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mix methods


Pengantar Mixed Methods

Departemen Geografi FMIPA UI2 Mei 2012

Triarko Nurlambang

Mengapa Mixed Methods ?


Mixing – Why? Validitas – lebih baik karena menggabungkan Kuantitatif dan Kualitatifdata Pengimbangan (offset)– mengatasi kelemahan kuantitatif dan kualitatif Kelengkapan (Completeness) – lebih komprehensif ketimbang hanya kuantitatif

atau hanya kualitatif Proses – Kuantitatif menghasilkan outcomes; kualitatif adalah prosesnya Penjelasan – kualitatif dapat menjelaskan kuantitatif atau sebaliknya Hasil yang tidak terduga – ada peluang memperoleh satu ‘kejutan’ dan lainnya

dapat menjelaskannya Pengembangan instrumen – kualitatif digunakan untuk membangun instrumen

perancangan Kredibikitas (Credibility) – kedua pendekatan penguatan integritas temuan-

temuan Konteks (Context ) – kualitatif menyediakan konteks; dalam kuantitatif memberi

pengetahuan umum terhadap satu obyek/fenomena Pemanfaatan – lebih bermanfaat untuk praktisi

Pendapat Creswell (2011) yang menegaskan manfaat dari Mixed methods adalah•Kombinasi kedua kualitatif dan kuantitatif menjadi kekuatan sinergis•Dapat menghasilkan setidak-tidaknya dua pandangan berbeda•Membuka kesempatan kerja interdisiplin•Mendemostrasikan ketrampilan metodologis•Membangun kerja mencari pengetahuan yang intuitif

Manfaat Mixed Methods


Adakah Penyebutan ‘Mixed Methods’ lainnya?

• Multi-method• Triangulation• Integrated• Combined• Quantitative and qualitative methods• Multi-methodology• Mixed methodology• Mixed-method• Mixed research• Mixed methods

Apa Definisi Mixed Methods ?

The Journal of Mixed Methods (2006), in its call for papers defines mixed methods as ‘research in which the investigator collects, analyses, mixes, and draws inferences from both quantitative and qualitative data in a single study or a program of inquiry’.

A more comprehensive definition is provided by Creswell and Plano Clark (2007: 5) who define mixed methods as follows: Mixed methods research is a research design with philosophical assumptions as well as methods of inquiry. As a methodology, it involves philosophical assumptions that guide the direction of the collection and analysis of data and the mixture of qualitative and quantitative data in a single study or series of studies. Its central premise is that the use of quantitative and qualitative approaches in combination provides a better understanding of research problems that either approach alone.

Teddlie and Tashakkori (2010: 5) define the methodology of MM as: “The broad inquiry logic that guides the selection of specific methods and that is informed by conceptual positions common to mixed methods practitioners (e.g., the rejection of “either-or” choices at all levels of the research process). For us, this definition of methodology distinguishes the MMR approach to conducting research from that practiced in either the QUAN or QUAL approach”.


Akar/Perspektif Dasar Paradigma Mixed Methods

• Pragmatisme (Tashakkori & Teddlie, 2003)– Fokus pada pertanyaan penelitian– Apa yang dapat dikerjakan (What “works” ?) dan konsekuensinya?– Metode Berganda (Multiple methods – large toolkit)

• Transformatif (Mertens, 2003)– Tranformasi akan terus ada jika masih ditemui sesuatu yang belum

dapat dijelaskan dengan tepat kehadirannya/keberadaannya/eksistensinya baik obyek kebendaan ataupun fenomena (Transform lives of underrepresented, marginalized groups)

– Kaitkan atau menyatukan atau melebur (Incorporate) fokus transformasi ini dalam setiap tahapan penelitian

5P dalam Proses

Pembelajaran Mixed


Cameron, 2011

Catatan:• Purist: traditionalist• Eclectic: diverse• Stance: perspective• MMR: Mixed Methods Research• Rigorous: exact/ accurqte• Praxis: describes a continuous commitment to knowledge creation out of experience• Proficiency: ability

Aliansi diantara 5P dalam Mixed Methods

Cameron, 2011

Perkembangan Mixed Methods

Kelompok Kuantitatif

(Tradisi Positivis)

3 Gerakan Metodologis(Tashakkori dan Teddlie,2003)

Kelompok Kuantitatif(Tradisi


• Perang’ Paradigma• Debat estimologis• Sikap pragmatis

Kelompok Mixed


/ Transformasi-emansipatoris


- kaum tradisionalis -

- kaum revolusioner -

Puncak transformasi 1950-1970

Puncak transformasi 1970-1985

Sejak tahun 1980an

Sejak tahun 1980an

Legitimasi ‘Mixed


Interpretasi Mixed Methods dan Studi Geografi

Mixed Methods

Collaborative Research

Sejalan dg nilai-nilai studi


Belajar bukanlah berkembang; namun belajar/pembelajaran yang diorganisasikan secara tepat bisa membuahkan perkembangan mental yang tentunya mustahil jika terlepas dari pembelajaran. Oleh karena itulah, pembelajaran merupakan aspek yang diperlukan dan universal dari proses pengembangan fungsi-fungsi psikologis , khususnya manusia, yang teratur secara kultural.....Proses ‘perkembangan’ ketinggalan dari proses ‘belajar’; sebagai konsekuensinya urutan ini (proses belajar lalu proses berkembang) menimbulkan zona perkembangan berbarengan (Vygotsky, 1978 dalam Tashakkori dan Tedlei, 2003)


Pengembangan Mixed Methods

(20 tahun terakhir)• Bertambahnya daya tarik dan advokasi mixed methods research

• Membangun pemahaman apa yang dimaksud dengan mixed methods research

• Mengembangkan teknik-teknik rancangan yang inovatif

Conferences• Mixed Methods Conference, Cambridge, England, July 21-24, 2008

• Proposed mixed methods conference, Sydney, Australia, 2009• Discipline conferences with mixed methods papers


20+ books on mixed methods research

have been written since 1988

Legitimasi Mixed Methods

Editors: John W. Creswell and Abbas TashakkoriManaging Editor: Vicki L.Plano Clark

“Combining qualitative and quantitative

methods has gained broad appeal in

public health research.” (1999)


Kritik Terhadap Mixed Methods (Creswell, 2007)

Apakah pandangan post-positivist sudah menyatu dalam mixed methods? – Howe, K. R. (2004). A critique of experimentalism. Qualitative Inquiry, 10, 42-61.– Giddings, L. S. (2006). Mixed-methods research: Positivism dressed in drag?

Journal of Research in Nursing, 11(3), 195-2003.– Holmes, C. A. (2007). Mixed(up) methods, methodology and interpretive

frameworks. Contributed paper for the Mixed Methods Conference, Cambridge, University, July 10-12, 2006.

Apa batas penelitian mixed methods? – Sale, J. E. M., Lohfeld, L. H., Brazil, K. (2002). Revisiting the quantitative-

qualitative debate: Implications for mixed-methods research. Quality and Quantity, 36, 43-53.

– Leahey, E. (2007). Convergence and confidentiality? Limits to the implementation of mixed methodology. Social Science Research, 36, 149-158.

Adakah satu wacana (discourse) yang dominan dalam penelitian mixed methods?• Freshwater, D. (2007). Reading mixed methods research: Contexts for criticism.

Journal of Mixed Methods Research, 1(2), 134-146.

Rancangan Penelitian dan Metode Mixed Methods –

diantaranya Pengumpulan Data

Pada dasarnya Mixed Methods tidak berbeda dengan metode lainnya (Tujuan

dan Dasar Metode Penelitianmya)

Collecting data

Analyzing and interpreting data

Identifying a purpose and stating questions

Reporting and evaluating the study

Identifying a research problem

Reviewing the literature


Smith & Heshusius, (1986)

“Incompatibility thesis”

“The contention of thispaper is that the claim ofcompatibility, let alone one of synthesis, cannot besustained.” (p. 4)

Purist Stance

Hanya sekedar memperdebatkan

“Kuantitatif vs Kualitatif” tidak lagi relevan. Yang lebih hakiki adalah bagaimana alat

ini kompatibel untuk menemukan “kebenaran”

(the Truth)

Ragam Rancangan Mixed Methods

Ethnography Case Study Research Narrative research Experimental research

Qual ----- Quan Qual----- Quan Qual-----Quan Qual---- Quan

Bagaimana “Mixing”nya


Connect data:


Converge data:

Embed the data:

Quan data

Qual data

Qual Quan

Qual Quan

Membangun Rancangan dan Teknik Penelitian yang


Notation TypologiesDiagrams of procedures Complex evaluation models Reconceptualizing designsEmergence of innovations in procedures

Unusual blendsMethodological issuesData analysis techniquesPresentation techniques

Kunci Pengembangan

Tahap Awal yang menjadi perhatian saat Merancang Penelitian (Mixed Methods)

(Morse, 1991)Approach Type Purpose Limitation


QUAL + quan Simultaneous Enrich description of sample

Qualitative sample

Utilize normative data for comparison of results

QUAL Sequential Test emerging H, determine distribution of phenomenon in population

Qualitative sample

Draw adequate random sample from same population

QUAN + qual Simultaneous To describe part of phenomena that cannot be quantified

Quantitative sample

Select appropriate theoretical sample from random sample

QUAN Sequential To examine unexpected results

Quantitative sample

Select appropriate theoretical sample from random sample



QUANData & Results

QUANData & Results InterpretationInterpretation

QUALData & Results

QUALData & Results

QUANPre-test Data & Hasil

QUANPre-test Data & Hasil


Data & Results


Data & Results


Proses Kualitatif

Proses Kualitatif


Triangulation Design

Embedded Design

1. Concurrent Mixed Methods Designs

Rancang secara Hati-Hati (Parsimonious Designs) (Creswell & Plano Clark, 2007)

2. Sequential Designs Mixed Methods Designs

QUANData & Results

QUANData & Results InterpretationInterpretation

qualData & Results

qualData & Results

Following up

QUALData & Results

QUALData & Results

quanData & Results

quanData & Results InterpretationInterpretation

Building to










intervention qual


intervention qual InterpretationInterpretation

Exploratory Design

Explanatory Design

Sequential Embedded Design


Merancang Teknik Pengumpulan Data

Mekanisme Pengumpulan DataThe sampling schemes described in previous sections

could be used in isolation. Indeed, each of these sampling schemes could be used in monomethod research that characterizes either solely qualitative or quantitative studies. That is, both qualitative and quantitative researchers can use any of the 24 sampling schemes, as appropriate, to address their research questions. However, in mixed methods research, sampling schemes must be chosen for both the qualitative and quantitative components of the study. Therefore, sampling typically is much more complex in mixed methods studies than in monomethod studies.

Selecting a sampling design involves making a series of decisions not only about how many individuals to include in a study and how to select these individuals, but also about conditions under which this selection will take place. These decisions are extremely important and, as stated by Curtis et al. (2000), “It seems essential to be explicit about these [decisions], rather than leaving them hidden, and to consider the implications of the choice for the way that the…study can be interpreted” (p. 1012). Unfortunately, the vast majority of qualitative and quantitative researchers do not make clear their sampling decisions. Indeed, the exact nature of the sampling scheme rarely is specified (Onwuegbuzie, 2002b).

Mixed Methods dalam Penelitian Geografi

Contoh Pemanfaatan Mixed Methods dalam Studi Geografi

《 Geography and Geo-Information Science  》 2006-02Add to Favorite Get Latest UpdateStudy on the Mixed Method of Geomorphologic TypesGAO Xuan-yu (College of Earth Science,Chengdu University of Technology,Chengdu 610059;Department of Geography,Teacher's College of Taiyuan,Taiyuan 030012,China)  There are many weaknesses of classification for shape and cause of formation:1) Shapes of geomorphologic types are combined with the cause of formation badly,their combined rate is only 30%;2) Much geomorphologic information is lost;3) Many less or no signification geomorphologic types are created,because of the stress to homologize the shape with its cause of formation one by one;4) Shape and the cause of formation of geomorphologic types can't represent all geomorphologic types.According the fact of these shortcomings,the paper puts forward the mixed method of geomorphologic types.This method classifies geomorphologic types into subject geomorphologic types and object geomorphologic types.Subject geomorphologic type is carrier and object geomorphologic type is being carried.The weaknesses existing in geomorphologic classifications are solved by the way of mixed object geomorphologic types carried by subject geomorphologic types.Compare to other existing methods it makes the classification useful,simple and agility.It carries out a new way for geomorphologic classification,and it makes a foundation for simple and agility geomorphologic mapping.【 Key Words  】: classification of geomorphologic types the mixed method of geomorphologic types geomorphologic mapping 

Pemanfaatan Mixed Methods Dalam Penelitian Tentang

“Sistem Kebijakan dan Kelembagaan Penataan


Konsep Sistem Kelembagaan dan Penataan Ruang

Konstruksi Kerangka


Telaah Public Choice

Teori Ekonomi Politik dalam proses Perencanaan

Penataan Ruang

Telaah Struktur dan Pola Ruang Pembangunan

Teori Ruang,/Sistem keruangan dan konsep

penataan ruang

Telaah Pembangunan Berkelanjutan

Konsep Pembangunan berkelanjutan Kawasan


Sistem Kebijakan dan Kelembagaan Penataan Ruang

Sistem Dinamika Ruang

Teori Kebijakan Publik (Public Change and Public Choice), Teori Penataan Kelembagaan/Institutional

Arrangement dan Teori Ruang (Spatial Theory)

Kebijakan Penataan Ruang

Mid – Theory


Macro Theory approach

Telaah Sistem Institusi

Teori Institutional Development/ ArrangementTeori Public Choice, Teori Collective Action

Good Governance

Signifikansi Penelitian: signifikansi metodologis

Institutional Development

and Arrangement

Studi Penataan Ruang Jabodetabekjur(Sistem Kebijakan dan Kelembagaan Penataan

Ruang Jabodetabekjur)

Public Choice and Policy Change

Collective Action

Penelitian Dasar Penelitian Terapan

Rencana Tata Ruang Regional –


Rencana Tata Ruang Daerah

a.Provinsib.Kab./ Kota

Rencana Tata Ruang


Kebijakan (Grindle)

Tahap 1:keterkaitan dengan konsep atau teori-teori utama yang relevan hingga dapat dirumuskan preposisi untuk menjadi acuan arahan penelitianTahap 2:penelusuran (trajectory) teori ruang dan teori kebijakan penataan ruang atau pengembangan wilayah berikut produk kebijakannya. Tahap ini untuk dapat merumuskan state of the art pemahaman akan makna ruang dan penataan ruang atau pengembangan wilayah dalam konteks kebijakan publicTahap 3:mengidentifikasi kondisi eksisting dan permasalahan penataan ruang dari sudut pandang sistem kelembagaannya di daerah penelitian yaitu di Jakarta-Bogor-Depok-Tangerang-Bekasi-Cianjur (Jabodetabekjur) Tahap 4:temuan makna ruang dan penataan ruang dalam kerangka realita penerapan sistem kebijakan dan kelembagaan penataan ruang ini kemudian diolah untuk menjadi dasar merumuskan satu bentuk konsep yang lebih realistik sejalan dengan karakteristik publik di wilayah yang bersangkutan

”the key features common to all qualitative methods can be seen when they are contrasted with quantitative methods. Most quantitative data techniques are data condenses. They condense data in order to see the big picture.... Qualitative methods, by contrast, are best understand as data enchancers. When data are enchanced, it is possible to see key aspects of cases more clearly” (Neuman, 2003) Leading to Mixed Method Research

Good Governance

Good Governance

Questions for analysing paradigms

Research paradigmsPositivism Interpretivism Critical Theory


Nature of reality An objective, true reality exists which is governed by unchangeable natural cause-effect laws

Consists of stable pre-existing patterns or order that can be discovered

Reality is not time- nor context-bound

Reality can be generalised

The world complex and dynamic and is constructed, interpreted and experienced by people in their interactions with each other and with wider social systems i.e. fluid definitions of a situation created by human interaction/social construction of reality

Reality is subjective. People experience reality in different ways. Subjective reality is important i.e. what people think, feel, see)

Reality can only be imperfectly grasped

The use of language defines a particular reality

Governed by conflicting, underlying structures – social, political, cultural, economic, ethnic, gender

Nature of human beings

Rational Shaped by external factors

(same cause has the same effect on everyone) i.e. mechanical model / behaviourist approach. Under certain conditions people will probably engage in a specified behaviour

Social beings who create meaning and who constantly make sense of their worlds

People possess an internally experienced sense of reality

People can design / reconstruct their own world through action and critical reflection

Paradigma penelitian (Guba dan Lincoln, 2004)

Questions for analysing paradigms

Research paradigmsPositivism Interpretivism Critical Theory

Epistemological questions

Nature of knowledge

Knowledge can be described in a systematic way

Knowledge consists of verified hypotheses that can be regarded as facts or laws.

Probabilistic – i.e. holds true for large groups of people or occurs in many situations

Knowledge is accurate and certain

Knowledge is based not only on observable phenomena, but also on subjective beliefs, values, reasons, and understandings

Knowledge is constructed Knowledge is about the way in

which people make meaning in their lives, not just that they make meaning, and what meaning they make.

Knowledge is dispersed and distributed

Knowledge is a source of power

Knowledge is constituted by the lived experience and the social relations that structure these experiences

Events are understood with social and economic contexts

Role of theory

Theories are: Normative Present ‘models’ General propositions explaining

causal relationships between variables

Theories: Are revisable Approximate truth Are sensitive to context

Theories: Are constructed in the act of

critique in a dialectical process of deconstructing and reconstructing the world.

Theory building/ testing

Postulate a theories that can be tested in order to confirm or reject

Prove a theory from observable phenomena / behaviour

Test theories in a controlled setting, empirically supporting or falsifying hypotheses through process of experimentation

Theories are built / constructed from multiple realities – the researcher has to look at different things in order to understand a phenomenon

Theory is shaped by social and cultural context

Theories are built from deconstructing the world, from analysing power relationships

Role of research

Uncover reality i.e. natural laws Scientifically explain / describe,

predict and control phenomena

Study mental, social, cultural phenomena – in an endeavour to understand why people behave in a certain way.

Grasp the ‘meaning’ of phenomena

Describe multiple realities

Promoting critical consciousness

Breaking down institutional structures and arrangements that produce oppressive ideologies and social inequalities

Shift the balance of power so that it may be more equitably distributed

Address social issues Political emancipation and

increasing critical consciousness

Questions for analysing paradigms

Research paradigmsPositivism Interpretivism Critical Theory

Methodological questions

Role of researcher Objective, independent from the subject

Investigator often controls the investigated

Co-creator of meaning Brings own subjective

experience to the research Tries to develop an

understanding of the whole and a deep understanding of how each part relates and is connected to the whole

Adopts role of facilitator – encouraging the participation and involvement of the ‘subjects’ who become partners in the research process

Questions for analysing paradigms

Research paradigmsPositivism Interpretivism Critical Theory

Methodological questions (cont.)

Role of values Science is value-free Values have no place in

research – must eliminate all bias

Values are an integral part of social life – no values are wrong, only different

Facts can never be isolated from values

Values of the researcher influence the research

Methods Empirical Structured and replicable

observation Quantification /

measurement Experimental – directly

manipulate variables and observe

Unstructured observation Open interviewing Discourse analysis Try to capture “insider”


Participatory action research

Dialogical methods – which encourage dialogue between researcher and researched

Type of studies Survey studies Verification of hypotheses Statistical analysis Quantitative descriptive


Field research, conducted in natural settings in order to collect substantial situational information

Keterbatasan Penelitian• Dinamika yang kompleks dan cepat berubah; dapat mengakibatkan

asumsi-asumsi yang digunakan dalam teori-teori acuan bagi penelitian ini perlu disesuaikan dalam mengakomodir dinamika fenomena yang diamati. Konsekuensi berikutnya adalah adanya kemungkinan bergesernya lingkup yang diteliti

• Entitas wilayah penelitian; menentukan lingkup penelitian kebijakan semacam ini, baik dari sisi lingkup ruang atau field nya ataupun dari struktur sistem kelembagaannya.

• Diantisipasi dengan Mixed Method Research• Pendekatan ini cenderung mengacu pada

pendekatan subyektif dengan perspektif humanistik dan fenomologis sehingga dapat membangun konstruksi teori yang baru (pendekatan Interpretatif-konstruktivis; Mulyana, 2001)

Metodologi Penelitian

Diantara ciri-ciri utama relevansinya terhadap paradigm interpretivisme adalah •Tujuannya: memahami rekonstruksi dalam rangka menjelaskan pengertian gejala yang sedang berlangsung•Teori: menjelaskan bagaimana gejala atau kegiatan kelompok tersebut berlansung, bagaimana sistem itu bangkit, dan berkesinambungan•Pengetahuan dasar: rekonstruksi pemikiran individual yang menyatu dengan lingkungannya•Akumulasi pengetahuan: teori terumuskan karena adanya interaksi kekuatan gejala rutin yang digunakan oleh publik atau para pemangku kepentingan•Penjelasan yang benar: kesesuaian atas kehendak baik atau positif dalam suatu proses pembelajaan•Bukti yang cukup: ditekankan dalam konteks interaksi sosial•Kriteria untuk kualitas yang baik: bersifat terpercaya dan asli (apa adanya) dan dapat mengandung kesalahan (disadari)•Nilai: berada dalam bentuk bersama (eksistensi kolektif); merupakan bagian integral dengan interaksi sosial•Voice (yang disampaikan): “Passionate participant” yang juga berfungsi sebagai fasilitator bagi berbagai pilihan dalam proses rekonstruksi

Penelitian ini menggunakan paradigma Interpretivisme (Guba dan Lincoln, 2004)

Sumber: Irawan, 2006

Metode Penelitian: Mixed Methods

Sequential Embedded Design:

Sumber: Creswell, 2011

Data yang DikumpulkanA. Pengumpulan data kuantitatif

Data kuantitatif ini dalam bentuk dua jenis format yaitu statistik dan ruang (spatial) yang menjabarkan kondisi tren sektor dan regional pembangunan, serta pola dan struktur ruang pembangunan dalam satu konstruksi penataan ruang di Kawasan Jabodetaberkjur (Jakarta-Bogor-Tangerang-Depok-Bekasi):

1. Rencana Tata Ruang Wilayah untuk: a. Pulau Jawa b. Jabodetabekjurjur c. Provinsi DKI Jakarta, Jawa Barat, dan Banten d. Kabupaten/Kota Tangerang, Bogor, Depok, dan Bekasi e. Data ke-ruang-an hasil studi ataupun laporan hasil kajian lembaga penelitian /LSM /lembaga-lembaga internasional f. Data statistik pembangunan di Kawasan Jabodetabekjur g. Data statistik sektor-sektor terpilih, terkait dengan sektor pembangunan ekonomi, sosial, dan lingkungan

B. Pengumpulan data kualitatifMenggunakan metode kasus satu lokus yaitu Kawasan Jabodetaberkjur (single site case study) dengan menekankan pada historical case study

dan situational analysis. Data kualitatif dikumpulkan melalui tiga cara yaitu 1. Wawancara langsung (FtF) dengan cara purposive : pejabat urusan Penataan Ruang pemerintah daerah di Jabodetabekjur. Kerangka pedoman wawancara : a. Permasalahan dalam kebijakan dan kelembagaan penataan ruang b. Permasalahan dalam proses implementasi kebijakan penataan ruang c. Pendapat untuk perbaikan kebijakan, kelembagaan, dan mekanisme implementasi d. Publikasi kebijakan, sistem kelembagaan dan implementasi kebijakan 2. Partisipasi-observasi Partisipasi-observasi dilakukan dari tahun 2009 hingga 2011 saat peneliti ikut bergabung dalam tim konsultasi pelaksanaan kebijakan Kajian Lingkungan Hidup Strategis (KLHS) di Kementerian Lingkungan Hidup, Kementerian Dalam Negeri dan Bappenas yang tugas utamanya adalah mengkaji dan menilai isi kebijakan RPJP, RPJM, RTRW, baik tingkat nasional, pulau, provinsi, dan kabupaten/ kota. 3. Pengolahan data Data kuantitatif dan kualitatif tersebut di atas diolah dengan menggunakan teknik pengelompokan (clustering).

Struktur Laporan Penelitian (Penjabaran Transformative Design,


Telaah Teoritis sebagai rujukan awal

Pengumpulan data kuantitatif Pengumpulan

data kualitatif

Pengolahan data:clustering

Analisis: Interpretasi

Re-konstruksi kebijakan dan kelembagaan Penataan Ruang

Pengumpulan Data

Konstruksi awal:

kebijakan dan kelembagaan

De-konstruksi :

kebijakan dan kelembagaan

• Transformasi data

Re-Konstruksi : kebijakan dan kelembagaan

• proses induktif


Bab 2


Bab 3 dan 4


Bab 5

Terima kasih dan semoga bermanfaat

top related