mengenal bunaken

Hampir semua orang sudah mengenal Bunaken. Tempat ini sangat terkenal dengan keindahan alam bawah lautnya. Pantai Bunaken adalah pulau yang berada di Teluk Menado, Sulawesi, Indonesia, yang memiliki luas area sekitar 8,08 kilometer persegi. Kita dapat mencapai pulau Bunaken dalam waktu sekitar 30 menit dari pelabuhan Manado bila menggunakan speed boat.Di sana terdapat taman laut Bunakan yang menjadi bagian Taman Nasional Bunaken. Walaupun wilayah pulau bunaken ini sangat luas, namun lokasi penyelaman (diving) terbatas hanya di masing-masing pantai yang mengelilingi beberapa pulau disana. Di sekitar Taman Laut Bunaken terdapat 20 titik penyelaman (dive spot) dengan kedalaman hingga 1.344 meter dari permukaan air.Dari 20 titik penyelaman, ada 12 titikpenyelaman yang paling sering dikunjungi oleh para pecinta keindahan alam bawah laut. Hampir semua dari 12 titik penyelaman tersebut berjajar dari bagian tenggara hingga bagian barat laut dari pulau Bunaken.Di sana juga terdapat underwater great walls, yaitu dinding-dinding karang berukuran besar yang berdiri vertikal dan melengkung ke atas. Selain bentuknya yang unik, dinding karang ini juga merupakan sumber kehidupan bagi ikan-ikan yang ada di sekitar pulau Bunaken.Air lautnya yang sangat bening membuat kita dapat melihat hingga dasar laut dimana terdapat banyak sekali biota laut yang sangat indah. Taman Nasional Bunaken tersebut adalah perwakilan ekosistem perairan tropis di Indonesia, dimana terdiri dari ekosistem padang lamun, terumbu karang, hutan bakau, dan eksosistem pesisir/ daratan.Pada arah utara terdapat beberapa pulau, diantaranya; Bunaken, Manado Tua, Montegage, Siladen, Nain, dan Nain Kecil. Pada arah selatan meliputi sebagian pesisir Tanjung Kelapa. Jika kamu melakukan explorasi untuk mencari lokasi penyelaman di sana, kamu akan menemukan banyak hal-hal baru yang tidak dapat ditemukan di tempat lain. Tertarik ingin berlibur ke sana?Sekian dulu info menarik tentang keindahan pantai Bunaken di Sulawesi. Semoga artikel dari tim Sok Tau ini bisa memberikan manfaat buat kamu. Jangan lupa untuk like dan membagi informasi ini pada teman-teman kamu ya. Almost everyone already knows this member . This place is very famous for its underwater natural beauty . The beach Bunaken is an island located in the Gulf of Manado , Sulawesi , Indonesia , which has an area of about 8.08 square kilometers . We can reach Bunaken island in about 30 minutes from the port of Manado when using a speed boat . There are Bunakan marine parks that are part of the Bunaken National Park . Although the area is so vast Bunaken island , but the location of the dive ( diving ) is limited in each of the beaches that surround some of the islands there . Around Bunaken Marine Park there is a 20 point dive ( dive spot ) with a depth of up to 1,344 meters from the water 's surface . Other articles : The beauty of Sabang beach Of the 20 point dive , there are 12 titikpenyelaman most frequently visited by lovers of the beauty of the underwater world . Almost all of the 12 diving points are lined up from the southeast to the northwest of the island of Bunaken . There is also great underwater walls , the walls of the large rock that stands vertically and curved upward . In addition to the unique shape , the rock walls are also a source of life for the fish that are around the island of Bunaken . The water is very clear that we can see makes up the ocean floor where there are a lot of very beautiful marine life . Bunaken National Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems , which consists of seagrass ecosystems , coral reefs , mangrove forests , and

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Page 1: mengenal Bunaken

Hampir semua orang sudah mengenal Bunaken. Tempat ini sangat terkenal dengan keindahan alam bawah lautnya. Pantai Bunaken adalah pulau yang berada di Teluk Menado, Sulawesi, Indonesia, yang memiliki luas area sekitar 8,08 kilometer persegi. Kita dapat mencapai pulau Bunaken dalam waktu sekitar 30 menit dari pelabuhan Manado bila menggunakan speed boat.Di sana terdapat taman laut Bunakan yang menjadi bagian Taman Nasional Bunaken. Walaupun wilayah pulau bunaken ini sangat luas, namun lokasi penyelaman (diving) terbatas hanya di masing-masing pantai yang mengelilingi beberapa pulau disana. Di sekitar Taman Laut Bunaken terdapat 20 titik penyelaman (dive spot) dengan kedalaman hingga 1.344 meter dari permukaan air.Dari 20 titik penyelaman, ada 12 titikpenyelaman yang paling sering dikunjungi oleh para pecinta keindahan alam bawah laut. Hampir semua dari 12 titik penyelaman tersebut berjajar dari bagian tenggara hingga bagian barat laut dari pulau Bunaken.Di sana juga terdapat underwater great walls, yaitu dinding-dinding karang berukuran besar yang berdiri vertikal dan melengkung ke atas. Selain bentuknya yang unik, dinding karang ini juga merupakan sumber kehidupan bagi ikan-ikan yang ada di sekitar pulau Bunaken.Air lautnya yang sangat bening membuat kita dapat melihat hingga dasar laut dimana terdapat banyak sekali biota laut yang sangat indah.  Taman Nasional Bunaken tersebut adalah perwakilan ekosistem perairan tropis di Indonesia, dimana terdiri dari ekosistem padang lamun, terumbu karang, hutan bakau, dan eksosistem pesisir/ daratan.Pada arah utara terdapat beberapa pulau, diantaranya; Bunaken, Manado Tua, Montegage, Siladen, Nain, dan Nain Kecil. Pada arah selatan meliputi sebagian pesisir Tanjung Kelapa. Jika kamu melakukan explorasi untuk mencari lokasi penyelaman di sana, kamu akan menemukan banyak hal-hal baru yang tidak dapat ditemukan di tempat lain. Tertarik ingin berlibur ke sana?Sekian dulu info menarik tentang keindahan pantai Bunaken di Sulawesi. Semoga artikel dari tim Sok Tau ini bisa memberikan manfaat buat kamu. Jangan lupa untuk like dan membagi informasi ini pada teman-teman kamu ya.

Almost everyone already knows this member . This place is very famous for its underwater natural beauty . The beach Bunaken is an island located in the Gulf of Manado , Sulawesi , Indonesia , which has an area of about 8.08 square kilometers . We can reach Bunaken island in about 30 minutes from the port of Manado when using a speed boat .There are Bunakan marine parks that are part of the Bunaken National Park . Although the area is so vast Bunaken island , but the location of the dive ( diving ) is limited in each of the beaches that surround some of the islands there . Around Bunaken Marine Park there is a 20 point dive ( dive spot ) with a depth of up to 1,344 meters from the water 's surface .Other articles : The beauty of Sabang beachOf the 20 point dive , there are 12 titikpenyelaman most frequently visited by lovers of the beauty of the underwater world . Almost all of the 12 diving points are lined up from the southeast to the northwest of the island of Bunaken .There is also great underwater walls , the walls of the large rock that stands vertically and curved upward . In addition to the unique shape , the rock walls are also a source of life for the fish that are around the island of Bunaken .The water is very clear that we can see makes up the ocean floor where there are a lot of very beautiful marine life . Bunaken National Park is representative of Indonesian tropical water ecosystems , which consists of seagrass ecosystems , coral reefs , mangrove forests , and coastal ecosystems / land .the north there are several islands , including; Bunaken , Manado Tua , Montegage , Siladen , Nain , and Nain Small . At the direction of the southern Cape coast includes some coconut . If you were exploring to find the location of the dive there , you will find a lot of new things that can not be found anywhere else . Interested want to vacation there ?So first interesting info on the beautiful beach of Bunaken in Sulawesi . Hopefully this article from the Tau Sok team can provide benefits for you . Do not forget to like and share this information with your friends yes .Bunaken is located at the Bay of Manado with an area 8.08 km ² , is located in the north of the island of Sulawesi , Indonesia . Bunaken is part of the governBunaken is located at the Bay of Manado with an area 8.08 km ² , is located in the north of the island of Sulawesi , Indonesia . Bunaken is part of the government of the city of Manado , capital of North Sulawesi . Around Bunaken marine park is part of the National Park that also includes the ocean around the island of Manado Tua is Siladen and Mantehage.Di in the Bunaken Marine Park , visitors can see an amazing variety of marine life colorful . To achieve this marine park , you can use a motor boat . The journey from Manado takes about 40 minutes . The entrance fee is Rp 25,000.00 / person .Aquatic Marine Park allows people can clearly see the variety of marine life . There are 13 types of coral reefs in the marine park is dominated by the sea rocks . The most interesting sights is a sheer vertical reef looming down as deep as 25-50 meter.Manjakan your eyes with 91 species of fish in the Bunaken Marine Park , including a local gusimi horse fish ( Hippocampus ) , the white koi ( Seriola rivoliana ) , lolosi yellow tail ( Lutjanus kasmira ) , goropa ( spilotocepsep hinephelus and hypselosoma Pseudanthias ) , indigo trunk ( Scolopsis bilineatus ) , and others .Divers can also find mollusks like giant clams ( Tridacna gigas ) , goat fish head ( Cassis cornuta ) , nautilus ( Nautilus pompillius ) , and tunikates or askidian.Bagi you who like scuba diving then this place is the best place . There are about 20 point dive , where divers will have the opportunity to swim in the ocean at a variety of marine life that you menakjubkan.Pastikan megunjungi Bunaken during its best period is between May and August . In here you can explore the beautiful marine park overall ini.Di this island you can choose accommodation with prices ranging from U.S. $ 40,000,00 per person per day ,

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including full facilities . Some dive operators in Bunaken offer more expensive accommodation with facilities memadai.Anda course can also choose to stay in hotels in the city of Manado and then ordered daily package to Bunaken . Usually leaving in the morning and again in the afternoon . See direktorDi this island you can choose accommodation with prices ranging from U.S. $ 40,000,00 per person per day , including full facilities . Some dive operators in Bunaken offer more expensive accommodation with facilities memadai.Anda course can also choose to stay in hotels in the city of Manado and then ordered daily package to Bunaken . Usually leaving in the morning and again in the afternoon . See directory star hotel in Manado BerbelanjaBeragam marine craft such as ornaments made from shells , coral reefs , and others you can buy for souvenirs . Manado city also has many places to shop for food , t-shirts , cloths , handicrafts , ornaments and small sea craft unique and indah.Beragam like ornaments made of shells , coral reefs , and others you can buy for by - by . Manado city also has many places to shop for food , t-shirts , fabric , crafts , and small ornaments are unique and indah.BerkelilingAnda can explore the island by foot or boat use to move from one place to the other place . Even just walking around the beach is already a pleasant experience . So , diving is not the only option . Another way is to use a semi- submersible vessel that is leased off Bunaken Island . These ships provide the glass walls to enjoy the beauty and exoticism of Bunaken sea floor . There is also a Blue Banter submarines that will operate only during high tides . The view gained more leverage though of course the pricing is much more expensive than the semi submersible vessel walls as kaca.TransportasiDi Bunaken underwater paradise located , under the Manado bay with beautiful flora and fauna . To reach Manado , there is an option airlines serving the route, both from Jakarta , Denpasar , Makassar and Sorong . From Jakarta , you can choose Garuda Indonesia, which flies twice a day , 3 times a Lion Air and Batavia Air day twice a day , KulinerAda several restaurants and cafes throughout Manado and the islands . Try this place is a mainstay food seafood , Manado porridge , and foods made from kelapa.keunggulan " The best place to learn to dive " " Excellent location for this small resort " " Impressive hotel in Bunaken Island " " Best Choice in Bunaken " " Amazing - what a paradise ! " " Perfect place and really professional dive " of the sea, the birds , sunsets