abs trak

Post on 30-Jan-2016






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Penyusunan laporan ini dilakukan berdasarkan peninjauan suatu proyek

yang sedang berlangsung. Peninjauan dilakukan terhadap proyek Perbaikan

Jembatan Cipameungpeuk yang berlokasi di Kabupaten Sumedang – Jawa Barat.

Tinjauan di fokuskan kepada pekerjaan pembuatan abutment dengan kontraktor

yang menangani PT. Sumber Agung Jaya Abadi.

Dengan memperhatikan perencanaan serta kegiatan dilapangan maka

diperoleh beberapa permasalahan yang muncul, baik berupa teknis maupun non

teknis yang tidak menyebabkan kegiatan pelaksanaan terkendala. Maka dilakukan

kajian terhadap beberapa masalah sebagai solusinya agar kegiatan

pembangunan dilapangan dapat terus berlangsung.

Berdasarkan hasil analisa pada pelaksanaan proyek, abutment pada

jembatan Cipameungpeuk mempunyai permasalahan yang tidak begitu fatal,

kecuali masalah K3 yang benar benar harus dibenahi oleh pihak pelaksana.

Diharapkan K3 proyek benar benar harus diperhatikan karena akan berpengaruh

pada jalannya pekerjaan dan mutu pekerjaan tersebut.

Kata Kunci : abutment, pelaksanaan dan pengawasan.


This report is created based on reviewing on project that is still on going.

Writters reviewing on a bridge construction that being repaired at

Cipameungpeuk , regency of Sumedang – West Java. The review is focusing on

making Abutment with PT. Sumber Agung Jaya Abadi that handle this

construction project.

The attention is on construction planning and also the activity at the

construction site, then from that, writters can get technic and non technic

problem, There are several problems that writters found but not cause much

problem. The problem on time scheduling of that project, Then the reserach of

some problem is been doing to get the solution of problems, so the activity at

construction site can still on going.

Based on the reseacrh a project implementation result, there are not found

serious problem at Cipemeungpeuk bridge. Except the problem about safety that

really need to overlook again by the management, if not to be overlook again that

problem will cause an effect on time schedule and the quality of construction also

can be dangerous for site worker.

Keywords : Abutment, Attention, Implementation, Problems

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