my story bahasa inggris

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Post on 13-Oct-2015




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tugas pas kulo teng man 2 madiun



It was my first time in my life to be member of student organization, at the same time I enter class of acceleration in M2M. When time have to determine among two choice, acceleration or student organization, actually I like with some activities, especially student organization. But my parents prever me to choice acceleration class to student organization. Finally, I choosed to join acceleration program because I wanted to make my parents happy.

In this program I had to live in the hostel, but I didnt want to live in it. For my parents I force to stay in the hostel. Might be because of in the hostel has so enjoyable and all my friend was very friendly, so I was felt comfortable live in hostel.

Finally, the comprehensive test was coming, I was so excited to join the examination and I hoped I got the best score. At the time of taking the report, I was so shock because my chemistry score was not enought. Immediately I met Mrs. Yuli to ask a task for adding my score of chemistry, so my score was enought and I could get my report.

I was so sad because the result was so disappointing. Why was my score so down???There was a will from my heart to got a better achievment in the next semester. This is my experience when I in first semester of acceleration.

By : Fatih Khoirul UmamX Acceleration/05