pasas student handbook

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  • 8/2/2019 PASAS Student Handbook




    Bridging the Purchasing and Supply chain Professionals GloballyBridging the Purchasing and Supply chain Professionals Globally

    WWelcomeelcome MMessageessage

    Dear Students

    Welcome to Purchasing and Supply Association (Singapore).


    Purchasing and Supply AssociationPurchasing and Supply Association(Singapore)(Singapore)

  • 8/2/2019 PASAS Student Handbook


    Thank you for your interest in our range of programmes. At our Association we devoteour efforts to serving you, as students and members support is our top priority. Ourprofessional association provides consultancy, course advice; administrative andtutorial support; and course-related assistance to students and members. We willensure that you will be provided with the necessary infrastructure and a conducive

    study environment to aid your pursuit for quality training and education. We trust thatyou will find your experience with us both enriching and rewarding.

    This handbook contains all the information and regulations that you need to knowduring your course of study with us. This is aimed to help you settle in easily withminimum fuss.

    Should you have any questions, please do not hesitate to contact our AcademicDirector at [email protected]

    We assure you that you will have an enriching and rewarding experience while with ushere at PASAS, both academically and personally.

    We wish you every success in your studies and development with PASAS.

    Habib KassimExecutive DirectorPurchasing and Supply Association (Singapore)


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  • 8/2/2019 PASAS Student Handbook




    2.0 COURSE MATTERS 52.1 Deferment of Term/Course 52.2 Withdrawal/Refund of Fees 52.3 Class Transfer 52.4 Transfer Between Courses 62.5 Leave of Absence 6

    2.6 Publication of Results 62.7 Request of Official Letters from School 62.8 Submission of Medical Certificates 62.9 Term System 72.10 Limitation on Repetition & Length of Attendance 72.11 Change of Address 72.12 Collection of Course Materials 7

    3.0 PAYMENT OF FEES 83.1 Course Fees 83.2 Fee Payment Notification 83.3 Methods of Payment 83.4 De-registration 83.5 Re-instatement 83.6 Re-registration Fee 8

    4.0 STUDENTS DISCIPLINE 94.1 Student Conduct 94.2 Vandalism 94.3 Plagiarism 94.4 Student Card 10

    5.0 ASSIGNMENT ADDRESSES 115.1 Absence from In-Course Assessment 115.2 Late Assignments 115.3 Submission of Assignments/Project 11


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    6.0 EXAMINATION MATTERS 126.1 Examination Grades 126.2 Deferment from Examination 126.3 Absence from Examination/Re-sit 136.4 Conditions for Supplementary Examination 13

    6.5 Re-module 136.6 Examination Notification 146.7 Eligibility for Examinations 146.8 Meaning of Grades 146.9 Application for Review of Grade 156.10 Progression 15

    8.0 RULES & ACADEMIC BY-LAWS AT TEST & EXAMINATION8.1 Examination Standard Instructions 16


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    You will find that the climate in our programme is very different. We inculcate inour association a more informal and personal environment among students andstaff.

    You will attend lectures/tutorials sometimes with as many as 50 other students.In order that you achieve the most from your class sessions, it is very importantthat you observe certain rules.

    You should always be punctual for your classes. Late comers to a class willonly distract the lecturer and the other students. During the class session, youshould concentrate on what the lecturer is explaining and you should makenotes.

    If you do not do this and instead, choose to misbehave in the classroom you willonly be denying yourself a chance to learn. You will also be disturbing the other

    students and this would be most inconsiderate.

    Research studies have revealed that successful students:

    1) Regularly attend lectures, tutorials and attempt practical work.

    2) Make notes in lectures and write them on the same day if possible.

    3) Sit in front for all classes.

    4) Dont hesitate to ask questions when they need help to solve problems.

    5) Make notes when they read their textbooks.

    6) Work to a timetable.

    7) Are interested or have made themselves interested in their work.

    8) Have a regular schedule of study.

    9) Know how to concentrate.

    10) Dont leave work to the last minute.

    All lectures are conducted in English. We are confident that you will observe allof the above and be a successful student with us.


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    2.1 Deferment of Term/Course

    A student who is unable to attend class and wishes to defer the term/course

    must notify the Academic Director well in advance, in writing. Application fordeferment of term/course must be at least fourteen (14) days beforecommencement of the term/course unless otherwise stated. Students who donot attend class are still considered as students and are liable to pay the fees.

    Students who wish to defer from a paid term/course before the classcommences will not be allowed a refund of the term/course fee. However, theterm/course fee paid will be transferred to the next commencement. Themaximum duration for deferment of paid term shall be for a period of six (6)months. Thereafter, students will be considered as new student and will needto re-enroll and pay the Registration and Initial Application Fees forcontinuation.

    Student, who requested for deferment and have not fulfilled the current termfee, will not have the request for deferment processed.

    Students who have deferred their progression, will be regarded as newstudents, and are subject to the appropriate fee structure as depicted on thecourse brochure. All fees are applicable, except the exemption fees by level.

    In cases of deferment of a term/course, students will not be allowed a refund ofthe term/course fee paid for any reasons after the class commences.

    2.2 Withdrawal/Refund of Fees

    Students who wish to withdraw from their course must complete a prescribedCOURSE WITHDRAWAL FORM which is obtainable from the AcademicDirector and submit to PASAS. The completed form should be submittedtogether with original receipts of course fee payment.

    Students withdrawing from the course two weeks before the coursecommences, may be allowed a refund of 80% of the term fee paid (however,all administration and initial application fees are non-refundable).

    Students withdrawing from the course after the term commences will not be

    allowed a refund of the term fee paid.

    2.3 Class Transfer

    Request for class transfers may be considered subject to individual cases andavailable vacancies. Applications must be made before the term commencesand the request forms are available from the Academic Director. The studentmust continue to attend the class to which it has been originally allocatedpending the result for the application.


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    2.4 Transfers Between Courses

    Request for class transfers between courses may be considered on a case bycase basis, subject to the applicants suitability and available vacancies. Theserequests must be made prior to the commencement of course. All applications

    must be made in writing through the Academic Director. The applicant mustcontinue to attend the original course of the study pending the result of theapplication.

    2.5 Leave of Absence

    Students who are unable to attend the scheduled class(es) for medical or other justifiable reason(s) must notify the School for leave of absence. Applicationmust be submitted before the intended period of absence. In the case ofabsence on medical grounds, the student must ensure the application issubmitted after the absence to the PASAS Office.

    2.6 Publication of Results

    The Results of all course assessment and examinations shall be finalised by theExamination Board. Provisional results shall be displayed in our webpageusually during the third week of the new term, while confirmed results shall beposted to the students one week thereafter. Original result slips will be issuedonly once per Term and students are advised to take good care of them, as theywill not be replaced again.

    2.7 Request of Official Letters from School

    Any requests for Official Letters from the School must be made five (5) workingdays in advance and this can be done by submitting the prescribed request formto the PASAS Office.

    2.8 Submission of Medical Certificates

    If you are unable to attend an examination due to illness, you must produce avalid medical certificate within 48 hours to the PASAS Administration Office,failing which the medical certificate will not be considered. In hospitalisationcases, the medical certificate must be submitted 48 hours after beingdischarged from the hospital.

    Those students who are required to take the Supplementary Examinations afterthe Examination Boards meeting will be informed by the Academic Director.However, the final results will be subject to confirmation by the ExaminationBoard.

    2.9 Term System


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    The PASAS academic calendar follows a 4-term system as follows:

    1st Term - February/March

    2nd Term - May/June

    3rd Term - August/September

    4th Term - November/December

    Students, who are unsuccessful, after the supplementary examinations, needonly repeat the failed module. They can do this in the term when the module isnext offered. Generally, they will not have to repeat the whole course unlessotherwise advised.

    2.10 Limitation on Repetition and Length of Attendance

    Students can repeat any year only once. The maximum duration to complete

    their course of study shall be 3 times of the actual course duration.

    2.11 Change of Address

    It is important that the students notify PASAS Administration in writing of anychange in address and contact number. This is to ensure that ourcorrespondence will reach you on time and that you are kept informed of allrelevant news.

    2.12 Collection of Course Materials

    The collection of course materials will only be available upon making payment

    of the current term fee. Students are to produce their receipt upon collection ofthe course materials during the first and second weeks of the new term



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    3.1 Course Fees

    The fees can be paid on term installments basis before or upon commencementof each term. All fees are not subject GST, and all fees are subject to change.

    3.2 Fee Payment Notification

    A notification for term payment will be placed on the PASAS website News &Events three (3) weeks before the due date to remind all students of feepayment. Individual invoices will NOT be sent to students as reminders.

    3.3 Methods of Payment

    Students can pay their course fees using Cash or Cheque. To ensure thatcheques presented for payment of fees are properly drawn, students will haveto pay an administrative fee of S$30 for every cheque that is dishonored.Cheques must be crossed and made payable to Purchasing and SupplyAssociation (Singapore). Student Name, Student NRIC No. and CourseName should be written on the reverse of your cheque and put in the chequedeposit envelope available at our office.

    3.4 De-registration

    Students who do not pay their term fees within 2 weeks of term commencementwill be de-registered and can only be re-instated the following term. A re-registration fee of $80.00 will be imposed together with the outstanding termfee.

    3.5 Re-instatement

    Students who wish to re-instate their course will have to duly fill in or submit there-instatement form 2 weeks before the new term commenced. Any applicationreceived after the required date will not be entertained.

    Students who exceed the 6 months re-instatement period and who wish toresume the course will be regarded as a new applicant.

    3.6 Re-registration Fee

    A re-registration fee of S$50/S$100 (depending on course enrolled for) will beimposed if:

    i. Fees are not paid within the stipulated date, orii. Permission to delay payment has not been obtained from theAcademic Director prior to the due date. (A student is liable to havehis/her name removed from the Class Register if his/her fees are notpaid).


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    4.1 Student Conduct

    1) No smoking, eating, drinking and listening to music in the classrooms.

    2) No littering in the classrooms.

    3) No playing of electronics games in the classrooms.

    4) Do not remove any equipment out of the classroom withoutauthorisation.

    5) Do not tamper with the equipment.

    Please report any system problem, virus attack or missingequipment immediately to the PASAS Office.

    6) All students must maintain proper conduct and refrain fromdisruptive behavior during lectures.

    7) Switch off your pagers and/or mobile phones during all lessonsand examinations.

    4.2 Vandalism

    The Association has provided facilities and services to enable you to studyeffectively and to achieve good results. As such, the facilities are for you to use

    and not to damage. Hence, students are warned not to write on the tabletops inclassrooms, and/or commit any other form of vandalism while in the premises.

    4.3 Plagiarism

    Academic malpractice includes plagiarism, to take and use another personsthoughts, writings etc, and to present it as ones own. Plagiarism includes suchacts as not detailing any or all relevant information concerning a published (orany form of information dissemination) authors work as well as using the workof a fellow student or students from the same course.

    While it is acceptable to discuss problems and share ideas, these ideas should

    be applied to the problem/assignment by yourself to achieve your own solution.

    Substantiated plagiarism or cheating in a formative assessment will result in, atleast, the loss of ALL marks in that component of the subject and possibleexclusion from the course.

    4.4 Student Card


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    1. All students when admitted to the courses are issued an identificationcard, referred to as the student card.

    2. The student card must be produced when entering and leaving the

    classroom, for identification at examinations and class-tests.

    3. Students must report the loss of their student card to the PASAS Office.The cost of the first replacement is S$5/- and subsequent replacements willbe S$10/-.


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    5.1 Absence from In-Course Assessment

    A student who is absent from any in-course assessment component

    (coursework or class-test) shall be deemed to have sat and failed thatcomponent and will be awarded a F-NF grade unless the Academic Director issatisfied that there is a valid and acceptable reason(s) for the absence. Alldocumentary evidence in support of the students failure to take the in-courseassessment component must be submitted to the Office.

    5.2 Late Assignments

    Any request for extension of submission date for assignments must beforwarded in writing with appropriate reasons on the prescribed form to theStudent Administration Office five (5) working days prior to the due date.Extension is not automatically granted.

    In the absence of an approved extension date for submission, a LATESUBMISSION WITH DATE will be stamped on their scripts if assignments arehanded in late. In addition, a penalty of 5% of the total marks will be deductedfor each day the assignment is late. This applies for a maximum of three (3)days, after which the assignment will not be accepted.

    5.3 Submission of Assignments/Project

    Students are required to submit their assignments/projects together with theform Assignment Acknowledgement Slip which can be obtained from the

    Office. The white copy of the Assignment Acknowledgement Slip will bereturned to the student for record. The assignments/project can be submittedto the Academic Director.

    Upon marking, the yellow copy of the Assignment Acknowledgement Slip willbe returned to the students as feedback via mail within 5 working days.All assignments should be in A4 size paper. For large documents students canuse A3 size paper folded into two A4 size. The assignment must be boundsecurely and stapled.

    For the final integrative project, two copies of the project report are required

    and must be securely bound in an A4 ring binder.


  • 8/2/2019 PASAS Student Handbook



    6.1 Examination Grades

    Generally, all examination grades will be moderated and issued by Examination

    Board of respective awarding bodies. The grade of award for a passperformance in a module within the Certificate, Diploma and Advanced Diplomacourses are indicative as follows:

    Above 80% Higher Distinction HD70% - 79% Distinction D60% - 69% Credit C50% - 59% Pass P45% - 49% Conceded Pass PCBelow 45% Fail FFail Non Fulfillment F-NFSubject Exempted X

    Supplementary Fail FSWithdrawn with academic penalty WD

    P* - Provisional PassF* - Provisional FailFE* - Pass in total but fail examination component onlyF-NF* - Fail Non Fulfillment

    6.2 Deferment from Examination

    Any request for deferment from examination must be forwarded in writing with

    documentary proof on the prescribed form to the Student Administration Officeat least five (5) working days prior to the examination date. Approval is notautomatically granted. Requests for deferment will only be considered based onthe following four (4) reasons:

    Reasons Supporting Documents

    Reservist In-camp training SAF 100A

    Out stationed Flight tickets / Passport

    Medical Medical Certificate

    Compassionate ground

    (e.g. death of next-of-kin, emergencycases, etc)

    Death certificate, hospitalization

    documents, etc.

    In the absence of such approval, student must attempt the examination inaccordance to the scheduled date. Students will be notified of deferredexamination date.


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    6.3 Absence from Re-sit Examination

    A student, who has enrolled for any examination or re-sits in-courseassessment/examination and is absent, shall be deemed to have sat and failedthe examination/re-sit in-course assessment unless the School is satisfied that

    there is valid and acceptable reason(s) for the absence. All documentaryevidence in support of the students failure to take the examination/re-sit in-course assessment must be submitted to the Student Administration Office.Failing which, the student will be award F-NF grade.

    If absence is due to any emergency or other unavoidable circumstances, youmust set out all the relevant circumstances which prevented your attendanceand forward documentary evidence in support of your explanation, within 48hours, to the Academic Director.

    6.4 Conditions for Supplementary Examination

    There will be a supplementary examination four (4) weeks after the release of confirmedresults.

    A referred candidate is required to sit a referred examination and/or submit referredcoursework and must achieve a pass mark. The referrals must normally be completedsuccessfully before proceeding to the next level.

    In determining a module performance, the module mark is derived by equally weightingthe examination and in-course assessment components.

    A student who fails and has subsequently sat and passed the SupplementaryExamination, will be awarded a Supplementary pass P grade, regardless of the scoreachieved.

    Students who obtain F-NF and WD grades are not entitled to a supplementaryexamination. This grade will eventually be changed to Fail grade. In this case, studentswill need to re-module of which payment must be made before enrolling.

    6.5 Remodule

    Students receiving either a F-NF, E, WD grade or have failed a supplementaryexamination will need to redo the entire subject of which payment for the subjectwill need to be made. Students will be sent a re-module notification and mustduly complete the Re-module Application Form.

    6.6 Examination Notification

    The examinations are conducted around February/March, May/June, August/September and October/November each academic year and thesupplementary examinations will be conducted four (4) weeks after the releaseof results.

    Notice of examination dates will be published on the notice board and ourwebsite two (2) weeks prior to the first examination date. It is important for allstudents to refer to the notice boards or the website for their respective

    examination dates.


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    Results will be posted on the notice board for four (4) weeks before being takendown. It is the responsibility of the students to read the notices and comply withthe examination regulations.

    6.7 Eligibility for Examinations

    A student is allowed to sit the examinations provided he/she:

    1. Completes all assignments.23 2. Shows satisfactory progress in assignments or class-test.4

    1. Has a record of good conduct.

    2. Has cleared all his/her outstanding fees.

    Failing which he/she will be debarred from the examinations.

    6.8 Meaning of Grades

    HD High DistinctionWork of outstanding quality, broadly speaking, which may be demonstrated bymeans of criticism, logical argument, and interpretation of materials or use ofmethodology. This grade may also be given to recognise particular originality orcreativity.

    D DistinctionWork of superior quality demonstrating a sound grasp of content, together with

    efficient organisation and selectivity

    C CreditWork of good quality showing more than satisfactory achievement

    P PassWork showing satisfactory achievement

    PC Conceded PassWork showing at least satisfactory achievement in more important aspects, butwith unsatisfactory (though close to satisfactory) achievement on some otheraspects. A Conceded Pass is deemed to satisfy pre-requisite knowledge

    requirements. Students must not obtain more than 2 Conceded Pass grades inone particular course.

    However students who have PC can request for supplementary examination,but the final result will only reflect P or F.

    F FailUnsatisfactory performance in cases where a Conceded or Terminating Passmay not be appropriately awarded

    F-NF Fail Non FulfillmentStudents fail to complete all unit assessment requirements. Students awarded

    a F-NF will not be eligible for a supplementary examination


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    F@ - Fail SupplementaryRe-assessable fail.

    WA Results With-heldResults with-held due to non payment of fees or other reasons deemed fit by

    the University of institution. In this case, please contact the institutionimmediately for clarification.

    WD Withdrawn with academic penaltyStudents who are enrolled in the course but have been de-registered due to nonpayment of fees will be considered as having withdrawn from the course andWD grade will be awarded. All marks awarded in the module for variousassessable components will be regarded as null and void and students will needto redo the module.

    X ExemptedAcademic credit or advanced standing given

    6.9 Application for Review of Grade

    A student may apply for a review of a final grade if they have reason to believethat an error has been made, an injustice done, or circumstances ofmisadventure have not been taken into account. All applications must belodged on the appropriate request form available at the front desk. In the firstinstance, it is advisable to speak with your subject lecturer before you lodgeyour application. All applications must be lodged within 14 days of the officialrelease of results.

    6.10 Progression

    Progression is a status that you hold after completion of one academicsemester. If your academic performance has been below pass standard, yourprogression may be conditional upon future performance or you may be invitedto write to the Association and show cause as to why you should be allowed tocontinue with your studies.


    Results can also be viewed from our Associations website at

    For further information, please contact the Academic Director [email protected].



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  • 8/2/2019 PASAS Student Handbook


    8.1 Examination Standard Instructions

    1. Be punctual for the examination. You must be present at the examinationroom at least 15 minutesbefore the examination begins. No candidates

    will be admitted to the examination room later than 30 minutes after thestart of the examination.

    2. Place your student card on the right hand corner of your desk foridentification.

    3. You are not allowed to leave the examination room during the first 45minutes after the examination has commenced and also during the last15 minutes of the examination.

    -4. Do not take into the examination room any equipment, book, paper,

    written document, drawing, walkman, pager, mobile phone etc. unlessotherwise authorized. If you are found handling unauthorized material,this will be confiscated. If you have inadvertently taken any unauthorisedmaterial into the examination room, you are reminded to surrender itimmediately without any penalty.

    5. Do not smoke, drink or eat in the examination rooms and adjacent vicinity;do not communicate by word of mouth or otherwise with other candidatesduring the examination.

    6. You are required to check the set of question papers to make sure that thequestion paper is the correct and complete set with no missing pages.

    7. On completion of the examination, you are not permitted to remove anywritten paper, unused stationery or any examination material supplied foruse in the examination. If you remove your answer booklet or paper fromthe examination room and subsequently return to hand it in, irrespective ofthe length of time, the answer booklet or paper will not be accepted forgrading.

    8. Any attempt to cheat will be referred to the Association DisciplinaryCommittee. Punishment includes expulsion from the Association.

    9. Students are required to place all books, bags, lecture notes, etc. at the

    front of the Examination Room.

    Every student should know the Association rules and observe them at all times so thatthe premises is clean, quiet, safe, orderly and a conducive place to work and study.Above all it is the duty of every student to create an atmosphere, such that theAssociation can be proud of its students and the students in turn can be proud of theAssociation.

    We begin with your objectives and end with yourachievements!
