
Post on 22-Jul-2015






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Hachi adalah seekor lebah kecil paling pandai di sekolahnya. Ia tidak pernah absen menjadi

bintang kelas. Semula ia adalah lebah manis yang rajin dan baik hati. Tapi lama-kelamaan ia berubah

menjadi sombong dan tidak menyenangkan. Ia sering meremehkan pelajaran, membolos, mengganggu

teman-teman, dan membuat keributan saat jam pelajaran.

Di suatu pagi di rumah Hachi terdengar teriakan mama Hachi, “Hachi! Hachi!” teriakan sang

mama untuk kesekian kalinya terdengar.

“Iya…iya… ini aku bangun, Ma!” sahutnya kesal sembari beringsut dari tempat tidurnya. Ia lalu

bergegas ke sekolah.

Jam pelajaran pertama telah dimulai. Seperti biasa Hachi selalu mengganggu teman-temannya

yang sedang memerhatikan pelajaran.

“Hachi, jangan rebut. Sekarang coba kamu kerjakan soal-soal di papan tulis,” perintah sang guru.

“Ah itu sih kecil. Aku pasti bisa menyelesaikannya dengan mudah,” katanya meremehkan. Tapi

begitu melihat papan tulis wajah Hachi pias. Tidak ada satu soal pun yang dimengerti. Hingga beberapa

saat ia hanya bisa tertegun memandangi soal-soal yang ada.

“Hachi, kenapa? Ayo kerjakan,” tegur sang guru. Wajah Hachi semakin pias. Ia sangat malu

karena tidak bisa mengerjakan soal-soal yang ada.

Dan akhirnya kini Hachi menyesal apa yang telah diperbuat selama ini. Dan Hachi pun merubah

sifatnya seperti yang dulu lagi.


Hachi is the smartest little bee at her school. He never missed a class star. At first he was a diligent bee sweet and kind. But in the long run it turned out to be arrogant and unpleasant. He often underestimate lessons, ditching, annoying friends, and make noise during school hours. In one morning at home Hachi, Hachi the cry mama, "Hachi! Hachi "his mama cries sounded for the umpteenth time. "Yeah ... yeah ... I'd wake up, Ma!" She upset Semba shuffled out of bed. He then rushed to the school. First period has begun. As usual Hachi always annoying her friends who were notice the lesson. "Hachi, do not noisier. Now you try to do the questions on the board, "the teacher's command. "Oh that's easy. I certainly can finish easily, "he says understatement. But when he saw the board Hachi pale face. No one else understood question. Until a few moments he could only was stunned staring at the questions that exist. "Hachi, why? Come do, 'said the teacher. Hachi face growing pale. He was very embarrassed because he could not work on the problems that exist. And finally, now Hachi regret what has been done so far. And Hachi even alter nature as it used to be.


Hachi is the smartest little bee at her school. He never missed a class star. At first he was a diligent bee sweet and kind. But in the long run it turned out to be arrogant and unpleasant. He often underestimate lessons, ditching, annoying friends, and make noise during school hours. In one morning at home Hachi, Hachi the cry mama, "Hachi! Hachi "his mama cries sounded for the umpteenth time. "Yeah ... yeah ... I'd wake up, Ma!" She upset Semba shuffled out of bed. He then rushed to the school. Hours of lessons has begun. As usual Hachi always annoying her friends who were notice the lesson. "Hachi, do not noisier. Now you try to do the questions on the board, "the teacher's command. "Oh that's easy. I certainly can finish easily, "he says understatement. But when he saw the board Hachi pale face. No one else understood question. Until a few moments he could only was stunned staring at the questions that exist. "Hachi, why? Come do, 'said the teacher. Hachi face more pale. He was very embarrassed because he could not work on the problems that exist. And finally, now Hachi regret what has been done so far. And Hachi even alter nature as it used to be.

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