Federal regulators had ordered several banks to re-imburse homeowners that were improperly foreclosed upon.

JPMorgan Chase added new branches as it anticipates in-creased demand for lending as the economy recovers. Speak-ing on a conference call with analysts, JPMorgan’s chief fi-nancial officer Douglas Braunstein said the bank built 33 newbranches in the first quarter and plans to add as many as 200over the rest of 2011.

Braunstein said businesses were also showing signs of growth.The average loan balances for midsize companies rose 13 per-cent from a year ago and a larger number of companies tappedinto their lines of credit for the first time in several quarters.

The slump in real estate continued to weigh heavily onJPMorgan’s results. The bank increased its provision for mort-gage-related losses by $1.1 billion. Its home equity loan port-folio had losses of $720 million and sub-prime mortgage losseswere $186 million. Losses from “prime” mortgages, or loansmade to borrowers with good credit, were $165 million.

The portion of JPMorgan’s mortgage customers who werelate by 30 days on their payments fell to 6.2 percent, comparedwith 7.3 percent a year earlier. In the quarter, the bank alsolost $1.1 billion from increased costs to service mortgages, anexpense of $650 million due to costs from foreclosures andmortgage repurchase losses of $420 million.

In a conference call with reporters, Dimon said he expectsthat JPMorgan and other banks will pay more fees and penal-ties after an investigation by the attorneys general of all 50states is finished. The attorneys general are looking into alle-gations that the banks bungled foreclosure proceedings.

On Wednesday, JPMorgan Chase, Bank of America, andWells Fargo were among 16 of the nation’s largest mortgagelenders who were directed by the Federal Reserve and otherfederal banking regulators to reimburse homeowners who wereimproperly foreclosed upon. The Fed also warned of more finesin the future.

Meanwhile, investment banking profits soared at JPMorganChase, even though revenue fell to $8.2 billion from $8.3 bil-lion in the prior year. Fees rose 23 percent to $1.8 billion. Thatincluded record debt underwriting fees of $971 million, up 33percent from the prior year, and a 41 percent increase in advi-sory fees to $429 million.

Obama proposes $4Obama proposes $4Obama proposes $4Obama proposes $4Obama proposes $4trillion in deficit cutstrillion in deficit cutstrillion in deficit cutstrillion in deficit cutstrillion in deficit cutsAgence France-Presse

WASHINGTON – US President Barack Obama has unveiled a $4 trillion deficit reduction driveand savaged Republican plans that he said would reward the rich and fracture America’s socialcompact.

Obama laid out his vision in aspeech at George Washington Uni-versity, aiming to prepare the groundfor short-term budget fights and de-fine his stand on an issue crucial tothe US economy and his 2012 re-election chances.

He proposed cutting spendingwith a “scalpel and not a machete”on health care costs, the military andsome bedrock social programs, anddecried the vision of budget-cuttingRepublicans as “deeply pessimis-tic.”

In addition to cuts in discretion-ary spending, Obama would financehis deficit drive with tax increasesfor affluent Americans. But hewarned he would not allow invest-ments in education, broadband andclean energy to be starved.

“The debate about budgets anddeficits is about more than just num-bers on a page, more than just cut-ting and spending,” Obama said.

“It’s about the kind of future wewant; it’s about the kind of countrywe believe in.”

Obama unveiled a plan to achieve$4 trillion in deficit reduction over12 years or less, saying he was bor-rowing recommendations from abipartisan fiscal commission whichreported last year.

Officials said the approach wouldshave deficits as a share of the USeconomy to 2.5 percent of GDP in2015 and put them on a path to reachclose to 2.0 percent by the end ofthis decade.

Currently, the US budget deficitis forecast to reach $1.6 trillion thisyear and cumulative public debtstands at $14.27 trillion.

He also proposed a “debt fail-safe” to trigger spending reductionsif the ratio of debt to GDP is not sta-bilized by the end of the decade andsaid deficit trimming should bephased in over time to protect therecovery.

The president said every sector ofgovernment spending should be “onthe table,” giving notice that socialprograms cherished by Democratswould not be immune and proposeda fundamental strategic review tomine for waste in military spending.

Portraying himself as a concilia-tor amid Washington’s fevered po-litical debate, Obama called onDemocrats and Republicans to cometogether to secure a prosperous fu-ture for their country.

But he savaged a rival budget anddeficit reduction plan put forward byRepublican congressman Paul Ryan,which aims to cut 4.4 trillion dollarsfrom the deficit over a decade.

Obama argued Ryan’s plan man-dated sweeping cuts on health care pro-grams for the poor and the elderlywhile rewarding the richest Americanswith tax cuts.

“The fact is, their vision is less aboutreducing the deficit than it is aboutchanging the basic social compact inAmerica,” Obama said.

“There’s nothing serious about aplan that claims to reduce the deficitby spending a trillion dollars on taxcuts for millionaires and billionaires.

“There’s nothing courageous aboutasking for a sacrifice from those whocan least afford it and don’t have anyclout on Capitol Hill,” Obama said,criticizing Republican cuts in cleanenergy, education and transportation.

“They paint a vision of our futurethat’s deeply pessimistic... we are pre-sented with a vision that says theUnited States of America - the great-est nation on Earth — can’t afford anyof this.”

Ryan, who was in the audience forthe speech, delivered an equally hard-hitting assessment of Obama’s perfor-mance.

“What we heard today was not fis-cal leadership from our commander-

in-chief. What we heard today wasa political broadside from our cam-paigner-in-chief.”

Defense Secretary Robert Gatesmeanwhile warned through aspokesman that Obama’s proposeddefense budget cuts would have aserious impact, amid suggestions oftension between the White Houseand the Pentagon.

“The secretary has been clearthat further significant defense cutscannot be accomplished withoutreducing force structure and mili-tary capability,” said Pentagonspokesman Geoff Morrell.

Lining up a tough election-yeartussle, Obama said he would refuseto allow tax cuts for the rich passedunder president George W. Bush tobe extended when they come up forrenewal in 2012.

Eric Cantor, the number twoRepublican in the House of Repre-sentatives, slammed the president’sapproach, saying it lacked details.

“We have spoken to the specif-ics. Mr. President, we are serious,where are you?”

The specter of the 2012 electionalso loomed over the speech. Lateron Wednesday, Obama’s campaignmanager Jim Messina told support-ers in an email message thath Re-publicans, who he said wanted toprivatize health care for the elderly.


US President Barack Obama speaks during a reenactment of hisspeech on the budget for press photographers in the Blue Roomof the White House in Washington, DC, April 8, 2011.

JPMorgan’s netsoars 67 percent oneconomic recovery

Page 12: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Entertainment InternationalFriday, April 15, 201112

Confused? Excited? Weirded out? Scaredto bits? Those are just some of the natural re-actions to the “Macbeth”-inspired immersivetheatre experience that opened Thursday inNew York’s Chelsea section.

The British theater company Punchdrunk,which specializes in putting on genre-bendingshows that audiences can explore as they roambrilliantly imagined spaces, has turned threeempty hulking warehouse spaces on 27th Streetinto the setting for “Sleep No More.”

It’s been transformed into the fictional, 100-000-square-foot McKittrick Hotel andtheatergoers are handed a Venetian-style maskto wear at all times. They are also told to staysilent and wander about as they please. Thatcreates voyeurism and anonymity — very“Eyes Wide Shut.”

There’s so much to explore: About 100rooms have been carved out over severalfloors — some as small as a child’s bedroomand others as large as a ballroom. The out-side has also been brought inside, with agritty cemetery and a massive forest includedin the mix. Guests are encouraged to rum-mage about the infirmary, taxidermist, pad-ded room, libraries, apothecaries, laundry,even a detective agency. Open the drawers,

Agence France Presse

LOS ANGELES – ActressCatherine Zeta-Jones has checked intoa mental health clinic to treat her bi-polar disorder after helping her hus-band Michael Douglas fight againstcancer, a publicist said. “After deal-ing with the stress of the past year,Catherine made the decision to checkinto a mental health facility for a briefstay to treat her bipolar II disorder,”her representative Cece Yorke said ina statement.

Bipolar II is a less severe form ofbipolar disorder where manic-depres-sive patients, unlike those with bipo-lar I, do not have full-blown manicepisodes. Instead, patients have an el-evated mood, irritability and changesin functioning, thought they can usu-

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – James Bondis staying put with the studio thatdistributed his last two big-screenadventures. Sony Pictures hassigned a deal with MGM to co-fi-nance and distribute the 23rd filmin the super-spy franchise, due intheaters Nov. 9, 2012. Daniel Craigwill be back for the third time asBritish agent Bond.

In an announcement Wednes-day, the studios said they hope to

Associated Press Writer

LOS ANGELES – Charlie Sheensays he may be reunited with “Twoand a Half Men.” In an interviewwith a Boston radio station Tuesday,Sheen said there have been discus-sions about bringing him back to thehit CBS sitcom he was fired fromlast month.

Sheen put the chances of him re-turning at “85 percent.” He didn’toffer details in the Sports Hub 98.5WBZ-FM interview, saying he’d

Inventive ‘Sleep No More’ twists Macbeth in NYInventive ‘Sleep No More’ twists Macbeth in NYInventive ‘Sleep No More’ twists Macbeth in NYInventive ‘Sleep No More’ twists Macbeth in NYInventive ‘Sleep No More’ twists Macbeth in NYAssociated Press Writer

NEW YORK – It took a while, but Lady Macbeth was finally located on the fifthfloor. She was in a bathtub washing off blood and shrieking. And stark naked. At leastone hopes that was Lady Macbeth. A tipoff: She wasn’t wearing a mask.

read the books in the shelves: Each room isdecorated with no detail unspared. They evenseem to have their own odor.

About 25 performers act out mostly word-less scenes inspired by Shakespeare’s playwhile dressed in 1930s outfits and giving off afilm noir vibe. (The hotel takes its name fromthe Hitchcock film “Vertigo.”) If you findsomeone without a mask moving amid themaze of dark rooms, follow them — they’lllikely lead you to a scene. And then just assoon vanish. The actors might even plant a kisson your mask or pull you into a room.

Punchdrunk artistic director Felix Barretthas co-directed and co-designed the produc-tion, with help from co-director MaxineDoyle, who choreographed the show, and co-designers Livi Vaughan and Beatrice Minns.Sound designer Stephen Dobbie has createda soundscape that conjures dread, with un-nerving violin sounds and plenty of Prohibi-tion-era bar songs set to ukuleles.

What the creative team has done is create anutterly unique mash-up of dance, performanceart and nonlinear storytelling that is unique toeach theater-goer, depending on where they’vebeen and what they saw. Plus, it’s even got aworking nightclub that serves a mean gimlet.

AP Photo/The O+M Co., Yaniv Schulman

In this theater publicity image released by the O+M Co., Nicholas Bruder as Macbeth andSophie Bortolussi as Lady Macbeth are shown in a scene from “Sleep No More,” perform-ing at The McKittrick Hotel in New York.

AP Photo/Sony, file

FILE - In this undated film publicity image released by Sony Pic-tures, Daniel Craig portrays James Bond in a scene from ‘Quan-tum of Solace’.

007 remains spy who lovedSony in deal with MGM

partner up for a 24th Bond film,as well. Sony Corp. had been a partowner of MGM and distributedCraig’s earlier Bond flicks, “Ca-sino Royale” and “Quantum ofSolace.” But the Bond franchisehad been on hold until MGMworked out financial problems andemerged from bankruptcy undernew ownership.

Sony will handle worldwidedistribution for Bond, except forsome overseas markets MGM willoversee directly.

Sheen says he may returnto ‘Two and a Half Men’

been asked not to divulge anything.CBS declined to comment, and se-ries producer Warner Bros. Televi-sion didn’t immediately return a callfor comment.

The actor also said his profitsfrom the show’s rich syndicationdeals are being withheld and that’spart of his $100 million lawsuitagainst Warner and the show’s ex-ecutive producer. Sheen was in Bos-ton for his nationwide road showthat has drawn mixed audience re-action.

AP Photo/Brian Kersey, file

Charlie Sheen

Catherine Zeta-Jones treated for bipolar disorderally perform routine tasks, accordingto the Mayo Clinic. They also havelonger periods of depression than ofhypomania. Zeta-Jones, 41, stood byher Oscar-winning husband’s sideduring his ultimately successfulstruggle against throat cancer.

“She’s feeling great and lookingforward to starting work this week onher two upcoming films,” said Yorke.

The actress’s forthcoming filmsinclude Gabriele Muccino’s “Playingthe Field” and “Lay the Favorite” di-rected by fellow Briton StephenFrears. She was awarded a best actressin a supporting role Oscar for her per-formance in “Chicago” (2002). Mostof her career has been in Hollywood,with roles in films such as “Traffic,”“Ocean’s Twelve” and “The Mask ofZorro.”

Page 13: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

International Friday, April 15, 2011 13Science

Nobody has been able to matchthe iPad thus far. But the PlayBook,the first effort from BlackBerrysmartphone maker Research InMotion, has emerged as one of thestrongest contenders.

On the surface, the PlayBooklooks similar to other iPad competi-tors: Its slick touch screen measures7 inches diagonally, smaller than theiPad’s but comparable with those ofothers. It has front and rear camerasfor snapping photos and videoconferencing and a black rubberizedplastic back and sides.

What’s different is the softwarepowering the PlayBook. Most non-iPad tablets use Google’s Androidsoftware; RIM developed its own —a smart decision, yielding a devicethat is a pleasure to navigate andfilled with cool features. AlthoughRIM’s software was built from

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – The surprisingdiscovery of a fossil of a sharp-toothed beast that lurked in what isnow the western U.S. more than 200million years ago is filling a gap indinosaur evolution.

The short snout and slanting frontteeth of the find — Daemonosauruschauliodus — had never before beenseen in a Triassic era dinosaur, saidHans-Dieter Sues of theSmithsonian’s National Museum ofNatural History. Sues and colleaguesreport the discovery in Wednesday’sedition of the British journal Proceed-ings of the Royal Society B.

Sues, curator of vertebrate paleon-tology at the museum, said the dis-covery helps fill the evolutionary gapbetween the dinosaurs that lived inwhat is now Argentina and Brazilabout 230 million years ago and thelater theropods like the famous Tyr-annosaurus rex.

Associated Press Writer

WASHINGTON – It’s thattime of year when the bugsemerge to bug us. Some can posereal threats — Lyme disease fromtiny ticks, West Nile virus frommosquitoes, or life-threateningallergic reactions to bee stings.But most bug bites in this coun-try are an itchy nuisance.

How itchy or big the welt de-pends in part on your own skin,how much of the chemical hista-mine it harbors. Yes, some peoplereally are mosquito magnets. Andno, most of the bites people blameon spiders aren’t from them at all.

In fact, chances are you won’tbe able to tell the culprit unlessyou catch it in the act. Yet doc-

Review: BlackBerry PlayBook strong, well-pricedReview: BlackBerry PlayBook strong, well-pricedReview: BlackBerry PlayBook strong, well-pricedReview: BlackBerry PlayBook strong, well-pricedReview: BlackBerry PlayBook strong, well-pricedAssociated Press Writer

SAN FRANCISCO – You need three things to compete with Apple’siPad tablet computer: A gorgeous, easy-to-use device that people willlove, a bustling app store and an attractive price tag.

scratch, it has hints of theBlackBerry phone’s interface.

When it goes on sale on Tues-day, the cheapest version will cost$499 — the same as the cheapestiPad. It comes with Wi-Fi capabili-ties and 16 gigabytes of memory.A model with 32 GB will cost$599, and the 64 GB version willgo for $699. Sprint plans a versionthat works over cellular connec-tions this summer, rivaling theiPad’s ability to connect onAT&T’s network.

Unfortunately, the PlayBookisn’t yet much of a competitor onthe app front: There are just 3,000applications currently optimized forthe tablet, and during my testing itappeared unable to download AppWorld apps available forBlackBerry smartphones.

By contrast, there are more than

65,000 apps available for the iPad,which can also run iPhone apps(Apple offers more than 350,000 appstotal). And while it’s unclear exactlyhow many tablet-specific Appsthere are for Android,Android tab-lets can runany of themore than150,000 appsin the AndroidMarket. But thePlayBook aims tocatch up, in a way: Laterthis year, it will be able torun Android apps, too.

In my hands, the PlayBookfelt solid and easy to use. There arejust a few buttons on the top for ad-justing volume and playing or paus-ing music or videos. There’s also atiny button for turning on the device— so teeny, in fact, that I regrettedtrimming my nails right before test-ing. Finding my way around thePlayBook was delightfully easy andfast because it has a speedy proces-sor.

AP Photo/The Canadian Press, Research In Motion Ltd.

In this March 22, 2011 product image provided by Research In MotionLtd., the upcoming BlackBerry PlayBook is shown. While Apple hasbeen hawking the iPad for more than a year, BlackBerry maker Re-search In Motion is just getting started with the release of its tabletcomputer, the PlayBook. The device packs a vivid touch screen, frontand rear cameras and support for Flash videos _ a feature lacking inApple products.

AP Photo/Carolyn Kaster

A live Brown Recluse Spider crawls in a dish at the SmithsonianInstitution National Museum of Natural History in Washington,Wednesday, March 30, 2011.

Bugs emerge to bug us,and a few pose health risks

tors and entomologists alike fieldcalls asking, “What bit me?”

“People call up really bummedout,” says spider expert JonathanCoddington of the SmithsonianInstitution’s National Museum ofNatural History, who points tojust two worrisome types in theU.S., the black widow and brownrecluse family. Spider phobia, hesays, is “out of all proportion toactual risk.”

It’s not uncommon to have alarge skin reaction to any bite orsting, and Dr. Reid Blackwelder,a family physician from East Ten-nessee State University, sees acouple of them a week in theearly spring and summer. “Mostof the time, what people need isreassurance,” he says.

Sharp-toothed fossil links old and new dinosaursFeatures of the skull and neck of

Daemonosaurus indicate it was in-termediate between the earliestknown predatory dinosaurs fromSouth America and more advancedtheropods,” said Sues. “One suchfeature is the presence of cavities onsome of the neck vertebrae relatedto the structure of the respiratorysystem.”

Daemonosaurus was discoveredat Ghost Ranch, N.M., a well-knownfossil site famous for the thousandsof fossilized skeletons found there,notably the small dinosaurCoelophysis. Ghost Ranch wasmore recently the home of artistGeorgia O’Keeffe, who was knownto visit the archaeological digs un-der way there, Sues noted.

Having found only the head andneck of sharp-toothedDaemonosaurus, the researchersaren’t sure of its exact size but theyspeculate it would have been nearthat of a tall dog. Its name is from

the Greek words “daimon” meaningevil spirit and “sauros” meaning liz-ard or reptile. Chauliodus is derivedfrom the Greek word for “buck-toothed” and refers to the species’ bigslanted front teeth.

“It looks to be a mean character,”commented paleontologist PaulSereno of the University of Chicago,who was not part of the researchteam. “I can’t wait to see if they getany more of the skeleton.”

This fits in quite nicely betweenthe dinosaur groups, Sereno said,even though its face is unlike any-thing that would have been expectedin these early dinosaurs, whichtended to have more elongatedsnouts.

This find shows there is still muchto be learned about the early evolu-tion of dinosaurs. “The continuedexploration of even well-studied re-gions like the American Southwestwill still yield remarkable new fossilfinds,” Sues said.

This artistrendering

provided byJeffrey Martz

shows aDaemonosaurus

chauliodusand its size

relative to anmodern


AP Photo/Jeffrey Martz

Page 14: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Friday, April 15, 201114 InternationalSport

Having won the first-leg 5-2 atInter’s San Siro stadium last week,Schalke finished the job off with a 2-1win at their Veltins Arena stadium. “Itis a special moment, it is the first timewe are in the semi-finals in our history,”said the 33-year-old Raul, who won theChampions League three times withReal Madrid.

“Nothing is impossible in football,so even against Manchester United,why can’t we dream of the final?” Raulopened the scoring on the stroke of half-time on Wednesday to extend his recordChampions League tally to 71 goalswhile Inter midfielder Thiago Mottalevelled minutes after the restart.

Defender Benedikt Hoewedes putthe matter beyond doubt with a latewinner. Having knocked out Valenciain the Round of 16 and now holdersInter on their way to the semi-finals,Raul said the sky is the limit forGermany’s Royal Blues with the finalat Wembley on May 28.

“It’s an incredible situation, you haveto see that Valencia thought they weregoing to win against us and then so didInter,” said Raul. “I do hope Madrid getthrough to the final and we get to playagainst them, but we need to focus onthe semi-final.” Inter coach Leonardowas gracious in defeat. “Schalke de-served the win,” said the Brazilian.

Schalke coach Ralf Rangnickwarned his team will be underdogsagainst Manchester. “The team has beenrewarded with this victory, this is anextraordinary evening, but we will beunderdogs against Manchester United,”said Rangnick.


LONDON - Manchester Citystriker Carlos Tevez will missSaturday’s FA Cup semi-final againsthis old club Manchester United andcould be out of action for up to amonth, City manager Roberto Mancinisaid on Thursday. The 27-year-old Ar-gentine international injured his ham-string in the 3-0 defeat at Liverpool onMonday and, after initial hopes hecould make a quick recovery, is nowlikely to be sidelined for much of thePremier League run-in.

“Tevez is not available for Satur-day. I think he will recover in three orfour weeks. It is a big problem but wecannot take any risks,” Mancini told anews briefing. “We have six games leftand hopefully we can get Carlos backfor the last two or three games.”

Five classic “Clasicos”between Real and Barca


MADRID - Soccer fans will have a unique chance tosee Real Madrid and Barcelona — two of the world’sbest teams and the two richest clubs — lock hornsfour times in 18 days starting with Saturday’s La Ligamatch at the Bernabeu. The arch Spanish rivals alsomeet in the final of the King’s Cup on April 20 andhome and away in the European Champions Leagueon April 27 (Bernabeu) and May 3 (Nou Camp).

Following is a selection of five key games betweenReal and Barca, known as the “clasicos”, going backmore than a century:

May 13, 1902 - Real 1 Barca 3

Barca drew first blood in what was to become oneof the most intense club rivalries in world football.The Catalans triumphed over the Castilians in agame marking the coronation of King Alfonso XIII atMadrid’s Estadio Hipodromo. Swiss Joan Gamper,who founded FC Barcelona three years earlier,netted one of Barca’s goals.

June 21, 1936 - Real 2 Barca 1

Less than a month before Spain was plunged intoa brutal civil war, Real edged the first meetingbetween the pair in a Spanish cup final. With thecountry bitterly divided, Barca president JosepSunyol was assassinated by Francoist forces twomonths later and many Barca players chose not toreturn from a tour to Mexico the following year.

November 23, 1960 - Barca 2 Real 1

With Alfredo di Stefano leading the charge, Realtriumphed in the first five European Cups between1956 and 1960 but it was Barca who became thefirst team to claim their scalp in the competition ayear later. The pair drew their last-16 first leg at theBernabeu 2-2 before Barca won the second leg attheir Nou Camp arena 2-1.

January 20, 1994 - Barca 5 Real 0

Dutch great Johan Cruyff led Barca to their firstEuropean Cup triumph in 1992 and they emphasisedtheir dominance over Real during the early 1990swith a crushing 5-0 league drubbing of the Madridclub at the Nou Camp, Brazil striker Romario nettinga hat-trick. Catalan joy was relatively shortlived asReal beat them 5-0 at the Bernabeu the followingseason thanks to an Ivan Zamorano treble.

May 2, 2009 - Real 2 Barca 6

As a player, Cruyff inspired Barca to what is still theirbiggest win at the Bernabeu, a 5-0 success in February1974. But it was Barca’s 6-2 victory there in their treble-winning season in 2008/09 that really sticks in the throatof the modern generation of Real fans and confirmedcoach Pep Guardiola was a force to be reckoned with.Thierry Henry and Lionel Messi scored twice, withcentral defenders Carles Puyol and Gerard Pique addinga goal each. Puyol celebrated his goal by tearing off andpassionately kissing his captain’s armband in the coloursof the Catalan flag to drive the point home.

Schalke finish off Inter inSchalke finish off Inter inSchalke finish off Inter inSchalke finish off Inter inSchalke finish off Inter inChampions League quarterChampions League quarterChampions League quarterChampions League quarterChampions League quarterAgence France Presse

GELSENKIRCHEN – Schalke 04’s veteran striker Raul said the German underdogs can affordto dream of the Champions League final after setting up a semi-final clash with giants ManchesterUnited. Schalke are in the last four of European football’s premier domestic competition for the firsttime in their history after knocking-out holders Inter Milan in Wednesday’s quarter-final.

Manchester City’s Tevez outof FA Cup semi-final

That could mean the striker has achance of making the final againstStoke City or Bolton Wanderers on May14, if City get past United at Wembleyon Saturday (1615 GMT).

Tevez has played a major part inCity’s assault on a Champions Leagueplace with 19 league goals this season,and although they are fourth, Mancini’sside are only three points ahead ofTottenham Hotspur who have a gamein hand.

Without the Argentine, City willhave to put their trust in Edin Dzekoand possibly Mario Balotelli to lead theattack, although Mancini said he hadstill to make his mind up. “I still haveto decide what to do,” he said. “But bothplayers know this is an importantchance for them.”

The City manager was able to reportbetter news on fullback Micah Richards

who has returned to training after ahamstring injury with Mancini say-ing he is available for Saturday.

REUTERS/Nigel Roddis/Files

Manchester City’s CarlosTevez celebrates scoringagainst Wolverhampton Wan-derers during their EnglishPremier League soccer matchin Manchester in this January15, 2011 file photo.


Schalke’s defender Benedikt Hoewedes (R) celebrates scoringwith Schalke’s Spanish striker Raul during the UEFA Champi-ons League quarter final, second leg football match Schalke 04vs Inter Milan in Gelsenkirchen, western Germany on April 13,2011. Schalke won the match 2-1.

Page 15: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Friday, April 15, 2011 15International Sport

“I told Phil it’s fitting it’s goingto end this way,” Bryant said aftersharing a laugh with Lakers coachPhil Jackson. When the final buzzersounded, thousands of fans refusedto leave their seats, doing everythingthey could to protest the franchise’spossible move to Anaheim. Somecried, others took pictures. But allcheered in one, booming voice:“Here we stay! Here we stay!”

Feeling the vibrations from theirlocker room, Kings players TyrekeEvans, Francisco Garcia, MarcusThornton and Donte Greene returnedto the floor. “No matter what hap-pens,” Garcia said, grabbing the mi-crophone, “this is always going tobe our home.”

For one, perhaps final night, itwas. A standing-room only crowd


MONACO - Fourth seed DavidFerrer navigated his way into theMonte Carlo Masters quarter-finalsthanks to a 6-1 6-3 win overCanada’s Milos Raonic on Thurs-day but Tomas Berdych hit the rockswith defeat by Ivan Ljubicic.

Raonic, who rocketed from 156thin the rankings at the start of the yearto 34th, had no answer to theSpaniard’s guile as Ferrer sailed tovictory with giant cruise liner theQueen Mary 2 docked in the bay justbehind the Monte Carlo CountryClub. Czech fifth seed Berdych hadno such luck in round three and wascast aside by rampant Croat Ljubicic6-4 6-2.

World number one and holderRafa Nadal is next up on centrecourt against local favourite Rich-ard Gasquet before second seedRoger Federer graces the clay on acold and cloudy day against 15th-seeded Croatian Marin Cilic.

Agence France Presse

MADRID – Spain’s FranciscoVentoso grabbed the first stage of theTour of Castilla y Leon in a sprint tothe line, with favorite Alberto Contadorfinishing with the same time as thewinner. Ventoso, of Movistar, edgedItaly’s Manuel Belletti of Colnago-CSF Inox and Geox rider Marco Kumpof Slovenia, all in the same time of 4hr12mins 57secs for the 174.4 km racefrom Medina de Rioseco to Palencia.

The stage was marked by abreakaway by a group of seven riders,who built a lead of 12 minutes.

Members ofthe Sacra-

mento Kingslook on

against theLos Angeles

Lakers onApril 13, 2011

at PowerBalence

Pavilion inSacramento,


Kings’ possible farewellKings’ possible farewellKings’ possible farewellKings’ possible farewellKings’ possible farewellends in loss to Lakersends in loss to Lakersends in loss to Lakersends in loss to Lakersends in loss to LakersAssociated Press Writer

SACRAMENTO, Calif. – Sacramento Kings fans made it feel like old times. Then, so did KobeBryant. Bryant’s tying 3-pointer with 4.8 seconds left in regulation forced overtime, and the LosAngeles Lakers regrouped to hand the Kings a 116-108 loss Wednesday night in what might havebeen the last game ever in California’s capital city.

packed things beyond the 17,317-seatcapacity, clanking cow bells and roar-ing louder than they had in years.They brought handmade signs,painted their faces and cheered theirloudest to will their beloved teamback.

And they nearly did. Instead, theLakers pulled away in overtime toearn the No. 2 seed in the WesternConference playoffs, setting up afirst-round series against New Or-leans.

“I really feel for these fans,” Jack-son said. “I’m sure it’s a sad, sad dayfor many.” Thornton had 33 pointsand Evans added 19 to help the Kingsoutscore the Lakers 29-11 in thefourth quarter to rally from 20 pointsdown. They went ahead by three un-til the final seconds, when Bryant

delivered a shot to crushSacramento’s hopes yet again.

Fans stood for almost the entirefourth quarter and overtime as theKings nearly capped an improbablerally. Jason Thompson’s dunk with1:22 remaining in the fourth gavethe Kings their first lead of the half,and it would be a brief one.

After Bryant’s shot forced over-time, the Lakers easily controlledovertime. They sprinted out to a six-point lead and never trailed in theextra session.

Afterward, the Kings’ danceteam stood at halfcourt, hugging,crying, and saying goodbye. Oth-ers took the court to take picturesfor the final time, and coach PaulWestphal tipped his hand to thecrowd in thanks.

Ferrer sails into MonteCarlo quarters,Berdych out

Andy Murray’s Monte Carlogamble began to pay off with a 6-16-4 victory over Czech RadekStepanek on Wednesday, his firstwin in two and a half months.

The Briton had lost his openingmatch in each of his last three tour-naments since his Australian Openfinal defeat by Novak Djokovic andwas a late wildcard for this week’sMasters event such was his despera-tion to find more playing time.

Murray’s decision to take part andpostpone his quest for a new coachwas vindicated by a solid if unspec-tacular display in the second roundfollowing a first-round bye. “Iplayed great, I played really well. Idominated the match from the sec-ond or third game,” the world num-ber four told reporters just a shortwalk from one of the world’s mostfamous casinos.

“I was a bit tentative towards theend but that’s natural. I didn’t givehim a chance to play his game untilthe end.”


Spanish David Ferrer hits a return to his Canadian Milos Raonicduring their Monte-Carlo ATP Masters Series Tournament ten-nis match on April 14, 2011 in Monaco.

Contador keeps pace asVentoso wins Castilla opener

Contador suffered two punctures, butthat did not stop the Spaniard from help-ing his Saxo Bank team in the chase,which ended five kilometres from thefinish line.

Several teams, notably Team Sky,Saxo Bank and Movistar drove the pacehard at the front to set up the bunchsprint for the finish line, where Ventosocoasted home alone to claim victory.Saxo Bank’s Luke Roberts was fourth,with Team Sky sprinter Russell Down-ing in fifth.

Contador, 28, finished in 15th placewith the same time as Ventoso and re-mains the hot favorite to take his third

straight overall victory in the event,having already won the Tour of Murciaand the Tour of Catalonia this year. “Wecontrolled the pace of the pack through-out the day as we want to keep the fieldin the same time for now before themountains and we didn’t get much helpfrom the other teams until the finale,”said Contador.

“But we’re happy that the tacticsworked and the fact that Luke (Roberts)came in fourth is just an extra bonus forus.” The Spaniard is racing under threatof a ban from the World Anti-DopingAgency (WADA) and/or the Interna-tional Cycling Union (UCI) following a

positive test for trace amounts ofclenbuterol during last July’s Tour deFrance, where he claimed his third vic-tory in the race.

He was cleared to compete in Febru-ary when the Spanish cycling federation(RFEC) rescinded an initial decision tohand down a one-year competition ban.

Jed Jacobsohn/Getty Images/AFP

Page 16: Edisi 15 April 2011 | International Bali Post

Friday, April 15, 201116 SportI N T E R N A T I O N A L

The McLaren driver had 20 seconds added to his race time as a punish-ment for changing his line excessively when fending off the Ferrari on thelap before they made contact at Sepang. The penalty dropped Hamiltonfrom seventh to eighth in the results.

“I don’t think I was overly defending my position,” said Hamilton inChina today. “I’m a racer, and people want to see racing, they want to seeovertaking and I would never in a million years try to put anyone else - oreven myself - in danger.

“I think I’ve always raced with my heart and I think I’ve always madepretty smart decisions when it comes to racing and defending.

“When you’re defending you have to try and make your car as wide aspossible. The rule is basically that you’re not allowed to make more thanone manoeuvre to defend, but where they were saying I was defending toomuch was on the straight, where he actually was 10 or 15 metres behindme, so I wasn’t defending a move that he had done.

“But it’s how you interpret the rules and you can’t do anything about it.But I appreciate all the support I’ve had [from fans].”

Hamilton had already fallen from third to seventh at Sepang with tyrewear issues, so said the penalty was not as frustrating as it would havebeen had he finished higher up. “I was already quite far back so it didn’treally make any difference to me personally,” he said.

The Briton added that he had been encouraged by how close McLarenhad got to Red Bull in Malaysia, but suspected that this may have been dueto Red Bull losing pace rather than McLaren gaining it.

“I think the performance we had in the first and second stints was good,and if I hadn’t been stuck behind [Nick] Heidfeld I would have been ableto keep very close behind Sebastian [Vettel] and fight at the pitstops. “Nor-mally you have to open up the cooling, which loses downforce and effi-ciency. We didn’t have to do that. Maybe others had to do that, maybe RedBull, and in doing so I think they lost a bit of speed.

“But I think here it’s a bit cooler so they should be on top form thisweekend, but we’ve got some upgrades that we’re trying to get to work.Hopefully they’ll work and enable us to fight, but I definitely plan to be atthe front this weekend.”SERGIO Perez, SauberSergio

Perez has revealed that he was luckyto escape without injury from hisMalaysian Grand Prix accident -after debris from another car pen-etrated his cockpit. The Mexicanappeared to be on course for anotherpoints scoring finish in Sepang, butwas forced out of the race when hiscar stopped after being struck by apart from another competitor.

It was only post-race examinationof the car that revealed just how for-tunate Perez had been – with whatis suspected to have been ballastfrom another car having gonethrough the tub and entered thecockpit. The damage to the chassismeant it could not be used again, soSauber has prepared a new tub forPerez for the Chinese GP.

“I think it was something veryunsafe,” said Perez in China. “I wasreally lucky to get away with no dam-age (injury) after we saw what hadhappened to the chassis. “It camethrough very easy, so I am happy thatnothing else happened to me. For thisweekend we have a new chassis.

“We didn’t see what part it was.We reckon it was ballast, as nothingelse could do such damage.” Perezsaid he did not have time to avoidwhatever he hit – and that his outfitdo not know exactly whose car it hadfallen off of.

“Something was there on the

Hamilton: Sepang defence was safeLewis Hamilton says he does not believe he did anything dan-

gerous when defending against Fernando Alonso in lastweekend’s Malaysian Grand Prix, though he accepts that therewere grounds for a penalty within the regulations.

REUTERS/Samsul Said

McLaren Formula One driver Lewis Hamilton of Britain powers around the track during the firstpractise of the Malaysian F1 Grand Prix at the Sepang circuit outside Kuala Lumpur April 8, 2011.

Perez ‘lucky’ to escape injury in Sepangtrack – we don’t know if it was froma Toro Rosso or another team. When[Jaime] Alguersuari drove into it, itjust came straight at me and into mycar. “It was a very dangerous situa-tion because it came into the com-puter software box and it stoppedjust before my seat.”

Despite the disappointment ofMalaysia, Perez is pleased with his

early-season progress – and reckonsSauber can regularly challenge forpoints. “I think the team is doing agreat job,” he said. “We had a goodstart to the season, but were a bitunlucky in the last race for me.

“But still, we were in a good po-sition for points and I am lookingforward for this weekend. I hope wecan score some good points.”


Sauber-Ferrari driver Sergio Perez of Mexico prepares for thefirst practice session of Formula One’s Malaysian Grand Prixat Sepang on April 8, 2011.