panduan penerapan model pjbl rev3

Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP) Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek Pendahulu an Apa yang dimaksud PjBL? Mengapa Menerapkan PjBL? Tingkat Pemahaman mahasiswa Penyiapan PjBL Assesmen dan Evaluasi Lampiran – Lampiran Kelemahan PjBL Referen si 1 Rancangan Pembelajaran PjBL Contoh Penerapan PjBL # 1 A Creative thinking scale … Tujuan Instruksional Level of Complexity Contoh Penerapan PjBL # 2 Batu Sandungan PjBL Juli 2007 Learning Learning In In Action! Action! Oleh Supratomo dan Yusring Sanusi Baso

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Slide 1Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Menjelaskan metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek.
Menentukan, apakah mata kuliah yang saudara ampu dapat menerapkan metode ini.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Pembelajaran berbasis proyek (project based learning/PjBL) merupakan salah satu metode pembelajaran yang menekankan pada pemberian kesempatan kepada mahasiswa untuk menghasilkan suatu karya melalui pengembangan pengetahuan, sikap, nilai dan ketrampilan sosial yang berguna bagi kehidupannya di masyarakat. Karya yang dihasilkan dapat berupa suatu rancangan, model, prototipe atau produk yang nyata yang dapat diterapkan di masyarakat.
PjBL banyak diterapkan di bidang keteknikan (engineering), namun demikian dari beberapa referensi, metode ini juga telah diterapkan di beberapa bidang studi yang lain. PjBL sebaiknya diterapkan pada mata kuliah – mata kuliah yang berada di dalam kelompok Mata Kuliah Keahlian Berkarya (MKB ).
Outcomes dari PjBL adalah :
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Apa yang dimaksud PjBL ?
A method of teaching in which students aquire new knowledge and skills in the course of designing, planning and producing some product or performance. (Simkins, 2001).
A systematic teaching method that engages students in learning knowledge and skills through an extended inquiry process structured around complex, authentic questions and carefully designed products and tasks. (Anonimous, 2006)
Is a model that organizes learning around projects, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities; give students the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time; and culminate in realistic products or presentations. (Thomas, 2000)
Dari definisi-definisi di atas dapat disimpulkan bahwa PjBL adalah metode pembelajaran dimana mahasiswa menerima pengetahuan dan ketrampilan baru melalui suatu tahapan pembelajaran yang sistematis untuk pada akhirnya dapat menghasilkan suatu rancangan, model, prototipe atau produk.
Definisi PjBL
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Batu Sandungan PjBL
Model - Model PjBL
Berdasarkan prinsip PjBL, Krajcik, et al (1999), Frank and Barzilai (2006) menyarankan Project Based Sciences (PBS) dan Project Based Technology (PBT), yaitu :
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Teacher is
Perubahan Budaya Belajar
Integrasi Hard Skills dan Soft Skills dalam pembelajaran
40 % faktor yang memberikan kontribusi keberhasilan dalam dunia kerja adalah soft skills.
Build a great project management team
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Dengan mengikuti model CDIO : Conceive, Design, Implement, Operate, (Pee and Leong, 2005), tingkat pemahaman mahasiswa yang dapat dicapai dengan PjBL adalah :
C (Pahami)
Generate project ideas Research on project ideas Combining ideas Identify the project Presentation and defending idea
Creative thinking Critical thinking Synthesis
D (Rancang)
Synthesis Critical thinking Creative thinking Part-whole analysis Resourcefulness
I (Implementasikan)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Short time frame
Level of Complexity
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Short time frame
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Team solution
Several weeks or months
Level of Complexity # 3
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
More than one term long
Level of Complexity # 4
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Penyiapan PjBL
Peran Fasilitator:
Dosen tidak lagi sebagai orang bijak di atas mimbar (teacher is a sage on the stage) yang berfungsi sebagai penyedia fakta, tetapi lebih sebagai fasilitator lingkungan pembelajaran yang membangun komunitas pembelajaran (teacher is a guide on my side).
Konsep ini memberikan ‘respect’, baik kepada dosen maupun mahasiswa sebagai individu dengan pemahaman, minat dan pengetahuan yang sama, yang bergabung dalam suatu wadah untuk berbagi pengetahuan dalam satu proses pembelajaran.
Bahan dan Sumber Pembelajaran:
Bahan dan sumber yang perlu disiapkan meliputi, antara lain: (1) modul-modul pembelajaran yang disiapkan oleh dosen, (2) textbook, dan (3) bahan-bahan bacaan dari internet.
Sarana dan Prasarana:
Sarana dan prasarana yang dibutuhkan, antara lain adalah: (1) ruang kuliah, (2) ruangan atau di luar ruangan yang dirancang sedemikian rupa sehingga peserta dapat berdiskusi dalam kelompoknya tanpa mengganggu kelompok yang lain, (3) fasilitas internet yang handal dan (4) laboratorium, studio dan/atau bengkel.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Yang perlu dilakukan oleh dosen dan mahasiswa :
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Evaluasi dan penilaian (assesment) dalam PjBL dapat dilakukan dengan beberapa cara, namun demikian perlu diperhatikan bahwa dengan PjBL, mahasiswa akan menghasilkan suatu produk yang merupakan hasil akhir pembelajarannya. Oleh karena itu diperlukan metode evaluasi dan penilaian yang konstruktif dan objektif.
Ada beberapa ragam/alat evaluasi, namun demikian evaluasi dalam bentuk pilihan berganda atau pilihan benar-salah mungkin kurang tepat diterapkan dalam PjBL, (Anonimous, 2007)
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Penilaian terhadap mahasiswa atau kelompok mahasiswa sebaiknya mencakup aspek-aspek : (1) knowledge, (2) skill, dan (3) attitude.
Kriteria berikut ini dapat digunakan dalam penilaian suatu hasil karya mahasiswa :
Criteria Weight (e.g)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Biaya yang cukup besar (biasanya ditanggung oleh mahasiswa),
Diperlukan tingkat pengetahuan mahasiswa yang lebih advance,
Ada kemungkinan proyek yang dikerjakan tidak dapat diselesaikan pada waktunya atau bahkan gagal.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Batu Sandungan Penerapan PjBL
Ada beberapa batu sandungan (obstacle) yang mungkin akan terjadi dalam penerapan PjBL, antara lain :.
Komitmen Lembaga:
Penerapan PjBL adalah suatu perubahan paradigma pembelajaran yang membutuhkan komitmen yang kuat dari institusi pelaksana. Komitment tersebut antara lain dalam penyediaan sarana dan prasarana pendidikan, seperti media pembelajaran, jaringan internet yang handal, buku-buku (textbook) yang memadai, jurnal-jurnal ilmiah yang uptodate, ruang kelas yang memadai serta insentif yang cukup bagi fasilitator karena dengan metode ini, waktu dosen akan lebih banyak tersita dibandingkan dengan ketika mereka menerapkan metode pembelajaran konvensional.
Resistensi Dosen dan Mahasiswa:
Dosen-dosen yang selama ini sebagai penyedia fakta yang tidak terbiasa dengan metode SCL akan kesulitan dalam mengelola kelas dan menerapkan PjBL, juga bagi mereka yang belum memahami ICT dan jarang memperbaharui pengetahuannya, baik dengan membaca textbook, jurnal-jurnal, maupun browsing di internet.
Di lain pihak, mahasiswa yang selama ini bersifat pasif, selalu mengharapkan “catatan” dari dosen, malas membaca textbook, jurnal-jurnal, maupun browsing di internet juga akan menjadi batu sandungan dalam penerapan PjBL.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Anonimous, 2007. Assesment - Project Based Learning. Houghton Mifflin Colleg Division,
--------------, 2006. Handbook of Project Based Learning. The Buck Institute of Education,
--------------, 2005. Teaching Method of the Future : E-Learning and Project Based Learning. Board of European Student Technology (BEST) Symposium on Education, Aalborg, 21 – 28 August 2005.
--------------, 2003. A Guide to Learning Engineering Through Projects.University of Nottingham.
Brodeur, D.R., 2004. Problem-Based Learning in Professional Education. AAHE - Massachusetts Institute of Technology. [email protected]
Frank, M. and A. Barzilai, 2006. Project-Based Technology: Instructional Strategy for Developing Technological Literacy. Journal of Technology Education Vol. 18 No. 1, Fall 2006.
Krajcik, J., C. Czerniak, and C. Berger, 1999. Teaching science: A projectbased approach. New York: McGraw-Hill College.
Pee, S. H. and H. Liong, 2005. Implementing Project Based Learning Using CDIO Conceps. 1st Annual CDIO Conference – Queen’s University, Ontario, Canada.
Simkins, M. 2005. Project Based Learning with Multimedia.
The George Lucas Educational Foundation, 2003 :
Thomas, J.W., 2000. A Review of Research of Project-Based Learning.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
A Creative Thinking Scale Derived From Portfolio Elements Technology Projects*
*Sumber : Barak, M and Y. Doppelt, 2000. Using Portfolios to Enhance Creative Thinking. The Journal of Technology Studies.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
A Creative Thinking Scale Derived From Portfolio Elements Technology Projects (cont…)
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Esoterica, Inc. has developed some powerful mathematical modeling tools. To help market the tools, a series of application notes (reports) must be developed to demonstrate the capabilities of these tools. Each team has been assigned the task of developing an application note (report).
Learning Objectives or Student Outcomes:
By the end of this lesson or activity, student teams will be able to plan, develop, and write an application note (report) to demonstrate the capabilities of mathematical marketing tools.
Length of Lesson:
Approximately 8 weeks
Assignment(s) to Ensure Student Preparation:
Although there are no specific assignments to ensure student preparation, knowledge gained in prior and concurrent related courses, such as mathematics, will be drawn upon.
*©2002, Jeff Froyd
These materials may be duplicated for educational purposes if properly credited.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Team Size/Composition:
Teams of 4 work best; if necessary, a few teams of 3 or 5 students may be formed.
How is positive interdependence ensured?
Each team works together to develop one project proposal, one progress report, one final report, and one application note.
How is individual accountability ensured?
Individual accountability may be ensured through the completion of peer assessments or through making individual members of the team responsible for completing different portions of the team assignments.
Components of Assessment:
Project grades will be based upon the each team’s deliverables (the proposal, the progress report, the final report and the application note) and on any peer assessments that are conducted.
Team Skills Needed for Success:
All team members must have the ability to communicate, cooperate and collaborate; they must also feel free to share their own ideas and to give and receive constructive feedback.
How Are These Skills Emphasized?
These skills are emphasized by the need for the entire team to work together to complete one final product—the application note—and all of the steps leading up to that product.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Batu Sandungan PjBL
Modeling Project (lanjutan………)
Instructions to Students:
1 Project Description
Esoterica, Inc. has developed some powerful mathematical modeling tools. To help market the tools, a series of application notes (reports) must be developed to demonstrate the capabilities of these tools. Each team has been assigned the task of developing an application note (report).
2 Developing the Application Note
The application note will contain :
a description of a physical process;
a description of quantity or quantities which change over time;
a description of an apparatus to measure the selected quantity (quantities);
two or more mathematical models, e.g., differential equations, functions, which predict the measured behavior of the quantity (quantities); and
graphs showing how well the models predict the behavior and a comparison of two or more examples of the physical process.
At least one of the mathematical models should be based on physical principles: Newton’s laws of motion, conservation of mass, conservation of charge, etc. That is, you should explain why one particular form of the model was chosen. Additional models may be constructed solely through empirical methods, for example, curve fitting.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
To stimulate your thinking consider the following examples :
Example 1: Measure the position of bouncing balls as functions of time and estimate velocity, acceleration, and coefficient of restitution as a result of the measurements. The coefficients of restitution for many different types of balls, e.g., golf balls, soccer balls, basketballs, may be compared.
Example 2: Measure rate of heat transfer from a flask containing vinegar and sodium bicarbonate. Rates of heat transfer for flasks of different shapes may be compared.
Example 3: Count the number of popcorn kernels in a package of microwave popcorn that have popped as a function of time. The curves for different brands could be compared.
Example 4: Measure the mass of growing crystals as a function of time. The curves for different compounds may be compared.
Example 5: Measure the mass of wood that has burned as a function of time. Burning rate for different types of wood may be compared.
Example 6: Measure the number of cars that pass a point on a road as a function of time. Curves for various roads or different times of day may be compared.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Batu Sandungan PjBL
Modeling Project (lanjutan………)
Esoterica, Inc. believes the originality and creativity of your application, e.g., nature of the physical process, approach to measuring the selected quantity or quantities, uniqueness of the model proposed, will encourage sales of its mathematical modeling tools. Therefore, your application note cannot use any of the examples that have been provided. In addition, several teams of employees prepared application notes in 1995-96. Systems on which application notes were based should not be duplicated.
3 Project Tools
Here are some of the tools which could be used in preparing your application note: Mathlab, Excel, ultrasonic ranging equipment in the physics laboratory, audio input and processing capabilities of your notebook computer, and chemistry laboratory equipment.
4 Project Deliverables
Proposal: A one-page proposal that describes the physical process, the quantity (quantities) to be measured as functions of time, and the proposed measuring scheme. Proposals will be reviewed and returned. If the proposal is unacceptable, a second proposal must be submitted.
Progress Report: Progress reports, including submission of project notebook and brief oral presentation.
Final Report
Application Note
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Batu Sandungan PjBL
Modeling Project (lanjutan………)
5 Review Criteria
Factors that will be used in determining the quality of the application note include the following :
Creativity. Esoterica, Inc. believes originality and uniqueness of the application will stimulate sales.
Thoroughness and organization of your project notebook. Esoterica, Inc. is interested in patents that may be derived from your work. Patents must have documentation supporting dates of discovery. Entries in a bound project notebook must be dated and signed by the person making the entry.
Scientific soundness of your measurement technique and model development.
Mathematical creativity and depth of your model selection and analysis.
Presentation quality. Appearance, organization, and validity of the application note will impact sales.
Punctuality. Final application notes must be ready by the deadline or Esoterica, Inc. may be overtaken by the competition.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Batu Sandungan PjBL
Modeling Project (lanjutan………)
Contributions to the team effort. Each team member will be asked to assess the contributions of each member of the team. These assessments will be used in awarding competency blocks to each member of the team. Not all team members will receive the same number of competency blocks. The number of competency blocks that each team receives will depend on the assessment of member's contributions by the faculty and the members of the team.
Team effectiveness. Esoterica believes that its employees should becomemore effective team members. Therefore, your ability to improve team maintenance and team effectiveness will impact the number of competency blocks earned. Ways in which team maintenance will be assessed include direct observation, records in the project notebook, and performance during oral presentations.
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Mata Kuliah : An introduction to engineering design and problem solving
Learning outcomes. The student will be able to :
Analyse a problem, break it down into constituent parts and recognise the knowledge required for a novel solution.
Employ an interdisciplinary approach to describing the solution to electromechanical design problems.
Demonstrate the ability to plan and control the progress of group work.
Tackle engineering problems by ‘thinking and describing’.
*Sumber : Penlington, R. 2003 : A Project for Group Working with Foundation Year Students in Engineering In A Guide to Learning Engineering Through Projects.University of Nottingham. .
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
(lanjutan …)
Investigate motion transmitted through gears, cams and levers
Report back on gears, cams and levers, reflect on progress in log. Move onto servo motors
Review meetings with each group – explore their understanding of the previous specific task, specifically their understanding of torque and power.
Investigate servo motors, characteristics, uses and limitations
Report back on servo motors, group reflection, continued development of log.
Review meetings with each group – explore their understanding of the previous specific task, introduce the groups to the detailed task – ‘a walking device’
Investigate ‘walking motion devices’
Monitor group discussions.
Report on initial designs, reflect on ‘practical issues’ of the design
Review meetings on initial designs – probe the practical issues, loadings etc. of the designs and also build issues
Universitas Hasanuddin Lembaga Kajian dan Pengembangan Pendidikan (LKPP)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
(lanjutan …)
8 – 11
Review meetings ‘will you complete the performance test?’
13 – 14
Testing, rebuild?
15 - 16
Submit log ‘as is’
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek
Hasil karya mahasiswa PjBL sesuai dengan aktivitas di atas.
Both walkers completed the final task of a three metre course with obsticles to both pass over and around but when the learning experience of the groups is considered then the process of developing the walker in Figure 2 was a better demonstration of design development and problem solving.
The walker in Figure 1 did not evolve through a learning process, it functionally mirrors commercially available devices and only incorporated minor advances upon the initial design outline. As the project assessment scheme recognised but only placed a low weighting upon the practicing of practical build skills then the competent tool users of this group did not have an advantage.
The group responsible for the walker in Figure 2 did not approach the task with one design in mind, they had early outlines of two device types but established that their practical skills with tools and materials would limit their ability to produce a sound light weight rigid structure. Therefore they needed a self supporting device which would reserve a large portion of the motor output for overcoming friction etc. in their less ‘crafted’ device.
(lanjutan …)
Panduan Penerapan Metode Pembelajaran Berbasis Proyek