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  • P a g e | 165

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com


    Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas / Semester : XI / 3

    Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan

    Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

    Standar Kompetensi: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara

    Level Elementary

    Kompetensi Dasar : B.1 Memahami Percakapan sederhana sehari-hari

    dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi dengan

    orang bukan penutur asli

    Indikator :

    Menyampaikan pertanyaan dengan pola yes/no question dalam

    konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dan dijawab dengan benar.

    Menyampaikan pertanyaan dengan pola question words.

    I. Tujuan Pemelajaran:Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat:

    1. Menyampaikan pertanyaan dengan pola yes/no question dalam konteks

    kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan dan dijawab dengan benar.

    2. Menyampaikan pertanyaan dengan pola question words.

    II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar:

    Phonology :Segmentals : Segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used.

    Supra Segmentals : Pronunciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

    Vocabulary : Expressions YES/NO:

    - Are you a student?

    - Do you like swimming?

    - Does she come late today?

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    Question words:

    - Why do you come late?

    - Where do you live?

    - What is your hobby?


    - Yes, I am

    - No, I dont

    - Yes she does

    - Because I..

    - I live in..

    - My hobby is..

    Grammar :- Simple present of BE : is, am, are

    - Personal pronouns : They, we, I, you, He, She, It.

    - Simple present of verb: Does, Do

    - Why, Who, What, Where

    III. Metode Pemelajaran:1. Question and Answer (Tanya Jawab)

    2. Lecturing (Ceramah)

    3. Task (Penugasan)

    4. Role Playing

    IV. Skenario Pemelajaran:1. Kegiatan Awal (5 -10 menit)

    Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan


    Apersepsi dan motivasi: membuka proses berpikir dan

    menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan

    memotivasi siswa.

    Memberitahukan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini.

  • P a g e | 167

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com

    1. Kegiatan Inti: (130-140 menit)

    Listening Answering question based on recorded materials.

    Complete incomplete dialogues which dictated by teacher.

    Speaking Role playing dialogs which contains about yes/no question and

    question words.

    Making dialogs based on the topic.

    Practice the dialogs in front of class.

    ReadingReading for information: Dialogs and passage.

    Writing Completing short dialogs passage.

    Writing dialogs

    2. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit) Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

    Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

    Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

    V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar1. Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Elementary; KODE MODUL B1

    2. English Grammar in use.

    3. Role Playing.

    VI. Penilaian

    a. Praktek: Memperagakan dialog secara berpasangan

    Situation: two people are talking about something.

    Bondan : Do you go to school here?

    Beny : No I dont. I am on vacation with my family.

    Bondan : Really? Do you like in here?

    Beny : Yes I do, but my parents dont like it.

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    Bondan : Why your parents dont like it?

    Beny : Because they dont like the weather, its too hot.

    Bondan : Where do you come from?

    Beny : I come from Japan.

    b. Latihan:

    Melengkapi dialog.

    Fill the dialogs with the appropriate greetings!

    1. Ana: Do you live alone here?

    Ani: ........., I live here with my brother.

    A. No Im not. C. Yes, I do

    B.No, I dont D. Yes, me do

    2. Ana : Does Jokos hobby watch football match.

    Bobi : , like watch pretty girl like you.

    A. Yes He does C. No, He doesnt

    B. Yes I does D. No, He dont

    3. Abi : Where do you live?

    Ari :

    A. I like living here. C. I dont like live in here

    B. Im staying in Hotel D. I live in Jakarta

    4. Romi : Why do you come late?

    Sigit :

    Romi : Dont do it again

    Sigit : OK!

    A. Because there traffic jam C. Im sorry

    B. I dont come late D. Dont miss it

    Key Answers:

    1. B 2. C 3. D 4. A

    Mengetahui: Metro, 17 Juli 2006

    Kepala SMKN 3 Metro Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris


    NIP. 131856347 NIP. 460023788

  • P a g e | 169

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com


    Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas / Semester : XI / 3

    Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan

    Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

    Standar Kompetensi: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara

    Level Elementary

    Kompetensi Dasar : B.1 Memahami Percakapan sederhana sehari-hari

    dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi dengan

    orang bukan penutur asli

    Indikator :

    Berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan tepat untuk

    membicarakan kegemaran / hobby dan minat.

    I. Tujuan Pemelajaran:Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat:

    1. Menyampaikan berbagai bentuk dan ungkapan digunakan dengan

    tepat untuk membicarakan kegemaran / hobby dan minat.

    II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar:1. Phonology:

    Segmentals: Segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies


    Supra segmentals: Pronunciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

    2. Vocabulary:

    Expressions used to talk about hobbies and interests:

    What do you do on your spare time?

    I usually go to fishing

    I like playing football in the afternoon

    What is your hobby?

    My hobby is watching movie

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    3. Grammar

    Gerund as Subject

    Jogging is my hobby

    Gerund as object

    I enjoy dancing

    Gerund as complements

    Our sport is swimming

    Gerund after preposition

    Are you interested in collecting funniest picture?

    III. Metode Pemelajaran:1. Questions and answers

    2. Task

    3. Lecture

    4. Role Playing

    IV. Skenario Pemelajaran:1. Kegiatan Awal (5 -10 menit)

    Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan


    Apersepsi dan motivasi: membuka proses berpikir dan

    menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan

    memotivasi siswa.

    Memberitahukan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini.

    3. Kegiatan Inti: (130-140 menit)


    Matching pictures with oral statement about hobbies and


    Listening to the song and completing its lyric.

    Listening for information : dialogs.

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    Creating and role playing dialogs based on situation given.

    Making short dialog about hobbies and interest based on


    Retelling ones hobby and interest in spare time.


    Reading for information: dialogs, passages, a letter talk about

    ones hobby and interest.


    Writing statements expressing hobbies and interest.

    Writing dialogs about hobbies and interest.

    Completing a short conversation about ones hobby and interest.

    Writing 4 sentences in one by using gerund.

    4. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit) Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

    Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

    Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

    V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar1) Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Elementary; KODE MODUL B1

    2) English Grammar in use.

    3) Role Playing

    VI. Penilaian

    a. Praktek : memperagakan dialogs secara berpasangan.

    Situation : Two people are talking about hobby and interest

    Susan : Well, Romi, What is your hobby?

    Romi : Well, I like taking photographs and Im very keen on traveling


    Susan : Really?

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    Romi : Yes, Im interest in becoming a journalist. Im enjoy writing

    stories and letters to my friends.

    Susan : And do you like school?

    Romi : Yes, but Im a bit fed up with studying now. Im looking forward

    to leaving school and working.

    But I dont mind continuing because I want to pass my exam.


    Melengkapi dialog

    1. Im looking forward to going concert, I ...listening to classical


    a) Enjoy

    b) Finish

    c) Mind

    d) Avoid

    2. My hobby is stamps

    a) Collected

    b) Collecting

    c) Collect

    d) Collects

    3. Jogging is my hobby.

    Sentence above is gerund as

    a) Object

    b) Subject

    c) Complement

    d) After preposition

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    4. I. smoking when I was thirty.

    a) Stops

    b) Stopped

    c) Stop to

    d) Stop

    Key Answers:

    1) A b) B 3) B 4) D

    Mengetahui: Metro, 17 Juli 2006

    Kepala SMKN 3 Metro Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris


    NIP. 131856347 NIP. 460023788

  • P a g e | 174

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com


    Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas / Semester : XI / 3

    Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan

    Alokasi Waktu : 4 x 45 menit

    Standar Kompetensi: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara

    Level Elementary

    Kompetensi Dasar : B.1 Memahami Percakapan sederhana sehari-hari

    dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi dengan

    orang bukan penutur asli

    Indikator :

    Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam konteks kegiatan sehari-

    hari diperagakan secara benar.

    I. Tujuan Pemelajaran:Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat:

    1. menyampaikan Pertanyaan dengan pola question tags dalam

    konteks kegiatan sehari-hari diperagakan secara benar.

    II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar:

    Phonology :Segmentals : Segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used.

    Supra Segmentals : Pronunciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

    Vocabulary : Karen plays the piano, doesnt she?

    You didnt lock the door, did you?

    Lets go for a walk, shall we?

    Grammar : Negative sentence + positive tags

    Mary wont be late will she?

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    Positive sentence - negative tags

    Mary will be late wont she?

    III. Metode Pemelajaran:1. Question and Answer (Tanya Jawab)

    2. Lecturing (Ceramah)

    3. Task (Penugasan)

    4. Role Playing

    IV. Skenario Pemelajaran:1. Kegiatan Awal (5 -10 menit)

    Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan


    Apersepsi dan motivasi: membuka proses berpikir dan

    menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan

    memotivasi siswa.

    Memberitahukan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini.

    2. Kegiatan Inti: (130-140 menit) Listening

    Matching for information (short talks) while choosing the best


    Listening while completing close dialogs.

    Listening to the song.

    Speaking Creating and role playing dialogs based on situation given.

    Making short dialog which contain statement by using question


    Practice it in front of the class.

    Reading Reading for Information

  • P a g e | 176

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    Writing Completing dialogs with concrete question tags

    Completing sentences with correct question tags.

    Making own sentences about daily activities by using question


    3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit) Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

    Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

    Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

    V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar1. Modul Bahasa Inggris Level Elementary; KODE MODUL B1

    2. Practice English usage.

    3. Grammar in Use

    4. Global acces to the world of work.

    5. Role Playing

    VI. PenilaianComplete these sentences using question tags!

    1) Ani like playing football, ?

    2) Lets go now, ?

    3) Open the door, ..?

    4) She has eaten for today, ?

    5) Karen didnt do her homework, ..?

    6) There is a mouse behind the door, ..?

    7) Everybody went to the movie last night, .?

    8) Everything can be changed, ..?

    9) No body care with me, ..?

    10)They werent cooking a meal yesterday, ?

  • P a g e | 177

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    Key Answers:

    1. Doesnt she 6. Isnt there.

    2. Shall we. 7. Didnt they.

    3. Will you. 8. Cant it.

    4. Hasnt she. 9. Do they.

    5. Did she. 10. Were they.

    Mengetahui: Metro, 17 Juli 2006

    Kepala SMKN 3 Metro Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris


    NIP. 131856347 NIP. 460023788

  • P a g e | 178

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com


    Mata Diklat : Bahasa Inggris

    Kelas / Semester : XI / 3

    Program Keahlian : Teknik Komputer dan Jaringan

    Alokasi Waktu : 2 x 45 menit

    Standar Kompetensi: Berkomunikasi dengan Bahasa Inggris setara

    Level Elementary

    Kompetensi Dasar : B.1 Memahami Percakapan sederhana sehari-hari

    dalam konteks professional maupun pribadi dengan

    orang bukan penutur asli

    Indikator :

    Ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel, restoran, travel, agency,


    I. Tujuan Pemelajaran:Setelah pemelajaran, siswa diharapkan dapat:

    1. Menyampaikan ungkapan untuk menangani tamu hotel,

    restoran, travel, agency, dll.

    II. Ringkasan Materi Ajar:

    Phonology :Segmentals : Segmentals most frequently arise from the vocabularies used.

    Supra Segmentals : Pronunciation, Stress, Pitch, Intonation, etc.

    Vocabulary :Guest handling:

    What can I do for you sir?

    Welcome to our hotel

    I hope you enjoy the food

    Grammar :Construction with too and enough:

  • P a g e | 179

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    Construction with too = Too + adjective (+ for agent) + to infinitive.

    The soup is too salty for me.

    Construction with enough= Adjective + enough (+ for agent) + to


    The hotel room is comfortable enough.

    III. Metode Pemelajaran:1. Question and Answer (Tanya Jawab)

    2. Lecturing (Ceramah)

    3. Task (Penugasan)

    4. Role Playing

    IV. Skenario Pemelajaran:1. Kegiatan Awal (5 -10 menit)

    Presensi (mencatat siswa yang tidak hadir dan


    Apersepsi dan motivasi: membuka proses berpikir dan

    menyampaikan pendahuluan materi yang akan disajikan dan

    memotivasi siswa.

    Memberitahukan tujuan pembelajaran hari ini.

    2. Kegiatan Inti: (50-60 menit)


    Matching the pictures with the statements

    Listening to the song and complete its lyrics (cloze lyrics)

    Listening for information (short talks)while choosing, the best




    Creating and role-playing dialogs based on the given situations.

    Making short conversation based on the pictures given.

    Acting out the dialogs about how to handle hotel guests.

  • P a g e | 180

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com


    Reading for information about how to handle guests.


    Writing dialogs about hotel facility, menus for lunch.

    Rearranging paragraphs.

    Writing dialogs about the way to handle guests.

    Writing two sentences in one by using construction

    o too + adjective ( + for agent) + to infinitiveo Adjectives + enough ( + for agent) + to infinitive

    3. Kegiatan Akhir (20 menit) Mengulas secara singkat apa yang telah siswa pelajari

    Feedback untuk mengetahui daya serap siswa

    Memberi tugas/pekerjaan rumah

    V. Alat dan Sumber Belajar1. Modul Bahasa Inggris LevelElementary; KODE MODUL B1

    2. English Grammar in Use

    3. Role Playing

    VI. Penilaian

    a. Praktek: Memperagakan dialog secara berpasangan

    Situation: Making complaint.

    Guest : Excuse me.

    Receptionist : Yes, can I help you? (What can I do for you sir?)

    Guest : Im in room 208, Im afraid the telephone isnt working.

    The window is broken and its too noisy!

    Receptionist : Let me see, yes you can have room 212I


    Complete the passage using TOO or ENOUGH and the correct form of

    the verb.

  • P a g e | 181

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com

    Eko : Whats the matter?

    Eka : He is hurt, (1) (too weak) to move. (Weak)

    Eko : Can he walk?

    Eka : No, I told you, he is (2) not strong enough. (Strong)

    Eko : Shall I go to the ambulance station?

    Eka : No, we are (3) .Its closed. (Late)

    Eko : Can we carry him?

    Eka : No, we cant. He is (4) . (Heavy)

    Eko : Can you climb down the mountain?

    Eka : No, Im ill. Im (5) . (Fit)

    Eko : Lets wait for someone to come. Are you both (6) ?


    Eka : Yes, we are OK!

    Key Answers:3. Too late

    4. Heavy enough

    5. Not fit enough

    6. Warm enough

    Mengetahui: Metro, 17 Juli 2006

    Kepala SMKN 3 Metro Guru Mata Diklat Bahasa Inggris


    NIP. 131856347 NIP. 460023788

  • P a g e | 182

    RPP B.1/AS/SMKN 3 Metro http://syafii4smk3.wordpress.com


    KOMPETENSI DASAR B.1(Alokasi Waktu: 2 x 45 Menit)

    1 Swimming is my hobby. (Its gerund as.)

    a) Subject

    b) Object

    c) Complement

    d) After preposition

    2 Thank you for coming today. (Its gerund as)

    a) Subject

    b) Object

    c) Complement

    d) After preposition

    3 Doni : Do you like swimming to spend your spare time?

    Dani : ... I like playing game!

    a) No, Im not

    b) No, I doesnt

    c) No, I dont

    d) Yes, I do

    4 Everything can be changed, .?

    a) Can they

    b) Cant they

    c) Cant it

    d) Couldnt it

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    5 Jani : Why do you come late?

    Radit :

    Jani : Dont do it again!

    Radit : OK!

    a) Because there is a traffic jam

    b) I dont come late

    c) Im sorry

    d) Dont miss it

    6 Jake got . For stealing a car yesterday. He is in jail now.

    a) Arrested

    b) Arrest

    c) Arresting

    d) To arrest


    7 The children were not use to living in the country.

    A B C D

    8 The soup is enough salty for me.

    A B C D

    9 There isnt a mouse behind the door, isnt there?

    A B C D

    10 Lets go now, will you?

    A B C D

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    1. A

    2. D

    3. D

    4. C

    5. A

    6. B

    7. B

    8. B

    9. A


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