pembagian analisis skenario c

Post on 07-Aug-2018






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8/20/2019 Pembagian Analisis Skenario c 1/4


Amir, a boy, 12 month, was hospitalized due to diarrhea. Four days before admission, the patient

had non projectile vomiting 6 times a day. e vomited what he ate. !hree days before admission

the patient got diarrhea 1" times a day around half glass in every defecation, there was no blood

and mucous#pus in it. !he fre$uency of vomiting decreased. Along those % days, he dran& 

eagerly and was given plain water. e also got mild fever. 'esterday, he loo&ed worsening, still

had diarrhea but no vomiting. !he amount of urination in ( hours ago was less than usual. Amir)s

family lives in slum area.


Physical examination

*atient loo&s severy ill, compos mentis but wea& +lethargic, -* "#/"mmg, 00 (#m, 0 

1%%#m regular but wea&, body temperature (,3, -4 (,(&g, - /cm

ead5 sun&en eye, no tears drop, and dry mouth.

!hora5 similar movement on both side, retraction +#, vesicular breath sound, normal heart


Abdomen5 flat, shuffle, bowel sound increases. 7iver is palpable 1cm below arcus costa and

iphoid processus, spleen unpalpable. *inch the s&in of abdomen5 very slowly +longer than 2

seconds. 0edness s&in surrounding anal orifice.

8tremities5 cold hand and feet


Laboratory examination

b 12,( g#dl, 4-3 9."""#mm, differential count5 "#1#16#%(#/#"

:rine routine

;acroscopic 5 yellowish colour 

;icroscopic 5 4-3+, 0-3 +, protein +

Faeces routine

;acroscopic 5 water more than waste material, blood+, mucous+

4-35 2%#*F, 0-3 "1#*F

8/20/2019 Pembagian Analisis Skenario c 2/4

<7A0=F=<A>= =>!=7A

 ?@ <larifi&asi =stilah *engertian

1. iarrhea *engeluaran tinja berair sehari lebih dari


2. ?on projectile vomiting

. efecation. ran& eagerly

%. 7ethargic *enurunan ting&at &esadaran ditandai

dengan lesu, mengantu&, dan apatis

/. Abdomen shuffle

6. 0edness s&in surrounding anal orifice

. 3old hand and feet

(. *F

=8?!=F=<A>= ;A>A7A

1. alimat 1! "! #an 1$ %&

Amir, a boy, 12 month, was hospitalized due to diarrhea. !hree days before admission the

 patient got diarrhea 1" times a day around half glass in every defecation, there was no blood

and mucous#pus in it. Amir)s family lives in slum area.

a. Apa hubungan usia, jenis &elamin dan ling&ungan terhadap diareB Fadil, miranda

b. Apa definisi iareB 8ndy, sherly

c. -agaimana penyebab dan me&anisme diareB -utet, nabil

#. Apa saja &lasifi&asi diareB elvie, aulia

e. Apa ma&na tida& ada darah dan mu&us#pusB A&bar, windi

'. Apa =ndi&asi ;0> pada penderitaCdiareB 8va, i$bal

(. alimat ( #an ) *&

Four days before admission, the patient had non projectile vomiting 6 times a day. e

vomited what he ate.a. Apa definisi muntahB =$bal, nabil

b. Apa saja &lasifi&asi muntahB >herly, a&bar 

c. -agaimana me&anisme muntah +nyemprot dan tida& nyemprotB 8va, miranda

). alimat * "&

8/20/2019 Pembagian Analisis Skenario c 3/4

!he fre$uency of vomiting decreased.

a. ;engapa muntahnya ber&urang setelah hariB -utet, helvie

". Kalimat % #an 7 )&

Along those % days, he dran& eagerly and was given plain water. e also got mild fever.

a. ;engapa minum air putih tetapi tetep hausB Aulia, eva

b. Apa definisi demamB ;iranda, i$bal

c. Apa saja &lasifi&asi demamB 4indi, helvie

#. -agaimana me&anisme demam pada &asusB 8ndy, fadil

*. Kalimat +!,

'esterday, he loo&ed worsening, still had diarrhea but no vomiting. !he amount of urination

in ( hours ago was less than usual.

a. ;engapa masih diare tapi tida& muntahB -utet, =$bal

 b. -agaimana penyebab dan me&anisme penurunan jumlah urinB Fadil, aulia

c. Apa indi&asi penurunan jumlah urinB >herly, helvie

%. Pemerisaan 'isi 

a. -agaimana intepretasi dan me&anisme anbnormal pemeri&saan fisi&B ?abil, 4indi

 b. Apa temuan pemeri&saan fisi& yang dapat membantu menega&&an diagnosisB 8ndy,


7. Pemerisaan Lab

a. -agaimana interpretasi dan me&anisme abnormal pemeri&saan fisi&B A&bar, ?abila

+. -iotesis

Amir la&i la&i 12 bulan menderita diare a&ut disertai dengan dehidrasi

a. -agaiman cara menega&&an diagnosis pada &asusB -utet, endy

b. Apa diagnosis banding pada &asusB Fadil, 8va

c. Apa diagnosis &erja pada &asusB 8va, elvie

#. Apa definisi diagnosis &erja pada &asusB Aulia, a&bar 

e. 8tiologiB 8ndy, windi

8/20/2019 Pembagian Analisis Skenario c 4/4

'. 8pidemiologiB =$bal, nabil

/. Fa&tor resi&oB >herly, aulia

h. *atofisiologiB elvie, a&bar 

i. *atogDnesisB 8va, miranda

 0. ;anifestasi &linisB ;iranda, sherly

. <ompli&asiB -utet, nabil

l. *emeri&saan penunjangB 4indi, endy

m. *rognosisB =$bal, fadil

n. !atala&sanaB Fadil, helvie

o. !inda&an preventifB elvie, endy

. ><= Aulia, miranda

Learnin/ isse

1. iare Aulia, >herly, 8ndy

2. ehidrasi 4indi, elvie, Fadil

. Anatomi E= tract ana& usia 12 bulan A&bar, -utet, ?abil

%. fisiologi E= tract ana& usia 12 bulan 8va, ;iranda, =$bal

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