skripsi daftar pustaka

Daftar pustaka Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia. 2013, Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia, PT ISFI Penerbitan, Jakarta, hal 1-56. Rosales, E.T., Santillan, R.M., Garcia, G.R., Soto, V.G. 2006. Synergistic antiociceptive interaction berween acetaminophen or metamizol and vit B in the formalin test. Drug. Dev. Res., 66: 286. Depkes RI. Farmakope Indonesia. Edisi Keemat. Jakarta:Departemen Kesehatan RI: 15,299,421-422,1009-1011 Kromidas, S. (2006). HPLC Made to Measure A Pratical Handbook for Optimization Weinheim: Wiley-VCH verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA. Pages 19-20 meyer, V.R (2004) Practical High-Perfomance Liquid Chromatograph- Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Page 4 Ahuja, S and M.W. Dong (2005). Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis by HPLC. Volume 7. New York:Elsevier Academic Press. Page 35. Snyder, L.R. and J.J Kirkland (1979). Introducing to Modern Liquid Chromatography, 2nd Edition. New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pages 52,250 World Healt Organization (1992). Validation of Analitical Prosedur used an the Examination of Pharmaceutical. Sweetzerland. Page 117-118 Harmita, 2004. “Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Validasi dan Perhitungannya”. Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, Vol.I, No.3, Hal 117-130 Ganjar, I G., & Rohman A. (2007). Kimia Farmasi Analisis. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar Harmita (2006). Buku Ajar Analisis Fisiokimia. Depok : Departemen Farmasi FMIPA UI. Brown, P. and K. DeAntonis. (1997). High-Permfomance Liquid Chromatography.In: F.A (eds). Handbook of instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. pages 149-154.

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Daftar pustaka

Ikatan Apoteker Indonesia. 2013, Informasi Spesialite Obat Indonesia, PT ISFI Penerbitan, Jakarta, hal 1-56.

Rosales, E.T., Santillan, R.M., Garcia, G.R., Soto, V.G. 2006. Synergistic antiociceptive interaction berween acetaminophen or metamizol and vit B in the formalin test. Drug. Dev. Res., 66: 286.

Depkes RI. Farmakope Indonesia. Edisi Keemat. Jakarta:Departemen Kesehatan RI: 15,299,421-422,1009-1011

Kromidas, S. (2006). HPLC Made to Measure A Pratical Handbook for Optimization Weinheim: Wiley-VCH verlag GmbH & Co. KgaA. Pages 19-20

meyer, V.R (2004) Practical High-Perfomance Liquid Chromatograph-Chichester: John Wiley and Sons Inc. Page 4

Ahuja, S and M.W. Dong (2005). Handbook of Pharmaceutical Analysis by HPLC. Volume 7. New York:Elsevier Academic Press. Page 35.

Snyder, L.R. and J.J Kirkland (1979). Introducing to Modern Liquid Chromatography, 2nd Edition. New York : John Wiley & Sons, Inc. Pages 52,250

World Healt Organization (1992). Validation of Analitical Prosedur used an the Examination of Pharmaceutical. Sweetzerland. Page 117-118

Harmita, 2004. “Petunjuk Pelaksanaan Validasi dan Perhitungannya”. Majalah Ilmu Kefarmasian, Vol.I, No.3, Hal 117-130

Ganjar, I G., & Rohman A. (2007). Kimia Farmasi Analisis. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar

Harmita (2006). Buku Ajar Analisis Fisiokimia. Depok : Departemen Farmasi FMIPA UI.

Brown, P. and K. DeAntonis. (1997). High-Permfomance Liquid Chromatography.In: F.A (eds). Handbook of instrumental Techniques for Analytical Chemistry. New Jersey: Prentice-Hall, Inc. pages 149-154.

Hamilton, R.J. and P.A sewell. (1997). Introduction to High Performance Liquid Chromatography. Liverpool: Chapman and Hall, Ltd. Pages 53-54.

Rohman, A. (2007). Kimia Farmasi Analisis. Cetakan pertama. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar. Hal 465-469.

Gandjar, I G., & Rohman A. (2012). Analisis Obat Secara Spektrofotometri dan Kromatografi. Yogyakarta: Pustaka Pelajar . Hal 418-439