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Pendidikan, Agama, Kekuasaan dan Ekonomi

Pendidikan, Agama, Kekuasaan dan Ekonomi dalam Konteks Pengurangan Risiko Bencana AlamDODON, GERRY, WIRASTI

Bandung, 1 Oktober 2014OutlineReligion and DisasterPower and DisasterEducation and DisasterEconomic and Disaster

Religion and DisasterAgama dan Bencana Agama-Budaya MITIGASI BENCANADalam mitigasi bencana agama dan budaya jika diaplikasikan dengan baik dapat menguntungkan seperti dalam menjaga alam dan interaksi sesama manusia Agama-Budaya KERENTANAN BENCANADalam praktek mitigasi risiko, agama secara luas dianggap sebagai perilaku buruk, misalnya: berdoa atau prosesi menempatkan orang lebih beresiko. Meskipun hal ini benar untuk beberapa bencana, misalnya: Gunung Merapi di 2010 (Donovan dan Suharyanto 2011) dan Gunung Agung di 1963 (Jennings 1969).

Konflik menurut kamus bahasa indonesia berarti percekcokan, perselisihan, pertiakian, pertentangan, benturan atau clash antar manusia.Konflik dapat timbul apabila ada perbedaan-perbedaan pendapat, pandangan, nilai, cita-cita, keinginan, kepentingan kelakukan atau kebiasaan. Agama dapat dikaitkan dalam semua aspek tersebut, sehingga agama menjadi sesuatu hal yang sangat sensitif.Contoh Bencana sosial (agama sebagai penyebab)Konflik di PalestinaKonflik di PosodllSelama perang dingin terjadi 32 konflik etnis dan agama berskala adalah negara yang mempunyai potensi paling besar unmassif dan 57 ethnopolitics conflicts. Pada tahun 1993 teridentifikasi 48 konflik dari 59 konflik yang merupakan konflik etnis dan agama.Samuel Huntington pernah berkomentar pada akhir abad ke-20, bahwa Indonesia tuk hancur, setelah Yugoslavia dan Uni Soviet akhir abad ke-20 iniSiswono Yudohusodo(1996) yang mengatakan, substansi dari rasa kebangsaan adalah kesadaran untuk bersatu sebagai suatu bangsa akibat kesamaan sejarah dan kepentingan masa depannya dan merupakan perekat yang mempersatukan sekaligus memberi dasar kepada jati diri bangsa

Konflik dalam kehidupan merupakan sebuah keharusan, dalam manajemen konflik tidak ada penolakan terhadap perubahan, perbedaan dan pluralitas kehidupan masyarakat, baik dalam kegiatan sosial, ekonomi, politik, budaya maupun keagamaan, tetapi menjaga mengelola dan mengarahkannya untuk membuat sintesa-sintesa baru.Pendewasaan diri masyarakat dibutuhkan untuk memaknai konflik agar dapat membuat sintesa-sintesa baru.

Power and DisasterPOLITIK DALAM KONTEKS BENCANA ALAMPERBANDINGAN SISTEM POLITIK AUTHORITARIAN DAN DEMOCRACYAuthoritarianDemocracyOne ruler or a small group of leaders have the real powerFreedom of speech, the press, and religion.citizens do not have any voice in how they are ruled.Majority rule with minority rights. In democracies, people usually accept decisions made by the majority of voters in a free election.Do not allow freedoms of speech, press, and religion, and they do not follow majority rule nor protect minority rights.Presidents and legislators do not all come from a few elite families, the same part of the country, or the same social class.Democracies are not controlled by the whims of a leader, but they are governed by laws that apply to leaders and citizens equally.Meaningful political participation by citizensPOLITIK DALAM KONTEKS BENCANA ALAM TEKANAN Pada masyarakat yang muncul dalam bencana : PENINGKATAN KERENTANANBahayaKondisi tak amanTekanan dinamisAkar masalahGempaBanjirKekeringanLetusan gunung api, perang saudara, pencenaranWabahTanah longsordstlokasi berbahayaRumah tak amanPencaharian tak aman Pencaharian tak aktifTak punya tabunganTak ada keahlian Tak ada JPSTak Ada layanan dasarTak bersatuBahaya tak disadariAkses terbatas atas sumber daya, layanan dasar, pasar dan keputusan politikPertumbuhan pendudukPromosi eksporPerubahan lahanPembabatan hutanMigrasiUU tak disukaiTak ada danaKebijakan yang menghasilkan distribusi tak merata sumber daya, layanan dan kekuasaanKebijakan/ struktur yang menghasilkan akses yang tidak merata pada kekuasan, fungsi bias negara dan militerIdeologi: aturan gender, defenisi hak, ideologiLepaskan tekanan untuk mengurangi risiko bencanaKemajuan KeselamatanMengurangi bahayaMengurangi risiko bahayaMencapai kondisi amanMengurangi tekananAkar masalahAlat untuk mengurangi intensitas bahayaTanggul/bendunganPemecah anginPohon bakauKantong pasir

Tujuan masyarakat cepat bangkit dari kesulitanMengurangi korban nyawaKerusakan dapat dibatasiKesinambungan pencaharianSadar akan risiko bahayaAda rencana penanggulangan bencanaOrganisasi berfungsi dengan baikDapat mencari akar masalahTempat aman yang ditujuSistem peringatan diniSumber pencarian yang beragamPeningkatan kesadaran umumPengorganisasian masyarakatTidak buta hurufTenaga kesehatan masyarakat yang terlatihToko obat di kelurahan/desaSemangat masyarakatLingkungan terlindungiRencana pemakaian lahanPartisipasi dalam pembuatan keputusan politikKapasitas bernegosiasiKendali/akses atas kegiatan produksiPotong jalutr rentenirAdvokasi pad tingkat lokalTingkat akses/kendali kelompok yang rentan atas sumber daya dan struktur kekuasaanDengan advokasi lawanlah sistem ekonomi, politik dan ideologi yang menyebabkan atau meningkatkan kerentanan


Desa Tangguh Bencana

Sejumlah warga Kampung Kadupadang, Ds Ramea, Kec Mandalawangi, Kab Pandeglang, menyingkirkan bongkahan kayu yang terseret banjir bandang, Senin (8/4). Banjir bandang disertai longsor terjadi setelah daerah itu diguyur hujan lebat mengakibatkan 7 rumah warga hancur tertimpa bongkahan kayu dan 14 rumah lainnya rusak berat.Education and Disaster

Sumber : Paton, 2006Pendidikan menjadi alasan dan modal dalam melakukan tindakan baik bencana alam maupun perubahan iklimPendidikan dapat meningkatkan pemahaman masyarakat dalam melakukan kegiatan PRB dan APITingkat pendidikan masyarakat menentukan pemahaman yang ada di masyarakat terhadap berbagai fenomena perubahan lingkungan yang adaSmit, 2001What education can do?Find Study from research Child and Family Resilience to Disasters (Kevin Ronan, 2012)Increases in awareness and knowledgeIncrease in hazards discussionsIncreases in emotional resilienceIncreases in child & home preparedness for hazardous events

Safe Learning Environments

EVERY NEW SCHOOL A SAFE SCHOOLUttar Pradesh, India: There are23.5 million children attending school in this moderate to severe seismic risk zone.21,00 new school buildings (30 per day) have been completed in the past two years. In 2006-7 the Elementary Education Department proposed to integrate earthquake resilient design into all new school buildings. To prepare for this, one design of primary school buildings, two upper primary and three additional classroom designs were prepared with detailed construction manuals. The disaster-resilient measures added 8% to the construction costs. To cope with massive scale of the project a cascading approach prepared 4 master trainers for each of 70 districts. These individuals in turn conducted trainings for 1,100 fellow Junior Engineers and Education Officers. 10,000 masons were also trained. This programme means that every new school will be a safe school. Within a relatively short period, most children will be attending safe schools. However, the pre-existing stock of 125,000 school buildings remains unsafe and in need of retrofit (Bhatia, 2006).

Teaching and Learning Disaster Prevention

Formal Curriculum for Disaster Prevention and PreparednessCOURSEExamples of disaster risk reduction integrationLanguage ArtsRead literature, news articles, concerning disasters, hazards, risks. Read critically, explore myths, use persuasion. Research, write essay, proposal, letter to elected officials regarding disaster risk reduction.MathematicsSolve problems related to assessment and solutions to natural hazard induced risks.GeographyExplore climate, habitats, geology and human/environmental interactions producing disaster risk, vernacular architecture, urbanization, livelihood impacts of disaster.SciencesLearn mechanisms of geological and hydro-meteorological phenomena. Investigate local measures for environmental protection. Conduct experiments to learn principles of disaster resistant construction. Learn home and industrial hazardous materials safety. Explore and practice environmental stewardship.History andHumanitiesExplore historic impact of natural hazards on civilizations, indigenous knowledge for settlement and livelihood protection.CivicsMeet with elected officials and participate in community planning, local disaster risk reduction and advocacy.Health & LifeSkillsBasic first aid, family disaster planning, response preparedness, health hazards and pandemic prophylaxis.VocationaltrainingLearn non-structural mitigation measures and tools. Learn principles of disasterresistant design and construction.ArtsSelect disaster risk reduction as a theme for visual and performing arts projects and community exhibits.

School Disaster Management in India

The purpose of school disaster management is to protect the lives of students and staff, and to ensure educational continuity for students. Administrators, teachers and staff act in loco parentis, taking the place of parents and bearing both moral and legal imperatives to stay with and to protect children. All are expected to serve as disaster services workers during times of emergency, and are responsible for safely reunifying children with their families. This responsibility makes school disaster management planning a necessity for every school system and school site

Economic and DisasterDisaster and EconomyEconomy is quite vulnerable to occurrences like War, Technological innovations and Disasters, Manmade or Natural Disasters While Proactive Safety Preparedness Efforts can Protect Economy from Collapse All Disasters including Chemical, certainly affect the economy We witnessed this in our country and in other places as well But public memory being short we tend to forget the impact of Disaster on the Economy we jump from one Crisis to another Crisis

Extent of Affliction to Economy by DisasterDisaster affects economy in many ways: death, destruction, extensive damage to property and loss of morale Further modes of Affliction are trade and Commerce, National & International While the former impact lasts till reconstruction, the latter impact may go beyond duration of reconstruction and involves political dimension which is difficult to address Further, disasters obviously have its cascading or domino effect on Globalised economy Now-a-days it is felt more quickly due to interdependence and faster means of Communication

Details of Impact of Disasters on EconomyThe first impact is economic loss to individuals affected by disaster, property damage, immediate and long term Impact on trade & commerce, short and long term, could be quite hurting Even Lack of Safety in the over all sense gives rise to use of Non-tariff measures being invoked by powerful Nations Economists apprehend that Global Warming and failure to agree to capping norms could result in NTB by Western World Measures like REACH is viewed as Protectionists measures by some Economic System and Disaster Risk ReductionSISTEM EKONOMIPENDEKATANINTEGRASI DENGAN DRRSosialisPemerintah umumnya menerapkan pajak yang tinggi kepada masyarakatDana masyarakat dari penerimaan pajak kemudian akan digunakan dan dialokasikan kepada kesejahteraan masyarakatPemerintah mengontrol terus kebijakan ekonomi secara umum, dimana asset dimiliki oleh pemerintahPemerintah dimungkinkan menjamin kegiatan ekonomi pada masyarakat pasca bencana seperti penerapan asuransi mikro dan asuransi berbagai fasilitas ekonomi masyarakat.KapitalisPemerintah menyerahkan proses ekonomi pada pasarDana didapatkan pemerintah dari proses sewaPenanaman modal individu perorangan diijikan, hak milik perorangan diakuiDampak ekonomi sepenuhnya diserahkan kepada masyarakat dan pemerintah umumnya memberikan bantuan pada fasilitas penting yang ada

Economic damages and mortality by level of economies (WB Classification), 1961-2010 The pattern of economic losses when classified by wealth is significantly higher in richer countries than in poorer ones. In contrast, death tolls from disasters are higher in poorer countries

Economic damages relative to GDP and mortality inhabitants by level of economies, 1961-2010 As both wealth and population size influence the death toll and economic loss, we standardized deaths by calculating population-based mortality rates and expressed economic loss as a percentage of GDP. In that case, both mortality and economic losses increase as economies get poorer, reflecting more accurately the burden of disasters

Insured losses as proportion of total losses by income categories,1961-2010 Most countries do not report economic damages from disasters and of these that do, richer countries report more often than poorer ones. Out of the total number of disasters in EMDAT for the period of this report, 572 (about 5%) provided data on total and the share of insured losses. Furthermore, insured losses represented nearly 40% of those reported from wealthier countries in contrast to less than 5% of total losses in the poorest ones. Insurance companies are the main source of insured data and are discussed below.

The Timing of Disaster Effects to economicTime,monthsDamageLosses5 yrsFull Reconstruction and Economic Recovery36This slide presents a graph to define the time frame of damage and losses after disasters.Disasters that have Affected the Tourism IndustryIntroduction To Disasters Affecting TourismAfter a disaster strikes, tourists might avoid certain methods of travel, or they may stay away from a destination for a short-time or a long-time.

Introduction To Disasters Affecting TourismThis can broadly affect the economy of tourism destinations (ex. can cause people to loose their jobs, and reduces the amount of tax money going to the government).

DisasterDecline in number of tourists visiting the destinationDecrease in money being spent in the area due to lack of visitors, decrease in general economy of the area Businesses suffer due to lack of money generated through tourism, local businesses close, people loose jobs The disposable income of locals decreases.Government spending decreases due to lack of money generated through tax, combined with the aid needed to recover from the event, government spending needs to be high when the areas economy is at its lowest.