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LKS KD1 3/1/1415

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The Fundamental Laws Project (1)

Mass Concept

A. Phlogiston Project


Teori Phlogiston dikembangkan oleh Johann Joachim Becker (1635 – 1682 ) dan Gerge Ernst Stahl

(1660 – 1734 ). Teori ini menyatakan bahwa semua zat mengandung Phlogiston. Apabila suatu zat

dibakar maka zat tersebut akan membentuk zat baru dan melepaskan Phlogiston ke udara. Teori ini

menjadi pusat teori yang mendominasi ilmu pengetahuan pada abad 18, karena teori ini mampu menjelaskan fenomena yang terjadi di alam.


Lakukanlah percobaan sederhana berikut. Timbang raw material, lakukan proses reaksi pembakaran,

dan timbang kembali massa produk yang terbentuk. Hitung banyaknya Phlogiston yang terlepas

keudara berdasarkan persamaan matematik sederhana.

No. Raw Material Process Product 1 Product 2


Mass = 0,1126 g


Mass = 0,0200 g

Phlogiston Mass = . . . . . g

Note :

2. A piece of paper Mass = 0,7355 g

Burning Charcoal Mass = 0,2945 g

Phlogiston Mass = . . . . . g

Note :

1. What is Phlogiston ?

2. Explain the concep of The Plogiston theory ?

3. Is The Phlogiston theory applicable for all material (based on your experiment) ? Why ?

Conclusion :

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B. Pristley Project


In 1774 Joseph Priestley (1733 – 1804), An England Scientist did an experiment using Kalx (Hydragyrum). He burned 530 grams of Kalx and weighed it. Look at the table below.

No. Raw Material Process Product 1 Product 2

1. Kalx* Mass = 530 g

Burning Product Mass = 572,5 g

Phlogiston Mass = . . . . . . g

Note :

Kalx = Mercury (Hg/ Hydragryrum)

Question ?

1. Based on this experiment , what is your opinion about Phlogiston theory ? Is The Phlogiston theory

applicable for all material ? Why ?

2. If you were in that ancient time, what is your suggestion for this discovery ?


C. Lavoiser Project


Before we learn about Lavoiser Project, Let’s remember Archimedes Crown Experiment or density experiment. The Archimedes theory about density is used to solve Lavoiser Project.

Tugas dari Paduka Raja Hieron

Archimedes terkenal sangat giat melakukan berbagai penemuan. Diantara semua penemuannya, yang paling terkenal adalah ketika ia ditugaskan untuk menguji kadar kemurnian emas mahkota Raja Hieron, yang baru saja selesai dibuat oleh pembuat mahkota. Raja Hieron curiga bahwa si pembuat mahkota berbuat curang dengan mencampurkan perak ke mahkotanya. Dari catatan sejarah hidup Archimedes, dijelaskan bahwa Archimedes memecahkan masalah ini ketika dia sedang asyik berendam dalam bak mandinya. Archimedes menyadari bahwa air yang tumpah dari bak mandi ada kaitannya dengan tubuhnya yang terbenam dalam air. Ini memberinya ide untuk memecahkan masalah mahkota. Dia sangat senang hingga tak sadar sedang berlari telanjang menghadap sang Raja sambil berteriak, Eureka (Yunani: saya dapat).

Archimedes kemudian segera menerapkan idenya itu untuk menguji mahkota sang Raja. Ia mengambil bongkahan emas dan perak dengan bobot yang sama, kemudian membandingkan bobot keduanya ketika direndam dalam air. Selanjutnya, dengan cara yang sama ia membandingkan mahkota dan perak murni dengan bobot keduanya sama. Perbedaan hasil antara kedua perbandingan ini akan menunjukkan bahwa mahkota sang Raja bukan emas murni.

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In 1779, Antoine Lavoiser did Priestley Experiment in an isolated chamber. First, He put 530 grams of

Hydragyrum in a goose bottle which the top of the bottle is connected to the water (similar to

Archimedes concept), then He burnt the hydragyrum and checked the change of water volume. The

water volume was decreased about 42.5 ml. In the other side, the weight of the burning product was increased to 572.5 grams.

No Before After


If the density of water is 1 g/ml.

Can you fill the blank reaction and mass below :

Hydragyrum + Burning Product . . . . . . g + . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .g

Antoine Lavoiser never give up, He did again the experiment. He put 572.5 grams the burning

product in a goose bottle which the top of the bottle is connected to the water, then he burnt it and

checked the change of water volume. The water volume was increased to 42.5 ml and the hydragyrum was produced as 530 grams.

Before After

If the density of water is 1 g/ml.

Can you fill the blank reaction and mass bellow :

Product Hydragyrum + . . . . . . . . . .

. . . . . . g . . . . . . . .g + . . . . . . . . . .

Question ?

1. What is your opinion?


m = 530 g


m = 572,5 g

∆V = - 42,5 ml


m = 530 g


m = 572,5 g

∆V = +42,5 ml

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2. What is your suggestion about Lavoiser Theory Concept ?

Conclusion :

D. Proust Project


In 1977, Joseph Proust did an experiment about mass of material. Proust reacted 1 gram of

hydrogen with 8 grams of oxygen. Nine grams of water is produced from this reaction.

General Concept

Before analyzed Proust Theory, Let’s do this experiment :

1. Prepare a box of matches, 2 bars of candle, a glass and a stopwatch.

2. Burn each candle.

3. Cover one of candle with a glass (A) and the other without it (B), turn on the stopwatch. 4. Compare the time of burning reaction of 2 glasses

Experiment Time (second)

A. A B. B


1. Which candle fire extinguished earlier ? A or B ?

2. Which candle fire extinguished later ? Why ?

3. What is the general requirement to makes the combustion reaction ?

4. When does a combustion reaction stop ?


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Proust Concept

Based on Proust concept, the previous experiment, and your mathematical knowledge. Calculate the mass of hydrogen or oxygen or water or unused compound in the following reaction below.

No Hydrogen + Oxygen Water + Unused Compound


1 g 8 g 9 g 0 g 2

2 g . . . g 9 g 1 g Hydrogen 3

3 g

24 g

. . . g

. . . g

4 . . . g

. . . . g

. . . g

. . . g

5 3 g

9 g

. . . g

. . . g

6 2g

12 g

n . . . g

. . . g


2 g

9 g

. . . g

1 g oxygen


1. What is your suggestion about Proust Theory ?

2. Look at The Fundamental Project (1)/ LKS 3-1-1415, Check all off reaction in there. Is The Lavoiser Theory applicable in this concept ?

E. Dalton Project


John Dalton, An England Scientist did Lavoiser experiment focused in the chemical characteristic.

Dalton argue that a chemical element can react with other elements to produce more than one

compound. Dalton observed regularities in the formation of these compounds. Le t’s observe Dalton experiment, then find the regularity.

No Nitrogen Mass Oxygen Mass Compound

Mass Conclusion

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0,875 g 1 g 1,875 g

1,75 g 1 g 2,75 g


1,75 g 2 g 2,75 g

3,5 g 2 g 5,5 g


0,875 g 1 g 1,875 g

0,875 g 2 g 2,875 g


1. What is your conclusion from the three experiment above ?

2. What is your suggestion about Dalton theory ?

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