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QS Al-Anbiyaa’ : 30

Dan apakah orang-orang yang kafir tidak mengetahui bahwasanya langit dan bumi itu keduanya dahulu adalah suatu yang padu, kemudian Kami pisahkan antara keduanya. Dan dari air Kami jadikan segala sesuatu yang hidup. Maka mengapakah mereka tiada juga beriman?

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" ketika langit pecah belah lalu menjadilah ia mawar merah, berkilat seperti minyak"(Ar-Rahman: 37)

Supernovae : Chandara X-Ray Telescope

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v • d • e

Milky Way Galaxy

Infrared image of the core of the Milky Way galaxy

Observation data

Type SBbc (barred spiral galaxy)

Diameter 100,000 light years

Thickness 1,000 light years

Number of stars 200 to 400 billion

Oldest star 13.2 billion years

Mass 5.8×1011 M☉

Sun's distance to galactic center 26,000 ± 1400 light-years

Sun's galactic rotation period 220 million years (negative rotation)

Spiral pattern rotation period 50 million years[1]

Bar pattern rotation period 15 to 18 million years[1]

Speed relative to the universe 590 km/s[2]

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Chandra X-ray Observatory

Organization NASA, SAO, CXC

Wavelength regime X-ray

Orbit height 10 000 km (perigee), 140 161 km (apogee)

Orbit period 3858 min, 64.3 h

Launch date 23 July 1999

Launch vehicle Columbia STS-93

Deorbit date N/A

Mass 4 800 kg, 10 600 lb

Other names Advanced X-ray Astrophysics Facility, AXAF

COSPAR ID 1999-040B


Physical characteristics

Telescope style 4 nested pairs of grazing incidence paraboloid and hyperboloid mirrors

Diameter 1.2 m, 3.9 ft

Collecting area 0.04 m² at 1 keV, 0.4 ft² at 1 keV

Focal length 10 m, 33 ft


ACIS imaging spectrometer

HRC camera

HETGS high resolution spectrometer

LETGS high resolution spectrometer

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Hubble Space Telescope

The Hubble Space Telescope, from the Space Shuttle Discovery during the second servicing mission, STS-82

General information

NSSDC ID: 1990-037B

Organization: NASA/ESA/STScI

Launched: April 24, 1990

Deorbited: Likely between 2013 and 2021[1]

Mass: 11,110 kg (24,250 lb)

Orbit height: 589 km, 366 mi.

Orbit period: 96–97 min

Orbit velocity: 7,500 m/s, 16,800 mph (27,000 km/h)

Acceleration due to gravity: 8.169 m/s²

Location: Low Earth orbit

Type of orbit: Elliptical

Telescope style: Ritchey-Chretien reflector

Wavelength: Optical, ultraviolet, near-infrared

Diameter: 2.4 m (94 in)

Collecting area: approx. 4.5 m² (46 ft²) [2]

Focal length: 57.6 m (189 ft)


NICMOS: infrared camera/spectrometer

ACS: optical survey camera (failed)

WFPC2: wide field optical camera

STIS: optical spectrometer/camera (failed)

FGS: three fine guidance sensors



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Richter Magnitudes Description Earthquake EffectsFrequency of Occurrence

Less than 2.0 MicroMicroearthquakes, not felt.

About 8,000 per day

2.0-2.9 MinorGenerally not felt, but recorded.

About 1,000 per day

3.0-3.9 MinorOften felt, but rarely causes damage.

49,000 per year (est.)

4.0-4.9 Light

Noticeable shaking of indoor items, rattling noises. Significant damage unlikely.

6,200 per year (est.)

5.0-5.9 Moderate

Can cause major damage to poorly constructed buildings over small regions. At most slight damage to well-designed buildings.

800 per year

6.0-6.9 Strong

Can be destructive in areas up to about 100 miles across in populated areas.

120 per year

7.0-7.9 MajorCan cause serious damage over larger areas.

18 per year

8.0-8.9 GreatCan cause serious damage in areas several hundred miles across.

1 per year

9.0-9.9 GreatDevastating in areas several thousand miles across.

1 per 20 years

10.0+ GreatNever recorded; see below for equivalent seismic energy yield.

Extremely rare (Unknown)

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Orbital characteristics

Epoch J2000

Aphelion 152,097,701 km1.0167103335 AU

Perihelion: 147,098,074 km0.9832898912 AU

Semi-major axis: 149,597,887.5 km1.0000001124 AU

Eccentricity: 0.016710219

Orbital period: 365.256366 days1.0000175 yr

Avg. orbital speed: 29.783 km/s107,218 km/h

Inclination: Reference (0)7.25° to Sun's equator

Longitude of ascending node: 348.73936°

Argument of perihelion: 114.20783°

Satellites: 1 (the Moon)


Surface pressure: 101.3 kPa (MSL)


78.08% Nitrogen (N2)20.95% Oxygen (O2)0.93% Argon0.038% Carbon dioxideTrace water vapor (varies with climate)

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Physical characteristics

Mean radius: 6,371.0 km[1]

Equatorial radius: 6,378.1 km[2]

Polar radius: 6,356.8 km[2]

Flattening: 0.0033528[2]

Circumference:40,075.02 km (equatorial)40,007.86 km (meridional)40,041.47 km (mean)

Surface area:

510,072,000 km²[3] 148,940,000 km² land (29.2 %)

361,132,000 km² water (70.8 %)

Volume: 1.0832073 × 1012 km³

Mass: 5.9736 × 1024 kg

Mean density: 5,515.3 kg/m³

Equatorial surface gravity: 9.780327 m/s²[4]

0.99732 g

Escape velocity:11.186 km/s 40,270 km/h

Sidereal rotation period: 0.997258 d23h 56m 04.09054s[4]

Rotation velocity at equator: 465.11 m/s